Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lionheart
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Lionheart Singer of Songs

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The blacksmith flashed a grin. "Of course they look fantastic, only the best comes from my workshop." A little boastful, but he was always proud of his work. If he wasn't personally proud of a piece he'd never consider selling it. He set the pots on the counter and listened quietly, of course his brow raised at the mention of imported works. He never much liked the idea of shipping his pieces, in his experience most smith's who import do it through some kind of company that ends up costing the customer at least double what the work is actually worth. And also if he didn't meet with his customers face to face how could he know how to shape the metal? For instance he knew Luca would see more of those pots then Cherche likely would so he made the handles a bit larger to accommodate a growing boy's hands.

"I'm doing well. Hahahaha of course I've got time, after all I plan on asking you to pay for those pots with lunch!" On that note the smith's stomach growled, quite loudly at that causing him to belt out another large burst of laughter. "Hear that? The inner forge is bellowing for some of Master Luca's gourmet treasures."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Crescent Town: 10:30 AM, Spring 4
Inn - Phoebe's room

Sunlight seeping in through the rooms window as it slowly made its way across the sky. Most people probably had been up already, since most folks around here start their day with the rising of the sun. Phoebe however, was never a morning person and if she was up at the time, then either she had stayed up all night or it was going to end up being a bad day for her. She was more of a night owl. A small yawn cam from underneath her blankets as she attempted to pull them over her head to try and get a few more minutes of sleep. The accursed sunlight though saw that it was going to be futile. Giving a heavy sigh she threw her covers off of her and sat up in her bed, giving her arms a good stretch accompanied by another yawn.

From where she sat on her bed she looked over her room still in a half asleep state. It was messy and as unkempt as ever. She should probably attempt to clean it, or at least pick up the clothes and the few other pieces of trash that littered the room. The thought of working however, caused her to yawn loudly as her gaze fell on the evil window that was letting in the treacherous sunlight that destroyed her blissful slumber. "You win today, fiend." She muttered under her breath with a glare at the window. "But not tomorrow! I will...sleep more tomorrow!" She vowed to herself. After making a vow to defeat her sworn enemy she sleepily got out of her bed, and with another yawn looked at the clock that was ticking away. "Ten....thirty?...." She scrunched her face, obviously trying to think of something that she was forgetting. "What time...did I need to be at work today?" After a few seconds of silence a sigh escaped her lips. "Meh, like I care. If those guys ain't doin' their job that's their problem."

With that, she threw off her pajamas, dressed herself and fixed her hair into her standard ponytail. Her stomach rumbled hungrily as she opened the door to her room. It was past normal breakfast time. She should probably get some food before heading out. What was the cooks here name? Lupe? Luis?...did it even start with an L? Meh. Not like she'd be getting into any real conversation anyways. For all she knew, his name could be Idiot. Heh, that would actually be kind of funny if someone was named that. So with a rare smile donning her face, she made her way to where the food was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy stood up, laying down all the money in his pocket and left. He felt sorry for her having to deal with him, so he gave her the best tip he could. As he left he remembered he could still go to work, he would be yelled at for being late, but he knew she would forgive him soon enough. He was going home but after what he did at the paint shop he didn't want to show his face to his dog. He always liked his job, he didn't have to hurt anyone, and he did have to be majestic and fancy like if he were a sculpture or a blacksmith. He never understood why, but for some reason his boss was only girl he didn't feel embarrassed around, maybe it was because of how she was more like a missionary than a girl to him. She may yell sometimes, or be cranky because of having to go to work, but she was always nice to him, ever since she gave him his job, one he didn't deserve, and helped him get a house and start a new life. She was the nicest person he had ever met, of course almost everyone else he had met was a racist drunk or an ignorant red neck. She helped him realize not everyone was like that. He soon began to run to the mines.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Elodie


Member Offline since relaunch

Spring 4 - Crescent Town - (Serhan)
Serhan cups a hand over his mouth muffling a laugh. Of all people, why would Wilhelm get into a fight with Jaylin? The man outmatches him; it’s as clear the difference between night and day. Shaking his head from side to side, he looks down at the boy. Poor kid, he must be worried, “There is not much I can do besides ease the pain and minimizing swelling. I believe Dasia delivered an Arnica tincture during her last visit. It helps with bruises.”

