Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was definitely curious over Takeshi’s fall, especially when he seemed to do that quite a lot. He didn’t seem to follow instruction or actually watch Shu before doing it himself. He was sure if Takeshi watched him he would had been able to do it correctly but instead landed in a pretty odd position and failing to balance. Staring at him as he tried to recover he giggled a little as he bounced around him. “You look funny! Look!” he giggled before leaning forward into a handstand, “You do it like that! No jump!” It was easy, he thought, but Takeshi seemed to manage to screw it up by being hasty. Giggling as he walked along on his hands he quickly flipped up, smiling at Takeshi. “You get it eventually! It is not that hard. Maybe you too hungry to focus!”

T’charrl didn’t know what he was supposed to do or understand what he wanted, finding it hard to get around the fact he might have some advancement in his understanding of his powers but was now being pressured into finding a way to completely solve the problem and fast. There was a lot of pressure in that when he was just learning how to control that but now it could all be taken away while endangering the spirit by leaving it on its own again and possibly getting stolen away again. He was confused now, stuck wondering what he truly wanted over what was best for him. Frowning, he looked to the King as he tried to explain why they didn’t need the General, finding it to be too much of an effort especially when he may had travelled far away to get it. The problem was there was flaw in that logic too, giving his head a shake in protest. “But we can’t do that to it! His men would just come back and take it once they notice I’m not different anymore. How do I protect it? It’s done so much for me…and my friends, they need its help too…” Feeling confused over what he wanted and what was best for him his attention was broken up once the food started being taken out, his eyes immediately going to it. He was going to try and not be greedy with this and control his hunger, at least to keep his dignity. Looking to the King again he let out a sigh and nodded, giving a little smile. “I’d really like that. Do forgive me if I get too enthusiastic with it…”

Shu could smell the food before it had even come out, his eyes immediately turning to Pyrus in excitement. He was rather hungry and really looking forward to it, almost bouncing on his toes to control himself until he was allowed to go over. He was really hungry and the smell of all that food just made him super happy with anticipation, certainly an improvement on his mood earlier. Looking to the King quickly he soon let out a squeal and bounced on over, feeling happy that he was going to be able to eat. “Yummy! Takeshi, look! Food!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

After having learned a bit more about Resonance it made sense to look into it more, try to find a way to help T'charrl return to normal. To this end they were really taking a leap of faith, putting their first chance in getting the information out of Garesh. The General had absolutely no reason to disclose where he'd found the spirit; he'd been beaten by T'charrl, so why would he help? They were going into this arrangement with little expectations but who knows, they may end up pleasantly surprised. The man in question was being held in the palace, down in the back in the cell rooms under constant surveillance. Even without the energy he'd taken the man was still dangerous, so it was necessary for around the clock guarding. A little reluctantly Eslaria had granted the Prince a chance to speak with the man, though he absolutely had to bring his friends with him. No worries there, they were going to come along one way or another. Haku had since returned to the ship which now left only Shu and Takeshi with T'charrl, but even that should be more than enough for their friend to be safe.

"Not going to lie, I'm surprised this creep is still alive..." Takeshi mumbled, glancing around the barren corridors leading to the cells, "If someone tried to do this to Saiyans they'd be killed, that was how it was back on Kortal anyways. Hell, probably on Earth too, the guy did some nasty stuff. I guess your folks are better people than that though." Maybe a lifetime in a cell was more of a punishment than just offing someone though, if you could look at it that way. How long did a Kaesstrian live anyways? He knew bugs back on Earth hardly lived longer than a short while, a few days even in some cases, but he seriously doubted that was the case here; T'charrl would be long gone if that were the case. The two guards that were leading them to the cells gave him a disparaging look with that comment, to which he only frowned and shrugged them off. Was it really such a bad thing to ask? Looking over at T'charrl he nodded his head towards their destination, "You ever been down here? What's it like? I mean I've seen some really lousy cells, and some really nice ones, how do you guys, you know, treat jerks?"

This had to be close, Vegeta had a gut feeling he was on the brink of sorting this all out. One gene, just one gene, that was all that was missing from the mapping. He'd already grown the cultures to begin the stem cell treatment, but with that one missing gene it wasn't a complete cure. How had he overlooked a gene? Twice he'd gone over the entire map, back and forth, and yet there was something missing. As it stood now Viral was precariously close to breaking down, did he have the time to make one more pour through and pick out the final piece? Or should he administer the treatment now, incomplete, and hope it would work? Putting his hands on the cold steel top of the counter he leaned forward, staring at the sheet of paper before closing his eyes and letting out a groan. Much as he loathed to admit it he probably needed to start treatment now, or as soon as Viral got back in the ship. There was no reason for the Beastman to be stuck indoors all evening, not while they were on Kaesstra and away from danger. Yumi would be nearby to help him if need be, and he himself was but a call away. All he should be doing right now is focusing on the cure, and once everything was complete he'd have to begin treatment, finished or not.

"Even so... I'd much rather it be complete..." Vegeta grumbled, sniffing in annoyance as he pushed away from the counter. How infuriating, coming short of his goal and being unable to achieve what he'd set out to do. It didn't matter than genetics wasn't his field of expertise, he'd done all the research and studied whenever he could so he should know the basics at the very least. Hell, Shu could grow a culture of genes with simple enough instruction, so his achieving that feat didn't mean much. Shaking his head he went to examine the vials instead, counting about two dozen in all. By his calculations he could administer two a day, one in the morning and one at night, and if he had done everything he was supposed to then the process would be complete in just under two weeks. Granted that was only reintroducing the genes into Viral and stabilizing him, it would be some time after that until he'd recovered entirely and was back to his full strength. "Father... I don't know how in the world you did this so many times, it's a headache."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl didn’t know if he was supposed to understand everything there was to this Resonance ability of his or learn it all eventually when he would hopefully master it. He was sure there was a lot that Aseel didn’t know himself like how his condition might turn out if he just lived with it, but then again it was probably too risky to wait and see. He needed to know what the General knew about the power and what he knew about the spirit itself, his urge to protect it more than abandon it being pretty high right now. He didn’t want to have it sitting out in the open where Garesh’s men could snatch it again and probably torture the poor thing. He needed to know what Garesh knew and he was going to get that information out of him whether he wanted him there or not. Even if he was scared of seeing him he was still willing to go through with it.

Glancing to Takeshi as he spoke he frowned as he looked down the corridors as well, not feeling like thinking about it too much. He knew what it was like to be trapped in a cell so he wasn’t unfamiliar with it, but Takeshi and Shu would be experiencing it for the first time. Frowning at Takeshi he sighed lightly. “Uhh, well, a life of suffering with knowledge of what you’ve done and why you’re here is worse than being relieved from it through death”, he spoke calmly, shaking his head, “I’m sure there are some executions, but I never hear anything about them”. He really didn’t know if his mother and father did any of that stuff but he was sure it happened, just not to his knowledge. Frowning as Takeshi questioned him again he didn’t really know if he wanted to answer the question, mostly because he worried Takeshi would see them in a worse light than just as giant bugs. “Uhh, y-yeah I’ve been in a place like this. I was locked away for a while by the General”, he frowned, “We, uhh, treat them first by clipping their wings incase they decide to leave with force. They sometimes get to go outside…depending, at least, on how strong they were previously…but, uhh, o-otherwise I guess it’s not that different from what your kind do, maybe?”

Shu didn’t really like being in this kind of place but he was still willing to go so long as Takeshi was there with him. He was rather close to him, his tail rather low as if afraid someone might try to grab it if they got too close. He was fine if Takeshi and T’charrl looked after him and he knew that, but he just had to keep that in mind for if he ever got too far away from his brother and friend. Frowning as the two spoke he squeaked a little at the sight of the guards, finding them to be rather intimidating. So long as he was careful he was going to be okay.

