Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl was not entirely sure about the King or whether he was too lax about letting him in. Whatever the reason for the man’s ease in letting him go through he shouldn’t dwell on, but rather he should worry about how the man is and whether he’ll be kind enough to answer his questions. He might not know about anyone who was like him but it was worth asking, at least giving hints to if he’d ever seen anything strange happening in certain areas or if someone was under suspicion of the illegal arts. It wouldn’t be easy to work around and try to figure out how to approach a question like that, but maybe it would all work out if he compared it to Ki. Ki was something he could use since it was a universal skill that was still new to Kaesstra but didn’t hold any taboos with his friends possibly able to support him, but instead of using Ki he’d use his own power. He’d only pretend that it was Ki for the sake of them. He just didn’t want to be the only one who could do this in his entire species, probably because it was apparently a technique his people were known for many years ago and now there’s just nobody else left who has the ability. “My mother may be stern but she’s a good Queen and well loved. Her strength is unmatched”, he spoke calmly, sighing a little, “Just don’t say anything bad and she’s fine. I am next in line, but uhh, there’s a few reasons I can’t take it right now, not only my age being a factor…”

Shu did wonder what he could learn that might be useful for him, but probably reading was going to be the most useful considering he didn’t know what to do when he was met with words that were probably important. They’d probably save him if he knew what something said that was important at the time, whatever that might be. There were endless possibilities but probably not enough time in his life to learn absolutely everything he needed to learn. He didn’t know how long his life was going to be but if he had any experience with death it probably wasn’t very long with the rate he was going at. “Well…they no want to go near me because I bit your friend…” he mumbled, lowering his head, “They probably think I’m going to give them something bad”. Scratching his ribs he looked up to Takeshi at his explanation over the Nimbus, finding it to be strange. “Pure? I don’t know how to be pure…does that make me pure? Not worry over being pure?”

T’charrl gave a little nod, finding the thought of attending a festival to be pretty pleasant. There wasn’t many he had actually been able to go and see, typically because of what he was and how much fuss that might bring to see the strange Prince attending a festival. “That sounds great. Ours have been a bit difficult to organise due to the war, but maybe we can finally have our regular festivals again”. Hoping to finally see the King he braced himself slightly, hoping he really was as friendly as everyone made him out to be. Watching the doors with a nervous frown he tilted slightly to look inside, his eyes quickly going to Pyrus before quickly back in the direction of the King. He hadn’t seen someone so large before, at least not in both ways. Feeling a little intimidated he gasped when he suddenly talked, sounding like a horn in comparison to his own softer voice. Looking to the others quickly he slowly hobbled forward, feeling rather unsure to how he was supposed to approach this many. Giving a bow he kept his head low, hoping he was being appropriate this time. “Uhh, Y-Your Majesty. It’s a pleasure to meet you too”, he spoke quickly, lowering his crutches a little so he could bow slightly further, “I hope we didn’t arrive at a bad time. We came as fast as we could. I-I’m sorry it was such short notice…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So that's what Shu was all bent out of shape over? Just because he'd accidentally bit someone? Honestly if that was the reason the others were avoiding him then that was pretty lame, Takeshi had done loads worse when working under his father. He could just as easily do something bad if he was pushed enough to, so using that excuse to avoid Shu really didn't cut it. He was going to have a chat with the others when they finally got back, make it abundantly clear if they had something against Shu they could tell him upfront or man up and spend time with him. "Hey now... It was an accident, I'm sure they're over it," the older boy said, smiling as he placed a hand on his brother's head, Kai and Choi won't hold a grudge, I'm positive they're okay with you now." And give them something bad? Like what? Shu spent near all his time either in a sterile spaceship or on a planet, and even when on the planet he wasn't exactly getting into a whole lot. If they were wanting to remain part of this crew of theirs they were going to have to accept Shu and get along, the twins and Kabocha both. Everyone else was fine with him, even Haku though their relationship was scarcely what one might call a friendship. Having to elaborate on being pure Takeshi frowned slightly, putting his hands on his hips as he tapped one of his feet. "Pure... Well... You know... Nothing evil about you, all nice and good hearted and stuff like that. You're all of that so you can ride Nimbus, understand? Only a really, really good person can."

The King had been told he had visitors coming, but that was about it. There was no certain time as to their arrival nor how many there really were, only that a Prince was among the group. His men looked as though they wanted to go on alert because of the vagueness of the information yet he'd dismissed their concerns, seeing no reason to worry. If the boy was indeed Eslaria's then he had no reason to fear, she was a fierce yet just woman, he'd come to no harm from her children. Nor was he concerned with the Prince's companions being a threat, as he figured good people kept good company. All of the worry proved to be for naught when his guests finally did arrive, all five of them to his delight. There was Menma, a day behind schedule but looking no worse for wear, and the other Kaesstrian quite obviously had to be Prince T'charrl. That meant the others were Saiyans, if their utterly distinct appearances weren't indicative enough. Leaving his throne Aseel went to greet the group at the door, giving a brief introduction to everyone there. "A bad time? It is never a bad time for some company my young friend! Always a delight to meet new faces," the King said, smiling as he chortled a little, "And please, I get called 'Your Majesty' enough in one day that it grates on my antennae. Please, just Aseel will do. And who might your friends be?"

Huh, if there was ever a picture for a golly giant this guy would fit it perfectly. Considering he was pretty much cloaked in that robe of his it was hard to see most of his features, which was good for Takeshi and his relapsing phobia. Sure the compact eyes and the antennae were a little jarring, but he could manage that much. Smiling as pleasantries were exchanged with their friend he looked at the King when they were all addressed, not wholly sure how he should go about introducing himself. T'charrl had been all formal yet the King seemed to not care for it, but then again maybe that's because they were both royalty. Glancing over at T'charrl uncertainly for some sort of cue and finding none he sighed, shrugging his shoulders before opting to wing it. "Nice to meet you sir, my name is Takeshi," he answered, bowing a bit awkwardly with arms stiffly at his sides, "And uh... I'm sort of a Prince too... I guess." Were they supposed to throw some kind of credentials in there? The King had done it so he sort of figured that was the thing you did.

