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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exodus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yessir. It's just that..." Frostbite paused for a second, and took a breath. "I'm out of juice. Y'know, my antifreeze. I was due for more later today, but... With everything going on..." He trailed off again, his thoughts evidently worrying him. "Is this going to be a problem?" He glanced back at the others, his voice hardening. "I've got one more, but don't want to be a liability if something goes wrong." The words echoed in his head: 'one more'.

He had a reason to be afraid of running out, of course; he'd literally freeze over from the inside-out. It was a side-effect from how he gained his powers. Not taking the antifreeze serum would start out as just being incredibly painful. Then, he'd slowly become completely immobilized, before his organs freeze over entirely and kill him. Almost like a poison, in it's own way, and the serum is the antivenom. The trouble was balancing it, as an overdose would suppress his powers proportionately, or outright kill him. Knowing this, he only kept so much in supply at once, to make sure the wrong person didn't find it. His secret. Well, between him, Batman, and Ice anyway, and Batman was his only shot at getting more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"I'm aware of how many shots you have left Frostbite, Ice was to bring you more today but with all that's happened she's been unable to make it. This fight will be our one and final strike, there will still be plenty of time to get you more serum by the time we are done." Beck's problem was a concern, but one for another day. Once this was all dealt with Batman would work on finding a more permanent solution to the cryokinetic's problem.

"You wont be a liability. You can't be."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Endrance
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Endrance Stardust Crusader

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Everything came flooding in at once for Shock, and for once the irony of her feelings along with the others was made palpable in the air. "Yo Plas!" she said warmly but one eyebrow was raised in mocking disbelief. She opened her mouth to question but a breeze filled the air. She half smiled as she was met by two justice league members - bats (although she wouldn't say that nickname out loud) and flash. As pumped as she was about this mission, she was still concerned about her brother, obviously dealing with everything the other leaguers were. Flicking her attention over to her teammates, the fierce look in his eyes gave her a bit of that child-like inspiration she needed and as batman finished his plan, all Shock could do was calmly nod.

She remembered the stories Virgil used to tell him about the times they teamed up. After all this was over, she could add something cool to the list! If her brother was...
Stop... don't go down that route.... She pushed the thought out of head and drifted elsewhere. Flash... beneath the ketchup like costume, was a lean frame. Super speed wasn't something Veronica thought would or could be a cool superpower but he made it into one of envy. Heroes and virtues of their own right...here she had a chance to prove her mettle to the rest of her brothers team but most importantly herself.

Electricity began to crackle around her body as a dynamic feeling rushed through her. "Only question from me is when?" she mumbled almost bursting with anticipation.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

“Miss? Excuse me, miss?”

Kendra Martin was stirred awake as a hand gently shook her by the shoulder. She opened her eyes and glanced upwards to see a man, elderly, round about late seventies or early eighties, standing over her.

“Hm?” Kendra’s mind still hadn’t completely returned from the depths of unconsciousness, and it took a moment to remember where she was.

“Do you mind budging up a little?” the man said.

Kendra paused before realisation hit. “Oh,” she said. “Sure.” She edged over to the other wise of the bus seat she was on, allowing the man to plop down next to her.

“Sorry for disturbing you,” the man said as he sat down. “You looked like you were having a nice dream there.”

Kendra smiled. “Heh heh, no, it’s fine,” she said. I wasn’t actually sleeping anyway, she mentally added. She glanced outside the window to her left, taking in the sights as the scenery seemed to rush past. “Are we almost at Star City?”

“Aye, it’s the next stop,” the man said, revealing a thick Scottish accent that Kendra hadn’t noticed until just now. “Driver said we’d be there in, saaaaay, ten minutes.”

“Ah good. Thank you.”

The man smiled. “No problem, miss,” he said. There was a companionable silence between the two as Kendra rummaged through her backpack, which had been propped on her lap and she had been cuddling close to her chest while she had been “sleeping”. She took out a book, one of several she was currently reading. There were no book marks nor were there any folded pages. She simply opened the book and seemed to find the page she had been on.

After a moment of silence, the man started talking again. “A Prayer For Owen Meany, eh?” he said, noting the title of the thick book she was reading.

“Hmhmm,” Kendra replied, without looking up. “You’ve read it?”

“Aye. It’s a good book, though I always preferred World According To Garp meself,” the man said.

“I haven’t read that one,” Kendra said. “I might check it out once I’m finished with this.”

The man looked pleased with this reply. “It’s Irving’s best. That man has quite a way with language,” he said. “You know, I used to be an English teacher back in the day.”

With this remark, Kendra turned her gaze away from her book and glanced at the old man. “Did you really?” she said.

“Aye. Really,” he said. There was pause before he stretched out a large hand. It was wrinkled, slightly grey in colour, and the skin had started to flake away. “Name’s Joe MacDuff.”

Kendra hesitated for a moment before taking the hand. “Cassandra,” she replied.

