Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t mean to go so fast, he didn’t have a good enough sense of where he was going to be able to turn in time. Feeling a little disorientated, he shook his head and stared up at the wall, tilting his head curiously before giggling. Even if it was a bit sore to run right into the wall, he was still happy that he was able to go that fast in the first place nevermind having to run into a wall to find out he could do it. Looking up at Takeshi, he rubbed his head slowly as Takeshi gave his head a check over, “I’m okay! Just a bump”, he smiled happily, holding his hands up to try and grab onto Takeshi to pull himself up, “I think I need to learn how to turn at a high speed…because I’m not sure I want to go through that again! How do you push against the wind…? I’m so small and weak compared to you…”

T’charrl didn’t know how he was supposed to handle this guy when he was still essentially the enemy until he had proven himself on the battlefield, that he wasn’t just another spy. It was hard to deal with this kind of pressure, it was everything against his training so it was certainly pushing his buttons. Keeping his head lowered, he sighed and slowly rubbed his head as he tried to keep calm. He could tell this guy was following him down the halls, already feeling a little intimidated by it. Walking down the ramp to get down to the lower levels, he looked back at the guy before giving his head a quick shake, lowering his head a little again, “W-Wha? But…with me…?” he questioned him, feeling worried, “B-But you’re scared of me…and I’m going to be training my abilities! It might involve me changing and you getting scared again…you realise that, right?” He didn’t want to have to say it but he needed to get it clear to the kid that he was not just going to throw punches and kicks around; he was going to straight up try and advance himself and unlock his ‘gifted’ powers so he could help his friends with a wish. He was probably going to end up changing form a lot if he got it down, not just into some disgusting giant beast.

The lack of variety Vegeta was giving him was pretty lame to put it lightly, finding it hard to see how this was supposed to help him. While these were all still strong attacks, Viral was used to it and this didn’t feel aggravating or annoying yet. Throwing out his own attacks, Vegeta was soon willing to admit that he was not going in hard and should be now. Huffing, he readied himself again before watching Vegeta vanish, his eyes quickly searching for him before immediately having to throw up his arms, blocking an attack to his head before another came in trying to hit him from the other side. Vegeta had to consider him as an enemy at this point, not just it as an excuse to throw out fancy attacks. Growling lowly, he continued to block the attacks as they became just predictable, ending with him simply ducking down and throwing his arms out to try and hit him when he came close, “That’s not trying harder!” he growled before spinning around and trying to leap at Vegeta, his fist swinging to try and clip him and annoy him right back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"I swear... Every time you hurt yourself it's always your head," Takeshi said, smiling as he helped Shu to his feet. "You're going to end up really hurting yourself if you're not careful, it can't be good to constantly knock your head off of things, especially with how much you've done it already." Jeez, between crashing when trying to fly, being struck on Kaesstra, being hit during fights and now this it was a small wonder the little guy didn't have brain damage. Just for good measure he made one last check on his brother's head, finding a small forming bump but nothing else, which was good. While combing through his hair to search Shu had another question for him, and a compliment too. "You're small, but I don't know if I'd call you weak," Takeshi replied, smirking as he patted his brother's head gingerly. "Pushing against the wind... Er... I don't really know, I just kind of go, i guess. If you move fast enough it's not hard. As for turning that's pretty easy, you want to put your stronger leg forward to slow yourself down. You'll slide a bit, but that's normal. You can also try pushing in another direction with that leg, though you might trip if you do it too quick."

Surely it seemed as obscene to T'charrl as it did the Saiyan, the notion of them training together. He didn't much have other choice though, the kid, and it was preferential somehow to being all alone. There was plenty of nervousness being around the alien, he was right intimidating even now, let alone when he changed. Even so the Saiyan acted indignant when he was told he was afraid, frowning and pointing at T'charrl sternly. "Hey, I'm not afraid of you!" he snapped, sounding not all that confident in spite of himself. "I was just surprised, that's all! I didn't think you'd turn into that... Thing!" Maybe a bit harsh calling the alien a 'thing', but seriously, no one had told him that would happen. Plus how else was he supposed to describe what he saw? A monster? Demon? Sheesh, it wasn't like he could be nice about it, T'charrl's other form was creepy, plain and simple. Sighing testily the Saiyan scuffed his foot on the floor, looking down angrily. "Look... I just... Need something to do... Alright...?" he asked, his cheeks reddening slightly as he looked away indignantly. "Plus... I want to fight you... Not like last time though. I need to prove to myself I'm not a weakling."

How could he get technical without abusing Ki? Martial arts only had so much to it, and there was no doubt in Vegeta's mind that Viral could hold his own in that regard. Hmph, well if he wanted it to be a little more interesting then fine, he'd try. This time using speed to try and throw off the Beastman he dashed about, throwing in shots and evading quickly before his friend could even retaliate. Even with himself moving swiftly his attacks were blocked, so that wouldn't work. Coming in for a high spinning kick Vegeta was surprised as he caught only air, promptly getting two fists in his side that sent him flying back. Catching himself quickly with Ki he lowered himself back onto the ground just in time to throw up both arms, blocking two heavy punches that came in. "Fine, I'll mix it up!" Grabbing each of Viral's forearms he pulled the Beastman in as quick as he could, trying to drive a knee into his gut. If that didn't work Vegeta threw his head forward, trying to headbutt Viral in the forehead to at least stun him. If none of that worked he'd simply keep a grip on one of his friend's arms and throw punches until he was either stopped or forced to back off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu smiled away happily as Takeshi pulled him up, staring at him the entire time. Giving his head a rub, he didn’t think anything about it while Takeshi seemed just a little concerned with the number of injuries that he was receiving to his head, “But I’ve already really hurt my head a lot, how can I do it even more?” he asked curiously, bouncing a little on his feet, “It’s really fun being daring and adventurous, even if I hurt my head a lot”. Definitely finding amusement in this, he tilted his head before lowering it a little when Takeshi gave him a patting. He didn’t know how he was all that strong when he hadn’t actually had many battles before where he showed off his strength. Tilting his head a little, he looked around as he scratched his chest, “Against the wind? That sounds tough…” he spoke before bouncing away from Takeshi, “I want to try that too! All speedy-speed today, huh?” Instead of trying to fly, Shu started to run around in circles quickly, moving in tighter each time before he was running on his hands as well, finding it a little difficult to get a grip on the flat floor with his bare feet.

T’charrl was still busy trying to look for an available room, hoping maybe there was more than just one training room. If this vessel was for an army then there should had been other rooms around somewhere that were open. The kid following him was still not going away or willing to give him a break, making him feel a little uneasy. Looking to him quickly, he frowned at his outburst before he shook his head, letting out a sigh, “’Thing’…? Calling me that doesn’t help…” he frowned, pushing on a few doors as he went by, “I have feelings too, you know”. Managing to find a door that was pretty large, he pressed a panel on the side and opened it up. The room was certainly large and very free to use, as expected from a massive place like this. Looking around curiously, he frowned a little before looking back at the boy, sighing as he entered the room, “You think I’m weak? Just because of what happened?” he sighed, shaking his head, “You’d still fight me even though I’ll probably change form…?”

