Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

It was a gamble giving their identity away, but Takeshi figured it ought to carry some weight. Besides, the plan was to reveal themselves to the leader anyways as a means of convincing him to come along, so it's not like this was out of the plan for them. Seeing the two guards exchange silent glances the older boy shifted on his feet nervously, wondering if that had been a wrong move. Were they aware of what he and Shu had done before? Was this the wrong way to go about it. The longer it took the guards to converse the more uneasy he became, nearly preparing to knock both aliens out before one wandered off inside the building. The remaining guard turned to them and started acting all courteously, just as Takeshi had expected. Smiling smugly the Saiyan nodded his head, following after the guard with Shu in tow. That had been easier than he had expected, not that he was complaining. Maybe they would be out of here within minutes, that would be nice.

"Wait just a moment, please. Sir busy, be moment." one of the guards said, addressing the waiting brothers. "Make comfortable, take seat if you wish. He'll call shortly."

Darn, so they were going to have to wait after all. Ah well, should be quick according to the guard at least. The room which Takeshi and Shu found themselves in was fairly nice, you could tell someone big owned this place. The walls were similar to sandstone from what he could tell, small patterns of engravings running along the whitewashed stone floor. Several small, colored area carpets broke up the monotony of the white flooring, and numerous paintings and potted plants helped bring color to the walls. Since it only ought to be a moment Takeshi wasn't going to bother sitting down, no use in getting comfortable if they were just getting back up. Glancing at Shu he smiled, reaching over and nudging his brother's shoulder before nodding at the door. "Think this guy is going to put up a fight at all?" he whispered, glancing back at the doorway. "Or think he'll go quietly?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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The guard looked fairly neutral about it all, not giving anything away if he was hiding something or actually falling for Takeshi’s trickery. Keeping behind Takeshi and Shu to make sure they were following the correct path without running away, the brothers were lead into a suitable place for them to wait while their boss was retrieved. It shouldn’t take too long, at least not having to explain absolutely everything they were told shouldn’t. Leaving the brothers for now, the one from behind began to wander back to the door again. While appearing to be fairly easy with the brothers, it appeared to be simply their routine to have one guarding the entrance while the others made sure everything was going to be known to their leader. It was a big deal that the Princes were here, especially considering their reputation.

Shu followed along after Takeshi, feeling on edge when nothing was being said other than simple instructions. It was easy to get all nervous about this, even if it was supposed to be easy going and they’d be able to just grab the guy, at least according to Takeshi they’d be able to. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do other than just wait around and hope he wasn’t as strong as they were, but he did have reassurance from Takeshi that they were safe to do this. Looking to him with a frown, he didn’t take any real notice to where they were, just that they were supposed to be prepared for a fight where their enemy was unknown, “I don’t know…maybe? What if…you know…” he spoke lowly, hitting his fist into the palm of his hand before shaking it, “All owwie…you know? This is taking longer than I thought…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Waiting outside of the leader's room was a bit of a drag, Takeshi expected a prompt meeting. He was just being impatient though, they were making good times all things considered. He wondered who the leader might be meeting with now, and if this person was worth dragging in to jail as well. Chances were this one guy they were after wasn't the only problem, but Servas had just told them to come here and deal with him. Whoever else might be in the way he supposed the others would just take care of on their own time. Looking at Shu he smiled slightly amused, rolling his eyes before gently elbowing his brother in the side. "Come on, like they can hurt us," Takeshi whispered, shaking his head. "You're worried for all the wrong reasons if you think they're going to be a problem. I mean seriously, these guys weren't exactly strong the first time we came here, I doubt they've gotten stronger since." Even if this entire group of Shaharians attacked he was sure they could handle it, after all weaklings were weaklings, even if there were a lot of them.

"The Princes? Here? This is surprise..." To think the King's sons would come here and personally pay them a visit. Such an... Honor, was unfounded. Sana wasn't sure what they had done to earn this, but he would be hard pressed to turn away such guests. To think they had news from their father as well, how interesting. "Bold, coming here like this. Children are foolhardy, no?" he asked rhetorically, grinning at his men with a row of sharp teeth. Rising up from his desk the dark-scaled Shaharian gave his neck a cracking, extending his claws to loosen them up as well. No need to keep these two waiting any longer, he was curious as to what they had to share. Already he knew what they had to say would be false, he wasn't an idiot. But if they decided to put on this front of being under their father's employ then fine, he'd humor them for a short while. Waving his guards aside Sana walked casually up to the door, pushing it open and smiling politely at the boys on the other side. "Princes, surprising your visit is, pleased to see you," he said, nodding his head in greeting. "Wish we had known before, would prepare for your visit."

"We weren't originally going to stop by before, we have other things we're supposed to be doing," Takeshi explained, frowning slightly. "Our father asked us to come here though, figure out just how you managed to louse up what he had here. He's asked us to get this mess back together." That came out fairly easily, it wasn't a total lie. They did have other things they were supposed to do, that much was true. Sana seemed to be buying into what he was saying, that was good. Lifting his lips into a slight smile the Saiyan glanced back at the door towards the guards for a moment, smirking before looking at their leader again. "Listen, like I said, we don't have a lot of time here. There's new arrangements that our father wants to put in place, and we need to discuss those with you, in private," he added, nodding his head to the others in the room. "So if you'd come with my brother and I for a bit we'll fill you in. It won't take long, I promise."

Sana gave both boys a serious look of contemplation for a moment before smiling, a few of his teeth showing through parted lips. "With you? It would be my honor, Princes. Hurry, I understand, but I also have own business to see to. Leaving office would be bad now, work to be done. We stay here, I dismiss guards and we have privacy, yes?" He had absolutely no intention of doing any such thing, no way was he going to leave himself open to both of these children. Boys or not they were the sons of the King, facing off against both of them alone would be disastrous. "We speak here, more comfortable, and we have refreshments. I insist, let me host our friends," Sana said, looking over at one of his men, "Go, bring us drink and food. Something sweet." The man nodded only once before leaving, closing the door securely behind himself. The lead Shaharian then looked over at Shu, giving him a curious look over. "Young one, perhaps you tell what father has to say, yes? You must know as well."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Keeping quiet and still was pretty easy for Shu, seeing as how he had to do it a lot lately. He didn’t get to do much and that was pretty obvious when he barely knew how to do the talking for once or how to think using tactics. Takeshi was supposed to be good at doing that, but him mentioning they were the Princes made him feel nervous. He should know they were not very well liked and known for being pains in the bad guy’s sides, but he still went ahead and told them who they were just to get into a house. It would have been easier if he just went in and beat up the bad guy before returning to their friend, but Takeshi wanted to go with this route and so far it was proving to be a little worrying. He didn’t know if it would go well or how it might turn out in general for any of them, just that he knew he had to keep quiet and have Takeshi do the talking.

