Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was pretty forgiving of Yumi’s and Choi’s antics, but of course it was Yumi and if she needed this place then they could go somewhere else and chat about things like their mother and what they might do after. It would be so weird, having them and even Vegeta get their mothers back even if one was lucky enough to get a loving father too. He wondered whether his own father felt anything for him, but then again the guy was not the kind who wouldn’t care for himself like a lot of Saiyans at the top of their game. Giving Takeshi a smile, he bounced on out of the room and looked up at Takeshi, giving him a smile, “Food! I’m in the mood for food!” he giggled, giving him a grin when he was told off for fruit, “But, but, but okay! Heeeee…I waaaaaant…meat! Much meat! Please? I pounced on you like pouncing on prey so I deserve food like prey now.

Choi was a mixed sort of happy right now, mainly because he was a bit guilty that he had chased the brothers out of a little moment but he was getting to train with Yumi. She might find this technique he wanted to teach possibly boring, but it was something he and Kai used all the time and to master it the whole isolation this room brought was just perfect for mastering it. Giving Takeshi and Shu a little wave as they left, looking back to Yumi and giving a nod, “Yeah! Well, it’s kind of a secret Saiyan technique…as in nobody knows you’re doing it”, he spoke, slowly sneaking towards her as if it really was a top secret technique, “Nobody EVER knows”. He was hoping he could teach her some more techniques that would be handy for her, but this one was probably going to be the most useful. Looking to her finger, he smiled a little and shook his head, “Do you want to learn maybe…how to send messages to others in secret? With your mind! No need to speak out loud ever again”.

T’charrl didn’t think the kid would want to stick around in a million years after seeing him mutate before, but maybe after seeing it this one wouldn’t had been any different. He really needed some help now, he was very vulnerable even if he took on a form that looked more suited to demonstrate strength. He wanted to get up to have a proper look at himself, he needed to see what he was by default for now before deciding whether he wanted to be seen by people. Staring at him, he frowned slightly at his answer, finding it to be so vague and not giving him much of a clue, “Just…didn’t? Just didn’t…” he sighed, his body shaking for a moment as it audibly rumbled, “Ackshhh…ffffood…I need food. Sssweet food, I need sweet…” He definitely needed energy, just like he needed it after the battle with the General but didn’t get it properly until he mutated again ending with his mother finding him. It was ending up being the exact same scenario and he should had learned his lesson from it. If he had to look on the bright side of it, at least he won’t mutate into a huge beast and would be a sort of ‘medium’ sized one. Trying to keep it under control, his large arm moved to cover his face, trying not to scare the kid as he unwillingly began to snarl and show his teeth, “S-sorry…but pleassse get…”

Viral felt pretty out of it just over what was happening to him, finding it hard to concentrate on his own thoughts and concerns. This transformation didn’t hurt him, but it caused his nerves to seize as the change happened against his will; it was his ultimate form that hurt like hell when it came out unwelcomed, but that was probably expected considering how violent it was. He couldn’t believe he was actually having to try hard not to make cat sounds, his embarrassment levels pretty high in front of Vegeta. He couldn’t imagine what he was like before when he couldn’t remember what happened, but he just wanted to forget that happened. The size his now cat-paw was getting made him feel pretty uneasy, actually making his large forearm look like a normal arm in comparison. Such an embarrassment he was, but Vegeta seemed absolutely thrilled to catch him in mid-tranformation. Being pulled along he was growing fur in places he didn’t want to exist, his spine starting to become pretty itchy, “Damnit…you know if I was an animal I would let you drag me…”

Finally arriving at the medical ward and his shoes were feeling pretty tight, but hoping he could last to somewhere where he might not fall he took large strides before almost falling onto the chair. His face had fur growing close to his eyes at this point and his eyes were indicating some sort of struggle to keep his attention on Vegeta. Taking hold of the chair as Vegeta hooked up his head without permission, his shoes split open as large cat feet with giant claws protruding from them. Viral was looking pretty dazed at this point, his mind going inbetween feral and normal as he tried to keep focused on Vegeta, “God…describe it? I’m…finding it hard to focus, my head is…swimming, my ears are ringing…I don’t want this to happen but I can’t stop it!” he spoke, trying to keep up the focus as he soon lost grip of the chair as his other hand changed too, his eyes going to it as it formed into a huge paw, “I-It tingles, it jolts, it-…murrrr-becoming hard to keep me from-“ His paws moved to try and grip onto the chair as if trying to stop himself from moving, his eyes desperate to keep focused on Vegeta so that he might keep his current mindset, “Arrghhh-to keep me from pouncing you and trying to eat you! I’m so hungry…so hungry…no! No I’m not! I just think I am! You kicking my gut didn’t help! Does that help you, Vegeta??”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

After the interruption Takeshi was more than happy to get out of there. So much for having a moment, he thought, sighing as they walked out into the hall. Their mother was still on his mind and he wondered how close they might be getting to seeing her now. Perhaps when they went to confront their father, by some luck he'd tell them where she was. To address a more immediate problem... They needed food! Now that they had finished their games and training it was gradually dawning on the boys that they were hungry, and provided the mess hall was available they could get something to eat. Teasingly telling Shu he couldn't have fruit the older boy was a little surprised he was so open to eating meat. Then again the little guy never seemed to have a distaste for it, he just preferred his apples and pears. "Fine, you can have... Food like prey, whatever that means," Takeshi answered, scratching his head curiously. "And you can have fruit I suppose. I think we can mix them actually, we should try! I bet it'd be yummy." Or it could be disastrous. With everyone else busy right now it was up to them to cook, unless they wanted to let the resident chef use alien ingredients. Hm... Probably best they do it themselves then. "Some grilled fruit, and big steaks, and maybe lots of bread too!"

Yumi hadn't a clue what Choi had in mind for training, he'd refused to tell her. Despite persistence he'd remained completely silent up until now and she was very eager to learn what it might be. The build up that he was creating before revealing it was only adding to her frustration, she was very close to shouting just for him to get on with it. "Out with the secret already Choi, it's killing me not knowing!" With baited breath she waited as he finally disclosed what it was, and upon discovering she blinked a few times. It was a little lackluster, to be honest, and it was something she knew. Not that she ever did it, but she knew of it. Getting a chance to learn how to do it was pretty nice, though she'd expected something a bit more, oh, explosive. "So like... Telepathy right? You can do that?" she asked, looking at the Saiyan surprised. "Wait a minute..." Yumi paused, grabbing Choi by the shirt and pulling him close. Despite being a good bit shorter she glowered up at him like they were on equal ground. "Have you and the others ever talked about us like that? I swear if you're keeping secrets from us I'll kick your butt Choi."

"F-Food...? You need food...?" Haku repeated, blinking owlishly. The snarling made the young Saiyan jump a bit in his spot, worried he might be turned on any second now. Hearing T'charrl speak instead calmed him, even if only just. "Uh... O-Okay! Just wait here!" Looking around in a faint fright for the door he hurried over to it, bursting out of the room and shutting it off behind himself. If the Kaesstrian got out and attacked people it so wasn't his fault, he wanted to make that abundantly clear now. Right, sweet food, food, food.... Where the hell was the mess hall again? Looking down either way of the corridor he frowned, hopping in spot lithely as he tried to wrack his brain. Same floor, and it was off to the... Left! "I-I'll be right back, don't go anywhere!" Haku shouted, yelling through the door. With that he sprinted off, really hoping he could get back in time.