Mr MacDuff gave Kendra’s hand a strong, firm shake, proving there was still a good deal of life in aging man. “If you don’t mind me asking, why you heading to Star City, Cassandra?” he said after releasing her hand. “Visiting family?”

“Oh no.” Kendra shook her head. “I’ve got a job interview.” In a manner of speaking.

“Oh, is that right?” Mr MacDuff raised an eyebrow. “Well, I wish you good luck then.”

“Thank you.”

It was at that point the driver called through the speakers. “We are now entering Star City,” he said. “Anyone who wants to get off at this point, please do so.”

Kendra closed her book and stuffed it back into her bag. “Well, I guess this is my stop,” she said, standing up.

“You take of yourself, Cassandra,” Mr MacDuff said. “And thank you for keeping an old man company.” He sighed. “I myself am visiting my daughter and grandchildren. They’re lovely kids, but I think they’re getting to that age where they start to outgrow their grandparents.”

Kendra looked down at the old man and suddenly felt a pang of sympathy. She had been planning to just get off the bus at this point and not say anything, but the sadness on the man’s face compelled her to speak once more. “Is your daughter going to meet you?” she asked.

“Hmm? Oh, aye, that’s right.”

Kendra smiled. “Maybe you should call her before you get to your stop. You know, just to make sure she remembers to pick you up.”
Mr MacDuff gave a hearty laugh. “Don’t you worry about me, lass. My daughter’s the reliable sort. She’ll remember.”

“I see.” Kendra nodded. “Well, take care then.” With her bags in hand, she headed towards the front of the bus. When it finally came to a stop, she exited, along with a couple of other passengers.

As the door closed behind her, though, Mr MacDuff frowned. “Well,” he muttered to himself, fumbling for his phone in his pocket. “I’ll just check.” With slightly trembling hands, he pushed the numbers before bringing the phone to his ear. There was a moment before someone picked up.


“Hello, Sally. It’s me.”

“Dad? Oh god, are you… are you at the station?”

Mr MacDuff frowned. “No, not yet,” he said.

“Oh thank god, I… I’m sorry, Dad, I completely forgot you coming today. I’ll… I’ll head right there.”

They talked for a moment longed before Mr MacDuff hung up. “Huh,” he muttered. Good thing Cassandra had told him to ring up.
As Kendra watched the bus drive away, she saw Mr MacDuff getting out the phone, and smiled to herself. Good, he took my advice, she thought. She couldn’t bear to think of the poor man waiting around at the station, wondering where the hell his daughter was. It was such a small thing, not the thing Kendra normally got involved with.

She turned away, pulling up her hood. She was wearing a green dress that seemed to have a hood attached, her old costume she had once wore when she had taken the name Foresight. She didn’t use the costume anymore for fighting, but it was comfortable and looked enough like normal clothes that on one would raise an eyebrow. Plus, Foresight wasn’t a well-known hero. She doubted anyone in Star City had heard of her.

Besides, I can't very well wear my armor in public.

Kendra took a deep breath. It had been so long since she had done the vigilante thing, having quit over two years ago after the close-fight with Snafu. After that, she had taken a backseat and left it to the police, helping the long with occasional tip. It was safer, yes, but a part of her missed the action, the thrill. She hated to admit it, as it was contradictory of her nature, but she had become a little bit of adrenaline junkie during that time.

Oh well, I’ll be getting back into the field soon enough, Kendra thought. She took out the map that her mentor Wonder Woman had provided her with, showing her the direction to HQ. She started to walk in the general direction indicated.

I just hope my teammates don’t get themselves killed before I find them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siti


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

No matter where it was you were traveling, plants would become concrete and concrete would become plants. Sarin noted this as she rested her head against the cold glass of the bus window, staring out at the trees as they were replaced with more buildings every minute the bus approached Star City. She’d been resting like this for a while now, so much so that her forehead felt gummy from the window holding it up, but she didn’t mind. The people around her were quiet. The way they should be in transit, she thought.

Go to Star City, she’d said. Black Canary had seemed uncomfortable when she gave the order, as though there was someone else--anyone else--she’d rather be giving it to. There were rumors and reports of attacks going on in every major city, but something here stuck out. Maybe it was just that it’d been Black Canary’s old stomping grounds, but Sarin hadn’t complained. She’d wanted to see the city her old mentor, Shado, had spoken to her about; where the man in green had captured her attention and helped the people of his city be free of criminals, who would have otherwise run rampant. Criminals who would have otherwise put pressure on families and shattered them like Sarin’s.

“Miss? Excuse me, miss?”

A Scottish man spoke to the person in the seat in front of her, and her silence was broken.

“Do you mind budging up a little?”

“Oh. Sure,” replied the female voice of the girl who’d sat alone until now. Sarin liked her; she was quiet when she travelled. Granted, she hadn’t known that she was in fact a girl, until she spoke to this old man, but that made Sarin like her even more. She had to have strength to be a girl, traveling on her own towards danger. But then again, was she truly in danger? If she was headed to Star City, Black Canary had said that the targets had all been metahumans, heroes and villains alike.