"I'm Haku, nice to meet you sir," Haku then said, bowing a bit easier than Takeshi had. When you were subservient to another for nearly your entire existence showing reverence was pretty much second nature. The fact this King was supposed to be nice didn't alleviate the ingrained wariness he felt, nor did it make him any more optimistic that things might be different here. So long as he kept himself in check and stayed with his friends hopefully he would be okay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t want people to hate him and was generally pretty nervous about acting out in front of others, even if he did it involuntarily most of the time. It was just in his nature to be a little bit wild but when combined with nasty flashbacks it made him pretty awful to be around, he was sure. Takeshi’s friend probably didn’t want to be around him after that little fiasco in the training hall but he couldn’t blame them. Pressing his fingers together he squeaked when Takeshi placed a hand on his head to comfort him, his shoulders raising slightly before he looked to Takeshi. “Really…? I just…I thought I made them angry so they wouldn’t like me anymore…” he mumbled, rubbing his hands together, “Unless they didn’t already like me. They never talk to me”. He didn’t really know how they felt about him when none of them really interacted with him, but everytime he got close to them they seemed a little uneasy. Feeling rather unsettled he frowned, staring up at Takeshi before he tilted his head. “No evil? Is it because you make girls angry and they slap you so that makes you not pure? Making people mad because of things said isn’t very pure, right? I don’t know what else is bad, I guess…”

T’charrl didn’t know how to act in front of a man like this, finding it hard to figure out what he was supposed to do in front of him. He didn’t know if he should use the manners he was taught by his mother and father or act like his friends because they seemed to be pretty general about meeting the man. Keeping his head low he only made a glance when he was dismissed for his actions, told to use his real name. He wouldn’t even use his mother’s real name so it was going to be a little weird calling a King by his name. Feeling a little nervous he stood up straight again, giving a little bow on his way up. “S-Sorry, uhh, A-Aseel. They are, umm, well…” Turning to face them he gave them a nervous smile, hoping they were going to be cooperative and nice to the King.

Shu didn’t quite know how to react to seeing such a large man. The closest he had seen someone of that size and girth was the Narbu. Looking to Takeshi as he introduced himself he gave a nervous smile, finding it hard to talk to a stranger immediately. Larger guys always had a slight air of intimidation for him but he was fairly confident that this man was a kind man and wasn’t going to hit them like Takeshi always seemed to get. Looking quickly to Haku when he introduced himself as well he bounced on his toes, waving above his head. “I’m Shu! I’m a Prince too, but I don’t feel like one…” he said quickly, scratching his head, “Excuse me, Mister, but do you have fruit for Shu maybe please? Shu is awfully hungry, good sir…”

So everything was fine with them, it seemed. T’charrl was aware that Takeshi didn’t like the looks of his kind and did think the look of this man might make him jumpy but thankfully it didn’t. Haku’s response was fairly normal and Shu was being typical Shu, always asking for food in his own little way. Sighing slightly when everything formal was done for he smiled a little. “Aseel…sir, umm, I wish to speak about some matters, i-if it’s alright with you. I’m sure it won’t take up too much of your time…uhh, sir…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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"What...? No, they like you Shu, don't be silly. They don't talk to me much either, or even Vegeta or Yumi for that matter. If their not talking to you means they hate you then they hate all of us, and I really doubt that." Seriously, how could you hate Shu? Sure, he'd bit Kai that one time, and he'd kind of gone all crazy monkey at first, but those were in the past. 99% of the time the little guy was fine, far easier to get along with than most anyone else in their circle. Takeshi couldn't imagine one single reason anyone might genuinely dislike Shu; their father probably hated him but his opinion was worth less than a lump of poo. Trying then to explain purity to his younger brother he became a little flustered when it was turned back on him, becoming a little pink in the face as he shrugged his shoulders. "Well... I mean... You know..." Takeshi mumbled, scratching at his cheek, "I guess? But I don't make them angry on purpose, that would be stupid. It's not my fault either, they can't take a joke." Maybe he said some off-color things now and again, but it wasn't enough to warrant the potential brain damage he always got. He was never crude really, even he wouldn't say something like that, and he never hit a girl unless you counted training with Yumi as such. Looks like it was their turn to introduce themselves to the King, and just in time too.

Aseel was really pleased with how these children were behaving, and they seemed like a nice enough bunch. A bit unusual maybe, but far be it from him to judge for being different. Smiling as introductions went around he looked over to Shu when he had gone last, letting out a chuckle when food was requested. "Aren't you an energetic little one? If Shu wants fruit then Shu may have fruit, we've plenty to go around," the King replied, "We'll go ahead and eat in a moment I'm sure, if the rest of you are hungry as well. We just had lunch but I don't imagine a little snack in the courtyard would be too much." Fruit was always a nice treat, especially if it were prepared more as a dessert. Perhaps he would have some dishes brought out for his guests to try, more of the sweet and candied variety. Being addressed then by T'charrl he looked back to the Prince, nodding his head and giving him a pat on the shoulder. "But of course, whatever is on your mind we can discuss. But come, let's go to the courtyard and enjoy some nice food, yes? I've nothing to keep me today T'charrl so you have all the time in the world to speak, I assure you."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu really wanted to understand what people thought of him but the message he mainly got was not very positive, finding that more people were being completely put off by his presence pretty often and Takeshi’s friends were no exception. “Ooh…do you think so…? Just being silly? I guess, maybe…” He really didn’t know and was tempted to ask them what they thought of him but then again they probably wouldn’t give him much of an answer anyway. Feeling confused and a little bit worried Takeshi was trying to ease that worry by continuing with the other subject, staring at him as he tried to explain why he wasn’t pure. It was certainly a strange term but he thought he got it at least, giving a little nervous smile. “But jokes are supposed to be funny and if they’re not funny then they’re mean, right?” With the introduction of the King, Shu did try to ask him what he wanted, seeing how he seemed like a nice enough guy and it would’ve been a simple request. Smiling when he was told he could he bounced a little, getting all excited over the thought of food. “Ooh! Yummy fruit! I can’t wait, thank you Mister Aseel…”

T’charrl didn’t want to ask him about any food, hoping he would be able to control his appetite by fasting for a while and restore it to normal. It would be good as well for when he headed into Space again, especially when he was hoping to retain his memory of this form. Shu could have all the fruit he wanted, he was a Saiyan and probably needed the energy. Smiling a little he let out a slight sigh as everything seemed to be going well, finding it all too good that this King was someone who was nice rather than strict and possibly hardened by war. If they were going to go into the courtyard then he would have to last on the crutches just a little bit longer, not unless they were going to be able to fly out of here somehow. “Uhh yes, thank you. The courtyard sounds great”, he smiled, bowing quickly, “I am expected home so I can’t stay too long, not unless you are able to provide me with what I’m going to ask of you. I’ve also got something to show you if you don’t mind flying a little afterwards”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

