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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi gave T'charrl a funny look, almost thinking he was being lied to. For the Kaesstrian to turn down fruit something had to be wrong, no way would he do that otherwise. 'Course, could just be his friend wasn't hungry too, maybe he was just getting ahead of himself. Sighing softly the Saiyan put his hands on his hips, looking at T'charrl for a moment before smiling. "Fine, fine, if you don't want to see the doctor then don't. We'll just tell the guy you went to your room or something. Sheesh, if I had known you were so against seeing a doctor I'd never have called him." Now he was thinking T'charrl just wasn't a fan of doctors. As he recalled their brief meeting with that royal practitioner hadn't made the Prince seem all to settled, perhaps there was a pattern there. Yeah, that had to be it. Nodding to himself Takeshi went ahead and grabbed the goods he had brought down, tucking each container under an arm carefully. "I guess just take it easy for now, Shu and I can take it from here. I wouldn't go train or anything though while your wings are like that, probably would make it worse. Probably don't need to tell you that though."

It was disappointing that T'charrl wouldn't be seeing the mission through, he probably would have liked seeing more of the planet. With the sandstorm dying down now the only thing they had to contend with was the heat, and the shuttle made that a non-factor. Since they had the luxury of time on their side Takeshi wasn't particularly pressed to get going again. He did, however, want to at least be ready, and to do that he and Shu had to stock up their ship. Having his brother open up the cargo hold he went ahead and put in all of their food, going back over to where he'd left the medical kit and placing that inside as well. Better safe than sorry, the shuttle didn't have a medical case in it anymore since no one ever used it basically. "You and your fruit... I worry sometimes how you'd get on without it," Takeshi teased, smiling as he stepped out of the shuttle. "Everything is going to be fine. We're way better fighters than these people, and I've got my sword if we really need it. Plus... You know, I should have really thought to grab your staff..." Come to think of it, Shu still needed lessons. Hm... Maybe Viral wouldn't mind doubling up on instruction, if he knew how to use a staff, that was. "I'm ready to go whenever you are, little buddy," he added, glancing over to T'charrl then. "And let us know where you're at when we get back, yeah? You'll want to try some of this fruit, it's not too bad."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl was just feeling guilty now, hearing Takeshi’s tone becoming not too pleased with him and his refusal to do anything he wanted. It was hurtful, but he knew Takeshi didn’t mean to be. If only he wasn’t so nervous about his power, but it was hard not to blame himself when it was his own and nobody else’s problem that he had near to no control, “S-Sorry…I didn’t mean-…okay…” he muttered, turning away and rubbing his stomach. He was just a coward, plain and simple. It didn’t bother Takeshi or Shu and yet he was completely stricken by it and made useless over a simple little thought. He should probably wait for the doctor just to show he could deal with it, but then getting told there wasn’t anything he could do to help him would be something to tell Takeshi and not feel as if his efforts were wasted. He shouldn’t be selfish; his mother wouldn’t want him going out and endangering his friends just because he couldn’t control his feelings, “I won’t train, or do anything. I-I’ll find something to do. Don’t worry about the fruit; I know where it came from…”

Shu was certainly sad by the fact that T’charrl wasn’t coming with them in the end, especially when he seemed pretty excited about being allowed to at first but now something seemed to have made him too ill to go along with them. He did want their friend to do more things with them, but the more he changed form the further the distance between them came almost as if he was scared. It was a little upsetting, but he didn’t want T’charrl or Takeshi to feel bad about him feeling bad. Looking to Takeshi, he smiled a little and gave a nod, “Uh huh! Much stronger, no problems for us”, he agreed, looking to the shuttle, “I want to train with my staff later. I don’t want to use it here when I have my fists!” Jumping into the shuttle, he tried to get himself all comfortable, pulling up his hood again and looked over to T’charrl again. He hoped he would be okay, not feeling too sure if he actually was. He was looking forward to fighting with his friend and seeing how that form of his functioned, but he really seemed scared over something, “Is our friend scared…?” he muttered, looking to Takeshi, “When I get really scared I don’t want to eat either. My tummy feels all funny when I do…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jeez, now Takeshi was feeling all guilty over T'charrl, like he somehow had done this. The reality of course was in fact it was his fault, but he didn't know that. Now that their friend sounded upset he felt crummy and almost wanted to suggest the Kaesstrian come along anyways. If he wasn't feeling well though then staying was what was best for him, even if was a lousy option. Smiling apologetically the Saiyan rubbed at the back of his neck, looking at T'charrl before sighing, "Hey, you don't got to just sit around you know... I just figured take it easy while you're not feeling that well." Didn't seem like such a bad thing, worrying about your friend. Evidently somewhere along the line something had been done to upset T'charrl though. Hm... Maybe he should get back in touch with the bridge, or call the doctor and tell him to not bother. Guy was probably on his way already, calling his room would be pointless. Darn, well this is what he got for trying to be helpful, he supposed.