Sarin listened to the girl and the man talk and she began to feel acquainted with them, despite not being part of the conversation herself. He was a sweet, old man.

“We are now entering Star City,” the voice over the loudspeaker announced. “Anyone who wants to get off at this point, please do so.”

The young man next to Sarin woke up with a start and grabbed her wrist. She grabbed his with her friend hand, prepared to break it, but after shooting looks around and realizing he was on the bus still, he let go.

“Sorry…nightmares, y’know?” he said, between shallow breaths. Sarin responded with a blank look, stood up and shimmied past his knees. As she turned to walk down and out of the aisle, she was pleased to see the girl from in front was getting off here too. Maybe she’d see her again. Maybe not.

Do not engage with any metahumans, Black Canary had said. She was to be part of a team, but she wasn’t worth trusting yet. Sarin’s face wound up in a snarl as she thought back to it, grabbing her bag from the pile outside the bus. She was worth trusting. She’d left Shado to do exclusively good, but with the delicate way she was being treated, maybe she should’ve stayed. Regardless, she wouldn’t miss her mark.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
Avatar of An Outsider

An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Ok, team one, time to move out." Growled Batman, his voice still little more than a husky whisper but no one had any trouble in hearing him. "You'll be taking the Sky-Cruiser to attack the precinct directly. Remember, you're there to distract Kendall's forces, to make her think that's where the full team is attacking in earnest. Hit them hard and make a lot of noise." Ditto split himself several times, sending a group of his doubles to ride along with team one.

Fenrir, Hellfire, Owlet, Frostbite, Shadowdancer, Brick and the dozen Ditto's wasted no time in hurrying to the hangar and piling onto the Sky-Cruiser. One of the Ditto's took the controls and the Cruiser leapt into the air, knifing across the sky and straight towards the Star City Police Department. Each member was alone with their thoughts, but they all held the shared knowledge of one thing. This was their most dangerous mission to date, and it would be a miracle if they walked away from it at all. Yet it was their job to see it through, and not a single one would back down.

They were approaching the SCPD building now, a large ambitious building, designed by a young architect who thought he'd be leaving his mark on modern architecture.

The aesthetically pleasing building had taken a far more sinister appearance since the cyborg up-rising though, the several tiered balconies now playing host to massive plasma cannon turrets, the doors and windows guarded by rifle toting officers or large, 10 foot tall, rail gun wieldingcyber-mechs.

"We're nearing the DZ folks, you better get ready to disembark and kick some serious boss cause it looks like Kendall's got the welcoming committee out for us!" Yelled the Ditto at the wheel, the wind snatching the words from his mouth. The plasma fire that erupted from the cyborg officer's rifles explained the point pretty succinctly though. The Sky-Cruiser swerved wildly to avoid the oncoming blasts, most missing but a few lucky shots exploding against the side its side, the stink of molten metal filling the air.

"Now team, go!" commanded the Ditto double. Fenrir was the first out, though that might be more through his hatred for flying than his desire to close with the enemy. Either way he vaulted over the side of the Sky-Cruiser, snarling like a mad dog as he fell on top of one of the cyber-mechs, knife poised to lunge into the vulnerable wires at the exposed joints. Brick , Owlet and all but one of the Ditto's were hot on his heels, the Slider twisting as he leapt so that he landed shell first upon one of the cannon turrets, falling with all the force of a mortar. The cannon broke apart like a toy model, the alien warrior rolling lithely to his feet to attack the closet enemies with his sai. The Ditto's fell like a wave upon the cyborgs, attacking like a horde but their psychic link letting them act as a unit, while Owlet picked off any officers that got separated. The heroes were doing well, but it was obvious that the cyborg officers numbers would soon wear them down. Now it was time for the other heroes to get in on the action.

Back at the base team two waited anxiously until it was their turn to go on the offensive. Each were eager to get to grips with Kendall, but knew Batman would have his reasons for waiting. Five minutes past since team one left, then ten, then fifteen. Finally twenty minutes past, and Batman turned to Cyborg.

"It's time Vic, open the boom tube. Everyone, this is it. You'll be stepping through this portal straight into the hub of our enemies command center, the oval office itself. If you do this right there wont be a fight at all, but even if things don't go according to plan you'll be ready." The original Ditto, dressed now in proper battle attire, spoke up.

"It sounds like you're not coming with us."

"No Ditto. It's been made apparent to me that injuries I sustained getting here would make me a weakness on the field. You'll be leading this mission, with the Flash's help. Now move out." Cyborg's internal Mother Box technology had opened the portal by this point. Flash nodded to his two fellow Leaguers, he and Ditto then leading the teen heroes through.
"We're receiving reports that the team of sidekicks are attacking the Star City police headquarters, just as predicted Miss President."

