Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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The Kaesstrian gave a little nod, smiling slightly as if trying to lead Takeshi into the right way of thinking, “Y-Yes, he’s okay…I mean, he’s not going to feel very well when he changes back”, she spoke, frowning a little before looking to T’charrl, “He was hurt pretty badly, but he’ll get better”. He didn’t want them to worry over their friend, but it would be worrying already if T’charrl changed back and he wasn’t moving a ton. The hope that the energy he absorbed would had helped him get stronger had dwindled when all of this happened, seeing how T’charrl didn’t know how to control the flow of Ki too much yet and instead managed to do this.

Feeling a little worried about the whole ‘T’charrl snapping out’ thing, the Kaesstrian rubbed its claws together and gave a little nervous smile at Takeshi, managing to look a little concerned at Takeshi’s request, “Umm, s-sure. It’s such a strange question, I mean…the dead are well respected by my people and bringing them back from the dead…? How strange”, it spoke, tapping its chin thoughtfully. It had never heard of such a strange request, but if that was what they wanted they would have to wait a while anyway, “I’ll keep it in mind. I don’t know when I can do it, though…I mean, it all depends on T’charrl getting stronger and remaining pure”.

Slowly waving from side to side in the air, letting Takeshi thinking it through was easy enough for him but for itself the whole waiting and letting him think was costing time. For one, T’charrl was still channelling energy and that would eventually run out and two, there was the worry that someone might see what was happening. Watching Takeshi, it gave a little nod before looking back at T’charrl again, “Yes…orbs once used to summon me. They grow and shrink with power, but this is the first time they’ve been attached to someone’s spirit like this”, it spoke before looking back, “I can try to tell him…in a dream…I think. I couldn’t before because I was so weak and sleepy. He’ll need guidance, so please help me along with this. Just reassure him that any change not something to be feared, but a natural part of being a Kaesstrian. He may be used to our kind only going through metamorphosis once, but metamorphosis is one of our greatest gifts. There are many other creatures that go through the same thing. Your kind do too, right? Saiyans…a very strange one too”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

So now they were going to have to get T'charrl healed, that wasn't too bad. So long as their friend was otherwise okay it wasn't a big deal, he supposed. Since he probably couldn't well heal himself they would need another way to go about it. Perhaps stopping by Korin's tower and getting some Senzu beans for the road was a good idea. Even if they just got one to help T'charrl get back on his feet it would be good enough. This strange little critter was turning out to be pretty promising, IF it could do what they needed. If Namek didn't have what they were looking for then this little ghost, or Ancient, whatever it was may be their only chance of bringing Vegeta's parents back. Heck, maybe they could even use a wish to find his and Shu's mother. "We've got plenty of time to do it, so there's no hurry, you know? Just don't forget please, it'd mean a lot to our friends if you could do it." Takeshi wondered if telling the others about this new revelation might be a good idea or not. Maybe it was best they keep it to themselves. It was kind of T'charrl's thing to share if he wanted, plus they didn't know if it would work for certain. No use in telling them they had a way to do it only for it to not work out in the end.

"Yeah, whenever you can tell him would be awesome. I mean, he's been really confused and all, I'd bet he would really want to have some idea what's going on with him. Even if it is natural he still seems really lost." Takeshi doubted that much, no one else on Kaesstra had looked even remotely as their friend did now. It had to be that curious gift the spirit had mentioned before, some lousy gift if it twisted you like that. "Of course we'll help him, we're his friends after all. You don't got to worry there," he added, grinning and giving a thumbs up, "And uh... Metawhat...? Metamorphosis...?" Er... He wasn't so savvy on terms like that, it sounded really technical. Squinting at the spirit puzzled Takeshi shook his head, hefting his shoulders in a shrug with a sheepish smirk. "No clue if we do it too or not. I mean we can change if that's what you mean. When we get stronger we can take different forms, that what that meta-thingy is?" Hmph, kind of funny having a spirit calling them strange. Saiyans were a lot more normal than a ghost, you didn't see too many of them wandering around.

This was a whole lot to take in at once, and now it was going to fall to Takeshi and Shu to keep the secret and help their friend. Maybe they'd tell everyone else, maybe not. Somehow he figured Vegeta's science wouldn't exactly explain this one, so a lot of good he'd be here. "Hey... Since you're still taking power shouldn't you go back or something? The sooner he's out of this trance the sooner we can help him. Plus we've kind of got a schedule to keep..." Which of course meant leaving Earth once more. It had already been a week, it seemed much too soon. If they were to help bring their father down though then staying here much longer would only be detrimental. Much as they didn't get along the rebels needed them, and in turn they needed the rebels for help too. "You got our word we'll help T'charrl get stronger, and you'll be able to do whatever it is you do in no time."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The spirit did hope that these two understood it, even if one of them appeared to be pretty out of it. It was understandable that the younger one would be pretty dazed and a little tired, seeing as how it was his energy this whole situation was running on. The spirit knew it was taken from the child, it could tell where the energy came from and that was some pure energy from him right there. Hoping it hadn’t upset the child too much by doing such a thing, it smiled at Shu whenever he looked up. Takeshi seemed pretty accepting of it in a strange sense of confusion, but it wasn’t a big deal when this whole situation should had been considered a blessing to had happened and some clarity to be brought, “I’ll remember. I remember events from many a millennia ago”, it giggled, “I have evolved as my people have…well, except after what happened to them. I don’t know why it happened…”

Feeling a little sad for a moment, it pressed its claws together before looking back up at Takeshi, giving a little nod of understanding. It couldn’t tell him directly so they’d have to deal with knowing it could only give an answer when he slept. It might freak T’charrl out and have him thinking there were voices in his head rather than have it come to him like in a vision. Tilting its head a little when Takeshi questioned metamorphosis, it giggled a little before moving back towards T’charrl some more, “Metamorphosis is when change happens to a creature’s body, a kind of rapid evolution and a change in body structure. Your kind change into great beasts, for example”, it spoke before sighing, “A Kaesstrian is not always what you see them throughout growth; they start their lives as little soft creatures, like…like a grub on this world. Picking at your planet’s energy sure does grant a lot of information about it, you know. Part of his power is being able to channel energy, I’m sure you’ve come to understand already so I can too”.

Hoping Takeshi was coming to a better understanding of everything, it let out a sigh as it was soon becoming exhausted as the energy was becoming spent. T’charrl was still breathing so that wasn’t a problem, but having his mind stuck like this might be a little tiring for him. Giving Takeshi a nervous smile when it almost sounded as if he was accusing it for hanging around too long, it looked to T’charrl quickly and moved up to the orb on his chest, “Schedule? How odd…ohh, your kind require sleep often? I never thought to pick at that from your brother’s energy!” it spoke, trying to joke around but soon realised it was being too technical, “Umm, but of course…just, please don’t corrupt him like the man who extracted me did. If any corruption does have, make sure it’s temporary”.