This was all so very fascinating to watch, Viral hadn't changed like this before. Nor had it ever been so slow, they could actually see the individual changes as they were taking place. After setting up the Beastman on an EEG Vegeta went back, asking a few questions almost without stopping for a breath. Obviously Viral wasn't having a good time of things at the moment but this was crucial, and enthralling. "Tingles and jolts... Well that doesn't tell me much..." he remarked, frowning as he became a bit dejected. Viral elaborated a little bit further and apparently wanted to eat him... interesting. Smiling slightly Vegeta nodded his head, giving his chin a thoughtful rubbing. "Hm... So you seem to experience extreme hunger, maybe you need extended sustenance or energy to maintain these forms... And heightened aggression as well... Though that might have been my hitting you, apologies. But I think we need to get you some food, just in case!" Leaving Viral alone wasn't ideal but he was saying he was hungry, best give him what he needed. Going to the door without a word he barely stepped out of the room before that Saiyan kid ran into him. Stumbling and frowning at the child bothered he moved to walk off, freezing in mid-step. "Wait a minute..." Vegeta mumbled, turning around with a smile. "You, kid! We need food for Viral on the double. Meats, as much as you can carry, hurry up and go fetch some." The little kid tried to say something but Vegeta wasn't having any of it, pushing Haku along before going back into the room. "Food is on the way Viral, just sit tight."

As if he didn't have enough to do now Haku had to get that weird Beastman food too. Gah, so was he an errand boy now, was that it? Sheesh, he just couldn't win for losing. After being rushed off by Vegeta he resumed his trip towards the mess hall, not running quite as fast as before. So meats for Viral, fruits and sweets for T'charrl, easy enough. But how much was he supposed to get? If they ate like Saiyans then probably a lot, an armload for each to be safe. Oh but wait, the meats should be cooked shouldn't they? Did they have pre-cooked foods here? Or was he going to have to cook? Dammit, he didn't know how to cook! Flustered Haku cornered on his way to the mess hall and promptly slowed, seeing Takeshi and Shu coming down the other side of the hall. The mess hall was more or less between himself and them now, and they seemed to be going to the same place. Swallowing nervously he began to walk towards them, really not excited about seeing them again. Maybe if he kept quiet they wouldn't say anything...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t mind putting the talk about their mother on hold, but he was willing to talk about it more with Takeshi if he so felt like it. He just couldn’t explain it, he just didn’t get the same instinct that Takeshi did or desires to have one, but that was probably because he wasn’t used to having the thought of a parent in his life at any point. Right now his mind was on the thought of eating food, something he could find enjoyment in no matter what his situation was. Bouncing around Takeshi, he smiled up at him, “You know…prey! Like meat!” he squeaked happily, giving Takeshi a poke in the side, “Yeah fruit too! Mix fruit and meat?? Oooh! Maybe! That sounds exciting!” Bread wasn’t something he often liked, probably because whenever he ate it he got the hiccups, but he would still eat it with Takeshi and enjoy it with him. Giving him a smile, he looked back to the corridor, tilting his head a little at the sight of someone up ahead.

Choi hoped Yumi might be excited to learn this technique, however common it was for a pair of Saiyans to learn it and many other species capable of Ki control. It was often Saiyans who were in groups all the time that used it, so of course Choi and Kai used it to communicate with each other and to make fun of Kabocha from behind his back. Nodding quickly, he pointed to his head, “Yes! Anybody who has great Ki control can learn it and it’s super-useful too”. Smiling at her, he gasped a little when she pulled him close to her, staring down at her and raising his hands up, “Uhh no! Not about you, at least! I mean…it’s only me and Kai mostly and we use it mainly in battle…but then again, our telepathy between ourselves is miles stronger than a single being’s…we’ve been capable of using it since we were able to talk”. Giving her a smile, he put his hand on hers and tried to pull away from her grip, “Besides, after I teach you I can teach you how to explode something with it…just not their brains or anything like that, but like invisible Ki…”

T’charrl was trying hard to not scare the kid, especially when he was his last hope to get some food before he had to squeeze out into the corridor and get it himself, or at the very least hope someone would find him trying to get out of the door itself. Finding it difficult to not show off a fierce face, he kept his head covered, “F-Food…y-yesss! Please!” he spoke, finding his words easier to connect even if he was in constant instability. Looking up over his claws a little, he watched as the kid ran to the door and immediately closed it, shouting through it in reassurance. He just had to keep telling himself that he won’t try to eat the kid when he came back, especially considering he tried to attack his mother. If sweet food was brought back to him then he would go straight for that anyway.

Slowly moving his claws away, T’charrl thought he had a moment where his mutation calmed down, but just as he tried to sit up there was a deep rumble that reverberated up his throat before exiting in a horrid snarl, his teeth showing off how long and sharp they were becoming as a mass of drool exited his mouth. The hunger was starting, his mind only questioning why the spirit allowed this to happen to which his thoughts were answered almost immediately. As his body began to expand with muscle again and the floor was slowly becoming farther away as his abdomen extended, he could only curse himself for absorbing the General’s energy and not expelling it before it could do this to his body.

Viral was definitely not having as much fun as Vegeta was and did wish the change would happen quicker than it was, but curse him and his determination to keep his mind together considering this was only his second time utilising this form. He was having a hard enough time keeping on the chair, especially when he had giant paws for hands with thumbs that had moved too far away from his thick stumpy fingers to allow him to hold onto it. Vegeta looked like he was having a field day with this one, trying to hit him with all sorts of extended terms for what he was experiencing. With large paws scraping off the floor, he didn’t expect Vegeta to try and make a break for the kitchen just because he was afraid he might eat him. Letting out a groan, he shook his head in disbelief before suddenly gasping as his legs jolted when Vegeta came back into the room, “God damnit! I’m trying to sit tight!” he shouted as his legs and feet decided now was a good time to change in shape, making it awfully difficult to sit on the chair before falling off.

Letting out a growl, he waved the drooping wires away from his face as he slowly stood up on his newly changed legs, taking deep breaths to try and keep his mind together, “I want…to smack you so hard across the face!” he groaned, his paw going to his head, “I don’t…want to lose the ability to talk…” He knew he shouldn’t be so hard on himself, but this was very stressful. His clothes were already feeling tight and tearing, already making him feel uncomfortable to be stared at. Turning back to Vegeta, he went to move towards him but had his head stopped by the wires still connected to him. He was feeling very flustered right now and confused, his mind switching between two states. Staring at his paws, he let out a groan as he tried to keep his mind together, “…Have you…at least thought about why this is…happening to me…?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"You could say fruit is prey too, couldn't you?" Takeshi pointed out, smirking at Shu. "I mean, after all you hunt for it, right? And if you really wanted to you could sneak up and pounce on it." It would be awfully silly to go through all that trouble, but it was doable. Chuckling under his breath he grabbed his younger brother's shoulder, pulling him close and waving a hand dramatically. "Think about it! Shu, the fruit slayer! Hunter of yummy things! Hm... You know, it sounded a lot better in my head..." Ah well, he'd tried. They wouldn't be hunting here anyways, not unless you counted digging through freezers as hunting, which would be lame. That was another thing he wouldn't mind doing again though, going on a hunt. The last time he and Shu had hunted for food was, gosh, when they first met Viral? So definitely a long time ago, they should really do it when they got back home. The mess hall was just beyond where they were, and rounding the corner they found the door... And that Saiyan kid. Takeshi was anything but pleased to see him again and the kid noticed, shirking back slightly but continuing to walk towards them. Stopping himself just outside the door the elder boy folded his arms over his chest, staring at Haku expectantly. "What are you doing here, stealing food?"

The Princes were the last people that Haku wanted to see right now. Neither liked or trusted him and frankly they both scared him, being around them wasn't going to be pleasant. The very first words out of Takeshi's mouth were disdainful, making the kid bristle slightly in annoyance. "N-No! I'm getting food for T'charrl!" he retorted, surprise coming over Takeshi's face, "A-And Viral too, they asked me! S-So move, I'm busy!" He got no flack as he opened up the door, walking inside and looking around curiously. He'd never been on one of these style of ships before and he was curious what the dining area was like. It was nicer than the one he was used to, much nicer. Definitely a ship an Elite had been on. Finding the double doors that separated the kitchen from the mess hall he hurried through them, immediately going to the refrigerator first. With nothing to carry food in he began to load up what he could in one arm, various fruits and a few small plates of dessert stuff. For Viral he stacked on several cuts of meats and some fish, most of which was partially cooked thankfully. If the Beastman wanted cooked food they could just blast it, that would probably work. With two arms full of goodies Haku turned, blindly wandering out of the kitchen and past the Princes without a word. He'd better hurry and get back, otherwise there would be some rather miffed, hungry people waiting for him.