"Good. Good. Our friends 'assets' are already on the way there, they will handle the children easily enough." Clara Kendall stood in her oval office, back to her staff while she gazed out of the window. Things were all going according to her plan. The League were putting up a fierce fight, and so was their assortment of rogues, but that was all well within her expectations. They would all fall with time, and then she would be in position to consolidate her power. At first the people would call her a tyrant, she was ready for that, but they would soon come to see she had their best interests at heart. For too long had America languished in chaos, had her cities played host to the destructive and ultimately futile battles between the heroes and villains. In her new world order their would be no room for such barbarism, not with her new peace-keeping forces protecting the citizenry. Yes, it was all going according to . . . .

Kendall's train of thought was disturbed when the Whitehouse suddenly began to shudder violently, her staff stumbling drunkenly while pictures fell from the walls. The sensation was over almost as quickly as it started, the vibrations that shook the historic building fading.

"What was that!" stammered her assistant, still unsteady on his feet. The president didn't answer, she was instead too fixated on what was happening outside her window.

"They. . . They're here."
Team two had stepped through the boom tube straight onto the lawns in front of the Whitehouse.

"Ugh Bat's? Boom tube didn't work. We're not in the oval office." stated the Flash, contacting the Dark Knight through the two-way quantum communications device in his mask.

"Kendall must have installed a distortion field over the Whitehouse. You'll have to get to her the old fashioned way." Responded Batman. As the two spoke the steps in front of the Whitehouse began to fill with more cyborg officers and cyber-mechs, Kendall's personal security. The enemy began to line up their shots. A grin broke the Flash's face.

"Well team, we better make this fast!" And with that the speedster shot of in a scarlet blur, rocketing towards the first of the cyborgs and taking them out with a high-speed clothesline. Seconds later the yard exploded in plasma fire, some of the officers aiming at the Flash, but most headed straight for the team. Ditto took a step forward, gesturing his team forward.

"Let's do this guys!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucian
Avatar of Lucian

Lucian Threadslayer

Member Seen 1 mo ago

On the roof of a tall building overlooking the SCPD

Apollo had been sitting silently, watching the SCPD and it's robotic guards bustle around for about three hours. Since his release from the Underworld, he had stayed low, taking note of the changes in the world since his death and subsequent capture at Hades' hands. After his harrowing escape, thanks to his father, he had been visited by Hermes who told him that Olympus was in turmoil, and had gone to war. Alex knew that this was a direct result of his actions, and had resolved himself to help defeat Hades. His first thought upon resurrection was to contact the Justice League, the closest thing to a Pantheon that Earth now held. Surely, they would be able to help him.

However, as he caught up on world events, he noticed the brewing hostilities between Clara Kendall's forces, and the super community. He wasn't sure if he would be able to find his team if he tried, so the first place he decided to check in at was the Star City Police Department. Surely, they would know the whereabouts of Star City's former superhero protectors. When he arrived, however, he noticed things had changed drastically. So, Alex had been staking out the Police Station for several hours, trying to understand what exactly had happened, and deciding what his next course of action should be.

His musings were interrupted, however, when an aerial transport tore over the building he was perched on, heading straight for the Police Station. The Cannons on the station responded swiftly, hurling balls of plasma at the transport, which dodged as gracefully as it could. Then, suddenly, Apollo's old teammates came flooding out of the transport and into the fray with the robocops. Alex stood up, eyes wide as he saw Ditto (A lot of him,) Several heroes he didn't recognize, and Hellfire! Excited to see his old comrades, Alex knocked an arrow. He wasn't exactly sure what was happening, but he knew what side he was on. He chose his first target carefully, knowing that once he engaged at range, the building's cannon's would target him.

With the cannons in mind, he picked the one with the best angle on his position, drew back his mystical bowstring, and fired. The arrow fizzled and hummed as he drew it back, and then loosed with a massive crack and a rumble like thunder. The speeding bolt of sunfire hit the fuel-cell of the plasma cannon, and caused a massive explosion, disabling the cannon, blowing a hole in the building's roof, and putting several nearby officers out of commission. After the shot, Apollo wasted no time. As the nearby cannon's honed in on him, he leapt from his perch on the rooftop, as high into the air as his demigod legs would take him. Just as his jump took him out of the blast radius on the rooftop, it also put him at a good angle to fire off a few shots in free fall. He fired once, then twice, and then a third time, targeting the highest value enemies he could see, which at the time, were three massive cyber-mechs.

After loosing a few shots, Apollo landed behind the wall of Dittos and angry werewolf snarls. His momentum caused a crack as his landing shattered the concrete and sent small flecks of debris flying. Loosing another shot over his allies heads, and into the abdomen of one of the officers, he addressed his old teammates,

"What's happening? Somebody wanna' fill me in?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Siti


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It took a while for Sarin to find the apartment where she’d decided to stay during Black Canary’s task. Despite having spent the last year in Tokyo, she was taking a while to adjust to Star City; specifically, the streets being filled with fast moving vehicles filled people with places to be threw her. For a city under siege, it was still very much alive, she thought. The apartment was four walls of peeling, red-flower wallpaper and cockroaches the size of cats, but it was no matter--she would be actively surveying the city, more than she would be sleeping. She dropped her bag and took her bow and quiver out. The C-shape of the unstrung bow was beautiful to her, but she was excited to restring it and put it to use.

