Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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A nearby teacher who was walking through the pathway of the school noticed a small group of students seemingly out of place. They were in the garden. As she eyed the students who were there, she realised that one of them was actually in the pool. Despite of the no swimming rule of the school, it seems that these kids were here to defy the school grounds which results in a detention. "HEY!" She shouted to the students near the gazebo. "This area is out of bounds! And swimming isn't allowed in the pond!" She hurried over towards them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by caliban22
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caliban22 King of the badgers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Noticing the teacher Dominic runs away "cheese it a teacher!" he says running "you will never take me alive!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lien


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Niel heard some weird words being shouted at him and he turned around. It seemed that a lady was mad at the group and kept yelling at them. "Not my problem." He said to him self in his own language. But he really could not understand the woman. All he got from the lady was hey,area,pond . So he was slightly confused.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki watched the kids near the pond getting yelled at. He could say something then the class would watch them too. Though if they all watched then they would get in trouble when the homeroom teacher arrived. As he watched the teacher yell at the kids he thought I hope that teacher isn't our homeroom teacher. Not that it would bother me but those kids would be on the watch list as trouble makers. Not a place I would want to be. He looked away from the window then found his requested case. He grabbed the silver case and brought it over to a near by desk. He opened the case to check if all the utensils were all there and in perfect condition. After he saw they were all there and in tip top shape he pulled out the knives one by one to check is they were sharp.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kira Chan
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Kira Chan Dorkasorus

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alexis strolled around her new home and glared at her nearly flawless skin and hair in the confines of her pocket mirror. she grew up in west Virginia that was her real home but moving here to this new school and state made her cringe, No horses no fields just buildings and cars, her brown hair whipped in the breeze as she continued to walk through the long side walk up to a large building. She squeezed her eyes shut tight for a moment and took a deep breath "Im fine, im perfect just another day... new school new teachers and no friends" she thought to herself as her perky smile had left her lips and was replaced with a sad pout. On a brighter note this school did have an excellent choir program and that's where she would pour her heart out in, on the other hand the Art department wasn't too bad or so she was told, maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Melinda looked outside seeing kids already going out. She sighed a little nervously walking out of her dorm. She was wearing a high waisted skirt, a long sleeve white shirt with black dots and black heels. And a jacket ontop. "Gotta dress casual for the day." She smiled at herself and walked out going outside now seeing alot of people. She noticed a guy in the water and some girl with a camera, she laughed silently and walked to a bench sitting down looking around. All she needed now was some friends, which she didn't have. Then she heard someone yelling about the ponds. Melinda just sat quietly looking at the students at thepond trying to catch a fish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Terry walked thought the halls, his redman chewing tobacco hat on to cover his head and a long sleeved dress shirt to look as formal as possible, thought with the large amount of muscle and odd aura to him he stood out like a sore thumb. Moving from loss angelos was tough for him and the differences in lifestyle were so clear. Sighing as he turned another corner he couldn't help but hunker down again when he was stared at again. He wanted it to go back to the ways they were before. The witness protection program had ruined his life this way. At his old school no one care about him, they were to busy trying to deal with life to pay attention to a boy like him. Fighting the urge to show them his bad side ,Terry came outside for a breathe of fresh air seeing the teacher yelling with the small group terry had to laugh a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The teacher, who saw one of the students already escaping the scene back to the group, appeared before the one who was inside the water. She tried her best to ignore what assets the young man had. She was also carrying school files that contained student's details, so she couldn't really get her hands on him. "You there, young man! Please get out of the pool. Swimming is only allowed at the School Pool!" She held on to her files.
"Umm..." The commotion was a little confusing for Hikaru to navigate around. He also had lost sight of that girl with a camera and a funny language. Feeling like nothing was worth checking out for, he routed himself towards an empty bench near a hallway. It singled himself out from the large group. From a less congested space, he surveyed the people again. "I wonder when the Tour Guide will continue..." He wondered, placing a finger on his mouth and looking up to the ceiling.

His hand reached for the black beret and decided that he should fix his hair that felt annoying. He placed it beside him gently and with care before undoing the binds around his hair that falls down to his backside. From his satchel bag, he reached out a pocket mirror and a set of make-up, fixing a little bit of his own face before tying his hair back and hopefully this time, firmly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lien


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Niel could not understand what she was saying. He slowly swam towards the woman, slowly getting out of the water with the droplets falling off his body."Yes? Sorry, can you speak slower for me to understand?" He said in broken Japanese. He was confused why the teacher was mad at him but he needed to pull the water out his hair so he continued to do it while staring down the teacher who he hovered over.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

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She took off her reading glasses, tucking them between a button clipped onto near her bust before using her alluring amethyst eyes to stab directly at the young man's eye. She made sure that her eyes would only focus there, a woman nearing her forties should no longer fall weakness to young men with gifted bodies. He spoke in an odd manner of Japanese, and quickly assumed that he was not of Japanese in origin. "Yes? Sorry, can you speak slower for me to understand?" Some of the polite words were there.