Sitting quietly when the head honcho soon arrived, he kept his eyes averted and his head down, hoping he didn’t blow any sort of plan by accident. The alien was intimidating enough, but he didn’t know if Takeshi could see it. They probably shouldn’t be talking to this man so casually, his eyes going to the guards who were there to support him. They didn’t know how strong this guy was and was only going on the assumption that he’d be weaker than them; or rather, Takeshi was the only one doing that. Shu was intimidated by any bad guy, but often it was for good reason. Looking to Takeshi, he frowned a little before staring back at the alien. It was hard to say if the guy was taking the bait or not, especially when he appeared to remain fairly neutral about it.

Hoping the guy was going to fall for it, he remained calm as the man instead decided it would be best to hold business here. That was not as planned so now Takeshi was going to have to think of another way around this, most likely just beat him up going by his way of thinking. Giving him a quick glance, he sighed and lowered his head only to squeak when the alien as he was instead questioned. Staring at him, he gave a quick glance towards Takeshi in a desperate ask for help, “U-Umm…me?” he questioned him, staring up at the alien, “Umm…F-Father wanted…he wanted to…give you a big spaceship! Uh huh, ready for space! Get to fly around, get to be Elite! Mi-umm…Viral was no good, not able to be a good one…so you get to be…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sana smiled toothily, amused by Shu's nervous response. "Yes, you child. You can tell, both you know, I'm sure," he responded, egging the younger boy on. Out of the corner of his eye he swore he caught Takeshi's smile disappearing for a second, perhaps it was dawning on him now too. What would the little one say, he wondered? "Oh, so the King give ship? We have plenty of ships, but one more is good." It was almost sad how poorly this one was putting on the act, they could see right through the facade now. Folding his hands behind his back Sana made a soft clicking noise, the guards still in the room moving over to the door. Settling his gaze onto Shu the Shaharian chuckled, his yellow eyes boring into the young Saiyan. "Your father, the King, make us Elite? Honor, it would be anyways. We know how works though, this is not how you join Elite rank. And... We know of Viral, and your association. Silly boys, good story though." By now a small detachment of guards would be outside the room, ready to intercept if these two tried to make a break for it. Bringing these two in as prisoners would certainly gain them some favor with the King, the planet would be given back to its rightful rulers for instance.

The moment questions were sent Shu's way Takeshi knew they had a problem. His brother was a lot of things, but a good liar was not one of them. Trying to interject and speak on Shu's behalf he could only stand by and let his brother ramble on, hoping that he'd somehow pull it off. The spaceship claim was a bit unusual though may have stuck if not for him bringing up becoming an Elite. The hissing laugh from a few of the men in the room told him things were done, there went their cover, if they ever even had it. Damn it all, so now what? Looking over at Sana steadily he let the Shaharian prattle on for a moment, expecting the usual bad guy monologue before he and Shu kicked the guy's butt. When all was said and done Takeshi smiled in exasperation, sighing softly before rubbing at his forehead. "I knew this wasn't going to work, damn it..." he mumbled, dropping his hand and giving Sana an amused look. "Okay, you got us. Now how about just coming along with me and Shu before we have to hurt you?" Servas did want the guy alive, but he hadn't been very clear on their target being bruised up a bit. Stepping closer Takeshi leaned down slightly, looking down into the smiling face of Sana, "Unless you really want to fight us?"

Why these boys even bothered with such a charade Sana didn't know, it was a waste of breath. He supposed he appreciated the entertainment, things had been fairly boring around this place as of late. Predictably Takeshi was confident even though they had been made, the information on him proving to be accurate. Arrogant and always underestimating his opponents, those had been words from the Saiyans. That, and the fact that Shu had a strange power, they knew rather well who and what they were dealing with. "As if we not know what happened in city, with Servas... Not dumb child, it is you who are dumb," Sana said, smiling up at Takeshi as he approached. Did they want to fight with the Princes? Was that an honest question? The pair who ruined what wonderful lives they had been living, that shouldn't even have to be asked. Clenching his left hand into a fist Sana threw a punch forward, connecting easily as the Saiyan didn't even bother try to avoid it. Takeshi must have been surprised when the blow knocked him off of his feet, sending him into and almost through the wall. Grinning menacingly Sana turned his eyes onto Shu, his tongue rolling out as he let out a hissing laugh. "Foolish children, still so naive..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu really did hope he was able to tell a lie like Takeshi could, but he really hadn’t done so before so he was at a disadvantage. He didn’t know if he was going to be able to pull this off or manage to be seen as just a child and not knowing any better. Feeling put on the spot he did try to say what was probably the only thing he could think of, he stared up at the alien and gave a brief nod before sinking back when things only proved to turn bad. The guy unfortunately knew they were lying, but Shu couldn’t work out whether it was because he caught him out or because he already knew he was lying. Looking quickly to the guards, he frowned as his eyes went to Takeshi, hoping he might be able to get them out of this. He didn’t mean to be bad at lying, but it wasn’t his fault that he barely knew a thing about the Saiyan Empire or what he was supposed to say to please the alien.