"We'll ask Viral about training later today, alright? I'm sure he wouldn't mind too much." That might be a slight lie, Viral hardly sounded enthusiastic about Takeshi asking. Then again he had sort of barged in while the Beastman was relaxing then gotten all mouthy, it might have been that too. Hopefully Viral did know how to use a staff, otherwise they would have a difficult time tracking down an instructor for one. Using a few straps Takeshi carefully tied down their food, not wanting fruits flying all over the place while they were moving. Being addressed by Shu the older boy looked up curiously, glancing over his shoulder at their friend. "You think he's scared...?" he mumbled, cocking his head to the side thoughtfully. Hm... Well definitely upset, he could tell that much, but scared? What did T'charrl have to be scared over? "Hey, wait here for a second Shu, I'm going to go ask him." Pulling up his own hood Takeshi stepped out of the shuttle, placing a hand on his hip while glancing up at T'charrl confused. "You scared about something...?" he asked, not really knowing a tactful way to bring that up. "If something's scaring you, tell us, we can help. You nervous about what we're doing?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl did wonder sometimes maybe it was time for him to go back home, even if he hadn’t mastered his transformations or power. If he wasn’t going to be of use to the group then he had to go somewhere and not endanger them or the people out there. He’d wait for the doctor for now to give him a quick check-up to keep him happy, maybe tell Takeshi later what the doctor said to make him happy that there was nothing wrong with him in reality. If he couldn’t bring himself to eat then he was in danger of changing, endangering the lives of the aliens, his friends and jeopardising the mission. He should had tried to work out how to eat that fruit or just swallowed it whole before letting Takeshi do that with the sword, saving him a lot of trouble. Slowly sitting down again as Takeshi and Shu got ready to go, he stared down at himself in quiet contemplation, just thinking whether he should go to that empty room again or just to his bedroom after the doctor saw to him.

Shu gave a nod at Takeshi’s suggestion for his staff, finding it fairly good to do so long as Viral was up to it. He didn’t want to interrupt any important training their friend might be up to, knowing it was best for him to concentrate on himself over others, “I hope he likes the thought of that! He is very good with weapons”, he nodded confidently, thinking he would be happy to do that for them. It would be fun using his weapon and getting used to it, hoping it would be useful in upcoming fights before it broke. He would be sad if it broke so he did hope it didn’t. Seeing T’charrl all broken, of course, made him feel pretty sad as well. Hoping Takeshi had an answer to it, he stared at him as he gave a little nod. He didn’t know what T’charrl might be afraid of, but there was something on his mind by the looks of it. Watching Takeshi pop out of the shuttle, he peeked over the edge a little to see what was going on.

T’charrl absent-mindedly scratched a claw against the container holding the smoothie, not feeling too sure to what he was supposed to do with it before letting out a sudden gasp as Takeshi addressed his problem, but he didn’t know what he was supposed to say in regards to it, “W-Wha? I-uhh…n-no, I’m not nervous about that”, he spoke, lowering his head as he kept his eyes off him, “I’m sorry…I mean, I don’t mean to be a coward, okay? It’s just something small and…I shouldn’t be thinking about it so much. You should go and do your job before it’s too late and people end up dead”. He didn’t want to upset Takeshi by saying something he did made him feel ill and set off a bit of a panic attack. He was too much of a risk at this point to take and right now he was just slowing them down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Having a training session with Viral, with both Shu and himself, that could be interesting. Takeshi wasn't sure how well their training would translate into one another but if anyone could figure it out, it was Viral. Among their entire entourage the Beastman was by far the best, perhaps only weapons master. It was the reason that Takeshi was going to him, not T'charrl. Sure, the Kaesstrian probably could teach him as well, but to the same degree? No, Viral's expertise was above what the Prince had, he was certain of that. It was part of the reason he wanted to fight Viral so badly, to really see what his friend was capable of, at full power. That aside, it would just be fun, training alongside Shu again. Goodness knows the little guy should learn to use his staff finally, it had basically been sitting and collecting dust since he'd gotten it. "Viral will teach us, I'm sure of it. Just don't count on him being nice about it," Takeshi said, smiling slightly as he looked back at T'charrl. Afraid... Maybe, something was definitely getting to T'charrl. "Just wait here a second buddy, I'm going to go talk to him." Least that could be done before they went off, especially considering he was responsible for it.

"T'charrl...? You scared about something? About what we're doing?" That was the only thing that came to mind, nothing else even remotely scary had happened. Maybe all this traveling was finally getting to T'charrl, he could be homesick or something. Giving his friend a thoughtful look Takeshi smiled slightly, placing a hand on his hip and letting his friend talk for a moment. If it was so small then why was the Kaesstrian almost panicking? Eh, he probably shouldn't push the subject, it'd only cause problems. Sighing softly Takeshi stepped closer, reaching out and putting a hand on T'charrl's shoulder, flashing a thumbs up with his other hand. "Hey, whatever is eating at you don't sweat it, alright? You're perfectly safe with us, and things are going to turn out alright. And no one's calling you a coward, T'charrl. Cowards don't fight Generals, or leave their home planet to join some war. You're anything but a coward." Hopefully that did a little something to alleviate some stress. Either way his friend was right, they should get moving. The longer they delayed the more danger people would be in. Giving T'charrl's shoulder a pat, Takeshi moved back towards the ship, "Don't wait up for us, we'll be back soon! Hope you're hungry later too because we'll have fruit!"