What an interesting little boy Shu was, so full of energy and cheerful. He was awfully reminiscent of his own children, perhaps they might want to play together after they'd had their discussion. Goodness knows he might want to be a little active after they snacked, already feeling fairly full from lunch. Laughing softly as he was thanked the King waved a hand dismissively, smiling back at the little Saiyan kindly. "Think nothing of it, I'm happy to accommodate my guests. Pyrus, please go arrange that for us? And do take a break man, you've been working all day. I'll call for you should I need you, I think I can see to a group of children though." Hm, what could the Prince possibly have to discuss with him? He was well informed about the situation in Eslaria's kingdom, and he assumed it had something to do with that. Rather than take a guess however he'd let the boy speak his mind, hear it out before making any assumptions. "We shall have to see if I can provide indeed! As for flying I would be happy to join you; rare is it these days I get to go much anywhere without a guard following me, or Pyrus hounding me to take it easy. I'm not that old." Letting out another soft laugh Aseel walked right on out of the throne room, making his way across to the balcony overlooking the courtyard below. "Well, I assume all of you can fly, so let's not bother with the stairs, hm?"

"Silly, or it was a mistake, either way you look at it I doubt they're going to hate you. That was one time you did something slightly bad, otherwise you're always good and nice, you know? It would be stupid to avoid you because of one little incident." If his friends did try to purposefully avoid Shu then he would make it abundantly clear why they couldn't be doing that. If they though too his little brother was the one they didn't want to tick off he'd remind them why he was picked as the squad leader before; he was a Prince and that was the reason really but he liked to think it was due to his toughness. Smiling exasperatedly as Shu critiqued his jokes Takeshi motioned to make a retort, clamming up instead as they were in mixed company. By the looks of things too they were heading off to get some food, which meant more fruit... Hooray. Letting out a sigh he gave his head a rub, watching as the King walked towards the balcony curiously. The guy was pretty old, what was he doing? Okay... He was climbing up onto the railings, was he actually... "Holy crap!" Takeshi said, watching as the King just walked right off of the edge. Racing over and leaning over the railings he looked down in shock, not sure why he was so taken aback when he saw the guy spread his wings and land down below safely, laughing all the way. Smiling exasperatedly he slouched against the rails, sighing before shaking his head. "Crazy old man..."

The King had laughed the entire fall down, much to the surprise and chagrin of those in the palace. For a man of his age he was fair careless when it came to the risks he took, often preferring to do things a little unorthodox. Far as he as concerned if you lived as long as he did you might as well have fun with it, no use in becoming a victim of the years. Spreading his wings well before he hit the ground Aseel settled down lightly, surprising for a man of his size. Once his feet had touched the ground he glanced back at the balcony above with a smile, laughing as he waved up to his visitors. "Come along then, don't be shy! It's quite fun, if you can fly! Otherwise I'll catch you!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t know if he was being good or bad when he was acting out because of bad memories, but he wasn’t going to let it get to him if Takeshi insisted he shouldn’t let it bother him. He didn’t want it to make him unhappy all the time so he was pretty alright with trying to forget that it was something terrible and hope that Takeshi’s friends really were not going to be mean to him because of one little mistake. Giving Takeshi a little smile he sighed giving a little nod. “I guess so…I just don’t want to hurt your friends, is all”. He did want to make friends but it would be awfully difficult to do so when he was going around biting them because he mistook one thing for another. It was pretty hard to concentrate sometimes when it came to training and it was only because Takeshi didn’t have a visible tail anymore to mistake him for being a Saiyan.

T’charrl was pretty happy that the King was willingly going along with his demands, especially when they just arrived near enough out of the blue. He didn’t want to seem too forceful with the King and was thankful that he was king, at least. Moving forward when he decided to go off towards the balcony he gasped not when the King decided to walk off it but because of Takeshi’s reaction. Quickly looking at him he just watched as he made a run to the edge to see the King safely land, feeling a little confused to why he was so surprised. “Did you forget that we all have wings?” he asked Takeshi, chuckling a little, “You certainly manage to forget things about my race easily”. Moving the crutches around he took them both in hand before spreading his own wings, giving them a brief flap before gliding down to the ground, watching his landing as to not accidentally clip the King with his wing. Stumbling slightly when he hit the ground he sighed when he leaned on his crutches, still annoyed that he had to use them for a little while longer.

Shu didn’t know why Takeshi had freaked out either but had ran off after him to see what he was looking at, feeling curious to why he was so surprised. He only saw the King with his wings out by the time he got there and was curious as to what was so surprising about it, looking to Takeshi and giving him a smile. “Ooh! You crazy too!” Giggling as he climbed up onto the railings, staring down at the King he bounced slightly, getting ready to jump, “Ooh! Catch me! Catch me!” Jumping off the railings he tumbled down, waving his arms a little as he tried to aim himself towards the King.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

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Takeshi knew convincing Shu that everything was fine wouldn't be easy, and he hadn't exactly done that just now. Regardless of what the little guy might say he was certain there were still worries, you could see as much just in the way Shu acted. Shy of having the others outright say they didn't dislike or fear Shu he wasn't sure what could perk his younger brother up. "They're your friends too squirt, I don't know why you keep calling them my friends," he said, smiling as he booped Shu's nose gently, "How's about we ask if they want to play tomorrow? That should prove they're your friends too, yeah?" So it was down to the courtyard then was it? They could just fly down from here, and thank goodness too because it was a bit of a climb just to reach the throne room. It was also a little annoying they were just going right back down, but he'd bite his tongue and not complain. Nor could he as Takeshi was much too surprised at the King wandering over to the balcony before just walking off, prompting him to run over and look down worriedly. It wasn't that he forgot Kaesstrians could fly, he honestly thought the guy was way too big to even do it. "Heh... I didn't forget, I just... Never mind," Takeshi answered, waving a hand dismissively and watching as T'charrl soon followed suit. Now he should probably bring Shu down too, unless the little guy wanted to fly down himself. Looking over at his brother he smiled and went to ask, instead gasping yet again as Shu just threw himself off, apparently wanting to be caught. Groaning Takeshi dove off the balcony as well, chasing just in case things went badly.

