Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was a little annoyed at Takeshi’s excuses, hardly seeing them as relevant, “Tch, Vegeta also tells me I need breaks when I’m not injured so what the hell does he know. He knows he can’t limit me to concentrating on these useless transformations…” Vegeta always insinuated he wasn’t his Master anymore and having him demand he’d do something he wasn’t too keen on did made him annoyed sometimes, if only hoping for a change of pace from being constantly beaten up. Vegeta knew he had no right to stop him if he wanted to train with his blade, especially when it was just as important a part of him as the transformations themselves, “I told you I would train you and Vegeta can’t stop me from doing that! Hmph, I’d be surprised if you knew what notches and imperfections it had just from having a little bit of time…”

Figuring this time could be used to see if Takeshi was worthy, he instead challenged him to something extremely simple. In his injured state, he wouldn’t be able to use both hands and would have trouble moving so Takeshi shouldn’t have too much of a problem doing basic attacks and trying to get passed him. Staring at him awaiting an answer, he narrowed his gaze before looking down at the blade, “Good…because parrying is not difficult if you’re quick”. Slowly moving to the side, he picked up his own blade, carefully strapping the scabbard’s belt on before taking hold of Takeshi’s sword still in its own scabbard, “Will it make you feel better knowing I’m injured and can’t actually use my arm or shoulders correctly? I know how much you love hearing about it and how it gives you an advantage…” Waiting for Takeshi to come in before closing the door, he held his sword out to take, “You should think it’ll be easy with that logic…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi couldn't and wouldn't argue on Vegeta's part, it wasn't his place. That guy was way smarter than he was and knew Viral inside and out, or closer than any of the rest of them did. If he had something to say then the Beastman should probably at least heed his words, chances were he knew what he was talking about. They weren't here to debate about Vegeta's style of training, they were here because Takeshi wanted his sword. "Well... Fine then, after this I want my first lesson, how's that? I'll come to you as soon as we're settled in when we're done, and we can start!" And then after his lesson was over he'd go to Shu and they could see about dealing with his anger and anxiety. For that they were going to need some help, perhaps it was a good idea to ask Yumi in that regard. "You're saying my sword has problems with it?" he asked, frowning as he glanced over at the sheathed weapon. "Last time I saw it the blade looked fine to me. If there's any scratches they're tiny, that shouldn't be a huge problem." There was a dead give away he knew nothing of maintaining a weapon either, probably just another thing for Viral to get annoyed over.

Even with his limited knowledge of swordplay Takeshi had a little confidence he could pull this off. Block, or deflect, something like that, that was all there was to parrying. "I can be quick, don't worry about it, I got this." Standing by and waiting for his weapon Takeshi reached out for his sword expectantly, bouncing on his feet as he wasn't given it. Being prompted instead to come into the room he entered slowly, wondering why they weren't doing this out in the corridor where it was more open. When he heard the problems with Viral the Saiyan frowned, looking over at his friend a bit disappointed before sighing. "No... No that doesn't make me feel better..." he mumbled, sighing as he shook his head. "I don't want to fight you if you're not a hundred percent, even if its just a spar. It means nothing if I win while you're hurt." If he was going to have an advantage then it would be simply because he was stronger, that was the only advantage Takeshi would allow himself. If he were to soundly beat Viral then it had to be when they had an even playing ground, not like this. Looking down at his sword the boy sighed, grabbing his weapon and giving the Beastman an uncertain look. "If you can't use both arms... Then I won't either. I'm not doing this if we're not going to be equals, it's meaningless otherwise."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Viral didn’t want to make it easy on Takeshi, but he didn’t want to lie either and make Takeshi feel prideful over possibly getting passed him. He didn’t know what he did to his arm, but it felt like his muscle tore, the pain going up to his shoulder. He was supposed to be resting for that, but he couldn’t find enough peace to sleep. If Takeshi complied and went ahead with the fight, he certainly did wonder if that would make him feel tired enough to sleep. Staring at Takeshi, he narrowed his gaze, “Every scratch needs to be watched over and cared for so that it doesn’t turn into a crack…then shattering the sword! To care for each of these scars would be the same as caring for your body before going into battle, tuning it and hoping it will return from battle unscathed. You should ask the bug what material it’s made from before trying to heal it…”