Viral partially thought that maybe he’ll have to just start taking hits at this rate, especially when nothing was happening. He was trying to think about using his forms and hopefully bring one out through that method, but absolutely nothing was happening and he was just feeling distracted as a result. Throwing his own attacks out as well, he managed to successfully leap at Vegeta and throw him off greatly, trying to punch the kid down even further when he showed resistance through the use of Ki. It often made him angry when others used Ki against him, but if Vegeta was going to get serious he’d probably use it anyway. Moving to pull away, his arms were immediately grabbed and with the force of him pulling back Vegeta instead pulled him in, kneeing his cut before headbutting him. Feeling pretty dazed, he pulled his arm up out of Vegeta’s grip and pulled it back only to get his arm tugged at as Vegeta once again started throwing punches at him. Feeling the need to retaliate, he growled angrily and started throwing a fist down again repeatedly, pulling at his arm as well, “Let go already! It was bad enough you wanted brain damage!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"For starters you don't have brain damage, yet. Do you want to be paralyzed and drooling everywhere?" That was on the extreme end, but nonetheless Takeshi couldn't help but worry. All of these blows to Shu's head couldn't be helping him any, even if he was healing after each one. Some point he might not be so lucky, what would they do then if that happened? He didn't want to think about it, seeing his little brother partially disabled before was terrifying enough. Striking that disheartening image from his mind the older boy smiled, patting Shu's head affectionately. "Nah, it's not tough. It's a lot easier to do than I make it sound, it's just kinda hard to explain, you know? I'm sure you'll get it." Ever eager to get moving the young Saiyan was prompt to begin again, springing away ever energetic as usual. Unlike before where Shu simply darted about he began running in a circle, heaven knows why. The circle gradually became tighter as he continued moving, and Takeshi was seriously lost as to what the purpose of this was. All he was doing was moving fast, there really wasn't any afterimage being made. Well, there was a slight blur from the kid's movements, if that could be counted then he supposed his brother was an ace at this. Sighing he rubbed at the back of his neck with a slight smile, not having the hear to tell him to stop.

Tact was not his strong suit, and he'd more or less opened up insulting T'charrl. If he was trying to make friends he probably could stand to be a little nicer, though it was pretty tough to act remotely casual or relaxed around someone who had near killed you. Then again he'd done the same thing, so the whole nervousness was sort of mutual. Still didn't make it any easier talking to the alien, but at least there was some mutual ground in that regard. Kind of letting his 'thing' comment fall to the side the Saiyan followed along, curious where T'charrl was off to. The idea of training, however potentially dangerous did have a little appeal. Plus in his current state, before anyways, the alien hadn't been that strong, so maybe it'd be a fair fight. Eventually they came across a rather large, open room. Apparently not being used for anything it would be an ideal place to get a little training done. "Well until you did change I was winning," the kid pointed out, shrugging his shoulders. "Besides, you're not supposed to kill me or anything, remember? So even if you do change it won't matter." Not that it saved him from being mauled, but he was pretty confident he could escape this time at the very least. Now that he knew it might come he was a little more prepared, maybe. "So we going to train or not?"

Viral wanted to take this a little more seriously, so be it. Vegeta could certainly accommodate the Beastman, hopefully his friend didn't come to regret that choice. After being knocked away by a pair of blows he was quick to capitalize, grabbing hold of each of Viral's arms to hold him in place. First a knee to the gut, then a headbutt, just something to try and get to the other man. When that didn't prove to be fruitful he resorted to another tactic altogether, losing hold of one of Viral's arms he kept a firm grip on the other. This close there were only so many option, and so Vegeta began to simply throw punch after punch, being as quick as he could to keep Viral on guard. Rather than block however the Beastman returned the favor, landing several hard blows on his head and chest. It wasn't unlike a boxing match, only this opponent hit a hell of a lot harder than most. "Let go? Why would I do that?" he asked, laughing tauntingly. Taking another blow to the chest he finally did release Viral's arm, but only to grab onto his shoulders. Jumping up quickly he tried to pull the Beastman up with him, flipping him over and attempting to slam him down onto the floor on his back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was pretty sure that he wasn’t paralysed, whatever that was. He felt pretty fine and even if he got injured there were several ways for him to get better and that’s all that mattered in the end. He was certainly happy enough to try and keep healthy, but he was willing to live and learn from his mistakes for now. Shu was having a lot of fun for now, his speed sending him circling all around before he slid right off his feet, spinning around on the floor in a casual skid. He was having fun even if he messed up, but it wasn’t like he was going to be able to turn immediately if he tried again and he didn’t feel like running into the wall. Giggling, he stood up quickly and bounced around, “Okay! Okay I’m ready!” he giggled before making a sudden dart, leaving a rough after image before he reappeared behind Takeshi, skidding on the ground behind him.

T’charrl definitely wanted to be alone for this, he couldn’t be corrupted otherwise. If this guy got on his nerves and made him very negative during his training then there was no way he was going to be able to fulfil his task. Looking around the room slowly, he snapped his head towards the kid again and stared at him. He was getting real cheeky and it was definitely getting on his nerves, but with a sigh he shook his head and looked away again, “And who says I will hold back? You don’t know if I have control, do you? I may not…” he spoke, slowly looking away, “And you realise when you decided to attack me I was just trying to control my powers, anyway? Most of my concentration was going into that”. The room was ideal, but whether the kid was going to actually do anything that might help during his training or just use it as an excuse to try and beat him up was yet to be seen. Hissing in distaste, he looked to the kid and narrowed his gaze before he concentrated his flow of energy offensively, “Fine…but it’s your own fault for getting too close to me if you anger me! You know it’s hard to trust an opponent without a name…”

Viral was a little annoyed at the cheap hits, he knew it was all for a good cause even if it was starting to hurt. If he was going to be able to fight against Vegeta right now he was going to need to push himself a little more, just to try and get ahead of him and hope he wasn’t just going to end up battered and broken for no effort. Taking the hits were no big deal, but being held onto like that was making him uneasy and not helping his confidence when it came to fighting. Growling, he tried to yank Vegeta away but as he was released Vegeta instead grabbed hold of his shoulders, taking him off his feet and flipping him over and straight down to the ground. Smacking his head against the solid floor definitely hurt, the vibration running down his back. He hated being taken advantage off like that all because he couldn’t fly, leaving him useless in the air. Letting out a groan, he waved his hand around above himself, his eyes shut tight, “Just…help me up and go again!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

On the bright side Shu wasn't being forced to train, he was more than happy to do this. Thank goodness for that, it seemed like it could take some time for him to get this down. "You're ready? Then come here goofball so I can show you what to do." Takeshi again didn't expect Shu to dart like he did, a bit surprised when he ended up behind him. Rather than turn around however the older boy found himself much more focused on what was in front of him. It was his brother, or rather an afterimage of him. After his attempts there was no way in hell Shu had done that intentionally. As the image vanished Takeshi finally did turn around, looking at Shu with a disbelieving smile. "Damn straight you're ready, you just did it! And... You probably don't even realize that do you?" Shu had definitely done it though, no doubt! Since he hadn't paid much attention to what was done the elder brother had no clue what to tell his sibling to do again, so that was kind of a bummer. "Whatever you just did then, do it again. If you can then you can make afterimages."

The kid shrugged his shoulders in reply to T'charrl, the alien had a point. There was no way of knowing if he could control his abilities, it was a pretty big assumption given their first meeting. It was probably a bit silly of him to hide behind the promise he wouldn't be harmed as a prisoner, really he just couldn't be killed, but he'd use that anyways. Meeting T'charrl's gave for a second the Saiyan sighed, nodding his head slightly. "I figured... And I can see why you were practicing it, you lost control pretty easily." Okay, maybe not the best way to go about that, though it was kind of his nature to be snappy. Plus he was just kind of awkward around people anyways, he didn't get the idea of minding what you said really. Whether T'charrl wanted him along or not pretty soon the pair were both inside of the room, and the doors closing signaled that they were indeed going to do this. Well now he felt a bit nervous, the fact they were actually going to fight again left the kid a little conflicted. Sensing a build up of energy from T'charrl the Saiyan did his best to hold his ground, a little off put by the amount of energy he could sense. "Uh... My name is Haku..." he replied softly, getting into an uneasy fighting position. It was just like training back home, nothing to it.

