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The prince hadn't realized that Savayna had gotten so close until she was right before him. She'd wrap her arms around him, and he admitted his surprise. He could have sworn her of all people would have scolded him, ridiculed him. Instead she was completely sympathetic. Something deep in him swelled up, but he was just so glad that at least she was not blaming him. He felt eternally grateful and equally as guilty. He didn't deserve her kindness, not one bit. He would hug her back tightly, only now noticing how small she was compared to him. Perhaps it was her demeanor that had distracted him.

Either way he thanked the gods.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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As the ten minutes would come to an end, the group would all head to the Beaming Station, with Emiri and Jaakuna seeing them off. Wesley knew that this trip to Giruvegan would be a bit more difficult than the last trip. Granted, the last trip wasn’t easy since Jaakuna was hearing voices then. This time around, it would be just as difficult as they were going to venture into The Great Crystal, which according to the various rumors, was like an endless maze to those who did not know how to navigate. Considering that no one has lived to tell the tale of coming from Giruvegan, it just made going into it all the more dangerous.

“Well, I guess we’re going now.” Wesley said as he patted his sword and made sure it was secure.

Savayna smiled. “Make sure to hold down the fort.” She said to Jaakuna smirking.

Jaakuna smirked back. “You better make it back in one piece. I’d hate to have to get rid of all your dresses.” Jaakuna joked, but probably a bad one.
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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It was time to rumble. Her rapier was ready, her supplies were packed, and Nadeline felt more determined than ever. No time for moping around, that was for sure. Not only that, but she had made up her mind to conquer Ultima herself. She hopped lightly in place, obviously combat ready and very eager to go. Wesley and Savayna would give their farewells, with Jaakuna wishing them well. Grant would nod, though he would say nothing. "We will be back as soon as possible." The princess would tell Jaakuna and Emiri. "We will be victorious...and then it's on to Zodiark."

"See you soon." Emiri said, offering a small wave as the group would disappear from their sights. The brunette would frown slightly as she adjusted her wreath, though she would look at Jaakuna happily. "I think it's working." She told him, obviously referring to the magic. "Little by little...I can't remember exact details, but a lot of the major events in my life are coming back. My mother and father...my betrothal to the prince...the decision to run away from my life...all the hardships I endured through the life of a hunter, and..." She trailed off as her gaze went upwards. Her eyes would then go down and land on Jaakuna's. "I remember meeting you. How funny fate can be."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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As they would leave, Jaakuna smiled at them as the light from the Beaming Station would transport them away. Emiri would then look to him and say that the wreath was working. Jaakuna was so happy to hear that. He wanted to hug her right then and there, but she would go on and say that, little by little, her memories were coming back. Emiri then began to list off the memories that were coming back. First she mentioned her father and mother hopefully the good memories of your mom.. Then she said about her engagement to Grant. Yeah, those weren't fun times.. Emiri then said about how she ran away and the hardships as a hunter that came from it. She would pause, but then would state that she was also remembering how they met and made a comment about how funny fate was.

Jaakuna looked at her smiling. "I'm happy that your memories are coming back." Jaakuna told her. "It seems like a world ago when we first met. You were different, I was different. Just everything was so different." Jaakuna said laughing lightly.

Jaakuna found himself reminiscing about the past and just how everything changed when he met Emiri and by extension, Nadeline and Grant. Though, the first time that he met Nadeline wasn't a good experience, Grant either. Hell, even meeting Wesley for the first time wasn't a good experience. Reuniting with Savayna was not a fun experience for him at the time. Jaakuna was in such deep thought that he had the most serious expression on his face and he was silent for about three minutes, not even noticing that Emiri was right next to him.
As they waved bye to Emiri and Jaakuna for the time being, the group touched ground and from where they were, it was only twenty miles away from Giruvegan's gate. "I guess we should not waste any time." Wesley said to the group.
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Emiri would stay as silent as Jaakuna was, albeit she would not know exactly why. She watched his rather concentrated face, waiting for him to say something. After a few minutes she scratched her cheek, though she would step in front of Jaakuna. The blonde was off in his own little world, it would seem. She didn't even get to tell him her favorite part of her trip down memory lane, though. The fact was that despite everything being somewhat fuzzy, there was one particular part that stood out above the rest. The brunette's smile would falter as she stared at him, though she was well aware that she could walk away now and he wouldn't even notice. Her hand would take his with her hoping he would notice her touch. She brought his hand up and she held it against her cheek.

