Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by phantori


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Who was this? Another new person? Well, whatever. I was still a little shocked (pun not intended) by, um... "Lucky's" and "Blade's" antics, but glad I didn't have to fight anymore. So I.....oh....

There was that red light again, and before I knew it I was falling, feeling lighter but heavier at the same time, and then everything faded and I didn't care anymore.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex carefully hefted both of the electrical subjects before striding to the door. "Shall we traverse the dark and get ourselves out of here? I can find us all food once we are in the wilderness. Might need some help with that though. Body is getting fatigued quickly." He awaited 066's response. His own would be to take Six and Shin and get out, finding his way for them, but he knew that the others deserved the same escape and thus wanted to be around to help protect.

Vigdis, meanwhile, started to peek around the corner to watch. She was rather intently scrutinizing the group, assessing obvious strengths and weaknesses, determining how best to slip out with them and maintain stealth. Things did not look good as she noticed Alex's rather developed survival skills. She likely wouldn't escape his notice for long and she worried about his intentions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Six could hear the gargled moans of men dying by choking on their own blood. The screams of someone dying, a small but noticeable explosion. Oofs and cries as flesh hit flesh. Bullets fired. Something that sounded like a hundred bumble bees buzzing at once. Then the smell of burned flesh. Work with her, she needs some fun. I have to help the others! came gargoyle’s voice. Six frowned slightly, not thinking any of this gore one bit fun, but understood he was simply wanting Shin to let her help, before 080’s footsteps headed away. Hey let’s get the fuck outta here! came another voice followed by a sickening pop. She cringed, but then felt a nudge to her elbow by Shin. Six, four of them right in front of you. Feel free to take a hit at ‘em. Doesn’t look like any of their buddies are coming to help, ne? he had an interesting accent. She shrugged it off though and opened her eyes while looking straight ahead, trusting Shin’s judgment. Four men in her line of vision screamed for a brief second before being sliced in half and falling in a heap. She closed her eyes again and looked up at Shin, as if to ask if she did well. But then she just felt his grip and how he started moving. She followed naturally, hearing Shin start questioning someone new to the group apparently. She felt a bit bad she couldn’t properly greet anyone, so her brow furrowed slightly, just staying quiet as she was hopefully being led out of this awful place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[ Subject 097 ]

I stood stiff and vigilant, yearning for a response as all I could hear was random movements and pointless talk, as if some were actually disconnected. When there would be people moving about and I could actually see them, they barely took notice of my at first, which was really strange given what they've been through, I'd expect more pre-PTSD-like reactions in fear of being shot down at the last second. Well, whatever, it started off with some shirtless guy who would probably not live very long if he kept what he was doing, which was rush in and only taking notice of the new girl afterward. My expression remained blank toward him, not that I was judging him in other grounds, but I didn't have a good vibe come from him. Following that, some bright laser thing destroyed what seemed to be the remaining soldiers in the nearby vicinity, what a show I suppose. Then came a guy who had the marvelous power of illuminating the whole place with bizarre, blue flames, which allowed me to pretty much acknowledge everyone nearby. I still stood my ground, up straight and only my eyes, occasionally my head, turning to check the details. There were two people completely wasted, probably the artists of the show that just occurred, another very careless guy helping them and totally gave me an opportunity to shoot the three, and finally a guy holding the hand of a girl who kept her eyes closed. There may have been more, but my mind could only acknowledge so much in a few seconds.

The shirtless guy addressed me first, asking who I was, but not long after the other young man holding the teen's hand commented on my arrival and pretty much asked me who I was all the while adding the word 'kiddo' in it. My left eyebrow rose a bit, was he serious? In a way he wasn't WRONG considering my appearance, but wow these guys really wanted to get killed if I were some nasty bad girl wanting to keep them contained.Whatever, as long as they were in my reach I didn't risk anything and vice-versa if they didn't want to go at me.