Letting out a sigh, it looked up at T’charrl again before slowly moving into the orb, not quite going completely in before it looked back at Takeshi, “He’ll change back, I can’t stop that, so…please don’t scare him”. Hoping T’charrl wouldn’t hurt himself when it returned to him, it slowly vanished as it entered the orbs again to which the entire area became affected too, the grey tone sucking back into T’charrl and the spirits disappearing from sight. As the orbs became dim, T’charrl soon took in a gasp of air and slowly fell forward, causing Shu to make a sudden dash back and falling on his face to which T’charrl followed, slamming into the ground and gradually shrinking back to his still large but more ‘regular’ form.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"A millennium...? Wow... So you must be really old then!" That was a thousand years, right? Takeshi supposed ghosts didn't exactly age so that didn't seem completely unreasonable, but sheesh, a thousand years. He wouldn't know what to do with a hundred, let alone that long, he'd probably go crazy. There was that vague event again, he had no idea what the creature meant by 'what happened'. Considering the time they had left though it was probably best he didn't ask, they could always find out later anyways. This spirit thing was really something else, not to mention it kept using words that he didn't use. The explanation of metamorphosis shed a little light on the situation, and it made Takeshi feel rather silly for not knowing. "Oh, so like our Oozaru forms! Or even our Super Saiyan forms! Okay, that makes sense. Metamorphosis, huh... Probably won't remember that one." If he did though maybe he could wow Vegeta with his scientific speak. Of course the guy probably had an even bigger, more complicated way of saying the same thing that would put his to shame, but he'd try anyways darn it!

"Yeah, we sleep every day for a couple of hours. Why, don't your kind sleep...? I know T'charrl does." He did, right? Or was it more like Viral who just sort of shut down for a while? Oh this was all so confusing, Takeshi had never really learned this much about any other species. It was as confusing as it was interesting, he wanted to know more even if he didn't think he'd understand it all. Getting a bit lost again with how the spirit spoke he smiled, "We won't corrupt him, I already said that didn't I? We're his friends, we'll take care of him as long as he needs it, you've got our word on that." And once he was safe and had his power under control he could go back home to his family and learn to lead just like he wanted. T'charrl had a pretty bright future ahead of him, they were only here to help him along the way. Watching as the spirit began to wane and go back into T'charrl's chest orb the Saiyan was surprised as the scenery reverted back just as suddenly as it had changed. Looking around in bewilderment Takeshi gasped when their friend abruptly collapsed, Shu scrambling to avoid getting smooshed. Looking between his now collapsed brother and friend Takeshi sighed, rubbing at his head exasperatedly. Well, that was over, now what?

First going to Shu's side he eased his brother into a sitting position once more, smiling slightly amused. "I think we need to get some food in you, then it's time for a nap," he said, prodding his brother's forehead gently. "Can you fly or did he take too much energy? I can carry you if you need me to." It would be complicated, though. T'charrl was certainly going to need to be moved as well, he was probably completely out of it. Glancing back at their fallen friend Takeshi held up a finger for Shu to wait, going to the Kaesstrian to help him. He'd changed back at least, meaning he wasn't nearly the unsettling bug monster that he was a moment ago. This form was much more tame, he could handle this. Squatting down beside T'charrl he lifted one of his arms up, slinging it over his own shoulders before easing the Kaesstrian up off the ground. Letting him lean against himself Takeshi smiled at Shu, holding his free hand out to his brother. "At least lean against me, I can help you both... Probably."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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The spirit found Takeshi to be pretty amusing, almost innocent in a way. The boy didn’t know much about its world or people, even things that were present in his own world, but that just made the experience a pretty cute one to encounter. Takeshi was trying to understand how their world worked, even if the knowledge he was picking up was still not fully recognised with some language barrier; it thought it was using the Saiyan’s language, but maybe some words just weren’t known to the boy. It was a little difficult to explain some things, but it was trying hard and did hope he would eventually understand. Giggling a little at the question of sleep, it shook its head quickly, “Not like that! They do sleep, just…not as often as you”, it spoke, smiling, “Kaesstrians live their daily lives in both the daylight and moonlight. They are energised by it, by the energy of our planet. They still hold an affinity to energy even if they can’t harness it physically…but of course, they eventually have to sleep every few days to renew themselves. T’charrl must not have had enough of either lately, so napping is still essential”.

With everything sorted and all of their questions answered, the spirit disappeared into T’charrl again to who had soon collapsed and changed back. He didn’t look so good, but at least he wasn’t giant anymore. Shu had fallen over pretty clumsily, not expecting the giant to fall towards them instead of to the side. Pushing his face up off the ground, he slowly rubbed his head before he was pulled up by Takeshi, shifting his feet around, “Ooohhh…oh dear”, he sighed, looking to Takeshi and giving a little smile when he was prodded, “Ooh! Food…and nap! Umm, I-I can use Nimbus! I can use Nimbus easily, right? I hope Friend T’charrl will be okay…” Shu didn’t want to have to care about himself right now when he was just a little weary.

T’charrl didn’t look out of it, but rather stuck between weary and still in a trance. He wasn’t looking too good, but hopefully he wouldn’t end up freaking out if his mind came back and remembering what happened. Shu didn’t know how his friend would get on after it or how he might react to the Saiyan still being around. Watching Takeshi pick up their friend, he smiled as he took hold of his hand, pulling himself up, “I just need to call Nimbus, but there’s only, umm…one problem...” he squeaked, looking towards the downed Saiyan, “What do we do about him…? I mean, we can’t leave him there…even if he is a-a-a-…a meanie!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"So Kaesstrians get energy from the planet...? Huh... We kind of do that too..." Goku's Spirit Bomb technique worked that way didn't it? Though that was kind of a different concept, and from what Takeshi had seen Kaesstrians weren't exactly gathering power to blow up a planet. Well, maybe the General had been, but he was crazy, he didn't count. Watching the spirit disappear back into their friend he sighed in relief, glad nothing really bad had come of that. When the world around them reverted back to normal T'charrl had promptly collapsed on the ground, as had Shu. Wonderful, he was the only one currently not splayed out in the dirt. Rubbing at his forehead Takeshi first helped his sibling to his feet before returning to his friend, pulling T'charrl up to rest along his own side. "Nimbus won't be a problem, yeah. Call it, we'll go pay Vegeta a visit to make sure T'charrl is okay." A little checkup was probably in order at least seeing as their friend had some minor burns from the Ki blasts. That would be easily fixed up no doubt.