Right then, time to get this show on the road. Taking his place at the main controls Takeshi glanced over the cockpit, re-familiarizing himself with everything inside. Flipping a switch to seal the cargo bay he then flipped another set, the thrusters of the ship coming to life with a dull humming sound. With the engines on he used the wheel to pivot the ship around, at the same time drawing back on a stick to readjust the thrusters so they rose into the air. "Ready to go get these jerks, Shu?" Takeshi asked, grinning as he gave the ship a bit more throttle, the engines roaring to life now. Before they shot off he reached over, doing up his brother's harness for him then his own. Safely strapped in the older boy winked at his sibling before hitting the throttle once more, sending the ship flying forward and shooting out of the hangar. Oh yeah, at this rate they would reach the other city in no time. With the storm dying down now too they cut across the landscape like a hot knife through butter, leaving a massive dust trail behind themselves. Eh, discretion was never really his strong suit anyways. "How long you figure this will take us? Ten minutes? Maybe fifteen?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl did hope Takeshi wouldn’t get angry or insulted if he did mention what was bothering him, but that depended whether or not he would ask him about it. It was probably easier to tell a lie about it, but he was definitely scared over something. He didn’t know why Takeshi was so dismissive over it after he saw what happened to him when he went into battle, but maybe that was a good thing since it meant he could keep it to himself better without the embarrassment and shame that he really wasn’t that good at controlling himself. With a deep sigh, he tried to dismiss the thought himself as Takeshi tried to dig deeper into it, “Not about what you’re all doing, no…just, uhh, I shouldn’t say it”. His mother would probably slap him for not admitting to a problem so simple, finding it to be shameful and embarrassing. It should had been enough for him that Takeshi had helped him peel a fruit, even if it was done using a murderous weapon. Looking to Takeshi when he placed a hand on his shoulder, he frowned, giving Takeshi’s gesture a quick glance, “I…guess, but of yourself? There’s many ways other than fighting that can make you a coward”. Knowing he was holding up Takeshi he gave a nod before moving his claws over his face, feeling ashamed when he couldn’t admit he had a problem with the way Takeshi used his sword. He knew how sensitive he was over it and he couldn’t risk hurting his friend’s feelings even if it did cause him mental problems.

Shu watched Takeshi and T’charrl carefully, but he didn’t think Takeshi had managed to solve T’charrl’s problem as he abandoned trying to help him and instead wanted to continue with the mission. T’charrl just seemed even more withdrawn now, but Takeshi probably wouldn’t notice anyway. He didn’t know what was wrong himself, but they had something important to do and they were going to have to do it before seeing to their friend. Quickly going back into his seat, he shifted his feet onto the side of the chair as he gave Takeshi a nod, “Uh huh, I’m ready”, he spoke but the engines quickly drowned him out, scaring him a little as Takeshi did up his harness before they set out. Admittedly he was curious about how T’charrl reacted to that, but he did hope his friend wasn’t instead knocked over by the force of it leaving. Watching the landscape pass by them rapidly, he looked quickly to Takeshi and tilted his head, “I don’t know how to count minutes!” he squeaked, bouncing a little, “You never taught me how to count!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hopefully T'charrl was going to be alright by himself. Takeshi felt bad for up and leaving like this, but they needed to get this job over with sooner rather than later. It was as his friend had said, the longer they took the more potential risk innocent people were put in, they couldn't afford to linger in the ship all day. With any luck the doctor would at the very least provide some company, or take him to Vegeta so T'charrl wouldn't have to be alone. Bad things seemed to happen when the Kaesstrian was alone, best not to leave him be then. Leaving behind their friend for this mission made him resent it a bit, all the more reason to get this over with. Using a big burst of speed the shuttle blasted out of the hangar, rocketing across the desert as they sped towards their destination. Inside the brothers were jostles slightly as the ship flew, bouncing occasionally in their seats. "Rhetorical question Shu!" Takeshi laughed, shaking his head and glancing over at his brother, "Means you don't have to answer. We'll be quick, I already know that." If they couldn't get into the place by playing a ruse then they'd just muscle their way inside, and like hell anyone could stop them. Servas would have the guilty party soon enough, and they could be on their way.

Speaking of what was next... They were heading back to Pagonia, if he remembered right. From one vacation spot to another, what fun. Takeshi figured that frozen tundra was a little nicer though, all you needed was some warm clothes and you were fine. Here they were dressed lightly and covered from the sun yet still it was hot as anything. Both of these planets were anything but hospitable to someone like T'charrl, meaning he likely wouldn't play a very big role in either of them. Disappointing for someone supposed to be visiting other worlds, for sure. Takeshi frowned at that, not at all pleased with how things were turning out for their friend. Transformations, injuries, and now being forcibly excluded because of the climate, some journey this was turning into for the guy. "Shu... I want to ask you something..." he mumbled, staring ahead through the windshield sadly. "Do... You think I'm a good friend to people...?" It might hurt, but Takeshi wanted to know the truth of the matter. Shu may not be the best person to be asking this, but hell, he'd take anyone's opinion right now. "Or do you think I'm not...? Be honest, I want to know."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu always found it fascinating how fast they could go in this and how well protected they appeared to be, watching as the landscape changed from outside the window. It was certainly exciting and he did wish that T’charrl could see, but if he wasn’t comfortable with going then it should be fine. There was no need to force him to come just because he hadn’t seen this planet before and if he felt better later maybe Takeshi would take him around. It was kind of sad seeing how ready and excited he was before only to get put off and become ill after getting a mango for a snack. He did try to think what was done since then to make him ill and whether the sand or sun had just got to him eventually instead. He didn’t see anything that happened and was busy looking for food so he was fairly oblivious. Staring at Takeshi when he asked him an odd question, he frowned a little as he shifted in his seat, “Huh? Why you ask me something I don’t need to answer…?” he asked up, tilting his head, “You ask me strange things a lot…”