"Kiddo? Really? You are waaaayyyyy too young to be calling me that, boy."

I teased the guy, showing these people I wasn't JUST some kid, but someone with a personality who didn't enjoy screwing around when tensions were in the air. My arms were crossed, showing that I didn't feel threatened once I saw just how they were behaving and their current condition. My attention had turned slightly to the young girl holding the man's hand, why was she being babysitted by this guy? Boyfriend? Nah, not with the isolation and the memory crush we got. Sibling? They don't look the same. Barely had any matching traits at all. I could only assume they were circumstantial friends and seeing as her eyes never seemed to open, I could guess she needed help for the moment. Nonetheless, I was careful, who knows what kind of twisted freak could be taking advantage of one another. Maybe he was the dangerous one, or she was. Eh, I'm too paranoid, but hey I try to avoid getting close to people when soldiers try to shoot me, you know?

"Tch, well I'd like to give you a name but I'm afraid I don't have one specific... I suppose my cell number was 097, is that good enough?"

I pretty much answered to both these men, of course I had one name floating in my mind right now, but I did not know what it truly meant. Was it my name? I don't know, but I always had this weird emotional reaction each time it crossed my mind, as if it was something I was used to repeating and held a lot of memories. Fiorella. Beats being called a number, but why would I care of the way I'm being called by strangers? Mutant strangers no less. Well all this didn't matter, as I turned toward the direction the guards were blocking en mass.

"Name citing aside, I'm guessing we gotta go up, huh? I mean if you guys wanna stay around here and talk about how great the fireworks were, I'm totally swell with that, but I'm getting out in one minute no matter the alternative, so....~"

I warned them pretty much to get a move on, as of course I would probably leave if they kept sticking in the same place. But deep in my head I knew it would pain me to do this all solo. It would suck and it's been so long since I've had the opportunity to talk with people, plus there was a girl in the lot! This could be promising. I turned my body so my head could stare at the door this Bone guy previously opened. He whined about finding an elevator, probably in reaction to stairs or whatever. I let these fine people lead the dance, at least until they would reach a snail pace.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As soon as the newcomer opened her mouth, Alex could tell he likely wouldn't get along too well with her. She was acting like she was superior in skills to them all when really she was just acting like a small child. He turned to the small group before speaking in quite the smooth voice. "Let's go. I am tired of this place. Grab the little girl and bring her along. If she causes a problem, we will deal with her." To the greater group at large, he raised his voice to just below a yell. "Alright, people, follow me!"