The king was practically giggling when T'charrl had finally landed, smiling at the younger Kaesstrian while dusting himself off. "Don't seem so glum, young Prince! You'll be all the stronger for it once you finally do heal, just think of this as a trial to test your strength." Gods know he'd been injured and bed-ridden numerous times throughout his life, by this point if he was injured he hardly paid it any mind. In fact at present he had this fair bothersome crick in his back, and nothing but relaxing was supposed to help it. Darn shame too because it kept him from really going out into the city most of the time, right now it wasn't so bad. Hearing the sound of someone else shouting Aseel furrowed his brow, looking up confused then blinking surprised seeing Shu plummeting towards him. Extending all four arms out he placed himself beneath the boy, managing to catch him with a fair bit of effort. "Oomph!" the King said, both because of the impact and the audible crack of his back from the force. Standing still for a moment with Shu in his arms he blinked again, glancing around at his back before smiling widely. "You fixed my back, boy! Oh thank you very much!" he cheered, laughing as he playfully tossed Shu up into the air before setting him down. "I'll see to it you get plenty of fruits for that favor!"

Takeshi near had a heart attack watching Shu do that, breathing a little easier only when he was caught. Not a second later did he land on the ground after his brother, letting out a lengthy sigh and rubbing at his head in exasperation. "Honestly buddy, it's like you're trying to kill me..." he mumbled, shaking his head. With Haku landing a few seconds after him they were all down here now, which meant it was just time to wait for the food to be brought out. At the very least it looked like Shu was in a better mood after that, probably all excited over the chance to have some fruit. Looking around at the courtyard itself he smiled a bit, finding it was certainly a nice little place to have a snack. Plenty of blooming flowers and trees providing some shade, benches and tables here and there for eating, a small pond and a couple statues here and there of what he could only guess were royal people. "Definitely a lot different from your palace, T'charrl," Takeshi thought aloud, looking over at his friend before frowning and putting his hands up defensively, "Uh... I don't mean that in a bad way! Your palace is nice too!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu had full confidence in the King that he would be caught and everything would be okay, even if it wouldn’t be he knew he could always stop himself just before he hit the ground. Even if he wasn’t very good with Ki he could still use it to fly, his confidence in Takeshi to stop him from flying off uncontrollably being his other method of confidence. He was very quick to jump down, tumbling through the air before finally being caught by the King but not without doing something to the guy’s spine. Shu had no idea what that was but was pretty happy that he had managed to catch him either way. Giggling happily with the King he smiled at him, feeling pretty good that the guy was just as happy as well. “You’re welcome!” he squeaked before squealing happily as he was tossed up into the air, flapping his arms briefly before he was settled down, immediately getting all bouncy at his reward for whatever he just did. “Yay! I love fruit! I do, I do!”

T’charrl was pretty surprised that Shu had managed to get away with doing that, especially when it almost sounded as if he had broken the King; luckily, instead of injuring the King he had managed to fix him. He should really take the King’s advice and not try to be all down in the dumps over what he was afflicted with, but maybe it would be easier to believe that when his own weakness came from his inability to keep balance. He would eventually get better, but he didn’t know when and that frustrated him. Giving the King a nervous smile he looked to Takeshi, his eyes slowly looking around the courtyard before he frowned a little, looking back to Takeshi. “It’s fine. Surface gardens are very nice too. Maybe I’ll get a public garden made for the surface city to visit once in a while”, he spoke, smiling a little before looking to the King again, “Do you have anywhere quiet and private we can sit? It’s not something too many people can hear about, i-if that’s okay with you”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Seriously, did Shu just enjoy giving him a heart attack? It would have taken just a second longer to get on his older brother's back and fly down, but instead he had to mimic the King and throw himself off the edge. Thank goodness the guy actually managed to catch him, it would have been awfully close if he had to grab his brother. A little flustered by his antics he accidentally went and criticized T'charrl's city a little, immediately doubling back and trying to make it sound not as bad. Of course his friend got a little defensive over it and sounded like he was going to try and remedy the supposed problem, making Takeshi flush slightly as he rubbed at his neck. "Yeah... That would be cool, since it doesn't really have one. Your city is nicer than the other one right now, by a lot." Heh... Anyways what more were they doing here? T'charrl had something he wanted to ask the King, which left the rest of them pretty much just as an aside. Until the food got here he wasn't overly certain what they should be doing, looking around at the benches curiously before to Shu as he was bouncing about. "We know you love fruit buddy, you say it every five minutes," Takeshi said, reaching out and trying to grab Shu to keep him from springing about, "How's about you show me how you climb one of these trees, yeah? We'll have some fun while we wait for the food."

Who would have thought catching a little Saiyan was just the thing his back needed? What a kind little boy he was, Shu certainly deserved a nice helping of fruit now. Perhaps he could go out into the city after this without the need for guards helping to carry him whenever his back went out! Watching amused as the older Saiyan tried reeling in Shu he turned his attention back to T'charrl, curious about what the Prince had to ask that was so important. "Private? Well as we're in a courtyard there's not very many places we can find like that, but I may just have something in mind." The courtyard itself was mostly wide open, but a spot near the pond should give them the privacy T'charrl wanted. It was close to the middle of the room, nothing was around it in which someone could hide and there was a comfortable seating arrangement all ready for them! Smiling Aseel went on ahead and crossed the open ground for the benches, taking a seat on the nearest one and motioning for the Prince to do the same. "If you don't mind my asking before we begin, how is your mother doing? I haven't seen her in years, or your father for that matter. I would love to talk with them again but the... Situation in your kingdom made that difficult. I hear everything is settled now though?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t think he had done anything wrong and was quite happy anyway, feeling a little better after the talk he had earlier. He had his mind set on getting fruit now and was all excited over that, probably because he was hungry. Takeshi probably knew how crazy he could get over food, especially when it was fruit he was going to be getting for whatever he did. Smiling up at the King happily he bounced on his toes, his eyes immediately going to Takeshi when he realised he was being spoken to. “Ooh! It’s because it tastes nice and is best for living!” he squeaked, bouncing happily before he was suddenly grabbed instead. Staring up at Takeshi curiously he tilted his head before bouncing on his toes again, giving a happy smile. “Really? You want to climb trees?? Yeah! Climbing!” Giving Takeshi a quick pull he tried to drag him away to the trees, getting rather overexcited over the thought of food and climbing trees.