It had been a long time since he was normal and Viral was definitely feeling the effects by now, even with all the sunlight he had been getting. He was unable to sleep anymore even with the medicine but didn’t have the courage to tell anyone he was struggling, at least he thought of it as a lack of courage by now. He was supposed to be strong and able to withstand such aching tests of time, not cry over everything that bugged him. They all knew he was being bugged by his condition so there was no reason to tell them anything else and stress them out too. Vegeta was working hard enough and Yumi was constantly putting up with his complaining. The most he was trying to do was to get some fresh air and hopefully rid himself of this annoying headache. Wandering outside the ship was all he could do without going too far, but luckily enough the ship was big enough for a wander without catching any unwanted attention. It was about time he headed back to the ship though, feeling the need to try his drugs again to see if they might just help him out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Yeah, but that's if the guy gives a crap about what he's done. I've met some really crappy people T'charrl, our father is one of them, and they don't give a damn who they hurt with what they do. So do you really think locking someone like that up is better?" Giving someone like that a chance to live, even in a cell, was a little too good in his eyes. If you were that nasty to just kill an innocent person or really hurt others for your own ends then you didn't have any place in this world, or any for that matter except maybe Hell. He couldn't help but compare it to the Saiyan way of handling people, which while not the best way by far it certainly kept people from doing bad things. To him it just sort of seemed like letting the equivalent of a war criminal live was basically giving them a free pass, even if they were in a cell. "To be fair, our father is way harsher than anyone I've ever met, probably worse than this General guy even. So I'm speaking from that perspective where pretty much every little crime is harshly punished, you know? And I'm not saying do that, but for a guy like this... Clipping his wings and just putting him away somewhere, that's it?" Eh, it wasn't really his business to decide the fate of some guy on an alien world, no matter his opinion on the matter. Anyways he had other things to occupy himself right now, like Shu practically clinging to him. Smiling sympathetically Takeshi placed an arm around his brother's shoulders, giving his arm a rub to try and console him. "Relax Shu... Nothing bad's here and nothing's going to hurt you, yeah? We're perfectly safe."

Some ways further down the corridor the cells became fewer and fewer, but also a bit larger and with heavier duty doors and locks. Naturally this was where the more dangerous criminals were kept, and the population down on this end was fairly light, maybe 3 or 4 people at most. Garesh's room was all the way at the end, and even with the guard escort there were yet another two placed outside of his door, both armed with swords at their hip ready for use. Obviously no expenses were being spared in keeping the man locked up, which probably was warranted given all he'd done. The escort saluted the other two upon arrival and dismissed them, evidently they were switching shifts as well. Once handed the keys to the cell one of the men turned to the trio, frowning as he held them up. "Now boys, we've been given very explicit instructions for how this will be done. We'll stand at the door and keep an eye on you as you speak to Garesh, and you are not under any circumstance permitted to strike the prisoner. T'charrl, your mother was abundantly clear with this point as well; if we deem it is too strenuous for you to see him then we will take you out of the room, just as a precaution. We don't wholly know what your abilities are and we'd rather be safe than sorry." Expecting a surprised response from sharing that information the guard smiled slightly, "We're among the few who were informed, and don't worry, none of us think any worse of you for it. Now, are there any further questions?"

Two dozen vials of stem cells, that should be enough to help get Viral on the fast track to recovery. Yet Vegeta still had his doubts, even after crunching the numbers and running whatever kind of tests he could without administering the cells to Viral himself. This would be his first real test for gene therapy, never mind the brief foray into it their first visit to Kaesstra; the chances of something going awry or it not working completely was larger than he'd like to admit. The chance of success was still higher than that of failure, statistically speaking by a large margin, but he loathed to have anything over 10% for failure. "It is our only option, and I'm running out of time to work," Vegeta said, trying to justify the work itself, "Viral will have to make due with this, I can develop a cure further once he's at least stable." So then, should he go about starting treatment now? Unless something went wrong he should be able to handle this like routine shots, just ask Viral to come in now and again for the injection and let him be on his way. Not too intrusive, and it meant the Beastman could retain some degree of autonomy during the process. Well, at the very least he could go ask and see what his friend wanted, and depending on the response they could work from there. Sealing up the container for the cells Vegeta sighed, heading for the door to go fetch the Beastman.

Leave it to the General to come up with a brilliant plan even while stuck in a cell. To strike at the Prince in the dead of night, and to whisk him away to a secret location for extraction, it was a sure fire success given the setting and their expertise. Kaesstrians could use camouflage in the middle of the day and it was nigh impossible to see someone unless you were really trained for it; concealing oneself at nighttime made the person utterly invisible. Their people had a modest sense of smell, but if one was to keep downwind or out of the wind entirely even their scent couldn't be detected. The trio of Garesh's men kept this in mind as they stalked towards the ship, intending to infiltrate it and track down their mark. It wasn't difficult to find the vessel in question, it stuck out like a sore thumb in the middle of the forest. Locating the ship itself wasn't the problem, but getting inside of it would be tricky. What's more as they drew nearer to their destination they caught sight of someone outside of it, walking around the area as it seemed. A patrol? Unlikely, they wouldn't possibly know something was planned for tonight. Just coincidence then, so how to handle it? There were three of them and one stranger, the men were confident they could take him down. But rushing right on out would be foolish and draw unwanted attention, they would need to be careful about this. Coming to a tree some few dozen meters shy of the ship the three stopped, perched on different branches as they all discussed how best to approach the man.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl didn’t really feel all that comfortable talking about all these subjects, probably because he had a problem with them in general. It was probably due to his experience in one not being all too pleasant but also talking about whether it was worth killing them off or not managed to get to him as well. “Uhh, I-I guess. But what is the point? Giving them freedom in the afterlife is nothing compared to a lifetime of torturous living”, he spoke lowly, rubbing his claws together, “Besides…I don’t know if you heard the King, but he was around since before the massacres and that was thousands of years ago. My people may not have as much muscle as yours, but we’re very long lived…” He didn’t think killing someone off was better than having to live with your mistakes for the rest of your existence, especially when naturally dying was so far away for them all the time. “Clipping the wings is pretty painful. Think of it like getting your arms cut off every few weeks. Then again, if they act out they might get their arms cut off as punishment”.

T’charrl really didn’t want to make Shu feel uneasy but he had a feeling that talking about these subjects were going to do just that. It was difficult keeping off the subject when he was asked about it, at least. If Takeshi was curious then he was free to ask the questions, he just probably should watch and make sure he wasn’t freaking out his younger friend who already appeared to be on edge. Halting once they arrived at Garesh’s room he looked to the guards who were pretty ready to fight if they ever needed to, straightening up when they were being addressed. Staring at the man as he spoke he frowned and backed off a quick step, looking around quickly before lowering his head. He didn’t like how they knew about his condition but it was probably needed, but whether they can keep it to themselves was something he wasn’t sure of. “I-I understand…” he mumbled, looking up at the man, “I have no questions. I’m ready if my friends are…”

Viral didn’t know how to settle his mind or his body with this condition anymore, feeling worse as each day progressed as everything seemed to mould together and only manage to cause further stress. If being by himself for once didn’t help then he didn’t know what would, even if he continued to hear the whispers of the past still haunt him. He would definitely go back and try to sleep once he had some quiet time to himself, that was if he could sleep. There were so many smells in the air that should’ve been a valid distraction, but it failed to do so. Feeling pretty terrible even with his break he headed on back to the door. While he was ready to enter the ship again he didn’t know if he should, feeling as if something was watching him. Even if he was paranoid often enough he was still not going to deny the feeling of suspicion in the darkness of the forest. Turning around he slowly surveyed the area, feeling a little suspicious about his surroundings. Even with the pain he was in he could still defend the ship if he needed to from whatever predator might be trying to stalk him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was a good thing Takeshi wasn't in charge of handling criminals, evidently some of his father's methods had rubbed off on him. Either that or he just wasn't at all in favor of treating a bad guy nicely, that could be it too. To him it just made no sense, why put up someone who had done such nasty things? Sure they were in a cell, but they got food, got to go outside now and again, and they were alive. How many people, he wondered, were dead because of the General? A particular scene came to mind, back when they had first arrived and found that underground building all covered in what he now figured to be perhaps blood. It was something he was interested in discussing, but just one glance at Shu and he could tell this conversation really wasn't for the little guy. Sighing to himself Takeshi opted to end it then, instead going about trying to console his little brother and get him to relax. The little guy really needed to ease up a little, especially since they were more or less at their destination now. It may not be Shu's idea of a good time but they had to do this, for T'charrl's sake. And really, who was going to hurt them? There were loads of armed guards, the General was probably in a sorry state and there were three of them here. Unless they were somehow ambushed like before there was absolutely nothing to worry about.