Images flash through his head as he catalogs the medicines he currently has stored away. A lazy smile strolls across his lips as he recalls the tincture he will need. Feeling satisfied, he shifts his attention away from Peter for a second, believing Wilhelm’s injuries to be minimal, “Excuse me for a moment, Peter.”

After all, it would be bad if his nurse is injured… due to her lack of grace, “Are you alright Yue?”

The adult’s converse for a moment and she shows him the letter, “It’s a shame Dasia ran out of elderberry, Yue. I believe Emily was sick last week. I wish you luck in finding some!”
He waves Yue good-bye before turning his gaze down, “Follow me Peter we’re taking a trip to my office.”

The duo treks down a hall entering the residential part of Serhan’s home. Peter has never gone past the clinic, so this is new to him. Holding the door to his office open, he gestures for Peter to walk inside. It’s a large room, lined with shelves and bins, most of them are blue, but they vary in shades. A single desk lies in the center. Toward the front of the office, he reaches toward a shelf and grabs a yellow jar.

“Is Wilhelm able to walk here? His injuries should be iced.”

Before Peter can respond, Azel jumps down from a bright red tunnel mounted on the ceiling. He lands on peter before jerking his head down and nibbling on the boy’s hair.

“A-Azel, stop that!”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Selena watched the man leave. "Huh, weird." She murmured to herself. Reaching into the fridge, she pulled out a bottle of dark purple syrup.
'It was really nice of Yue to get this. But then again, it's Yue, how Tsundere can you get?' Selena chuckled at the thought. Walking to the base of the stairs, Selena called for her younger sister. "Mimi! Come take your medicine!"
Hearing Selena call, Mimi jumped up and happily galloped down the wooden stairs. "Okay!" The pinkette child half shouted, glad to get away from studying for a bit.
"Whoa, careful you don't trip!" Selena replied, chuckling. Selena walked into the kitchen to get a spoon. The kitchen was rather spacious, with wooden floors and cupboards, and with clean white counters, surrounded by light green walls. Selena took a good sized silver spoon and poured the dark purplish syrup into it. "Okay, open up!" Selena told Mimi, grinning as the little girl made a face after swallowing. "It's elderberry, it can't taste that bad!" Selena joked, lightly punching Mimi on the arm. "Can I go play now?" Mimi asked, suddenly jumping up as high as she could. "And what about your homework?" Selena asked, cocking her head to the side
"I can finish it when I come back! Promise!" Mimi "Fine, but if you get into trouble, don't come crying to me." Selena replied

Selena decided to take a walk in the forest, because Guy was the only customer she'd had and she didn't expect more until around six. Walking down the path, Selena wondered if she'd see anyone in the forest, as it was a place that almost everyone went for walks, along with the beach. The leaves were a soft green, and new flowers and blades of grass were popping up everywhere. Selena enjoyed the flowers, but the flowers didn't seem to enjoy her. Whenever she went near one, Selena started sneezing uncontrollably, and she was not a great gardener. But she could still look at them, in all their beauty.

Selena walked all the way through the bright forest until she reached the tallest tree in the forest. But this tree wasn't your average tall tree. The tree in front of her had all four seasons on it's limbs, and seemed to have a mystical power deep within it. Selena didn't usually believe in things like that, but she couldn't this tree had something within it. It was almost like the tree had a soul itself. Selena sat down by it's trunk, watching the animals scurry past, not paying much attention to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As guy reached the head of the mine, he peaked his head into his work place, hoping there wouldn't be anyone left. He was right. Thought no one in the town but himself worked at the mine, he always found other people working with him, they rarely talk but it was nice to know he wasn't alone. After seeing that his boss was not there, he let out a sigh and walked in, squinting as his eyes adjusted to darkness in the cave. He clenched his fist and began punching were he mined most of the time. He had left his hammer, and he guessed it was time to get his hands back to there full strength. He used to have fist, strong enough to punch through trees, and he made sure everyone knew, as he would fight anyone who would challenge him. He stopped as his hands drew blood. He hadn't realized it but he was weaker than he remembered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soulserenity20
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Invader Len
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Invader Len Your Friendly Neighborhood Megalomaniac

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Peter followed Serhan to his office, coy and cautious, minding his manners as he walked. He had been raised to be very respectful around adults, and was very diligent when it came to following their instructions. He had been in several doctors offices and hospitals in the city, due to his asthma, but he had never been back in Serhan's office. Usually Wilhelm got his own medicine, or he was sent to fetch it from Dasia or Serhan when it was all wrapped up and ready.