Eh... Takeshi wished Shu had kind of just let that kid be there, he didn't particularly care for the Saiyan. His brother was right though, it wouldn't be proper to just leave him here. Seeing as the boy was more or less abandoned it fell to them to find something to do with him. Well... Killing him wasn't going to happen, and he wasn't sure if they could trust anyone on Earth enough to keep an eye on him. "I guess we're taking him with us, we don't have any other choice," he replied dejectedly. "Really don't want to... But we don't have a lot of choice here." It was either that or leave him in the hands of the rebels, whether that was a good idea or not. Carefully leading T'charrl over Takeshi leaned down, scooping up the Saiyan with his free arm and slinging him over his shoulder. With his arms full he lifted up into the air slowly, making sure he had a firm grip on them. "We're going to Vegeta's, get nimbus and follow me."

That had been one hell of a week leading up to their departure. A party, training and some random Saiyan kid was now part of their group. Overall not a totally miserable time, though the latter certainly complicated things a little. They were going to have to find something to do with him eventually, whether that was hand him over to the Saiyans or the rebels. He was pretty much a brat, this one, wouldn't even tell them his name. Ah well, not that it mattered terribly much. It would be some time until they returned to Earth again after this, probably at least a month or two. After saying their goodbyes to everyone they were back in orbit rather promptly, getting settled before heading out to meet the rebels again. After that... Well Namek, probably. Amongst gods knew how much else they would be doing, time would tell. The battle with Yamate, the king of Saiyans was just on the horizon now, everyone recognized that. Whatever they did now was just a build up to that moment, probably best they use their time wisely.

"Come here Shu!" Time spent wisely was probably *not* playing a game of tag in the training hall. Granted, it was training in a way. Takeshi wanted to see just how fast Shu might be in the air now, still pretty determined he was quicker while flying. A game of tag was the easiest and most enjoyable way to test this theory of his, and he could mask it as a game between brothers. So far he regretted to say his claims weren't holding up nearly as well as he would have liked. So speed on the ground seemed to translate to speed in the air, who would have guessed? Keeping up with Shu, much less catching him was proving to be difficult, and it sort of annoyed him, to a minor degree. Diving for his brother and missing completely Takeshi landed against the wall, hovering along it with his feet flush against the steel as he smiled amused at his brother. "Stop moving around so much and let me get you!"

This was what training was like for the Princes? Looked like a kid's game, how stupid. How two people like them ever got so strong was beyond him. Still... It kind of seemed like fun. He had always been more interested in this kind of thing himself back on Kortal, but everyone else was much too focused on fighting and war. Why should they even be fighting this, they had no reason to. And now the stupid rebels were right on their doorstep and they were probably going to lose the war, and who knows what would happen after that. His parents were both fighting, for whatever reason, probably because they were still loyal to the king. Anyone who abandoned him like that didn't get his loyalty, these Princes and their friends deserved it more. But they too were in this stupid war, fighting for nothing really. Tugging his knees up to his chest tighter he continued to watch them rush about, wondering how long they were going to keep it up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu had the problem of being pretty hungry and tired so walking was a little difficult, he’d probably even need a wash after falling on his face like that. He just hoped that T’charrl was okay, but his concern was definitely going to be directed all to him and none to the guy. He had done nothing to help their situation and he had to experience pain because of him. T’charrl was definitely not going to forgive the kid at all, especially considering T’charrl had probably been trying to hide that aspect of him ever since leaving his homeworld. He now understood why he called himself a monster and what Takeshi’s friends said first time it happened too. Smiling up at Takeshi, he nodded happily, “Mister Vegeta will know what to do! He’ll be alright after that…” he smiled before letting out a sigh, “I hope that guy doesn’t wake up because I don’t feel like dealing with him right now…”

The week had gone by pretty slowly for some and had proven to be pretty busy, but everything that had happened was fairly overwhelming on a few accounts. T’charrl had gotten his rest and checked out by Vegeta, but he had hardly spoken since he transformed. He felt embarrassed and didn’t like the fact that he had managed to cause terror to both Takeshi and the enemy Saiyan, not to mention the Saiyan was now with them under acceptance. He felt really bitter, as if they had just accepted a spy into the group. Not feeling up for company, he sat in his room staring at a mirror as he pressed his claws against his cheek, analysing his face as if finding something wrong with it that nobody else was telling him about.

Shu was pretty happy playing around with Takeshi in the training room, finding it as a good alternative to flying around outside and getting used to it. He didn’t really know how he was supposed to take having the nameless guy down at the bottom watching them, but he was certainly able to ignore him as he flew around trying to get away from Takeshi. He kind of floated around in a strange way, each time getting away from Takeshi with his strange ‘drifting through the air’ technique like there was anti-gravity in the room. It was certainly pretty difficult to catch him, but Shu was having fun nonetheless, “Nooo! You’ll never catch meeee!” he squeaked, floating away with a tumble through the air, rolling around before darting off again, “Fly! Fly! Fly! Weee! I’m fast! Falling fast! Floating fast!”

Viral had spent his week being treated by Ikura some more, but despite a few pep talks and words of encouragement it had been a tough week with medical examinations and medicine being given to him with enough for a full course to calm the nightmares down and hopefully get rid of them with the other continuing to mellow him out a little bit; however, what he was needing to train for did not allow him to mellow out all that well with all things considered. He needed to learn how to control his transformations and discover a completely new one so he may become fully combat viable again. It was embarrassing to have to do this and he didn’t even know where to start, how he was supposed to feel when trying to cause them and whether he really had to be near death for them to happen. He was feeling pretty awkward no matter what with no clue to what he was supposed to do and instead sat around with his arms folded tight, the frustration building as he had no idea how to even start with this task.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Much fun as it was Takeshi was just slightly annoyed he couldn't catch Shu. Not more than a week ago and he hadn't been able to fly, and now he was evading his older brother. It had to be how he moved around, that was it. People normally flew in a pretty predictable way, and they weren't bouncing and swaying about. The way Shu flew his brother would have sworn he was drunk, he was all over the place. It proved to be pretty effective for evading someone, surprisingly enough. "I am going to catch you darn it, just... Hold still!" he shouted back, lunging again. Missing by a wide margin Takeshi flailed his arms a bit as he shot through the air, catching himself comically upside down. Watching Shu float about aimlessly he had to smile, it was nice seeing his brother having so much fun. Bothersome he couldn't keep up, but nice. Righting himself he crossed his legs, floating like that in mid air as he kept an eye on his brother. "You are fast, but there's a lot you don't know how to do still!" he said, smirking as he crossed his arms over his chest. "If you come here I'll show you another technique!" Or he'd more than likely grab the little guy, thus winning in his mind. Heh, Shu would totally fall for it too.

