Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


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Atticus Fowler and Codi Bailey

Codi nodded in understanding as she looked up at Dr. Olin, her face showing a mix of the general respect a student would have for her teacher, along with confusion at witnessing what appeared to be a woman clinging to his back. The woman was blushing brightly, and whispering in Dr. Olin’s ear, clearly infatuated, although Codi thought Dr. Olin looked uneasy about it, although why was uncertain. She didn’t exactly want to know, because any sort of decidedly ‘infatuated’ behavior in public made her highly uncomfortable. She had also never been in any romantic relationships, and therefore, did not understand anything about them. She also had the sense that she was seeing something that probably should have been kept private, although she had no idea what the woman was saying.

Codi, unsure of how to properly interact in this situation, tried to remain calm, and not hurt Dr. Olin’s feelings by saying something about it. He seemed like a nice person, and he was a chemistry teacher, so no doubt, he might share her love of science. Instead of addressing the presence of the woman, she tried to smile, instead, attempting to respond to only the wisdom of the teacher, “Thank you, Dr. Olin. I think I’ll play Capture the Flag, though. It sounds like fun, and I don’t think I’ve ever played it before, although I know the rules.” She then turned to Atticus, “Let’s go talk to some more people,” She said, exactly following what was suggested.

Atticus showed no visible reaction to the woman who had jumped onto Dr. Olin’s back, although inwardly, he felt that it was a bit crazy for a person to do such things in public. He didn’t let that show, however, and he wasn’t about to judge anyone based on one odd turn of events. He nodded at Dr. Olin, to show respect, and that he didn’t feel too confused by it, before looking at Codi, “Alright, then, I was actually already planning on joining Capture the Flag, but you’re right that we should probably talk to some more people.” He tilted his head to one side, “Just lead the way, you’re better at introductions than I am.”

With this, Codi and Atticus walked away, looking around for more people who happened to be idling about that they could talk to, or hopefully, show that they were open to conversation, and wouldn’t mind being approached by someone else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

:: Daniel Filson ::

Before the girl could reach over and take the rose, a powerful gust of wind knocked it out of his hand.

"I regretfully have to inform you that this is no time for romantics, Filson." the instructor's stern voice said. If glares could kill, Danny would probably be lying dead and bleeding on the floor right now.

Gee, someone's got a stick up the arse...

The girl he'd been giving the rose to gave him a falsely pouty look followed by a playful wink. He responded by flashing her with a wide, disarming grin, and elected not to press the matter with the teacher further. He was here for learning, after all. Besides, he would have plenty of time to socialize with the other students later.

The serious kid who'd followed them to the front also introduced himself. "Matthew Detmer or Evans, complete arsenal Omnikinetic, currently in possession of Biokinesis". Danny could tell just from looking at him that he was going to be a real barrel of laughs, just like the the teacher. From the little grocery list of power classifications he'd just recited, he was guessing that messing with him was probably a bad idea, given his demeanor so far. It wouldn't surprise him in the slightest if he turned out to be the level ten in the class.

They were also joined by another tough looking boy with attitude, Zackary King, a telekinetic, and a chick who looked about as close as you could possibly get to a real life vampire. Creepy. He didn't really concentrate on them too much, however, as he suddenly found himself entranced by the third new arrival, a stunningly beautiful young woman, whom he greeted with an uncharacteristically nervous smile.

Why the hell am I acting like this all the sudden? he asked himself, feeling slightly confused. He normally never lost his cool in situations like these. However, inexplicably, this girl just made him feel like a twelve year old with a first crush all over again, for some reason. Enraptured by her beauty as he was, he almost didn't catch her name when she introduced herself. Christine Shawly... Or something like that, anyway... It was really, really hard to pay attention with her around for some reason... Come on man, pull yourself together! This isn't pre-school. Stop making a fool of yourself!

He shook it off and managed to regain his composure. Powers... Training... Right! The instructor quickly checked their names on a list, then adressed them one after the other.

"Yes, dimensional storage. You've demonstrated it well enough for me to get some information on it." he told him with a somewhat dismissive tone of voice. "What is the largest object you've stored? And by that extent, can you summon the largest object you have in your possession?"

Letting go of his easy going pretty-boy persona for a moment, he answered seriously:

"A small wooden cupboard. About forty centimeters wide, if I were to guess. I can't really pull it out at the moment, though, it's way too big to fit through my pockets. I can't really make holes that big yet anyway... It's a bit complicated."

He moved out of the way as Adam activated targets for Matthew to demonstrate his aerokinetic abilities on. After about ten seconds of concentration, he was able to make them shift them over, although with nowhere near as much finesse as Mr. Blackmore had displayed. Still very good for what was presumably a first try. Grumpy seemed to think otherwise, however, and his face twisted with so much distaste and frustration that you'd think he just realized the steak he'd been eating was once his dog or something. Yeah, probably a good idea to steer clear of that one...