All of this boxing wasn't getting them anywhere. It only established the already known fact they each knew martial arts, that didn't help either of them improve. It was bothering Viral a bit, albeit hardly enough to prompt a transformation. More had to be done in order to induce a change, Vegeta had to fight a bit underhandedly perhaps. He'd really rather not, but if their purpose here was to master his forms then it needed to be done. Taking a final strike to his torso the Saiyan honored his friend's request, for a split second, before grabbing hold of his shoulders. Jumping off of the floor he flipped himself over and the Beastman in turn, slamming him down onto the ground on his back before landing just before his head. Smirking slightly he stared down at Viral, extending a hand down to help him to his feet. "Want me to slam you into the floor again? You did want me to try harder after all. Or do you want to take back what you said now?" Just some aggravation, they had to induce this change.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu wasn’t even aware that he was able to do the whole afterimage technique and was just concerned that he was having a high level of fun-time that involved a little pain too; of course, he was still happy to learn new techniques but he was having fun with Takeshi the most. Takeshi was just standing around showing him things sometimes and he was following along with it, trying to learn as much as he could so that he might be able to fight well again. Pushing up off the ground, he patted his front down before looking up at his brother, smiling away happily, “I did?? Yay! I did it!” he squeaked, bouncing on his toes, “Yeah! I’ll do it again! And again! Watch me!” The moment he stopped speaking he immediately dashed away, leaving an image behind his brother before reappearing in the middle of the room, immediately bouncing up and leaving another before there was a loud thud from above as Shu bounced off the roof, rolling down in the air before coming to a rocking halt up above.

T’charrl had a few goals to work on when it came to unlocking his abilities fully and gaining control, mainly being able to utilise his possible changes so that he might end up using them in greater battles. He was aware of how hard they had to hit him and he still didn’t feel pain, just his insides from the injuries caused by this kid. It was all power to him, he could be a powerful ruler too especially if it was his generation that were gaining their abilities back. This kid had nothing on him and was only proving to annoy him so far, but he’ll see how he was after training. Focusing his energy, he built up enough to show up the kid and show just how strong he was now and how much he was still able to surpass his weaknesses from before, “…Haku?” he spoke, moving his arms around, “…I’m T’charrl, a Prince and I have a duty to fulfil, so don’t think I’m going to go easy on you”. Moving in fast, he threw down his arms swiftly. He was not pulling any punches but he couldn’t have all four arms trying to hit the kid; he had some sort of sportsmanship still in him while being frustrated.

Viral was pretty dazed and couldn’t see where he was, but he knew he was on the floor and his head was definitely hurting. It was such a scumbag move for him to pull and he knew he was just doing it to get on his nerves. He was still not feeling anything, there was nothing that felt like he was going into one of his forms. Grunting when he managed to grab hold of Vegeta’s hand, he pulled himself up and rubbed his head slowly, trying to pull himself together, “And how will that help? If you want to brain damage me, then sure! Throw me into the floor again and again! It’d be so funny if your parents were revived and I was nothing but a shell of my former self! Bet that would be worth it…” Holding up his fists again, he moved into a fighting position once more, “Now come at me! I don’t want this to be easy!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Just don't get carried away Shu, it's not a race," Takeshi chided, smirking at his brother amused. He was so excitable, it was fun seeing him get into something so earnestly. Watch him? As if he had much of a choice whether he was or not. The little guy was drinking in all the attention and having a blast, you couldn't NOT watch him right now. As he tended to Shu got a little bit eccentric, beginning to bounce for who knows what reason. Watching the young Saiyan fly up into the air his older brother cringed slightly when he hit the ceiling, getting worried and ready to move as he started coming back down. Flight training had paid off apparently because he caught himself in mid air, leaving Takeshi stood underneath him with an exasperated smile. Shaking his head and rubbing at his forehead he laughed, glancing up at Shu with his hands on his hips. "You know... I'm seriously beginning to wonder if how much energy you have might be unhealthy. I mean seriously, who is this hyper all the time? No one but you!" Sighing he stepped back, motioning for his brother to come back down. "I think you've got the idea, we can probably stop practicing that now."

Even before he raised his energy Haku could feel it, this wasn't looking extremely promising in his case. He was mediocre as far as a fighter was concerned, and this alien could probably hold his own against a regiment commander if he had to. Okay, so maybe he'd bitten off a slight bit more than he could chew... Yikes. Shirking back reflexively as the energy spiked he looked at T'charrl warily, doing his best to raise his own fists and get ready. "It wouldn't be t-training if you did..." he retorted, trying and failing to sound confident. Alarmed as the Prince came in for an abrupt attack he did the only thing he could, scramble away and avoid being hit. Nearly tripping as he tried to dodge Haku actually jumped to the side, tumbling and rolling as he narrowly escaped. He had only just begun to get up again when he saw T'charrl come back for another attempt, yelping and rushing under his legs on all fours, darting away hastily in the process. Okay, so maybe he could tire the Kaesstrian out, then he could win! Or if he got hit he might really get hurt, which would be bad.

Helping Viral back to his feet Vegeta smiled a bit, shrugging his shoulders in response to the Beastman's quip. "If I did anything that badly I could fix it, so I'm not too worried," he retorted, trying to play it off. That comment bit quite hard, but the intent here was to annoy and anger Viral, he had to brush it off. "You're forgetting who you are talking to. Any damage done I can fix... For the most part. Unless I literally blew you apart you'd be none the worse for wear." With that being said it looked like they were getting back into the action. Good, so that one trick wasn't going to do the Beastman in. "I won't make it easy on you, trust me." The words had barely escaped his lips when Vegeta dashed forward, throwing a punch at his friend's gut. Blocked or not he would crouch down and try to sweep out his legs, and the final part of his little attack would include an uppercut to his jaw, provided anything actually made contact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was disorientated after hitting the ceiling, not quite expecting it to come at him so fast or rather not expect it so soon after darting away like that. He did mean to turn in the air, but he couldn’t stop in time before impact; nevertheless, he was having fun and it’s not like it hurt or nothing. Rocking away in the air as if floating around on water, he shook his head and spun around to look at Takeshi, “Look! See what I did??” he giggled, trying to swim through the air with a doggie paddle motion, eventually managing to paddle his way back down to the ground and landing on his face as if in slow motion. Slowly pushing himself off the ground, he smiled and looked up at Takeshi as he dusted himself down, “Stop practicing? Ooohhhh…ooh! Wanna go eat??...Ooh, no…Mister Viral is trying to be a kitty cat in there…ooh! We should practice other things like pouncing! Do you know how to pounce? Mister Viral would know how to pounce too…because he’s kitty cat…”

T’charrl wasn’t afraid of Haku, he had no reason to be now. Despite what Haku thought of him before, he had grown stronger since then and was on the verge of gaining a great boost. He didn’t know if he would remain in this form or find the ability to return to his original state, but either way he was on the verge of gaining greater power. Going straight into the fight, he tried to hit the kid down but was instead dodged. Turning towards the kid quickly, he gave him a good glaring as he rushed in once more, throwing his fists down only for Haku to run under him instead. Hissing in annoyance, he turned around quickly with his arms raised, his energy increasing as if with a sudden buzz, “Stop trying to anger me and fight me! Or leave…because this isn’t helping!” Spreading his wings he quickly dashed right for the kid, raising his fists before trying to slam them down into the ground while his other arms swung around as if trying to cover both escapes.

Viral frowned a little, feeling uncomfortable with Vegeta’s little retort. Despite what he had said, he felt that one right in the heart, “And you think saying that will help me change form…” Trying to get back into the game, he let out a sigh as he kept his stance, feeling a little distracted. He just felt like he was training with nothing special, the thought of changing form was quite literally just a thought. He had to try and get his mind focused on it, but he had literally no idea how he was supposed to. Raising his fists, he readied himself as Vegeta spoke but was quickly put on edge when he was immediately attacked. Moving his hand down he caught Vegeta’s punch who quickly squatted and tried to pull him off his feet. Getting his leg caught he held his ground but was quickly uppercutted in the jaw, stumbling back a moment before he immediately threw his fists at Vegeta rapidly, “This is doing nothing!! Try harder!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Shu must be trying to hurt himself, there was no other explanation for what the little goofball was doing. Takeshi put a hand over his face, peering through his fingers at his brother disbelievingly as he floated back on down. "I saw Shu, believe me I saw," he said. It had near given him a heart attack, it was almost like a repeat of his first time flying. Watching him doggie paddle about he couldn't help but laugh, his brother was just absolutely absurd. No one else would do what he was doing, he was so weird sometimes. Speaking of Shu's first attempt here he went, face-planting for absolutely no apparent reason. Seriously, who did that just for fun. "You are so strange, you little dork," Takeshi said, smiling amused as he reached out and prodded his brother's forehead. "I think we're done training for now though, you got afterimage down it looks like, so that's that. We can learn something else later." Now might be a decent time to eat, they hadn't had anything at all today and the notion of a meal was pretty appealing. Shu had a similar idea, though he had a good point, Viral and Vegeta were using the mess hall. Meh, of all the places in this massive ship why did they have to go into the one part that had food in it? "Eh...? Pouncing...?" Takeshi asked, blinking owlishly, "What the hell is pouncing?"