Unfortunately Viral wasn't alone with his sentiments, Vegeta was kind of lost as well. Ikura had explained to the best of his ability how the powers that the Beastman had worked and still it puzzled him. For his friend's sake though he had to try, if nothing else he had to give it some effort. Since the brothers were busy using the training hall as their playroom the pair had taken to the mess hall for their own practice. Tables and chairs were stacked up against the walls to make room, giving them a sizable space to work with. "If Ikura said your powers are like Ki then we only have to figure out how you can find them... Which means some really basic, boring training," Vegeta said, smiling slightly. "It's going to be things similar to what Shu had to do, most likely. Meditation, business like that. I know it's not very exciting, but we have to find these powers before you can even use them." Obvious statements aside they should really figure out what form to seek out first. Viral had taken on two thus far, his dragon form and the feline form. Now, the former he used more often to Vegeta's knowledge, but that didn't necessarily make it easier to draw out. "When you're in either of your forms, you've got to be conscious of it to some degree, right? Would you be able to recognize the sensations that come while being in one?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was having a great time flying around all silly-like while Takeshi tried desperately to catch him, hoping he could keep his brother moving to try and catch him. He wasn’t going to let him pick him up so easily, he wanted to get better at flying and what was better than having a threat chasing you even if it was a friendly one. He didn’t have a good time trying to keep himself straight, but it was working to his advantage and he was able to avoid it all fairly easily as he went flying towards the floor and walls without intentionally meaning to. Giggling away as Takeshi missed him once more, he darted off again and bounced into the wall, staring at Takeshi from a distance before having a giggle again to himself, “Never catch me! I don’t have to be caught by you!” He was certainly having a lot of fun, even when the guy was watching down below. Pushing himself off the wall and allowing himself to float around, he squeaked when Takeshi offered him some more training and immediately turned to him, “Oooh! Another technique??” he squeaked happily before suddenly darting straight to Takeshi pretty fast in his excitement.

T’charrl was feeling pretty conflicted with himself, having a pretty difficult time thinking about leaving his room. He really did look undesirable compared to the others and could see the fear the others would feel upon seeing him, examining his teeth in the mirror thoughtfully. Being told what he had become and what he needed to do was confusing him greatly and making him feel pressurised to do more than what he originally set out to do. Not only did he have to find control, but he had to gather energy, gain great strength and mastery over metamorphosis to find what he sought. Having to think through all of this in his bedroom wasn’t the ideal location, he did better with the energy of his friends around him and could control himself a lot more; however, looking at his current form and remembering the terror in Takeshi’s and the boy’s eyes. Sighing, he lowered the mirror and his head, coming to the conclusion he would just need to practice his language skills rather than do any training to keep his mind distracted.

Viral wasn’t feeling at all confident with this, not even enough to wear his regular clothes with even his scarf at the other end of the room. He didn’t think anything would happen just in this little session, but he still wanted to appear up to it and willing to try. It was his creator’s wish to learn how to use these forms they gave him, but he saw it as pretty impossible so far when he didn’t know what he was supposed to feel for it to activate. He just felt stupid having to stand around like this, trying to feel something he didn’t know how to feel out for in the first place. Staring at Vegeta in annoyance, he huffed and looked away with annoyance, “Did I think it was going to be exciting when I started standing around like this? I don’t even like using ‘boosts to win’”, he grumbled, keeping his arms folded tight, “I don’t feel any different when it happens except for the obvious crap…like power and…being different. Do you even know what I’m supposed to be looking for?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Another failed attempt to snatch Shu left Takeshi mildly flustered, he was really having trouble. His brother was too small, too slippery, and his flying was too erratic to guess where he was going. Plenty of excuses, he didn't want to admit he just might be slower than Shu in general, not just yet. Chasing him down head on like this wasn't panning out, and now it was a matter of pride to catch the little guy. Smirking at an idea he called his sibling over with promise of a new technique, and sure enough the little monkey took the bait. A bit quicker than Takeshi had anticipated, nearly being barreled over as his brother came at him. Gasping at the abruptness of it he barely caught Shu, near falling over backwards as he held the kid securely. "Hah! Got you!" he teased, giving Shu's head a noogie before releasing him, grinning triumphantly. Shoot, now he figured he really did have to share a technique though, otherwise his brother would get all pouty, and that was never fun. "Now that I got you... Time to learn something! What will it be Shu? Ki? A fighting technique?"

This couldn't possibly be the two Princes, the sons of the king. They were two hapless idiots, playing around like babies. The fact they were somehow older than him and acting this way made the Saiyan feel terribly indignant. Coupled with the fact they were pretty strong compared to him left him quite disdainful. Still... Watching them play like that, having fun, he kind of yearned to join in. He had very little people to play with if anyone on Kortal, and since being 'recruited' by the Princes he'd done nothing but sit alone and watch other people go about their business. Honestly it was kind of lonely, he did wonder if his asking to join in might work out. Then again Shu seemed to hate him still, T'charrl, the alien DEFINITELY still hated him. He had barely seen let alone spoken to any of the others, but he didn't need to in order to guess their opinions of him. Meh... So he'd just sit in the corner like this and keep watching then? The disappointed look on his face crept out without his realizing, he made no effort to wipe it away as he looked at the floor somberly. Maybe he'd make a friend on another planet, if he got lucky.

"I do know what you're looking for... Sort of. Ikura wasn't as clear as I'd have liked him to be." The man had certainly shed a little light on the matter, but an outright explanation had eluded him. It had sounded like they were getting half of the puzzle, or even just a fraction of it. For all they knew it probably took the three minds behind Viral to fully indulge him and his powers. Well, one had murdered his father, the other was busy and his father was... That had been covered. So now it fell to him to somehow do what three men who were far more intelligent than he was couldn't do, sure, no pressure. "All I know is your transformations happen because of distress and emotion... And if you can figure out what emotion brings out what then you'll be able to use them more on command. As to what those actually are..." That was where they hit a proverbial roadblock. Knowing a trigger was useless if they didn't know exactly what it was or how to even access it. Sighing softly Vegeta folded his arms over his chest, looking down at the floor with a furrowed brow. "There was to be a distinct way to bring them forth... But what...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t see anything wrong with tackling his brother or understood what he was up to, just happy that his brother wanted to teach him something new. Flying straight into him, he grappled hold of him, wriggling around when Takeshi rubbed his knuckles into his head, “Ah! Noooo I came to you by myself!” he squeaked, giggling as he kicked his legs. Pushing away from Takeshi when he finally let him go, “I want to know things! I want to know!” He didn’t know what Takeshi could teach him that would be considered new or something Takeshi wanted to teach him, but he would be willing to see if he would finally give him something new to learn. Staring at him with anticipation, he tilted his head a little when Takeshi instead asked him what he wanted to do. He thought Takeshi was pretty sure with what he was going to teach him, tilting his head a little, “Huhhhh? You don’t know?” he asked him, feeling a little confused, “I wanna learn how to fight better! Whatabout a new technique? When will I get to learn how to use my own weapon…? Do I have to learn by myself?”