As Adam turned his attention to Christine, the girl he'd given the rose to earlier introduced herself as Aislin Rose. Funny... he grinned at the coincidence. Apparently she had a power that had something to do with, in her own words, "making environments come to life". That really piqued his interest, and really made him wonder what she meant by that. Did she have a plant based power or something? It would be quite amusing if she did, given her name...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zack and Vespera

Okay, so this old guy wasn't going to step to do anything until he did. A little disappointing, but Zack would roll with it. Not like he had much of another choice. When Matt finished up his display with wind, he caused a plastic orb to pop out of his utility belt. Holding out his hand and splaying his fingers he had it slither between each of them. "I could show you more, but what I'm really interested is hitting things directly." Just in case he needed to see that as well he held onto the ball loosely then smacked it with direct force and sent it flying a few feet before catching it and bringing it back again. What the others could do he was beginning to care less about. So far they had more simplistic abilities, or weren't very skilled. Didn't meant he felt like a hot shot either. This whole thing was stupid, something that should have been done behind closed doors. Then somebody new came and drowned out the feeling he had previously. This new girl was pretty wow, that was all he could parallel her to. Unlike the others he was very much interested in who Kristen was and what she could do. I bet she has a great ability. His thinking was way off, and like with the earlier sensation he didn't even notice it.

Vespera watched the proceedings focusing on Matt and Zack. Those two were the threats among this group. So far she had learned a little of what they could do, and she wasn't planning on looking away. There were actually a few things she herself wanted to improve upon under Adam's guidance. She created a small strand of blackness between her finger and thumb. Then in her other hand she made a small rod and started pressing and tapping it against the cord. Now that she was demonstrating something it would be a matter of time before she got her window of training. What she was doing was nothing that seemed impressive for her level of skill, however Adam would catch on that there was something else at play. Some of the times she stuck the solidified shadow she felt a trace amount of feedback on her end. A minute sensation from something striking it with her being in direct contact with it. "Well Mr. Blackmoore, you can see how this all works. Tell me whether it gets strong or weaker." The link shortened ever so slightly, this time when she stuck it it sent a tiny increase in results. Then she lengthened it more than before and did the same thing with diminished return. She wasn't attuned enough to feel the difference herself, but she had a feeling what he'd say. Which unfortunately meant she had a long ways to go before being able to feel vibrations in larger webs remotely.

A strong batch of human pheromones began stifle her own. The source of which seemed to be a new student. Vespera felt the affects right off the bat, and she battled them with tooth and nail. For starters she was aware of it and less susceptible. After stepping away and turning up her own production in response she felt their influence subside. She let out a low hiss and stared Kristen down. Then she observed the affect she was having on the other participants. This might actually turn out to be more interesting than I thought. Warily she resumed her form of practice as if nothing was wrong.

Karlie Davis

There was a momentary look of dumbfoundment on Karlie's face. Since when has she ever wanted to do anything like this? She smiled almost big enough to make up for the fact that Shannon looked like she would rather be else where. Oh, so she was afraid to ask? How silly. "Ooh, really? I'm sure we can do all kinds of stuff! So what did you have in mind?" The duffle bag and portable curtain were dropped before the two. "I got all sorts of crazy stuff in here, but I'm sure somebody like yourself could do even better!" The first thing she grabbed out of her stash was a pair of butterfly wings. It was the more delicate costumes, with parts like those that gave her the best abilities. "You know, I've begun to realize that I should be be able to cosplay fictional characters. Seems like a surefire way to get a good set of powers, though I doubt some of them would be as stong as the real thing or I guess fake thing." At this she chuckled a little. "That's something we could try! So what's your guys's favorite characters?" This would of course only work if Shannon was actually willing to use her magic. Karlie would go online to order several costumes and a ton of supplies to be brought in on the next boat regardless of the outcome. Still she was rather hopeful to give it a go sooner rather than later.

Poppy Flanagan

With that weight taken off her chest Poppy felt better. "Oh, okay." Talking to the teacher one on one seemed a lot better than getting up there with everyone else and having nothing to show. Of course she didn't want to show anyone anyways. "I'd like that, if that's what you guys were going to do already." She was feeling much better about things. Maybe Adam will have it all figured out. I don't want to be monster. Dwelling on it was going to do nothing other than get herself worked up again so she pushed it to the back on her mind. "Thank's you two. I don't know how I'd be handling all this alone." Looking up on stage she saw people doing various things that normal people couldn't. Her eyes then wandered to the sparing pits and she was glad that she peer into them form their current location. "So what happens after class? When were done talking to Adam." This was something she hadn't thought about and she hadn't thought about before, thankfully she brought it up before they ended up going their separate ways. The last thing she wanted was to be left to fend for herself in this unfamiliar environment.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam Leo Blackmore.

Adam wasn't particularly impressed with Matt's display, but it was certainly a start. He displayed enough ability to move the targets. "That was not disappointing. I am not looking for flashy displays of power." That was true. Plenty of times he ran into the flashy jackass who expended all of his power in one attack, and for what? To show off? "You are on the right track. Attempt practicing more fluid motions when you control air. Observe." He spun his hands around in circles in front of himself, his motion was careful. Instead of summoning a wave of air to move the targets, he manipulated the air around them, and caused them to spin in a more controlled manner. He stopped and the air went back to normal. "I am going to tell you to practice for now." He pulled out the remote yet again and the targets retracted back into the ground. Playing around with a few button caused similar, but sturdier, targets to come from the ground on the other side of the room. "Perhaps you can ask Amanda to help you. You are dismissed." That was one person he crossed off the list. There were many more that needed his assistance, he couldn't lull on one person.

