Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As guy walked to the city hall he began to realize how stupid his quest was. Even if the rumors were true, how would he find her, knock on every door and hope she's there. Even if he did that, which was no were near brave enough, what if he didn't recognize, or if he came off as a crazy fan and made her uncomfortable. Guy face palmed himself as the sun hit his pale skin and he realized it was day. He sighed, for he hadn't slept in 4 days and with the amount of luck he's had in the mines, he was likely was going for 5. He remembered reading that after 3 days of depletion of sleep you grow paranoid and hallucinate, and looking now he believed it. He was always looking behind him and carried his hammer ready when walking home. As for hallucination, he supposed, thought it was more like everyone looked almost reptilian. Guy heard a noised and realized his stomach beckoned for food, like his dog did when he got home. Guy threw off his quest for the time and started for a restaurant. the town was small but he new he could find some place to serve him a worth will to eat, or at least better then his cooking. "who knows" he thought "maybe you'll find something to do there"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Peter paused as Yue to up, looking concerned. He nodded meekly when she asked him if Wilhelm had gotten into a fight, looking down at the ground shyly.
"Y-Yeah... He and Jaylin were messing around, and he got punched in the cheek. He wasn't bleeding or anything, but it's a big bruise. He wanted me to come and get medicine." he explained, his voice trailing off as he realized Yue was no longer listening, she was reading a note instead.

Sighing in discontent, Peter looked up at Serhan.
"Can you help him? I don't know what medicine to give him, and I don't want Uncle Wilhelm to get a big, fat, purple bruise on his birthday. He gets really grumpy when he doesn't look good. Last time he accidentally burned off one of his eyebrows while cooking, and he sulked for an entire week until it healed enough so he could draw one on. He wouldn't even come out and open the shop. We almost ran out of food money." Peter told him, his face one of worry.
Jaylin had finally finished the chair he had been working on, wiping the sweat from his brow and the paint from his hands. He too was sporting wounds from his scuffle with Wilhelm, a split lip and bandaged hand were the most serious of his injuries. He hadn't actually meant to hurt Wilhelm, but he had only caught in on the fact the it was a joke after he had punched him. By which time Wilhelm had lost it and gone after him like a wild cat. Though he wasn't particularly strong, the older fashion-conscious man could become relentlessly fierce, when his temper was provoked.

He went and got himself a glass of ice water, taking a break from his bench. He wondered at what point that he should go and see Wilhelm for his birthday? He wanted the other man to cool off and rest some, he had seemed pretty tired, staggering down the path, but Jaylin had honestly been too concerned to help him, he remembered that sort of behavior in rabid animals, and his instincts had kicked in. Hopefully his friend had been taken care of, Peter was a very diligent child.

He heard chittering from the birds in the trees, alerting him that someone was approaching. Downing the rest of his glass, he stood up, his tall frame allowing him to see Skye coming down the path. Odd, she didn't usually visit. Then again, aside from Wilhelm, people rarely did, unless they needed things fixed. Perhaps one of her animals had broken a fend or a trough and she needed it fixed?
Meanwhile, back at the store, Wilhelm had his face buried in his magazine, but he wasn't reading. Rather, he was napping, as he usually did around this time of day. It was alright, the merchant from out of town usually didn't show up until 2 PM, and then they could haggle over goods. He didn't even remember that day was his own birthday, too absorbed in his lazy sleep to care.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

finally, after searching the town thoroughly he came to a colorful building with a sign he didn't bother reading, he was positive this was a place for food, and even if it wasn't he might meet someone knew he thought as he opened the door and yelled "I'd like the cheapest meal i can g-" which was stopped he noticed the girl on the floor. In a panic, thinking the worst, as he always did he ran to her, grabbed her by the arms and shook violently. He so after let go realizing he was invading her space and backed up into a painting which he barely saved. As he placed the canvas back in it's home he stepped on a pencil and fell down next to her and in frustration decided to lay there for a bit to cool off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"HURK-" Clarience jerked herself awake after having a brutal nightmare; A man violently shook... Oh... Beside her was man who looked exactly like the one in her nightmare. She poked his shoulder just to make sure she wasn't still asleep.

"This is an Art Shop," She yawned and helped herself up off of the floor, "Come to buy goods, or are you trying to find a place to nap?" She chuckled lightly at her own joke.