When Takeshi decided to take a stand he couldn’t help but feel relieved and free from the possible mockery that the alien might deliver. This was getting a little tight and he wasn’t sure whether they should be sitting here at all anymore either, his hope on Takeshi hopefully pulling through for him being up top as he acted fairly calm and cool about it. Staring at him, he frowned before looking quickly towards Servas as Takeshi delivered a fairly plain threat. Giving Takeshi his confidence, he watched him carefully as Servas decided to approach him instead, hardly looking at all threatened by Takeshi’s demands. This wasn’t looking good at all and he was right, letting out a gasp as Takeshi was punched, taking the full force without a care and going flying. Immediately standing up Shu raised his fists defensively at first, trying to look brave but really he was pretty scared, “I-I am not!” he spoke quickly, staring up at the rather menacing alien, “I-I’m stronger than I look!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Sana knew full well what they were facing here in the two Princes. They had been informed of the pair by Elites prior even to their battle with Viral, and after that a plethora of information had been shared with them. It had been tasked to himself and his men to capture the boys and turn them over to their father, to which they would be rewarded handsomely. To accomplish just a task Sana himself had been provided some unique training, now quite a bit stronger than your typical Shaharian. If that wasn't evident enough by sending Takeshi almost crashing through the wall, his power was fairly imposing. Hissing out a laugh the alien set his sights on Shu next, grinning menacingly as he flicked out his tongue. "I can taste your fear child... Don't lie to me," Sana taunted, laughing again as he began to advance on the younger boy. Shu was strong, but the only real threat on his part was if he changed. Otherwise the information they had suggested he was fairly average. Flexing his claws and preparing to strike again Sana was ready to swat Shu next, but had to instead leap back hurriedly as a Ki blast soared past him, slamming into the wall and blowing a gaping hole in it. Smiling he looked past Shu at Takeshi, amused at how angry the other boy appeared. "Ah... I didn't think one punch would win, stronger than that as I thought. Matters not, capturing you now, by force if I must."

Just where in the hell had that punch come from? No way should Shaharians be anywhere near that powerful. Something had to be wrong here, these aliens seemed so weak on their first visit. Groaning painfully from the crater he found himself in Takeshi slowly opened his eyes, looking out blearily as he saw Sana advancing on Shu, claws extended. Eyes widening in surprise he reached out a hand, shooting out a Ki blast to force the alien back, "Don't touch him!" Peeling himself out of the wall Takeshi gritted his teeth angrily, lifting one hand to wipe the trickle of blood from his mouth. They had walked into a trap, this one was powerful. Damn, well so much for an easy job them. He could sort of understand why now though Servas needed them for this job. It wasn't just a matter of number of troops, Sana was genuinely strong. "Lucky shot, but it won't happen again," Takeshi growled, "Shu, we're going to have to beat him first. You'd better be ready to fight."

"Ah... This is exciting!" Sana hissed, grinning as he hunched over slightly, his tail swaying side to side energetically. "Finally... Payback for crimes, ruining lives we had. Beat you two, drag you to King, be given more power. More reign, more resources!" He would see to the utter wiping out of those who opposed him this time, starting with that damnable Servas. After that any other shaman who opposed him would fall at his feet, or join him in his quest to unite Shaharia under the Saiyan empire. For their people to have a future, to not be left in the dust, they needed the Saiyans. Hearing the sound of air moving Sana's eyes locked onto Takeshi, watching as the Saiyan darted at him quickly. Laughing loudly he jumped backwards, watching as the older Prince slammed a fist into the desk and shattered it to pieces, creating a hole in the floor as well. Going out of the hole in the wall Sana leaped along the walls of the buildings, managing to ascend to the roof top above. His men could fight as well, but he was by far the strongest. They would realistically only hinder the boys, it was up to him to win this.

Takeshi growled angrily when his attack missed, watching Sana as he escaped from the building. Drawing his fist back from the ground he glanced over his shoulder at Shu, then looked at the guards around them. They didn't look like they were backing down, so did that mean they were strong as well? Crap, what were they supposed to do? There was no telling how many guards there were, but he figured they were outnumbered pretty heavily. Cussing under his breath Takeshi turned around to face the guards, holding out a hand and gathering a fair amount of Ki in it, readying to blow away the Shaharians. When one darted at him swiftly and slashed at him with a blade he had to jump back himself, ducking as soon as he landed to avoid a second one's flying kick. "Damn it! Shu, help me! Get these jerks!" he shouted, jumping at the second who attacked them, managing to slam himself into the alien and drive him into the same spot he'd hit before, sending the guard through the wall into a pile of rubble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu shouldn’t have been surprised that their opponent was a lot stronger than he looked, especially when they were used to it. Of course the only threat on this planet was strong and of course they were Saiyan followers, but Shu didn’t want to be put off by that. They had to beat this guy and it was going to be tough, but that didn’t stop him from feeling scared. Staring at the alien carefully, he frowned when he mocked him, “I-I’m not lying! I-I’m just sweaty…” he spoke up, hoping he could still put up a fight against this guy. Immediately trying to look intimidating, he raised his fists into a more aggressive stance but before he could even fight the guy Takeshi had intervened very quickly with a sudden Ki blast that completely missed the alien. It wasn’t good when Takeshi had to intervene, it usually meant this guy hit hard and was tough, but Shu tried not to be worried.

Quickly backing off to try and get his stance correct, he focused on his opponent and only hoped he was going to be strong enough to stand up to get this guy to surrender, “I’m okay! Are you okay??” he quickly spoke up, looking to Takeshi worriedly. It would probably would’ve been best to have T’charrl here after all as the extra muscle, the guy probably wouldn’t have been so cocky if they had three fighters here rather than Takeshi and himself. Looking to his brother he gave a quick nod, his eyes soon focusing on Sana once more. Maybe Takeshi should’ve put more resistance into that hit their opponent wouldn’t be acting really cocky because that was not failing in making him feel uneasy. If there was one thing he didn’t like it was how the guy seemed to think his life and others had been ruined when he appeared to be living pretty okay here, especially when the place was nice looking and felt pleasant compared to the scorching heat.

Almost feeling the need to blast the guy with Takeshi, he let him go first but unfortunately Takeshi completely missed, the alien quick to respond by running out and escaping elsewhere. Maybe he should have gone in with Takeshi, but if he missed too then there would be no point in continuing with that plan. Frowning, he looked to Takeshi before around to the guards who were quickly closing in, some holding weapons that will surely kill him. Letting out a frightful gasp, he darted away from them while quickly trying to make his way towards the hole the alien had escaped through; however, Takeshi’s calls for help caused him to quickly make a turn, “Ah! Why not use your sword??” he asked up quickly, bolting over to Takeshi and immediately throwing his feet into the back of one of the guards as Takeshi sent another flying. They needed to get out and away from these guards and back to Sana, not feeling comfortable in such a confined space, “Ah! Blast a hole! He’s outside!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

This was all very amusing, but Sana had no intention of fighting both Princes. Not just yet anyways, not while they were primed for battle. His guards could weaken them first, and once they finally reached him he would be more than prepared to do battle. Things were already going his way, Shu was frightened and Takeshi's infamous anger was making him behave rashly. Working this to his advantage would be a simple task, this battle was already decided as far as he was concerned. Seeing the elder of the two brothers fire another Ki blast the Shaharian dodged it handily, using the resulting hole as an escape route. "Hold them for short while! We win here we gain favor, king bestow gifts! Do not fail!" Sana commanded, scurrying out the hole and leaping up to the rooftop above. His guards ought to occupy them, for a short while anyways. Shame he couldn't get in touch with the Saiyans at the moment, his devices were back down below. No matter, this fight ought not take too long.