Waiting for Takeshi to come into his room, he looked to his door and closed it with a quick press of the button, giving Takeshi a look when he instead complained about his state. Here he thought he’d have Takeshi thinking he’d have an easy time with it, but was instead disappointed that he wasn’t going to fight against someone at their best. It was a typical Saiyan reaction, they just wanted to fight strong opponents all the time, but if Takeshi wanted to feel cheated out of a good fight then he was going to have to put up with it. Sighing, he let Takeshi take the sword before slowly unsheathing his cleaver, holding it out in front of him, “Don’t you get it? I’m making it easy for you on purpose because you’ve not been asking for lessons…and I am better at swordplay than you are by far. You come at me and I’ll parry…and you can see what it is since you barely seem to know”, he spoke calmly before moving his blade sideways, “You use both arms if you feel your sword will be more stable! You want to go off and show your sword off to your friend? You’re going to have to try hard…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi had no idea you had to be so meticulous about caring for a blade. Every nick, every scratch and dent, they were going to have to be fixed? Jeez, and it must suffer some kind of damage after each encounter he figured so that meant constant care for the weapon. Not that it deterred him any from wanting to learn, he just hadn't known so much went into it. He'd have to find the proper items to maintain the sword, not wanting to butt in and take what Viral had been given as a birthday gift for his own. Since it came from Kaesstra maybe when they went back he could ask around for a smith, they could give him what he would need, hopefully. "Care for the sword... Like your own body..." he mumbled, looking down at the sheathed weapon thoughtfully. There it was again, treating the sword like an extension of yourself. The Beastman had said that before a few times too, maybe there really was some truth to it. It was still difficult to imagine the sword as anything but that, yet now maybe he'd put a bit more stock into what he was being told. Smiling slightly Takeshi nodded his head, "Alright, fine. If I have to keep my sword in peak condition then no sweat, I'll do it. I'll find out from T'charrl what it's made of and how to repair it, and I'll get some from his planet later."

Training inside of Viral's room didn't seem like the best way to go about this. It was small and there was furniture that could either get in their way or be damaged, neither were exactly fun. The corridor would be a far better spot for this, more than enough room to move around and no danger of collateral, unless maybe they sliced into a wall or something. Accepting the sword from his friend Takeshi slowly pulled the blade out, holding it up and squinting as he scrutinized every inch of the blade for a moment, trying to spot any of the nicks that Viral had mentioned. Hm, so it was a little banged up, he'd never noticed that before. Letting his arm drop to his side the Saiyan looked back at Viral, "Fine, take it easy on me if you've got to, but I'm not counting this if I win. A hollow victory is meaningless for me." So he was going to be the one to strike now, was he? Alright then, hopefully Viral was ready for it. Spreading his feet apart slightly Takeshi placed both hands on the handle, smirking as he watched Viral carefully. "I'll get this down in no time, just you watch. Then I'll get back to our mission." Since he was the one starting he figured he'd just go right in and start, not needing any prompt. Pushing off with his right foot Takeshi dashed across the room, bringing the sword up on his back hand and trying to cleave up at Viral's arm. "Hyah!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral was probably the most passionate about his blade, but his was a special one and practically an extension of himself. Takeshi should be treating the blade as an extension too, but he seemed more confident with keeping his ideals intact and seeing it as a weapon was all he could do. He had to recognise that not all fights could be won with fists and Ki, especially when it was forbidden in a battle. It didn’t matter if he wanted to cheat, but what he had to recognise was he was going to be shamed as a disgrace and no better than a brute. Staring at Takeshi as he gave the blade contemplation, he narrowed his gaze before nodding, “You don’t have to, you need to”, he spoke lowly, “You will have no weapon eventually if you don’t take care of it. I can see the General having kept his weapon in peak condition previously, so it’s not as if you have a weapon that is fresh out of the blacksmith!”

Even if his room was small, he didn’t want to go anywhere else with this and probably have Takeshi either running off because he was fed up or Vegeta seeing he was out of bed. He wasn’t supposed to have this time for resting and yet here he was doing a quick lesson because he was annoyed at Takeshi’s blatant disregard for a weapon’s pride. Holding out his weapon readily, he stared at Takeshi carefully and watched his every move, “Hmph, getting something on your first try…I doubt it”. Watching as Takeshi made a quick dash, Viral watched his sword before immediately twisting his blade around Takeshi’s as it came close, displacing the attack completely and almost disarming Takeshi, “To parry is to deflect! Your attack is rendered useless no matter its strength and I can strike you while you stumble!” he spoke as he pushed forward with his cleaver, looking like he could slice Takeshi up if he didn’t stop abruptly, “See how easy I can kill you? If I ambushed you and you were relying on Ki, I would be able to kill you! Now do it!” Pulling back quickly, he made the same movement that Takeshi tried only with one arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Turns out a whole lot of work went into maintaining a sword. It wasn't like a blaster either where a million were made and you could just pick another up, swords were unique. That much Takeshi understood, especially considering where he had gotten his blade from. Since it was such a one of a kind blade all the more reason to keep it in good condition, however he was meant to do that. Sharpen the blade and buff out scratches he supposed, though he wasn't entirely clear on how to even do that much. "I get it, I need to maintain the blade. I gotcha..." When they went to Kaesstra again he'd have to pick up some things for that most likely, goodness knows they didn't have the tools on the ship now. He might be able to get by with some generic stuff, but if the metal was different maybe it could become damaged. Man... Maybe taking a Kaesstrian sword for his own wasn't such a good idea.