Shu did certainly wonder what this city was like if it was anything like their friend Servas had described it as, all of that grass and trees possibly. T’charrl would had liked to had seen such a place so it was even sadder that he didn’t get to go. Watching the land change as they flew along, he tilted his head in Takeshi’s direction, “Ooh? You’re my best friend!” he squeaked, looking like he was trying to go and hug Takeshi but was trapped to his chair, something he eventually came to realise only a few seconds later and soon gave up, “Ummm…you are! You care for me and you care for my friends who are your friends too which is nice to have, right? Is it because of Friend T’charrl?” he asked up, feeling curious, “I don’t know what else and why you would ask me that. You care for friends, yeah? You ask how they feel often? Do you visit friends often? Being good friend is being good at listen of things, right? Do you think you are a good friend? Why do you ask?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi just rolled his eyes faintly at Shu's expense, letting the question die. Rhetorical questions were too much for the little guy apparently, someone who had trouble answering plain old questions now and again. The older boy spent a bit of time just focusing on their flying, checking the instruments in the display to make sure they were heading in the right direction. Nothing told them how far they had traveled so far, but recalling what Servas had said they should know the city when they see it. A green city out in the middle of the desert, that would be something to see. No way could it be nearly as lush as Kaesstra, not even Earth was that dense. Compared to the first city though even just some short grass would be a huge improvement. Real shame T'charrl wasn't coming along with them, he'd enjoy the place if it was remotely green. "I ask you completely normal things, you just don't know how to answer them," Takeshi retorted, sticking out his tongue playfully at Shu.

Again, Takeshi couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for T'charrl being upset. They really ought not to have left their friend alone, being alone couldn't help him any. If they were going to a nice city then all the more reason to bring him along too. Feeling like a lousy friend he had to ask, see what his brother thought about it. Of course asking him wasn't the best thing in the world, never in a million years could Takeshi recall Shu saying something negative about him, even if it were true. Seeing Shu try to hug him made Takeshi smile a bit, reaching over with one hand and giving the younger boy's hair a ruffle. "You think I'm nice to them...? To everyone? Including Viral...?" he asked, his smile disappearing. He might be okay with the others, but he knew the answer to Viral's question. The messed up fact was he still considered Viral a friend despite how edgy their relationship was, and yet wondered why the Beastman seemed to hate him so much. Sighing softly Takeshi shrugged his shoulders, looking back out the windshield of the ship. "I don't know... Maybe? I like to think I am, but people always seem to be in a hurry to leave when we're around them, and I know it's not you. Maybe I'm just imagining things, being stupid... I don't know..."

What he did know was that they had finally arrived at their destination... Almost. With the landscape being relatively flat it was easy to see far in the distance, and the large green smudge over the horizon was awfully promising. Drawing nearer Takeshi could make out the gray and beige shapes of buildings sticking up out of the green, some towering and larger than even the biggest of buildings in the first city. That kind of made sense, the more lush place was more thriving, that's kind of how things went. "Well damn... Now that's a city..." Takeshi mumbled, surprised that such a place existed out here. Slowing down the ship gradually they eventually came to not much more than a drift, easing along just a few meters above the sand. It looked larger than the first too, which meant more people to deal with. If even half of the Shaharians inside of the city were loyal to these creeps then perhaps this job might be a touch more difficult than they had figured. "We'll walk in the rest of the way, can't fly in a place that busy. Ready to get out again?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t know how to tell it to Takeshi straight, but then again he wasn’t so much an observer as he was a companion to Takeshi’s thoughts and his life. He went along with Takeshi the same as he did always and observing stuff that happened on the outside was a little difficult for him to do. He didn’t know if he was being good by going along with Takeshi and not observing too much, but with Takeshi asking these questions he was finding it a little difficult to recall what had happened during those encounters that might make Takeshi worry over his status with his friends. Lowering his head a little when he was instead petted, he let out a sigh as he tried to think back to their encounters, wanting to give Takeshi a good opinion on what he actually was looking for, “Umm…Mister Viral? I don’t know. Every time you and him talk, you fight. I don’t think he likes Saiyans very much, though”.

Shu was definitely pretty confused over what he was supposed to answer and how he was supposed to react to it, especially when Takeshi should be asking them himself. It wasn’t his business to dictate whether people liked Takeshi or not, especially when he didn’t know who liked him or just pretended to. Feeling confused over that thought and whether he should be concerned, he peered out of the window as he saw the city soon coming into view. Feeling oddly happy over that, he bounced a little on his seat, “Ooh! Yeah! Look at it!” he spoke up, turning his attention to Takeshi quickly, “I’m ready! We can do this easily!” Trying to get out of his seat he fiddled with the clasp, letting out a sigh as he did, “Friend T’charrl would have liked to see this place…I hope he’s okay”.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Tch... Viral probably hates my guts, who am I kidding? Wasting my breath asking that." Takeshi looked over at his brother for a moment before making a face, hefting his shoulders in a shrug as he looked forwards again. "He doesn't hate you, and you're a Saiyan. I doubt he hates Vegeta, and he didn't seem to hate Vegeta's parents either. Just some of them, just like how I hate some... Or most, humans." Eh... Maybe both he and the Beastman needed to start giving people the benefit of the doubt. It was easy to be cynical and clump a group of people together, label them all as bad and avoid them like the plague. The reality of the situation was though there were more good people than bad people, it was just the rotten ones stuck out. He should really see humans more in that light, but his experiences with them were anything but reassuring. It wasn't as much a hatred as he had before, more of an indifference. He'd protect them if the need rose but Takeshi couldn't well say he favored humans by any stretch. There were some sure, like those they had met on their first journey, and their friends, but that was a very small portion. "Viral does have reason to hate Saiyans, I'll give him that, but we've got reasons too. And you don't see us scowling at every one we meet."