Vegeta couldn't help but smile, he was excited witnessing all of this. Knowing that Viral was in no true immediate danger made it easier to enjoy this moment, even if the Beastman was experiencing some pain going through the change. Opening the door for that kid to come back he walked over tot he chair again, pausing in step as Viral jumped out of the chair, or tried to. The nodes strapped to his head bound him slightly, enough anyways that he wouldn't be running about anytime soon. "Oh come on Viral, do you know how rare it is that I see something now that excites me this much?" Vegeta asked, putting his hands on his hips. "And of course I've thought of what's happening to you. There's a definite increase in certain aspects of your brain, and after studying them I'm positive there's an underlying cause to this change. Furthermore... It seems like the weaker your base form becomes the more easily these forms can emerge. But different ones emerge, and they must be for different reasons. I can't imagine it's a random roulette, it would seem more probable that each has a particular trigger, or series of triggers..." They were certainly getting somewhere, that much was evident. Rubbing at his head in thought Vegeta turned around, smiling as he smelled a heavy aroma of meat just outside. "Aha, that was fast."

Into the medical ward walked what appeared to be a pile of food with legs, but a quick, disgruntled shout from the other side said otherwise. "It's all dripping on me! T-Take it already!" Haku whined, trying to crane his head away from the juices. The load that he was carrying lightened considerably once the food for Viral was removed, albeit he now stunk like raw meat and goodness knows what else. Sighing softly he glanced around what he still had in his arms, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Is that all...?" Getting waved off by Vegeta dismissively was very annoying, but seeing the Beastman changing now too he hardly wanted to hang around. Hurrying back out of the room he continued on down towards the empty room, hoping he wasn't too late to deliver all of this.

"And here we are, a nice bit of food for Viral!" Vegeta said, smiling as he picked up a slab of steak. It was still raw, unfortunately, and the kid hadn't even thought to wrap them or anything. At least the medical bay was completely sanitary so placing them on the counter like that was fine. Holding out a hand he gathered a bit of Ki, beginning to sear the meat as evenly as he could for the Beastman. "If you have to get down then feel free, I can always study you more if you end up changing." Placing the steak in his friend's hands he went about removing all of the nodes, pushing the console to the side with a smile. "This is very interesting... Though I can't imagine you're going to want to do this again for me later."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu felt pretty stuck there, not knowing whether to accept Takeshi’s logic or not. Fruit didn’t move so he couldn’t stalk it, but he did eat it so maybe it was also prey. Scratching his head, he shrugged a little, “Maybe! Yummy things! I do like the sound of that”, he cheered, finding it downright fun to think of himself as that, even if it wasn’t exactly realistic thinking, “If fruit ran around and I could catch it, that would be fun…then biting into it! All juicy and sweet…” Feeling pretty excited over eating now, he was put on alert over the figure racing on up towards them. At first he wasn’t really aware of who it was until he snapped out of his little bubble he had with Takeshi and instead quickly hid behind him, peering at Haku from behind Takeshi. He didn’t know what he was up to, but he did squeak when the kid spoke up and his eyes went to Takeshi, “Friend T’charrl asked him for food…? I guess Mister Viral really isn’t training anymore…”

T’charrl was well enough accepting his fate at this point, looking down at his painful growing body until he couldn’t even see his toes; of course, that was until they grew large with powerful legs to support his body. He couldn’t help but fall forward at this point, he was exhausted and now he needed to go through the horrible pain that was mutating. As his arms grew larger, he slowly turned his enlarging head to look at them before suddenly taking a fit of pain from his upper arms. The growths he had before were also growing large, but much larger than being merely curved sword-like. They were proper extensions on his arms in this form, driving sharp points into the ground with hair running up in grooves along them. It seemed this mutated form changed with him, the large pointed extensions now able to support him and allow him to reach out beyond what he could before. Panicking, he started rapidly breathing, his claws going to his chest before he decided to sit up. His secondary arms had lengthened to support him completely with massive biceps to support his weight, his usually main arms sitting to the sides now that they had been freed up completely. Despite being fully mutated again, T’charrl wasn’t acting like a wild animal, but he was struggling to control that side of him. He may had mutated, but his latest increase in power had granted him just that little bit more control over himself.

Viral mildly wished Vegeta wasn’t revelling in this, knowing what he was like when it came to science and considering this was still an experiment had him enjoying this greatly. Viral wasn’t enjoying it, especially when he was struggling to hold his mind together and hope he could still talk in the end. His vocal chords had been damaged when he first transformed into this creature, probably due to the state he had been in when he changed, but he didn’t want to risk something like that happening again. Feeling a little vulnerable, he stared at Vegeta as he expressed his excitement, frowning a little as he spoke on about what he had possibly discovered before he realised he was going through another surge of change only as he realised his snout was coming in. Holding up a paw to his face, he let out a groan, “Nnh! Just…got to…speak…” he growled, his snout fully forming with his already pointed shark teeth forming into a good set of fangs with his talking acting as reassurance that he’ll be able to communicate. He was having a hard enough time trying to keep his mind together, but Vegeta blabbing on was definitely helping.

Growling like a cat when his fur thickened so much so that it forced its way through the tears in his clothing, his forearms lengthening as the change progressed, “…Is this exciting enough for you?? Euchhh it’s…really uncomfortable now…” Slowly moving his paws onto his head, there was a large spike of activity with the smell of meat in the air while his tail also grew out long and large. His instincts were beginning to increase greatly beyond reasoning but while he still struggled to try and keep his mind there was no way he could not feel the desire to feast. With his clothes almost at bursting point from the fur and forming muscles, he lowered his paws at the smell of cooking meat with barely any wonder going through his mind to where Vegeta got that from. Taking the steak, he stared at it with rounded pupils before he began to chomp at it, letting Vegeta remove the nodes. The steak was definitely very satisfying, but as he finished it up he gasped when a loud tearing sound signalled he was growing taller, his body becoming muscular yet lithe as he towered over Vegeta.

Viral couldn’t help but fall over after growing twelve feet tall, feeling dazed and disorientated with all the mental struggle he was going through. He needed to get his mental state under control nevermind the changes himself. Holding up his paw pathetically, he groaned in anger before slamming it on the ground, his face shifting to rest on the side as he tried to speak, “Arrooghhh…my head…” he spoke in a deep voice, “More…where is my food…?” His mind had turned into a single-track road, his care completely off his change and just pining for more food instead. He wanted it, sure, but the fact that he was now a half-ton cat monster had disappeared had disappeared completely for now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Okay... Maybe hunting fruit is a bit of a stretch, but you get the idea. Any food you go looking for is kind of hunting, in a way. Eh... Then again you don't really hunt in a store..." Takeshi sort of went on for a short bit, mumbling to himself about what was and wasn't considered hunting. His dialogue ended up interrupted when Haku came into their path, really not expecting the kid to be wandering around. Nor did he expect to hear that the Saiyan was running errands for people, that definitely caught him for a second there. Watching as he disappeared inside the mess hall Takeshi blinked a few times, looking at Shu dumbfounded. "You know you could totally kick his ass in a fight... Right?" he asked, smirking as he patted his brother's hair. "And I guess they are done, huh? Means we get to eat then!" They waited until Haku came back out though, and he did so with quite the load of food. Well someone was certainly hungry, that should fill even him and Shu up. Now that they were alone again Takeshi brought Shu along inside, making a beeline for the kitchen. "Hm... What should we have first? Do you want fish, or steak... Ooooh, or maybe some chicken! Yeah, and if we can find some sweet and spicy dipping sauce that would be awesome!" Maybe there were noodles too, he knew how to slice up chicken and mix them with noodles. Maybe vegetables with that, that sounded yummy!