Aislin Rose. She was the very next person to say anything (Adam noticed she was quite popular). An animation power. Adam had seen a few of those abilities - But every power was unique to it's user... In order for him to come up with anything to improve upon, he would have to see if she was. "Animating your surroundings. I have to ask that you quickly demonstrate your ability...." He tipped his glasses and looked at her, "... I would prefer if you did not try it on me. If you need anything, I'll supply you." The last thing he wanted was a smart ass student who tested their abilities on him for fun.

Daniel stated that the most he has stored is a wooden cupboard. When he explained why. "It is not complicated. Your portals aren't large enough." He kept himself quiet for a moment while he gathered his thoughts together. He has examined enough of Daniel's ability to tell him a thing or two (I am thankful this child is willing to show off). He exercised a great knowledge of the boy's ability, "I know that, at the moment, you are limited to one storage space at a time. I theorize that with practice, you are capable of maintaining multiple portals at a time. Which can greatly expand your existing power-set."

Suddenly, Zack decided to step up and show off a little bit of his power. He pulled out a plastic ball. That made Adam look very intently at the display. He got a bit of information, Zack was using a small speck of his combined strength. Zack mentioned that he wanted to hit things. That meant that he wants some target practice. Very well. Adam pulled the remote out again, and made some targets appear. They were metal, round (Had bulleyes on them), and unlike the ones he placed for Matt, they couldn't be knocked over. "As you requested." Adam calmly said. Anticipating what Zack would do next.

Vespera demonstrated her shadow web ability. Creating a web of darkness stretching in between her fingers and tapped against it. Creating vibrations through her webs. It was something that Adam understood on a whole another level. When she extended it, it got obviously weaker. Honestly, Adam didn't even have to use his to tell her, "It just got weaker." He immediately turned away from her to focus on the students he cared about.

Amanda Daisy Blackmore, & Sylvia Lana Bertoose.

Since it appeared that Todd couldn't get hard for them. Amanda and Sylvia skedaddled.

The chucklefuck, Stephen, was down in the arena with them. Sylvia could just smell him... Chucklefucking. It was just disgusting. Sylvia figured that she should screw with him. Or get Amanda to fight him. It'd be funny to watch her swing around that metal manipulation and break his balls or something. Or she could get his ability. Whatever would be more interesting. Sylvia skipped over to Stephen, with a completely child-like grin on her face, "Heeeeey, Chucklefuck." She said, completely nonchalant in her insults. "If you would stop Chucklefucking for a minute; this fine lady would like to duel you." She put out an open hand to Amanda.

Amanda stood tall and started cracking her knuckles. The metal on her fingers clicking and clanging. She boasted, "Yeah, you're down here for a reason... Uh, what's your face.." She created another hand made out of metal to sit on. "... But can you take it?"

Shannon Jacqueline Balore, & Deborah Lillian Termellio.

Hrrrrrrrrrrrng. The grunting sound ran through Shannon's head as Deborah dug a deeper hole for her. Ugh, she'll have to play Deborah's game. At the same time, she could do Karlie a favor so she never have to bother Shannon again. She watched as Karlie pulled out a few outfits. Some butterfly wings, Shannon has theorized that Karlie could fly with those wings, or pollinate flowers, or something else stupid. The clothing-weaver didn't care. Karlie and Shannon were two different brands of people, and the former's interest in her is only... parasitic, she would be so far as to call it. Karlie went on about cosplaying - And I guess that means I have to make that outfit for you - and it's potential. Asking Shannon and Deborah about their favorite characters. Hmm... It actually gave Shannon some rather devious ideas. She was going to suggest that Karlie dresses up as some super-sexualized video game character. Wearing what amounts to stripper clothes with her ass hanging out? That would be fucking hilarious. "Oh my favorite character is Quiet from Metal Gear Solid five. You should try her first..." She stopped for a moment, chuckling, "I can make an outfit for you and everything!" She did ask after all.

There was too many juicy things going on from Adam's front for Deborah to ignore it. Starting from Matthew (Mimicking Adam's movements, possibly the strongest Meta-human here) to Kristen (Reluctant to share her power, fears rejection from friends) to Daniel (Getting affected by Kristen's pheromones, portal is not large enough). Finally to Zack (No longer cares about secrecy or learning about people's powers, thus, more open to sharing his power). What her power told her about Vespera was rather funny (Zack and Matt are threats in Vespera's eyes). Deborah quickly chuckled. It was amusing really. For the super intelligent apex predator that Vespera carried herself like, she couldn't realize one simple thing... It's not the people who are open and willing to show their gifts - because you can predict them - it's the people who do the opposite are the ones you have to worry about. They have the gifts that are truly dangerous (The powers worth hiding), or have nothing to really prove.