Meh, he wasn't someone to dictate a person's actions anyways, that was hardly his place. Besides, they had more pertinent matters to worry about than who liked who. The city had come into view at last, the trip being a mercifully short one thanks to the ship. This city was, for all intents and purposes, the polar opposite of what the first was. Lush, green and vibrant, compared to the other which looked like something out of an old Western. Sure, grass and plants sprung up here and there, but this place could almost have come right out of Kaesstra. No wonder too, they had flown in from land, but all around the city Takeshi could see the massive lake it sat upon. The soil here must be absurdly fertile, and the vegetation stretched for a ways beyond the city's borders to attest to that fact. Once the ship was brought to a cruising speed Takeshi undid his clasps, glancing over at Shu as he fiddled with his own. "Damn straight we can do this easily. We'll be in and out of here," he reaffirmed, leaning over to help his brother. Giving a sad sigh at the mention of T'charrl he nodded his head, undoing the final clasp and setting Shu free. "Yeah, he would have. We don't have a camera to take a picture either, kind of sucks." If things settled down maybe they could return here with T'charrl someday, this was pretty much a gem in a desert, certainly not something like their friend had seen before.

To go with Takeshi's plan and sneak in the ship had to be landed a ways off from the city. No doubt someone had seen it already, the land was flat save for some dunes and peaks. Planting the ship behind one of those dunes Takeshi hit a button to open up the side door, gesturing for Shu to follow as he climbed out. It was hotter the second they exited the ship, but the wind had settled and they were close enough to town that it wouldn't be a huge issue. "This is going to be fun, I can already tell!" he said, smirking as he pulled up the hood on his cloak. Reaching back he carefully adjusted the sheath for his sword, moving it so it rested against the small of his back and hopefully out of view. No reason for these people to know he was armed, it might give the wrong impressions. Shutting the ship with Shu outside Takeshi looked down at his brother's feet for a moment, frowning as he gave Shu a curious look. "You sure you're good to walk? It'll be a few minutes probably, will that be okay?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu smiled a little at Takeshi’s response, trying to keep in good spirits, “Maybe…because you look like a human too…? He didn’t like you at first because you stopped his plans, then I pulled off your tail and he doesn’t like you even more!” he spoke quickly, trying to think rationally while not actually thinking clearly about it at all. He was just going by visual experiences he had with them and beyond that he couldn’t think of really too much regarding that. If he was going to be solving any mystery regarding why Viral acted that way towards Takeshi then Takeshi was going to have to talk to him about it. He didn’t really interact with Viral much, but he seemed alright when they did and he was very protective of him when they were in the lab together; or rather, when they were not doped out of their minds he was very protective. Viral would probably be very protective no matter who was in trouble, not appearing like the type to abandon someone mid-fight.

Shu was willing to wait and see what might happen during a fight, but he wasn’t in a hurry since that would mean someone would have to get into some sort of trouble. They haven’t fought together in a while now or had a big battle other than the ambush in the woods on Kaesstria, but his memory was naturally fuzzy over that. There weren’t many battles lately and if this escalated then it would be their first battle together in a long time with just the pair of them. Pulling at the clip, he smiled at Takeshi as he helped him out, sliding off the chair when he was finally released. It was definitely pretty outside and he should feel better once he was there, but he had to remember there was an important job to do and they needed to give the evil guy to their friend’s men. Taking big steps as he followed Takeshi out, he moved carefully along as to not trip over the shoes. It was difficult to walk in these again, but he needed to get used to them. Pulling his hood down, he watched Takeshi carefully as he closed their ship up before looking down at his feet, “Umm…they still kind of hurt a little, but I need to learn how to walk in these”, he spoke, analysing his feet before smiling happily, “I’m brave! Really brave!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi earnestly wasn't sure why Viral disliked him, only that the Beastman did. Sure, they weren't the most courteous to one another but he didn't hate the guy for that. Maybe Viral was just less forgiving or something, could be possible given what's happened to him over the years. Betrayed by his creators, then imprisoned and turned into a Saiyan's weapon of war, hell, anyone would be bitter. "So... What...? I should talk to him or something...?" he asked, again rhetorically. The thought of trying to have any kind of conversation with the Beastman didn't bode well. For one he wouldn't know what in the world to talk about. Their training together would give some material, but they hadn't started that yet. So much seemed to bother Viral that Takeshi worried he'd say something off and only aggravate their friend, that wouldn't get them anywhere. Letting out a sigh as he closed up the ship he lifted a hand, running it down his face in exasperation. "If there's ever a need for a miracle it's now. I'll need nothing short of a god helping me to make Viral like me." Shu's suggestion that he looked human was... Amusing. Wrong? Most certainly, but amusing. It managed to make the older boy smile at least, rolling his eyes before patting his sibling's head. "Well then I should tape some rope to my butt or something, then I'll have a tail again. Maybe he'll like me then."