Witnessing Viral transform like this was incredibly intriguing. He seemed to be experiencing some sort of pain, which was understandable given the circumstances. Nothing he couldn't handle however, the Beastman was awfully resilient after all. With all the changes having already taken place seeing the snout spring forth followed by the elongation of the arms this was a very interesting moment indeed. "I won't lie, it's very exciting, it's my first time witnessing a complete transformation after all," Vegeta admitted, grinning. "With no negative connotations I can fully appreciate what's happening, and realize what geniuses the men who created you were. I hate to say it, but I'm rather happy you're changing right now." Hopefully Viral understood Vegeta wasn't taking joy in his pain, but rather the fact he was changing. For a scientist like him seeing such a process unfold was interesting enough, and the fact he'd been utterly in the dark about it prior only sweetened things. "I can imagine it is, but just hang in there. You're doing fine, we're nearly done it seems."

A rather smelly interruption graced their presence then, and Vegeta was pleasantly surprised to find Haku had returned to quickly. He certainly grabbed plenty of food, this should more than sate Viral's appetite. Taking the meats and placing them on a sterile surface he made it a point to close off the room, as a safety precaution. "Here we are, let's get you fed," he mused, taking up a steak and frying it with a little Ki before offering it over. Meticulously removing the nodes then Vegeta watched awestruck as the Beastman had a final, massive spike in stature, growing well over himself as a result. He was quite large now, and might even be intimidating if evidently he wasn't in control. Breathing a little easier Vegeta went back to the pile of steak, searing another before placing it before Viral. "Good, you can speak, that means we're in business," he remarked, nodding his head with a smile. "Now Viral, I need you to try and focus on what I'm saying. After you finish with that see how well you can move about, I want to know how good your motor control is right now."

Being a delivery boy might not be so bad were there actually something to put the food in. As if stinking of raw meat weren't bad enough now Haku had to contend with being terribly sticky as well. Eh, it could be worse, T'charrl could have lost control the moment he changed and mauled him. Always a bright side, albeit that wasn't really one the kid was seeing right now. He was much too focused on the disgusting smells and feeling that carrying food in his arms brought with it. Having delivered Viral's goods it was now time to give the Kaesstrian his as well, hopefully he didn't mind it being a little beefy. Everything on the other side of the door seemed peaceful enough, there were no rampant sounds or bashing, so the alien hadn't gone berserk. Or maybe he had and he was lying in wait, yikes. Glancing at the key pad uneasily Haku sighed, reaching out with one finger and carefully opening the sealed room. Stepping inside as slowly as he could he peered around the food in his arms to see T'charrl, feeling himself lock up at the sight of him. When in the hell had those changes taken place? This could be really, really bad. But maybe he didn't notice him, and he could walk out! Trying to turn to move and leave a small piece of fruit dropped off the top, smashing on the floor with a mushing. "Dammit!" he exclaimed, looking up nervously at T'charrl. "Eh he he... Uh... G-Got your food..." Quickly placing the pile down he backed off, holding up his hands defensively. "I'm s-sorry if it's not enough, it's all I c-could carry!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t know what he was supposed to think when it came to that kid, seeing him as someone who was both threatening yet thinking he was possibly just an idiot. Frowning a little when the guy finally left them alone, he looked up to Takeshi and nodded a little as he was patted, “I knowww…but he’s still scary”, he spoke up, smiling a little, “I would like some food though, yes!” Shu was a little concerned that T’charrl was asking the kid to get food, especially after what happened between the pair. If he was going to end up becoming desperate enough to ask a former enemy for food then there had to be something wrong with their friend. He had become awfully withdrawn since turning into a big monster. Letting out a sigh, he followed Takeshi into the kitchen and looked around curiously, “Ooooh? Sweet and spicy?” he asked curiously, frowning a little, “Is spicy that green stuff you fed me…? I don’t know if I want that again…”

Viral had a pretty uncomfortable time changing like that, especially when it wasn’t immediate like it could potentially be. He was out of practice with this one, he was not sure how this change worked either so everything felt so awkward and a little sore. He was having a hard time trying to recognise what he was supposed to be feeling out for, especially as he was suddenly being altered against his will and distracted by the while ‘changing into a giant cat’ thing. He wasn’t having a very good time with this, his mind constantly switching between two states with one half threatening to force him to attack Vegeta. It was all for science and trying to understand how he worked and what made his changes tick, but he still really felt the massive urge to slap Vegeta across the head because of his enthusiasm. In his fully transformed state it was lucky that he hadn’t damaged his vocal chords this time, so it was an improvement from before.

The change to a giant had thrown him off more than anything, especially when it meant everything inside him as well had to change and get bigger with him. Of course his appetite would increase, of course he’d find the urge to batter Vegeta around like a ball almost becoming too much, but of course his attempted resistance against these desires had him dizzily falling on the floor at the same time. Reaching out for some food pathetically, he moved his legs around to sit up as Vegeta gave him another steak, pulling it in with his paws as he managed to sit up. Picking up the steak, he licked it slowly with little attention being paid to Vegeta until he spoke up, his eyes quickly switching to him for only a second before going back down to the steak. He was losing his attention span over Vegeta, chomping down on the steak instead of paying attention to him.

T’charrl was feeling just awful, already feeling like he failed himself and everyone else by becoming this monster and now what was worse was he probably looked even more terrifying with the longer frontal appendages. He looked somewhat noble in his stance, less hunched forward and yet he still looked depressed for a gross toothy monster. He didn’t have his mother or any other source of positive energy to get rid of the negative, nor was there any way he could exert the energy. Slowly lying down on his massive claws, he let out a hissing groan before hearing the door unlock, his elongated antennae twitching before he turned towards the door upon the sounds of a vocalised splat that sounded through the room. Haku had returned, his eyes going straight down to the fruit before he made a manic leap straight for it. He wasn’t the giant he could be, but having a big bug-monster suddenly jump at a pile of fruit in desperation. Pulling it all towards him, he hissed and snarled as he used his long tongue to pick up and toss the fruit into his mouth, chomping on it with a strange sense of purpose to simply eating while his antennae moved towards Haku with interest. He could smell the meat juices on him, his eyes going up to him as he continued to lick up the fruit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Now they were hopefully rid of distractions, they could finally eat their meal. What that would be they weren't sure yet, they had plenty of time to decide however. There definitely had to be some meat, Takeshi couldn't live off of fruits like Shu could without going nuts. Maybe they could mix and match though, come up with something that would make them both happy. "Spicy is... Well yeah, it would be like that wasabi paste," he admitted, smiling sheepishly. "But this stuff wouldn't be nearly as spicy, and there would be sweet stuff too, so it wouldn't be as bad. It would be yummy if I can do it right." Hm, like some sweet and spicy chicken over a bed of noodles, and a side of seared fruit to go with it. The only problem was while Takeshi could perfectly envision this meal he wasn't very aware of how to go about preparing it. Cooking over an open fire with something they had hunted was one thing, creating a proper meal was a little trickier than that. Maybe they could go find Kai after all and drag him here to cook for them. "You think we should get Kai to cook for us...? I mean, i could cook, but he's probably quicker at it than I am."

They had the food to sate Viral's new appetite, so hopefully he would be placated. Now that they had seen to that matter they should be able to begin a few simple tests. First things first, motor skills. Did the Beastman have use of his newly changed body or was he going to be intensely awkward? Vegeta had to find out, and after delivering another steak he was quick to ask about it. To his chagrin Viral didn't seem to acknowledge him, or did only in passing before resuming his meal. Now that was bothersome, and he'd seemed to be so aware just a moment ago. Frowning the Saiyan walked closer, squatting down and staring at Viral intently as he ate. "Hey, Viral, look at me. We need to run tests to figure this out, you can't just keep eating, even if you're hungry," he chided. "Finish that piece and move around some so I can watch. After that I've got one or two other tests in mind, and after that we'll see about changing you back." That would be the hardest part, Vegeta figured. Getting him into this state had been tricky enough, now how were they supposed to alleviate it?