"The one thing that I remember the most, though...is you."


The trip back to Giruvegan would sourly test Nadeline's newfound enthusiasm. Just the thought of having to walk all the distance was enough to make her cringe. At the very least, the group could confidently find that at the very least, the monsters would not prove as much of a challenge as they had the last time they had come. Nadeline would mostly use the trip to properly expand on and experiment with the extent of the magical feather in her hair. It would only grant her access to Black Magicks and whatever else she had known. It did not seem to strengthen her magic, as she would find her healing normal. It didn't seem to provide anything else, though Black Magic in itself was like opening a present she had not asked for.

After their trails and only a little weared, the gates of Giruvegan were in front of them once more. Grant would let out a slight groan of mixed pleasure and pain. Just the trek was enough to tire him out, really, and the thought of having to navigate through just to get to the Great Crystal...he didn't even want to think about it. Nadeline would catch the slump in his shoulders and would promptly nudge him. "Really now, Grant...the journey has just begun!" She said with such vigor and eagerness.

"Where do you get that energy, I wonder?" He asked curiously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Jaakuna was just lost in his own thought, not even paying attention to Emiri. The one thing that took him out of his deep thought was the touch of her hand to his as she would bring his hand to her cheek. He instantly shook his head and looked at her and smiled. She would state that she remembered most was him. Jaakuna liked hearing that. He knew that despite her memory being gone, it was the love that they shared for one another that kept Emiri as herself, even if on the slightest bit.

“You don’t know how happy that makes me to hear you say that.” Jaakuna said gently smiling at Emiri.
As the trek through the snow went on, the group would come to the Gate of the Ancient Capital, Giruvegan. They each would look and stare at the gate, well at least most of them did. Wesley couldn’t help but notice that Nadeline had a new-found enthusiasm about her. He had an idea of where it came from, but it was still very much welcomed. After the day that they have had, he didn’t think she would have anything positive about her, but there she was, brimming with a moderately positive glow.

Looking at the gate, Savayna definitely was having flashbacks to when they were here last and that wasn’t including most of The Great Crystal. This time around, they would be going all the way in and around The Great Crystal, which Savayna was nervous about. Still, she would just face it head on with her friends and her bae. “So, um, how do we get past the gate? Jaakuna’s not here to have Belias open it.” Savayna said stating the obvious.
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Jaakuna was happy now. Her heart swelled, and at the moment Emiri felt nothing but happy as well. Soon they would be truly reunited in every sense of the word. Although something deep inside longed for him. It was a truly odd feeling, but she recognized it as the same feeling she had when they were in Stigma. Only now, she would understand it. Bits and pieces of memory would explain each emotion, and she understood this one well, it seemed. Suddenly she would look at him, a half curious and half nervous look on her face. She wasn't entirely sure how she could put it into words. So she wouldn't.

Her free hand would touch his cheek, and without really noticing or realizing it, she would get closer to him. Her heart pounded against her chest, but she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Her large violet eyes would look right into his emerald colored ones for a moment, a rather intense stare. Still, she would break it and look down for a moment, closing her eyes. When she would look up again, her cheeks would be slightly pink. No more hesitating. Making up her mind, Emiri would take in a deep breath to calm her nerves. Only then would she finally act, enveloping Jaakuna in a very soft kiss.
That thought seemed to have sent a wave of discouragement through the group--or at the very least, a very sudden realization. Grant stared at Savaya incredulously, as if she had suggested a completely wild idea. Nadeline would cluck her tongue, though she would step forward and inspect the gates. She put her hand on one side, her fingers sparking lightly from the ancient magicks within. Despite Belias' presence being absent, the gates would still respond. The blonde would then nod, and out of nowhere began pushing against the gate. Grant stared at Nadeline struggling against the much larger gate before her. Perhaps the pressure of the trip had finally driven her insane. As he opened his mouth to say something, to his absolute amazement the gate would actually start to open.