It had to be certain that T'charrl was prepared to face the General, there was no telling how the Prince might behave in front of the man. After all that had been done to him hardly anyone would be surprised if T'charrl was angry with Garesh, and really it was unlikely anyone would stop him from relieving some of that anger. Though the guards had indeed given orders to the contrary many of them held the sentiment the man deserved a little something more for all the harm he had done, so turning a blind eye and letting the Prince blow off some steam wasn't out of the question. With nothing more to cover the head guard took out a key and unlocked the thick steel door, tumblers churning audibly and clicking as they released. Grabbing hold of the handles he gestured for his partner to swing it open, one hand resting on the hilt of his own sword as he watched. "Garesh, you've got visitors! You know the drill, don't try anything."

"Oh come now... Do you think I'd hurt anyone in here?" came an amused voice, emanating from the far end of the cell. Sat on a low bed was a large Kaesstrian, wearing some well-worn, brown slops with all four arms bound to one another. His hair had grown longer and looked unkempt, part of his face obscured by it all now. Though he hardly looked it this was definitely the once esteemed General, and even in his sorry state he wasn't any less zealous or confident in himself. "How poetic... The victorious Prince has come to pay the fallen General a visit. I am honored, truly," Garesh mocked, bowing his head with a smile. This was... Unexpected. T'charrl was not supposed to be here, he should be back at the ship. Ah... But his men would figure something out, he need not worry about it. Lifting up his head the General looked back at T'charrl again, his slightly sunken eyes holding the Prince curiously as he looked him up and down. "You're different... I see you've taken to the energy then. I knew it would work, I knew it. Tell me..." Garesh began again, standing up as his chains rattled and held him, "What is it like, having so much power? It must be intoxicating."

In order to draw out the Prince they needed some kind of hostage, and this man would just fit that bill. He was an unusual one, though vaguely familiar at the same time. Perhaps he had been part of the group who had killed their allies last time? Hard to say, but regardless this wasn't a personal vendetta, they were here on a mission. Since the Prince did not seem to be immediately present they had to take the next best thing and work from there. Watching Viral closely they worried they may lose him as he began moving back to the ship, preparing to pounce then freezing as he stopped and looked around. No way had they been detected, they were hidden as could be from him. If they hadn't been noticed yet they would be here soon as a move needed to be made, lest they lose their target. Exchanging looks with his two companions the lead Kaesstrian gave a silent nod, both men branching off into opposite directions to circle around Viral. Alone now the leader went ahead and jumped out of the tree he was in, slowly exiting the brush with a hand on his sword. They could not kill the man, but injuries may be necessary to subdue him. It was unlikely just intimidation would work here either given their past, they would most certainly have to use force. Easing his hand off of the sword then he crouched down, spreading his wings and bursting forward at high speeds in an attempt to grab Viral and tear him away from the ship. Size wise he was fair small comparatively, but they would find out who was stronger here soon. In the time he was doing that the others were making a move as well, one to the left and the other to the right, both closing in simultaneously on their mark.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl was fairly ready for meeting the General if a little worried that he might get a bit too anxious while seeing him, not really wanting to have to leave. He felt it was best to talk to him and it was definitely something he needed to do before he had to leave his planet again, especially when it was soon when they would have to leave. He was fine with leaving again to go and fight with his friends, it made him feel independent and prepared for whatever might challenge him, but before he left he needed to talk to the General one last time. If there was ever going to be an answer as to why people were still fighting for him and why the spirit was the way it was then he was going to find out. It was going to be a flaunting of power considering how weak the man might be now, but he was sure he was going to be able to keep his cockiness under wraps and still play the proud Prince. Looking to his two friends he smiled nervously when they didn’t raise any issues themselves, probably hoping to get in and get out themselves.

Looking to the guard once everything was set he put on a stern expression, hoping to keep the attitude low and not look too vulnerable if he was smiling and looking generally pleasant. Taking in a deep breath before the door was opened he hesitated a moment when he heard the General’s voice, giving his friends a quick glance before slowly stepping in, his eyes going to the General. He was definitely worse for wear but then again he did sap the energy from him before going to jail so there was a high chance he hadn’t recovered yet. He shouldn’t be caring too much about something like that, he had business to take care of. Staring down the General’s sorry appearance he frowned, standing fairly strong as to not look intimidated. The man still tried to keep up with his prideful act, as usual. Staring down the man he frowned at the mention of his appearance, looking down at himself briefly before narrowing his gaze at the General. “’Intoxicating’ is hardly the word I’d use. I took something from you that was not meant for a maniac like you. How does it feel, though? To see me holding all the power you tried to kill me with and more? I’m stronger than anyone on this planet. It shouldn’t matter to you, though…seeing how weak you are. Did you really think you could beat someone with natural power with artificially obtained power?”

Viral remembered why he didn’t like this place, finding it particularly terrible to be out and about at night. He didn’t know what was out there and what he might be able to fight off in his condition if something was lurking out there, but he was still willing to stand his ground and not end up falling to some creature just because he decided to turn his back on it and run into the ship. That would be a stupid decision, but it certainly wasn’t beyond his thinking right now. There was something out there, his senses were definitely picking up something or many things trying to be sneaky. They were potentially a danger to the ship if they were organised, maybe some criminals trying to sneak aboard the ship. Growling lowly he looked around, his paw reaching for his blade before something came out of the corner of his eye at quite a high speed. Immediately grabbing his cleaver he spun around to face the attacker; however, once sight was met he was immediately frozen, his body not willing to act under his will like last time. The force that hit him was akin to being hit by a flying log, but his body was still fairly solid and even then he was brought to a stumble rather than going flying back. Winded for a moment he fell to the ground but was quick to try and claw his attacker, throwing his body around to try and force the alien off him. He wasn’t willing to let that little fumble get to him and was very quick and willing to try and get up once more so he could focus.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was amusing, in a way, having the Prince come and visit him. Unexpected, but amusing; his plan wouldn't quite work as he'd intended now but it was made to be flexible, things would still work in his favor. Smiling as T'charrl entered the room Garesh couldn't help but take notice of the difference in the boy's appearance, namely the orbs that now adorned his body. That was what he had been after, and here before him was living proof it worked! How could he not become excited at the sight of his efforts coming to fruition, even if it was with someone else. Having asked about it the General paused when T'charrl turned the question around on him, trying to sound big and boast no doubt. Remaining silent for a moment after he finished Garesh lowered his head, then began chuckling breathily as he shook his head slowly. "Natural power...? You mean the power you stole from me?" the General asked, laughing as he looked back up, "You were weak, insignificant, and then you stole that energy. It's not you who is strong, it's that power boy. And I can see you've deluded yourself into thinking the strength is your own. I won't deny I'm weak in my current state, but without that power you'd be my equal. It's adorable how you think that power is yours though!"

Wow, this guy really was a smug ass wasn't he? Just listening to him made Takeshi want to punch his face in, and he was definitely trying to tick off T'charrl. It didn't matter if the power was really his or not, the Spirit had been okay with their friend using it and was even trying to help him do so. Compared to the psycho before them the Prince was a saint, so it was no surprise some ghost guy was cool with sharing his strength. "Hey moron, you're the one that stole it first! Are you seriously going to blame someone for stealing what you stole?" he snapped, frowning as he pointed at T'charrl, "Our friend has been struggling with it because of you, and he's way better off with it than you ever were, because he is actually doing good with it!"

Who was that yelling at him? Such an annoying person, and yet familiar as well. Narrowing his eyes as he scrutinized Takeshi, Garesh grinned after a moment, flicking his head to get the bangs from his face as he let out a laugh. "Ah, the Saiyans are back again as well! I must admit I'm surprised you're alive, and disappointed. I knew my men had failed but I wished they would have killed at least one of you," the General said, looking over at Shu, "I'm especially surprised you're still alive boy. You were so weak I didn't imagine-"

Takeshi was across the room before Garesh could even finish the next word, one arm pressed up to the General's throat and the other at his chest, fighting the urge to put a Ki blast through it. "Don't you fricken dare talking about Shu like that! I'll kill you right here and now you freak, is that what you want? Believe me, I don't need a lot of reason to do it!" Growling angrily as the General smirked at him he went to throw a punch, glaring back as the two guards had come forth to stop him. Glaring at both of them he pulled his arm free of their grasp, pushing the General onto his bed before storming back to the door. Stopping at T'charrl's side he looked over at his friend, clenching his fists tightly at his sides, "Sure I can't kill him? I doubt anyone will care."