Haku wasn't at all sure what he'd encounter when he returned. T'charrl had been scary enough when he had left, if the alien had changed even more then goodness knows what he was now. Since he had come all this way already there was no point in running off, he might as well see it through. Taking a moment outside to gather himself he opened up the door, hurrying inside with the food in hand. Once inside the room he summed up the courage to take a peek, instantly dropping the food at what he saw. T-That was T'charrl...? He looked different, he hadn't even been gone that long! Eyes wide the young Saiyan almost yelped out loud when the Kaesstrian pounced, causing him to run off to the side hurriedly. When it became apparent he wasn't the target Haku glanced back, watching nervously as the alien began to eat the food. Taking the momentary lapse to examine himself he looked down at his now soiled clothing, frowning at how it stuck to him and smelled awful. He had to borrow these upon arriving, now he probably had to borrow even more. Ugh... Never mind that, he desperately needed a shower too. "T-There... Happy now...? I'm n-not getting more..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu didn’t know if he could trust Takeshi with his food, especially when it came to spicy food. He wanted to have some sort of reassurance that he wasn’t going to be poisoned or have the spiciness in his mouth be too much like fire. Maybe if Takeshi had been told off enough for what he did before then he wouldn’t be making something very spicy anytime soon, tilting his head a little as he stared at Takeshi curiously, “Not as spicy…? Not as bad with sweet…?” he repeated, tilting his head the other way, “Maybe it’ll be nice…maybe…” He was trying to trust Takeshi with this and he did hope that it might be tasty, just so long as he wasn’t going to fib about what he was making. Slowly wandering over to Takeshi, he looked around before up at him, shaking his head, “Kai doesn’t want to eat, otherwise he would be here, right?” he questioned him, giving him a smile, “Besides! I want to be able to trust you so I want to eat your food”.

Viral’s attention span was completely drawn towards the meat, his eyes were round and unfocused right up until Vegeta spoke to him from pretty close by. Ears twitching, he quickly looked up at Vegeta and raised his paw, looking like he was about to bat Vegeta’s head with it but thankfully he stopped. Looking to his paw he slowly lowered it, the steak still in his mouth before he slowly pulled it away from his face, “…Sorry…” he mumbled, finding it difficult to focus on him when eating, his instincts making it all too hard for him to concentrate. Staring at Vegeta as he chewed on the steak, he soon finished and began to lick at his sharp claws before he let out a groan, trying to find his focus again. It was pretty difficult to focus on Vegeta in this form, just with so many things buzzing around in his mind and making it hard to keep his mind together.

T’charrl’s concern for eating had left him diving for the fruit without giving much consideration to how Haku might feel about it, but that wasn’t quite in his mindset right now. He was struggling to think logically still, even when his form had improved. Scooping up the fruit and eating it delightfully, his antennae were definitely concerned with picking up that smell from his clothes, recognising it as raw flesh. The fruit was high in energy, sugar and soon gone as he gobbled it all up, licking at the floor before he looked up to Haku. His tongue flicked out towards him, trying to grab at his clothes as if wanting to eat them because of the smell. His tongue was warm, dry and fuzzy, but that didn’t stop the rest of him from looking threatening. He definitely had food on his mind and Haku was the nearest thing that smelled like it whether he was aware of what T’charrl was trying to do or not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi was pretty confident he could make something edible, it might not be especially good though. He'd seen Yumi cook plenty of times before, and Kai and Choi too, how hard could it really be? Taking to the refrigerator he was surprised to find it was pretty empty, save for a steak or two and some fish. Darn, that meant they had to take a lot out of the freezer and defrost it for later. Eh, not his problem right now though. "I hope you know you're putting a lot of trust in me for cooking on a stove," he replied, smirking as he placed out a few slabs of meats. Also from the refrigerator he took a few apples and in the cabinets a couple of spices. He knew they were yummy on their own, he had no idea what they might taste like combined. "But... I can probably make us something really good, probably..." A few small sirloins and a fish, maybe some kind of surf and turf. The fruit, hm... Maybe a glaze? Though they had the spices so why do that? Okay, this was a little more complicated than he'd given thought. "What do you want? Sweet meats or spicy meats with some fruit on the side?"

It was plenty evident Viral was slowly slipping out, they had to keep him back in. If speaking to him wasn't cutting it Vegeta could try something else, but until this didn't actually work he'd save that for later. Crouched in front of the Beastman he was pleased when Viral responded, however short it might have been. Glad to know he wasn't totally out of his mind the Saiyan stood back up, nodding in approval. "So you're definitely in more control than last time, that much is obvious. However... Can you calm yourself? I don't need you going all feral on me." The difference between Viral being able to handle himself now and not being able to would determine just how much work they had to do. Obviously he was improved from last time, and any progress was good, but they could always get more. "Are you able to actually control yourself? I know you're hungry right now but it's pertinent that we figure out what you can and can't do right now."

Haku in the meantime was having an absolute blast with T'charrl. His new form was pretty unnerving to be around and seeing him pounce on the fruit like that was kind of unsettling too. At least he was focused on his food, that was a relief. Until that is he caught wind of what was all over the young Saiyan. Smiling nervously he began to back off again, freezing up as he got close to the wall. Holding his hands up defensively he chuckled uneasily, not too sure what was going to happen. Seeing the tongue come out really sent him through the roof, and feeling his skin crawl Haku pressed up against the wall, craning his head away from the appendage. "H-Hey, get that thing away from me!" he stammered, closing his eyes and groaning inwardly. "I'm n-not food dammit!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was pretty curious and did question whether Takeshi could prepare a meal for them, especially when he couldn’t prepare food like they did in the civilised world. He just ate whatever he found nice and fresh, but since they kept all their food cold it seemed highly likely that it wasn’t safe to eat the food until it was properly cooked. Takeshi was his only hope if he didn’t want to bug one of the twins, seeing as how that would be unfair when they probably weren’t hungry in the first place. Watching Takeshi curiously, he followed him around, watching him getting all the food he needed out, smiling at the sight of the fruit, “Probably? I think you can, it will be good!” he spoke quickly, bouncing around him quickly and giving him a good smile, “I want sweet! I’d love some sweet! How would spicy do, though? Maybe…maybe a bit of both…? I don’t want it to be really spicy…but I want some sweet to not make it too bad…”

Viral needed to keep his focus on Vegeta, but it was pretty hard when he was losing it halfway through thought processes. It was pretty hard to keep it together, feeling pretty frustrated at himself and his lack of self-control. Growling lowly, he blinked a few times before shaking his head angrily, his paws going to his head, “Rrrughhh! I’m trying…” he growled, releasing his head quickly, “It’s hard…I feel strange…I am not sure how to think now…” He didn’t even want to sit around here, instead wanting to go elsewhere and fight or eat. It was hard to think and whether Vegeta could recognise this he didn’t know, but he didn’t waste time asking questions about the change, “I don’t know…I don’t! I am trying…but I can’t think straight! I want to claw things just now…but I’m not. Does that mean control…?”

T’charrl just wanted the smell, the taste of raw meat in his mouth where it belonged. It hardly seemed like a crime, he wasn’t trying to eat the kid, but Haku was quickly pulling away and trying to keep him away. Watching him bounce away, he hissed lowly before moving slowly around him with his tongue flicking slightly in response to his panic. Throwing a great big set of claws to the side of Haku, he tried to cut him off before his much longer appendage came down and tried to slice off his shirt, not aiming to cause harm but instead remove the offending item to eat that instead. He didn’t even look sorry for his attempted theft, he just wanted what smelled tasty if the one who had the tasty item wouldn’t give it to him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Sweet and spicy it is then! That shouldn't be too hard." Fruit and... Well what was spicy? Cayenne was spicy, so was chili powder. Maybe a little bit of both mixed with some fruit? Yeah, that would go nicely on some of these steaks. And the fish... Maybe a bit of oranges and something hot... "There's nothing to this cooking stuff, I've done it once and I'm already a pro!" Takeshi grinned as he unwrapped several of the meats, grabbing a pan and some foil before preparing the dish for the foods. Not having any idea how much spice to put on each slice he shook a fair amount on each, setting the small containers aside afterwards. Last thing they would need was the fruit, he should probably slice that up and put it on top. In the drawer then he found a sharp knife, and in the cabinet below a cutting board. "Want anything else? I'm on fire right now, I can make anything we want." he mused, setting the sliced fruits on top of the seasoned meats. Now came the puzzling part, the oven. Hm... How high should he make the heat? "Three hundred and fifty... Sounds good to me!" he said with a smile, turning it up before placing the dishes inside. "Now how long do they usually cook for...?"