"I'm fine Shu, relax. One punch isn't going to do me in!" Sana sure hit hard though, damn, he'd literally been blindsided. Still... If they were careful they should be alright, even with the Shaharians' surprising strength. It did make him wonder if the whole race might be stronger than he'd given credit for. Strange that if they were willing to go head to head with him and Shu that they couldn't have beaten back some regular soldiers and one Elite. Eh, now wasn't the time to be thinking this over anyways, there were more pressing matters at hand. Having two guards advance on him Takeshi nimbly dodged a slicing attack, ducking under a flying kick as well. Grabbing hold of the second attacker he drove that alien through the wall, opening the room up to even more guards outside. Damn, there were a lot of them. "Shu, be careful, there's a lot of them!" he shouted, glaring at another as he was moved on. Another one he managed to block a punch, grabbing the alien's arm and hitting him back square in the jaw, knocking him away with the solid blow.

In a brief reprieve from the onslaught of guards Takeshi noticed their target had run off, scowling angrily at the realization. He couldn't have gotten too far, if they hurried up and finished here they could catch him. He almost wanted to send Shu after Sana, but worried how his brother might fare alone. If he went then Shu would be alone here too, and if they both went the guards would surely follow. First things first, they had to beat the subordinates, then chase down Sana. Dancing around a bit on his feet to avoid swinging claws Takeshi looked over at Shu surprised when he mentioned the sword, having forgotten about it for a moment. He probably shouldn't be using it at all, but considering they had weapons too he might as well. Pulling it out of the scabbard he gripped the weapon in both hands, taking quick swings at a few guards and forcing them back. "We can't fight in this room, but we've gotta deal with these guys first!" Takeshi replied, catching an enemy's blade with his own. Grunting from the effort he took a small step back, driving his knee into the Shaharians gut before slicing across the guy's back at an angle, feeling his stomach churn when he saw how easily he drew blood. Reaching a hand out he quickly blasted another hole in the wall, this one facing the road below. "Outside, quick! We'll fight in the open!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu thought he could probably squeeze by and get through the crowd to the bad guy, but then he’d be leaving Takeshi behind and that would be risking a lot. He would be risking his brother getting mobbed just to catch some guy they had no qualms with in the first place. Hoping he might end up winning by himself for once without Takeshi having to help him, he tried to help him instead of focusing on his own opponents before going ahead and trying to fight off the ones who were coming at him. Actually helping his brother for once definitely helped his confidence, but the number of guards was definitely going to throw him off by a hell of a lot. He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do to fight off the swords but he was definitely going to fight them off for as long as possible, “Ah! How do I be careful with sharp, pointy things??”

Managing to get one guard away from Takeshi was encouraging, but they were still coming at them and they were going to be in trouble if they didn’t manage to fend them off. They shouldn’t be too strong, but he wasn’t going to underestimate them and end up sliced up and captured because he got careless. Throwing himself around to face the incoming guards to assist their own, he quickly dashed at one and made a grab for their arm, throwing them down and around into another before they could draw their sword. He didn’t want to get touched by them and had to get through them at the same time so the only way he could think of getting passed them was to throw them all away. Lowering down quickly as more came in, he got down on his hands and dashed out of the way from a kick, headbutting the guard in the side as his leg was brought down.

He couldn’t care right now that he wasn’t fighting the typical way he was supposed to, showing how unsportsman-like he was being just now. These guys were using swords so it was completely unfair for them to do so, definitely making him look like the better fighter. Even after hitting them hard they still weren’t going down. Quickly looking to Takeshi, he gasped when he blasted the building open some more, lowering his head quickly before dashing straight for the hole. The guards continued to try and make a grab for them, trying to punch and cut off his path. Jumping to the side and throwing himself around, he gasped when a sword cut the side of his arm before he rolled out of the opening, barely managing to avoid a grab.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Just don't get cut!" There wasn't much else Takeshi could say really, that was all there was to it. He might have a bit of trouble, some of these Shaharians were surprisingly swift. Shu ought to be fine if he kept moving though, he was far more lithe than any of these jerks were. Blocking another swing of a knife he backpedaled a bit to put space between himself and the guards, making a wide slash with the sword to force them to back off. Fighting inside of this room was no good, it was much to small for them to move around in. They had to get out into the open, to the streets if at all possible. Figuring out what wall faced the roads below Takeshi raised a hand, blowing out most of the wall before shouting for Shu to get outside. Beyond the building he could hear the panicked cries of people around the place, probably rather uneasy about the fighting. So much for keeping this business under wraps, damn. Letting Shu go out first Takeshi moved to make a break for it as well, gasping painfully as a blade caught him in the face, making a nice cut along his right cheek. Angrily he swung around, extending a hand and sending a Ki blast into the chest of the offending alien, sending him soaring into and through the same hole he'd just made and out onto the street.

Okay, so there were about two dozen guards chasing them. That was the best estimate Takeshi could make, and seeing them pour out of the building he was pretty close. It would be fine if they were pushovers, but these guys could actually fight. And while their injuries weren't severe both he and Shu were bleeding now, and that was after only managing to knock three out. If they were going to get through this quickly they'd have to expend a lot of energy, something that the older boy was abashed he'd have to do. If he used his sword more efficiently they might be in better standing, but his shortcomings with a blade were becoming vividly clear in this battle. Coupled with the fact that he actually felt sick cutting into one of the Shaharians and he was hard pressed to continue. How was he supposed to fight with a sword and not kill someone anyways? "Shu, you okay?" Takeshi asked, glancing over at his brother's arm. Nothing could be done for that now, unfortunately, not in the thick of a battle. Soon as this business was over with they'd get back to the ship and see the younger boy patched up. Or maybe Servas and his people could do it, they owed them that much at least.