There were the metas like Dana for example. Deborah never knew what the crippled girl's power is, but every time she saw the paraplegic in power training, she did nothing, shared nothing, and just stood in the background. Deborah's power told her is because she wants her power to remain a secret. Hell, there were probably more people in here like that. Point being is the powers that people keep hidden are the worse.... Deborah had to ask herself are those the kind of powers that she wants to know.

Jake, Gabe, & Jaska Valos.

This whole endeavor was soooooo boring.

Like god damn - If they're being forced to sit here on their ass at least present something interesting for them to do. Gabe was giving Adam a death stare (If I have to sit here one more moment I'm breaking my foot off in someone's ass), Jake was playing with his thumbs (I should see what the magnificent Blackmore has to say about my power), while Jaska appeared to be the most aware of the environment. He stands and waits, watching everyone and everything, with his rather enhanced senses giving him a bit of help. There were more animal types here than he thought. Henry representing the lizard/amphibian kingdom. Tetsuya being a massive mammal. Vespera... He didn't know what she was, but he sensed the beast in her. Then there were these two kids... Aquatic? Jaska was never very well informed when it came to the ocean, other than that the fish in it were delicious - Too bad he can't catch any himself the natural way. He was curious about these two, even more curious about whether or not they'd be tasty.  They were definitely older than him. Well... there wasn't any reason for him not to approach them.

The boy was getting bored anyway.

Jaska didn't even get up, he was already in a good stance to simply get up and walk off. He walked towards them, on all fours, his motion was not too different from a cat (Like lions, and tigers, and bears (Oh my)). Like the animal he is on the inside. By the time he approached them, he gotten a better feel of them. More of their features. It turned out that Atticus was the one that he was the most intimidated by. His current form... More suited for hunting. Long neck, tail, enormous mouth. But whenever he gets intimidated, he returns the favor! He stood straight up, and extended his wings far as they can go. However, he wasn't here for a fight, he tuned out those instincts telling him to be on guard, and remembered that he was here to make nice with another of his class. "Hiiii...." He said, full of enthusiasm, "I'm Jaska." For once, he lapsed when it came to his habit of calling everything with boobs 'pretty lady'... He wouldn't call Codi a pretty lady. Not with that hunch back and atrocious creature attached to her.

Dana Lucille Alcott, & Theresa Sindel Obott.

Actually, for once, they actually had plans for what to do after class! Dana felt so cool since her plans was usually stay in her room, or go talk to someone like Vera or Tess. There was that big nature hike that Henry spoke about. Going through the jungle wasn't something that she did often (Except when transformed, when such a terrain wouldn't impede her in the slightest). "Henry is bring people on a big nature trip. I told him that I would come along, and I know you love that jungle, Tess." Dana said to both Poppy and Tess.

"Cool! I'm in." The perfect past time for Tess. Hanging around in the jungle was a blast. Theresa fist pumped valiantly. "Poppy you'll love it! Beautiful sights, cool places, all sorts of animals... Hell, I'll even take you to the beach." He tried to make the prospect enticing to Poppy. Not everyone liked the jungle like Tess did - But that comes from the fact that she was brought on hunting trips from a young age - And she just liked the jungle. "I'll bring my hunting knife. Think ol' scales is anal enough to report me? Well, to be fair..." Tess did a stabbing gesture with her knife. She spoke in a crazed tone, which would have been more effective if it wasn't for the gas mask, "... I am the maniacal buttstabber, after all!"

Dana laughed quietly. She knew that Henry was better than Adam, he would never rat them out. That went without saying. However, the conversation went silent. Awkwardly silent. "I believe we have exhausted all our topics." She quietly noted.

Well, this was bound to happen. Theresa didn't sweat it, she shrugged, still smiling underneath that gas mask of her. "So, how about we go talk to someone?" She calmly suggested. "I see a few faces I know. What do you think, Poppy-flower?"

((I'll leave this one up to you, Night))

Nikki Biyung.

Hm... Nikki was very tempted to stand up and allow Adam to assess her powers. She didn't get this big bag O' bugs for nothing. But she was personally unsure of if she should step up in front of all these people. She was naturally a recluse, and shied away from scenes like this. So she calmly waited in the back of the group and watched everyone. Trying to get that courage to go and show all these nice people what she can do. Nikki noticed a boy in the back (Mark) that wasn't too far away from her, and didn't look like anything special (Which made Nikki all the more comfortable around him). She was normally not the type to initiate social interaction, but hell, she needed to get some of these sentiments off her chest. Nikki slide over to Mark, and tried to think of all the ways she could mess this one up. Until she realized that she was awkwardly staring at him. No backing out now... "Hi." Nikki said with a wave. "I'm Nikki Biyung, new student here, and I was wondering if I'm not the only one who is hesitant to stand up there in front of everyone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago


It was when he noticed an Asian boy staring at him in his peripheral vision that Mark realised just how self absorbed he was currently being. Here he was, in a group of the strangest people he had ever seen, and all that he could ponder was himself. He snapped back to reality, and took a look at his Rolex to make sure he was back to the right time-frame. It was ticking a tad bit too slow. Rats. He calmed himself, closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He opened his eyes. It was ticking away again as it should. It never let him down.


He looked up, and saw that the Asian boy was actually a girl, and that they were most likely Korean. He gave her one of his patented slight-tight-lipped grins. And as she drew a breath to start her next sentence, he accidentally began to analyze her.