Viral was certainly struggling, but it wasn't a moot effort. He was retaining control and if they fought a bit more he could assert it even better. "I don't doubt you feel strange. I'd feel off too if my entire being just changed in a matter of moments," Vegeta retorted with a small smirk. Backing off slightly to give the Beastman some room he grabbed another steak, slowly searing it in the palm of his hand. "You're doing well though, much better than the last time we saw you like this. If you can improve in a week's time with minimal effort then mastering this should be an easy feat." Placing the steak then on the ground before his friend Vegeta looked down at his sticky hands, frowning as he looked around for a sink to use to wash. There wasn't much, but a small sanitation station would do the trick. Running his hands through the hot water he glanced over his shoulder when addressed, hefting his shoulders in a shrug. "You can apparently think straight if we're conversing, it's just difficult. As for whether that is control or not, yes, yes it is. You're resisting the urges this form brings forth, and in doing so you're mastering it. Try to suppress what you're feeling, that's the entire goal oft this, to make sure you remain in control."

With his back against the wall and two massive trunk like arms at either side Haku was pretty much stuck. This was hardly pleasant, in fact he was almost certain he was about to ruin his new pair of trousers if this kept up. That tongue was really unsettling, the way it swished about and tried to lick him. Much as he pressed against the wall to try and get away in reality he wasn't helping himself any. His eyes caught one of T'charrl's arms as he lifted it into the air, gasping audibly before squeezing his eyes shut, expecting the pain of a gash on his torso. Instead when all he heard was the tearing of fabric the Saiyan opened his eyes nervously, baffled as to what happened. It wasn't until he noticed the cool air on his torso that he thought to look down, astonished to find his shirt missing. Spotting then a strand of the fabric hanging out of T'charrl's mouth Haku stared like a deer in the headlights, sinking slowly to his backside against the wall. "Y-You just wanted m-my shirt...?" he asked, drooping his head with a sigh. "Unbelievable... Y-You could have just a-asked..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu really didn’t know how this was supposed to turn out and quite frankly he didn’t know whether Takeshi really could pull it off, especially when he seemed to be dotting around looking a little confused at things and just grabbing what he thought would be suitable. If things did go wrong then he could grab some fruit instead and Takeshi could deal with the food however he wanted to. Watching Takeshi curiously as he began to set everything up, he tilted his head a little as Takeshi quizzed him on what else to make with it, “Ooh? Umm, I don’t know! I just shove food in my mouth and eat it!” he spoke, bouncing a little while making the motion of eating with his hands. He couldn’t care less, just so long as the food didn’t end up being completely wasted. Going back to watching Takeshi work, he tilted his head a little as Takeshi put the food in some sort of machine before closing it all away, “Ooh! It make the food hot?” he asked curiously, tilting his head a little, “I don’t do this to my food, so I don’t know how long. Why do you question me about it?”

Viral was certainly having his moments, generally finding it hard to keep contained just by sitting and talking to Vegeta. He probably didn’t have a clue to how hard this was, especially when this was just his second time and he had changed so soon before having a chance to settle down. Vegeta was trying to give him reassurance that he was doing well, but quite frankly he was having a hard enough time not growling and roaring at him. Letting out a groan as he fought for self-control, the smell of cooking meat soon caught his attention and he was quick to turn his nose, sniffing around in Vegeta’s direction. Watching as the meat was placed on the floor, he leaned down towards it and picked it up off the floor, tearing into it quickly with strange determination. He was quite concerned with keeping the meat all to himself even if nobody else clearly wanted it. Chomping it down hastily, he slowly began to stand up, growling lowly as he stared at Vegeta before letting out a very sudden yelp as his tail knocked over the chair he was sat on before, the loud clanging noise putting him on alert very quickly and snapping him out of his trance.

T’charrl was pretty precise with his appendage despite only having them for a short time and with a quick slice the shirt was torn right down the middle, his tongue whipping around and pulling it straight off him and throwing it in his mouth. The shirt was pretty well stained with great taste and in a few chews it was gone. That was strangely satisfying, but all it had done was left Haku in a mild panic. Hissing lowly, he went to try and speak but quickly thought otherwise, turning away from him instead. The kid had decided to help him and yet there he was acting like a monster where even clothes were on the culinary list. He was completely embarrassed and ashamed of himself to the point where the only topper would be if he started laying eggs too and even then they would just think that was ‘normal’ in his condition. Slowly shaking his head, he soon rubbed a big paw against it before slowly sliding down onto his front, the large orb on his chest clanging against the ground uncomfortably which only served to annoy him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Last time I just "put food in your mouth" you looked like you were going to pass out," Takeshi retorted, referring of course to the wasabi. "But hey, if you're willing to give me another shot then I won't mess it up!" Or he would try not to, him cooking this way was like Shu trying to fly a few days ago, it was iffy at best. The spices he used, he knew they were tasty and figured they would go well on steak, so that was a safe bet. Fruit was good with things so that shouldn't really mess anything up. His biggest concern in that case would be whether or not he burned it to a crisp. Hm, probably best to more or less stare at it while it cooked just to be safe. "Yeah, it'll make the food really hot. It cooks a lot quicker than the fire, and it won't be pink in some places and black in others too, which I guess is nice." Though cooking over fire usually gave the meats a nice yummy, smoky flavor that an oven wouldn't. "I don't know why, I figured I'd take a shot in the dark and ask," Takeshi added, shrugging his shoulders before smiling at Shu. "Maybe we should try learning how to cook at some point. You know, just so we don't have to rely on others for it."

Alright, so that theory proved correct then. Giving Viral meat really brought out his more feral side and he lost more control when faced with a potential meal, noted. Unless he started complaining about being hungry then Vegeta would hold off on feeding him further. With the gusto that the Beastman devoured his food you'd almost think he was starving or something, it must take a lot to change into this form. Things took a turn for the interesting when the Beastman decided to get up on his hind legs and growled at the Saiyan. For a moment Vegeta though he might have to try and restrain his friend, no easy feat considering the sheer size of him right now. In almost a comical fashion he proceeded to knock over the chair he had been sitting in, the surprise of the event looking to rouse him from his little moment. Biting back a small laugh Vegeta folded his hands behind his back, smiling faintly all the while. "Food makes it harder for you to resist your urges, so we'll keep that away from you for the moment. You also seem to be just the slightest bit awkward with your own body. No surprises there though, this is only your second time changing after all. Now... How confident are you about leaving this room? The medical bay is far too controlled a space I think, we have to really put this to the test."