T’charrl watched Takeshi and Shu curiously for a moment before looking back to the King, smiling nervously. At least his friends were behaving themselves and going off to keep their minds off any political business they might talk about. Haku probably wouldn’t want to play with them so if he wanted he could be used as demonstration of Ki and pretend it was the same as his own powers. He didn’t want to startle anyone so it seemed best to compare it in that light. Looking off towards the pond he followed after the King, taking care to where he was placing his crutches on the ground. He knew there weren’t many people in the palace but he still didn’t want any guards being nosy and watching them. Allowing the King to sit first he nodded when he was motioned to sit, moving his crutches before taking a seat. Feeling quite relieved to be off his crutches he looked to the King, smiling a little at his questions. “She’s been doing great. She seems much less stressed now that the war is over”, he spoke before sighing, looking to his feet, “Then again I haven’t exactly helped matters much by being a problem. I’ve been all over the place being a terrible example of a Prince. Things are settled, but we still have a slight rebellion problem but they’re just common terrorists…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Yeah, fruit does taste nice... But don't ya ever get sick of it? Eating one thing all the time would get really old, you know? I mean I wouldn't want fish all the time, or steaks. Smoothies maybe, but not those things. Gotta have some variety." Him talking to Shu about variety in one's diet was probably akin to talking to a brick wall, the little guy loved fruit and nothing was going to dissuade him from that. Really on the grand scheme of things it was far from the worst vice to have, and easily enough satisfied even if only for a short while. Since T'charrl and the King were going to have a one on one Takeshi figured they were best off finding something to do, at least until the fruit arrived. With all these trees around it was pretty self-explanatory what they should be doing; climbing and swinging in the trees would help Shu burn off some of his boundless energy. Pitching the idea to his little brother he smiled and gave a nod, "Yeah, I want to climb trees. Let's have some fun while- Hey!" Not expecting to have his arm grabbed or pulled he nearly fell flat when he was given a tug, stumbling after Shu as they raced over to one of the bigger trees in the area. Trees inside of a tree, this place really was something else. Once they had finally gotten there he was mercifully released, stutter-stepping a bit to stop himself before smiling exasperatedly. "Alright... We just climbing or what? What do you want to do buddy?"

What was Haku to do while they waited for the food? He had no place in the discussion between T'charrl and Aseel, nor did he really have a part in playing with the Princes. Looks like he'd be spending the time on his own, which wasn't all bad given the nice nature of the place they were in. Compared to every other planet he'd been on, Earth included, this was so natural, so underdeveloped in a way others weren't... And it was nice. Rare was it he ever went to a world where the beauty of it was intact, and even the parts where people lived here on Kaesstra were nice to look at. He doubted anyone shared his appreciation for that, or his enjoying nature over the hardness of concrete or the gray buildings which littered so many places. Looking between the two groups he gave up the thought of even trying to join either, instead going to a different tree and sitting himself down at the trunk. With his back to the bark Haku stretched out some, looking up through the canopy and at the sky above, enjoying the fact this place was so open. Though the people were a bit odd and he certainly couldn't live solely on fruit it was nice, he would certainly consider coming back here again.

Hopefully Aseel wasn't overstepping his boundaries by asking about Eslaria, but he was curious. "That's good to hear, I'm glad. The last I saw her she was but a child, it's been much too long. I would very much like to see her again now that she's come into her own, perhaps over a nice meal sometime." He understood there were things that had to be taken care of first, especially since the war had just been settled as T'charrl pointed out. Smiling at the Prince he laid his hands across his stomach, letting out a sigh as he leaned back against the bench a bit. "In my experience I've found compromise to be even more effective than force. By placating your opposition you prevent further trouble, and I've had some of my staunchest enemiest become my closest allies over the years. Far be it from me to tell you how to rule, but that's simply the policy I've used throughout the years." And what of the young Yusef, he wondered? Last he heard the man had risen in the ranks of the military to captain, how was he doing now? Musing over that he glanced at the Prince again, blinking owlishly before letting out a small laugh. "Oh but where are my manners! You had something you wanted to talk about, yes? Please, feel free to speak your mind."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu stared at Takeshi as if he’d just asked a completely strange question, tilting his head curiously. “Ooooh? Sick of it? No! I mean, I do like fish and steaks, but I grew up surviving on fruit so I learned to love it”. He didn’t think it was such a big deal or a curiosity, especially when it should be expected from someone like him. He didn’t have a wide variety of food like Takeshi had when growing up so adapting to what he had was essential and learning to love it was needed to survive. With his friend being pretty busy with the King and fruit soon arriving for him to eat he had time to climb trees with his brother. Dragging him away to the trees he let go of him once he arrived at a few, bouncing a few steps away before turning around to face him again. “You ask to climb! We climb!” Finding it completely strange that Takeshi wouldn’t know what to do with a tree he immediately made a bounce and hopped up into the tree, clinging onto it before he started climbing up to a large branch. “C’mon! Climb!”

T’charrl was fairly happy that Aseel was easy to talk to but asking him about his mother really didn’t give him many answers to when she actually met this man. It was hard to tell when they were friends but it must’ve been before he hatched because he couldn’t remember meeting the man. He would’ve remembered meeting the King considering his appearance, but he couldn’t remember anything. Soon it was explained why that was though, giving him a nervous smile. “Oh uhh…y-yeah…I-I mean, you’re welcome to! Especially with what’s not possible…uhh, I’ll tell you about that later”. He didn’t want to go ahead and tell him about the airship quite yet, but was confident he’d eventually get to it once he asked his own questions. He trusted this Kingdom with an airship and he was sure his mother would agree. “Compromise isn’t an option with them. The one they fight for will only bring a forced regime and give his followers a power they can’t possibly understand. Their leader tried to destroy the surface city just to kill me…” He didn’t know how to put it lightly but that was the basics of what he tried to do and the people who wanted him released simply wanted power too. Rubbing his feet together he frowned, sighing slightly before flinching when the King gave him the choice to talk finally. Quickly looking to him he immediately looked away, rubbing his claws together. “W-Well…yeah. It’s about something my mother wishes to know, what I want to know. Because of what the terrorists wish to do we wanted to check out the nearby kingdoms and ask about a certain ability that is very rare to our people but, uhh….w-well, it’s very common in Space where, umm, my friends come from. It’s just…they might try to find these people and kill them or take their power and while my friends are strong enough to defend, others might not be. Ehh, umm…I hope this doesn’t sound too strange…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Okay, by that logic Takeshi could sort of understand why Shu loved fruit then. If there was only one thing you could really eat you'd pretty much have to like it, otherwise you'd be starving yourself. He'd never had that problem being as close to a city as he was, though for a good while he subsisted mainly off of sandwiches and smoothies; his adoration of that local stall had begun quite a ways back, and he thought it funny in retrospect how apparently Yumi and Vegeta had been to the same one. Weird how life worked like that sometimes. Standing at the base of the tree after near having his arm torn from its socket Takeshi glanced up at it curiously, having no idea what they were going to do now. No doubt Shu had something in mind, probably some game that was just out of his capacity to play. Evidently he was over thinking things as all the little guy ended up doing was scrambling up the trunk, leaving the older boy at the base confused. "Sheesh... Alright, alright, I'm on my way," Takeshi responded, smiling as he shook his head. Giving the trunk a good staring at he found no real places to grasp onto, scratching his head confused. Okay, well Shu had managed to scramble up easily enough, so maybe if he just copied him. Trying to dig his hands and feet into the tree unsuccessfully he eventually settled on wrapping his arms around it, shimmying up the trunk and pushing himself with his feet. Once he'd reached the point where Shu was he swung up onto the branch, plopping down on his backside with a smirk. "Nothing to it! Climbing is easy."