"Doubt me and you'll pay for it," Takeshi said, exuding arrogance as usual. He wouldn't be able to take pride in it if he did indeed triumph, but he was smug enough to enjoy proving Viral wrong. Dashing across the room with a push off of his leg the Saiyan brought his blade up sharply, aiming for the Beastman's extended arm as he did so. Figuring it was moving too quickly to be blocked Takeshi gasped in surprise as his sword was slammed with a hard strike, nearly losing his grip as he stumbled past Viral, clutching at his blade hastily. Turning around to face Viral, the Saiyan froze up when the cleaver was thrust out, looking down at the large blade being just centimeters from his chest. Blinking owlishly he let out a sigh, looking at his friend unamused. "If I was using Ki I'd blow you away before you could even hit me..." he grumbled, not wanting to be made an easy target. Quicker than he was prepared for Viral went on the offensive, mirroring the very move that Takeshi had only just used. Stepping back slightly the Saiyan held his sword firmly in both hands, trying to mimic what the other guy had done by twisting his blade. All he managed to do was make his own sword be knocked aside in a strong jolt, stumbling back and falling on his backside as a result.

Dammit, this shouldn't be that hard! He had seen Viral do it at least a dozen times before so why couldn't he copy it? Gritting his teeth in frustration Takeshi lifted his head, glaring at the Beastman before slowly rising back to his feet. The truth was he needed a lot more training and he knew it, much to his chagrin. Right now he didn't have time for that though, he shouldn't even had done this little bit. Shu and T'charrl were waiting on him, he had to get going. "Alright, alright. I'll take lessons, when I get back. The others are waiting on me, I can't be training now," the Saiyan grumbled, sheathing his blade and fastening the scabbard to his waist carefully. "I'm still taking my sword. I'll just use it as a deterrent, don't worry. I wouldn't know what to do if I went against a swordsman after all," Takeshi added bitterly, sighing as he moved towards the door. Stupid Beastman... Why did he have to be right? Swordplay shouldn't be hard to pick up, not when you spent so much time around someone who battled that way. "Like I said before, I'm coming right here when I finish, so be ready to train me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Takeshi was definitely not cut out for this kind of battle, at least not just now. He didn’t even know why he was helping this kid with a simple move, finding him to be annoying and too arrogant to understand it was very important and could change a battle outright. Viral remained calm as if he was in a real battle, he wasn’t willing to have Takeshi get the better of him if he was going to get annoyed. Having Takeshi get parried easily did make him feel good about it, but just from looking at Takeshi it was obvious that he wasn’t going to learn anytime soon, “If you used Ki against me in my strongest form, you would be split in half by now”, he snapped yet spoke lowly as he immediately went in to see if Takeshi could parry him, instead falling to the floor, “Using Ki against me when I’m like this and I will make you suffer”.

Viral had no tolerance for cheaters and would act out immediately if that happened, not giving a damn to who they were so long as they committed this offence against him. Staring down at Takeshi, he watched as he sheathed his blade as a sign of defeat, frowning when he said he was taking it. Narrowing his gaze, he let out a huff and looked away from him, “Hmph, sure you will…” he muttered, obviously not too pleased with the results. He didn’t get to do much at all and that was as much swordplay as he got with someone else, even if that someone else had to be Takeshi. Moving back towards his bed, he sheathed his cleaver and sat down slowly, “Fine. You go and do your little job for the lizards. We’re not leaving this planet empty-handed…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Being shown up like that really sucked, even more so knowing nothing could be done about it. Dammit, he knew Viral was good with a blade but he hadn't expected to be made an utter fool like that. Still sat on the ground Takeshi lifted his head, looking up at the Beastman annoyed as he eased his grip on his sword. "If I was using Ki you wouldn't even be able to touch me," he retorted, smiling bitterly as he shook his head. "You might be stronger than me physically, but I can do things you can't. You're good with a sword, but only when you can reach your target. All I'd have to do is fly and your advantage is gone." That was, of course, a sleazy tactic and far from fair. Were they ever to have a match to actually decide who was better Takeshi would do his damnedest to avoid any unfair advantages. That would be tricky for both of them as they specialized in two different styles of combat, his being Ki and Viral's being swordplay. They would make it work somehow, and one of these days he was determined to beat the Beastman in a one on one fight. Until that came he wasn't going to stop chasing that fight either.

"Just you wait... I'll be even better than you are someday," Takeshi said, picking himself up onto his feet. Sheathing his sword the Saiyan looked over at his friend, staring coolly at him for a moment. "Don't count me out just because I lost this, I'm not giving up so easily." So long as Viral was willing to instruct him the lessons would continue, for as long as need be. Maybe not in swordplay explicitly, but he was determined to surpass the Beastman, at his strongest, nothing less. Much as he could use the instruction however now wasn't the time for lessons, they had things to do for the Shaharians. More importantly Shu and T'charrl were waiting on him to return, probably parched and starving at this point. Making way for the door Takeshi paused in the opening, glancing back over his shoulder. "If they'll come after this then they'll come, if not all we've got is medicines. It's better than nothing, I guess." Though more hands would be nice, lighten the load on the existing crew. If not for the rebels ships goodness knows they could use a few more crew on their own ship.