Haku supposed having his shirt eaten was the least of his worries, he was going to be rid of it either way. Though standing here now in just trousers and boots before a massive alien he did feel fair vulnerable. He couldn't help but worry that T'charrl might want more, the problem being what more could the Saiyan give before he himself became the snack? Only after robbing him of his shirt, and partially his dignity was Haku left alone as the alien collapsed on his front dismally. He didn't seem very happy about what he had just done, he couldn't blame the alien. He'd probably be pretty upset too if he ate someone's shirt. There was the whole changing into this odd creature too, that probably played a part of it. "So uh... Feel better...?" he asked, shifting uneasily before rubbing at his neck awkwardly. "Er... Dumb question... Am I done feeding you at least?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu giggled, bouncing on his toes, “Yeah, but if you do mess it up then I’ll get my own food! And I’ll hunt, going all sneaky-sneaky…all quiet and pounce on my dinner!” he spoke quickly before having a giggle to himself, pressing his fingers together, “Even if the food is already not moving, I still can do that…or I can ask Miss Yumi! She would make me some food so that I don’t die…” He couldn’t go out and hunt on the ship or on a foreign planet, he wouldn’t be allowed to go out all by himself so Takeshi had a lot to live up to if he was to try and please him so that he would still trust food from him. Watching him calmly, he swayed a little as Takeshi tried to explain how the device worked, his eyes quickly going to it before he slowly moved closer to it, “Oooh, thennnn don’t you just do what you do with the fire and make sure it doesn’t burn? Can you see the food being cooked…?”

Viral had no clue he was going to go and try to attack Vegeta until he was snapped out of it, getting a fright mostly with the sudden sound. Spinning to meet the chair quickly, his ears twitched and he remained on high alert before letting out a groan, looking over his shoulder at Vegeta. He was probably having a ball with this, but now he was also being denied his food because of his shift in control. Growling a little, he shook his head before giving it a rub, “I…guess I’ll leave the room…” he grumbled, moving to try and hold onto his tail but found it to be a lot more difficult than he might had thought. He struggled to balance without it but his tail was getting in the way all the time. It felt weird having one and being aware of it, not like what it was in his other form. Growling lowly, he gave up on that and slowly moved towards the door, still finding it difficult to balance on two legs with this massive body. His legs were strong enough, but his feet were smaller and shaped differently so walking felt like he was walking on his toes. Shoving himself out the door, he stumbled a little and immediately went to the wall, pressing his paws against it for balance.

T’charrl was regretting everything he had gone through recently, even if it had only been a short while he had been going through with this but he had already had enough. His ancestors probably had years to master this stuff, but his was going so fast in an attempt to help this spirit out and yet he was left to struggle with containing the power needed to help it. It wasn’t the spirit’s fault, it was entirely the General’s fault for disturbing it in the first place but he was left with the most difficult part of everything. Groaning and generally feeling sorry for himself, he hissed a little when the kid decided to question him, wondering if he was done. Looking over to him slowly, he hissed through his teeth before slowly looking away, trying to talk in a way he should hopefully understand, “…Yessss…noooo…” he spoke, sounding as if he was having a hard time with it, “Done…yessss…not betterrrr…
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Shu... What are you going to hunt on a ship? Bugs...?" Immediately realizing what he'd said Takeshi gave Shu a dirty look, not wanting his brother to reply to that. Of course he would eat a bug, the little guy was weird like that. Squirming a little bit in his spot he glanced through the glass pane of the stove, watching the food impatiently. Maybe they could just barely cook it, maybe just rare if most. Patience wasn't a virtue he had when his stomach was demanding food, no way was he going to wait on food. "And you won't die if you don't eat today. You'd have to go a LOT longer without it for that to happen, and Yumi would probably force feed you before it ever got remotely close to that." Smiling in slight amusement Takeshi reached over, ruffling his brother's hair before handing over a leftover orange for him. "I guess that's how it works, yeah. Though it's a little tough to see it from here," he remarked, leaning over and peering through the slightly tinted window. "Hm... The thing that really stinks is we can't smell it, so I have no idea how it's going to turn out."

Leaving the confines of the medical bay would be the true test of how much Viral was in control. It was one thing to maintain himself in a room with only one other person, it was high time to see if he could handle the others. There were a few in particular he could imagine there being some difficulty with, it was best to test them last then. Expecting Viral to move on all fours Vegeta watched silently instead as he got up on his hind legs, trying to walk as though nothing had changed. Understandably the Beastman was unsteady, though he did manage to make it to the door and outside. Before joining his friend the Saiyan moved the remainder of the meats into a shallow pan and into a freezer meant for medicines, which was empty right now. Washing his hands methodically at the sink he hurried outside, glancing at Viral curiously as he was leaned up against the wall. "Are you sure your physique is really best suited for that...?" he asked, referring to the manner which Viral was moving. "If you have to walk on all fours then walk on all fours, no use in straining yourself."

"Er... Well... That's good...?" Haku really was beside himself, what the heck could he even do? T'charrl was a totally different beast now, well outside of anything that he could probably do. If by some unfortunate happenstance the Kaesstrian went berserk like before he was done for, unless he could run awfully fast. Still pressed flush against the wall the Saiyan gradually eased himself off, frowning as he watched the alien for a moment. It was odd, he didn't seem to so much be in pain as he was struggling to control his power. Couldn't he just suppress it though? Saiyans could, and more experienced fighters could even stave off the Oozaru if need be. This one had said he was a Prince, hadn't he? Surely then he could handle his own power. Though considering the extent of his transformation maybe not. Shifting his weight on his feet Haku bit his lower lip, looking down at himself before at the door. "S-Should I go get someone...? You know... To help?" Like that smart Saiyan, Vegeta. He was supposed to be really bright, that one could figure what was going on more likely than not.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu shook his head quickly, giggling a little, “Noooo! But if there are any then yes”, he smiled, pressing his toes against the floor, “Friend T’charrl is the only bug on the ship, though…but he isn’t really a bug…but he’s kind of like a bug! But not really”. Feeling a little confused he looked to Takeshi curiously, trying to see if he knew whether the food was okay to eat soon or whether they had to wait a very long time to eat. He didn’t mind, it just meant he had more time to spend talking to his brother. Smiling happily, he looked back to the oven before bouncing around, “I guess so! I don’t want to starve again, it was sore and made my tummy hurt”, he spoke, giving his stomach a rub, “How do you usually check to see whether food is okay to eat? I mean it when I say about the poison food…”

Viral didn’t know how to handle this form at all, the experience greatly hindered by his lack of experience with it. He didn’t want to be like this, but he knew it was all for his health and ability to function. He felt incredibly self-conscious and uncomfortable, not to mention the urge to slap Vegeta around was constantly there. Feeling very awkward especially when it came to his height especially, he stared down at the ground before looking to Vegeta who decided to show himself after fumbling around with whatever in the room. Frowning, he looked down to the ground before letting out a sigh, “Of course it’s not! I can still do it, but doesn’t mean I have to…hrrrmphhh…” Slowly pushing off the wall, he looked down at his paws before bending down and landing on them with a thump. He was able to stand straight like an animal and look like he had no problem with it, but he didn’t look very happy, “This is…embarrassing. If you sit on me I’ll tear you off and throw you into the wall!”

T’charrl didn’t want the kid around if he didn’t want to be there, knowing he was not the most enthusiastic about being here. He was certainly hanging around him a lot longer than everybody else had and probably knew it was just the giving of the fruit that had managed to tame him. He was definitely feeling worse after eating, but not in health. He was mentally stricken, feeling almost completely alone if it wasn’t for the shifting around of Haku in the background and his casual talk to make sure he was okay. Slowly shifting around to look at Haku, he stared at him before slowly shifting towards him in a crawl only to stop and let out a groan. He didn’t think anybody would want to help him and even then they probably didn’t know how to. Shaking his head, he turned away again and lay down on his side. If he was going to be able to do anything then he had to be able to change back himself, without any of his friends. He didn’t want to end up scaring any of them, even if they tried to hide it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi rolled his eyes at Shu, grimacing slightly afterwards. "You know I'm not super big on you eating bugs, yuck... And then that means no bugs for you. Unless you're going to eat T'charrl!" Even with their appetite eating something that big would make them bloated. Just for kicks he imagined Shu stuffed to the brim with their friend, the sight of his massively overextended belly making the older boy snicker. That would be kind of funny in a way, having to roll Shu around like an overinflated balloon because he couldn't move otherwise. Oh, and him flying like that, now there was a sight to see. Drawn out from his little daydream Takeshi glanced over at his brother then back to the oven, shrugging his shoulders with a smile. "I usually cut it open to see if it's still really red or not, that's the only way I know how. Choi tried explaining it to me once and... Well he kind of lost me pretty quick, I'm not some chef like he is." Shrugging his shoulders he moved across to the counter, hopping up and taking a seat. Raising his arms up over his head in a stretch he rubbed at one of his eyes wearily, looking to Shu once more. "Unless the meat was already bad you don't have to worry about getting food poisoning, I promise."