When Serhan asked if Wilhelm could walk in to have his injuries looked at, Peter pondered this.
"Well, he was able to walk all the way back to the store- Hey!" he was interupted as Azel jumped onto his head, startling the boy so much that he stumbled back, flailing his arms about before landing on his rump, his hat knocked off.

Dazed and sore, Peter sat up, gently taking Azel off his head, wincing at the tiny claws that hooked into his scalp.
"O-Ow... Azel... S-Sorry, Serhan. H-Here he is." he stammered, getting to his feet and giving the small weasel back to the doctor.
"A-Anyways, I-I'll go see Uncle Wilhelm and tell him to come here. Bye!" he yelped, dashing out the door and out of the clinic before he could be pounced upon once more.

He ran back to the store, catching his breath in the door frame, before walking up to his slumbering uncle, shaking his shoulder gently to wake him.
"Uncle Wilhelm! Uncle Wilhelm! Serhan said you should go see him to get your bruise iced! Uncle Wilhelm! You better hurry, or it'll scar..." he called. At the possibility of his beautiful face being blemished, albeit temporarily, Wilhelm shot up like a rocket. Without saying a word to his nephew, he was out the door with blinding speed, racing to the place where Peter had just come from.

He jumped over Yue, and scrambled into Serhan's office, plopping himself into the stool and looking up at him like an expectant puppy.
"I'm here! Hurry! Make it go away! I don't like my face being ugly!" he whined, pointing to his cheek with faux tears in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Epiphany


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Dahlia Hawthorne said
"I actually have a few spare glasses in the attic at the inn" she told Clarience, still blindly reaching around just in case she thought she saw someone. "If we can get to the inn-" she was interrupted by bumping into Clarience, for she had slowed down. "Clarience? Is everything alright?" she inquired. She had seen her sleep around occasionally, but she never realized it was this bad. "You really should dedicate a day to resting up" she suggested, looking at what she assumed was Clarience. "I do that sometimes after I've completed a novel" she stated.This was definitely unusual by her standards, but she hadn't had much interaction with this town. It really was a shame she could barely tell a streetlamp from a person.

"The inn, right?" Clarience stumbled over her feet and fell down onto the soft somewhat fertile soil of the town, she was so close to the door too. She tuckered herself out onto the ground and began to doze off, her tired nature taking a hold of her. She was a sloth when you get down to it, she used up her energy reserves too quickly.

She made a promise to her somewhat new friend, to get to the inn and get her glasses, but the moment Clarience's face collided with the ground, it was all over. Her mission had failed and there was no turning back. The girl was in too deep in her rest and could not be woken up now, no matter how loud you yell in her ear, or how hard you punch her in the gut, Clarience refused to wake up.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yue had just come back and was kneeling down, picking some books up off the floor. Serhan would get mad at a her if they weren't in order, and she really didn't want to argue with anyone, as she hadn't really slept the night before. Yue looked towards the door as Wilhelm walked in, and proceeded to jump straight over Yue into Serhans office.
A lot of people would be surprised by this, but for Yue it was a normal for strange things to happen in this town. Sighing she sat down in front of the front desk, knowing that the day would be long as always, but at least it was Wilhelms birthday.
Mimi hopped along through the village, looking for something interesting to do. She knew that Dasia and Emily were out together, Selena was walking, and probably everyone else was busy and she didn't want to bother anyone. 'I know! I can explore!' Mimi thought to herself. She thought for a moment of places she could go her mind settled on the mines.
'Maybe I can find something pretty for Wilhelm!' Mimi began waving her little basket around, pleased she had found something exiting to do. Mimi always brought her basket with her, as it was a special gift from her mother before she left. It was just as important as her large witch hat, which was sitting upon her pink hair as she bounced, or her ever present belief in the harvest goddess, oracle and creatures of the woods.