His jaw dropped noticeably as the petite princess pushed, and soon her side of the gate was open. She let out a loud squeal of delight and spun around to the group. "We walk right in, of course!" She responded to Savayna's question as if it had been the most obvious thing in the world. "Now let us continue, on to the Waystone then!" She cheerfully walked right in, leading the way. Grant stared at her in disbelief. He couldn't believe she just pushed the gate open. Seriously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Jaakuan felt her touch as her free hand would come to his cheek and her body closer to his. They just stared at each other. The moment felt like forever and then, with a movement of her lips, she kissed him. It wasn't like they haven't done it before. Both of them have done much more than simply kissing, but this time around was different. For some reason, the kiss felt like the first time that they kissed and how it felt. Jaakuna could feel that his heart was starting to beat slightly faster. Each second that went on, he found himself being lost in the translation of how beautiful she was. It was by then that he closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around her waist,and would embrace her, bringing their bodies closer to each other.
It was like Savayna's words brought the entire group down. Well, a majority of the group. Nadeline was the only one that seemed to retain the positive attitude. More on that point, she was the only one that went to the gate. She would inspect it and others couldn't help but watch as she would place her hands on the gate. Widened eyes no doubt too over as she would, completely at the shock of the others, attempt to open it. About a minute, maybe less, passed on, Nadeline's incredible strength — or whatever you want to call it — took over, the gate would open and it would do so on Nadeline's physical prowess alone.

"Umm..." That's all Savayna had to say. She was completely speechless.

"You heard her. We walk in." Wesley said, echoing NAdeline and followed her lead.

Savayna just looked to Grant who also was just as shocked and speechless as she was. [/b]"What the fuck was that?"[/b] She slightly mumbled to Grant.
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Emiri couldn't help but be slightly grateful that Jaakuna hadn't pulled away again. He accepted her kiss, to which she was secretly overjoyed. It wasn't like last time, though. He wasn't a stranger, he was her boyfriend and lover. How she found herself longing for this familiarity, this comfort. Admittedly she had missed the emotional connection, but for one reason or another she didn't mind the physical kind either. As if on cue her heart beat faster, an odd nervousness and anxiousness overwhelming her. No words, just actions. She was okay with that.
As the group walked to the Waystone, Grant couldn't help but wonder about Nadeline's newfound strength. Or rather, the lack of it anyway. It was more than obvious that Nadeline was one of the more...weaker physical fighters. Not that he was one to talk, considering that he wasn't exactly a physical fighter himself. Still, the point was that Nadeline couldn't have possible been able to literally push the door open. As he walked past it he couldn't help but try to push it himself. It was exactly as he had imagined: like trying to shove through a wall. He frowned slightly, though in all honesty he would give up on thinking about it. After all, they shouldn't complain, and no way was he going to walk all the way bak to the Ifrit just to go get Jaakuna to open the gate.

They would gather around the Waystone, and the run would vanish. Nadeline wrinkled her nose slightly, not really missing the mustiness of the inside of Giruvegan. Still, there was work to be done. Withdrawing her sword, Nadeline would lead the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Minutes passed and the kiss went deeper into passion. It was at a point that Jaakuna gripped the side of her legs, tracing his hands around her round buttocks. It was as if the sexual desire and physical attraction took over as Jaakuna lifted her up, breaking away from the kiss just slightly, and leaning her against the wall just a few feet to the left of the beaming station. Jaakuna's chest was slightly pressing her against it, and all the while, Jaakuna would remove his jacket revealing his bare chest in all of its tattooed glory. That's when the sounds of pleasure set off something inside JAakuna and that's when he started to kiss her neck in a slight aggressive way, teasing her with little nibbles.

When JAakuna kept it going, he heard a laugh. This laugh was beyond creepy, it was beyond any normal tone that he had ever heard. Even more so, he instantly broke away from Emiri and he saw her. The origin of the laugh and the one that made Jaakuna almost growl in anger. "Levi!" JAakuna yelled.

