Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I thought love conquers all dear?!" Angelo said joking back at her as he went to the ice box and started to make the tea for dinner so they would have something to drink with their dinner. Angelo smiled at ezzy flicking his forehead "wake up pip squeak help me make the tea you can't stare at your hot mommy" Angelo joked at him since he was the kid and it was like Angelo and his little group were a family with junko as they mommy and Angelo as the dad and he knew ezzy hated being treated like a kid, like all kids do. ..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Yukihime Tomoko, Shin'ō Academy, Seireitei

Tomoko raised her head, glancing back over her shoulder. Well, it was pretty immediately apparently what had happened... grinning, the tiny black-haired girl patted her current seat on the back. The pink-hair girl squirmed, clearly embarrassed. Oh, she really would need some compensation for not falling over when a grown man had sat on her, it was true... Tomoko would have to think of something. Returning her gaze to the carnage at hand, there was really only one appropriate reaction that Tomoko could think of. Raising her hand to her mouth, the seemingly-young girl laughed.

"Ohohohoho~" it was a cheerful, refined bout of laughter from the girl. She lowered her hands and placed them on the unfortunate pink-haired girl's backside, holding on as she kicked her feet. Really, the embarrassment she was causing was just so... enjoyable. "I don't see how any of them thought there could be any other outcome. Ah, that was both hilarious and awesome! ... And it looks like there's some serious business about to happen..."

Hmm, that was pretty intriguing. Something that needed the attention of the Head Captain? And it was private, no less? My, my, things were getting even more interesting, weren't they?

At last, Tomoko hopped off of her seat, and gave the unfortunate girl two light pats on the backside. "You made a wonderfully adorable chair, trainee~ That was an impressive show, managing to hold up the Fifth Division Captain."

The girl, blushing furiously, immediately shuffled away.

Tomoko waved. "I'll be sure to compensate you, that went far beyond my initial punishment the moment he showed up! ... Speaking of..."

The small girl turned on her heel to face Captain Igarashi, hands on her hips and a mischevious grin on her lips. "They were about to lose in less than a minute, sir. I think you know what that means~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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Shin'ou Academy

Kotohime decided to finish things--and make sure her captain did lose that bet he had going on--before acknowledging the squad member's sudden arrival: those students remaining found that the head captain was behind them... instants before it was lights out, and Kotohime was making sure her haori was in mint condition. She liked this coat.

"Anyone that isn't a seated officer, leave," the captain stated, looking pointedly at the instructor... and the trainees, "Akihiko, get over here."

Once everyone was in place: "Trouble in Rukongai?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Shin'ō Academy
A missing silhouette had take Akihiko's place as the young Tomoko turned to claim her reward. The wayward captain had quietly made was way to Kotohime, standing at her side as the soul reaper prepared to deliver his report. Following orders, the students picked up their fallen classmates and followed the instructor off the training field and into the academy, leaving the head captain and her officers. "We've received multiple reports of a massive riot gathering in Rukongai districts 77 through 80. We've also detected the presence of a possible hollow in that area. Members of squad 13 were the first to respond however we haven't heard back from them."

Akihiko scratched at his chin as the subordinate briefed them on the interesting information. "Did you say there might be a hollow?" He asked, his expression growing slightly more serious. The soldier nodded. "Hollow spirit energy has been detected near the same districts the reports arrived from." Sharing a gaze with the other officers, Akihiko was surprised to hear of a hollow possibly being in the soul society. An event that didn't take place often. "That can't be good news...What's the plan cap?" He asked, waving for his lieutenant to approach.

Mashiba Warehouse
Ezekiel shot Angelo a glare. "Shut up! You loser frea-" The young boy stopped as he looked passed Angelo into the kitchen with widened eyes. A breeze of cool air blew across Angelo's cheek as a vegetable knife hurtled past his face, lodging into a wooden support beam next to the television. At its source, Junko sat with a smile and the aura of death around her. "Ooops....that must have slipped." She grabbed a butcher knife and continued to chop a head of lettuce. "I guess all that flirting of yours is distracting me." She passed another smile in Angelo's direction before lopping the lettuce in half. "So how about you put a sock in it okay...dear?" Ezekiel slowly moved out from between the two for fear of getting caught in one of Junko's furies. Even he knew her temper was not the greatest, nor was her aim when she was angry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Angelo froze when he felt the knife go by him then he slowly turned to see the thrower was no other then junko herself. Apparently Angelo went to far by saying mommy was hot but ask in good fun, he could take a hint "of course dear" he sighed happily as he put the tea on the table and he sat down waiting till her aura of death dissipated so he could help her with the actual dinner so he would let her cool off, Angelo just thought of this ad her steaming from his compliments
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Yukihime Tomoko, Shin'ō Academy, Seireitei

The best way to describe Tomoko's expression was a pout as she realized Captain Igarashi had fled in order to avoid giving her the reward. If he wasn't a captain, she would have had plenty of words for him... but instead she grouchily folded her arms. Well, no matter, the Fifth Division Captain wouldn't be getting out of paying his dues... she'd get them in time. One way or another. Her attention quickly shifted to the important announcements at hand. Curious, the youthful-looking Lieutenant approached, cocking her head to one side. A riot? A hollow? Hmm, that certainly was something that had to be dealt with...