With that, he began his trek up the stairs, figuring leading by example may get things going. He was growing weary quickly and he needed a lot of food to replenish all the lost lipids. He also had to try and find food for the whole group and get them workable shelter. Alex would need the prisoners to help him with the shelter.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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Bone scans the room when the gargoyle goes into the stair well. He notices the red head that the wolf boy had brought passed out. He jogs over to her, 'Well, can't leave her here...' He then notices the bodies around her '...Holy shit. I must have missed her power.' He then scoops her up and walks to the stair well. "For the record, I think we're walking into a trap." Bone says semi pessimistic as he scales the stairs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It was only a few moments after the soldiers had been finished off that Jalo returned to his natural state of mind. He had reached the point of over exerting himself, he looked like he was barely able to stand upright. It certainly was a sight to come back to - countless charred, decapitated, crushed, and mauled bodies, barely visible in the dim glow. It was awful, and 027 had never wanted to do this; hurting people was something he wanted no part of. And it made him sick to think that he was responsible for some of the deaths of the people just trying to do their jobs. There was still hope that 066 was right, and that was most of the soldiers, if not all of them, in the facility. He heard people talking, but it sounded like nothing more than mutters to him, but it seemed there was a new mutant in the group. Hearing how she spoke, he gave her a weary look. The last thing they needed was trouble amongst themselves. Suddenly, they were moving, and the only thing that kept Jalo moving was that he was somewhat in the middle of the crowd still. He tried to think about the situation he was in but it required too much energy, so he stuck to blindly following everyone. Did he even recognize the one leading the group? Hopefully he was onto something good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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Skylar didn't know what was happening, everything was going so fast. The guards, the electricity, Red turning into a...boy?! Skylar was so confused, He just knew he had to stay from, being killed. He sliced at a few more guards. Then it was over...for now, thanks to the gang, of...superheroes, and one SUPER WOLF! He noticed, that some new girl, was following them? She sure was mean, Skylar snorted at her, he didn't like her attitude, at all. For now he would let it go. He just needed to get out of here, and he needed everyone to stay safe. "Yeah everyone we should go now, before more...of them...*Growl* come!" Skylar was getting better at this whole, talking human thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Having watched Six take her shot at the four he let out an impressed whistle, now that was certainly very handy. "Nice shot~" Came the only quick reply, with the usual lilting tone. Although he did make a mental note not to annoy the female beside him, she might just decide to blast him to bits while he slept, now wouldn't that be lovely and painful? Ouch. The comment that the lithe male got back from the newcomer wasn't overly shocking, far far more amusing than anything else. She was trying something like that in a place like this, seriously? Despite hearing the teasing tone, that still didn't change the situation they were all in. Sure three could guess her age by appearance alone, and he supposed he would mostly be right give or take a few years perhaps, but he quickly saw that others were reacting even less warmly to the comments made by Ninety Seven than he was. Well that wasn't good. "Boy huh? I didn't realize a what, twelve year old girl was classified as being an adult these days. Besides kid I'll call you whatever I feel like until ya start acting your age, which isn't all that old judging by your attitude." His tone was teasing and dripping with sarcastic wit. They didn't have time for this, although Three supposed it did make a change from the normal shouting. Huh. Regardless he knew trying to find something like an elevator out would take too long, but did no one ever think of checking these stairs? Apparently not. He would have, if not for Six being quite so reliant on him at the moment, so for the time being other than his remark to Ninety Seven, he kept quiet and lead Six along only a step or two behind him. If they all wanted out of this hell hole, which he certainly did, they better start moving forward. Hadn't they? "If ya just all stand there, you'll get stuck here ya know!" Three called out to those who were trailing behind as they started to move, if someone didn't tell them, well they'd all end up back in a cell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

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As the group eventually started to work together once more, now with one or two new members..., they started to climb the stairs.

066 thought it better to check up one floor at a time, they did not know how many there were and where an exit could be so sweeping trough it all sounded like the best gamble, perhaps he could find a computer or something...

The second floor was quite in all ways and the lights were on, indicating that only the lower floor was downed, something 066 was cursing in his mind, this would mean that any traps and stationary guns would still be working perfectly.
Soon they all found this to be true, still with all the members present it was not hard to get past the damned automatic guns and continue trough the building.
A small hope was build that with more stationary guns, the closer they were to an exit...

It was not after halve an hour that the group found them self back to the stairs after having run a circle.
It was clear that the place was build in a way that if someone would escape or break in, the place would be a maze, giving rise to false hope and tire them out so that eventually the guns would take them down, non the less it was clear as daylight that it was not made to prevent a mass escape as this, the guns possessed little danger and those that took a few down could rest in between.
Of course they did come across some soldiers here and there, but as said before, this installation was meant to tire one escapee out, never for this mass that worked together much better then the higher ups had guessed.
It was funny how one common goal could unite such different characters, even the unsocial ones fitted in rather well as the escape went on.

on the 3e floor 066 found something he was hoping for, a single computer.
He asked 080 to bring him to the computer and quickly guided his mind into it, downloading multiple files, including a map of the compound.

From here on 080 would lead the group under 066's command towards the one and apparently only exit.