There wasn't any time for conversation, the guards were quick to mobilize again. Rather than the typical one on one battles they got these aliens moved as a cohesive unit, four or five advancing at once on each Saiyan. Gripping his sword firmly Takeshi dashed in to meet them, taking a swing at one and missing by a fair margin. Having to fall to the ground practically to avoid being cut he laid his palm flat on the concrete, lifting himself up and kicking out both legs in a spinning motion, catching two guards under the jaws and knocking them aside. Jumping back to his feet he tried something different, swinging at another with the hilt of his sword. The pommel of his weapon hit the Shaharian square in the jaw, an audible cracking noise signaling it had connected. In a fit of angry and pained hisses that one fell to the ground, clenching his jaw gingerly. Takeshi had barely acknowledged that attack when he felt a sharp pain on his back, another blade slicing horizontally and biting into his skin. Almost falling down as a result he swing his sword around, catching the guard nearly in the neck, creating a gash that made him fall to the ground almost instantly. Despite being in pain his eyes widened in shock, seeing the blood pooling on the ground as the alien shook from the pain. Damn this... Damn the sword, this was wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Shu was concentrating on getting out first and foremost, knowing he shouldn’t have to put up with all of this in such a tiny space. He could fight them off if he could get the space, but he was worried about having to put up with those swords. Getting sliced like that didn’t hurt at first but it was definitely beginning to sting now as he made his immediate run outside. Once he finally managed to get the space, he turned around quickly and stared at the hole, hoping Takeshi could find his way out too. As the guards caught up with him and was finally managing to find their own way out, he watched them carefully before immediately turning his attention towards Takeshi, “I-I’m okay! It’s just…a little…” Looking to it, he was certainly starting to regret not watching his sides because that was really hurting now. It was such a thin cut and yet it bled like a normal one, the stinging pain being the worst part. He shouldn’t be concentrating on that just now, especially when he was supposed to have his focus on the guards who were coming right for him.

Shu couldn’t concentrate on Takeshi right now, especially when there was a whole group coming straight for him. They were fair intent on weakening them to the point of capture using extensive force and Shu couldn’t help but find that to be unfair, especially when they were all fairly strong. Looking to the closest ones quickly, he made a grab at one of the approaching guards and threw him around and into another, but that wasn’t going to help all that much. They were coming in fast and almost immediately there was two of them behind him. Letting out a gasp, he ducked under one of their attacks only to get kicked in the head, sent to the side and nearly into another stab that could have pinned down his arm. Spinning around once he managed to get his hands on the ground again, he pulled his tail around before making a jump at one guard, wrapping his tail around him and biting at his neck. The guard let out a squeal, grabbing at Shu’s hair to try and get him to let go but it was only making it worse.

Shu didn’t want to let go and the guards didn’t want to attack him beyond using their fists as he bit into their comrade. The guards punched at him repeatedly but Shu stayed attached to the guard right up until one grabbed hold of his tail, the pain of it causing him to let go before he was swung to the ground in a vicious yank. The force of the throw was made in an attempt to yank off his tail but it proved to be harder than that to pop off. Unable to get out of their grasp, Shu found himself in pain and struggling to move to release himself as the Shaharian guards discovered him to be much easier to capture, the aliens grabbing at the rest of his limbs while one snatched onto his hair again, moving to punch him to knock him out before he could get a chance to use his special ability.

As the alien raised a fist, an odd sound in the air caused it to stop, looking up before there was a sudden crash which resulted in the group being forced down and sand to kick up everywhere. Inside the impact zone, a bulky figure now pinned down the group of guards before one of them was immediately tossed from the pile, the sand beginning to clear. It was a rather torn and wind-battered T’charrl, his large claws forcing the guards away from Shu and clearing him from their grasp, the final one being snatched up in T’charrl’s jaws by their arm and tossed away. While the guard made a sudden jolt to try and recover from the throw it soon became evident that they weren’t going to go anywhere as their arm became limp and heavy before falling to the ground, their muscles partially paralysed as their saliva-covered wound and movement caused T’charrl’s poison to spread.

T’charrl looked like he had made some journey to get there, the sand and wind not being kind to him at all with his shredded wings and damaged skin. Despite the hazards brought to him he was willing to try and follow the brothers in whatever way he could. Hissing angrily, he moved away from Shu to give him some space, only making a glance at Takeshi before the strange sharp appendages extended out of his arms as he immediately leapt at the men attacking him, parrying their blades with the appendages as they struggled to understand what T’charrl was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Fending off so many people at once when he barely knew how to wield a blade was proving to be a hassle. Blocking was about all Takeshi found himself doing, his retaliations with the sword missing every single time. With his hands full he couldn't even see how Shu was faring right now, desperate to be done with this and get to his brother's side. Getting cut yet again on the back he had a brief moment of anger where he whipped around, swinging the sword out blindly and connecting with the upper chest of one Shaharian. Seeing the damage that the blade caused, how easily it had done so and the blood pooling, it made Takeshi feel ill. Ki was one thing, it burned and bruised people usually, attacks rarely pierced unless you made them to. Using a sword though, as he was finding, was far more lethal. Nowhere near in the state of mind to be okay with this he looked down at the edge of the weapon, paling slightly seeing the thick ooze of blood dripping off of it. He nearly dropped it then and there, instead having to raise the sword once more to deflect an attack. The force of this blow pushed his own sword down, the edge of his assailant's blade biting into his shoulder slightly and drawing blood. Straining to hold back the weapon he placed a hand on the guard's torso, creating Ki and blasting him away, sending him flying into a nearby building.

Damn it all, he'd done this to them. Takeshi's own arrogance had gotten them into this mess and he knew it. Finally having a moment to check on his brother his heart sank seeing Shu being pinned, unable to help still. Dodging a would-be impalement he swung out a fist, punching the Shaharian between the eyes and knocking him back. "Shu, hang on!" he shouted, trying to break through the ranks of the enemy. The situation took a turn for the strange then as a massive impact shook the area, a cloud of dust kicking up and putting a temporary halt to the fighting. Shielding his eyes with his arm Takeshi waited a moment before peering over, shocked at seeing T'charrl here. Their friend looked far worse for wear, being battered and torn from flying here most likely. In spite of any potential wounds T'charrl was more than ready to fight, tossing aside the group who'd attacked Shu like dolls. Breathing fair heavily right now he watched as guards began to advance on their friend, the strange appendages sprouting to counteract their attacks. Shu would have to be okay for now, they were dwindling the enemy's numbers and had to keep momentum on their side.