The city did look mighty pleasant from here, all built up and covered in green. Shame there were some real jerks pulling the strings there, otherwise it could be a pretty nice place to visit. If they did come back to Shaharia they'd stay here, provided it didn't end up as a cesspool or there wasn't some war raging because of what they were about to do. Takeshi figured there was going to be discontent when these men were removed from power, there always was. It wouldn't be his first coup d'etat, he'd carried a few out for their father while in the military. Not all of the Saiyans' acquisitions had been through military strikes, some were from more subtle means. While they didn't know a ton about Shaharians he figured they'd be no different than the others that he'd taken from power. Before they even got moving though Takeshi had to make sure Shu was okay to go, considering his brother's feet had been pretty beaten up today. "You can be brave and let me carry you, dummy," Takeshi said teasingly, reaching out and prodding Shu's forehead with his finger. "If you need me to give you a piggy back again just say so, I'm not going to make you walk if it hurts. But, if you're so ready then we might as well get going."

"Wow... Hard to believe we're in a desert right now..." The air was cooler, thanks both to the shade and the nearby water dropping the temperature significantly. Whereas the first city was almost crudely made this actually looked like, well... A city. The streets were paved with some hard material, and there were curious looking vehicles moving to and fro along the streets. Like the first city there were a fair amount of carts and stalls, as well as shops dotting the sides of the roads, crowds of people gathered at many of them, the loud sound of voices carrying through the air. The buildings were big too, and refined, looking like they were built out of hard-baked bricks and even wood as opposed to the mud based buildings in the other. Really it was actually a nice place, noise aside. It was always that way with cities, all the damn noise. Takeshi might have grown a bit, but that was one thing he still hated. After being within the city for a few moments his hands had found their way up to his head, his fingers plugging up his ears in annoyance. "Jeez... Would it be so hard to have a quiet city for a change...?" he grumbled, glancing around at the crowds. "Where is this building anyways? I forget where Servas said to go..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Maybe if Takeshi and Viral had some time together they might like each other more, kind of like how Takeshi started to like Shu as they spent more time together. They could be best of buddies if they just tried to understand one another, but of course there was no reason for the situation to get out of hand eventually if they spent too much time together to the point of annoying each other. Maybe it was something on Takeshi’s side that Viral didn’t like or maybe Viral just didn’t like him for reasons he wanted to keep for himself. To him the Beastman certainly seemed very bitter, but maybe he just liked fighting and just wanted to fight Takeshi to see who was better at fighting. Certainly the most content he had seen the Beastman at was with that party, but he must feel sad that he hasn’t been allowed to fight lately too. Thinking about it, he tilted his head a little when Takeshi gave him a pat, smiling at him, “It’s fun having a tail! Can sit on it and balance and hold things and swing through trees! Maybe Mister Viral will like to fight more too. He only got to fight big rock thing and didn’t get to finish the fight; we did!”

Shu was looking forward to seeing the city, even if it meant they might be fighting and possibly getting hurt, but it was all for the greater good and to help out their friend. If only they could travel faster than using the ship to each of these planets, he would love to visit his friends a lot more often and not use up so much of his time travelling around space. He liked having his feet on the ground and not always in that solid flooring that probably made his feet soft anyway. Looking down at his feet, he let out a sigh before his eyes went to Takeshi again, smiling when he was prodded in the forehead, “Really? Ooh! Maybe just a little bit!” he giggled, trying to bounce on Takeshi, feeling as if it would be best if he let the cuts heal a bit more. The disinfectant did make them feel all stingy, but that should disappear by the time they got into fighting again.

The city certainly did feel a lot more refreshing, or rather not as hot as the other one did. It was raw heat but there were other sources sucking up all the heat and giving off their own cooling air that made him feel a lot more comfortable. Letting out a deep sigh, he looked around as he examined all the buildings and the people, a little curious as to how this place was so much more active than the other one. These guys really must like water and trees, but he did wonder why when the other place didn’t have as much water or plant life as this place. Feeling curious about the place, he looked around at all the people before to Takeshi, “Ooh? The big building, I think! The big one! In the middle?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Being in the city was a welcome reprieve, the cooler air actually made it comfortable to be here. If they weren't trying to remain anonymous Takeshi would take his cloak off too, probably best to have it on until when, and if, they were made out. Being a larger city than the first finding their destination was likely going to take a bit of time, especially if they couldn't remember quite where the building was. Worst case scenario they could always ask around, someone was bound to tell them at some point. Then again, asking around might tip off the wrong people and cause problems for them. Being more focused on how they were going to get around Takeshi forgot his offer to Shu, so when the little guy jumped on his back he nearly toppled over, stumbling to catch himself before glancing over his shoulder. "Tell me next time you're going to pounce on me," he warned, smiling exasperatedly as he linked his arms under Shu's legs. "Just saying now, I'm not carrying you while we're fighting, you're on your own there Shu." That was if they fought too, for all he knew they could avoid conflict altogether. Part of him sort of hoped not though, it'd be fun to knock some creeps around before leaving.