It was a three on one situation, and every one of them were trained to fight in near any situation. The men weren't cocky, but they weren't exactly concerned about their foe either. They should be more than prepared to handle this battle, and if not retreating would be an easy task for them as well. Regroup, try again the next day given these children weren't going to leave. But that thought was neither here nor there right now, all that mattered was trying to apprehend their target. The lead Kaesstrian made the first move, dashing right on ahead and into Viral to try and subdue him. In his efforts to floor Viral he'd barely managed to knock him over, having to dash back and away to avoid being raked by his long claws. So his initial strike hadn't worked, but no matter. Not 5 seconds after he'd made his attempt the other two men sprang into action, both dropping down from above in an attempt to land on Viral and wrestle him to the ground. If they could subdue him and knock him out that would be it, they could escape long before anyone was any the wiser as to what was happening.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl was going to try and keep on top of it all if he could, his idea of strength being to show control. He was perfectly calm and in control of his abilities so there was no reason to panic, especially when the man was so weak and brittle. He wouldn’t try to cause harm to him if he wanted to keep his cool and having his friends here was going to help him greatly. Staring down at the General he remained standing strong, narrowing his gaze when he finally spoke before looking down at himself, giving his head a quick shake before taking a brief step forward, standing his ground. The man knew nothing about power like this or what it could possibly be like to harness it, his claws going to his chest for a moment before noticing Takeshi. He was very quick to speak up on behalf of him, but he didn’t think he needed him to stand up for him, even if it was out of a good heart.

Shu was staying back from all of this, not wanting to get involved as things were gradually becoming more hostile. He was fairly sure he could keep in the shadows of his brother and friend; however, when the man turned his gaze upon him he gasped a little, taking a step back before raising his arms in fright when Takeshi immediately dashed for the General, threatening to kill him. Looking between them both he frowned when the guards pulled Takeshi off, slowly stepping to the side. He didn’t need Takeshi to defend him like that, especially when they were told otherwise. Frowning, he slowly stepped to the side to get out of Takeshi’s way, looking to him before looking back to the General. “I-I was not weak! I’m…just-…there were too many of them! Maybe…? I don’t-…I could had killed everybody!” He really couldn’t remember much about the incident but he was sure he didn’t get hit on the head on purpose. There had to be a reason for his temporary weakness when up against those people, but he couldn’t recall enough to defend himself. He felt a little lost for words, but was trying to make things better the only way he knew how.

Viral had to try and get control of this situation again and kill the intruder before anyone could take notice, finding it a little hard to think through the disorientation. He could had easily avoided that if he was in his right mind but nothing was working inside him. He knew he would had violently attacked the alien if he didn’t get winded, but that possible loss of control wasn’t going to stop him. Throwing his claws around he made a move to get up again, barely managing to get on his feet before two more threw themselves on top of him. Growling angrily he threw his arms around to pull the men off him, keeping his feet pushed hard on the ground to keep standing. Whatever the reason these Kaesstrians were attacking him he didn’t know, but he was sure they weren’t going to last very long if they thought it was a good idea to try and attack him. First flailing with his arms he made a sudden jump forward, trying to use momentum to throw these guys off just so he could get them off and claw them down before anything drastic happened.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hah, it was just as he remembered; Takeshi was an idiot, Shu too meek to ever be deemed a warrior and the Prince relying on false strength of others to seem powerful. They really all were just children, Garesh couldn't be too bitter as he was much too amused by it all. Coughing as the arm was removed from his throat he shook his head, smiling teasingly as the younger Saiyan tried to defend himself. "There were too many but you could have killed them all? What is it boy, one or another? It sounds like you don't even know your own story." He hadn't seen the particulars of the fight, all he knew was that the three who had been attacked had taken quite a beating as a result. It really was a shame they lived still, that could create problems for him down the road. Ah, but he wasn't here to torment Shu, nor waste his time on Takeshi; T'charrl had a purpose for coming here, he had to, they certainly weren't just stopping by for a nice chat. Returning his gaze back to the Prince, Garesh lifted up his head and stepped forward, his eyes never leaving T'charrl's. "So then... Why have you come? To brag about "your" power, I would think not. Something must have happened then and now you need my help, or am I wrong?"

If they kept attacking from different angles there was no way the Kaesstrians could lose. Powerful as Viral may be no one could fend off multiple attacks at once, certainly not from capable warriors such as themselves. Upon giving the signal to do so the other two soldiers dropped down on the Beastman from above in an attempt to subdue and pin him to the ground. They got a hold of him, but apart from that no progress was made. Alarmingly both of the soldiers not only failed to pin their mark but they were both thrown free as Viral tossed them off, skidding across the ground a ways before rising back to their feet. The group hardly had time to collect themselves as Viral then went on the offensive, having to either block or dodge as he came in swinging. The leader and one other managed to get away entirely, darting off to either side to avoid the oncoming barrage, but the third member wasn't quite as lucky. Having the Beastman set on him as swiftly as he did all he could do was raise his arms in defense, yelling in pain as the sharp claws raked through his flesh and clothes. With every one of his four arms wounded the soldier kicked at the Beastman's sternum to make him back off, darting away as blood dripped from the tears in his clothing. Not good, now he could be tracked by scent much easier than before. Wincing as he looked to his wounds the soldier reached into his pack, withdrawing a small container of gel and hurriedly began to apply it to the wounds to help them heal. In the meantime the other two soldiers darted in again, weaving between one another to try and confuse Viral.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t think he was weak, but it was easily difficult to believe in himself when others always thought he was. He was always told he was weak by others that weren’t his friends and if they saw him as weak then maybe he was, but he wasn’t in that instance, surely. He hurt his head really badly and for that to happen he must’ve been caught off-guard. Frowning when the General only picked on him further for what he said he let out a brief huff, rubbing his arms. “I wasn’t focusing very well, but I could had killed them all if I lost control! I’m stronger than I look…way stronger!” He didn’t want to end up arguing with the General so he moved back, holding his arms.

T’charrl saw no reason why the General would want to tease his friends, but it was definitely a call to show he was in control and he wasn’t going to let him kick him or his friends around. He had no authority here so there was nothing he could truly do other than try to make fun of them or maybe tease them. Moving forward he stood tall, flexing his claws at his sides. “Nothing has happened. I simply need to know a few things you’ve made not too clear”, he spoke up calmly, staring down at him, “I know about your methods now and why you tried to take control of one of the ancient spirits. Why can’t it remember where it belonged? Where did you take it from? What you did to it is abduction and torture to an individual not affiliated with the war, possibly further piling on your already hefty sentence. What did you do to it to force it under your will and into your serum for injection?”

Viral was trying to keep his cool but their forceful attacks to subdue him kept pulling his focus away and his concentration diminishing as a result. It couldn’t come down to this, losing control because of some annoying aliens. The worst part about it was they had more limbs to grab him with so three attackers were suddenly six with these guys being warriors themselves. Trying to keep on his feet his legs were wide apart and almost collapsing in before he managed to throw his attackers off, throwing his claws around to try and tear one apart. Managing to slice one of the aliens open he raised his other set of claws but was kicked back and prevented from finishing his attack. He was already feeling disorientated as a feeling of dread from losing and memories of being captured again coming back to him. If they wanted to kill him they would’ve been using weapons but instead they were trying to grab hold of him and push him to the ground to prevent movement. Finding it hard to concentrate as his mind fogged up he kept trying to reach for his scouter to radio in for assistance, the blurring images in front of him hardly helping his focus as he swung his other paw around to try and keep them away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi was having a really hard time not walloping the General, only finally staying back because Shu was in the room too. Seriously, where did a jerk in his position get the idea he could talk like that? He had no power and he'd been beaten, at this point it was just sad he was trying to act like a hotshot. Of course in his usual single-mindedness he didn't consider even for a second that the General may be trying to instigate him, or Shu for that matter. Glaring at the guy one last time he looked over to his brother as he was teased. bristling angrily before forcing himself to walk back to the door. It was one thing to talk about him like that, but bringing Shu or his friends into it was totally unacceptable. Reaching out and putting a hand on the younger boy's shoulder he forced a smile, shaking his head before gesturing over his shoulder to the hall. "He's not worth it, he's just some has-been that likes his own voice too much. Come on, let's wait in the hall." They weren't going to be far at all really, just on the other side of the door. If Takeshi had to keep looking at the General's sorry excuse for a mug though he'd probably snap again, so it was best for everyone that he step out. Well he'd let Shu do as he pleased, but Takeshi was stepping out to relax before he knocked some heads in.