Turning back to the group of Shaharians before him the older boy bit his lower lip, trying to ignore the pain all over his body from the hits and cuts. And to think they weren't even fighting Sana yet, what a pain in the ass. In his free hand he gathered an orb of Ki, and in his sword hand he gripped the blade tightly, running at the guards. The first he encountered he sidestepped to avoid a slashing attack, jumping up and spinning himself around to deliver a harsh kick to the alien's head, knocking him out in one blow. A second one tried to use their claws and teeth, attempting to get a grip on the Prince and hold him for his fellow guards. Pushing himself to move as swiftly as possible Takeshi vanished from sight, reappearing only a second later above his attacker. Driving down the arm with Ki he slammed the orb into the alien's back, smashing his target into the ground before it exploded, burning the alien and creating a small crater. Still in mid air Takeshi couldn't do too much as he was slammed into by one of the Shaharians, barely stopping himself from tumbling to the ground as he landed on his feet. What were there left... 8 or so? They were doing it, they could beat these guys. Hopefully T'charrl wasn't too beaten up, because he and Shu must be getting tired by now.

It was hard to say whether or not Sana and his men were winning this battle. While the guards were certainly giving Shu and Takeshi a run for it the Princes were dispatching his men one by one, their numbers gradually dwindling. It wasn't without cost, both boys had taken some blows and were showing visible signs of growing weary. Should they manage to beat all of the others Sana was confident he could handle the weakened Saiyans himself. That sentiment faded rather quickly however at the appearance of a third fighter. It was like nothing he had ever seen before, not recognizing the species whatsoever. Was it... An insect? They ate insects, though none were even remotely close to this size. And those appendages, what in the hell were those? Sana watched in silent shock as the newcomer tossed aside a group of men as if they were nothing, proceeding to fend off a handful by himself. Damn it, this wasn't part of his plan. He needed to do something now to try and get this back into his favor. Eying T'charrl the Shaharian gathered a bit of his own Ki into his hands, aiming it down at the Kaesstrian before firing a volley of blasts, his men caught in the crossfire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shu didn’t know how he was supposed to get out of that grab, but with a giant form dropping from the sky the Shaharians scattered while others got flattened by the great weight. Finding it hard to understand what was going on at first, Shu quickly picked himself up off the ground, his eyes finally able to see who it was as the dust began to settle. Seeing how it was T’charrl, Shu was immediately made concerned over T’charrl’s outward appearance over his own, “F-Friend! But…you’re all hurt!” He didn’t want to see his friend all hurt like this, especially when he didn’t know if the damage he sustained would heal or not. His friend was savage but focused, appearing to know exactly what he had to do without any problems like fear or pain. Looking to Takeshi, he spotted the blood around his area and the Shaharians that accompanied it.

He thought Takeshi might just disarm them and not end up doing that, even if they were bad guys. He didn’t like the sight of it, it made him feel very nervous. Averting his eyes, he clasped his hands over them as if thinking if he couldn’t see then nobody else could. He didn’t want to end up getting angry and changing, but now he was putting himself into a very vulnerable position. He didn’t have control over his crazier form and even if T’charrl ended up changing at least he had a greater sense of consciousness than he did. It would probably be ideal if T’charrl unleashed his full strength, really, but he still worried over him greatly now that he was already the centre of attention. His friend was going to be in trouble and Takeshi was injured too, meaning this was going to be a lot more difficult than he first thought.

T’charrl had gone through a lot to get to them and he was thankful he did, especially seeing how much difficulty the brothers were in. These aliens were strong, he could feel it, but what he couldn’t feel was the main antagonist’s energy. He would have thought it would be different from these soldiers and that he would be somewhere, but where he didn’t really know. Parrying their blades with his own organic ones, he fought back against them and pierced them with his own weapons for each parry whether in the arms, legs or joints. After managing to whack away a few blades, T’charrl immediately began snapping at the guards. A lot of them were taken aback just from the sight of T’charrl and how ferocious he appeared to be, acting like a wild animal with combat skills.

Feeling an intense need to succeed, his senses desperately searched around for their leader, hoping he could end the struggle by capturing him and bringing him to justice. Moving closer towards Takeshi, he looked down at him during the brief moment he had before the guards went for him again, trying to kill him with attacks from behind. Spinning around, he tried to grab the guards, managing to get one by the tail before throwing them into the ground, throwing another arm around to punch away the next. He was managing, but barely. Letting out an angry hiss, his senses sprung to life once more as a large energy source built up, his head immediately turning before noticing the Ki as it immediately struck and blasting him and the surrounding area.

T’charrl was hit directly and the area around him was blown apart, dust and debris being sent everywhere as a result. Shu scrambled for cover, trying desperately to find a safe place while trying to see if his friend was okay. There was no sign of T’charrl in the blast, but not long after the lull there was movement and a very angry hiss before a massive form burst out of the debris and jumped straight onto the building. Still injured from damage dealt by the sand and attacks, T’charrl grew larger as he climbed up it, his wings too shredded to allow flight as he mutated into an angry wounded monster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Takeshi wasn't sure if they were going to be able to fight Sana, even with T'charrl being present. If he was stronger than the guards then they were going to have their hands full. Both he and Shu were injured, and the fact he felt sick to his stomach from using his sword didn't help either. Had he been paying attention to his friend he'd have seen how to properly disable someone by attacking the limbs, piercing instead of slashing. He had no idea what he was doing with this weapon and he knew it, Viral had been right. At the very least the burden he and his brother now had in taking down the enemy was diminished thanks to T'charrl's appearance, he was already carrying his own weight and then some. Unfortunately the trip to the city had not been a kind one to their friend, he'd barely begun fighting but looked worse than both Saiyans were. Dispatching one more and being knocked aside by another Takeshi was having a difficult time just staying upright, his wounds agitated by the constant moving about. His back felt damp and warm, and he could taste blood on his lips from the wound on his cheek, and the gash on his shoulder didn't help things either. Damn, this really sucked.

Sana had to act quickly to win this, he couldn't stay out of the battle any longer. The newest addition to the Princes' numbers was proving to be a big problem for his troops, they were being tossed about like rag dolls and dispatched with the least effort possible. To ensure they were victorious this alien had to be eliminated, here and now. Using what training he had received from the Saiyans, Sana gathered together a fair amount of Ki, firing it at T'charrl in a concentrated blast. The attack must have come as a surprise as the alien made no effort to evade, taking the blast directly and being enveloped in a thick cloud of smoke. As not to endanger his troops the Shaharian held his fire for the moment, waiting to see what had happened. The sight of T'charrl bursting from the smoke made Sana gasp loudly, shocked by how fierce this creature was. As T'charrl scaled the building he jumped across to another one, trying to gather more Ki to hit the Kaesstrian again. Before he could release it a Ki blast slammed into building he was on, kicking up stone and dust at him. Shielding his face from the blast Sana looked down angrily, spotting Takeshi aiming at him, firing another attack.