Run, run, run! Why was the alien so hell bent on smashing him to bits? Oh yeah, he had tried killing him before huh? Okay, maybe this was justified a bit, but that didn't mean he wanted it happening! Narrowly dodging two heavy blows he skid beneath T'charrl, putting a fair bit of distance between the two of them before turning around to face his opponent. "Well stop t-trying to smash me into a bloody p-pulp!" Haku stammered nervously. Yelping again as T'charrl came in for another strike he backed off again, managing to slip right between the two arms that came down on either side of him. Being smaller by comparison kind of made dodging easier, maybe he wasn't in as much trouble as he first thought. Pushing himself up a bit higher with Ki he just barely avoided T'charrl's sweeping attack, now above the Kaesstrian. Getting bold for a second he came back down, trying to kick the alien in the shoulder to knock him off balance a bit. "Now it's your turn!"

"Do I? No, not really. To be honest I haven't a fricken clue what will make you change," Vegeta admitted, shrugging his shoulders. "So I'm taking shots in the dark here, that's all." Chatter most likely wasn't going to unlock any powers, so that was a waste of time. Taking advantage of the momentary lull in battle he dashed ahead without any sort of prompt, initiating again with a simply punch. When that was caught he dropped down, kicking hard at Viral's legs to make him lose his footing. Again it didn't work, but Vegeta had more in mind. Shifting his weight so he was squatting he jumped up, driving an uppercut into the Beastman's jaw and smirking as it connected. It didn't phase the man as long as he'd imagined, and rather quickly Viral was taking his turn, coming in with a rapid series of strikes. First blocking them with his hands Vegeta was surprised to find he was having trouble keeping up. One got through, catching him on the shoulder and nearly spinning him around from the impact. Crossing both arms before his head instead he absorbed quite a few hits until he finally lost his guard. Another punch caught him in the jaw, one in the chest and another in the cheek. The result sent him onto his back, amazed he'd been floored so quickly.

So that was a thing, apparently, he'd not thought Viral could break through like that. Staring up at the wall as he processed what just happened he began to laugh, slowly pushing himself into a sitting position. "Damn Viral... It's been a long time since you hit me like that..." he mused, wiping at his mouth and spitting a bit of blood away. "Looks like you're healed much more than I thought you were, which means I don't have to hold back." From the spot he was sat in Vegeta vanished, coming into focus again right before Viral, throwing a punch at his head and vanishing again. Instead of following through with that he backed off before surging forward again, trying to tackle Viral's midsection and knock him into the wall behind them forcibly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was just having fun, but when it came to landing he really was not very good at it. Giving his head a rub, he bounced a little on his toes only to abruptly stop when Takeshi poked his forehead, “Ooh! I am not a little dork…” he smiled, staring up at him and holding his head for a moment before dropping his hands again. So they were all done with training and could move on, maybe give the room to Vegeta and Viral. Swaying his arms around, he stared up at Takeshi in anticipation to what they might be doing next, “Uh huh! Pouncing!” he nodded quickly, bouncing on his toes before coming to a halt, tilting his head, “You don’t know? Pouncing is all…crouching down all sneaky, moving around prey…” Getting down on his hands he kept close to the ground, slowly moving around Takeshi before jumping at him, “Then pounce!”

T’charrl was definitely trying to give the kid a good smashing, although a little unwillingly so too. He didn’t mean to put so much power behind it, but if this kid was a Saiyan then he should be able to withstand such attacks and generally be a lot stronger than a lot of other species. It was bugging T’charrl, especially when he already told Haku before doing this that he was going through difficult changes. Throwing in a few attacks it soon turned out Haku didn’t run this time and instead went up, T’charrl looking to him before he was immediately kicked right in the orb on his shoulder. Stumbling back a little bit, he held his shoulder, “…I won’t kill you, I already told you I wouldn’t betray my friend’s trust”, he spoke as he removed his claws only for them to go to his stomach, “Agh, but…I did warn you about my plans here, what I’m trying to do for my friends! I need power, more of it…and right now I can feel it surging through me from our last battle, just waiting for that last step”. It was like a craving for nectar, his body soon ready to go through an important molt that would help him in battle and grant greater strength to the spirit. With his insides feeling like they were going through liquidation, he slowly lowered himself into a crouch, “Now you can help me or not, but if you don’t want to the door is right over there!” With a sudden dash T’charrl was on the offensive again, flying to close the gap before throwing tough punches in a series of directions before throwing out a pretty quick kick.

Viral would keep going if he could for as long as it would possibly take, maybe beyond Vegeta’s ability to keep going. If he was feeling absolutely nothing in terms of primal instincts then he was not going to change no matter how hard Vegeta hit him. Getting hit all these times was pretty tough on him, but he couldn’t keep up the ‘only way is to win’ attitude and had to give up when punches were getting too close; he just didn’t want to be hit in the gut again. Getting punched in the jaw was not a big deal, he even managed to throw in a few good punches himself; however, all that had managed to do was stop the battle once again as Vegeta couldn’t withstand his punches. Staring down at him, he growled lowly as he flexed his fingers, getting ready to attack again before Vegeta vanished once more. Almost immediately, Viral knew he was too late to do anything, especially when Ki was involved with boosting speed. As quick as he could he raised his arms up but received a solid punch to the head, throwing him off before he threw his claws around only to immediately be tackled and slammed straight into a wall. That knocked it right out of him, his head in pain after being hit so many times and same with his back. Grunting in pain, he tried to find his senses again before lifting his paw up and pressing it against the wall, “G-Go again…! I’m not out of this session…I’m not even close!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Well how about spaz? Because you can't seem to sit still for five minutes." It was all in good fun, the teasing, Takeshi didn't mean anything by it. Considering his tendency to injure himself in even the most mundane of training he figured it was a good time as any to stop. No reason to introduce something that could actually hurt Shu if he messed it up. What they were actually going to do now wasn't exactly clear, they couldn't go eat just yet and there wasn't much in the way of entertainment on board. The ship had been outfitted with Earth amenities during their stay so there was a lot of familiar stuff on board, but not a lot appealed to them right now. "Pouncing...? What are you talking about?" Takeshi asked, clearly puzzled. From how Shu explained it, it almost sounded like something that a hunter would do. His use of the word 'prey' didn't help it, and it seemed like a tad silly of a thing for them to do now. Before there was even a chance to say anything Shu took it upon himself to give a showing, promptly leaping onto his older brother. Yelping as he was near tackled Takeshi fell onto his back, having Shu land on top of him now. Having closed his eyes while falling he opened them slowly, looking up at Shu slightly unamused. Sighing he shook his head, a small smile spreading across his lips. "You are something else, you know that?"

Connecting with that kick hadn't felt nearly as satisfying as Haku had hoped. It didn't seem to do much either, just make T'charrl back off for a second. Landing back on his feet with a frown, not having a clue how he was actually supposed to hurt this alien. If he blasted T'charrl again it'd only end badly for him, and there were far too many people around that could make his life awfully miserable if he did try anything. "Oh... So if you change you'll be able to keep that promise?" the Saiyan voiced, clearly skeptical. The Kaesstrian had nearly attacked his friend back on Earth, what was preventing him then from mauling some nobody? All this talk of needing power was a bit off putting, it reminded him too much of how Saiyans talked. Just because he was a Saiyan didn't mean he necessarily bought into everything, he wasn't fanatically driven by strength. Not that he'd mind being stronger, then he could stand up for himself. Being given a way out was a little insulting, Haku wanted to prove T'charrl wrong and stand his ground. Easier said than done though as the alien came at him once more, Haku scrambling to block and evade punches that were thrown his way. While he did block them they still stung like heck, he'd probably have some lumps later. The kick got through, he totally had missed it. Caught in the side he was sent flying away, hitting the floor and bouncing slightly. Groaning in pain he rolled slightly, slowly picking himself up and holding his side. "You jerk! That hurt dammit!"