T’charrl felt that he was getting slightly better at speaking their language, but it wasn’t making him feel any better. It was a wonder that he was able to learn it this quickly, but he figured it had something to do with that spirit or whatever it was. It made him feel a little less than intelligent himself, his confusion stemming down to whether he actually learned anything at all by himself ever since it all happened. He probably shouldn’t be thinking of such things, it certainly wasn’t helping him thinking about it. He shouldn’t blame the spirit or whatever it was, there was little to throw the blame at anymore; however, he could blame himself for feeling so bad about his difficulties. He should probably go and ask to talk to his mother, but then again Vegeta was probably busy still and he had no idea what time it was back at the palace. Maybe he should take a nap instead, seeing as how he was feeling pretty fed up with everything else.

Viral probably should had gone for some other training or at least tried to research if something like this had been done before. He couldn’t had been the only experiment ever to have something like this, but then again he was the first of his kind so that was probably a waste of time. By all means it should had been Vegeta who did all the research for him. Losing interest fairly quickly, he let out a sigh before looking to Vegeta when it seemed he was getting an idea only for it to sound less than stellar for him, “Emotions…? Oh great”, he sighed, feeling a little annoyed, “Look, if you think I’m going to be expressing emotions that are just plain embarrassing then I’m not doing it. I would be better going into battle blindly and hoping for it to happen again…hmph! Why would your parents put some stupid mechanism like that in? Or maybe it was Ikura…because that other guy, the RRA would never put something so stupid in…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shu could say what he wanted, Takeshi had clearly tricked the little guy. Grinning as his brother pushed himself away the older boy shook his head, waving a hand dismissively. "Whatever you say, I still got you. You're just lucky I let you go," he retorted, "And I'm going to teach you things! I said I was, didn't I? I wouldn't say that then not do it." Embarrassingly he actually didn't have anything in mind right away. He meant to go through with it, but he hardly had a second to think it through before Shu pounced on him. Maybe asking his brother would give him some idea, or maybe not. The little Saiyan sounded pretty puzzled when asked to say what he wanted to learn, he probably didn't know what there was. Fair enough, that was why they were teaching him after all. "I can't teach you to use that, I'm not trained to," Takeshi said, sighing before smiling at Shu knowingly, "I can teach you other things though! Like... How about the Afterimage technique? Remember on Earth when I pretended to hit you? I can teach you to do that, it's super easy and really useful. Considering how fast you are it'll be easy to master."

Sighing in slight annoyance Vegeta rubbed at his face before looking up at Viral exasperatedly. "I don't know why my parents would make it that way, if I did I'd also know how to help you. Maybe it was so it couldn't be manipulated as easily, I don't know. What I do know is this; Your emotional state plays a big part in your transforming. Which isn't that different from Saiyans, really. It takes a lot of anger to turn into a Super Saiyan initially, so you can almost think of it like that, in a way." He didn't quite appreciate having anything his parents had done being called stupid, but for the sake of getting things moving he wouldn't say anything on it. Instead Vegeta was determined to test this theory out, and in order to do that he had to anger Viral. Hm... How should he got about doing that? "I know one of the emotions is anger, and that's not exactly a hard one for you," he teased slightly, raising an eyebrow at the Beastman. "Look, this is how it is, there's no use in arguing. Instead how about we try sparing? I'll do my best to anger you, and that should theoretically bring forth one of your forms. Just... Try not to attack me when you change, I'd rather not have to contend with that."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu shook his head quickly in dismissal, knowing he wasn’t tricked, “Noooo! I went to you by myself so I was not caught in the game. You just couldn’t catch me!” he smiled happily, amusing himself by making Takeshi sound like he had given up. He went to Takeshi by himself without helping, “I would bite you if you caught me! All chomp-chomp on your arm!” On the subject of what he was to be taught, Takeshi really didn’t appear to have any sort of clue to what he was going to do with him. Tilting his head a little, he felt a bit lost over what he was supposed to be doing now that he was close to Takeshi after he had given up trying to chase him down. Listening intently, he stared at him before frowning a little, “Ooh, maybe I learn some other way”, he spoke, thinking about it for a moment before looking back to Takeshi, getting all excited again, “Ooh! Afterimage? That’s such a strange name…” Thinking about it, maybe it was the thing Takeshi demonstrated to him that made him a little scared, possibly being something pretty good to learn too, “I wanna learn…who else knew it? Did you learn it yourself?”

T’charrl really wasn’t feeling tired, he just wanted to move on with everything though and usually sleeping helped with that. This time there was no way out of his plaguing thoughts when he was the one who will continue having the problems even after sleep, meaning he would have to figure it out for himself eventually. He was in such a big predicament and he had no way to get out of it, but he didn’t have the courage to ask anyone else for help. Being feared was no fun, he didn’t know how bad guys enjoyed it when he just felt miserable for it. He had to get it together, he was just going to molt all over the place if he remained stressed out and that was no fun for anyone. Wandering into the corner of the room and sat down in it, overall just trying to feel better so that he might just figure out how to get stronger by himself.

Viral felt pretty embarrassed by this whole ordeal considering they were all pressuring him to learn how to do these ‘tricks’ that could end up being a disaster with him not being able to do it at all. He’d disappoint his creators greatly if he couldn’t do it, failing his orders and disgracing himself. Getting frustrated, he glared at Vegeta before looking away, “Hmph, if it takes a lot of anger to go Super Saiyan, I’m surprised you never did when you punched me in the gut”, he grunted before looking back to him, “I doubt it’s only emotions, the first time it got out of control involved mental torture that left me feeling numb! Then there was the pain and all those bloody voices…hmph, it’s probably a lot more than simple emotion”. Trying with emotion was worth a try in a sense, but it didn’t feel as if it would help in the long run when he did try to change without it tearing his head apart. Narrowing his gaze, he sighed and moved back a little, “Fine, we can do that…” he spoke, rubbing his shoulder, “Look, you’ll have to deal with the fact that if I do somehow manage to change, I am not going to be able to guarantee I will be able to hold back. I lost my mind when I discovered my second form, nor do I have a very clear mind in my other form either. What makes you think I’ll be able to hold back?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi was just going to let their little game of tag drop, he was getting annoyed and didn't want to be. Now that they were breaking into an impromptu training session again he had to come up with something to actually teach. Not a whole lot came to mind, at least not a ton that didn't involve blasting. He'd love to teach Shu some attacks, but doing that in the ship probably wasn't too wise. Better they wait until they touched down on some planet somewhere, didn't want to put a hole in the wall while they were in space after all. "Shu, you think everything I teach you is strange..." the older boy remarked, smiling amused. "I was taught by Master Xing, so no, I didn't teach myself. I think more or less everyone knew it, it's nothing new really. Hell, I'm pretty sure old man Roshi even knows it." Was Roshi the one who had taught Goku the trick? There was a lot in Gohan's book, but that wasn't included. It was all written from his perspective basically, with some bits from others added in. Afterimage was in the book as well, but that was basically review for Takeshi at that point. "All it is really is moving fast. Since you're pretty quick it should be a very easy technique to pick up on..." He began to speak again but paused when the other kid walked over to them, looking down at the Saiyan a bit disdainfully. "What is it? We're busy."