T'charrl was losing himself, this wasn't good. They couldn't afford to have him go berserk, it could endanger all of the civilians around here. Not only that but if their target should be killed then their whole mission was up in smoke. So they were going to have to fight both Sana and T'charrl then, both in different respects. The guards had all been incapacitated in some manner or another, with a few worse off because of his folly with his sword. Even a novice like him could do serious damage, he wasn't too sure how he felt about wielding such a weapon anymore. Looking down at the bloodied sword Takeshi swallowed uneasily, tearing his eyes away when he heard their friend chasing down Sana. Spotting the Shaharian he fired a Ki blast to distract him, and another to stop him from hitting their friend. Since T'charrl had their target moving for the moment Takeshi took the chance to go to Shu, groaning painfully as he walked over. "Shu... Hey... You okay?" he asked, smiling slightly as he reached a hand out, "Come on, we need to help T'charrl."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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T’charrl was determined to get this guy at all costs, help his friends and make sure he was able to fulfil his promise to them. He needed to try and save them before things got too much for them, but who knew if he could save himself. This planet was hot and pierced his hide easily, even when he transformed his wounds remained but he wasn’t going to give up that easily. Going straight for the alien who had fired upon him, he grew larger with each movement, the sharp appendages becoming lodged and remaining sheathed in this form. With each great set of claws moving closer, the projected blast from Takeshi’s direction caused him to pull back slightly, his eyes not doing terribly well with the dust kicking up before he let out a hiss of annoyance. Moving a great big set of claws up to the roof, he pulled himself up towards the alien and onto the roof.

He looked angry and crazed; his friends being hurt and almost taken from him because he wasn’t there made him beyond angered. Even in his large form he knew he had to capture the alien, but through whatever means necessary was his way of thinking. Snarling angrily, he moved forward and immediately tried to grab the Shaharian, the building threatening to crumble beneath him with every step. The fact that he was causing a scene was not of any concern to him, but to see a large insect trying to chase down a Shaharian must have been a strange and rather frightening sight.

Shu felt pretty disorientated, but he knew T’charrl was off and away even without looking through the dust. He wanted to try and help, but he didn’t know how he was supposed to when T’charrl was away and unprotected from the harsh weather of the planet. Letting out a cough, he rubbed his head slowly before finally opening his eyes again, looking up at T’charrl before to Takeshi. He was disorientated and had no idea where he was going anymore, whether he was supposed to go to Takeshi or after T’charrl. He was hurting quite a bit himself, but that shouldn’t matter when there were other matters to attend to. Looking to Takeshi, he watched as he approached him, holding out a hand for him to take a hold of so that he may enter the fray again. Giving a little nod, he took hold of his hand and slowly pulled himself up, frowning as his eyes went to T’charrl, “I-I’m okay…but how do we help? That guy is strong…a-and those guards…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Dealing with the Princes was a challenge enough, now this creature had to intervene. Sana couldn't let himself be captured, he'd need to play this carefully, he could still win. Watching as the alien came after him he was forced to back off, simultaneously dodging both Ki blasts from Takeshi and T'charrl's advances. The damage being caused to his headquarters and the surrounding complex, this was detestable. The King had best make his pay worthwhile for handing those two over, it would take a long time to rebuild all of this, not to mention get his men seen to. His tribulations were far from over as a massive claw stretched out to snatch him up. Darting to the side to avoid being grabbed Sana hissed angrily, having no desire to deal with yet another fighter. Getting close wasn't an option, so long as he could keep his distance he could beat this beast. "Interfere and you pay! Kill you first, then take Princes!"

T'charrl could hold off Sana for the moment, he and Shu had to regroup. Takeshi was feeling weary at this point from his injuries but had to keep going, they needed to see this through. Forcing himself over to his brother he extended a hand out, helping Shu back to his feet with a groan. They had to support their friend somehow, he couldn't fight alone, not in his state. "I know he is... And there's still guards left..." he mumbled, frowning as he looked at the remaining opponents. Not many, and most were already injured. Their actual target was still fresh and ready to go however, he was their biggest concern. Looking at Shu for a moment Takeshi grabbed his arm, holding his sword before himself defensively as he stared down their enemy. "I'm sending you up there to help T'charrl, okay? Just leave these guys to me, I'll be up there before long." Putting one leg forward Takeshi pulled Shu along, with some effort managing to toss his brother up onto the roof behind where T'charrl and Sana were. Stupid idea, all he did was agitate his shoulder and make it bleed more. Focusing back onto the soldiers in front of him he exhaled slowly, trying to calm down his racing heart and settle into some kind of rhythm for this fight.

Ki blasts should more than settle this, the creature didn't show any signs of being able to use energy. That aside its wings were in tatters, so long as he could keep far enough away Sana was sure he was safe. As things had been so far his plans were dented further when he watched Shu enter the fight against him, landing on the roof behind T'charrl. Of the Princes Shu was the least injured, and the one he feared more. That berserk form of his, that was a real danger if it came to pass. At least there were enough guards to keep Takeshi busy for a while yet, two on one was far from ideal, but better than three on one. "Not kill you, Shu, need alive. But doesn't mean can't hurt!" Sana gathered Ki into both of his claws, throwing two orbs that circled around one another, one heading for T'charrl and the other straight for Shu. While they flew along Sana made it a point to jump further away, doing his utmost to stay out of the alien's range.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl could do a great deal of damage to this warrior, but he was restraining himself despite his form. He could easily blast him away, but his energy was really low and he was very hungry. He didn’t get to eat anything or get energy so his ability to regenerate and dominate this alien was limited; however, that didn’t mean he wasn’t fierce and undeniably strong. Advancing towards the alien, swiping out to grab him didn’t work very well as he was soon stumbling forward, turning soon after and hissing angrily back. He was ready to throw himself into danger if he was to show any redemption for his cowardice, even if Takeshi or Shu didn’t understand what he was trying to do. He let them get hurt without him to protect them from harm, he even knew he was not mentally fit to do that.