Dealing with your enemies was never an easy task, regardless of how you approached it; peaceful means were often shot down or disregarded, and fighting only bred further violence. Aseel had been fortunate enough that most everyone had been wary of war when he assumed power, so dissuading his opposition through compromise had been easy enough to do. The difference therein he supposed was he had gained power, whereas in T'charrl's case someone was trying to take it. One was inherited, the other was trying to steal, so no wonder the threat was so fierce. Looking at the Prince in surprise at his retelling of his fight the King shook his head, frowning as he lifted a hand and rubbed at his beard. "The youth should not be made to suffer for our mistakes. I don't know the entire situation surrounding your kingdom, but I am terribly sorry for it. This is precisely why I despise any kind of war, children are made to suffer for those of us in power, almost like pawns. It's a disgrace really." That was one sentiment near everyone in the kingdom could agree on, even so long after the kingdom war had ceased. No one wanted to send their children to combat, nor anyone else's for that matter, so the best way to circumvent that was to just not fight. Ah, but what had T'charrl wanted to ask about? Giving the Prince permission to speak again he listened closely, a smile finally crossing his lips when all was said.

"A strange power...? Rare to our people...?" Aseel mimicked, smiling as he sat forward some. "My young friend, it doesn't sound strange at all. In fact, if you're speaking of what I believe you are you're in luck. I assume you're speaking of being one with nature? More than just simply living in it, but feeling it. The trees, the wildlife, the very planet itself, you can sense all of it can't you? But there's more, I'd wager..." How exciting, to think another person had inherited this ability. So far and few between were their kind now that the King had almost given their unique traits up for dead, thinking his line to be the last with it. Hearing now that someone from another kingdom might share the ability sparked new hope in him, evident by the excited twinkling in his eyes. "You can speak to those no longer with us as well, yes? I know all too well what you're asking about, T'charrl, because I too share in your gift, as does my eldest child. What you're referring to we have come to call Resonance. Some of our people are born with an innate sensitivity to the world around us, our bodies pick up on energies that otherwise may go unnoticed, and we draw strength from them. This ability of ours used to see us branded as monsters, killed or exiled for fear of what we could do. Nowadays I'm afraid we're but a myth even amongst our closest peers and family. Forgive my ramblings," Aseel added, laughing as he shook his head, "I did not expect to find another person like myself ever again, to say I'm thrilled would be a disservice. Tell me then, what exactly do you wish to know of our ability?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t think it was such a big deal but at least he could have fun and climb trees and eat fruit on his day out. He didn’t know if he was doing wrong by climbing these trees but he was certainly having a lot of fun. Swinging on up onto the branch he turned himself to look down at Takeshi, giggling as he made an attempt to climb the tree. He was okay, but not exactly spectacular. Moving a little around he gave a smile, making the branch shake. “Ooh! You looked like you had hard time!” he giggled, watching him curiously before making a jump to another branch, giving it a little shake before settling down on it again, “Trees are fun! Even if they break sometimes, they always have lots of branches!” He didn’t want to damage any of the trees so he was purposely choosing branches that were very strong looking, especially when this place belonged to someone. To wreck a garden as nice as this would be upsetting and hopefully Takeshi knew the strength of the trees enough to not break them apart. “Don’t break things, though! Can you balance on branch?” he asked as he stood up, wrapping his toes around the sides of the branch, “Don’t need tail for balance!”

T’charrl was trying hard to make the power out to be something else entirely, even if it was slightly lying it was still a sensitive subject. Whether he was actually going to know what it is was all a matter of seeing how he might react and probably correct him. It was probably rude to do such a thing but it wasn’t as if he was hurting anyone by trying to make it something it wasn’t completely. The King was right about the war they faced, finding it to be his problem now that the older Kaesstrian was locked away. People his age were vulnerable and they would still be hunting him because of what they had and what he did even if all he did was try to stop others from suffering too. Feeling all kinds of nervous he kept his focus on his feet, gasping a little when the King seemed to catch on fairly quickly. Immediately looking to him and away again he hunched his shoulders nervously as if he had been caught doing something terribly bad.

He didn’t know where to go from there, being caught out too quickly and not definitely paying for it with embarrassment and fright. It was pretty obvious now he was telling a lie, but it wasn’t as if it was his fault when he didn’t know the man knew all about it. Rubbing his claws together he gasped when he was told he wasn’t alone with it, but in fact this man and his kid had it too; not only that, he had a name for it too. He was pretty nervous now, feeling completely caught out and unable to find a reason to carry on with his charade. Looking to the King he frowned a little as he got into it a lot more, looking away when he mentioned the drawbacks of society knowing about it. Remaining silent he kept his head low, eventually giving it a rub when asked about his own curiosity. “I-…there’s a lot I don’t know, it seems. I didn’t even know the name…” he mumbled, shaking his head, “I barely know anything about my power. So much happened to me recently and it’s all because of my power. My body…I don’t know what to do to control it anymore. I shouldn’t talk about it like this…I’d just scare you…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi didn't have near the finesse that Shu did while climbing a tree, and it was probably rather amusing to watch him move up the trunk. He'd never really bothered to climb them much, it was a little redundant when you could just fly to get up into the tree. After no small amount of shimmying he'd managed to reach the spot Shu had, swinging up onto the branch carefully and promptly taking a seat. Without even looking at his brother he could feel the amused smile on his back, giving a roll of his eyes when Shu began giggling. "Did not, I just was being careful, that's all," he lied, oblivious to how sorry an excuse that was. Sticking out his tongue childishly at Shu the older boy carefully rose to his feet, watching as the little guy sprung over to a different branch altogether. If he tried doing that he'd probably break the damn things seeing as he was likely quite a bit heavier than his brother. "Eh? Balance on a branch? What do you mean?" Takeshi asked, watching Shu go ahead and demonstrate curiously. Tch, yeah he could totally do that, his toes were made to wrap around things and he had a tail to support himself. Oh but he didn't need a tail, that was nice. Letting out a sigh he put a hand on the trunk of the tree, slowly standing out then shuffling a ways out on the branch until he was standing on his own. "See, nothing to it!" he declared, smirking despite his slight wobbling.

