Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Her comment about the cultural melting pot had him laughing a bit in good humor. "Aint that the truth though? ancestors immigrated here carrying their respective cultures and now their descendants barely have the slightest clue as to where their blood came from." David was a hard blooded American patriot and normally disassociated himself from the supernatural world that he'd become a part of. Generally other beings held no allegiance to any one country but served themselves quite faithfully. But this exotic French Vampire, Trixy, intrigued him and he felt drawn to her. Perhaps it was her age and her power simply beckoned him to her side at a more primal level but he felt that she was a genuinely interesting person.

David followed her into the Elevator and pressed the button for the main floor then took his place leaning against the wall. "Well, despite our gloomy pasts i find today a sunny spot on my calendar." he said light heartedly, letting her know that he'd thought well of their meeting thus far and putting a twist of humor into it. The pun being they were Vampires and that a sunny day was a positive thing. David chuckled at his own wit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

"A sunny day indeed. With this fresh blood in my system, perhaps I'll be able to work on my tan." Trixy added to the joke and let her self actually laugh for the first time in a long while. It was particularly funny, given that they were both so hopelessly pale. Her laugh was as light and high as a windchime, just like that of the eighteen year old human girl she was centuries ago. Vampirism worked that way, it made your body froze in time, voice included.

The elevator doors opened with their usual 'ding' and the two of them headed outside together. The California breeze was warm and inviting against Trixy's cool skin, making her regret her decision to wear a leather jacket as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

David found himself laughing. She had played off of his joke rather well and he nodded in approval. He was relieved to find that her sense of humor wasn't so far off from his own. Once free from the metal box that was the elevator, the two Vampires made their way outside. David took a deep breath of the fresh air and scanned the horizon with his ice blue eyes. California was by far one of his favorite states, with such varying landscapes that all had their own beauty from the southern deserts to the snow capped mountains. He was glad that he'd removed his jacket for the breeze felt wonderful. David fidgeted slightly, not wanting to ruin the natural beauty of their environment but desperately wanting to smoke. Of course being a Vampire he didn't actually have a physical addiction to cigarettes, it was more of a mental thing. With a flick he opened the pack of Marlboro Reds and pulled one out to put it to his lips. From his alternate pocket he produced his lighter and promptly lit the cigarette.

"Views pretty grand from here, yea?" he asked and held out his pack of smokes to Trixy. "Care to join me?" David took a drag, making sure to exhale away from Trixy so as not to be rude.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Trixy followed his gaze out to the distant mountains, taking in all of the surrounding nature with a soft smile. Birds swooped and called in the air nearby and the sunlight cast wonderful shadows at this time of day. "Views pretty grand from here, yea?" his voice pulled her out of her admiration and she turned to him. Trixy's crystalline blue eyes looked at him from top to bottom and back again. "That it is." she said with a sly smile. When he offered her a cigarette, she accepted it. She wasn't really much of a smoker, although the French people did enjoy the habit, she took it as more of a bonding moment than anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tatsua Aiisen
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Tatsua Aiisen The Lewd Maid

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Casual Time
Regiment Compound, California
Lupa does her best not to rise to her fellow's provocations, but by the time Victor was done challenging her, she already had enough tension build up to let out a relieved sigh. All of this talking stuff...wasn't really her thing.

First giving a reassuring nod to Ruri, Lupa takes a quick look around the room to check on her other non-vampire teammates. A pair of humans were speaking at the back of the room, so the ancient werewolf thought it might be a good idea to meet with them. She walks casually across the room to approach the two at what seemed to be an opportune moment, greeting them with a casual air.