In spite of her attitude, Tomoko certainly felt like she had a very important duty in handling such things. And if her services were required, there would not be even the slightest hesitation. She would go out and rip that hollow apart.

... For the moment, however, she simply stood nearby, waiting to hear the Head Captain's reaction to the news.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

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The head-captain looked serious for a second, then grinned, "Akihiko, mobilise your division to contain the rioting. If you don't object, I'm going to be bringing your lieutenant along. Kenpachi's, too, if he wonders where she is."

Turning to the lieutenants, the short captain's grin was quite... alarming, "Us three are going to be doing damage control. If there's a hollow, we smash it, and if there's a leader to this rioting, we knock 'em out and hand them to the Onmitsukido if possible. Otherwise, no mercy. The only people that are going to get hurt by a massive riot are the innocent."

It wasn't like a bunch of powerless or untrained spirits could seriously threaten Seireitei, but they could certainly make each other's lives a whole lot worse.

One final instruction was given to the 1st Division Member: "Get our lot moving, too. See if you can't send a messenger to the 13th and ask what the hell happened."

With that, the captain was off at high speed, slowing herself enough that the Lieutenants could keep up--if Akihito indeed let Keiko go.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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Captain Akihiko nodded as Tomoko issued her orders, motioning for lieutenant Nekketsu to follow with a few odd gestures before disappearing in a small cloud of dust as he flash stepped away. A Jigokuchō was summoned by the reporting soul reaper, fluttering gently in the air above his palm with an ethereal glow emanating from it's wings. "Attention squad 1! The head captain has issued commands to mobilize and deploy to rukon districts 77 through 80!..." Once the message was completed and the hell butterfly was released, it didn't take long for several shinigami troops move out from the seireitei and begin proceeding with haste toward their new objective.


A warm breeze blew vacantly across the dirt road, wafting dust into the air. Creaky wood cried out as the destitute shacks and huts bared against the wind. "Sqa-crrrcht-13 report! Som-crzztt-espond! Do you rea-czzzrtt-?!" Static riddled voices echoed out from the shattered ear piece of a shinigami communicator laying on the ground in a dusty heap next to a smattering of blood. The sound was quickly silenced as the weight of a booted foot crushed the device into bits. A rather massive, begrudged looking man with thuggish features and a darkened mullish visage, lugged forward, dragging behind him a fairly large and jagged sword stained with crimson liquid. Behind the ample form of the large man were three others, all just as large and brutish as the first.

The flimsy frame of a wood and paper Shoji was easily smashed to make way for one of the hefty goons. Huddled in a corner was a woman and a young boy. The sounds of violence and destruction echoed through the windows while the heavy steps of of the intruder grew closer. Most crimes in this part of the rukon were limited to the streets after dark. This mid day invasion had caught everyone off guard, including the residents of the near by homes, who scrambled and screamed as they suffered the assault. "Please, what do you want?!" Cried the fearful woman, holding the young boy behind her. But there was no response. The expression on the strange men's faces was blank and emotionless. "Stop! Please!" Screamed the woman again as the closest thug raised his bloody blade into the air.

Ikijigoku Pub
"I'll take you on." Spoke a low voice from across the pool table as a young man in a black suit and tie approached. "If you're up to facing someone who isn't piss drunk that is." Judging by the level of inebriation Baldir's current opponent had, it didn't seem like there would be much of a challenge in dealing with him swiftly. Grabbing a cue stick off the rack on side of the wall, the suited man leaned against a table and awaited the answer to his challenge.

Across the room, a few laughs were shared between Alexander and his guest as the joked over their drinks. It was a regular date for the most part, despite the circumstances. Though they both knew the time they had was limited. "Well...I can't be here too much longer." Reluctantly declared Asuna as she gazed at the bottom of her empty glass. "Do you?" Asked Alexander, hoping for a bit more time. But he too knew time was short. Asuna smiled. "I wish I could bring back a bottle of sake. Drinks from the world of the living always taste better then the stuff back home." She said, standing from the booth. Alexander lingered at the table for a moment, sliding the ice around in his glass as he simply looked at the red haired young woman. "What?" She asked, shooting him a confused glance. "It's nothing." He replied, standing up and leaving a few bills on the table.