About fifteen minutes passed by the time Takeshi had left Viral's room and finally got back to the hangar. It was awkward, walking around with an armful of food and drinks like this. Since he didn't want to get covered he had found an unused, clean trash bag and loaded it to the point of bursting with fruit. On his other arm he carried a box filled with water bottles, sugary soft drinks and juices. "Sorry about the wait you two, got caught up with something," he said apologetically, smiling as he set both down before Shu and T'charrl. Now they could eat, drink up and relax before heading back out into that horrid heat. From what could be seen within the ship's hangar the storm had died down at least, though the sound of wind blowing echoed through the spacious room. They were still taking the shuttle regardless, it was much too hot to walk that kind of distance comfortably. Reaching down Takeshi grabbed a bottle of water for himself, pausing when he looked at Shu's feet again. "Oh yeah, got these for you..." Attached to the back of his trousers he had tied a set of boots together, undoing the knot and dropping the shoes before his brother. "Even if it stings putting them on its better than leaving your feet exposed, so get them on before we go out again, alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Viral didn’t need to teach Takeshi anything; he could have left him to go on his merry way, getting killed by an attacker because he couldn’t parry. He was doing Takeshi a favour and all he could do in return was moan about it and think he was the better fighter because he could use Ki. It was constant scrutiny he was under all the time and everytime those weaknesses of his were constantly pulled up. It always made him angry, the constant mental smack that he was inadequate in some form compared to everyone else. Glaring at Takeshi, he growled lowly before waving his hand in his direction, “I can do more than you’ll ever be able to do! I can blast you out of the sky with the power of a sun…I don’t need to be able to fly to have an advantage”. It was awfully hard to put up with that, feeling completely inadequate just because he couldn’t do certain things. His other abilities weren’t even up to scratch, but he tried desperately to defend them even when they had never been properly put to the test.

Watching Takeshi, he glared at him before slowly folding his arm, his paw going over his sore arm instead of completely folding over. If Takeshi was going to treat him like this, then he was going to deny him that, “Guess what, genius: you’re not supposed to win during lessons. The whole point on a lesson is to learn, not win”, he spoke calmly, staring at him with a hardened gaze, “You’ve got to get that through your thick head or you may end up getting killed”. He should probably think about trying to sleep again with Takeshi going as he slowly unbuckled his belt, he pulled it away from him and placed it down beside his bed, giving a glance towards Takeshi when he spoke once more, “Great…medicine. Maybe we’ll throw it at the King and hope we cure his evil…”

Shu and T’charrl were sitting fairly quietly and pretty close to each other, Shu feeling a little tired and T’charrl quite worn down. Neither wanted to be sitting on the hard floor all day and Takeshi sure was taking his time. When Takeshi finally arrived he had got them nice goodies, T’charrl sitting up and Shu scooching across the floor towards Takeshi. Holding his hands out at Takeshi, Shu squeaked a little before his eyes went to the shoes, staring at them curiously as he tilted his head, “Ooh? Oooohhh, I’m not good at these…” he sighed, taking them towards himself and sliding them on carefully. They were not very comfortable and he didn’t know how to stop them from falling off, but if they would stop his feet from getting sore then he had to put up with it. Sighing a little, he soon bounced a little, “Ooh! Food! Drink! Sippy-sippy?” he asked up as he made grabby-hand movements, “I’m hungry and thirsty…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Much as Takeshi would have loved to remain and argue with Viral there were things to do. Shu and T'charrl were waiting on him, and he'd wasted enough time with this pissing contest he was having. Against the Beastman's wishes he took his blade with him, determined to carry it even if he couldn't use it properly yet. No way was he going to accept the fact he was useless with a sword, he just wasn't as practiced as Viral was, that's all. Making haste to the kitchen he gathered up everything he could carry in his two arms, whatever fruit and sweet drinks he could manage to find. It wasn't a whole lot, he couldn't carry everything they had with them by any stretch but it was better than nothing. To carry the food he used an empty bag, and the drinks were piled into a milk crate. With his arms loaded he returned to the hangar as quickly as he could, handing over both containers for his brother and friend to take. "Sorry it took so long, got distracted," he said, smiling sheepishly as he grabbed himself a drink. If they all had a bite to eat and took a short break the three of them ought to be fine within the hour. It would take less than that to deal with the Shaharians, and they would probably be back before the sun even went down.

"I know you're not good with them, and you don't like them, but you'll need shoes for now, Shu." Healing his feet would be easy, so long as he didn't hurt them any more. Best to minimize the damage he could cause to them for now to ease the process later on. Taking a deep drink from his water Takeshi peered down over the brim at his brother, smirking as he lowered his drink. "Am I feeding you or something then? Is that what this is about?" he asked, chuckling as he placed the cap on his water. Setting that down beside the crate he first grabbed a canned smoothie drink from the crate and a mango, tossing both over to T'charrl carefully. Now that he had something to start with Takeshi dug through again, grabbing Shu a small glass of orange juice to enjoy. "And... I got something else for you..." In the bag he shuffled around a bit before finally pulling free a banana, holding it in front of his brother. Grinning cheerfully Takeshi undid the peel, tossing it out the door before breaking the banana in two, offering the larger of the halves over to his brother as he sat down beside him. "Eat up, there's more where that came from," Takeshi said, smiling as he glanced over at T'charrl. "How about sitting with us? You can if you want, you know, we won't bite."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu just wanted something to drink and a bite to eat, seeing them in the box but not really knowing how to operate the drink and get them open. Takeshi seemed to know how, he certainly did have a way with technology he had never seen before. Watching him curiously as he used the bottle, he nodded quickly with a smile, “Yes! I want, please! Please may I have, yes?” he asked up, looking towards the crate. He didn’t want to just grab and hope that he knew what was for him and what was actually for Takeshi or T’charrl. Feeling curious, he watched Takeshi set up something for T’charrl, tossing something and a mango over to him before looking back at Takeshi as he organised a drink and banana. Squeaking happily, he held out his hands as he prepared the banana, giving him some of it after discarding the peel, “Oooh! Banana! Banana!” he squeaked happily, taking it and the juice. They should keep him going for a while, at least until they had done what the shaman asked them to do.