As expected the exit was guarded pretty heavenly, mostly but soldiers with automatic weapons and flame throwers, also a large amount of stationary guns, but once they would get pass this, they were home free and they all knew it.
The enemy group was only 15% the size of the first group and that was guessing it at the highest number, but they were pretty heavenly armed and the stationary guns added 10% to the number of dangers.

A fight broke out once more...
066 under 080's protection hacked a gun and started to control the thing, which was kinda fun in a way, not the killing part, but feeling like some kind of robot or sentient tank, it felt fun like that.

And then it was there, the exit, the door to... the dessert.......

A few cursed, a few celebrated and 066 was finally able to start standing on his own feet once more.
"were not in the clear yet people, the building is still behind us, so we better get moving ASAP"

The group then started to walk and roam the dessert, taking down some jeeps and helicopters until they entered a forest.
it took them a week or so but in the forest they were finally free....

(all feel free to fill in what you all did up till then and what you guys start doing once were in the forest, which I guess will be our future home XD)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Charlie


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(Assume that Red is walking on her own)

Bone now heaving due to his adrenaline rush coming down. "Are we... Home free yet?" He says mouth dry, Bones slightly bleached by the sun, holding himself up with a claw on a tree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[ Subject 097 ]

No way did he just do that. I mean, I can admit that I'm being pretty kid-like, but at least I look like a kid! This guy was acting as if he was some Japanese Sage who knew better when it came to maturity. I really wanted to start some kind of flame war, just to assert myself as the type that doesn't get pushed around by random burly men or typical nagging women. But as I realized through the dim flames that man created that the rest were looking as me as if I had done something similar to a pariah, I decided to shut it. He wanted me to act my "age", I'd do exactly the opposite. What do twelve your olds do when they're annoyed? They bitch, well I'm not giving him that pleasure. My mouth remained shut and I simply followed the group while remaining somewhat incognito regarding my powers and my presence in general. It wasn't too hard, I was short and looked like the average Jane Jr. There were many explosions, the de-facto leader there seemed to be handling the situation quite well without, so I played it cool, behind everyone else. I saved their behinds once, the least they could do is get us all out of here in one piece.

So we finally made it, outside, and it was pretty damn hot. I'd usually moan a couple of complaints because desert-like heat was just really bad, but the air of freedom simply overwhelmed me. I almost forgot we were escaping until Mister Asian Leader brought at least me back to earth. We weren't in the clear, and we kept moving forward, or somewhere. Ugh, it still felt like I was back inside in the end, the fresh air was quickly compensated by the choking heat. Well anyway, I turned my head a bit as we were proceeding to look at the girl who kept her eyes shut and was overly reliant on the wise guy I had a little moment with. A lot of people here looked weird and had bizarre traits that made it obvious they had some kind of power, but her eyes staying shut, what could that mean? I remember seeing some hardcore laser coming from their direction earlier, but was that REALLY her? That would be pretty cool.

"So uhm, why can't you open your eyes? I know blind people can and I can see you have eyeballs so... Is it post-escaping-a-psychotic-base syndrome or are your eyes like Superman's?"

Superman, that was a reference I wasn't even sure where I got it. My memory was gone, yet such trivial facts about the world such as language slurs and general knowledge stayed. I could remember city names, some celebrities, languages, but nothing personal or that would indicate who or what I am. Either way, this girl peeked my interest, not that no one else did, but she was one of the only girls around and I at least got to go hand in hand with her whatever he is that's holding her. I suppose I felt "close" to them, despite the kind of relationship I may have established. Relationship, I haven't had one of those since I can remember. I may be craving for attention but I at least wanted to feel like I wasn't some ghost either. Nonetheless, I knew it wouldn't be wise to get too close, even out of this hell. One of us could get shot down in a second and boohoo, crying party. I don't want to be a part of those.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lotrix Molick
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Lotrix Molick

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alex was busy carrying two two subjects on his shoulders until they could walk on their own. The few traps and positions they encountered led to him interjecting himself a few more times to protect the group, but these things barely even scratched him compared to what the rocket did to his upper body. When both could walk, he started scouting ahead. As the group reached a new area, there were often a few corpses where he had assassinated them as he surveyed the area. He led them around traps or had already disabled the guns. Eventually, they reached the outside world. He still never once relaxed. He kept scouting and checking perimeters. He took note of survival items and began gathering food and plants of water from the desert as they traveled. In the forest, he stopped the group and started to set up a fire pit. He began to ask some of the capable survivors to build shelters while he got the prickly pears cooking so they could get some nutrition.