"If you are going to eat, may I suggest that we go together? I have not eaten human food for a few hundred winters, so it may be a pleasant experience of its own. I am called Lupa, it is good to meet the two of you..." She trails off, glancing curiously at the female. Without warning, she leans in uncomfortably close to Jamie and gives a few exploratory sniffs. Her expression seems initially confused, but it clears up and returns to normal after only a quick moment. With a smile and short laugh, Lupa explains herself-

"You are an interesting smelling Human, girl. I thought that you might be something else, but it is too faint to be coming from you, even if my nose is duller in this form."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hydra
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ruri watched as Lupa went to speak to the humans in the room. She watched as Lupa smelled the human female, Ruri tilted her head in curiosity. Once Luoa started talking again she stood up and made her way out of the room. She was not hungry, not yet anyway so she made her way back toward the front to the court yard area. Once outside she stretched her arms and legs and dropped to all fours like a frog then stood back up. She continued her walk around the court yard letting her nose lead her around and she smelled interesting smells. Even tho it has been a while she could smell the faint small of other werewolves and vampires here. As she walked around for about 10mins she looked to see David and Trixy.

Ruri didn't like her at all, not one bit. They say first impression were the most important ones but when someone say they will kill you, then all respect goes out the window. She turned her head and looked around some more. Finding nothing interesting she took in a very deep breath and let out a loud howl. Surely people was on the compound was looking at her, maybe thinking she was crazy but a few moments later a responds could be heard. She smiled, then sprinted to the gate. She peeked around the corner and she could see Dranger in the distance running towards her. She ducked back in and started running again, moments later the White Wolf came barreling around the corner chasing her. She stopped and turned to face him. He looked at her bowing down to her with his paws out and lowering his head in a playful manor. She dropped to all fours doing the same. As soon as she did that he bolted after her. She jumped back up and started to run away. She laughed and ran in circles for a while before she let him jump on her and tackle her to the ground. He licked all over her face as she just laughed and begged him to stop.

She sat on her butt Indian style and he also say down looking at her. She tilted her head, and he copied her. She would do it the other way and he would copy her again. She extended his hand and he would extend his paw to shake. She then leaned all the way forward and rocked backwards rolling over and pushing herself up on her hands in to a handstand and continued rotating until she was right side up.

"Dranger are you hungry!?" He would bark to respond. "Okay, but you have to be on your BEST behavior." He Laid down on the ground, "Oh not fooling me mister. I know you," He covered his face with his paws. She smiled at him. "Come on!" He jumped up and followed her around back toward the smell of food which was leading towards the back of the kitchen. Since wolves was not allowed inside the building or so she assumed. This was the best option she could think of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Once she had the cigarette to her lips, David would hold out his lighter and kindly light it for her then place it back into his pocket. He noticed one of the werewolves outside and watched her go for a moment as he exhaled smoke. Looking at Trixy now he nodded his head to the side in a gesture that they should walk. "A walk 'round the grounds to get a feel for it?" David had never really bonded with another Vampire and thus far it was a pleasant experience. Knowing that she would agree and follow, he started off at a leisurely pace and took a drag of his red. As they walked he couldn't help but wonder if she was enjoying herself as much as he was though judging by her apparent calm he was sure that she was indeed. "Guna drop my jacket off with my bag." he said as he exhaled smoke and changed direction to the garage where his bike and backpack were waiting. "I'll show you my bike too, if you want." he grinned. It was a subtle jest, as most young American guys tended to use their motorcycles as a way to impress the ladies.

For a moment David wondered if he actually was trying to use his bike as a way to impress her or if it was the casual 'drop my jacket off' that he intended it to be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Trixy took a deep drag off of the cigarette once it was lit. The smoke felt warm and spicy in her throat and lungs, had she been human she was sure that the foreign entity would have made her cough, but vampires didn't need to breathe. She followed after him towards the garage, making sure to check out her surroundings and get a definite feel for the place. There was very little grass in the compound, mostly pavement, cement, and patches of reddish dirt that dusted up in the breezes.

Trixy released the puff of smoke in her lungs and watched the wind carry it away before she spoke "A motorcycle? I'm interested, I left mine back at my place in New Orleans." She began to shrug off her own leather jacket that was long enough in the back that it nearly dragged along the ground. "I could care to lose my own jacket as well." she smiled with a little laugh "You know, let my arms see that bright sun."