T’charrl remained where he was when Takeshi came down with the food, feeling like he should play it patiently rather than demand something from him. He didn’t want to crowd over him and possibly frighten Takeshi, knowing he was scared of him. Keeping to himself, he sat quietly as Shu fussed over Takeshi, eventually tossing him a strange container and what appeared to be a fruit from their planet. Catching them, he stared at the container before lifting up the fruit, ‘sniffing’ it using his antennae before Takeshi spoke up, asking him over. Frowning a little, he slowly crawled over, “O-Okay…I-I’m not afraid of you biting, though…” Sitting a little bit behind them, he put the container down in front of him and just tried to bite into the mango, finding it difficult to get through to the softer core.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

There certainly should be enough here for all three of them, even if only as a light snack. They just needed the energy to deal with these Shaharians and they could come back to a real meal, maybe. Hopefully everyone else didn't eat while they were gone, otherwise it would be up to them, or more exact, Takeshi to get them dinner, or lunch... Whatever time of day it was. For T'charrl, a can of a smoothie-like drink and a mango, and for Shu the bigger portion of a banana and a cup of orange juice. Taking a seat beside his brother the older boy smiled cheerfully, watching as Shu got all excited over his fruit. There were a few more in the bag, this little guy could probably eat all of them no problem. Popping the small bit into his mouth the Saiyan sighed pleasantly, glad to have something to fill the dry void. Walking around in the desert left his mouth feeling like cotton, and the sudden surge of flavor from the banana was heavenly. It was too small for his liking, and while not the biggest fan of fruit Takeshi wanted something more. From the bag of food he found himself a nectarine, giving it a careful polishing on his sleeve before biting into it happily.

"I doubt either of us could bite you anyways," Takeshi joked, smiling as T'charrl came to join them. The Kaesstrian was so big neither of their mouths would fit around him, unless they bit his finger or antennae or something, ech. Watching their friend try to munch on the rind of the mango he smiled apologetically, crawling over and carefully snatching the fruit away. "Ah... Should have mentioned, you don't really want to eat the skin. It's tough and doesn't taste very good. Give me a sec, I'll fix it for you." Hm... How to peel the mango though... Aha! Reaching back Takeshi withdrew his sword, holding it carefully in one hand. Making twisting motions with the mango he began to peel off the skin, smiling proudly once he had completely taken it off. Sure, it was a far cry from what he intended to use the sword for, but at least it was getting used. "Here, try that now," he said, offering it back over. Like the banana peel he threw the mango shavings outside, grabbing his nectarine back and munching on it lazily. "Hm... If you two want more just grab it from the bag, we might as well finish it all while we're here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

There certainly should be enough here for all three of them, even if only as a light snack. They just needed the energy to deal with these Shaharians and they could come back to a real meal, maybe. Hopefully everyone else didn't eat while they were gone, otherwise it would be up to them, or more exact, Takeshi to get them dinner, or lunch... Whatever time of day it was. For T'charrl, a can of a smoothie-like drink and a mango, and for Shu the bigger portion of a banana and a cup of orange juice. Taking a seat beside his brother the older boy smiled cheerfully, watching as Shu got all excited over his fruit. There were a few more in the bag, this little guy could probably eat all of them no problem. Popping the small bit into his mouth the Saiyan sighed pleasantly, glad to have something to fill the dry void. Walking around in the desert left his mouth feeling like cotton, and the sudden surge of flavor from the banana was heavenly. It was too small for his liking, and while not the biggest fan of fruit Takeshi wanted something more. From the bag of food he found himself a nectarine, giving it a careful polishing on his sleeve before biting into it happily.