“Alright my friend.” Sarin fished around in the bag, pushing clothes around to find her bowstring. When she found it, she stood up with the bow and the string in hand, walked to the window and sat on the radiator.

“When Odysseus was in guise and challenged the men who would take his wife to a competition in stringing his bow, he was using his mastery against them.” Shado had told her the legend of Odysseus of Greece, while they sat with their unstrung bows. “Each man before him stood with the bow, believed himself to be the strongest, and failed to string it to the chiding of the others.” She’d brought the loop and knot through one end of the bow and put her foot atop it. “When finally Odysseus, dressed as an elderly beggar, had his turn to string the bow, and the men laughed at him, he sat, unlike those before him, and he strung it in two motions.” And with that, she’d brought back the arms and strung the bow.

With her bow strung, Sarin set it to the side and began to undress. The ambient air felt damp and cold on her bare skin, and she felt a draft from the window. She frowned, and walked over to it to close the heavier curtains, but stopped when she saw herself standing near nude in the reflection. She turned to her side and traced her tattoo with a finger, reading it to herself. She turned more to see her bare shoulder and imagined a great red dragon riding down the curves of her body, remembering Shado’s Yakuza tattoo. She’d thought about getting a great wolf or bear herself in remembrance of her mentor, but with symbolism that better suited her.

Glare from headlights outside dissipated the reflection and she got into her gear. With the quiver slung over her shoulder and a tight grip on her bow, Sarin put up her hood and went out into the night.
She’d sat halfway up a fire escape when the plasma began burning through the air. After twenty minutes of inactivity and observation, Shade was surprised to see the police station light up so violently. An airship flew into the area out of which something or someone dropped with a lot of force, knocking one of the cyborgs down with a loud clang. These must be them. Black Canary had said she must not interact with any metahumans or affiliated groups she came across, but she didn’t say that she couldn’t help. If they hadn’t noticed her sitting in the shadows, it wasn’t likely they’d notice a slight whistle in the wind, especially not with a frontal assault to distract them.

Shade fired three arrows into three of the mounted cannons on top of the station, each striking with a resonance and an electrical crack before the lights faded and the guns lowered into a resting position. She nocked three arrows and fired them into the lines of cyborg soldiers, each piercing the armor and disabling an extremity. Another three arrows, another three struggling soldiers. The six she’d hit directed their attention towards her and attempted to lift their weapons and aim. She sighed.

“No longer out of vision,” she said, jumping off the railing and firing an arrow with a bulbous tip into the crowd who aimed at her. When she hit the ground and rolled forward, there was an explosion as the arrow hit the one in the center, leaving scraps on the ground and a number of faces facing her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by XxFellsingxX
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XxFellsingxX Your Own Portable Ninja Friend

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After a bit of aimless wandering, Kendra’s search for the HQ was interrupted when she started hearing a loud ruckus nearby, and a sudden burst of dizziness overcame her mind, accompanied by several flashing, ghostly images.

What the hell? she thought. The image was too chaotic for her to fully identify, but she knew that trouble was dead ahead... and that it may have been the trouble Wonder Woman had warned her about. Damn, I don’t even have time to change into my armour, she thought irritably as she pulled the hood of her dress up over her head. She ran towards the commotion.

It was not long before she saw the cause: the local police station and all the area around it had seemingly become a war zone, with a multitude of young meta-humans battling against a large army of cyborgs. Well, that’s not something you see everyday, Kendra thought. It seemed she had found her teammates. She reached into her bag and pulled out a strange metal cylinder. Hoisting her bag back over her shoulder, she held the cylinder out in front of her.

“ξυπνώ!” Kendra commanded, and the cylinder slowly began to change shape, becoming thinner and taller until it was no longer a simple metal cylinder, but a spear. Time to put my past year or so of training to the test, she thought before charging towards the cyborgs. Several turned towards her as she approached and raised their guns to fire. Kendra threw the spear at the closest one, which pierced its stomach and caused several sparks of electricity to fly from its ‘wound’. Kendra felt a fiery burst in her head, courtesy of one of her more ‘short-sighted’ visions, and rolled to the side just in time to avoid a few shots. She turned back to the cyborg she had stabbed, which was still moving slightly. “Tch,” Kendra scoffed before holding out her hand. “έρχομαι!” she called. The spear began to move slightly, as if it were alive, and tried to escape the cyborg’s body, though it had a little difficulty getting through. Eventually, it got loose and went flying to its master’s hand. Kendra caught it.