Sitting here like this wasn't proving delightful in the slightest, he wanted to do more. Evidently playing wasn't going to happen any time soon, not with the Princes prattling on about some sort of training. After a moment's consideration the Saiyan made a bold choice, opting to try approaching them and join in. He knew he wasn't liked, and would probably get snapped at if not worse for it, but he wanted to try. It was lonely doing what he was, and even if he was berated while taking part that was better than nothing. Unsurprisingly as he approached Shu and Takeshi he was immediately snapped at by the latter. Keeping his gaze off the two somberly the kid shrugged his shoulders, looking away at a wall. "Nothing, just walking, is that okay..?" he asked, folding his arms over his chest stubbornly. "I just want to watch you two, I'm bored. Sitting over there isn't fun at all." He finally did look at the others, but only because the older of the two had come down to face him. Blinking the young kid edged away slightly, holding his hands up and withdrawing a little. "W-What?"

Sighing softly Takeshi put his hands on his hips, looking down at the Saiyan as he leaned in. "Listen, I don't care if you're having fun or not. You're basically a prisoner here, kid. You attacked my friend and tried to hurt my brother, so frankly I don't give a damn what you want. Be glad we're even letting you sit there and that we've been feeding you." It was a lot better treatment then he deserved for what he had done. When his gaze was met Takeshi glared back, keeping his eye on the kid as he silently turned around and began walking away. The Saiyan went right over to the door, wordlessly opening it before leaving the room. They were technically supposed to be watching him, but eh, he was hardly a threat to anyone. Hell, wandering around was only dangerous for him, someone was probably going to beat him up now. "What a brat... Stupid kid..."

"You have to be strong enough to do it too, you don't just get angry and transform," Vegeta said, thinking it was fairly obvious. Were that the case then Takeshi would have gone all blond on them the first time he and Viral met, so that was a dead giveaway right there. What the Beastman had to say on the matter did make sense though, emotions couldn't be all that was needed. It had to play a part of it, Ikura said so himself, but there were other conditions that probably had to be met too. This was just one big mystery and there was no obvious answer. While slightly frustrated it was also a little exciting, it had been a while since Vegeta had to really apply himself. It would take digging through all the documents and notes he had gotten his hands on in order to figure this out. For the moment, however, they had training to do. "You must be able to exert control over your forms somehow. Do you really think that my father would have given you them otherwise? I don't know how, that's for us to find out." Raising his arms up over his head in a stretch Vegeta pivoted slightly, spreading his legs a bit to get a stronger stance before smiling at Viral. "We'll push you today and see if we can bring it out. If not, well training can't hurt either of us," he added, motioning for Viral to bring it on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu quite enjoyed being chased, it reminded him of simpler times when he lived in the jungle. He’d run away from bad creatures and end up chasing them down himself, hunting them and eventually having the creature for lunch with his clan. Of course he wouldn’t do that with Takeshi, that would be pretty disgusting; however, he would try to bite him if he got too aggressive with his chasing before flying off again. Smiling away as he stared at Takeshi, tilting his head a little, “Noooo? Nothing at all? But you know cool things…” he gasped, getting pretty close to Takeshi until he was almost clinging to him again, “You’re so smart too…” Feeling fairly content, he squeaked when he noticed the boy starting to come over, feeling a little bit intimidated by him. Moving around behind Takeshi, he let him go to see to the boy, ultimately giving him a telling off for getting too close to them. While it probably was a little unfair, the kid wasn’t even telling them his name. There was no trust between the pair and as the kid left it was evident that he was just as stubborn as Takeshi was. Frowning a little, he dropped down to the ground and bounced over to Takeshi, getting close to him, “He won’t try anything bad, will he…?” he asked up, frowning a little, “We can still practice though. I’d like to learn how to do image thingy still”.

T’charrl didn’t know what to do with himself anymore, he was certainly feeling a little conflicted when it came to asking for help and trying to do everything by himself from now on. The mutation or ‘metamorphosis’ as the spirit described was an important aspect of his powers, or rather one the spirit gave him to save his life from its own extreme energy. He couldn’t imagine some of his people being able to change into monsters like that to protect its sacred place, it must had meant there was a lot of conflict in the past between clans and which spirit they protected. Maybe it was all for a certain type of power, but all he knew was speaking to the dead was related to this power. He felt pretty miserable right now, feeling like a tool for something much bigger. He knew he had to get better control, but he didn’t feel up to it at all. Letting out a sigh, he slowly pushed himself up and headed off to his door as he went off to search for a better and hardier environment to possibly train in.

Viral only had a rough idea to what he was supposed to do with all of this, feeling a little concerned that things would go wrong. This ship was very hardy; it would take a lot to cause considerable damage and even if he ended up accidentally summoning Enki instead he would just end up crushing the Enki and himself. That was no problem, he was practically impossible to crush and blow up so all it would do is hurt a lot. Luckily for him he knew how to use Enki well enough for that to not happen. If they were going to train he wasn’t going to go easy on the kid, seeing as how he was aiming to bring out something that required a lot of stress, “He would had given them to me so that I wouldn’t die so easily, but for this…” he sighed, shifting his feet into a stance, “If I don’t get it today, then too bad for me because I’ll continue to try”. Just because he didn’t agree with the methods didn’t mean he wasn’t going to keep trying, especially when day and night didn’t exist on the ship. Growling lowly, he dashed at Vegeta and tried to land hits around his torso to keep the focus on him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Eh? Well, I guess I do know some pretty cool things," Takeshi said, chuckling as he rubbed at the bottom of his nose sheepishly. "I taught myself a ton, so there's that." Having Shu come closer to him and near latch onto him confused the boy a bit, looking down at his brother owlishly. Being called smart made him grin proudly, it got a bit to his head. "I am smart, aren't I? Hehe... Maybe not Vegeta smart, but I'm pretty darn..." he began, trailing off as the other Saiyan kid approached. He'd been sitting there all quiet this whole time, what was he coming over for now? Nothing good, and sure enough the little punk was complaining to them. Some audacity he had, after what he pulled thinking they were going to entertain him or something. Maybe he didn't understand his position here, probably best to enlighten him. The kid didn't take it well, sulking off after he was told off pretty well. Takeshi felt a little bad for it but wasn't going to apologize, someone like that deserved it. Turning his attention back to Shu, giving a shake of his head. "He knows what will happen if he does, he'll be good. And you better believe we're still practicing, I want to teach you this."