Vegeta wasn't going to keep pulling punches, not if Viral really wanted to get into the thick of things. He took no pleasure in fighting in a way that hurt his friend, but if this was what he wanted and what was needed they had little choice. Abusing his Ki again for a burst of speed he vanished from view, delivering a hard blow that sent the Beastman reeling. The follow up was a hard tackle, tossing Viral into the wall with a loud thud as his body slammed against the slightly padded structure. Stepping back with a displeased look Vegeta sighed, really not reveling in what he was doing. "Fine, I'll keep going. But I'm done throwing shots at your skull, I never should have in the first place." Walking away and motioning for Viral to follow they moved more to the center of the room again, giving themselves a bit more room. With a faint smile Vegeta nodded his head, taking another stance to resume. Pushing off the ground at Viral he opened up with a simple haymaker, which if blocked he'd then try to drive a knee into Viral's stomach and lastly with both hands held together hit his back to hopefully knock him down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was definitely having a ton of fun playing around with Takeshi and him not showing any sort of annoyance towards his actions was definitely a plus for him, knowing he could continue on with this so long that Takeshi was in a good mood. While he didn’t know whether Takeshi was having fun, he was going to have to ask him eventually, but for now he was going to test him and try some of his more traditional playing methods to see if Takeshi really wanted to play. Pouncing at him, he managed to get him pinned down and was left staring over him, giggling away in excitement, “I got you! I got you!” he squeaked, staring down at Takeshi before rolling off him, continuing his little roll a few more times before sitting up, “Ooh! I am Shu! That’s what I am. Fun in pouncing! Do you know how to pounce now? It’s more fun with tall grass! All stalking and quiet and looking for food…ooooh! I miss the jungle sometimes! Do you miss places sometimes…?”

T’charrl couldn’t understand this kid, especially when he seemed so confident at the start and now he was a scared all the time and cowering away from attacks. At least T’charrl was training at the same time, so all this was doing was giving him a target to try and hit, “I’ll keep it! Hopefully, I mean I’m still training in that”, he spoke quickly, trying to give himself some time to breathe, “The point of me doing this…is to advance! So I don’t lose control so much!” He was hoping for the element of control so much, maybe even gaining the ability to change into his normal self. He didn’t care if he had to change into a different form to gain that ability; he wanted to be able to wear clothes again among doing other things.

Pushing himself, T’charrl was quick to go in for the attack, aiming to give this Saiyan a run for his money if he had to. The kid had beaten him before he transformed, but now the kid was barely able to withstand any of his attacks. His strength was increasing greatly, he was gaining more power and finally feeling like he was going to be useful to his friends. Going straight in for the kid again, his punches battered the kid’s blocks and with one strong kick he managed to hit the kid away, winning their duel. Watching as Haku picked himself up, he stared at him as the realisation that he had won was met with an insult, “Jerk…? You asked to train, you-ah!” Doubling over, he winced as his body strained and his muscles contracted, the orbs glowing slightly in response as his insides gargled. It was beginning, he had managed to reach the next level and his body needed to change to contain all this power, “I-It’s time-aghh! Y-You can leave if you want…you don’t need to hang a-around for this…”

Viral was really hurting and after all those headshots should probably take a break, but he was trying hard to bring out these forms. He needed to be able to do it before they got to Namek, at least try to get one form down. Holding his head, he slowly moved up and back into the centre of the room again and getting ready. Maybe he should take a break soon, he was really pushing himself and he was already losing his ability to see colours with this many blows. Raising his fists, he watched Vegeta’s stance, taking his word before Vegeta immediately rushed in with a punch straight for his head. He had taken Vegeta’s word that he wouldn’t hit his head again, his fist raising up quickly but he still got clipped, his brain practically rattling before receiving a blow to his stomach and lastly his spine physically abused with a hard smack down. Once again he was on the floor in pain, feeling dizzy, sick and momentarily paralysed. Letting out a groan, he slowly rolled over, his paw on his stomach as he tried to speak up with his other paw waving around in Vegeta’s direction accusingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Ah! Shu! What the hell?" Takeshi really hadn't expected to be pounced on, not that he expected half the things his brother did. Falling back with Shu now propped up on top of him the older boy glanced up, faintly amused at that. So this was one of his little jungle games, huh. Not really something he could see himself doing, it was childish even as far as their games went. It might be fun though too, maybe he shouldn't be such a stick in the mud. "Yeah, yeah, you got me squirt," he replied, rolling his eyes and smiling as he watched Shu roll away. Really, that kid was just way too energetic, the fact they could get him to sit still or sleep was a miracle. Sitting up and crossing his legs Takeshi gave his head a rubbing, watching Shu as he went on and on about pouncing. Even the simplest things had him all up and up, it was funny. "I know how to pounce, doesn't mean I'm going to do it though, not really my thing," Takeshi admitted, shrugging his shoulders. In regards to Shu's question he took a moment, frowning as he folded his arms over his chest. "You know... I don't think so... I've never really been anywhere that I miss," he said simply, "It's more the people that I'd miss, I guess. Even my house isn't anything special..." Chuckling a little he shook his head, smiling at Shu kindly. "It's going to sound super cheesy, but... My house doesn't mean anything to me without you or some of our friends around. Places aren't special, it's the people you're with, right?"

This was all so he could control his power? Huh, that was kind of weird. It wasn't too different then from what Saiyans did to master their Oozaru forms. Granted only the stronger of their kind tended to change AND be able to control it, plenty of people were prone to go rampant otherwise. Haku couldn't remember the last time he had changed, so he probably fell into the category of "going berserk". Okay, so there was a purpose to this training other than just trying to bloody him up, that was good, he guessed. Still didn't make this any more appealing, but at least there was some sense to it. As the action picked up again a fierce rush of strikes rained down on Haku, most of which he was able to block or evade. A powerful kick did manage to break through, and it was more than enough to send him flying. Groaning painfully as he landed it took the kid a moment to gather himself back up, not at all thrilled at having been struck like that. Snapping at T'charrl angrily it looked like they might start fighting again, that was until the Kaesstrian doubled over in pain. Haku had a pretty good idea what was going on and the alien was quick to confirm it, he was changing again. Despite being properly scared to hell he wasn't running. In perhaps a stupidly bold move the Saiyan shook his head, the smallest of smirks creeping across his lips. "This is all about c-control, right...? We'll see if you c-can control yourself..."

Perhaps he had gone into that a little too enthusiastically. Vegeta had intended to strike hard, but leveling Viral like that was hardly ideal. When all three strikes hit successfully he immediately winced inwardly, really hoping no damage had been done. Seeing the Beastman sprawled out on the floor had him worried, that might have been a little too much. Seeing Viral roll over and gesture to him the Saiyan smiled slightly, squatting down and resting his arms over his knees. "Let me guess... 'Don't hit my head when you said you wouldn't?' Yeah... I kind of broke that rule, so... Sorry," he admitted, chuckling as he rubbed at the back of his neck. "I think we need to take a break, let you recover. I'm beginning to think that this might not be the way to go about it anyways." Which meant if brawling wasn't going to do the trick then what was? Sigh... Things would be so much easier if his father were here, he'd have the answers. "Now then, can you get up or have I knocked the coordination right out of you?" he asked, smiling teasingly. "We should put the mess hall back together before we have a riot on our hands."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu could remember everything from his past that mattered, mainly his family and playing. The environment was a plus too, but if he had to put it into one of those categories it would be under playing. The world was just one big playing field for him and he loved it, even those big stony jungles Takeshi seemed awfully fond of. The ship was one big playing field too, but it was a little more dangerous when there were buttons that could do something he didn’t want to happen and probably get into trouble for touching something. With his tail waving around, he stared at Takeshi curiously to see what he was going to tell him, hoping it was a good idea to ask him. Smiling when he decided to share, he slowly shuffled across the floor towards him, his legs crossed, “Ooooh? Really?” he tilted his head, giving him a smile, “Do you really mean me…? Ooh, ooh, ooh…” Smiling away, he moved closer to him, staring up at him, “Does that mean I’m super cheesy? You and friends make my life the best too; super cheesy! People like me and that’s such a strange thing for me too! Maybe once we see mother, she’ll like us too…”

T’charrl felt so strange and this pain just felt even stranger as if he was being squeezed, this change definitely feeling like one of these ‘metamorphosis’ things he was warned about. He was going to take a new form because he had increased in strength, but before he could tell whether he could use this power to change back into his normal self he didn’t know yet. This form he had now wouldn’t be lost, he knew what it was for and why he took it in the first place after transforming back from his monstrous form, but he still wanted to get closer to being able to return to his normal form. He was craving power so much as if he was starving and he couldn’t control his craving anymore, leading to this moment. With his insides making all sorts of nasty noises and his body creaking, he stared at Haku upon his refusal to leave, smirking slightly, “Really…? This isn’t-…this isn’t like…last…time…” he gasped, his body shaking.