Shu was worried that they had already lost the battle, especially with T’charrl up there taking a lot of hits. He could do without it, not to mention Shu didn’t know how he was supposed to help him feel better after all this was done. T’charrl could heal their wounds, but his own were still questionable. Maybe they could squeeze T’charrl into a healing tank once he got smaller again. Looking to Takeshi quickly, his eyes were soon taken towards the guards where the real threat lay. Frowning, he slowly backed up before squeaking when Takeshi suddenly grabbed hold of his arm, “W-What? But you need help too!” he gasped but soon Takeshi was preparing himself for a throw, his other hand quickly going out to try and hold onto Takeshi but was instead thrown through the air and up towards the prime bad guy and T’charrl. Screaming as he was volleyed, Shu soon found himself bouncing on the rooftop and rolling along a little.

Looking immediately towards Shu, T’charrl was immediately taken over by concern as he could only wonder what the kid was doing up here; however, that wasn’t something he should concern himself over when he needed to weaken the alien. Turning back towards him he let out an angry hiss, looking ready to pounce before Ki attacks immediately came their way, his eyes darting straight for them. Throwing down a paw onto Shu, he guarded him from the attack all while swallowing the other. He couldn’t afford to have Shu getting hurt even more than he already was, nevermind having to deal with Takeshi throwing him up here. Letting out a snarl as the smoke escaped his jaws, he immediately moved to leap after Sana without a care to where he was going, just that he had to catch him.

Shu didn’t anticipate being almost squashed by T’charrl in his attempt to protect him, but he did manage to and the blast smashed against T’charrl’s orb. Only being allowed to breathe once T’charrl had moved his paw, he scampered up to his feet hurriedly before watching as Sana jumped off with T’charrl soon to follow. Gasping, he waved his hands around in a poor balance attempt before quickly flying up. Unbalanced from the start, Shu tried to go straight for the pair, hoping to beat T’charrl to Sana before he hurt himself some more, “Friend! Don’t want you hurt more!” Charging up an energy attack, Shu released it after a few moments and sent it straight for Sana, hoping it wasn’t too strong where he’d accidentally cause a lot of damage.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vena Sera
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Vena Sera It's snowing on Mt. Fuji.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Something had to be done if they were going to win this fight. Either Sana had to be taken down quickly or they had to beat his men and force him to surrender. The only issue with the latter is they needed to keep Sana from fleeing too, and T'charrl was barely in a state to be chasing someone down, let alone fighting. There weren't many guards left, one person could probably take them on. Takeshi voted for himself to be that person, being more comfortable having Shu alongside their friend rather than fighting by himself. Grabbing hold of his brother's arm Takeshi hoisted him forward, putting his all into tossing Shu up to the roof where T'charrl was. He might need help, who knows, but they couldn't worry about that right now. These people wanted him and Shu alive, it wasn't as if he'd be killed fighting these goons. The older boy near instantly regretted his decision when he saw Sana throw Ki blasts at his brother and friend, tensing up until both blasts were extinguished by T'charrl. They would be fine, they were plenty capable together. All he had to do was tidy up down here and then he could join them.

Shu and Takeshi had to be taken alive, the King would accept no less. Battered and bloodied, but alive, he was willing to damage the merchandise a bit if it meant securing them. So it was that Sana didn't feel a need to hold back, hurling two Ki blasts at the new alien and Shu, trying to put them both down quickly. To his chagrin the alien looked to be protecting the boy, easily blocking one attack and seemingly eating the other one. Hissing in annoyance the Shaharian gathered more energy in his claws, determined to keep up a volley to prevent those two from retaliating. Before Sana could so much as lift a hand T'charrl jumped after him, his massive figure creating a shadow on the roof, eclipsing the sun. Staring wide eyed at his assailant Sana hastily rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding being crushed under the alien. Since he was so busy avoiding becoming a lizard pancake he couldn't do too much about the young Prince's blast, only raising his arms to try and reduce the impact. Getting hit head on Sana was knocked back off of his feet, landing on his backside with a shout of anger. His arms were slightly reddened with some scales burned away. It wasn't too bad but annoying, not being able to kill these boys was going to prove the hardest part of this battle.

Was throwing Shu up there the best idea? With T'charrl protecting him his brother should be fine, but then what of their friend? Was Shu going to be able to keep T'charrl safe? Takeshi worried a lot about the Kaesstrian, seeing him so beaten up as he was now. If Sana didn't see a need for their friend then T'charrl might well be killed if he wasn't careful. For now those two were going to have to make due, he couldn't do anything to help them, not with the guards here. Looking back at the four Shaharians still with him the Saiyan smiled painfully, gathering Ki into his left hand again as he held the sword readily at his side. For a moment he and his opponents just stood there, staring one another down as they waited for the first move. Soon as one of the guards shifted his weight Takeshi dashed in, vanishing and trying to attack them from behind. Attempting to knock one out with the hilt of his sword he cursed when his attack was blocked, using the Ki in his hand to blast away the offending Shaharian. The third one was quick to attack for their dispatched comrade, smacking Takeshi in the head with his tail and knocking him away. Losing grip on his sword Takeshi fell onto the road, bouncing a bit before ending up one his side, groaning in pain as his ears rang dully from being smacked. Stupid lizards...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mogtaki
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

T’charrl was fairly helping and trying hard, but he could be attempting to go at it a little harder if he wasn’t being hindered by so much. His large size meant he was heating up a lot faster and it wasn’t as if he was able to expel that heat. Desperately trying to take down the lizard, leaping at him and trying to pin down him but he quickly slipped out of it much to his annoyance. Shaking his head after colliding with the ground, he huffed and hissed as he slowly turned around to face Sana again. The heat was definitely getting to him and he probably couldn’t last much longer without shade. Keeping his eyes fixed on Sana, he moved to make another attack but was quickly interrupted by Shu firing recklessly at their opponent and scoring a pretty good hit.

Shu wanted to help his friend and knew he wasn’t going to do very well in the heat, trying desperately to ignore his own injuries and bring down the Shaharian. Firing off his attack he was fair happy it managed to hit, dropping down near T’charrl with a bit of a bounce. Feeling a little shaken, he watched Sana before approaching him carefully, pointing a finger at him, “N-Now, you should come quietly! I am strong and so is my friend!” He was trying to taunt the man, but upon looking at himself he would find he didn’t look very intimidating when he was just a kid and demanding a surrender. He was trying to be like Takeshi, but the only way he was managing was because he found a little spark of confidence in his friend being there. T’charrl was not looking too good, but he doubted the alien spotted that when he didn’t know what his friend was like.
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