"Ah... So you've got questions then? And please, tell me why I would ever bother sharing any information with you," Garesh asked, his smile waning as he looked at T'charrl sternly. "I certainly have no allegiance to you, nor do I have any desire to help you. My position remains the same whether I share the information or not, only you benefit from it. And our people remain under your family's singular rule, nothing changes for the better, so I see no reason to divulge anything to you." Shaking his head the General sat back down on his bed, letting out a yawn of boredom before he rubbed his face against his shoulder. Besides, even if he did wish to answer all of that he truly did not have it all on hand right now, much of what he knew was through the notes of his subordinates. If T'charrl truly wished to learn about what he'd done then he would chase after his men, not him. "I'll tell you what though... You and your friends did give me a little entertainment, so I suppose I should be generous and reward you for that much," Garesh continued, smiling as he leaned forward some, "You ask why I tried to take control of the spirit? Why I would seek more power to further my own goals? Honestly boy I knew you were not that bright but come on, the answer is right there. I took the power because it was needed, that's all. With that power I would stand unopposed, and our people could at last be truly united, and we could be rid of your damned lineage. As for where I took it from..." Garesh chuckled, shaking his head as he leaned back against the wall once more, "Read my notes, it's bound to be in there somewhere. You can read, can't you?"

Vegeta debated for a while bringing a vial with him, but ultimately decided against it. While highly unlikely Viral would have an immediate reaction to the cure there was always a chance for the unexpected, so best to take as many precautions as possible. At any rate fetching the Beastman wasn't the only thing he had in mind, there was the matter of recalling the brothers and T'charrl too. What a bothersome bunch, clearly going out past the instilled curfew in spite of his saying earlier. Yes they had informed him of their reason, going to see the General, but it could wait until tomorrow too, it wasn't as if the man was going anywhere. The curfew was more of a precaution than anything too, just to be safe in a potentially hostile environment. As he neared the exit of the ship Vegeta figured he might as well call them, have them start heading back and hopefully see them here before long. Before he had the chance to patch through to anyone something came in on his end, what he could only describe as heavy breathing coupled with the sound of someone grunting and being struck. It was much too deep to be either of the boys, or T'charrl for that matter, so then it must have been... "Viral!" Cursing beneath his breath Vegeta broke into a run, heading for the exit as swiftly as he could.

For someone who was scarcely able to stand Viral was putting up a fair defense against the Kaesstrians; lethal force was out of the question, and injuring their mark would be detrimental, so that played a small part in the difficulties too. With one man out of the fight for a moment trying to recover it fell to only two to battle the Beastman, and that didn't make their odds any better really. In an effort to try and tackle their target to the ground one of the soldiers was instead met with a heavy swing to the side of his head, tumbling off to the right and rolling across the ground in a daze. The leader had managed to avoid getting struck, trying to return the favor and land a hard punch into Viral's chest to wind him and get him off guard. If that was blocked then he'd use his other two arms to try and do the same, it was one nice thing of having four of them. "Just come with us quietly damn you," he hissed, taking a swing at Viral, "Stop resisting, it's useless."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu wasn’t too confident with being around this man but he was hoping to stand up for his friend if he needed it, but luckily he didn’t and it was going to be a fairly calm meeting. T’charrl was remaining calm and didn’t need help while Takeshi had cooled down, his eyes going to his brother to analyse his emotions through his body language. It was nice that he was being so direct with standing up for him and his friend but it wasn’t something he was supposed to do and did manage to make the guards angry. Giving him a little smile back, he looked to the door before sighing. “Okay…I’ll wait with you”. Looking to his friend he soon turned towards the door, slowly moving out just incase he made his friend nervous by going too suddenly. He was sure he wasn’t going to change or anything around the General, feeling confident in his friend even when the man he was talking to was a real jerk.

T’charrl didn’t really want his friends leaving but if they wanted to then they were allowed to. He wasn’t just going to end up begging for them to come back in just because he was a little nervous and worried about himself. It wasn’t his decision to have them hanging around and they didn’t need to come if they didn’t want to so he wasn’t going to force them to be near him. Looking to them as they made their leave he frowned as he looked back to the General, the man being as nasty as ever in his response. Folding his arms he stared at Garesh, narrowing his eyes slightly before hissing slightly. “Why would you having power unite people? Where’s the logic in that?” he spoke up, stepping forward, “You are no better than the enemies of my friends with that failed logic. My family trained to gain the power we have now while all you wanted to do was take it without effort. Your notes are what concern me, though…such as where they are. You wouldn’t just leave them lying around and you destroyed most of your little secret lab. There’s also the issue that I’ll probably be finding it hard to believe you considering who you are…”

Viral couldn’t keep up with what was happening to him, his head swirling and his mind unable to focus on anything that was going on around him. He didn’t know how to do anything to help it and these guys were not helping him recover from his mental attack from earlier. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do and was quickly losing focus on his surroundings, even trying to contact someone on the scouter was proving to be extremely difficult. He managed to get his claw to the button but as he continued to stare at the flashing images, his eyes struggling to keep up with what was going on. Swiping a paw out he managed to get one of the soldiers away from him but was immediately punched hard in the chest, grunting as he let go of the scouter before throwing his claws around but was outmatched by another multi-hit. Falling back as he finally lost his footing he growled as he instead flipped onto his front, looking like he was trying to stand again. His mind was far away from where he was now, his body in pain but not because of the aliens. Trying to get up he was struck again, keeping on his hands and knees as he struggled to move.

He couldn’t even think straight anymore as his mind was tossed around with his body, the voice of the Kaesstrian getting through to him and his broken mentality. All that was running through his mind now was images that he had forced out for so long. The Saiyans throwing him around when he was weakened, beating him when he didn’t do what they told him to do, telling him to stop resisting their experiments as they forced energy into him or tortured him with painful experiments. He struggled to differentiate it from what was happening to him now, the images refusing to leave his head and building up inside him. Grabbing hold of his head he growled in pain, energy sparking out of him before he suddenly threw his fist around at the alien, practically shouting in anger and pain as a burst of electrifying uncontrolled energy shot out through his arm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi had no desire to leave T'charrl alone with that creep, but if he kept in the cell he was going to bash the guy's face in. It was bad enough he'd ordered his men to kill them, but to gloat and tease about it afterwards? It blew his mind that their friend was keeping his cool in all this, it was definitely something he couldn't manage. After sending one more glare in Garesh's direction he stepped out of the room, leaning up against the outside wall and folding his arms across his chest tightly. Definitely need to going to blow off steam after this, he thought to himself, letting out a lengthy sigh. "So... When we get back to the ship I'm thinking we'll clean up, then time for bed," Takeshi began, trying to get his mind off of the matter at hand, "I think we've got some movies with us from Earth too, want to try watching one before bed?" Come to think of it he had no clue whatsoever what he wanted to watch, let alone what Shu may like. Television or movies were never really his thing so he hadn't the faintest idea what was good or not. Presumably only worthwhile stuff had been brought along, but then again knowing his luck he'd find the one crappy movie you'd turn off five minutes in. "We can grab some fruit, sit in bed and watch, how's that sound?"

"For the very same reason your mother is powerful, and why you now have power; those with power are revered, people follow those with power. They trust someone who can protect them and will obey what they say, that is why I needed power. Alone I couldn't defend our entire kingdom, but with that spirit's energy..." He'd have been unstoppable, easily the most powerful of their race. Of course it wouldn't just have stopped at his own kingdom either, he'd make sure every kingdom was under one common idea, and never again would there be a war between kingdoms. In order to achieve the greater good some unsavory decisions may need to be made along the way, but that was something Garesh was willing to contend with. Looking at T'charrl amused as he was doubted the General let out a curt laugh, placing his hands in his lap and folding one leg over another. "And why, pray tell, would I bother lying? What do I have to gain from doing so? Nothing. And besides, you losing that power would only benefit me in the long run, so by that logic I would be more than happy to help you relinquish it. If you wish to be rid of the spirit then I can assist you in that much... Otherwise we've nothing to discuss. As for the location of my notes... Well, I would imagine someone would have picked them up after my defeat. Ask around, I'm sure someone here can point you to them."