Valdis followed the group, intentionally lagging behind and out of sight. She would take time whenever they were delayed to observe and seek out who she might get along with. She also calculated what she expected might be a good way to eventually introduce herself. As the group left the building, she followed, keeping quiet and avoiding casual observance. She saw a man scouting around. He seemed to be stone-like and she knew he saw her. Since she made no attempts to act hostile, he simply kept an eye on her and expanded his route to be within range to run to her. She recognized his tactical decision and even somewhat respected him for it. She didn't have to make her presence known, he simply determined she was one of them and moved to possibly cover her if danger comes along. He also respected her desire to not be noticed and never once mentioned to their de facto leader that she was following. Curious. He might actually be the one I track down and contact. Might be a couple others I might talk to prior to making myself fully known, but his discretion is admirable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Six listened as a feminine voice seemed rather crass, making her frown. 097… well, she was a peach wasn’t she? Six shook her head, sighing and feeling a bit of hesitation when a male voice said something about a trap. Were there even more soldiers where they were headed? What was indeed their best option? Hopefully whoever was leading them had an idea. She looked up when she heard Shin say Nice shot, blushing softly and smiling as she assumed it was for her. Oh so 097 had called Shin boy? How silly. And she was about 12? It was all blurring in her mind who was who and how to picture them in her mind. Shaking her head, she simply followed, holding onto Shin’s hand until a different air hit her face. It was fresh. Dewy even. It was not the filtered yet stale air of the facility. Were they outside? Before she could ask, 097’s voice hit her ears again, asking if she couldn’t open her eyes. Her cheeks burn red and she might have hid a tad behind Shin’s arm, throat dry before she shook her head.

”No, I can’t open them. Unless you’d like me to melt your face down into your shirt. Or dress. Or whatever you’re wearing,” Six mumbled softly, feeling as if her abilities were questioned by the girl. Like her inability to control the kinetic blasts were all in her mind. Of course, it most likely wasn’t the intention of the question, and she was just thrown off by the tone used.

”Where are we exactly?” she finally asked quietly, looking confused, the question at no one in particular.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YuukiSuzuki


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The route out after that wasn't an easy one, more traps, a few guards and more stationary guns that tried to destroy all of them before anyone could get closer to escaping, but they were already almost there so what was the rush in trying to get out now? It would take quite a while at least a few days, Three assumed, before reinforcements could arrive for these morons and by that point they'd all be long gone. Still, after having spoken, he didn't fail to notice the blush from Six, was she really that shy? Aw. It was almost cute in a strange way. Almost. The look of almost embarrassment yet shy happiness caused a light chuckle from the elder male at the reaction. Listening briefly the elder had expected some kind comeback from Ninety Seven, and to get none was both good and bad in his view. Good in the fact that she might, just might be listening to him. Yet bad in the respect that he'd have to watch out for any future actions, no matter how little. Still, at the current moment their focus was getting the heck out of here. The fight they found just before the exit was a hard one, but with a stationary gun under their control, things went quite smoothly after that. Despite being nearly exhausted power wise, the tall male kept on going, slicing one solider's head straight apart from his shoulders. How fun that was.