Walking out together, Alexander and Asuna stayed weary. "Take care of yourself." Said Alexander through a smile. "I know you can't stay out of trouble...but at least try to avoid it." Replied Asuna, lightly punching him in the shoulder with a grin on her face. They gave their final goodbyes before subtly parting ways. Once out of view, both disappeared, flash stepping into the night.

Mashiba Warehouse
It didn't take long for Junko, with the assistance of her two helpers, to whip up a delectable assortment of dishes for dinner including gyuniku donburi, curry udon, and nikujaga. Piece by piece, mismatching plates and hard plastic platters were set out onto the worn old oak living room table. Amongst them was the finished food ready to be distributed. Ezekiel was eager to grab his seat, even though he didn't really show it. Junko looked at her watch and then stepped over to a dusty window. A slightly worried expression crossed her face as she looked over the cement and asphalt scenery. "Where's that damn idiot?" She asked, lightly biting at her thumb nail. "Hey!" Spoke Ezekiel suddenly, chop sticks in hand. "Can we eat already or what?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

not yet ezzy" Angelo said looking at junko waiting by the window for our gracious leader. Angelo knew they were both co workers at some point in time in the past and they escaped here together. Angelo could understand why she would want to wait for the guy that brought everyone together. Angelo was indebted to the man as well since he did save Angelo from being executed when he first came to the human world. Angelo learned a lot from him about his visor powers and how he was given tremendous strength at the cost of being an outcast, although if Angelo had the power to help people then being an outcast wasn't to steep a price. Angelo still hopes one day that the seretai will leave visors alone but until that day came these people Angelo was with right now was his family and he wouldn't have it any other way...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

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Yukihime Tomoko, Shin'ō Academy, Seireitei

No mercy?

The grin on Tomoko's lips was rather... unbefitting of her appearance. It showed the girl's curiously-present fangs in full. Oh... oh she was far, far too eager to exact no mercy on whoever was going around rioting and hurting innocent people. This would be... enjoyable, to say the least. And of course it was to serve justice. Tomoko was dedicated to serving justice, it's just that she felt she could serve justice by dealing with those who would harm innocents in... well, somewhat violent ways. Somewhat enjoyably violent ways.

She hurried after the Head Captain. It was time for some justice. And some fun.

There was little time to react.

The clang of metal on metal echoed throughout the room. The mother and her child would find themselves quite unharmed. For someone had intervened. That someone appeared to be a young girl, no older then ten, gripping a katana in both hands. It wasn't her preference... but it was quite useful for situations like this, wasn't it?

"Ah," began Tomoko, her grin unfading, "I see how it is. You gang of beefed-up meatheads thought you'd get your jollies on killing innocent people, is that it? Psychopathic murderers... I like your type! I don't have to think about motives or anything when it comes to people like you..."

With a growl, the tiny girl struggled for a moment... and then managed to force the huge blade aside. It crashed into the ground, splintering the wood beneath it. She was a Lieutenant, after all. And she was going to enjoy her time handling these numbskulls. "I just have to let her rip! Shikai! SPIN, TATSUMAKI!"

Her zanpakuto's blade glinted as she thrust it forwards. Its blade suddenly became thin. Bendable. It was more of a steel string then it was anything else. The tip, meanwhile, ballooned massively, becoming a sphere, then two somewhat flattened circular shapes, taller then Tomoko itself. The wire was wrapped around the indent between the two shapes. It was, indeed, at first glance, simply a giant yo-yo and not exactly the kind of thing anyone would see as being of much use unless they wanted to entertain an equally-giant child. At least, until the whirring began. A ring of chainsaws erupted from the indent with a roar, buzzing away. The yoyo's head crashed into the ground, chewing its way into the floor beneath.

"You might want to get out of here," she began, addressing the woman and the boy, "Things are going to get pretty ugly. Uglier then these bastards, I mean."
Yamada Sakura, Shin'ō Academy, Seireitei

Sakura hugged herself, blushing furiously and retreating as far away from the training room as she could. Why... why had the Eleventh Division Lieutenant treated her like that? She had... well, falling down wasn't good at all but she was going to get back up and keep training... she didn't need to be used as a chair! Leaning against the wall and taking a deep breath, Sakura tried to calm herself and found it rather impossible. That was so embarrassing... she hugged herself tightly and used the wall as her support. Oh... why did that have to happen... she was feeling better for the day, feeling a bit more confident... and then she tripped during training...

... And then the tiny Eleventh Division Lieutenant had sat on her... and then the Fifth Division Captain!

Sakura shook her head and tried to calm herself down. But it was... it was really just too hard. She hoped that no-one noticed... she really really hoped no-one noticed...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Thread Generator SIN
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The floor trembled a bit as the large thug recoiled off the zanpakuto. Little response was given other than a befuddled grunt. Gathering her senses, the woman took the opportunity given by her savior and swiftly made for the exit with the young boy in hand. The four men didn't follow, their gazes affixed on the soul reaper who had interrupted their assault. They were still for a few moments, the air becoming tense as Tomoko's shikai droned on loudly, kicking up buts of rubble and dust. The faint scent of rotting death drifted through the room as the thugs slowly moved forward, their massive forms taking up the meager dwelling. Without warning, the attack began, with the closest of the goons thrusting his blade across toward the small soul reapers chest. Behind him, a second thug brought his sword up high and crashed it downward toward her head.