"I doubt either of us could bite you anyways," Takeshi joked, smiling as T'charrl came to join them. The Kaesstrian was so big neither of their mouths would fit around him, unless they bit his finger or antennae or something, ech. Watching their friend try to munch on the rind of the mango he smiled apologetically, crawling over and carefully snatching the fruit away. "Ah... Should have mentioned, you don't really want to eat the skin. It's tough and doesn't taste very good. Give me a sec, I'll fix it for you." Hm... How to peel the mango though... Aha! Reaching back Takeshi withdrew his sword, holding it carefully in one hand. Making twisting motions with the mango he began to peel off the skin, smiling proudly once he had completely taken it off. Sure, it was a far cry from what he intended to use the sword for, but at least it was getting used. "Here, try that now," he said, offering it back over. Like the banana peel he threw the mango shavings outside, grabbing his nectarine back and munching on it lazily. "Hm... If you two want more just grab it from the bag, we might as well finish it all while we're here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was definitely enjoying himself now, finding the fruit and juice to be very cooling and refreshing. He hadn’t had pure orange juice before and this was definitely nice with the banana giving it an odd taste, but he still enjoyed it. Licking his fingers after he had eaten the banana, he drank up and let out a sigh as he finished, feeling satisfied, “Yum yum! I love yummy fruit!” he spoke quickly, bouncing a little as he sat. He was happy and did hope he could get more, looking to the box curiously to see if he had more only to notice Takeshi take out another fruit. Squeaking, he quickly pulled himself towards the crate and made a grab for the bag with hope that he’d be able to get some of the fruit too, “Me please! Just a little more yummies…”

T’charrl was trying to get through to the fruit, but the outer skin was difficult to pierce and proving to be not too tasty at all. There was definitely something sweet inside, but he couldn’t get to it very well. Removing his jaws from the fruit he stared down at it with a frown, not really understanding how you eat it before gasping as Takeshi grabbed it from him. Frowning a little, he stared at the fruit before pulling back when Takeshi brought out his sword and peeled it that way. T’charrl immediately felt sick upon seeing him do that, knowing what that blade went through even if it was probably cleaned. Frowning, he took the peeled slimy fruit, the smell certainly tempting but he just couldn’t bring himself to eat it. Who knew how many people that sword has killed and instead Takeshi used it as a tool. With his appetite pretty much lost, he sighed, “Thank you…umm…” Giving Shu’s shoulder a quick tap to get his attention he instead gave him the peeled fruit, “Here, it’s nice and tasty…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The fruit was hitting the spot right about now, but then again toilet water could probably quench their thirst just as easily. Takeshi wouldn't complain, even if he would have preferred some kind of meat. Just something to wet his tongue a little and keep his throat from drying up, that was all. Shu sounded like he was in heaven at the moment, munching down the banana in the blink of an eye, drinking back the container of juice too. Smirking in amusement the older boy finished off his nectarine, throwing it outside before licking a bit of juice from his fingers mindfully. "Fruit is pretty good, isn't it? Good think we've got a refrigerator, I can't imagine it'd be very good all warm and mushy." If his sibling wanted more then he could help himself, there was enough to go around. Takeshi was a bit more concerned with helping T'charrl eat his mango, seeing the alien trying to munch through the rind. Taking it away gently he withdrew his sword, using it as an impromptu peeler and getting rid of the skin. Having handed it back to T'charrl then he expected it to be eaten, tilting his head to the side in confusion when the Kaesstrian gave it up to Shu instead.

"What's the matter, don't like mango...?" Takeshi asked, oblivious to the issue T'charrl had. "Weird, you had some in a smoothie back on Earth, but I guess fresh tastes a little different. Alright, something else then..." Giving the sword a shake to rid it of the juices he carefully sheathed the blade again before reaching into the bag, digging around a little before finding an apple, smiling as he took it out and gave it a careful look over. Blowing on it Takeshi gave it a good rubbing on his sleeve, making it shine before offering it over to his friend. "Try that, it's a little tart but good. Just be careful of the core, you don't want to eat that." Or maybe he did, who knows, T'charrl might like it. People ate weird things, like Shu and his bugs, at this point nothing would surprise him. From the bag he grabbed himself an orange, licking his lips eagerly as he stuck a thumb through the skin and began peeling it off methodically. "You know... We could be making smoothies, now that I think about it..." he mumbled, popping a slice of orange into his mouth. "I mean, we've got fresh fruit, and ice cream and all... It wouldn't be like the ones we buy, but they'd be pretty good I bet..." Making smoothies meant going back to the kitchen though, and Takeshi didn't feel like getting back up just yet, he'd only just gotten comfortable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was pretty happy having this picnic with his friend and brother, finding it to be nice despite the harsh conditions outside. It was much more preferred than being out there in the heat, plus the fruit was nice and cool too which made them nice and refreshing. Looking for more fruit that would appeal to him, he squeaked a little when T’charrl tapped him on the shoulder, looking to him curiously before being handed a peeled juicy fruit, “Oooh! Yummy!” he chirped, giving it a sniff before eating at it happily. He didn’t know why his friend didn’t want such a juicy fruit, it should had been one of T’charrl’s favourites going by what they enjoyed eating on his homeworld. He was certainly enjoying himself, but he didn’t really know what was bugging T’charrl if he didn’t want this fruit.