“Let’s try this again,” she muttered before charging at the damaged cyborg, using her ‘danger sense’ to guide her through the other cyborgs. Once she was close enough, she threw it at her target again, this time bringing offline for good. “έρχομαι!” she called her spear back to her once more before turning to the other cyborgs.

“So…” she said, getting into a fighting stance. “Who’s next, eh?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Push..." the original Ditto thought as his team was teleported to the White House in D.C.

"PUSH..." he thought again with green energy flickering in his eyes as his conscious surveyed the Star City PD situation linking attack strategies and numbers together for greater effect literally states away on the other coast.

In the Oval Office, it appeared the 'Madame President' was on vacation. Several fully automated security drones activated as the group went on the defensive. Shock ripped up a gun turret completely out of the wall with her electro-magnetism and took out several of the threats. “Some defense…”She mumbled with a smirk as the metal groaned.

Captain Marvel used the speed of Mercury and the strength of Hercules to take down several of the technology enhanced cyborg secret service agents as well as a larger cyborg threat similar to the small mech Robocop faced in classic films.

"Thrillseeker, scan the building and find out where Kendall's gone. She can't have gotten too far." the Flash instructed in a bolt of lightning also taking down several enemies.

"She's located 1500 feet below the White House in some sort of bunker also upgraded with tech. She seems to be preparing for the war hersel... AAAH!!!" Cal screamed out after scanning the building, one of the cyborgs getting a lucky shot off in one of the crevices of his armor.

"Vic! I need a Boom Tube out for one of ours, Cal needs medical attention NOW!" Ditto screamed into an ear piece as several dozen duplicates stormed through the building in pursuit of the robotic president below.

Ditto surfed the consciousness of his duplicates in both battles and after his eyes flickered green energy once again it seemed as if the original's conscious had been put into the body of a duplicate back in Star City. The confused hero looked around as new heroes seemed to emerge and then down at his hands and several Ditto duplicates in the battle with the SCPD stopped to look twice themselves cause even they knew that something was up. "Did I really just transfer my consciousness into one of my duplicates? I wonder if my ability to duplicate was also transferred into this body..." he thought answering his own question when a couple more Dittos came into the world with a flicker of green energy from his eyes.

"Push, Kilian. PUSH." the Carggite thought, surfing the hive mind and trying to find a duplicate close to Shock to transfer into, "Concentrate, currently there's thirty-two duplicates spread out between two separate battlefields. There...!"

The Boom Tube had already came and gone for Thrillseeker. Hopefully the injury wasn't too severe. The consciousness and duplication power of the original Kilian was now in another body roughly ten feet from Shock battling android secret service agents with his fists. Being able to lift and throw a small car was a big help when dealing with the androids and giant robot drones. The alien hero was literally pulling apart the robotic drones and giving Shock all the metal she needed to manipulate the surroundings and give several of her other teammates cover. The Flash was clearly stuck on pursuing the robotic President and was shocked to find her below donning a costume of her own.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
Avatar of An Outsider

An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Though he might seem an abomination to some, Fenrir always considered himself a being of nature. He preferred the icy northern wilderness of his birthplace to the hectic and claustrophobic cities that humanity insisted on raising. He would take a birdsong punctuated silence to that chaotic clamour that was passed of as music. Raw meat was the staple of his diet as opposed to meals tainted by preservatives and additives favoured by his peers. Even Star City, one of the few population centre's Fenrir had visited that had any modicum of respect for the natural world, stunk of the decay of humanity's forward progress, progress that seen them grow more and more out of touch with the world all around them.

These cyborgs were merely the latest insult, further proof of the corruption man was willing to visit upon itself and the world around him in a bid for further power. They had a look of one of Grannies enforcers to them, a monstrous mesh of man and machine that she referred to as 'The Tin Man', and as always anything that reminded the Wolfman of Granny sent him into a fearsome rage. He spent his anger on the metal legions of Kendall's forces, becoming a whirling dervish of destruction. No sooner had he despatched one foe before he started on the next, always moving, a constant dynamo of blood letting.

It wasn't entirely one sided though. The cyborgs were well trained and well armed, with a seemingly endless supply of reinforcements. For every officer that fell two more would leap in to fill the gap, fresh for the fight, while Fenrir was slowly but surely tiring. He still hadn't recovered fully from his fight with the League of Shadows, his reactions sluggy. Twice now he had narrowly avoided streams of plasma, attacks that he usually would have dodged with ease. It was only a matter of time until a more effective attack was scored against him. . .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DrewVonAwesome
Avatar of DrewVonAwesome

DrewVonAwesome I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Plastic Man didn't quite count on suddenly having to get into the White House instead of just showing up in the Oval Office like a confused tourist who's about to get tackled by security. 'And here I am without a camera...' Plastic Man thought to himself as he was with the group. Bumrushing the guard with giant hands turned mallets and maces. Finally he leapt up onto the chest of one. Using a hand very thinly stretched into a incredibly small opening Plastic Man got swung around pulling and tugging on the cyborg's inside parts. "Stop squirming this is an examination its science and crap!" Plastic Man called out, his voice swaying with his body's flowing motion. Finally feeling something important Plastic Man pulled hard. The cyborg officer's body suddenly no longer operational. "Yeah there's your problem..." Plastic Man noted as he slipped his hand out, noting the weird looking... he could only assume oil maybe? "Eww...." Looking around Plastic Man finally just wiped his hand non-gracefully on a nearby wall, just under a portrait of Andrew Jackson.