Underneath her jacket, she wore a dark grey tank top that exposed her midriff slightly, along with the dual glocks strapped to her hips and tucked into black skinny jeans. Her arms were as milky pale as her face but showed signs of strict work out regiment, as they were toned but still feminine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Another drag, another puff of smoke polluting the air. David watched her remove her jacket and chuckled at her tanning joke. She removed her jacket with the same grace that she'd shown all this time. Everyone of her movements seemed fluid as if she'd rehearsed them many times but he knew this was not the case. Vampires had a natural grace and fluidity to their movements but David felt that Trixy was infinitely more graceful than he could ever be. As the garment came off, his eyes scanned her body with a look of great interest. Trixy was remarkably beautiful and found her choice of clothing quite inciting. David was a sucker for tops that showed midriff. He blinked himself out of the trance he found himself in. It was also no secret that Vampires could seduce people with subtle manipulations though he erased this thought from his mind. 'Vampires couldn't manipulate each other, could they? nah.' he thought.

"So you ride too huh? Thats pretty sweet. Always dig a chick with a bike." he grinned slyly as he exhaled another puff of smoke before throwing the cigarette butt on the ground and stomping it with a booted foot. "And i see you're into Glocks, great sidearms. Damn Trixy we've got a lot in common, i feel like we're guna be great friends." he chuckled and held a smirk.

Soon they came upon the garage to see its doors were open. Within was parked the black SUV that Carson had drove and in the port beside it was his bike, his bag resting on the seat. "And there she is." he said with a sweeping gesture of his left arm. A 2015 Kawasaki Ninja ZX ABS Supersport, black with red detailing. The black finish glinted in the sunlight reaching into the garage brilliantly, looking quite pristine and new almost as if it was built right here in the garage. David beamed with pride as he approached it and set his jacket down on the bag. "She's a beauty, aint she?" he glanced at Trixy as he said this and smiled, asking her but unbeknownst to the other Vampire he was also asking himself of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A groan is heard as Carson pulled himself up. He could feel his arms almost shaking from the workout. He was so close to 100. He went higher, lifting his chin over the bar. 99... Almost there, just one more and he would be finished. He strained, but managed to lift his chin above the bar once more. 100. He exhaled, happy to be done with the workout but now he was drenched in sweat.

Carson dropped down to the floor, then grabbed his workout shirt, using it soak up all the sweat on his face. He then coughed, reaching around for his water bottle which he found and took a long swig from. The gym was quiet, it was only him and maybe eleven other agents spread around. He recognized all the faces, yet hadn't spoken to most of them, but that wasn't the objective right now. They all wanted to be left alone to workout, so did Carson, the only difference was that he had finally finished, and wandered off into the men's locker room.

After a short shower he put on a clean set of clothes. Nothing extreme, a plain white t shirt, black jeans and boots. With his pistol holstered on his hip, as always. He never went around unarmed, never knew what could happen. Some would call him paranoid, he called himself, ready for anything. He picked up his backpack of belongings, then slung it over his shoulder , strolling out of the building and into the compound courtyard. He paused before exiting, looking at his watch. 8 o'clock, the sun was almost fully down, and the floodlights which lit up the entire compound were on, he noticed this as he walked out into the open.

As he moved through the facility, he glanced around for any of the recruits. If there were any problems then he was sure they would bring it up to him or the boss. Carson went towards the garage, He swore he noticed Ruri go around a corner, she was probably getting acquainted with the new area. He walked, noticing David and Trixie conversing in front of David's bike, it was a nice contraption, though not Carson's style, he preferred something with a little more protection.

"So how many thousands did that fancy thing cost you?" Carson asked David, hoping he was't interrupting anything important.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

David’s words brought a shining smile to her face, “So you’re saying that you ‘dig’ me, American?” she asked flirtatiously. “But to answer your question, I do enjoy a ride now and then. I have a 2015 BMW HP4, black and blue back in my New Orleans home…” She explained, “I brought my hybrid i8 to the compound though, I don’t like to harm the environment so much on long trips.” Unlike humans, Trixy was environmentally conscious, she wanted the world to be around for at least as long as she planned to be.

Trixy realized her vehicles were a bit ostentatious and pricey, but a girl couldn’t help liking what she liked. When she agreed to leave the nobility for Francis, she had left behind her inherited wealth, but a lifetime of hunting down supernaturals proved to be quite the lucrative profession.