T’charrl just didn’t want to eat anymore just now, finding it pretty difficult to look passed the image. He had seen a lot in his short life and that weapon had been used a lot and seen many battles where his people were often killed. He wasn’t angry at Takeshi for doing it, but he was angry at himself for being unable to drop those over some mere action. Giving the fruit to Shu, he frowned a little when he looked to Takeshi, “Uhh I-…no I’m just…i-it’s nothing…” Feeling his heart drop when Takeshi gave the sword a shake, he moved back a little and looked away quickly. He was a little shaken up after that, but he tried not to be especially around Takeshi and Shu. Taking in a deep breath, he held it before releasing when Takeshi offered him another fruit. Taking hold of it with a shaky hand, he stared down at it before looking away once more. He really wasn’t feeling like eating just now, even if he really should given his ‘condition’. Looking to Takeshi as he made the suggestion for smoothies, looking to Shu who was certainly sounding happy over the possibility, but to him the suggestion didn’t really include him too much. He was certainly feeling like he was being completely rude by not eating anything, but he felt like he might choke if he tried, “If you want to…I mean, you two could go and make some”, he spoke, quickly placing the apple back into the crate, “Just thinking I should skip out on going anywhere. Just with my condition and all, I-I probably shouldn’t go anywhere”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi didn't know what was wrong with the mango, Shu had no issue eating it. He'd thought T'charrl would have loved it considering he'd had a mango smoothie, maybe he just wasn't in the mood for that. Evidently neither was he in the mood for an apple. And for whatever reason he was acting all uneasy now, stuttering and looking off. Maybe he was coming down with something, after all Kaesstrians weren't used to so many different environments. "Alright, if you say so..." he mumbled, watching as the apple was put back. Definitely something wrong, considering the guy had to be hungry and was turning down basically the only thing he ate. Giving his head a thoughtful scratch Takeshi punched a small hole in the orange with his thumb, munching on a slice contently. Now that was a flavor rush, just another fruit or two and he'd probably be good to get going. T'charrl again though looked like he was having trouble, just sitting there seemed to be stressing him out. "We're not going to make smoothies, they'd probably get all melted in this heat anyways," Takeshi said, waving a hand dismissively. "Are you sure you don't want to go anywhere...? What's wrong anyways, you seemed fine before. Not feeling well or something?"

T'charrl had to be coming down with something, Takeshi was just surprised at how suddenly his illness had onset. Darn shame he knew nothing about medicine or he could probably give the Kaesstrian something for whatever ailed him. "Well, if you're not feeling up to going back out then that's cool, we won't force you to do it," Takeshi said, popping another few slices of orange into his mouth. "I'll get Vegeta to come down here, or the doc or someone and they can look at you, alright? I'm not gonna leave unless I know you're gonna be fine." Not given his friend so much a chance to say anything to the contrary the Saiyan already got to his feet, going up to the control room where the panel was for putting through a call. With a mouthful of oranges still he pressed the call button after finding the bridge, waiting until he heard noise on the other end to speak. "Hi, it's Takeshi again. Listen, is Vegeta there? Or is the doc around?"

The crewman at the intercom glanced around the room, trying to spot the familiar mess of spiky black hair. "No sir, Mister Vegeta isn't here right now. I don't know where he's gone, but the doctor should be in his office. Would you like me to patch you through to him?"

"Nah, just send him down to the hangar when you can. T'charrl's acting kind of off, maybe he's got heat stroke or something. I just want him to get checked out, you know? Thanks a lot." Ending the call there Takeshi came back down the stairs, smiling proudly in spite of probably doing what T'charrl hadn't wanted him to do. "Don't worry buddy, the doctor's gonna be right down and he'll take a look at you! Vegeta's busy, but this guy is good too, so you'll be fine," he said, giving T'charrl a small slap on the back. Turning back to Shu the older boy gestured to the shuttle with his thumb, raising an eyebrow questioningly. "Hey, how's about we load the ship with our food? When the doctor gets here we can get going and we can eat on the way if we need to."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl didn’t want to let his friends down by getting all stressed out, his powers probably ending up going crazy in response to that and giving them all a bad time in general. He couldn’t control what went on in his head and he knew how much everything depended on his mental state and if he wasn’t going to be able to keep it together during a simple fight against a small rebellion then there was going to be trouble all across the board for all of them. He was just trouble in this state with how little he could control himself, making him a danger to everyone and his friends. He should probably sit out if that was the case, give his friends a break to be together without feeling the need to butt in just to feel a part of the gang. Staring down at the metal container he was given in contemplation, he quickly looked to Takeshi when he spoke up, dismissing the idea of smoothies and asking him questions, “Uhh, n-nothing…I just don’t think I should…”

It was hard to explain himself when he was just alright with being told it was okay if he didn’t want to go. He didn’t want to hurt anyone so that should have been it, no need for this further embarrassment. Maybe he should go back to his room, take the strange container just incase he shook off the feeling and somehow managed to figure out how to get to the innards. Turning slightly, he quickly looked back to Takeshi at the mention of a doctor, shaking his head, “Wait, uh, no…” he started off but Takeshi was already quick to try and get in contact with someone without even letting him answer for himself. This was pretty difficult, just trying to explain himself so that maybe he would seem sane and not sick; he may look pretty battered by the sand and wind but other than that there was nothing visibly wrong with him.