Even in all the chaos though Plastic Man knew he would be better off letting the others handle all the forces trying to stop them and getting to Flash to help with the president lady. While the battle went on Plastic Man slipped ahead, quietly sneaking through and avoiding any attention to himself. Either flattening himself against something to stay out of sight, or sneaking through smaller areas like a red and pinkish looking snake thing. Finally he was able to catch up to Flash but immediately had to stop himself. "Holy crap president lady is hot...." Plastic Man blurted aloud having stopped next to the older superhero brothern. "Okay I know we're here to stop you and all, but lady you have got a SWEET pair... just saying."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
Avatar of Omega Man

Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Washington D.C.

Coupled with Kilian's sheer force and strength, there were plenty of metallic pieces for Shock to magnetize and provide her team with shielding from the android secret service agent's gunfire. Electricity crackled in the air as her makeshift fortress formed in front of her feet. Gunfire and debris flew all over the Oval Office as well as the stairs leading to the bottom floor. The Flash was still all over the place trying to find something to break a telekinetic field produced by the now newly attired President, aka Tomorrow Woman. As more of the young heroes came into contact with the caped Tomorrow Woman, Plastic Man II stated the obvious...

"Okay I know we're here to stop you and all, but lady you have got a SWEET pair... just saying." the elastic young man bantered while stretching and dodging some debris thrown with the robot adversary's telekinesis.

The White House was soon turned into a war zone and after several robot goons were destroyed and some of the half android/half humans were deactivated the tide of battle slowly began shifting in the heroes' favor. Though Tomorrow Woman was built with telepathic abilities she would soon learn the team she faced was not as easy to manipulate as the secret service and other half machines. Unknown to her several of the more experienced Leaguers as well as heroes in the Young Justice program have been conditioned to block mental attacks. The team pressed on with the Flash still on point, and a few Dittos bringing up the rear throwing debris towards the android adversaries.

Back in Star City...

"What's happening? Somebody wanna' fill me in?" asked Apollo after firing off a solar energy arrow or two before landing behind several Dittos currently pushing up cars on their sides for better cover.

"Okay, so I knew about Plastic Man not really being dead, but this is getting out of hand..." one of the Ditto's commented before raising an eyebrow at several more arrows of unknown origin taking down several more of the corrupt robocops, "Apparently you're not the only archer in Star City anymore..."

A girl with a morphing weapon that was currently a spear hit the scene taking down a few enemies

“So…” she said, getting into a fighting stance. “Who’s next, eh?”

Green energy flickered in the eyes of one of the Dittos, after feeling a shift in the hive mind the original transferred his consciousness and duplication power back into another of his duplicates in Star City since they were more scattered and without the benefit of a Leaguer like the Flash at their side. He observed the situation, the Wolfman was losing steam, new heroes had hit the scene, and suddenly the alien turtle creature known as Brick was blasted with a large plasma cannon mounted on the arm of one of the androids. His corps fell over with the hole barely leaving any of his torso or armored shell.

"Hellfire, take that thing down!" Ditto screamed out as the black and orange clad vigilante blasted the machine with his black flames.

"Owlet! I need you to get into the station and see if there's any signs of life left in there. Unaltered officers, prisoners, you get the idea. See how many more of these things we may be up against..." Ditto said taking command, "Everybody else, give the lady some cover fire!"

"Nobody else dies tonight..." the Carggite thought charging forward to give his teammate Fenrir some backup in close quarters as Owlet infiltrated the police station.

"Whatever happened to you going beast mode like the guys in those Wolfman movies?" Ditto asked.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Exodus


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Beck was relieved. Everything was fine. "Alright. Thank you, sir."

His ride was a quiet one, thinking to himself the entire (though quick) trip. He made no effort to hide his grim feelings. The mission was serious, and he found the entire scenario deeply unsettling. That this had even happened in the first place. Unbelievable. He'd been toying idly with his mask as he often did en route to a mission when the police station came into view. He put the mask on, and took a deep breath. Time to go.

The fight itself was just as he expected. He was gliding around on platforms of ice (the cops seemed dangerous, and he didn't want to risk brawling with them even in ice-form), generally providing support to the other team members; freezing the cyborgs' feet to the ground, jamming their weapons, making them slide and tripping them up, the works. It was hard for him to be fully offensive in a large battle like this without running the risk of friendly fire, or killing. None of their attacks were really touching him, thanks to his watchful eye and agility. He moved his trail higher into the air for a better look at the scene, noting the several new faces that joined the fight, and almost skidded off it entirely when he saw one of the plasma cannons blast a large hole into Brick. The enemy wasn't hesitating. Frostbite was paralyzed.