Vegeta suppressed an amused smile, rather enjoying himself. With no serious negative connotations and Viral reigning himself in he had all the opportunity now to get a laugh out of this. There was just something humorous about the situation, seeing Viral stumbling about uncertainly. Not that he was certain he'd be doing any better, goodness knows how difficult it was to go from bipedal to quadrupedal. "Just pointing it out, no reason to get snippy," he remarked, smiling as he watched the Beastman resort to all fours. It was probably less strenuous on his body too that way, putting that much weight on his hind legs, however strong couldn't be comfortable. Finally Vegeta allowed himself a short laugh, giving his friend an innocent smile as he held his hands up defensively. "Hey now, I never even said a word about doing such a thing. Though I do think you'd look rather good with a saddle. Shame I don't own any spurred boots." Ah, no doubt he was going to be smacked or some such later, but for the time being he wanted to enjoy himself. Besides he was still on that slight high from their discovery, so he was in a pretty good mood to begin with. "In all seriousness though, let's just make a round about the ship. We'll see who we come across and how well you can handle being around others."

Haku was hardly doing all of this out of the goodness of his heart. If saying no meant joining his shirt in the belly of T'charrl then he'd bring the alien whatever he wanted. Now that the Kaesstrian had been fed he was rather docile, for the moment anyways. Ever meek he was much too hesitant to do much of anything really, not wanting to overstep that delicate boundary that might set T'charrl off. Offering to fetch someone else to come to his aid that idea was turned down, and somberly the alien laid down with his back to the Saiyan. Haku sighed under his breath, really not sure what he was supposed to do now. Wander around the ship he supposed, it wasn't like anyone was keeping an eye on him. Coming here to try training had been a dumb idea to begin with, it had only caused him trouble. "Er... Well... Good luck with, this," he said, gesturing lazily to T'charrl. Someone else would find him, he didn't need to stick around. Giving one last passing glance he left the room again, shivering a bit in the cool air. Giving his arms a rubbing he glanced down both ends of the hall, deciding this time to go in the opposite direction. Unless someone came looking for him he'd just do his own thing, he supposed. No use in wasting his breath trying to join the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu pouted at Takeshi, looking a little sad that he wasn’t allowed to eat bugs. He liked eating bugs because they were tasty and good for him, he was also pretty much wise over which ones were poisonous. Staring at Takeshi, he eventually giggled and shook his head, “Noooo! I wouldn’t eat my friend! Oooh, he is very big too…and he gets really big…” Feeling a little awkward over the thought, he didn’t know whether to blame Takeshi or himself for even thinking of such a thing. It was probably normal for Saiyans to eat other races, seeing as how people only have a problem when they ate their own race. Slowly rubbing his stomach, he let out a sigh before his attention was taken back to Takeshi as he suddenly started talking again, “Ooh! You should listen to your friends! They sound clever with some things”, he smiled, giving a little nod, “I think you can do it, but if not then we know where one of your friends are to help. I bet Yumi is having a lot of fun because she’s been away for a long time with him…”

Viral was pretty embarrassed with a high desire to smack Vegeta right across the ship, but unfortunately he needed him even when his instincts told him otherwise. He had a high desire to be independent, but he also didn’t want to be in this form; however, if he did change back he’d probably have no clothes and that’d be very embarrassing. He would need to sort that out sometime, but he had found that changing rapidly in the past saved his clothes from complete destruction. Growling lowly, he slowly lowered his dead down before snarling at Vegeta’s words, “I’ll bite your limbs off before you can!” Feeling as if he might as well get on with it, he let out a groan and was soon attempting to walk on all fours, having a little bit of a hard time with it at first and starting off with a crawl, just trying to get used to it, “…Grant me mercy and stab me in the head…”

T’charrl didn’t think the kid would want to hang around with the beast that tried to kill him before, even T’charrl wouldn’t want to do such a thing, giving him permission to go elsewhere if he wanted. His mind was pretty simple right now, his sugary desires had been fulfilled for now until he needed more. He was aware when he was normal that a lot of sugar had been packed both for the benefit of Shu and himself, seeing how his kind needed a lot of sugar as opposed to a lot of protein Saiyans and the like needed. Haku probably had things to do and things to think about instead of trying to watch over a monster that probably couldn’t get out of the doors. Letting out a hissing sigh, he moved his claws around to try and get more comfortable, keeping his eyes away from the door to prevent any distractions from coming into his sight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi rolled his eyes, amazed Shu actually thought he had been serious. Anything that wasn't remotely smart was food, if it talked then that pretty much meant it was off limits. It was different, eating animals, since they were all on instinct and didn't really get to you when you killed them. It hadn't always been as easy to hunt, Takeshi reflected, getting lost in a memory there for a second. Shaking his head he smiled at his brother, relieving an itch on his cheek lazily. "Eh... I could listen to them. If any of what they said made a darn ounce of sense," he remarked, frowning. "Seasonings and temperatures, buoyancy and tenderness, eh, it's all confusing. I just cook meat til its cooked and eat it, how much more complicated does it need to be than that?" They weren't cooking for a king after all, and neither were the twins or their father, not anymore. It just seemed superfluous to put in all that effort. Then again, the food their friends made was pretty tasty, so it was hard to hate it. Something else they did however was much easier to dislike. "I don't like Choi being with Yumi..." Takeshi mumbled, "She's always with him now, and he makes her all... Goofy. It's annoying." They were both happy, so he should be happy for them, but he couldn't be. It was hard to be glad for your friends when they seemed to ignore you in favor of one another.

In spite of clearly agitating Viral all Vegeta could do was smile and joke around. He rarely ever got to enjoy himself like this, and really while it might be inconvenient for Viral his situation really wasn't that bad. "Okay, eat my limbs, and enjoy trying to help yourself," he retorted, shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose since I'm, in a way your master that means you'll have to take care of me as well. I hope you enjoy pushing a wheel chair about." Chuckling under his breath he shook his head, dismissing the notion completely. They had a fair bit of work ahead of them, and if this was already too much for Viral then he was going to be one miserable man before this was over. As a courtesy Vegeta would tone it back a little, after all he was just enjoying the moment, and their first success. "I will not stab you in the head, how would that solve anything?" he asked, sighing as he placed a hand on his face. "Look at yourself, you're doing something you couldn't only a week ago. Be happy about that, you achieved a big milestone. Sure, we've far from perfected things, but what we did today is leagues above how you were before." And they could only improve from here on out, it was doubtful Viral would regress at this point. They could hopefully get this form settled in no time and move onto the next, whichever that might be.

Haku felt a little conflicted, not sure if he ought to remain with T'charrl or go. While the alien's well being wasn't really his concern he was worried that, if left alone, the Kaesstrian might try something. And should anything bad happen he'd be to blame, being the last one with the alien. Seeing T'charrl lying there and staying pretty calm he made the decision to go, he'd only be in the way otherwise. Now that he was left alone again Haku was faced with the familiar dilemma of having no clue where to go exactly. He supposed to his room, though he didn't feel near tired enough. The smell of food from before made him a bit hungry, even if it had been raw, so perhaps a meal would be a good idea. Hm... Was the other way quicker to the mess hall? The only way to find out would be to go, so he made the decision and started walking alone in solitary silence. The Princes had been getting food ready there when he'd last seen them, hopefully they were gone by the time he showed up. While he couldn't exactly cook Haku figured there would be something he could eat, even if it was just a snack. Earth had some interesting foods, he wouldn't mind finding a few of them onboard right about now.
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