What is she doing at the back? A lot of people are going forward to give some demonstration of their stuff, or are talking amongst themselves like theres nothing important going on.. So, is she malicious? Unlikely giving the innocence of that wave, but I can't think of a reason why else she would be at the back of a group like.. No wait, theres the answer. She's a fish out of water, just like me. She's surrounded by the fantastical, and I'm pretty sure she'd be happier to talk to a normal guy that the 8ft lizard. Not that theres anything wrong with being an 8ft lizard.. it's just damned intimidating. Or maybe I'm just projecting myself onto her... Maybe she's just the person that wants to make sure everyone is included.. Maybe she's effectively the welcoming committee and I've been noticed as new...

Alright, so thats a 10% of malice, 50% of nervous, and 40% of compassionate. Right then, so what else can I deduce given..

Mark suddenly realised what he was doing, and gave himself a small knock on the side of the head to snap him back. The world spun again. She very subtly slid closer to him.

"I'm Nikki Biyung, new student here, and I was wondering if I'm not the only one who is hesitant to stand up there in front of everyone."

He discretely raised an eyebrow.

Ah, it was nervous. I thought as much.. Now lets make a good first impression.

"Tell me about." He said while slightly shaking his head, looking ever so slightly upwards. Mark returned her gaze. "I'm really not sure whether or not I even belong here. You'd have to really pay any attention to even know that I have a power." He said it with a wry chuckle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Annabella Ravecroft
She sat quietly for the time being, really she was only here for when Adam was unable to handle all the students. She, in truth, was actually kind of useless in this situation on unless they needed persay a target to hit, or someone who happened to have a shadow power. Otherwise she was just taking the backseat for now, or rather until she noticed a kid named Daniel Filson. He had an ability that she more or less had except with the ability of shadows and that she could help him with. Seeing Adam was already busy and she was just standing there with her arms behind her back, she moved away from the room for a second in her shadow form and came back with her suit on. It was extremely dark with a hood to go over her head and squeezing her body tighter than she would have liked. Shifting the bandages she was using to squeeze her chest back against her body to hopefully make the suit less embarrassing I hate boobs... she took her head off and walked over to Daniel with her clipboard. Looking down and inspecting his power "Hey, Daniel I could help you out here if you wanted, I know Adam explained the power, but I could show you an exercise if you wanted me to" She looked at him and remembered she didn't even introduce him "Oh right, I'm Bell Raven, or Ms.Ravencroft to you guys, I teach Psychology here at the school" she extended a hand out towards him and smiled.

Tetsuya & Asae Kyuuji
Tetsuya walked into the room with everyone talking and socializing, considering he hadn't shown how human he was, and the fact he was walking on all fours, maybe making friends wasn't a bad idea. He looked at the room and his eyes fell upon the giant lizard guy again. He really wanted to talk to him but he felt like they could end of fighting if that happened, and considering that Asae could make craters in the concrete floors, that Lizard and Tetsuya would...break so many things. Especially if they were fighting to the death...He most definitely didn't look like a pushover and Tetsuya wasn't either, if and when he got angry, things went bad when that happened. Asae looked at him and patted the side of his head as he was just sitting still "Hey you okay Tetsuya?" she looked up to see him looking over at Henry, or the lizard man. She slid off Tetsuya and he stood up still silent "Well this is going to piss me off if you stand there quiet, I don't have anyone else to talk to, follow me" she pulled on his hand, pulling him forward. She sighed, I hate socializing, but Panda pussy won't make the move to talk to the guy and he seems to have a girlfriend like Fluff Ball does, so might as well try to make friends with someone who's in the same type of relationship she held his hand and Tetsuya instantly tugged on her sleeve.

"Wait where are we going?" he looked to Asae and then noticed the path of which the were taking, straight to the Henry and Victoria. Tetsuya silent freaked out and his bear ears went down slightly, he started walking on all fours and he went under Asae, making her go "woah" and he turned around "Lets go socialize with others Sae, what about that little boy and the two gi-" she hit him on the side of head.

"Holy hell why are you being so scared? He's a giant lizard like you're a giant fucking Panda bear, get over your goddamn animal fears and get your ass over there, Or so help me I will drag your ass over there and you know I can do it" he whimpered but Asae crossed her arms as he looked up at her, he sighed and turned around and walked slowly up to Henry and Victory. Asae slid off again and smiled, standing next to her box standing up "Hey there, I'm not disturbing you two or any am I?" she looked at Henry and Victoria, though it seemed the lizard was partially fazed from something. Asae looked to Victoria "Sorry if I am, but it's rare to see other Meta Human couples like me and this bear child over here" she pointed to Tetsuya who was looking down and sitting behind her. She sighed "He's a little...intimidated by him, I don't think he really wants to fight your boyfriend much, wait forgive my manners" she extended a hand out "I'm Asae Kyuuji, but you can call me Seloria. This one is" she slapped Tetsuya's arm and he looked up.