"Jesus Christ..." he muttered, taking it in. Just then, a blast from below soared a few inches to his left, which he barely avoided. That snapped his attention back to where it needed to be. Now was the time for action, the fallen would have to come later. He watched Hellfire take the killer down, which eased his mind somewhat. One of the Dittos below shouted something, but Frostbite only caught the end.

"... Give the lady some cover fire!"

'Will do.' he thought to himself as he glided over, trailing Owlet's path and giving her cover as ordered. He was definitely going to need to think about things later, he decided. Assuming he made it through the ordeal in the first place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by riurik

riurik Fighting evil, so you don't have to

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“I warned you that Cal would be the first to fall.” Nabu’s voice seemed particularly patronizing today. “And if you continue to refuse my help, he will certainly not be the last. That terrapin alien will be next.”

[i]Just like you said that you were the only way to cure the poison?
Phil shot back as he blasted a charging cyborg.

“I am not privy to the secrets of the Batman,” Nabu stated, brushing the rebuff aside. “Visions, however, do not lie.”

In his mind’s eye, Phil could see the Star City Police Department, its bionic officers besieged by the young heroes, with a few new faces, one of which had a striking resemblance to the fallen Apollo. The team was grinding their way through the defenses at a slow, painful rate. No one was unscathed, and victory was not assured. As Phil watched, Brick was mostly disintigrated by plasma fire.

"Do you believe me yet or do more of your friends have to die?" Nabu said without a shred of sympathy in his voice.

Back at the White House, the President finally made her apperance on the battlefield. The telekinetic might of the android managed to keep the Flash at bay as well as several pieces of debris and metal thrown by the Dittos and Shock. Plastic Man tried getting in close as well but the field was strong around the former president of the United States. At some point the Tomorrow Woman began throwing her own army at the young heroes and the fastest man alive but for the most part the heroes defended themselves breathtakingly avoiding near miss attacks. The new Captain Marvel was sent flying across the city with a wave of tk energy from the android adversary.

"No you don't!" Orbit was working on two things at once- she was providing cover for her teammates with her own telekinetic shields, and she was trying to calculate some kind of weakness, some kind of way in toward the First Lady-bot. She saw Captain Marvel shoot by from the corner of her eye, and without thinking, reduced the strength of her own shield, and formed a concave barrier that would act like a net. The curve of it would hopefully stop him from having a hard impact.

"Your team is too weak." Nabu noted with distain as Captain Marvel hurdled past Phil, his crash landing lessened by Orbit's efforts. "You all will not survive this encounter without my help; this leader is too strong. For the sake of your teammate's lives, set aside your own hubris, your reservations and selfish desires. Is your petty pride and moral high ground worth the cost of your friends' lives?"

Phil looked across the National Lawn at his friends. Orbit. Ditto. Shock. Plas. Captain Marvel picked himself up out of the small crater his impact had made. The Flash streaked by.

And Tomorrow Woman sent another telekinetic barrage at the team. Phil's team. His friends.

I know what I must do, Phil thought, putting on a grim face. Under the cover of Orbit's shield, he removed the Helm of Fate from his bag. Lifting it high, he put it on his head. That was the last thing Phil remembered of the battle.

~~with KL and Dizzy~~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Siti


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

It seemed to Shade that no matter how many of these cyborgs she killed, there were always more, and since she was running out of arrows, it was a big problem. She fired off a standard arrow, which pierced the casing of the cyborg nearest her with a loud sound. It made some erratic movements, before its legs locked up and it fell over. Shade dashed over to it and pulled the arrow from its body. I cannot continue doing this alone, she thought to herself, thinking of Black Canary's order to not engage any metahumans or their compatriots. A bolt of plasma whizzed past her head, making her face tingle. She turned to see the cyborg who fired the shot taking aim again. She dropped to the asphalt as another blast of plasma jetted through where she just stood. Using her arms and her acrobatics, she bounded up into the air and landed on her feet a meter back and waved at the cyborg, to which the machine responded with more plasma fire.

Shade darted out of the way, causing the plasma to strike two cyborgs behind her. She bolted towards the commotion where she'd seen the other heroes arrive, cutting hydraulic ligaments in the legs of cyborgs as she went with her blade. A liquid squirted out from the ligament tubing and they fell down behind her, trying to get themselves back up with little avail.

"Which of you is the commandant?" Shade asked the group of heroes, moving with them as they provided covering fire for one of the others. She fired off another two arrows into cyborgs, before she decided to feel the arrows left in her quiver and realizing she only had five left. If she wasn't careful, this fight would prove to be much more exciting than she'd initially intended.

"Sad jojokhet'shi…?" she muttered, seeing the grotesque form of what the heroes were calling Brick. This was definitely not what she was expecting her first time out.
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