When David mentioned her firearms, she instinctively brought her right hand to caress one, the cool metal slick beneath her fingers “They are quite reliable, I have been fascinated with firearms since their introduction into France earlier in my lifetime.” Much earlier… she thought.

Trixy’s eyes studied the bike when David showed it off with obvious pride. “Beautiful,” she admired and couldn’t help but notice “Black and red seems to be a recurring theme for you.” As she spoke, her supernatural hearing picked up on footsteps behind her. Trixy spun around gracefully on her heels to inspect the intruder, glad to have her hand preparedly near her glock. Her expression softened when she realized who was approaching “Englishman, what a lovely surprise…” she said, flashing her best smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

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Carson noticed Trixy had her hand on her pistol when she turned to him, she didn't pull it out on him once she figured out who it was that was speaking to David and her. Carson scratched the back of his neck, then glanced at Trixy, smiling slightly.

"Just seeing if you two are settling in alright. Hope I wasn't interrupting anything." He stated, figuring out that they were in the middle of a conversation when he appeared.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Trixy relaxed her hand and brought it back down to her side. "You, interrupting? Never, you're always welcome to join in, boss" she said with a wink that she left as unreadable as the one he sent her earlier at the briefing meeting. She wasn't sure how to feel about him exactly, but she was definitely intrigued. "We were just talking vehicles."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Vehicles, hmm. Seems like you two are getting along well, that's what I like to see." Carson said with a smile, then glanced at the motorcycle for a moment.

"You ready for tommorow? The first mission. The boss told me he has something big for us all to go after. I'm eager to see everyone's skills put to a real test. I just hope they all live up the hype, though I'm sure you two will," Carson stated, rubbing his chin as he thought more about the mission. "He didn't tell me exact details, but I believe it involves hunting some troublesome vampires and or lycans. Should be interesting."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hydra
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Ruri sat outside the kitchen door with Dranger, he was licking a bone from some meat she had gave him and her empty plate of food was sitting next to her. With her back against the wall it had gotten dark fast she thought. She looked at Dranger, the pups looked happy. She stood up and tossed the plate inside on a table and motion Dranger to follow her. He bite down on his bone and followed closely behind her. She walked back to the court yard to now to see that Carson was with the vampires. "Humans always love that which is dead huh boy," Dranger looked up to her then looked over to the trio. He growled a little but she quickly corrected that behavior from him. Although she could not help that it seemed like the humans here got along better with vampires then her kind. Well she was not sure how Lupa was doing with the two human, but she had all the company she needed. Maybe she was thinking this place was not a place for werewolves. maybe her and Lupa should just leave. They would be more happy with their own kind then being around vampires who wanted them dead.

Ruri looked towards the gate, there was the exit. "Maybe, we should go back home. What do you think?" Dranger just looked at her then looked over to the trio again. He dropped his bone and got close to her. She knew he would be happy with whatever she chooses. So she started to make her way towards the exit, "How about we go for a run to clear our heads. I would Invite Lupa but its been so long since we went."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

David chuckled and held a smirk. Again he found her accent appealing and felt that it added to her attractiveness. "Maybe i am." the tone was innocent enough but hidden within them was his own subtle flirt. As she detailed her bikes to him he let out a low whistle and simply said "Nice. Nothing wrong with a hybrid, definitely saves at the pump." he said with nod. David had one hand on his bike, leaning casually but not putting his full weight into it so as not to tip it over as he faced Trixy. She eyed his bike and commented on his choice of colors. "Ah, well, I don't know why i chose these colors. They just seemed to suit me, you know?" After asking, he'd noticed a familiar face walking up to them from the main building.

Trixy was the first to act, spinning with her hand ready to draw a sidearm incase of a threat. She relaxed noticeably as she greeted Carson. David stepped forward as well, offering a firm handshake to his new squad leader. "Carson, evening." The three exchanged pleasantries and David couldn't help but wonder if Carson had indeed been interrupting. He shook the thought from his mind however and instead took this as an opportunity to get a feel for the man. Steadily the conversation had moved to the upcoming mission.