"Huh what? oh! um sorry I uh zoned out, what were we talking about" she looked to him and indicated towards the two "OH, oh gosh I'm sorry for being rude, I...uh...I'm Tetsuya Kyuuji, but my english name or rather my Russian name is Lazurus, so you can call me Laz or Tet for short, of course that is if you want to, not trying to force yo-" Asae coughed and Tetsuya laughed nervously "I'm sorry for rambling, i'm not usually like this much" he stood up and saw that he and Henry weren't that different in height, in fact he was almost as tall as the guy. I guess he's not so scary... he shook his head and smiled towards the two. Asae looked towards the two "Er If i remember correctly hearing it, your name is Henry?" she looked to him and then to Victoria "and your name is...Victoria?" she guessed slightly on both, for now she would just act nice, being cold was usually her, but she really was happy to see that there was another Meta Human couple like Tetsuya and her, and maybe, hopefully they could be friends together.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SerpentGear


Member Offline since relaunch

Atticus Fowler and Codi Bailey

Atticus looked at Jaska, examining him, as the animal meta-human had walked up to him and introduced himself. He hadn’t paid particularly close attention to people other than himself and Codi, although he did actually see as the kid, who he judged to be a much younger age than himself, walked up to them. How this was possible was because there were features to Atticus’ power that weren’t immediately obvious, unless someone had a deep passion for watching documentaries about obscure abyssal fish. Atticus’ eyes in his creature form were extremely good at collecting light, because their internal anatomy consisted of mirrors, as well as lenses, and their unique internal shape and design gave him a dramatically wide scope of vision, just barely short of ranging all the way around his body. Because of this, he noticed Jaska before he had even spoken to him and Codi, because it was hard not to notice when an enormous pair of wings was opened, seemingly for no reason, as not only did it take up a considerable amount of vision, but there was a gust of wind that made the spines on his back twitch.

Atticus decided, though, since he had immediately folded them up, that perhaps he had been stretching them, although Atticus couldn’t relate to whether or not folded wings could become stiff, seeing as he did not possess extra limbs of that nature. The boy was slightly demon-like in appearance, reminding him somewhat of a gargoyle, but by this point, he was not frightened by the sight of another animal meta-human. Anything was possible, and Jaska was no exception to such a rule. Making an active effort to be courteous in his greeting, he nodded, acknowledging the boy, and extending his hand for him to shake, if he wished, Hey, I’m Atticus, and this is Codi.” He said, gesturing to the girl standing next to him.

Codi, always trying to be very friendly and polite, as it was just in her very nature, smiled, “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” She said, looking a little bit awkward as she did so. It was not anything personal regarding Jaska, so much as the nerves that typically assaulted her when she met new people. If Jaska shook Atticus’ hand, there was little doubt that Codi would offer hers, also. Although Atticus’ greeting was much more cool and reserved, and did not involve a visible change of facial expression, it seemed that both of them might have been glad to have someone to talk to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ciphra
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Ciphra The Blind Seer

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Kristen Schwally

Kristen was about to answer when other people started talking, and or doing their thing to try and get help, or show off, depending on the person. Once there was finally a break in Adam helping all the others again she tried to answer his previous question, well as best she could. "I'm, well I'm not actually sure. I don't actually know a whole lot of what I can do personally, I just have a small idea. Though from what I've been able to tell, well I'm not sure how I feel about being up in front of everyone else like this, I just know I really need your help with it." She told Adam trying to be as straight forward about how she felt as possible. She hoped he'd understand that she really didn't want people to know due to how it might make people think of her, and in fact for a few seconds while she waited for a response she almost regretted coming here only because of that small fear.

The fact that she knew that she could help people heal faster was a complete accident, and the rest was just because she noticed how people changed around her. The rest she had no idea really what she could do. This also peeked her curiosity of whether it was already affecting the people around her and looked out of the corner of her eyes to look at people and try and observe, but that would probably get quickly interrupted by Adam, at which point she would instantly look back at him hoping to hear good news of some form.

Stephen Avarian

Of all the people that could of approached him of course it had to be her, and she brought a friend along too! This other girl sounded familiar, but Stephen couldn't place her. Of course they wanted to start something with him too! He came over her to observe, but it figures that wouldn't happen. Of course when he thought on it, Stephen brought this on himself when he decided to ruin Sylvia's fun. He could just walk away, but what were the chances that these fine ladies would allow that? He slowly stood up and turned his head to face the one sitting down. "Well, I wouldn't be a gentlemen if I denied this fine young lady a dance." He smirked. "Shall we?" He gestured towards the area in which they were allowed to fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alex Bete

Alex stood slightly behind Lynn as the stranger approached. Lynn said she could handle it, so she could handle it. Although Alex doubted Lynn's friend making skills. Alex allowed her mind to wander, for once not worrying about what she was going to say when. This approaching stranger was a rather odd looking one, he looked far to old to be in their class. He must be a teacher, or a janitor or something. Alex allowed herself to silently laugh. Being a janitor at this school must be one of the hardest and most unappreciated jobs around. She wondered if the janitors at this school had powers like everyone else. She could imagine suddenly discovering your power, only to realize it was trash manipulation.