Levi smiled and laughed half-creepily, half-seductively. "Oh don't mind me, do continue." She said as her arms made gestures to Emiri and shirtless Jaakuna.

JAakuna's anger now was at the highest. "How long have you been here?" Jaakuna asked her.

"Oh, long enough to see how much of a sex addict you are." She said to Jaakuna, smiling in a seductive way.
When they went through the Waystone, the group would be inside Giruvegan. It was as Wesley remembered it to be. The mist was at an all-time high and the monsters were on an all-time annoyance. Yup, they were still as ugly as they were the last time around. "Well, ain't this a joy?" Savayna annoyingly said, She disliked Giruvegan, but she knew that they had to be here. At the very least, they could get inside the Great Crystal. At least that was a more aesthetically-pleasing place to look at from the inside.

"Oh, come on now, Savayna. Where's your sense of adventure?" Wesley said smiling.

"Oh suck it, Wesley." Savayna retorted, sticking her tongue out to him.

Wesley chuckled and would look ahead to see Nadeline take out her rapier and lead the charge. He smiled and would take out his Sword of Order. Savayna would follow stead and take out her Ice Queen sword and just hope that they don't run into any unwelcomed surprises.
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Gods knew she had missed this. Or at least, her body did. It was passion at its rawest, and she found herself entirely lustful for him. She wasn't really thinking, all she knew was that she wanted him, and she wanted him badly. Her moans would encourage him to go on, but as soon as it had started it stopped. She would open her eyes and see a woman there. By Jaakuna's reaction, she could tell this woman was not friendly. Except...she still had no idea who exactly she was, really. Emiri looked at her somewhat cautiously, though something told her that her presence here was not a good thing.
The trip to the Great Crystal was...uneventful and unfulfilling. It just was not fun at all, especially since they had already gone through this before. Still, once they would see that glorious Waystone, it was fact that the journey was only starting right now. Taking a deep breath, Nadeline would activate the Waystone, and soon the familiar hues of orange crystal would surround them. By this time her determination stood fast, though her enthusiasm lessened somewhat. She looked around, as if trying to decide which way to go. She couldn't even use the way she 'remembered', as everything looked the same. Instead she simply picked a path and began to walk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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"What are you doing here!?" Jaakuna asked Levi.

Looking at the both of them, Levi couldn't help but just smile. She certainly was amused by the way that Jaakuna was getting all angry. Her presence definitely set him off and not in the good way. She could clearly see how angry he was getting just by looking at her and the way he stood in front of Emiri made her smile for a whole other reason. Still, the reason she was here in the Ifrit was not one of fighting. "Relax Jackson, I am not here to cause any trouble." She would assure him.

Jaakuna didn't know if she was lying or actually speaking the truth, but his past experiences with Levi both while on the run and back when he was living in Archades as the crown prince. "Why should I believe you? Everything that you have done in the past suggests otherwise." JAakuna said.

Levi had to admit, he was right about everything. Levi did like to fight and she has picked fights with JAakuna and his friends on more than one occasion."I won't lie to you. I have proven to everyone that I am very dangerous and not to be trusted, but just take my word on it, Jackson. I am actually here to help you." Levi said.

Jaakuna now found himself more curious than cautious. "Say that just for a second, that you're telling the truth. " Jaakuna said as he looked to Emiri before looking back at Levi. "What can you do to help us?" Jaakuna asked her.

Levi smiled. "Word around the grapevine is that Chaos wiped this pretty girl's memory clean." Levi said, "I can restore her memory and even more so, I can make it to where her powers are not a threat to her anymore." Levi revealed.

"You're lying. You have to be." Jaakuna said in disbelief.

Jakauna didn't know what to make of what Levi just said. First off, he didn't know that she possessed such powers that enabled her to restore memory. There was also the fact on why exactly she would want to do such a thing. Jaakuna hadn't known Levi to do something for others without any benefits for her. The other thing that raised a red flag in Jaakuna's mind was the fact that she claimed that she was able to make Emiri's power to such a level that it wouldn't harm Emiri anymore. Truly, this troubled Jaakuna and confused him just as equally.