Ever forgetful Takeshi had forgotten completely where Servas told them to go. The guy had mentioned it being in a particular region of the city, but where exactly was it...? "Huh? You think it's in the middle?" he asked, looking back at Shu. "Eh, sure, might as well check. Can't hurt." Shifting Shu slightly to make him more comfortable the pair started down the street, weaving in through the crowds of Shaharians. Definitely a busier city, only the market in the other one was anywhere close to this. Takeshi was beginning to notice something too, their cloaks worked two ways. Sure, their identity was being concealed, but they were obviously not natives, and the cloaks only drew more attention to that too. So long as these aliens weren't nasty to outsiders they ought to be okay, they just had to keep their noses clean until they found the central building. "so you know what the plan is, right? We're going to pretend to be our father's men at first and see if that works. Just uh... Let me do the talking," Takeshi said, smirking as he looked back at Shu. "No offense, but I don't see you playing a convincing bad guy."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was pretty excitable, but he usually was before a battle whether it turned out good or bad. He didn’t know what they would face or how strong the guy might be, but he was willing to go along with it and completely take on the big bad when they eventually found them. Clambering onto Takeshi was his first plan, finding it fun especially when he could see really far because he was naturally a lot taller while on Takeshi’s back, staring over his shoulder at everything and everyone around him. It was pretty fun, but he knew he had to be serious when it called for him to be and was willing to fight by himself even if he was hurting on his feet, “I knowwww! I’m smart, I know to not fight on you”, he spoke quickly, pulling at his hair a little, “I will jump off ready and fight! I am good at fighting, I think…am I? I haven’t done much fighting lately…”

Feeling confused and worried that he was a little out of practice, he looked around at all the different people and the buildings, more fascinated by the sight of the trees. He wanted to climb everywhere in this place; over the buildings, up the trees, along the walls. He was pretty excited but also sad that T’charrl never got to see this place, especially when it was one of these places he would loved to had seen. He was sad about that, but there wasn’t anything they could do about it other than tell him about it when they got back, if he wanted to hear it. Letting out a sigh, he looked around calmly before to Takeshi, smiling, “Yeah! I know, I know…” he spoke quickly, tilting a little, “I won’t talk, I promise! I don’t want to mess up your plan…I’ll be quiet and not bounce! What do we do after that…? Do we beat them up?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
Avatar of Vena Sera

Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Piggy-back fighting was probably a style on some weird planet, but it wasn't for them. Though it could be kind of fun to try sometimes, put someone on your shoulders and tussle like that. Takeshi had seen kids doing it at the beach before, he didn't understand what it was but thought it looked kind of fun. Besides, he and Shu were better fighting as two separate entities anyways. As of late they had practiced a bit more in battling together, kind of like what Kai and Choi did. They weren't remotely as good at it as the twins were, but they'd picked up a few tricks. This would be the first actual fight they would use any of it in too, provided a battle actually broke out. "Do I think you're good at fighting...? Well yeah I do. Sure, you can improve in a few places, and you're still learning Ki, but you're pretty good." Takeshi glanced back again, grinning as he freed up one hand to point at himself. "Besides, I'm with you, so don't sweat it. Nothing these aliens can throw at us is going to beat me, or you. We've got this." This mission was going to be a cakewalk, he already had forgotten about Kaesstra and that ambush, it didn't even occur to him that something like that could happen here too.

"We're only going to beat them up if they're a pain, that's all. If we can trick them to come with us without having to fight then we'll do it that way. After all, Servas wants them to stand trial, if we hurt them bad they can't do that." Injuring the Shaharians would be easy considering the strength both Shu and Takeshi had to their names. They would hold back but even then it was hard to know what kind of punishment these aliens could take. Few races could fight the Saiyans hand to hand, it was part of the reason they were so successful as conquerors. Many planets had agreed to Saiyan rule simply out of fear of being stricken down, as Takeshi recalled. "All you've gotta do is wait until something happens, okay buddy? I'll take the lead since I have a pretty good idea how to deal with these guys. We handled some people like this while I was working for father, they're all the same. Tell them what they want to hear and they'll do whatever you want." Mostly lies, whatever these creeps wanted to hear. Promise them wealth and power, that usually bought their allegiance pretty quickly. Granted, they didn't exactly have anything on them to buy favor with. Hm... Maybe some intimidation then.

This had to be the leader's place, judging by the number of armed guards outside of it. Takeshi noted too how no one walked on the side of the road of the house, people crossed over to avoid walking anywhere near it. "I bet the guy we want is in there... He's gotta be, with so much security." Easing Shu down off of his back Takeshi gestured for his brother to follow as he crossed the street, walking straight up towards the front entrance. Eying the guards coolly as they neared the doors he stopped just on the sidewalk, smiling faintly as he lifted his head so the men could see his face, and the fact he was a Saiyan. "We want to talk with the one in charge here. We're on the king's orders, and he was very clear that we're not to leave until we see your boss." Part of him really wanted to throw in a little intimidation, but they'd reserve that for when, and if it was needed. For now he'd play the part of a good little emissary. "I need you to either call him out here or let us in, your choice."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu was ready to do this only hoping he could do it without fail, but if he did fail then their plan was going to be completely turned around and they would have to try out another tactic. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do if that happened so he knew he was supposed to be quiet and let Takeshi do the talking, maybe even keep his eyes averted and make sure he didn’t smile or look friendly at all. It was going to be difficult for him to do that because he was just too used to being smilie and happy, but he didn’t want to let his brother down by blowing their plan. It would have been great to have T’charrl there for intimidation, he could just stand there and look terrifying, but when compared to T’charrl he was laughable. Shu knew nobody could be intimidated by him even if he tried. Feeling a little worried, he looked over Takeshi’s shoulder, “If you think I’ll be good! I haven’t had a fight on my own in a while”.