Clarience scratched lightly at her cheek, picking off some dry paint from her recent escapades. She sat back down behind the counter and rested her head on her hand, she gave the man a small, yet lazy smile.

"I haven't tidied up a bit in awhile as you can see, but she's still an able shop."
Customers came occasionally, just to buy a painting or two, or the occasional paint can for their homes. It wasn't boring, it was more so quiet and peaceful than anything, and Clarience enjoyed that serenity she got.
For a moment, she appeared to be dozing off, almost falling asleep once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy jumped to his feet and looked at her, "oh... paintings right" he didn't want a painting, for his house was to small for fancy condiments, but he didn't want seem to seem like an idiot so he took out the 50 dollars he had on him and put it on the counter "I'll take qwhat ever you can give me for this" he sighed, this was the only spending money for a week and he was going o finally get his heavy bag (punching bag) he dreamed of, he looked at clerience, only to look down again. he hadn't realized but she was very pretty, may be he didn't need the money after all she deserved it, living all alone in this workshop, yeah he was doing a good deed that's it, this made him smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"It's clear to me you're not here to buy art or art supplies," Clarience pushed the money towards him with her free hand, "Keep it, if you really want to buy something here, look around a little bit."

She slowly blinked at him and gave him an approving nod, "You don't look like an art connoisseur."
Clarience skunked onto a stool that stood behind her and stretched, extending her arms and giving a small yawn. Afterwards, she placed her hands on her face and pinched her cheeks, the small pain managed to wake her up slightly and at least give her a little bit of energy to go through the morning.
It was always like her, to sleep through the day, to push aside important tasks for rest. Maybe that was why she moved to Crescent Town; Because it was quaint and small. Not like the bustling city where she lived.
"It's nice to have the occasional company, you can come again anytime," She said, "My name's Clarience."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy smiled as he no longer needed to give away his money "maybe your right I've never been good at understanding still pictures, maybe it's a weakness of mine." he said looking at her seeing she was barely awake, he couldn't blame her, all alone in the house barely ever getting someone to come in "I can see we have a common foe" he said handing her a canteen "it's full of a home made drink, wake you right up" he was happy he could help such a lovely girl, even if it was a subtle as stopping by, he smiled looking around "quiet a mess you got here."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clarience looked down at the canteen then back up at him, "Is this dangerous?" She screwed off the top of the canteen and took a wiff of the scent from the liquid. Her lips hovered over the top of the canteen as she tipped it over and let a droplet touch the tip of her tongue. The moment the liquid and her taste buds met, she made a sour face and drew the bottle away.
You could suppose that it woke her up.

She smacked her lips together and handed the bottle back to him, "Thanks, but I think one drop is enough for me."
"Yeah, I haven't found the time to clean in awhile, all nighters waste my energy," She sighed, "Say, if you can help me tidy up the shop, I'll pay you a good amount of money." For emphasis she rubbed her fingers together, "What do you say?"

The girl was always too lazy to do the hardest work, well, at least what was hard to her, which was practically everything she has ever done. Her theory was if someone were to help her do the work, they can decrease the amount of time it will take to clean thus equalling more nap time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy smiled "ma'am I need not you pity money" he replied as he picked up the canteen and took a swig, "pure energy" he said, already straightening up. He was never really good at cleaning but at the look of the place an cockroach cleaning could help. he Picked up a broom and sweep while he hummed at tune. He smiled as he worked, he was sore and tired, but he was happy to help, always was, especially for a cute young girl as the one here. He desperately wanted to know her name, but that wasn't the way it worked. Guy understood he wasn't a looker but he knew his way to gain a persons trust, his father called it, the Sicilian's smooth talking. His smile stopped as he thought of his dad, but put a fake one on and swept faster, "no menacing in the past you just gatta be happy" he said aloud.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dahlia Hawthorne
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Dahlia Hawthorne Beef or Chicken?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Estelle was about to head out, when she heard her phone ringing upstairs, her eyes widening in panic as she raced upstairs and answered the phone, being yelled at by the manager about the cover art and were it was. Oops. She calmed down her screeching manager by assuring her she would have it by tomorrow, then hanging up. Estelle normally would send a rough sketch, but if her hands touched another pencil, she swore her hands would turn to dust. So she raced out of the inn, heading to the art shop she had heard often about, praying the owner would be there.