The Afterimage technique was very simple, all you had to do was move quickly. Considering Shu was fast it was surprising he wasn't already doing it, however unintentionally. "All you've got to do is move really quick. It works best if you're going from a standstill first, the image is better then. Like this." Sticking his tongue out at his brother Takeshi vanished, leaving a transparent image of himself lingering for a few seconds. He moved about the room, being a bit more silly now that they didn't have an audience, making all sorts of gestures. He stopped after a few, coming back to his original place before his brother. "Just move really fast, stop, and move again, that's all there is to it. It won't work really well if you're constantly moving, got it?"

Stupid Princes... He didn't even know why he bothered trying to do anything with them. Takeshi was just a jerk and Shu was afraid of him, fat chance he'd make any friends there. Hell, fat chance he'd make friends with anyone on this ship. It wasn't his fault for what he did, he'd been told to do it by the king. Now that he considered it though there was no reason to even go through with the order, it wasn't like he was going to be allowed back anyways. If he had just ignored it and gone to these people without trying to kill someone maybe he'd be in a better position right now. "Stupid... All of this is just stupid..." At this point he might as well just go back to his room, there was nothing else to do. Walking around by himself didn't seem all too appealing, plus he wasn't familiar with the ship. He was even less enthusiastic about all of it when a familiar face entered the hall as well, T'charrl of all people. Immediately feeling nervous he looked around the area, finding a small shelf along the wall. Hiding behind it quickly he gasped, peeking out just slightly to see if he was going to be attacked.

Hopefully they didn't end up wrecking the mess hall with their training. Goodness knows what kind of backlash there would be if people couldn't eat. Getting into a ready stance Vegeta smiled slightly, waving Viral on to begin. "That's the spirit. If it takes a while then oh well, we'll work for it as long as it takes." It was going to be interesting to see how capable Viral was in a fight. He'd been in poor condition for quite some time, and while he'd greatly improved this would be his first legitimate fight since... Well that creature he had killed. The Beastman began their little spar in earnest, rushing right ahead and throwing several blows at Vegeta's torso. Quickly blocking each one with an open hand the Saiyan smiled, finding it fairly easy thus far. "You hit hard, but can you actually hit me?" he teased, trying to aggravate his friend. Pushing a large fist away he spun around on his heel, trying to drive an elbow into Viral's face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t know how to handle the guy, especially when he wasn’t their friend and was essentially their enemy not long ago. He had no idea how he was supposed to interact with him or if he was supposed to try and talk to him without being afraid that he might threaten him and possibly try to hurt him again. It was pretty difficult, but he would try and count on Takeshi and Yumi to show him the way; shame Yumi was off being sociable somewhere else on the ship and this place was like a jungle in itself. Looking up to Takeshi, he smiled nervously after a moment, giving a nod, “I guess he knows…I hope”, he spoke before letting out a sigh, “At least I don’t need to worry that he might try to do something bad, like bully me…”

Feeling it was time for him to get to learning this new technique, he watched Takeshi with anticipation for what he could possibly teach him, smiling as he watched. Feeling confused at first, he squeaked when Takeshi suddenly moved and an image of him being rude was left behind, “Ooh! Floating!” he squeaked as he bounced towards it, waving at it when it disappeared before having to bounce back once more once Takeshi returned to his spot, “Ooooohhhh, you move fast…ah! Yeah! I can do that! I can try to do that”. If all he needed to do was move fast then he would have to practice with that, getting onto his hands and making quick darting motions around the room. He was certainly moving fast, but looking back he couldn’t seem to manage making an image, “Fast! And stop! Fast and stopping!” he squeaked with each attempt, looking back curiously but not finding any image being made quite yet.

T’charrl would have some searching to do if the place for training was being used up, knowing that Takeshi was still trying to train Shu up and get his techniques up to par for any upcoming battle. Then there was Vegeta and that Beastman Viral who were also training, but probably not in the same place. There must had been other areas where he could find peace that wasn’t in the confinements of his own bedroom, as if staying in there any longer would only cause him injury through boredom. Exiting his room, he let out a sigh as he let the door close before shuffling away down the corridor in search of his own place to train. With his antennae flat against the sides of his fur, he stared at the doors he passed before letting out a gasp when he spotted someone. It was that guy that had tried to kill him after throwing all those insults out at him, the one whom the others decided would become their prisoner. Quickly lowering his head, he hid his face behind his claws and scurried along and away from him, trying to avoid eye contact. He didn’t want to end up being seen by anyone, especially someone who had tried to kill him previously.

Viral wasn’t going to make this an easy session, he knew Vegeta would want to train while doing this experimenting. Going in with hits that were solid and fast, he tried to attack Vegeta without resorting to claws. He didn’t know if he was supposed to take any sort of hit that might end up triggering a transformation, but for now he was going to try hard keep up with Vegeta with the concentration of this being on emotions primarily. Having his attacks caught and prevented was no surprise to him, but he wasn’t put down by Vegeta’s taunts quite yet. Huffing, he moved around again when Vegeta tried to elbow him in the face. Moving his hand around he immediately shifted it under and tried to punch his elbow upwards before forcing his other hand forward palm first to target Vegeta’s chest again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

That kid had better know he should be behaving, otherwise he was liable to be in a world of hurt. It was odd they didn't know his name yet, Takeshi reflected, though it wasn't like anyone cared enough to ask. Maybe after a while if he proved he wasn't a little turd they would try being friendly, but that was a ways off from the present. Onto the matter at hand it was high time Shu learned how to use the afterimage technique. Simple in both concept and execution, the older boy still saw fit to give a demonstration. He had fun with it of course, making all sorts of faces and gestures to his sibling as he flitted around. When he finally stopped he was stood back where he had begun, smiling at Shu triumphantly. "Speed is pretty much your thing, so you should get this easy!" Yet as Shu began to attempt it his results were far from what they wanted. In fact there was no image at all, curiously enough. He went plenty fast, but seemed to stop in one place for too long. Much as he dashed about like a madman there were no results, he was doing something wrong.

Takeshi waited until his brother came closer before reaching out, snagging the back of his shirt to keep him from moving. "Alright little guy, hang on. You're not quite getting it. All you're doing right now is goofing around." Who would have thought he'd have to explain something to do with speed to the quicker of the siblings. Smiling in thought Takeshi scratched his head, trying to think of a good explanation. Simplified terms always worked pretty well, so if he could "dumb it down" a little Shu would pick up on things pretty easily then. "You're staying in one spot for too long, that's not going to make an image. You basically want to move really fast from point A to point B," Takeshi explained. A small show was made by stepping just to the left, A being where he began and B where he ended. "When you get to B, stop for just a second, it doesn't even have to be longer than that. It just have to be long enough for yourself to settle, and when you move again it makes the image. Does that make sense now?"