Lowering his head he let out a sigh, only looking to Takeshi when he slapped him. Shuffling his feet a little as he remained seated, he stared at Takeshi before lowering his head again, “You didn’t need to…I’m fine”, he spoke lowly, shaking his head, “Why do I need a doctor over that?” He didn’t understand it, but he didn’t want to start an argument now that he was probably wasting somebody’s good time. He didn’t need to say what was upsetting him because he knew he would upset Takeshi if he said, knowing how sensitive the guy could be over the way he acted sometimes. War was always harsh on a person’s mind, but then seeing something that was commonly used to kill people instead being used on food he was supposed to eat made him feel pretty ill and stricken with negative emotions.

Shu didn’t know what was wrong with T’charrl either, especially when he said earlier how hungry he was and how thirsty he thought he was. He knew their friend was sensitive to a lot of things that was new to him, but he didn’t think the sight of their fruit would make him so ill that he needed a doctor. Tilting his head a little as Takeshi dealt with T’charrl, he frowned a little before looking to the crate as Takeshi mentioned a plan, bouncing to his feet, “Yeah! Yummy fruit!” he cheered, stumbling a little as he tried to balance with the shoes on, “Ooh! We can get fruit from this planet too before we leave! I would like that too!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi felt he was doing a good thing for T'charrl, being so prompt to get his friend help. Considering how tumultuous the Kaesstrians well being could be they couldn't be too safe, bringing a doctor down was a good idea. Upon rejoining his friend and brother Takeshi slapped T'charrl on the back gently, beaming down at him and sharing the good news. "Just to be safe, the doc is coming to see you. If nothing's wrong then hey, no problem. Plus it's the guys job to look after us so I doubt he minds. Been kind of slow on the work front otherwise." Not a lot in the way of injuries had happened as of late, unless you counted in a few strains and burns from training. Soreness wasn't something that warranted a visit from the doctor, and neither was exhaustion. "Maybe he can do something for your wings? I mean... They'll heal eventually, but if he can help it faster then why knock it?" Ever blissfully unaware Takeshi had no clue he was the reason T'charrl was so disheveled, not having seen a single issue with using his sword as a peeler. Whatever was bothering their friend he was certain the doctor would find and have fixed up nice and quick though.

Now then, back to their little mission. The brothers might not be leaving until the doctor arrived but that didn't prevent them from getting ready. Since Takeshi knew there was no easy way to pull Shu away from a large container of fruit he figured they might as well do the next best thing; Stow it away and bring it along with them. Not unsurprisingly Shu took to that idea rather well. "Alright alright, careful you don't hurt yourself you nut," Takeshi laughed, watching as his brother stumbled about. They were really going to need to get him used to walking in shoes one of these days, he couldn't go barefoot everywhere. Finding fruit on Shaharia... Well they knew the aliens had it, he had seen some while they were heading to meet with Servas. Shu probably had to, and per usual the older hadn't the heart to tell his brother no. Sighing softly he gave a nod of his head, looking at his sibling amused, "Fine, we'll get you some fruit before we go. Not a whole lot though, we've got tons of it already because of you and T'charrl. I didn't even take half of what we have stocked." Since their diets wholly consisted of fruit more or less a ton of it had to be shipped in and preserved for the pair, meat was a secondary meal to them. Personally Takeshi wanted to get Shu eating other things more, but Yumi and Vegeta were far more accommodating in that regard. Going to the bag of fruits Takeshi hoisted it up over his shoulder, nodding his head towards the shuttle. "Hit the button by the rear door, will you? My hands are full," he added, grabbing the crate in his free hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl felt like he should leave just now and save the doctor the trouble, but he was probably already on his way down here because Takeshi was so quick to assume he was sick. A hole somewhere certainly sounded nice, just anywhere where he could be left alone with his thoughts. He was embarrassed when it was so simple a problem that Takeshi didn’t even know what he did, thinking it really was something so simple it was stupid at this point. He couldn’t shake off the images though no matter the atmosphere around him, just managing to send him into a panic attack. Rubbing his head slowly, he frowned at Takeshi, “There isn’t anything wrong with me, though…I mean, it is a waste of time for the doctor! It shouldn’t need to be an excuse…” Definitely feeling more than a little anxious, he moved on the spot as he tried to stand up, finding it a little difficult still with his current form, “My wings will be fine eventually, though…since it’s normal for them to get damaged. He won’t be able to help with that”.

Shu was a little worried about T’charrl, probably because he was very withdrawed after wanting company for the longest time; now, he wanted them to go away and do what he was wanting to do not that long ago. He hadn’t touched his drink despite obviously wanting one, but then again not even he knew how to get it out of the container it was in. Staring at his friend curiously, he soon quickly turned his attention back to Takeshi as he gave him confirmation over getting some native fruit, “Yay! Still would like them because they’re good and good for me!” he squeaked happily, smiling, “I could eat them all day!” Finding his day just getting better he watched Takeshi before bouncing over to the shuttle, not really wanting to walk in his boots when he didn’t need to, “Okay! It’s going to be fun!” Pressing the big button, he stared at the shuttle before looking to Takeshi again with a smile, “I hope it doesn’t go bad while we get bad guy…that would be smelly…”
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