T’charrl’s problem was because it was all a mutation given to him by the spirit it was not going to feel natural, leading him to envy his ancestors who were gifted with this power; all he knew was he was going to be a great leader and protector mastering all these abilities, but first he needed to experience them. With everything becoming too painful to bare, he slowly moved his arms as they appeared to be shrinking in length but was instead making up for it by thickening. It was the same with his body; he was becoming shorter than his tall form but his body was filling out with increasing mass. His body was becoming heavier with each straining moment, his legs soon struggling to hold his increasing frame before with a loud crack his old hardened skin split open as his upper body widened with increasing mass and a large mane of fur. As his old skin from where it split crumbled as his body became more muscular, his legs collapsed and even his arms were having trouble holding the frame up, at least until his lower arms bulged out with layers of muscle and a mass of fur, lengthening until they were used to hold up his frame. His upper arms instead began to point to the sky against his will, T’charrl’s pained eyes looking up at them before the shoulders of them exploded with muscle, and without warning large bony growths forced their way out around the orbs and formed into long sharp points, his hands underneath straining in pain.

Looking distressed, T’charrl looked like he was struggling to move right up until his bent legs forced his body up with enlarging muscles, his legs moving further apart from each other as his lower abdomen swelled up with spikes forcing their way out at the end. This was a whole new transformation and he was in constant pain, his shortened yet muscular legs shaking as if in pain and fear over what he was becoming. A he pulled his head forward, he looked like he was struggling to keep his mind as his mouth widened all the way up to his cheeks, his face becoming covered in fur as his hair grew out wild and long, his antennae increasing in length all the way down his back. Gasping in pain, the strange Kaesstrian fell forward, his wings breaking out of his widened collarbone in a cloak-like shape. While he was shorter than what he used to be, he was wide and muscular with his upper arms resting on the long large spines that now stuck out of his forearms, sheathing away and allowing his hands to drop to the ground. His orbs swirled with a strange purple energy in amongst the blue, his cravings for power trying to force corruption into him. His large claws for feet scratched into the floor, his eyes wide and struggling to subdue it, “…I…c-c-c-ontrol…mysssselffff…!” he hissed, actually speaking in the universal language since his scouter had fallen onto the powder that was his old skin, “Help! Wordssss…pleassssse…”

Viral was very disorientated and a little mentally pounded, his awareness for anything was definitely gone and he was left trying to think basic thoughts. His stomach was definitely suffering, his muscles straining in the tried to overcome being winded. Nothing had happened during that entire session much to his disappointment, shifting up a little as he decided he had enough of that. Vegeta did not fight with honour, he lied to him with kind words and that really hurt. Slowly moving into an easier position, he slowly pushed himself up and gradually managed to get back to his feet, his hand on his stomach and his eyes closed in pain. He probably would had been knocked unconscious if he wasn’t strong enough to withstand that, much to his disappointment when it would had meant less pain. Letting out a groan, he slowly moved towards the shifted tables, “…Don’t insult me…” he mumbled, slowly beginning to move a table. He felt pretty terrible, not only with pain but he felt light-headed, his ears ringing with a high-pitched screech sounding every so often.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi didn't exactly have a 'favorite place' or one that he particularly missed. Most of the places he could remember held some rather lousy memories, and the few that had good ones were too brief to be deemed a favorite. His house was probably the only place even remotely close, and with all the bad that went with it he couldn't quite give it that title, not just yet. In a brief moment of sentiment he reflected on how the company he kept was far more important than they were, being a bit more profound than usual. Maybe doing that with Shu present was a bit of a moot point as the little guy seemed to miss most of what was said entirely. He certainly picked up on Takeshi liking him however, moving closer rather excitably. "I think the phrase 'cheesy' might be lost on you buddy," he replied, laughing a bit, "But yeah, I mean it. You guys mean a lot to me, even if I don't say it usually, so thanks." Taking a brief pause he narrowed his eyes at Shu, reaching out and poking him in the chest. "Don't you ever tell anyone what I said, alright? I don't want everyone thinking I'm a sap or something." Goodness knows Vegeta and Yumi would torment him to no end. Never mind what the squad might do if word got out he was all sentimental about friendship and crap. The mention of their mother brought a small smile to Takeshi's lips, and with a nod of his head he looked to Shu happily. "Of course she'll like us, she's our mom. They're supposed to do that stuff aren't they?"

Haku hadn't a clue what T'charrl meant, "Not like last time", but he was about to find out. Feeling the strong need to prove he had at least some mettle, at least for pride's sake the young Saiyan refused to budge, determined to ride out the change and brave whatever might face them on the other end. The transformation had begun on one hell of a note, the audible crunching and expanding of tissue was pretty sickening. Before his very eyes T'charrl began to expand, rather unevenly as his body looked to randomly grow in different places. It wasn't nearly as big as what he had been before, but it was every bit as intimidating to watch. Something was different too, something that alarmed the warrior to see. Extruding from several places on T'charrl's body were bony, cartilage-like appendages, small spikes protruding from his flesh. Eyes widening in shock at what was before him Haku had no idea what he was supposed to do now, certainly not if they were going to spar. This energy, it was something else, it was scary too. Being spoken to he jumped a bit, looking up in surprise at the Kaesstrian. "W-Words... What...? D-Do you want me to talk...?" he asked, earnestly confounded. "Uh... O-Okay. Uh... Are you okay...?"

Perhaps he had been a touch harsh with that session, Vegeta reflected. There was no need to strike Viral as hard as he had, certainly not reinforcing his blows with Ki either. The Beastman was very clearly in pain from their spar and probably would be feeling it for quite a while. The fact he had no actual damage sans some soreness spoke volumes about his recovery however, he was definitely in better shape now. If they could condition him a bit more and master these forms there wasn't a doubt in Vegeta's mind that Viral could battle Elites, even in his base form. Wandering to one of the tables he grabbed it and dragged it across the floor, grateful for the padded legs not screeching. "Viral, I'm sorry for that. I figured trying to get to you mentally was the way to go, I was wrong." Mind games might not work, at least not that way. They might have to discover a way to do this without physically harming Viral. Hm... There was an idea, he'd have to look into it later. Setting the table in place Vegeta glanced back over at Viral, heading towards him and gesturing for the Beastman to do the same. "Come here, let me just make sure there's no actual damage. You sustained those hits very well, I'd be surprised if you have more than a few bruises. Which considering how hard I hit you means you've definitely gotten better."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu did like to share, but there wasn’t too much of his own life he had shared before either. He wasn’t secretive, but nobody really cared much about his past and cared more for the present, even if he had told Takeshi some of his past. All that wasn’t important anyway, at least not important enough to be concerned with after all. Tilting his head a little, he smiled at Takeshi when he laughed and bounced a little on the spot, feeling pretty happy to hear that, “Oooohh, no problem!” he giggled, hiccupping when he was poked. Giving his head a shake, he rubbed his chest and shrugged a little, “I won’t tell! It’s not a big deal because I know and that’s all that really mattered, right?” Feeling a little more confident about the present, the future still made him feel a little worried considering how he felt about his mother, “Well…she’ll like you! But I don’t know about me”, he spoke, taking hold of his tail, “Maybe she will! But I don’t know because I’m hairy and weird and stuff and maybe she won’t believe we’re brothers because I’m so different from you”.