Mashiba Warehouse
A short sigh escaped Junko, pulling away from the window and sitting down next to Angelo and Ezekiel. "No, it's fine. Let's eat. If certain people miss out on dinner then it's their own damn fault." Ezekiel was quick to fix his plate, not needing to hear any more than 'let's eat' to start scarfing down the food. "Hey!" Shouted Junko, landing a swift whack across the top of his head. "I've told you a thousand times! Eat slower! It's rude." He coughed, almost choking on a piece of beef as he rubbed his head. "Oh and you might choke." She said, fixing herself a plate. Suddenly, the creaking sound of the rusty front door echoed through the warehouse as a dark figure stepped in. Everyone paused for a moment until the shadow stepped into the light, revealing Alexander with a half grin across his face. "Ladies and gents." Said Alexander, tipping his hat before removing it along with his coat and neatly hanging them on an old broken manikin near the front of the warehouse.

"Where the hell have you been?" Asked Junko with a biting tone. "Nowhere you wouldn't go." Replied Alexander, preparing himself a plate. "Oh hey Angelo. I might have to postpone that poker game til another day." Junko sneered. "Do you even know how to give a straight answer?" With a full plate in one hand and his briefcase grasped in the other, Alexander gave another smile. "Thank you for dinner." He declared before walking toward a pair of doors or the floor near the back of the warehouse leading to his room in the basement. "Don't you ignore me! Hey! Why can't you eat dinner with everyone else like a normal person!" But the door closed and locked behind Alexander as he descended down into his solitude. Junko glared at the doors for a few moments before resuming her meal, slightly annoyed. "There's just no helping that idiot." Ezekiel was too busy eating to notice anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Thread Generator SIN said
A short sigh escaped Junko, pulling away from the window and sitting down next to Angelo and Ezekiel. "No, it's fine. Let's eat. If certain people miss out on dinner then it's their own damn fault." Ezekiel was quick to fix his plate, not needing to hear any more than 'let's eat' to start scarfing down the food. "Hey!" Shouted Junko, landing a swift whack across the top of his head. "I've told you a thousand times! Eat slower! It's rude." He coughed, almost choking on a piece of beef as he rubbed his head. "Oh and you might choke." She said, fixing herself a plate. Suddenly, the creaking sound of the rusty front door echoed through the warehouse as a dark figure stepped in. Everyone paused for a moment until the shadow stepped into the light, revealing Alexander with a half grin across his face. "Ladies and gents." Said Alexander, tipping his hat before removing it along with his coat and neatly hanging them on an old broken manikin near the front of the warehouse.

"Where the hell have you been?" Asked Junko with a biting tone. "Nowhere you wouldn't go." Replied Alexander, preparing himself a plate. "Oh hey Angelo. I might have to postpone that poker game til another day." Junko sneered. "Do you even know how to give a straight answer?" With a full plate in one hand and his briefcase grasped in the other, Alexander gave another smile. "Thank you for dinner." He declared before walking toward a pair of doors or the floor near the back of the warehouse leading to his room in the basement. "Don't you ignore me! Hey! Why can't you eat dinner with everyone else like a normal person!" But the door closed and locked behind Alexander as he descended down into his solitude. Junko glared at the doors for a few moments before resuming her meal, slightly annoyed. "There's just no helping that idiot." Ezekiel was too busy eating to notice anything.

Angelo sighed a little sitting down laughing a little when Junko smacked ezzy on the head then he heard the door start to creek before he saw his fearless leader walk in with his famous swag. Angelo wished he had a camera knowing that their life could be a sitcom considering how well Junko acts like the nagging wife to Alexander even though Angelo always teased Junko about being his wife it was mainly because Angelo was board and teasing and sarcasm was the one of the few enjoyable things he got for free even if Junko was cute she was with Alexander as they both became visors at least if Angelo remembered correctly that was their story so they had more history then Angelo did with Junko but that didn't mean he didn't actually like her. Angelo sighed as he heard his announcement about postponing the poker game "come on dude how am I supposed to earn extra money for my stuff" Angelo asked a little upset considering that Angelo didn't want to say comic books around ezzy thinking that he will immediately want access to his stash. "admit it Junko, as much as you get annoyed you love his casual attitude towards everything. Sides none of us can be normal again, what im wondering about is what he was carrying" Angelo said simply as he went back to eating his food waiting until he finishes before going downstairs to talk to Alexander and see what he had....
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