"When have you known for me to lie about such things? Even if you and I fell out of touch long ago, I wouldn't dare lie about such a thing." Levi said trying to convince Jaakuna.

Not responding, at least not instantly, to Levi, Jaakuna looked to Emiri, who no doubt was taken back by all of it. "What do you think? Do you believe her?" Jaakuna asked Emiri.
The journey to the Great Crystal was definitely one of a silent one and nothing new. Since they have been here before, going through Giruvegan was nothing but a slight bother. Killing enemies wasn't going to slow them down as they seemed to be incredibly weaker than they were the last time the group was in Giruvegan. It wouldn't be long until they would make their way to the Way Stone that would warp them to The Great Crystal, to which it brought a calmness to the group. At least, it did for Savayna. For some reason, being in the Great Crystal just made her relaxed. However, for Wesley, he just remembered the last time that he was in The Great Crystal, Nadeline almost died and he did as well. Still, they were here for their mission, so he would follow Nadeline's lead as she would lead them down a random path that she picked. Savayna would follow as well.
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Emiri remained silent, listening to the conversation between Levi and Jaakuna unfold. She was somewhat surprised when she would say that she had wanted to help them. Tilting her head curiously, she would watch and listen, her eyes widening as she would make a claim that she could restore her memories. Her heart would beat in her ears, her mind wondering. Could she really be capable of such a thing? Despite not knowing (or remembering) who she was, Emiri found herself very much tempted by her offer. Her mind would whirl with the possibilities. Though she did find herself wondering about what power she was talking about.

For her, the offer was simply too good to pass up. Emiri would make up her mind, stepping forward. "I...If there is a way..." She started slowly, looking at Jaakuna. "I want to at least try."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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To say that he was surprised would be an understatement. Jaakuna would just look at Emiri as she said that she wanted to give it a shot if there was a way. Jaakuna wanted her to have her memories just as much as she did, but was it worth the risk? Jaakuna didn't know how the process would affect Emiri and if there was any side effects that would come afterwards. "Only if you're sure." Jaakuna told Emiri as he looked at her and then shot Levi a look . He would then pick up his jacket and put it on.

"Fine then, let's get started." Levi said, "Jackson, I believe the dining room would be best." She suggested.

Eyeing Levi, Jaakuna would motion her to follow him as he took Emiri's hand and they would start walking to the Dining Room. In three minutes, they would arrive and Jaakuna would take a seat next to Emiri and Levi stayed standing.

"Okay, honey, relax yourself." Levi said to Emiri, "I will start by some base questions." Levi said, "Can you remember your name?" She asked her.
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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The brunette would nod and follow Levi's directions, going to the dining room. For the first time in a long time she was truly hopeful and optimistic about this. She wanted to understand Jaakuna's hesitation, she really did. But maybe, just maybe she was telling the truth. It was worth a shot, wasn't it? As she sat down she watched the woman in front of her. Yes, her face did look somewhat familiar, but she did not really remember who exactly she was. Levi would then ask her for her name. "Um." Emiri would think to herself for a moment. "Emiri Iniko--no, that's not right." She furrowed her brow, concentrating. "...Emelia. Emelia Rianna Iniabi."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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As Emiri would answer her question, Levi nodded her head as she acknowledged that. She would raise her hands up and a faint blue glow would start to flicker. she would smile as Jaakuna eyed her carefully. She would slightly chuckle as he still didn't completely believe that she could do this. Levi would just brush off what Jaakuna was possibly saying to himself or under his breath. Levi stood behind Emiri, hands over the brunette's head. "Good, good." Levi said, "Now, can you tell me your age and who your parents are? Full names please."
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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The brunette would feel Levi's hands on her head. She was curious, but she didn't bother asking what she was doing. She wondered if the questions she asked would help her in any way. No, now wasn't the time for wondering, she needed to focus. Levi would then ask about her age and parentage. "Twenty four as of a few days ago. My father...my father is Andre Iniabi. My mother is..." She would have a somewhat forlorn expression. She took in a deep breath and continued. "My mother is Justine Iniabi." She mumbled in response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Jaakuna was awfully wary of Levi's hands glowing that faint blue color. He was even more wary of her as she would ask these questions. He didn't know if they were for a foundation of some kind or something more than that. As much as he didn't want to, Jaakuna had to ask. "What are these questions supposed to help with?" He asked her.