T’charrl was in a great level of pain after that metamorphosis, not to mention he was feeling stressed out over what he had become. He thought he might just look a little different, but instead there was a whole new form hiding in that old skin of his. This was no time to be stressed though, the corruption forcing an even worse outcome that could either turn him into something no better than the General or just kill him outright. As his insides continued to gargle through reconstruction, he found himself in pain and vulnerable. If the kid decided to attack him he would probably burst a hole in his gut pretty easily. Trying to form words for the kid to understand without sounding too much like an illiterate Kaesstrian, he almost had it if he could cut it out with the kicking and hissing his words as he struggled with the pain. The kid responded thankfully, finding it easier to focus on something that made him more like a person than a corrupt monster. Staring at him with slight curiosity through the pain, the corrupt energy settled a little up until Haku stopped speaking, causing it to spike.

The spike was easily felt and he was quickly struggling again, his claws shifting on the floor before the corrupted orb on his shoulder suddenly swelled and a mass of hard cartilage shot out, a large black spine forming from his shoulder’s bone and forcing out hard rocky skin. T’charrl let out a pained yell, the upper arm barely being shown mercy as muscles bulged up like a tumorous growth around it. The corrupted orb was still trying to fight against the energy as if the spirit itself was forcing energy into it from other places, the muscles pulsating and the spines sometimes receding during the attempt. The kid was going to need to give it more than that if he was to survive, or at least keep his mind, “Sssspeak more!!! I n-need…to feel…normal!” The spirit was helping him all it could, but the corruption was forcing out mutations T’charrl definitely didn’t need to go through while he had to try and understand what Haku was saying and be able to respond to it. He should know the language enough in theory, he just had to reach deep into his mind and find it.

Viral didn’t know why he felt so disorientated, but Vegeta had put a good bit of power into those attacks. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do now that fighting like that didn’t work, especially when being beaten to near death always seemed to work. Maybe he was doing it wrong, but he sure was feeling dizzy too. Slowly reaching up to his head, he gave the bruises a rub as he tried to get blood circulating and not pooling as much considering it was needed elsewhere. Slowing down his breathing, he soon sighed and slowly began to move a table back, staring at it before he slowly came to a halt. He wasn’t there yet, but slowly reaching up to his head he cupped his ears to try and get the ringing to stop, it proving to be most painful indeed when his mind could barely find itself right now and his body being left in pain, especially his gut which was soon rumbling in disagreement. Slowly giving them a rub, he twitched a little when Vegeta spoke up, calling for him to come over to him. Staring at the table, he instead slowly bent forward as if going to reach down for the table but as he withdrew his hands from his ears there was instead large balls of fluff that popped out into big pointed ears. As his ears twitch, his shoulder soon began twitching too as he raised his hand as he watched his claws burst out into large talons as the form decided to show itself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Good, because if you tell anyone..." Takeshi warned, narrowing his eyes and trying to act serious. Not able to keep up his front he smirked, sticking his tongue out playfully at Shu, "If you tell I won't buy you any more smoothies for a whole month, so you had better keep it a secret!" Heh, bribery at its finest, Shu loved those smoothies. He did too, but not nearly as much as this fruit-maniac did, that kid treated each one like a Christmas gift almost. Discussing their mother wasn't something the two of them did a whole lot anymore, and for a while Takeshi almost considered it taboo. Now that she was the topic of conversation though he was more than happy to talk about her, or as the case might be reassure Shu about her. "Even if we are different she's our mom, she'll love us either way, no matter what we look like," he said, nodding with certainty. Getting an almost dreamy look on his face the older boy smiled, looking at the floor as he twisted his fingers together in an unusual, sheepish behavior for him. "Just think... She'll get to hug us and stuff... And make us food, and play games with us. And she can probably tell us all sorts of stories and stuff too..." Takeshi quickly cut himself off, his face turning red as he looked at Shu again, promptly pressing a finger to his lips as he looked at the doors. "What the hell, how long have you been there?" he shouted annoyed.

Oops, looks like they were caught! Smiling mischievously at Choi the female fighter pressed the button to open the doors, poking her head in with a smile. "Hi there boys, hope we're not interrupting!" Yumi said cheerfully, totally ignoring the glare Takeshi was giving her. Stepping into the room she folded her hands behind her back, the smile lingering on her lips. They had really only just gotten there, and heard the very tail end of what was being discussed. Honestly she thought it was cute they were talking about their mom, they never did seem to anymore. "We only just got here, we figured we'd come down to train," she added, gesturing to Choi. "Are you two finished with this room yet? There's not really anywhere else for us to go and I'm itching to get some practice in."

Haku was near the point of panic already, and seeing a new protrusion suddenly spike out from T'charrl didn't help. Staring wide eyed as all of this took place he nodded his head hastily at the alien's demand. "Uh... O-Okay, but what do I talk about?!" he stammered, utterly lost. Another pained noise from the Kaesstrian and he guessed it really didn't matter, so long as he kept on talking. Damn it, he didn't exactly enjoy speaking a whole lot, unless he was playing or taunting an opponent. "Uh... Well... I can talk about m-myself? Is that okay...?" Again, probably didn't need to run it by T'charrl, anything would do. Sighing softly he nodded his head to himself, taking one precautionary step back for good measure. "Well... My f-father is a high ranking soldier... Uh... And he's k-kind of strong, stronger than me. I don't know my mother at all, but I've seen her before. I uh... Was supposed to train in the palace, but I wasn't good enough, s-so I trained with the regular troops. A-And they didn't like me much either, they said I t-tried to hard and made e-everyone look bad..." Wait, he was asked only to talk, so why the hell was he sharing his life story? Haku frowned as he looked back up at T'charrl, cringing slightly seeing his appearance. Boy that had to be painful. "Did that help...?"

What a bother, having to set the mess hall back themselves. Vegeta didn't exactly like making others do his work but he really wouldn't mind some employees right now to do this for him. Dragging another table across the floor he passed a look to Viral, wondering if he ought to check on his condition just in case. Probably not a bad idea, better to be safe than sorry. Motioning the Beastman over he moved to just simply examine for bumps, instead watching curiously as Viral began to act odd. The moment his hands left his head and the ears appeared alarms began to go off in Vegeta's head. The paws changing was only further evidence that, by some slim chance they had actually succeeded. This was incredible! It could be, if only he knew what in the hell they did to cause this. "Viral, you're changing!" he said obviously, a bit caught up in the moment. Remedying that stupid statement quickly he grabbed one of Viral's newly formed paws, trying to drag him along out of the room. "To hell with fixing this place, we've got to get you to the medical ward! I need to examine you!" If they could study him in the process, say EGM waves and the actual physical manifestations itself then just perhaps he could discover what was causing this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu certainly was able to hold onto secrets, especially when they were threatened with the permanent removal of smoothies from his life unless he stole them and even then he had no idea how you steal a drink like that, “Ooh! Noooo I won’t tell anyone! I keep secrets, all shhhh”, he spoke, holding his finger up to his mouth before looking behind himself at the back wall, “I no tell! Keep all the secrets, yessssshhhh”. Giving Takeshi a little smile, he slowly looked down at his hands, pressing his fingers together in anticipation over the possibility of seeing their mother. It was an awfully strange predicament to be in; not being able to tell whether his mother would love him and whether he was going to be able to love her. Keeping his head lowered, he nodded slowly before he squeaked, “Hugs and stuff? I like hugs and stuff…ooh! I hope all those things happen! I really do!” Giving him a smile, he hiccupped when Takeshi was suddenly put on alert, his eyes going to the door as well. It was Yumi and one of the twins, he didn’t know what one but probably the one she liked, whatever one that was. Bouncing up to his feet, he waved at Yumi before bouncing over to the pair, smiling at them both, “Hi! We were just about to go! We want food and maybe see if Mister Viral and Vegeta were finished with the room!”