They had him, or so it seemed, at the very least Viral had been brought to his knees. Something appeared to be wrong with the target but the soldiers didn't concern themselves with that, focusing only on subduing and taking away their mark. Kicking the Beastman in the back and trying to pin him the leader frowned, becoming annoyed that Viral was still trying to get back to his feet. "I said it's pointless, just surrender... We don't want to waste any more time on this." Right then, time to get this matter over with. Reaching into his pack the Kaesstrian pulled out a pair of cuffs, gesturing for his subordinate to grab the Beastman's arms and bound them. At that moment Viral began to growl, making all three soldiers look at him confused, then alarmed as energy began spiking off of him. "Grab him, hurry!" No sooner had that left the leader's lips did he watch his ally take a point blank blast, the energy tearing clean through the other man's chest and racing up above the trees before ultimately blowing up. A temporary, eerie silence fell over the area as there was a gagging noise before the soldier crumpled, falling into a bloody heap on the ground. Jumping away hastily from Viral the leader drew his sword, eyes darting between his dead companion and their target. "Damn you! Sanjin, draw your blade!" A sudden rush of air, what was that? Stumbling slightly the leader turned his head, eyes widening seeing the aforementioned Kaesstrian on the ground, a figure looming over him. Gripping his sword angrily he turned, dashing at the newcomer furiously.

Vegeta had only a second to decide what to do, whether he should try and get Viral to safety or attempt to end this fight. Chances were he couldn't get the Beastman inside with three enemies nearby, so they would have to finish things first. Still stood at the door he froze when an all too familiar growling caught his ears, and he was made to watch helplessly as one of the Kaesstrians was literally blown away from Viral. There was no questioning his moves now, he needed to either defeat the soldiers or at the very least make them flee, then contend with Viral. Reaching up to his scouter he hastily pushed the button, uttering the words "Yumi, outside, now." before dashing out of the door. He went for the furthest man first, easily catching him off guard and delivering a bone-shattering hit to his throat spinning him head over heels and leaving him laying on the ground motionless. It didn't take long for the other one to react to that, coming at him with a nasty looking blade in hand. Vanishing with an afterimage Vegeta returned to Viral's side, standing over the Beastman uneasily. He had to stop this before Viral went berserk, and the only way he could think of doing so was to knock the Beastman out. "Sorry Viral..." he mumbled, reaching down and using the broad side of his hand to hit his friend in the back of the neck. Watching as he fell to the ground he looked back at the Kaesstrians, astonished to find all three, even the dead one was already gone. Some retreat, but what in the hell had that been about? Damn it all... This wasn't good, things had just taken a turn for the absolute worse.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t know if he should be leaving his friend alone and was feeling a little worried that he might end up feeling sad over their abandoning of him but he will hopefully be okay soon. He was a little confused over everything that happened himself, finding it difficult to understand whether he really was weak or not. If his friends couldn’t answer him on the subject then he wasn’t going to get one that wasn’t full of hate too. He did want to ask someone about it that wasn’t hostile but maybe it would have to be someone like Vegeta since he was often fairly honest. Pressing his fingers together he looked to Takeshi when he spoke to him, giving a little nod before tilting his head curiously. He didn’t know what movies were but they must’ve been a fairly pleasant experience if this was Takeshi’s idea of winding down at the end of the day. “Movies? Umm, o-okay. I don’t know what those are, though. I would like some nice time with you”, he spoke, giving a little nod, “I’m not sure I know a lot from your world…I mean, yours is still different from the jungle and it’s only been a few years now…”

T’charrl was definitely feeling rather nervous at this point as he stared down the General by himself now, not feeling too sure to whether he was going to be able to get the information he wanted now if he let his own frustration get to him. Glaring at him he clasped his claws together, stretching them as the General tried to make his excuses for achieving the energy. “Well you won’t be ‘defending’ anything now. My family will defend this kingdom and I will defend the entire planet. Is that something you would had dreamed of too? To subjugate the entire world under your rule? You mistake defending the people with ruling them with an iron fist with a power that should remain forbidden to people like you”. The man knew nothing about the power if he thought it was good for defending when he was capable of thinking levelling a city was a good way to kill one person. Listening to the General he frowned at his logic over giving him the information, looking down at himself. He hadn’t decided whether he wanted rid of it or not so who was he to assume something like that. “Then who would had taken them?? Not everyone knew you were doing this, even in your little army! Was it that little rebellious following you have on the outside? You’re being awfully dismissive over something so important to your work. I don’t want another one of you popping up on this planet…”

Viral could see nothing that was not causing him horrible mental pain or forcing him to relive the torture of the past, the images forcing their way into his head. The Kaesstrians looked no better than the Saiyans that forced him under their rule, looking like demons to him as they tried to force him under their rule. With his mind crumbling and everything threatening to destroy him he had no other way to react other than to immediately rebel and force his fist out, his energy escaping in a massive destructive force that tore its way through one of the Kaesstrians. Energy continued to course through his body for a moment and burn the ground as it conducted, only calming down after a few seconds as Viral grabbed his head. His eyes glowed with escaping energy, his mind struggling to contain it as he turned to the Kaesstrians again. Snarling angrily he raised his shaking claws up he was soon forced to lower them again as the sudden appearance of Vegeta startled him, his foot collapsing to the side. Looking ready to throw his claws at Vegeta he let out a pained grunt as he was struck in the back of the neck, collapsing in a dazed heap. His body still leaked energy but not as much as before, his claws twitching with each flow of energy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Movies...? Well they're... It's kind of like television I guess, but longer. And... I don't know, maybe we won't do movies, I wouldn't even know what we would watch." Horror, comedy, or maybe action? Hell he wouldn't know one movie from another really, the best Takeshi would be able to do is glance at the box and take a guess. "Maybe we'll just go play a bit, yeah? In fact we should talk to Vegeta about getting those trees put into the ship, you know? Then you can climb trees and swing and stuff all you want. It'd be nice not to just be stuck in a metal room with nothing in it all the time. And about my world... It's kind of hard to show you that, we travel too much," he added, smiling slightly as he shrugged his shoulders, "My world kind of sucks, you don't want that. But I'll gladly show you other things if you want buddy. Like I said before, you only have to ask me and we'll do it." Maybe once Viral was better and T'charrl too they could go back home, really get into the thick of it so Shu could experience all there was to experience. Chance was it was likely a load of little stuff Takeshi would never even give second thought that his brother may want to see, meaning they were probably going to be picking and choosing ideas on the fly.

Garesh smiled amused as T'charrl tried to reject his ideas, enjoying how the Prince, in his mind, had his words so horribly twisted and wrong. "You act as though I would subjugate everyone and be cruel, that's not true though. To unite everyone and create a common power some decisions must be made, some that are not always favorable. I sought power, you seek compromise, two ends but the same goal. We both wanted what's best for our people in the end, but I suppose your ideals won out over mine," the General said, shrugging as he let out a bored yawn, "That's not to say mine are any worse than yours. I can respect that your goal is to help Kaesstra, but your methods are too passive, they'll take too long. If another war were to break would you use this passivity to stop it? Or would you use force? Tell me then... If there was to be another fight, if you had reason to fear a coming war... Would you try to strike preemptively?" He was not insane, the others just couldn't understand his mindset. He was a warrior, all he knew was war, so preparing and defending against it was all he knew. If a few eggs had to be shattered in order to preserve the whole nest then so be it. His vagueness concerning his work seemed to frustrate T'charrl, a fact that made Garesh laugh as he eyed the Prince steadily. "My work means nothing to me in here, and it can and will be duplicated by another, you can count on that. If you think I am the only person to ever have sought this power then you are naive, child. But ask my former subordinates, look around my lab, my old research stations, there's plenty of information. Honestly, it's as though you've put no thought into this before storming down here."