She burst into the front door, a fistful of money clutched in her hand. "I NEED THE ARTIST IMMEDIATELY" she yelled out, seeing the pink haired lady covered with paint, she ran up to her, eyes wide with panic. "I NEED TWO BOYS IN CLASSROOM, HOLDING HANDS IN THEIR SEA-" she suddenly stopped when she noticed the boy in the shop, and stopped dead, her face lighting up red. Boys had always given her cold glares when they realized what books she wrote, and she never got along with them. She stared at the boy, afraid to continue with her description of the cover art.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy stopped midway sweeping,as he twisted around at an almost familiar, as if he had met the lady before, maybe even countless time, but he shook it off as one of his 3day all-nighter and stepped to her "take a number" he said smiling patting her on the back then going back to sweeping, eying her suspiciously "I don't believe we've met before. The names guy, and you are" he was ganna find out who she was, be it as a simple question or wrecking her, the thought that he knew her made him feel uncomfortable, as if she had drugged him and did who knows what. He chuckled thinking of how stupid it would seem if he explained, and creepier being he was a Sicilian country boy who looked like the kinda guy who would take any girl he could get. Come to think of it maybe it was true he sat there pondering as he waited for a reply.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Not the novels!" Clarence gasped dramatically, her attention quickly fled to the writer, "Bring me the ruined pieces and I'll try to redraw what I can!"

She was willing to admit that she occasionally read Estelle's Yaoi novels. The occasional male gay couple romance story wasn't such a bad thing now was it? It wasn't like she actually knew the writer anyways, but Clarience knew she lived here, and there could only be one.

"This is on me, no cost at all!" She slipped to the back of the shop to grab an ink pen and paper. Quickly, she returned and slammed it on the counter, "Quick! When is the novel due?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dahlia Hawthorne
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Dahlia Hawthorne Beef or Chicken?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Estelle looked at the boy and introduced herself "Estelle Jacaranda" she said before turning over to Clarience. "Alright, I need a classroom, and two boys, holding hands under the table, one with black hair and the other with pale blush hair, and the blue one should be blushing." she explained, looking to the boy for any sign of embarrassment or judgement of some form. "I submitted the word already, but I forgot to do a cover art! I said I would submit by tomorrow" she explained, watching Clarience beginning to draw. "Honestly I don't know if I did a good enough job, my manager is killing me over... certain scenes" she muttered the last part in a quiet voice.

Estelle reached into her pocket and pulled out a fresh copy of the last book that she published, and handed it over. "At least take this, its a hard cover edition" she explained, the cover featuring the same two boys she had described last time, this time walking down a road, also holding hands. "It's one of the best sellers in the series actually" she admitted, looking down at the book with curiosity. "Which is weird, because I actually didn't put much effort into this one because on that week I was moving into the town and barely made the deadline, and my publishing department had to correct dozens of typos" she said, laughing slightly at the memory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Clarience nodded as the Estelle began to describe the cover art of the novel, she drew Estelle's depiction of the boy's - Rather well as some would assume -. She made sure her strokes were neat and clean as she moved quickly, Estelle had a schedule and Clarience didn't want to ruin her work.

"Uh, Estelle right? I'm a huge fan of your work," She chuckled lightly as she finished up the outlining of the boy's, "My name's Clarience, Clarience Ambillis. If you need more cover art, come to me and I'll be sure to get that done for you! I'd love to spread my drawings a little bit through your pieces of pure artwork. I have got to say, your romance plots are a-mazing."

By the time she finished speaking Clarience began to color in the boys hair. "This will be awhile, so sit tight and wait while I get the picture finish, drawing takes work and I don't want to ruin your novel because of a simple and careless mistake."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy dropped the broom as his eyes widened "no way. It really is true she does live in this town" he froze and quickly picked the broom back up and swept carefully, as he looked at her "this is so cool, I had heard rumors but I never thought I was true, dude your like one of my favorite writers. He then paused remembering the kind of books she made, it wasn't that he like the whole 'gay relationships thing' just if he looked at it the same way as a male and female it was like his dream girl and himself, but he wasn't gay, his father made that much clear, taking him to a strip club to prove it maybe he should clarify he thought "but I- I'm not gay or anything, I just really think you're a good writer that's all" he said laughing awkwardly then after a moment of silence he apologized and went back to sweeping. He sighed, if only he was as good with the girls as his brothers then he could be a serious player by now, or at least have a girlfriend. Maybe he was gay? he thought quickly brushing that idea off as it would come back to haunt him. Just sweep he thought, she doesn't need fan boys lusting over her anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dahlia Hawthorne
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Dahlia Hawthorne Beef or Chicken?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Estelle looked at Guy as he dropped the broom and then praised her. She had never really found a boy fan, and she seriously doubted it when he said he wasn't gay, however, she wasn't going to say anything as it might make him more uncomfortable. The more alarming fact was that there were already rumors of her being in this town. She didn't want to be swarmed by fan girls again, like in the city. "Uh... Well... Thank you...?" she stuttered. Estelle then directed her attention to Clarience, admiring her drawing.