Levi looked at Jaakuna. "Fear not, Jackson. These questions are merely for me to see how far her memory has improved. " She would reply back. Jaakuna wasn't so sure if that was the truth, but he would remain silent on the matter.

Levi would go back to looking at Emiri. She would close her eyes briefly, just allowing her mind to drift into calmness. As she took the moment to find a center, the glow around her hands began to show more color and less transparency around them. The more she had her eyes close, the bolder the glow became. Levi would open her eyes, and looked down to Emiri. "Okay, now just close your eyes." Levi instructed Emiri. "Imagine yourself in the one place you feel the most at peace. Find that place and keep yourself there. Now, think of the people who you either remember that makes you happy and/or safe and make them surround you in a circle. Once you've done that, repeat these words." Levi said as her hand would slowly move over Emiri's head, the glow slowly transferring from her hands to Emiri's wreath, adding an almost mystical blue hue around the multiple-colored flowers. "Ab aeterno, memini me lumen" Levi said in an almost chant-like voice.
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

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Luckily for her, Jaakuna would ask the very same question she had been pondering. It seemed that the questions were a test. Levi would tell her to close her eyes. She would nod and do as she was told, closing her eyes. She would do as she was instructed, imagining her happy place. She knew where that was, it would be right here on the Ifrit. It was because of breakfast time, the one time of the day where they were always together. As she was told to do, she imagined her friends gathered around her. She would smile lightly to herself, though she would then concentrate.

"Ab aeterno, memini me lumen." She repeated slowly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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On the very second that Emiri repeated those foreign words, the blue glow around her wreath started to flicker. It would keep on doing so until it got faster and faster and the color would envelop the wreath more and more. It would not only start to envelop the wreath, but soon Emiri's body began to show the blue glow around it. Levi looked as she saw Emiri entering the first phase of her memory recovery. It wouldn't be out of Ivalice if Emiri started to feel her memories slowly coming back. It would probably just start with the little things, like what her favorite foods were or what her favorite past time was. The process would be long and probably strenuous on Emiri's mental self.

Levi would step back and look to Jaakuna smiling, motioning Jaakuna to come with her in the hall. Jaakuna looked confused, but he would look at Emiri. "I'll be just a moment." He said kissing her and following Levi. As they were in the hallway, Levi spoke. "She will have her memories back by daybreak of tomorrow." She said.

Jaakuna was so ecstatic to hear that, though he did catch a slight worry undertone to Levi's voice, like there was more she wanted to tell him. "I sense that there's more to this. You wouldn't ask to speak with me in private to just tell me about when her memories would return." Jaakuna spoke slightly suspicious.

Levi sighed. "You're right, there is more." Levi said confirming Jaakuna's suspicion. "When my hands were over her head, I could sense her powers."

"And what did you...sense?"

"I do know that that powers of time usually meant that the user would eventually get lost in time itself, or at the very least, experience some troubles."

"Where are you getting at?"

"Her powers seemed to..oh how do I word this?"
Levi said as she paused, "they seem to be evolving, as in levels of that like Zodiark."

Jaakuna couldn't believe what he was hearing, even more so, could it be true? "What proof do you have of this?"

"That's the thing, I don't. It's a feeling. Who knows, I could be wrong and it could just be nothing. However, I would suggest that just in case, you take her to see Aloa and right away."
Levi said as she would walk a closer to Jaakuna, her breasts practically pressing against his chest. "Listen, Jackson. just cause of our history, I am going to tell you something." Levi said as she placed her right hand on his left cheek. "Shion and her group won't stop until every esper is gone and that means Emiri. If you want to protect her, find out what the truth about her powers really is." She said as she gently smiled to Jaakuna and kissed him on the cheek. "Good luck, my fair sunshine." She said as she would depart from sight and Jaakuna found himself smiling.

Jaakuna would hold his cheek and as he did, he would walk back to the dining room and as he did, he saw that the glow around Emiri had soon faded away. He would just smile to her and sit next to her.
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