She relaxed her arms, puling a wicked a smile without letting go of the young man's eyes that he couldn't escape from. "This pond, no no. School Pool, yes yes. Understand?" She made gestures with her index finger in front of him, pointing to thepond and shaking her index side to side and when she spoke of the School Pool, she nodded about it. "Now, put your clothes back on before you catch a cold."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lien


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"Pond...No... Pool? Yes? Oh I see! Tradition in family to swim in spots we swim in. No swim here?" He then scratched his head slowly and then heard the words "Cloths" and "Put on" He then walked towards his clothes and stopped."Ahhh wet..." He then started to rub his body trying to get rid of most of the water so his clothes does not get to wet. His body shifted with his movements like water has the muscles ripple and dance in form. "Done now." He said smiling to the lady has he put on his clothes."Sorry." He then pulled out a necklace from his pocket. The necklace had a blue stone in the middle with small seashells chaining together to make a necklace. He took the women's hands and put the necklace in them."Tradition, Sorry." He smiled again and bowed his head.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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The teacher broke eye contact when the young man finally turned around to gather his clothes, and she remained that way. "Done now." After he finally placed his clothes back on to his body, she turned around to address him again, standing tall with her files still on her. "Sorry." The young man apologised again, but she remained quiet and stared him down. He saw his other hand reaching to a pocket and she glanced a moment to see what it was. An arrangement of seashells with a stone decorating it?

When the young man attempted to take her other free hand, she quickly moved herself back. "No touching. No no. Impolite." She shook her head again, a little annoyed at how very upfront and direct this guy was. "If you want to offer an item, use two hands and bow." She look at the watch of her hand. The tour guide was expecting her soon and he is holding her up. Her legs fidgeted and she looked towards the group of students on the other side.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Terry smiled at the odd communication of the student and teacher. Waling towards the group, feeling less afraid to show himself now that he realized they were not nearly as mean as he expected them to be he couldn't help but question the boy's methods. "excuse me, were are the dorms at" he muttered to the woman who rejected the necklace. As he spoke terry made sure not to make eye contact as he did with anyone he talked to. "if I am correct they should have a room with a sand bag set up for me" he said staring at her toes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuttynad


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nadia looked around as she was already lost on her first day as she was late for the tour guide. Blinking around, she wandered around the huge school, hoping to find a group of people from her class 2-B. She was amazed by how big the school was, waay bigger than any other schools she had been in from her home country. Hopefully though, she would be able to converse in Japanese. She had a few lessons on it and was still unsure about the language. As she walked around, she soon saw a scene whereas a group of people was being scolded near a pond. Thinking that she might be able to ask them for directions, she walked towards them, not noticing her surroundings and fell into the pond
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lien


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He was still confused on what the lady was saying till he heard a splash behind them." What..?" He saw a body drop into the pond. The pond was not a shallow one, in fact it was at least 10-15 feet deep so it was dangerous if you did not swim, even he knew this. At the time, he could not take the chance to find out if the person swam. He ripped off his shirt and dove into the pond after the person. Once he got hold of them, he carried them to the surface, keeping their body held up with his arms.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Terry looked towards the japanese man carrying a soaking wet young lady. "uh need any help there, my friend?" said the boy sticking his hands out in order show his readiness. Something about the whole matter made him worry. Pulling a small towel from his backpack, as it was both for school and for moving, he handed it to the other boy, it was his towel for his shower after every training session but it would have to do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

She shook her head as he practically ruined his own shirt and took another leap into the water-- seeing how after another girl had clumsily plunged into the pond. Perhaps that was one exception that she didn't want to admit. She turned around and was about to walk away until another student appeared before her. His eyes seems fixated on the ground. "Excuse me, where are the dorms at?" his voice soft and seems a little intimidated. "If I am correct, they should have a room with a sand bag set up for me." She shook her head towards the kinder young man.

"My apologies young man. I don't know anything about the dormitories. Please join the large group of students over there and speak to the tour guide. He will answer most of your questions for you." She bowed her head to excuse herself before exiting the scene towards the large group of people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

nodding as he looked back the rest of the group Terry let out a sigh. He just wanted to get unpacked and check out there gym, it was hard to explain but that was were he felt at home. The only place he wasn't shy and were he could relax and have fun. But a knew foe entered the battle, the foe of a large group. getting up and walking over to the guide, terry tensed up more with each step. He quickly forgot about his towel as he closed in. "excuse me, would you happen to know were the dorms are my friend" again he spoke in his weak voice as he neared the guide.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nuttynad


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Nadia was filled with horror as she fell into the pond, not only that it was deep, she couldn't swim. Luckily, someone came in and rescued her. Coughing, Nadia felt her face turn red as she tried to get the water out of her lungs. How could have she just fell into the pond like that? Nadia shivered slightly as the pond water was kind of cold and there was a gentle breeze blowing the students. She looked at the guy that saved her and gave him a small smile. "S-sorry that you had to come and save me.. and thanks" Nadia said in English. She then paused for a moment, wondering if she should say it in Japanese as well. Another person had passed his towel to the guy that was still holding her and Nadia wondered as well if she should take it to dry herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lien


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You would be surprised that the the main language that Niel learned was English on the island, it was the one is language he had most confidence in."Are you okay?" He said carrying her back to the land and setting her down. He stayed in the pond just to make sure she did not fall in again. Well again like all ways, the water droplets fell down his neck and off his chest into the water has he handed the towel to the girl."Hey, wipe your self, you're going to catch a cold if you do not." He then took the towel and rubbed her head lightly with it a few times and stopped. He smiled at the girl with a playful manner to show that she should not worry." Come wipe your self, you are okay right? Nothing else bad happen to you?"
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