"Usually I do rough sketches of cover art, and someone in the art department of publishing would normally make it look nicer" she explained, occasionally looking over at Guy awkwardly. Her first, and only, male fan of his books, and here he was, of all places, in a quiet town. This was definitely not what she came here to find. "Your doing a really good job, Clarience" she said, looking down at the lovely drawing. "Its way better than my art department, maybe I should just come to you next time I need cover art" she offered, still admiring the beautiful drawing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

She couldn't help but laugh at the situation, though she tried not to laugh too much or else the finished drawing would've gotten ruined. Clarience finally finished the drawing but realized the horror of what she has committed; Accidentally, while thinking about Guy in a gay relationship she drew his face as one of the boy's on the piece of paper.

"OH GOD," She yelled in horror, "What have I done!?" Clarience gasped and keeled over, falling off of her stool and slipping out of consciousness from the mere shock. What had she done!? Why had she committed such a travesty!?

In the reassesses of her mind, she was apologizing over and over an over again, an endless cycle of her saying sorry in the back of her mind. Though, this wasn't necessarily a bad thing, this art does look good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

seeing Clarience fall, guy immediately ran to her and shook her violently as the broom hit him on the he sighed "hey Estelle....m-mind getting a bucket of water?" he was confused why she fell and was muttering sorry when he looked up and saw the painting and looked away "well I wish I never saw that" he sighed realizing he was probably supposed to be a work by now when he remember the gem, "ah ha" he said lifting it out of his pocket "this'll get me at least three free days" forgetting the whole place around him for a moment before putting it back in his pocket and pretending nothing happened "Um I hate to be a drag and all miss Estelle but... You can't use that painting" he said peacefully, not wanting to ruin any chance of friendship with her. He looked down a Clarience "with the amount you pass out I wonder if you really do need sleep?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dahlia Hawthorne
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Dahlia Hawthorne Beef or Chicken?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Estelle looked at Guy and waited until he wasn't looking to put the drawing in her bag. Cover art was cover art, and she needed it before tomorrow. Besides, no one would really recognize his face if he lives in such a quiet town, right? She felt slightly guilty, but her manager would probably come right over to the island to monitor, which is something she definitely did not want. Afterwords, she took a bucket of water and held it up to guy.

Really, she was supposed to spend her time preparing to write again, but this was incredibly different from what she had set out to accomplish. And someone was passed out. This gave her a good plot idea for the next book, and took out a small note pad and wrote this down. Estelle liked the crazy things that could happen on a whim, it made for perfect plot, and her last book had most of those idea's stored in it. She was pretty sure it was fine as long as she didn't use actual names, but she never studied the fact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy splashed clarience with the contents of the bucket and looked at Estelle with awe "i-is this were us live? I mean I couldn't believe you'd want to live here, I mean look at it there are ticks and leeches all over, this is no place for a writer," he said trying to make sure she forgot the gem. He was not only happy Estelle lived here but also a little confused, he had lived here for years and questioned everyday, sure he was a miner but he could learn a new trade quickly, maybe he could be a writer, he sure had read enough to be come one, maybe he thought looking at Estelle, she would be my teacher. He shook his head, no way was that happening, he was a simple country bumpkin why would she take him as a disciple sighing again he. He stood up putting his hand out "well it's been a pleasure, but I haven't eaten all day. Maybe you'll join me? Meal's on me" me smiled, if he succeeded in this who knows how much courage he might build, maybe he'll ask for a raise tomorrow, no scratch that he took the day off not a good time for that.
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