The King had sorted out what T'charrl was on about fair quickly, and it wasn't just due to his words. Even with the clothing on that he had Aseel could see the faint traces of orbs on the Prince's body; feeling the energy emanating from the young Kaesstrian was a dead giveaway as well. It was similar to the way Saiyans could sense one another's Ki, as Kaesstrians with the Resonance ability could detect one another. It was difficult to do, especially over long distances, so it was only natural neither of them had noticed one another before now. From what he was being told T'charrl had no knowledge of his powers, a fact that many people on his position had found themselves in over the years, himself included. "Everything you're going through I'm sure others have. I had my own fair share of troubles when I was growing up as well my boy. Please, don't fear turning me away or offending me, I'm a friend here and I have the answers you seek, but you need to ask the right questions. Otherwise I may ramble, and trust me no one wants that!" Chuckling to himself the King's belly shook a little, a smile plastered on his face as he laughed at his own expense. "Ah... Forgive me, it's inappropriate to be laughing during this conversation. But please, do speak whatever is on your mind, I'll do what I can to put your worries at ease."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t think Takeshi could climb all that well but this was fine for starters, thinking he could definitely improve if he wanted to. He seemed to be doing it just because he wanted to play with him which he didn’t mind, he just hoped he was having fun either way. Balancing on his branch he smiled happily at Takeshi, giving a quick nod. “Yeah! Balance! Not fall off!” he giggled, taking hold of his tail and balancing on one foot, “It real easy!” Watching Takeshi as he made his own quick attempt at balancing he smiled happily, watching him have a bit of a wobble as well. “Ooh! Close!” Letting go of his tail he made a quick flip, standing on his hands on the branch instead. He didn’t know if Takeshi was able to do something like this but it was fun to see if he could, looking up at him with a smile. “Can you do this? Balancing!”

T’charrl didn’t even know how to word his problems correctly, even if he knew exactly what they were. His problems were completely abnormal and whatever the King thought he was sure he didn’t have a clue to how to sort them out. He just wanted to find some sort of control and know for sure that he wasn’t going to end up changing in front of his friends and hurting them. He wasn’t wrong about him being a monster, even if the King himself wasn’t one. Frowning as the King made light of his problem he sighed lightly and looked away, rubbing his neck. “I don’t think there’s much you can do, really. It started after the one we were at war with decided to try and create his own, uhh, Resonance ability and I took it away from him”, he spoke lowly, sighing a little before shaking his head, “He used a dormant spirit of some kind to achieve that. Now, it’s stuck inside me and I’m-…I’m not anywhere near normal anymore. You couldn’t possibly understand what I’m going through, even if you’re experienced”.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi was feeling a bit proud of himself, even if what he'd done really wasn't anything outstanding. Sure Shu had scrambled up the tree easier, but the kid was practically a monkey, that stuff was second nature to them. It was like him and flying, it was just something they could do easily, so doing something else was impressive. His balancing wasn't all that either but it didn't keep Takeshi from smirking as he stood on the branch. "It is easy, I don't get what the big deal is with this, I could do it in my sleep," he boasted, watching as his brother took to standing on one foot. Sticking his tongue out of the side of his mouth he struggled to do the same, having to extend his arms out to the sides to keep himself from falling over. Just as he was feeling proud of that much Shu went and flipped on the branch, and of course he needed to replicate that. Glancing at the younger boy Takeshi grinned, nodding as he looked down at his foot. "Flip? Tch, no problem. You're asking that like it's hard to do." Right, so he just had to jump and land on his hands? Squatting slightly as he tried to prepare the older boy took a breath before jumping up, managing to flip himself upside down... And completely mess up. Misjudging how high he'd jumped (or not jumped) his hands missed the branch, his face being what would catch him instead. Immediately after coming down on his face the rest of him slammed down as well, with his legs splayed in a humiliating fashion and yet more of him hitting the tree. In a comical fashion he slowly rolled to one side, off the branch where he landed down on the ground with a dull thud. Red in the face and dazed, sprawled out he laid there, groaning as he twitched slightly.

Aseel was more than happy to discuss this topic, if only because he knew how difficult it was. He'd grown up with the powers and in an age where Resonance was far more common among their kind, more was known about it and it was more accepted. Only after a few bad seeds with the abilities began abusing their power did it become a sort of taboo, warranting the execution of countless innocent souls with the power. Nowadays there were those too young to recount the atrocities, and those old enough to recall and still fear. "I do understand what you're going through though... I know what you're doing all too well. It's not unheard of, and actually I knew a friend who went through the same thing." Readjusting himself in his seat the King laid his hands across the table, leaning forward a bit as he noticed a few people walking by the far end of the courtyard. "Our ability makes it so we can draw power from nature, this I've explained. But we are also able to call upon powers of a deity to aid us in battle. No doubt the man you fought learned this and tried to harness the power, probably by using something associated with the spirit inside of you. Long before the kingdom wars had ever begun those of us with resonance were capable of great things, and we were the pride of our respective lands. We were considered closer to the gods than anyone, powerful and we were respected accordingly. Unfortunately one man who sought to further his own abilities discovered a way to permanently take on the power of a deity by absorbing their essence, in a sense. Using the relic associated with the god he took in the spirit of the god itself and gained immense power, but at a great cost. As you're well aware doing such a thing causes great trouble for our bodies, and it can for the mind as well. The man who had made the discovery ultimately became a monster and we were forced to put him down in order to ensure the safety of our people. The damage unfortunately was done however, and people came to fear those with our ability."