As they finally made their way out of that godforsaken hell hole, the heat that followed hit him like a ton of bricks. Literally. Sure, he was used to heat from his powers, but this sudden spike in temperature was insane. But Three soon found out that he wasn't the only one feeling the effects, watching as others suddenly seemed more tired than before. Well... a desert did that to you, that and possibly kill you, but hey he wasn't a pessimist so no need to start worrying over something that hadn't happened to anyone yet, and he hoped it wouldn't at all. Hearing the rather silly question come from Ninety Seven not long after they had started walking forward, even without looking the silver haired male felt the slightest of movement beside him, as if someone was trying to hide from something.... or someone. Only after glancing downwards did he see Six just standing slightly behind his arm, as if hiding while she gave her answer. Understandable after all, but even so. Was this really the time to be doing that? Geez. Three raised an eyebrow towards the as he called twelve looking female, wondering just why she had chosen now. While also increasing his grip on Six's hand to reassure her, if they all intended to get along questions like that wouldn't help. As they kept on going through the blistering heat, Three wasn't stupid enough that he didn't notice, he certainly did. Noticing a female a decent way back from the rest of the group, he became somewhat curious, perhaps she was just waiting for the right moment. Even so, despite catching her looking at him, and he looking back a few times, the elder remained silent for the time being. The question brought up by Six was quickly answered by Shin, even as they all trudged through this endless sandy sea. "A desert Six, it's why we've been movin' so slowly. Kind of tiring ya know?" The joke was made lightly considering the situation, but at times like this there wasn't much else to be upbeat about.

A week had soon passed the entire group by, now having reached a forest area early this morning, by now it was already midday and they were still setting up what they could. Well, they could all rest here for a few days at least. Seeing everyone working, once again he saw some strange things. Eighty seemed to be keeping an eye on Six more than the others, although he always kept the young girl within his sight most of the time, just to be safe. With her being blind, it would be trouble to suddenly loose her and end up having to go look around, not to mention she might struggle on her own. Still, now sitting with Six on a log that had simply been left before they had moved it into the clearing, he squeezed her hand in his grip to gain her attention before speaking. "Just gonna go and help out, otherwise we'll be here all night. Stay there, 'kay?" The tall male asked kindly before letting go of the young girl and standing, moving away from her and past Eighty, he had no idea what he might want, supposedly to talk to Six, well he wasn't going to interfere with that. Still, he put the thought to one side, moving to help the others who had the energy to help build some shelter for them, not that he'd mind even sleeping up in the treetops, but hey, not everyone else was like that. Ah well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by sheeplon
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sheeplon Living Sludge

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Most of the stray soldiers were being taken care of by the ones in the front line, which Jalo appreciated. It gave him a chance to compose himself again, at least for a few moments. Then they all reached the end, and though there wasn't a sea of soldiers this time, the automatic weapons and flamethrowers made it more challenging for him to concentrate. He still stayed on the defensive with blocking the soldiers' attacks, and when he could, he would ruin a stationary gun or two. By the end of it, his migraine as overwhelming and he had overexerted himself. If it wasn't for the fresh air he felt hit his face and his lungs, he wouldn't have even noticed they reached the outside. He couldn't hear what the leader had to say, but felt the others starting to move, and did so as well.

By the time the week was over and they reached the forest, Jalo's migraine went away and he had managed to stabilize himself, working out a pattern of when and how to use his ability. Always being a follower, he was grateful there were natural leaders in the group and they were giving exact instructions. He hadn't spoken a word since they were in the compound - Nobody talked to him much, and the few times they did it was a yes or no question. For him, it felt strangely nice to not have to. Talking was a source of anxiety for 027, since even the scientists back at the base would have to record what he said and play it backwards. Maybe he would get lucky, and be like one of the people who didn't talk for so long they simply forgot how to. Or maybe it was a problem in his mind that would never go away, and he would just always speak like this. His thoughts getting out of hand, Jalo shook his head, clearing his mind and focusing more on his work. Not having to use physical labor to put up the shelters, it went quicker for him than it was going for some of the others. Still, the help was appreciated.
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