She allowed her ears to tune back into the conversation when the stranger got closer to them. His voice was pretty cool too, something that Alex would immediately associate with a robot. He said something about a malfunction, definitely a robot, and that his body was made of metal. He then began introducing himself. Another doctor, yet he was somehow mixed in with the students. Weird. As soon as he finished saying his name Alex perked up, smiling with all of her usual radiance. “Hello! I'm Alex!”

Then Lynn was back up and chatting with Peter, so Alex tuned out again. She looked over towards the group of students currently in the Power Class, which Lynn and Alex would soon be late for, as well as the kids getting ready to spar. Alex knew she would easily be able to hold herself in a fight. Well most likely. But she was greatly relieved to see that it was optional to fight. You could either fight in the pit or do...whatever those other guys were doing. She was actually kinda sky about showing off her powers, beyond her glowing. Hopefully it wouldn't be graded.

Alex looked up at Lynn with confusion. Life's work? Okay, so she hadn't been listening at all, but there was no way they had time to stand here and listen to this man's life story. As interesting as it would be to listen about a robot, they had classes to attend. But Lynn's look reassured Alex.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jaska Din Valos.

The weird fish people were nice enough to tell Jaska their names! He quietly laughed. Atticus? That was a weird name. The thought that his own name was rather unique did not dawn on him. Though, he was kind enough not to talk about it since that would hurt his feelings. Now that formalities were out of the way, he get down to business. He sensed the beast in these two. He didn't understand it, but he knew it meant something. He relaxed himself, folding those massive wings of his, and sat down on his behind (Instead of his usual gargoyle position). "I sensed something in you two, that's why I came over here." It was literally the only reason why he would have to begin with. "I can't explain it... But I feel like you people are similar to me." All his life, there was not a soul like him other than his own mother. Everyone was a human, while he was the predator that thinks and acts on a whole different level than them. Until he came here that is. Here is where I found the strangers like me.

Sylvia Lana Bertoose & Amanda Daisy Blackmore

Sylvia quietly got out of the way and sat down on the bench. While it was tempting to beat the chucklefuck's brains in herself, she thought of this as a scouting run, and a great way to see what both of these kids are capable of. Just so she knew what to do in case she fought any of these kids. Sylvia had the most smug grin on her face ever, "Have fun kiddies...." She watched.

Amanda quickly ran over to the arena and decided to take this time to get ready. Perhaps Stephen will do the same. She did some stretches, started at the legs, and moving up to her torso. Ending with her getting tall (Getting on her tip toes). Before she suddenly slammed her fist onto the cold hard metal of the training room. Oooooooh, Stephen here will so regret his decision. Amanda has a terrain advantage, while Stephen can do... Ehhh... Whatever. She was going to kick his ass, within reason that is. Amanda shaped the floor into metal hands that surrounded her. She crossed her arms, a toothy grin on her face, "Check it oooooooooout!" She started laughing. "If you want to fight, then I suggest that you make the first move. Or can you even get it up?"

Nikki Biyung.

The Korean girl was actually relieved to find out that someone else shared the same sentiments. Someone else who believed how silly it was. Though she was a little curious about what he meant when he said 'You'd have to really pay any attention to even know that I have a power'. It could be telepathy, super reflexes... Anything really. Probably something. Well, Nikki could be subtle if she really wanted to. But, it went without saying, "So you have one of the more subtle powers?" Nikki grabbed onto that gym bag full of bugs and pulled it closer to herself. They were chirping and everything. "I got one of the powers people would call 'disgusting', heh." She awkwardly laughed to herself. It quickly and painfully became apparent that she didn't know where to take this conversation. God dammit. Well, Mark didn't give her his name. "So, what's your name?" That was the best way she could keep the conversation going.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by True Night
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True Night Friendly Neighborhood Forum Lurker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Zack King and Vespera Spindel

When a target range came up Zack was a little surprised. He had meant using his power in a different fashion than his usual manipulation. Huh, I guess this will do. There was no use standing around so he got to work. He applied force to the plastic ball he was holding and sent it down range striking one of the targets at it's near center. Ultimately it wasn't even that much of a challenge since when something is being directly manipulated it's about as easy as him running down there and touching the ball to the bullseye himself. He opened his belt pouch and sent a couple more down range for good measure, then waited to see what Adam's impression was.

Vespera was pleased at only fiddling with her ability, really she was wasting Adam's time. What she was doing she could have just as easily done on her own. Once Adam walked away her strand dissipated as she thought of what else to do. Oh, I have it. She summoned up a much thicker, shorter bar of solidified shadow and focused very intently on it to change it's shape. While her powers were limited to creating things out of bars and cords she didn't see why she couldn't change the shape of the end into say a spike. The idea of supplementing her typical flail and quarter stave type weaponry (if she even decided to use a weapon, most often not) with something akin to a spear didn't sound half bad. Thus far she was getting little head way and so she protruded a single claw from the slit at the tip of her pointer and cut it to shape manually. Surely Adam would see what she was trying to do, and maybe have some pointers.