Shu was probably the least prepared even if he didn’t have a lot to do, just everything was making him feel worried that he was going to screw it up somehow. Beating them up was easy enough, but if they were stronger than they thought would definitely throw him completely off. Letting out a long sigh, he stared down at the ground before looking towards Takeshi, tilting his head, “Just wait? Okay…I can do that”, he spoke, giving his head a quick scratch, “I’ll stay back! I won’t let them know who we are, I promise…” Not wanting to screw things up, he held onto Takeshi as he was eased onto the ground, letting go when his feet were safely touching the ground. Slowly following after Takeshi, he took his time to try and walk properly in his shoes especially when he had sore feet and barely knew how to walk in shoes. Keeping behind him, he slowly moved to the side and stared up at the men, pulling his hood down a little to do the opposite of what Takeshi did. He did hope it would work, these guys looked well set and remained where they were as Takeshi spoke to them, hoping they might buy into his little request.

The guards were standing strong at the doors, not looking too interested in Takeshi and Shu until they got close. There was no way they were going to let them walk straight in like they were guests, especially when they weren’t of the same species. Staring at Takeshi and giving a glance at Shu, one looked to the other before back to Takeshi, holding their ground, “Know King? How we know? Strangers everywhere, only one of you have tail of Saiyan, but so small. How we know?” The guard was naturally suspicious, especially when someone was just walking up and saying they knew someone who was already high profile, even if they were aliens.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"You'll do fine Shu, trust me. Yeah you haven't fought in a while, but we've been sparring. If you can keep up with us then some aliens will be a piece of cake for you." Or fruit, whatever the little guy would like more. Considering the fact Shu was capable of keeping up with not only his older brother, but T'charrl and Vegeta as well he would have no worries here. Hell, Takeshi barely even had a plan in mind for if they were attacked, other than just hitting back, and hitting hard. If these Shaharians thought they could fight Saiyans then he was all willing to let them have a go at it. Fighting someone so weak wasn't normally his style, but if they were going to be jerks then they had it coming. Setting Shu down on his ginger feet the older boy looked across the street, wondering just how many guards there might be. He'd briefly considered trying to sneak inside, but the place seemed pretty well defended. Nothing to do then besides go in through the front door and hope their cover worked. "Just stay right behind me and let me do the talking, we'll be fine," Takeshi whispered, flashing Shu a thumbs up before walking across the street, making a straight shot for the doors.

The best way to go about this, Takeshi figured, was to just try and make themselves seem important. Like somebody they couldn't turn down, that ought to guarantee their entrance inside. He tried to get right to the point but was a bit vague, he realized, just saying 'king' and all. Or maybe they did know, they mentioned the Saiyan tail, so they must have some idea. Smiling tightly he let out a sigh, dropping his hood back completely and placing a hand on his hip, looking at the guards impatiently. "I'm Takeshi and this is Shu. We're the Saiyan Princes, as in the King's sons. We're here on business directly from him, and we're busy. So if you wouldn't mind getting a hold of the man in charge and telling him we're here to speak with him, we'd appreciate it." Takeshi tried not to be overly aggressive, but he put a bit of venom in his tone, just in case. Physically these two were about Viral's size, pretty tall and fairly muscular. For anyone else they might be intimidated, but he just saw them as punching bags. Hopefully for their own sake they did as they were asked. "I mean... If you want to turn us away then fine, that's your decision. Just don't say I didn't warn you if our father gets angry with you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t know if this was a very good idea, especially when they could just barge in and take the guy before he could cause trouble. He was all for barging in and completely destroying the place to get the guy to come out, making things break apart was the highlight of his time, but if Takeshi wanted to do it this way then he guessed he had to go along with it. Not knowing what way Takeshi was going to do this, he kept quiet and his head low to make sure he wouldn’t ruin any of Takeshi’s plans, but as things were soon brought under question Shu got pretty nervous. Pulling at his hood a little, he looked up at Takeshi in a quick glance before squeaking a little when Takeshi mentioned who they were. He didn’t think that was a very good idea for reasons he should had known, but now he was going to have to bear with it and hope the guards would buy their little lie that they were still working with their father.

The guards were standing ready to get rid of Takeshi and Shu if they caused a problem, not caring whether they were Saiyans or not. They were given high orders and they were not willing to budge for anyone unless a valid reason was given. Staring down at Takeshi and Shu, they looked between each other when Takeshi told them they were the Princes, the pair obviously familiar with them. Staring at each other for a moment, one looked towards the door while the other walked inside. Turning back to Takeshi, the one left gave Takeshi a short bow, “Many sorry apologies, Princes. Immediate notification is being given. Welcome, very welcome. Please come in for he awaits, not keep him waiting…” Opening the door again, the guard kept it open while showing Takeshi and Shu in, not willing to let them go last for courtesy reasons.
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