"But don't let this dishearten you. This was an extreme case, and the man in question was far more power hungry and reckless than you appear to be by long and far. You've changed due to absorbing a deity, but you've enough strength of your own to resist the temptations the power brings. I would imagine having your friends around you as well helps relieve some of that pressure." Speaking of what in the world were they doing? When Aseel looked over at the Saiyans he saw Haku napping beneath a tree, Takeshi sprawled on his back and Shu up above him in the tree. Curious little ones, though at least they seemed content enough where they were. Turning back to T'charrl the King smiled, reaching out and giving the Prince's shoulder a gentle patting. "It can be undone as well, a fact we discovered only after the man had been dealt with. By giving the spirit enough power to stand on its own and by restoring whatever had harnessed it before it can return, and you in turn will change back to normal. We would need to know which deity it is that is within you before we can begin the process, but once we have that part figured out the rest will fall into place."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was probably showing off a little bit but he was having fun, feeling fairly happy while he waited for his fruit. He didn’t have much to do but still managed to find something as he played around in the tree, showing how he was good at balancing even without using his tail. It was stuff Takeshi could do as well, but so long as he was able to balance properly without thinking about a tail being needed for balance. Standing on his hands he asked if Takeshi could do this, something pretty simple in his eyes. Smiling happily at him to see if he could do it he watched him with curiosity, wondering if he was possibly going to get it. Watching him curiously he gasped when Takeshi decided to make a jump instead of rolling into it gently, watching him fall in a rather silly fashion. Watching him curiously as he slowly slid off and down onto the ground, Shu bounced off the branch in a casual flip and landed down beside him. “Ooh! That’s not how you do it at all”, he spoke, squeaking a little as he moved around him curiously, “You so silly! Only need to lean forward and grab the branch then lift! No jump until you are good at it”.

T’charrl didn’t know how old this guy was or whether he was able to help him at all through possible experience. He certainly hadn’t heard about it before so chances that the man knew anything was probably minimal. He was sure he was alone with this problem of his and asking about it was probably just a big waste of time. Slowly giving his head a rub he looked away, feeling that it was just all a big waste of time; however, the King came back with an answer that only confused him, looking up to him. “What? But…I don’t-…” This guy must be really old if he could remember things like that because he was sure everyone he knew didn’t even acknowledge such a power existing nevermind someone who got into the same situation as him. He was finding it hard to understand, but it was the only thing that made sense to him too. Frowning as he tried to take in what was being said to him he frowned, feeling a little put off when he was being compared to someone who sounded pretty greedy. He didn’t mean to do any of that, he didn’t even know such a thing could happen until it did and by the sounds of it if his own people ever saw him become a monster they would kill him too.

He felt very uncomfortable now, even if Aseel didn’t mean to make him feel that way. There was not much to differ him from that guy and the King seemed to know that, trying to say he was still the better one of the two because he appeared unharmed by temptations for power. “I-…w-well they’ve helped, I guess…” he muttered, looking to them for a moment before looking away again. They did help to keep him feeling content but he had been left on his own a lot, probably because Takeshi was terrified by his appearance and everybody else was always busy with more important things. He didn’t know if he had problems controlling any temptation for power when it had been mostly sub-conscious or things had happened that he couldn’t remember. Not feeling entirely sure on what he was supposed to feel he looked to the King when he patted his shoulder, staring at him with both concern and curiosity. “What…? But…I don’t-…I can’t collect that information. It’ll be impossible”, he sighed, shaking his head, “The man would rather see me dead than ever tell me information like that…and even if he did it would be to ambush me and take it back again. The man’s insane. He would sooner see it in his hands again. The spirit can’t remember who it was before so wouldn’t have a clue either…”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi was sore in all the wrong places right now, not to mention he'd made a total fool of himself. To his surprise though Shu didn't immediately begin laughing when he took a tumble, though the little guy did come down to no doubt tell him how he'd messed up. Groaning as he laid himself out flat he squirmed uncomfortably, having no desire to move any time soon as he turned his head to look at his brother. "Oh really...? I thought we were supposed to attack the branch with our crotch!" the older boy retorted, wincing as he sat up abruptly and pulled something. Laying back down on his back Takeshi let out a long winded sigh, one hand going up and gingerly prodding at his red face. It didn't hurt much, but it probably looked like he'd been out in the cold and his face had gotten all rosy as a result. "I could have done it, I just... Messed up a bit, that's all. I'll get it next time." Sheesh, where was this fruit already? If it didn't show soon they were going to end up back in the trees, which meant he'd be trying the trick again, which probably also meant he'd end up flat on his ass once more after screwing it up.

The King wasn't trying to frighten T'charrl any, just to enlighten him on his ability. It was clear the Prince had never been told anything about it, through lack of knowledge or maybe some misguided desire to protect the boy. If he truly wanted to be safe with his power he needed to know what it was, as only then he could handle it properly. Using the story of the corrupted Kaesstrian was meant to be a teaching tool as well and yet it only appeared to unsettle T'charrl even more. It wasn't all bad though, there was a way to undo what had been done to the boy. "We don't need the man to do that though, that's the beauty of it. Nor do we need the spirit to tell us who it is," Aseel explained, smiling confidently, "We know the shrines in and around your kingdom, and I'm sure someone back home does as well. It's a simple matter of checking them all until we find which one was disturbed, something that would take less than an afternoon with enough manpower. Once we do that we simply restore the place in question and there you have it, your change will undo itself." That is, IF T'charrl wanted to undo it. There was a lot of power that came with harboring a spirit, enough so that some people wouldn't have minded the mutations and struggles it could bring on. He had a feeling however the Prince wasn't such a person, that he'd want more to return to his old self than retain this power.

Pyrus had finally managed to get back to the courtyard, with no small amount of headaches mind you. The King had purely asked for some fruit for himself and his guests and yet the cooks had toiled for minutes trying to debate on what best to serve the Saiyans. Meats? Breads? Some combination of the three? The adviser had to chide them back into just making the simple dishes, as both himself and Aseel figured their guests would enjoy the dishes regardless of what they were. At last he had gotten five cooks to follow him to the courtyard, each with a platter bearing a different kind of snack. Standing at one of the archways into the area he looked at how the group had spread out, tilting his head curiously before entering and clearing his throat. "Pardon us, your Majesty, but we've brought the food you requested," Pyrus explained, smiling as he let the cooks walk by him. It was a nice varied assortment, from fire seared fruits to fruits dipped in cream, and fruits tossed together with a bit of zesty leaves to make a salad of sorts. "We hope the food is to your liking, my friends. Please, if you need anything else let us know." One by one the platters were set down, and each cook took a small bow to T'charrl before turning and making their way back to the kitchens. Pyrus wasn't far behind them, making sure everything was delivered before taking his leave as well.

"Delightful! I know I just ate, but I was looking forward to this all the same," Aseel said, smiling as he rubbed his claws together, "Let's continue this discussion of ours after some food, hm? I would hate for you to miss out on some of this, and we've enough time to talk more afterwards I would think." Perhaps too some nice food would settle the boy's nerves, as it was obvious right now he was a little uneasy. Making a decision not in the right of mind could be bad, so they were better off letting T'charrl relax anyways. "Come, friends of T'charrl, come enjoy the food! Eat as much as you'd like!"
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