When Mimi reached the mouth of the mines she stopped. There was a slightly wet smacking sound, and the sound of breaking stone. She peeked inside and was very surprised.
She wasn't so surprised that there was a man in the mine breaking rocks and uncovering glittering gems and ores with his bloodied bare hands, that was normal for a Mimi, as she was very loyal to the magic that she was sure resided in this town. But more of that she didn't know this person.
"Um, hello? Are you okay? That looks kinda painful." She called across the mine, stepping in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy turned to the young girl and jumped back, making a cross with his forarms.
"ahhh a witch" he said as he stumbled to the ground. It took him a moment to actually realize it was a little girl, when he did he stood up smiled laughing cheerfully.
"you got me good, young lady" he said as he stumbled to her. He had never met with Mimi, but he rarely socialized, yet he always liked kids, they made him laugh no matter what was on his mind before.
"kid you sure you should be here? It can be scary" he said as he put his hands in his pockets. hoping she hadn't noticed. He felt wrong exposing a young child to such a nice little girl, he had never shown the kids in his old town about his fighting, but they learned after he left, and probably became racist, or demon worshippers, he wasn't ganna do that to this girl. He knew what to do, just smile and be happy, like normal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Angel

Dark Angel

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mimi giggled at Guys behavior. She had heard at church in the city that witches were not appreciated, and often called unholy and shunned. 'But they got its it all wrong!' Mimi thought to herself, 'Being a witch doesn't really have anything to do with religion! It's fun to make potions and have black kittens by your side!'
Smiling back at him Mimi, hopped up and down joyfully.
"Well, my sister went to take a walk and I wanted to do something interesting, so I decided to explore here in the mines, maybe even find a pretty gem for Wilhelm! He's very nice you know. Everyone here is nice!" Mimi replied to his question, watching out of the corner of her eyes as he put his hands in his pockets. Reaching into her basket, she pulled out a small roll of bandages that Yue had given her a while ago, and she kept them for emergencies, but Mimi could always get more. "Do you want me to look at those? I mean you were punching rocks, and that must hurt, plus you're bleeding." Mimi stated innocently, stepping forward.
Even if she had just met this man, Mimi was already trusting him. That's just how she was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Guy knelt down to the girl as he looked left and right and slowly took the gem from his pocket and handing in to her.
"tell you what lets make a trade" he smiled again "you could give him a blood diamond, get it get it' he said nudging her with his elbow. He didn't have a clue who her sister was, Wilhelm was or even who her was talking to, but he hoped they were really nice, as kids may have feeling that don't go with how things are. He didn't know what to think of the young girl, she was trusting and sweet, but the fact that she went to a mine to explore made her sound like a strange kid, which is nothing like him as a kid. He was rowdy and always getting into fights and didn't trust anyone, he hoped the little girl in front of him wasn't going to be such a person.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaltonSezHi
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DaltonSezHi The Evil Magistrate

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

...For a transitory enchanted moment man must have held his breath in the presence of this continent, compelled into an aesthetic contemplation he neither understood nor desired, face to face for the last time in history with something commensurate with his capacity for wonder...

Mitchel read the last page before sighing and closing his book. He always seemed to be able to be caught up in the experience of reading and that book was no exception. The young man slipped The Great Gatsby into the return slot with a soft thump. He looked around the library and picked up a pencil from his desk, beginning to tap a beat using that in his right hand and his bare left hand.

What to read next...something that I haven't read a lot...

Mitchel stretched and oh-so-casually slipped his hand into his pants pocket, pulling out his PFP.

Or maybe the reading can wait just a little bit?

There was no harm in just relaxing a bit and playing something, right? He stopped and thought for a moment.

On the other hand, there was that new book that everyone's been talking about on some of the social networking sites and that's getting a movie. Wow, I think I just described any YA book in like the last 2 years.

He crouched his feet against the desk and pushed off, turning a bit to wheel his chair to the recently shipped books. It was always a bad habit that once the new books were laminated, Mitchel couldn't resist reading one before putting them out. He grabbed the book he was thinking about.

"The Fault in Our Stars, huh?"

He turned it over and read the back, listening to the critics talk about poignancy and all the other words that are usually reserved for good novels. Considering that, this one had to be at least decent, right?

He opened to the first page and began to read.

Late in the winter of my seventeenth year, my mother decided I was depressed, presumably because I rarely left the house, spent quite a lot of time in bed, read the same book over and over, ate infrequently, and devoted quite a bit of my abundant free time thinking about death. ...
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