Blast it all, what in the world had that been about? This was precisely the reason the curfew had been put in place, and now Viral was suffering for the very reason Vegeta had feared. To think that bastard's men were still loyal to him, even after all of this mess; there was no time to be angry or seek revenge, matters were becoming worse by the second. Another partial transformation or even the slightest mishap could complicate Viral's condition immensely, and it appeared as though something may have begun. There was no helping it then, they had to leave Kaesstra and find Namek, regardless of how far it may be. Placing a hand on his scouter he opened up the universal channel, coming in on everyone's in the group who had it handy, "Listen, we've got to leave Kaesstra, now. Viral's been attacked and I fear his situation isn't very good. Anyone not on the ship report back immediately, we leave as soon as the last person gets onboard." Vegeta nearly said they would leave in an hour, but he had to try and remain calm and not run off blindly. They still didn't know where Namek was nor how to find it, so realistically leaving in a hurry now was a moot point. Turning off his scouter he let out a sharp cuss, turning his head as the door behind him opened up. "Yumi, thank goodness. Give me a hand with Viral, quickly, we've got to get him into one of the tanks."

"What happened to him...?" Yumi asked, frowning as she hurried over to her friend's side. Taking one of Viral's arms she placed it on her shoulders, helping him up with Vegeta's aid as they turned to the door. Not getting an immediate response she glanced over at her friend, eyebrows pulling together in concern seeing the worried expression on his face. He never looked so uneasy, even when things were so obviously bad to the rest of them. What in the world had they done to Viral? Reaching out and getting the door back open she led in first, hurrying on inside with Vegeta fast in tow. Thinks had just been steadying out too, why did this have to happen now? Vegeta was close to the solution they needed last she checked, things were supposed to be getting better now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was trying to understand what Takeshi was saying, thinking through all the things he had taught him overtime and what there was still missing from his understanding of life. He heard of the television from all that time ago but didn’t fully understand it either, just some of the things were fake and more like moving stories. Maybe that’s what it was in his logic for calling it a movie, something that moves but isn’t real and just to be told with visuals. Scratching his head curiously he squeaked a little, smiling at Takeshi. “We can watch anything. I want to see what it is!” He really wanted to learn a lot about Takeshi’s world and if that was even just a small part of what could be considered fun to do then he’d do it. He wasn’t that tired just now, he had the nap earlier with his biggest worry only being if there was a moon and it possibly being full. He didn’t like being up when it was dark because of that reason, but his sleep schedule had been so disrupted by all the travel and naps that he was ending up awake at night. “It doesn’t suck. It only sucks because you’re used to it! You may not like my world, but there may be others who would because it’s different to them. Your world is different and I want to know more about it, lots more…”

T’charrl couldn’t deny he was paranoid over the General’s decisions but to have him actually think him having power and not going mad with it was possible then he was not going to get the chance to put up a proper argument. He saw what he did when he had it and how he acted so giving him a chance to explain himself and try to convince him he was in the right was not going to work. “To try and kill my family is not uniting everyone. Without my family, the sacred tree would die out and the forest in this entire area would die, for one! You only disliked us because we hold power that we earned and actually care for our people! Did you finding out I had this power naturally piss you off so much that you tried to torture it out of me?” T’charrl was getting pretty annoyed at this point but he was still managing to hold his anger back over the man, luckily for him and everyone else. His next question confused him, however, being asked what he would do in a war situation compared to what he had experience with. He would never try to use fear to get the enemy to stop, but it still made him confused. Grunting lightly when the General laughed he frowned a little at his words, feeling like he was being made out to be an idiot. “Plenty of thought was put into this trip! Where would your subordinates be hiding?? If they have that information in hand they’d only be placed in further trouble, endangering themselves! You say that as if my father’s soldiers never looked for them while I was away! You said before that you despised me, but you’re awfully passive about me being here…like you want me to leave faster…”

Viral was stunned for now but he was still having all the same reactions as he did when he was standing, his mind only temporary blinded and the voices subdued for now as if a filter was placed over them. Even with his chest battered repeatedly it wasn’t as bad as the pain he was feeling before he was forced into unconsciousness. Even when he had a strong body his inability to prevent the attacks had really killed his ability to resist them, leaving him with a fair impact injury on his chest. Splayed out on the ground still he could only faintly hear another voice through the ringing in his ears, everything else remaining in a shock of white and fuzzy images. Despite being stunned he winced when Yumi took his arm, gasping lightly when Vegeta took his other. He was still in incredible pain despite being stunned as his body sparked out tiny bursts of energy every so often.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Earned? By inheriting it, right? You're so young I don't expect much more out of you, but you think you earned your power? How do you imagine your family came into power all those years ago, hm? Generations before your mother they beat another group, another family, another clan. They killed them for the right to rule, and now you're in power. It is okay that your family has done such a thing, but for someone else to assume power it's terrible, yes? Do you see how flawed your logic is child? The only person who earns the right to rule is the one who can best protect their people and serve them. Without this energy you took from me you aren't capable of that, nor is your mother or father. I had the key to our people's security, and our race's prosperity and you stole it from me. And if you must know I did not torture you to try stealing your power, that would have been impossible. The torture was to test what the power could do, to see the resilience it granted someone. I've seen with my own eyes what a difference it makes, how strong a ruler I could have been with it. You see it as wrong because it's yours, and by the same logic no one else should have it. Isn't what I'm doing then less selfish than you, who refuses to relinquish his power or position?" T'charrl could think his position was justified and in the right all he wanted, but there were two sides to every coin. Someone had died for his family to come into power, as was the natural progression of things. It was obvious by his own ability to start a civil war and have it run for so long that Eslaria couldn't possibly defend their people from another kingdom, nor could her son for that matter. He needed to be the one at the helm, not them. Smiling amused as the Prince was quite annoyed with him at this point Garesh chuckled again, at last going to lie down on the bed in his cell. "They wouldn't know all of my hideouts, only my men would. I've given you enough to work with boy, now leave. I'm missing my nap because of all of your prattling."

Takeshi wasn't sure what to do when they got back, only that he wasn't super tired yet and willing to play a little. Shu would be more than fine with whatever he picked most likely but he still wanted to make sure it was something good. "Really, you're up for watching movies? Well alright then, we'll see what we have when we get back," he said with a smile, "Don't be too upset if we can't find anything good though. If you're going to watch a movie I want to make sure it's worthwhile." As if he even knew what any of them would be, he'd probably have to ask for someone else's opinions. Saying his world sucked wasn't necessarily referring to the current status quo, but where he had been and what he'd done. Far be it from him to correct Shu though and possibly get the little guy down, he seemed to be getting in a good mood now. Rolling his eyes amused Takeshi gave a nod, reaching out and ruffling his brother's hair, "Fine, I'll show you all sorts of stuff. I'll make sure you get to try all the fun things there is to do, and we'll visit all sorts of places when we get back to Earth. Hell, I'll even take you to a playground, I bet you'd like that..." He'd have kept talking from there had his scouter not beeped to life then, prompting Takeshi to frown in confusion as he listened in; confusion turned to shock, then worry as he looked down at Shu. How had Viral been attacked, and by what? "Shit... T'charrl! We've gotta go, Viral's hurt!" he called, grabbing Shu's arm and poking his head in the door, "I swear, if you had anything to do with this you creep I'll kill you, I don't care what the Queen says."


Getting Viral into the tank hadn't been an easy matter, certainly not with energy sparking off him and the occasional thrash. With a little fighting Vegeta and Yumi had managed to get the Beastman into healing tank, where at the very least he'd be kept relatively healthy for the time being. With his condition as bad as it was however they needed to get Viral cured, no more delays or meandering around; Namek was somewhere out there, and while they may not have the exact location it needed to be found yesterday. Vegeta would do what he could for the time being, implanting the cells intravenously in order to try and get the recovery process started. It wouldn't heal his friend and he knew that, but it was all that could be done for the time being. Sitting in the room with the healing tanks he glanced over at Viral's sleeping form, letting out a weary sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. As of right now the crew in the cabin were checking maps and coordinates, trying to triangulate wherever Namek might be. None of them had ever been there and evidently no one present had any semblance of an idea where they might find it. Bleak was a fair way to describe the situation at current, and Vegeta worried it would only get worse the longer they were stuck wandering about aimlessly.