Choi had fun when he was all sneaky with Yumi there, gasping in sarcastic disbelief when they were caught. They had their own fun when they were away together and it was certainly nice, but it was all time for fighting and he was going to try to teach her some moves to give her a present of sorts. He had a few techniques in mind that she might not know about, but they definitely needed this room. Grinning at Takeshi, he gave him a thumbs up, “Hey we didn’t hear anything! No worries! I mean, maybe we did, but we won’t tell until we need to bribe you”.

T’charrl felt like he was going to die, but the worst outcome was probably going to turn him into a disgusting monster instead. His shoulder was in constant pain and he couldn’t move it, the orb struggling to contain the corruption. This must had been how the General got his huge bulking body when he injected himself, but he couldn’t imagine having that sort of muscle; no wonder the General looked so sickly after, he probably wouldn’t be feeling too good himself after this. Hoping maybe the kid might fill out this one request, he stared at Haku who took a moment of hesitation before saying anything else. Staring at him with a pained expression, the kid was soon starting to rattle on with mostly random words. Not giving him much of a clue to what he was wanting to say, he continued to listen to him in hopes that it might help.

All this talking the kid was doing sounded somewhat odd, but his increasing understanding over the language was only implanting itself in his brain the more he spoke. All about his life from the sounds of it, at least regarding what his family was like before he left to Takeshi’s planet. Taking in deep breaths as he stared at the kid, his pained look soon softened as it gradually became less as his eyes slowly looked up to his infected shoulder. The corruption was disappearing, the bone and hardened skin was slowly shrinking and the orb was turning a clear blue again. The pain had eased greatly, but there was still the injury left from the sudden protrusion and that definitely hurt. Frowning, he soon let out a sigh, a large paw slowly moving towards his shoulder before his eyes instead went straight to his paw. Just what had he become? It wasn’t as bad as his monstrous form, but he felt really fat compared to what he was before, his lower arms might as well be trunks while his upper arms might as well be weapons as opposed to actual limbs. The power within this form was overwhelming compared to his last, he actually felt stronger, but he was definitely worried over what his friends might think of him. Letting out a groan, he slowly rolled over onto his front, a deep frown on his large face, “…T-Thank you…yesss…” he spoke, still trying to get used to using the language. It was all the nonsense he had trouble with when he was practicing with Vegeta, but the man had helped him greatly with pronouncing all these words. Despite all of that happening, his insides were still taking their time to change all with a need for sugar rising as his stomachs began to form properly. Looking to the kid, he kept pretty silent before finally speaking up, “You…didn’t rrrun…? Why…?”

Viral barely seemed aware of what was happening to him or what the reality of it was, his only real sign of awareness seemed to be that he was staring at it. Watching as the talon-like claws shot out, he let out a low cat-like groan before suddenly gasping when Vegeta called him out on letting it happen. His eyes quickly changing back to slits, he looked towards Vegeta a little before he was suddenly grabbed and dragged on away with determination. He couldn’t resist it, in fact he was having a hard enough time trying to keep his mind together without it falling apart over what was happening to him, “The…medical ward? But I need to-“ The paw Vegeta was holding onto quickly began to change, becoming large and fluffy with hard underpads. Frowning a little, he held onto his head with his only normal hand, trying to find focus, “…Hurry up before I start tripping up…or something…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was pretty nice, dreaming about what their mom might be like. She had to be a nice lady, she wasn't a Saiyan after all. Sure, Shu and Takeshi were a bit older but it still would be awfully nice to get babied, even if only a little. The older boy almost fantasized over what it would be like to have something like a family dinner, the very notion made him feel all fuzzy inside. Unfortunately his little moment was disrupted when Yumi and Choi showed up, and after becoming immediately self conscious he called them out. As they came in he wore a rather deep blush but tried to play it off, scoffing as Choi grinned at him before getting up himself. "Oh thanks Choi, I can always count on you," Takeshi remarked, unable to help but smile slightly himself. "But yeah, we're done so you two can have at it." His stomach was summoning him to greener, and tastier pastures anyways. Putting a hand on it and giving it a thoughtful pat he motioned for Shu to follow, giving their friends a small wave before leaving the room. "Oooh... What are you in the mood for anyways Shu? We've got tons and tons of food stored this time!" They had taken the precaution of loading up more than enough goods for their trip. Now it would be quite some time until they needed to start eating alien food again, which was nice. "I swear if you say fruit I'm going to tweak your nose."

Yumi wore a wide grin the entire time Takeshi was there, she couldn't help it. It was so adorable and funny hearing them talk about their mother like that, it was nice to see they hadn't forgotten either. Poor kids, they'd been so sidetracked by all of this she wondered when, if ever they'd get to meet her. Once alone with Choi she turned to the Saiyan expectantly, folding her hands behind her back as she did so. "So..." she began, kicking a leg out lazily, "You said you were going to teach me a few things, right? I'm guessing some big, secret Saiyan techniques that will make me a better fighter?" There was a bit of teasing sarcasm in her tone, she wasn't overly expecting a lot. Not that Choi wasn't knowledgeable or a good fighter but the Saiyans seemed to employ pretty much the same thing time and time again. Brute strength was the name of the game, it seemed, very few opponents really used any tactics. Strolling up to him she cocked an eyebrow, her mouth pulling into a teasing smirk as she prodded his chest with a finger. "All you're going to do is prove that us from Earth are better, just saying."

Haku hadn't been sure if he'd actually done anything; Evidently he'd helped T'charrl quite a bit. Seeing the Kaesstrian turn back to normal, whatever that was for him, the Saiyan got a momentary sigh of relief. So he wasn't going to go berserk this time, that was good. For someone who was usually rather ineffective he was actually surprised at his own ability to keep the alien under control. Glancing up to meet T'charrl's gaze as he was thanked all the kid could do was shrug in response, not very used to being thanked. He hadn't really done anything but talk, it didn't really deserve thanks did it? This entire matter just had him awfully confused about things, and even as it seemed to be over his mind was still muddled with questions. "Huh...? Why didn't I run...?" Haku shrugged his shoulders again, finding himself twisting his fingers nervously as he looked at the floor. "W-Well... I don't know really... I just... Didn't..." Maybe he had been too frightened and couldn't, or he was overly confident and didn't feel the need to. Haku didn't know why himself, he'd just stood his ground and done what was asked of him. "Do you... Uh... Need anything...?" Might as well be of use, he was actually getting some conversation here, conversation that didn't involve yelling at him.

"You need to nothing, we have to find out what's happening," Vegeta said firmly, leaving no room for arguments. There was a pause however as he felt something shifting in his grasp, glancing back and watching surprised as Viral's paw changed right before him. Alright, so the process was rather quick, that made this infinitely more difficult. Pulling the Beastman along with a renewed sense of urgency. This was ideal, he could examine what was going on and better draw conclusions about what made it happen. That was all provided of course that they got to the medical ward before it was completed. "I'll drag you if I have to, I won't miss this opportunity." Vegeta didn't mean to come across as blunt, but Viral had to understand the importance of this. Granted it would only be a single form but this would allow them to better gain mastery over it. Being the newer form as well there was some hope that the others might fall into a similar pattern. Not capitalizing on this opportunity would only hurt them both in the long run.

Thanks to the haste at which they moved the pair made it to the medical ward rather quickly. Viral had changed slightly more on the way, but he was still much himself in a way. Vegeta led the Beastman over to a chair, easing him into it before hurriedly getting to work. From one side of the room he brought over a set of monitors and a series of nodes. Attaching the latter to Viral's head more or less without his consent the Saiyan turned on the monitor, nearly bouncing in his spot in a rare show of excitement. If he could just study the brainwave patterns he could draw some conjectures about what was going on and maybe link it to other behaviors or patterns, and from there find out precisely what triggered this change. From there they could apply it and, theoretically at least Viral could transform on will. "Talk to me Viral, I want you to try and describe what's happening right now. We need this to figure out how to control these changes."
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