"We appreciate your confidence. I look forward to it, I'm curious myself to see what our enemy is and how the team deals with it. I've already met with Trixy and Mikael and from what I can tell they'll be invaluable as I'm sure you yourself are. Being that you're on the chain of command i mean. Also.." he scratched his chin in thought. "Im curious to see how those wolves perform." The Vampire hoped that beyond all else their common sense would prevail over any blood feud between the races and they would all return relatively unscathed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Trixy smiled at the idea of the mission, excited for the hunt. She brought her hands in front of her and cracked her knuckles "Well, I for one can't wait to wipe out whatever stains of the Earth we come across tomorrow. My fingers are just itching to pull some triggers." she said and gave a little bout of her bell-like laughter. The sun was almost setting now and darkness was falling upon them. She much preferred to be awake at night and sleep during the day, but working with the Regiment made her change from her natural Vampiric sleep habits. Trixy was growing a bit tired and wondered what the sleeping arrangements would be like here. Her i8 was still packed with her clothing, toiletries, and weaponry from when she arrived at the compound earlier in the day.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Werewolves are a fearsome sight in battle, especially ones as experienced as Ruri and Lupa. It's a blessing to have them on our side. We may have gotten off to a rough start as a team, but all feuds will be put aside when we go off for the mission, I'll make sure of it. Everyone will be focused on the mission," Carson stated confidently. He was confident in all regards. Of his own leadership abilities, of the team's combat abilities and of their ability to work together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dsnake1
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mikael grimaced as he heard the soft footfalls of one of the werewolves come up behind him. It wasn't anything personal, although it irked him to no end to see a new recruit seemingly berate someone up the food chain, someone who had likely killed many of her kind, but Mikael just couldn't get himself to like werewolves. Fighting alongside them was one thing, but being social with one seemed downright wrong to him. He swallowed his pride just before Lupa rounded the corner.

Mikael listened to Lupa introduce herself and ask for an invite before she had a strange, trance-like look come across her face. Without warning, she darted her head towards the human female. Before Mikael knew what she was doing, acting on instinct, he placed his right hand on his trusty .44 Anaconda holstered across his stomach, under his jacket. He could pull it at a moment's notice. His left hand drifted to his hip where he had a silver combat knife sheathed in heavy leather with an inner lining of lead, as to not disturb werewolves without Mikael intending to do it. When he realized Lupa was sniffing the girl, rather than harming her, as his instincts would suggest, his hands returned to their proper place at his sides. His face went from fierce to merely puzzled.

"What did you smell? Well, anyways, I had just invited Gorgeous here to lunch, so it's up to her if you can come with." It took everything Mikael had not to sneer at the wolf. While he knew this wolf wasn't one of the wild ones who had killed his family, he had made sure none left the scene, it was difficult for him to even stand near one of the creatures. He could overcome the sense of pain mixed with loathing on a battlefield helping take down the rogue supernaturals like the ones that had killed his family, but it would take quite a bit of work to overcome his learned hatred.

"By the way, the name's Mikael."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Baconator
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

David was nodding to both Trixy and Carsons comments. Indeed he was itching to put some rounds downrange and slay some bodies. Marine lingo for 'lets go kill things' The Vampire lit another cigarette and offered one to his two teammates. Should they take it he would kindly light them and place the box and lighter in his pockets. With a long drag of his Marlboro Red and an equally long exhale, he looked to the sun that was barely visible now. It would be dark soon and the time where he operated best. This was likely what his new female friend was thinking as well. All Vampires cherished the moment the sun went down. When day became night and the night belonged to them.

He wondered how the mission would go down. How the team would perform. Obviously not like any grunt unit or special ops team he'd ever seen. Human tactics worked fine against humans but David doubted that they would work against creatures of the supernatural.' Only one way to find out i guess' he thought as he put the red to his lips and puffed at it. His pack was running out.. he would have to buy more soon especially if he kept sharing.

"So do we each get our own rooms or are you throwing us in a barracks?" or maybe two to a room? David wondered. Mikael would make a good roommate. They could swap stories and 'bro out', the slang term for male bonding. That would be the likely course, though David wouldn't mind sharing a room with Trixy.. he thought as he looked her over again. 'Yea right. Bet these sobs are like the corps and separate males from females. Everyones a critic.'
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