Man, what a crappy way to leave Kaesstra. They had just been getting close to helping out T'charrl too when this happened, the timing really couldn't have been worse. Takeshi was honestly expecting their friend to stay back and sort his own business out, but instead the guy came along with them to Namek. Or... They would be going to Namek if they had any idea whatsoever of where it might be. They had to leave in a rush since Viral's condition had gotten worse, but now that they were actually space bound they were made to face the fact they hadn't the faintest idea even where to go. If they couldn't get Viral help soon... Well, Vegeta hadn't been overly optimistic when discussing their friend's case with everyone. Whatever had happened to him before they left it did some damage and triggered something, something that worried Vegeta quite a bit. "Dammit... He'd better not die... He can't die..." Takeshi mumbled, frowning as he leaned forward and laid his arms over his lap, "I still have to fight him... He'd better not do something selfish and die on us..." How were they even going to help him though? They were in space but that was as far as they were getting, no one knew where the place they had to be was. Hopefully Vegeta had a plan B, otherwise things might get really crappy really fast.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu gave Takeshi a smile back, feeling fairly happy that Takeshi was wanting to do things with him that didn’t involve just talking or trying to please him with playtime. He wanted to see what Takeshi did in his spare time and if he liked watching these movies then he would happily watch them with him, especially if it meant he was going to have fruit with it. He didn’t much care for that, especially when he saw it as an opportunity to relax with his brother for once. “I don’t mind. I want to know what it’s like. I just want to know more”, he smiled, raising his shoulders when Takeshi ruffled his hair. Things were going to get better somehow, he was sure of it; however, despite getting all happy and hopeful of the future he gasped when Vegeta called through the scouter, hardly expecting it to spring into life. He really didn't understand what was going on but he was immediately trying to recover his hearing by the time Takeshi was shouting. Yelping when he was grabbed he had no choice but to follow through, looking up at him before to his friend.

T’charrl was definitely finding it hard to keep his cool around this man when all he could do was question his family’s heritage and traditions, especially when it was so long ago. What he did was the now and not what happened in the past, especially when what happened in the past had been going on for generations. This man had no right to question his heritage, especially after what he did. Glaring at him he tried to keep his cool, especially when it was much too difficult to keep in control of his power when he got stressed. Listening to his reasoning he hissed through his teeth. “Relinquish? I was born into this position and my power was not stolen like you tried to do! What makes you think I am selfish when I never had a choice?? I am the one who will lead our people into a better future and I gladly accept that challenge! You can just sit there and watch the world pass by!” Not a moment too soon had Takeshi immediately called his name, looking around immediately before back to the General, glaring at him before he turned around. “I’m coming. I was done here, anyway…”


Viral could’ve said he had it worse if he was able to, but the tank deadened his nerves and gave him slight relief from his constant pain. He was still trying to fight what was happening to him with the cells implanted into him giving temporary relief from the struggle, but nothing changed. His body was still the same and while the sparks of energy had calmed down he still twitched and struggled with what was going on in his head. Sleeping for him was proving to be too difficult to accomplish, even just trying to relax was a completely difficult experience that only proved to give him mental suffering. It was a forced sleep and never a good option when struggling for sleep. He only did what he thought was right and was now suffering for it, his inability to control his pride probably costing him his health.

Shu didn’t really know what was going on but he was happy that they were going to get his fried help finally, especially when he hadn’t improved since being on Kaesstra. Maybe he had been able to relax a bit but his condition wasn’t getting any better, seeing how he wasn’t getting back to normal and still not eating with them. He was a little sad over his friend but he was trying to not let it get to him. He was more worried over his friend T’charrl with how he came out of the prison, only taking a brief time to say bye to his parents before returning to the ship. His friend was pretty dedicated to helping them out but he didn’t get the help he needed and that made him a little upset. He knew how much his friend wanted to find control and he still didn’t have it. At least he was going to be able to keep in touch with his parents better now that his nerves had calmed over what he looked like sometimes, but it still made him sad when he had to leave so soon. They really should had been trying to help him more, but unfortunately when they were so close to an answer their other friend’s suffering was slowly starting to lead to possibly his death. Sitting around with Takeshi he wiggled his toes as Takeshi mumbled angrily to himself, Shu kept himself calm by thinking positively, smiling at Takeshi. “Mister Viral will be okay! I’m sure he will be! Mister Viral is very strong, he’s not too different, right? Not yet, at least. I mean…friend will fight you soon”, he spoke slowly, trying to think through it all before he scratched his head quickly, “Do you only want to fight him? I mean…there’s more maybe, yes? I don’t know what Mister Viral does, though…”

T’charrl had gone back to his room for now, not feeling too confident in himself. While he was a little upset that he had to leave so quickly his biggest problem was he was no closer to knowing what he was supposed to do with his power, especially when he didn’t know if he wanted rid of it or not. He was scared of becoming no better than the General, but with the power he could protect the spirit and his people. He would no longer be vulnerable even if he knew how to use Ki, the spirit wouldn’t be disturbed again and he could continue to be near unstoppable in battle. What the General said was really getting to him, tearing his mind apart as he grew confused to what he actually wanted to do and what he was. His parents were very supportive, they didn’t care what he looked like and travelling briefly made him feel more confident about finding his form; however, all the stress the General caused him and his worry that he somehow managed to cause their friend suffering was really starting to get to him. That attack was probably meant for him and instead he ran off to a dead end only to be mentally kicked around by the General. Struggling to keep himself together he paced around his room, trying to force himself to calm down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was really hard thinking that Viral could be in some seriously dire straits here. Sure the guy might be stubborn, and a pain in the neck, maybe he had no sense of humor whatsoever but Takeshi still considered him amongst his friends. Even with their rocky start he was more than willing to look past that, finding that even if he and the Beastman didn't get along famously they still had some kind of understanding, at least he liked to think so. Imagining the idea that Viral may not be around much longer if they couldn't get help was... Well it wasn't nice. Rubbing his hands together as he grumbled a little under his breath his eyes shifted over to Shu, brow furrowing as his brother questioned him. "More...? What do you mean more...?" the older boy asked, frowning as he contemplated the question. Was Shu asking if he wanted more from Viral than to just fight him? Okay, maybe he'd considered just spending a bit of time with the guy here and there, get to know him a little better. He seemed pretty alright, grumpiness aside, and hanging out might not be the worst thing. Realizing his own line of thinking Takeshi's face reddened, making him huff as he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back in his seat. "I mean... Sure, maybe. I want the guy to be okay, you know? 'Cuz he's our friend and all, and... And I still need my lessons!" There was more to it though, even if he tried to deny it. If Shu was able to figure that much out then who was he fooling other than himself? Looking down at the floor he smiled slightly, shrugging his shoulders before giving his head a rub. "I mean... I really hope the guy is going to pull through and all. I hope he gets better."

Yumi had no idea what to do with herself right now, not since Vegeta was busy focusing on work with Viral. The twins were training, Kabocha was actually taking cooking lessons of all things, and Shu and Takeshi were off in their room doing who knows what. She had no idea where Haku had run off to, but figured he would probably not be thrilled with her company even if she did show up. There was one person she was forgetting though, someone she hadn't spent hardly any time with as of late. What was T'charrl doing now anyways? It seemed a bit selfish, going to him just because she was lonely, but maybe he was too. Why not fix both their problems and spend a bit of time together? It seemed like ages since they really sat down and talked, perhaps he wouldn't mind spending a bit of time with her; thinking about Viral had her all anxious, and without even really noticing it she had been scratching at her arm anxiously for a while, small red marks appearing on her forearm as a result. So where was T'charrl's room again, right by the brothers' right? She was in the right corridor, having debated on dropping by the boys before opting to give them alone time. Looking up and down the hall curiously she frowned, having no idea whatsoever where exactly his room was. Shutting her eyes Yumi listened in as closely as she could, trying to pick up any sounds over the otherwise deafening silence. The first things she heard were Shu and Takeshi's voices, and after that the sound of someone's feet scraping against the tiled floors. That had to be T'charrl, who else? Smiling hopefully Yumi followed the noise all the way to the door, giving the air a sniff and nodding confidently upon recognizing his scent. "T'charrl? Uh... Mind if I come in?" she asked through the door, "I just want to chat."
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