Of all the people he had run into, why did it have to be him? T'charrl was probably the biggest threat to the Saiyan right now, the alien undoubtedly still wanted to kill him. Being the only two in the hall and himself hardly being a favorite there wasn't a lot stopping the Kaesstrian either. Near hugging the bookcase for safety he watched warily as T'charrl approached, his eyes locked intently on the other fighter as he walked passed. So wait... Was he not going to attack then? The alien seemed every bit as cautious as he did, which made no sense. It was obvious who the stronger of them was, it would be easy to beat the Saiyan if T'charrl wanted to. Seeing him walk on by gave the boy perhaps a foolish sense of relief, he wasn't going to be targeted then. In a silly, spur of the moment action he peeled himself away from the bookcase, standing in the hall in a rather reserved manner. "Uh... Where are you going...?" His mouth had spoken without his permission, though he did want to know. At this point he'd take anyone's company, even the person who could well kill him.

All he had to do was push Viral, egg him into getting angry and see if that was the trigger. As he was now Vegeta was moderately confident he was alright, they were easily equal in strength at least. The real challenge would be when, and if they were able to get the Beastman to transform. As the fight began with a series of hard jabs by Viral he easily blocked them, catching and deflecting each large paw that came his way. Countering with a spin and high elbow he was thrown off balance slightly as that too was deflected, narrowly stepping back and taking a much reduced hit to the chest. Stumbling slightly again Vegeta moved back in, this time going for high punches, targeting Viral's head and upper chest. A straight martial arts contest between them was all this was, no Ki or anything. Though... If the target was to in fact anger Viral then maybe he'd have to play dirty, that was likely to anger his friend. For now he'd reserve that for later, no use in rushing into it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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While Shu wasn’t quite getting the technique down, he was still having fun being silly and did enjoy just any excuse to go fast without reason. He didn’t get to dash around all that much, everybody always moved so slowly compared to him and it often bothered him when he couldn’t run around like he used to, even if his fellow clansmen would get annoyed. Giggling away as he darted around, he stopped when Takeshi caught him, his hands and feet skittering around for a moment before he stopped and looked up at Takeshi. Smiling back at him, he pressed his fingers together before looking away again, trying to imagine what points he was supposed to go to, “Oooohhhhh, okay! Yeah! It does!” he spoke quickly, watching Takeshi curiously. It was certainly strange and he had no idea how someone was supposed to fall for this, but apparently they could. Bouncing on the spot for a moment, he shook himself before letting out a sigh to get himself ready. Placing his feet on the ground, he paused for a moment before suddenly dashing, managing to create a weak afterimage that ended with him slamming into the wall on the far end of the room, bouncing off it and landing on his backside before rubbing at his head sorely.

T’charrl knew he wasn’t allowed to spill blood, especially a prisoner’s blood. It was probably the clearest understanding he had of their customs right now, considering they were very similar to his own people’s in regards to how to treat criminals. It was sure frustrating being unable to do anything, but he couldn’t let negativity build up and spoil any stability he might have right now. Trying to avoid the guy was all he could do just now and hope the boy didn’t start badmouthing him again to try and wind him up knowing he’d get in trouble for it. Trying to continue on his way, he quickly scratched at his chest, he gasped a little when the kid suddenly spoke up, his head quickly turning before he shook his head, continuing on his way, “N-Nowhere! Well, somewhere…to…train myself…” he trailed off, letting out a sigh to try and calm himself down. Finding a large room shouldn’t be too hard, maybe an empty storage room would be able to handle any misadventures he may have during training. He should probably move to the lower floors where the larger rooms should be, the ramps just being beyond the turn from where he was.

Viral was fairly calm during this training so far, finding no reason to get hostile quite yet. It was probably all because of the illusion that he was just starting and hadn’t even begun to be pushed quite yet no matter how much Vegeta tried to do on the first few hits. Once Vegeta had been pushed back whether by the hit or trying to dodge it, Viral got ready again as Vegeta immediately came barrelling in once more with some attacks going straight for the upper half of his body. Throwing up his arms, he went to block them, managing to block the punches aimed for his head, lowering his arms to block the hits for his chest before he kicked out, trying to throw off Vegeta and hopefully make him angry himself, “Try harder before I just start taking the hits because they’re so weak!” he spoke before swinging his arm around to throw a hit into Vegeta’s side as if trying to whack him away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shu had an explanation and a demonstration now, shy of explaining every single little detail Takeshi couldn't do much else for him. This was much too simple a technique to warrant much more help anyways, not much needed to be said. Trying to be patient however the older boy entertained his sibling, doing his best to shed some light on the matter. Shu definitely had the speed down, but he wasn't creating a single image just yet. Pulling him aside, quite literally, Takeshi had explained more thoroughly how to actually do the afterimage. To that the little Saiyan seemed more than ready to try again, at least he was enthusiastic. Eccentricity didn't necessarily mean capability however, as Shu's next attempt was quick to demonstrate. It started out very well, and he even managed to make an image, albeit a weak one. It had hardly begun by the time he darted into the wall with a resounding thud, falling onto his backside as a result. Cringing at the sound Takeshi sighed, smacking his forehead before smiling slightly. He was getting it, just rather slowly. "Hey, there's a wall there, or did you forget?" he teased, walking over and squatting beside his brother. Checking his head carefully for any injuries he chuckled, "How about starting from the middle of the room this time?"

Asking the person who wanted to kill him for something to do, boy this was sad. Still, being hated was preferable to being lonely in his experience, at least someone was paying attention to you then. Mustering the courage to confront and ask T'charrl he was earnestly surprised he got an answer. Not that the Kaesstrian stuck around for very long to explain, he said that in passing. Training... Training, is that all everyone here did? Why didn't anyone ever do anything fun? He knew what they were working towards, they had to be strong for that, but still... "Training huh...? Uh... That's boring..." he mumbled, frowning as he sulked a bit. When T'charrl didn't stop at all the Saiyan bit his lip hesitantly before following after him rather slowly. He must seem like such a loser right now, tagging along like this. "I need to train too... Probably a lot to fight," he said, trying not to sound like he was butting in on T'charrl's own. "I'm pretty good already, but I need to improve to fight the king."

So far so good, Viral was doing quite well with straight boxing. Of course none of their opponents from now on would only do this, so it left quite a bit to be desired in terms of application. Still... If he could hold his own in a brawl with a Saiyan then there was something going for him. Retorting to the Beastman's attacks with a high flurry of punches of his own Vegeta had each blocked, hitting only bone as he struck out. Dashing back away to avoid a kick he smiled amused, bouncing lightly on his feet to keep moving. "You want me to try harder? Alright, I can do that." Viral had asked for it, he could certainly do better. He wasn't nearly as quick as Shu was, but had speed in his own right and was going to use it. Vanishing from where he was Vegeta came to a stand still beside Viral, throwing another punch at his head. Blocked or connected he'd move again, coming in at a different angle with another strike. He'd keep this process going for a bit until he was either caught or hit, maybe it would be enough to annoy the Beastman.
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