Karlie Davis

One moment Karlie was excited about possibly getting to try something she had wanted to for a while, the next she wen't silent. She was a fan of many video game franchises, Metal Gear being one of them. Huh, I wasn't expecting that. Then again I have no idea what I should have been expecting. At least she's sexy. That was a plus. Quiet certainly wasn't afraid of showing off her body, but neither was Karlie. "Ooh, naughty naughty. A good pick if I may say so myself. Make's it easy on you since there's hardly anything there." Karlie laughed and put the pair of butterfly wings back in the bag. Even without her undersuit on she would have accepted without much thought on Shannon's motives. The staff could suck it, after all it was how she powered up. The same went for just about any character there was. So long as they weren't particularly nasty. Some characters just made her skin crawl. Except she would have likely seen through one of them being Shannon's favorite character. I wonder what kind of powers I will get. It doesn't matter. If can be half as cool as Quiet I'd be happy! While she wasn't speaking as much, if anything she was more excited than before. Almost to the point of shaking with it. If Shannon is offering to make me and outfit we must be growing closer! Karlie popped off her helmet in anticipation, and so they could talk completely face to face.

Poppy Flanagan

The sound of a trip into the jungle as bad as it did good. Normally she was all over doing exciting things, but they were usually more for attention than the actual activity. Still she had some friendly people with her and it wasn't likely that her not going was going to make them stay. With the amount of enthusiasm Theresa was showing it was even harder to decline. "Um, okay. I'll come along." If Dana was joining them in her wheel chair it couldn't have been anything too adventurous. "Wait- you have a knife?" Poppy didn't understand why she needed one, especially since it was against the rules. Then she realized that she didn't know who Henry or scales was, or that they were one in the same. It was scales that made her think of the right person and she was hoping that Henry was a nice teacher. Both of these were true, however they couldn't exist as the same time in her mind. It was challenging for her to believe that the giant lizard was all that friendly despite hearing him and her roommate chat. "Guys, so who is Henry? And yeah we can go talk to some other people, I hardly know anyone." Like Henry, whoever he is. Of course she was sure they were about to tell her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Evan's neck was killing her, and her mood was even more deadly. In the past few days, she'd been forced through so many goddamn screening, documenting, and registration processes that it was all becoming a blur of paperwork and waiting times. She'd been printed (the ink was never going to wash off of her fingers, she was convinced) logged into population records, logged into some government records, and had her entire life dug through a million times over by a million different people. And today, oh joyous day, she'd been forced to endure a plane ride, then a car ride, then a fucking boat ride to get her to some uppity palace that they called a 'school'. She'd spent the last several hours curled up in a variety of uncomfortable seats trying to get some sleep, something she'd been lacking since her life was uprooted a few days earlier.
Now, she shuffled through the entryway of a veritable castle, head hung low and tired, the hood of her worn grey hoodie hanging low over her face. A few locks of wavy white hair hung out of her hood and over her chest, clean thanks to the showers that the 'organization' that had taken her provided.
With cuffed hands she clutched a worn duffel bag to her chest, half-filled with her meagre personal belongings; an extra pair of shoes, a toothbrush, a few pair of socks, an old windbreaker, and her utility knife. She briefly tried to rub her eyes under her sunglasses, having been woken up to get off the boat mere minutes beforehand, but quickly remembered the steel tubes containing her hands. "Precautions." they'd said, when they put them on her. Some good they'll do.
Once she reached the reception desk, her accompaniment, AKA government grunts A and B, began talking to the person working there. Evan didn't listen, and instead dared a few glances around the room. Pillars, ornate furnishings, the place was dripping with expensive. She'd never seen anything like it in her life, and honestly, it made her uncomfortable. Uncomfortable and powerless. Worthless, compared to everything here. It was as if the building itself was judging her. She'd far rather be back home in her warehouse with her friends, but thinking about that now just made her sad.
So, deciding to look down at her old blue sweatpants and dirty black Converse knockoffs instead of looking at the building, she waited impatiently for her excerpts to hurry the hell up and take the damn cuffs off already.
One of them, affectionately dubbed Grunt A, said something that Evan didn't catch and took her bag away from her.
"Hey!" she protested, but her complaint fell on deaf ears and her bag was taken away.
One of her escorts, whom she'd affectionately names Grunt B, glanced to her and said, "Don't worry kid, it's going to your dorm. As well as all of the other belongings that we're graciously providing you. Try a little gratitude. Cuffs."
Evan grumbled something french and held her hands out, where the man unlocked the cuffs and set her hands free. Evan sighed and rubbed her wrists with blackened fingers, scowling at the ink that wouldn't wash off for a second before she was lead away from the table.
"Wait, what the hell? Where are we going now?" She questioned.
"We have to make sure you get to your first class," grumbled Grunt A tiredly, "After that, you're out of our hair, squirt."
Evan had learned to ignore the passive aggression days ago. Instead, she focused on the real news."Class? You were serious about this thing being a fucking school?" Evan was honestly surprised. She'd never expected honesty.
"Sure," replied Grunt A, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
After a long walk of aggressive remarks from Evan and tired remarks from her escorts, Evan was brought off in what looked to be a solid metal room. After realizing she couldn't turn back and leave, try to find a way home, she simply gave her escorts the finger, shouted "And fuck you too!" and shoved her hands in her hoodie pocket, stalking through the room past a pair of oddly-dressed rich looking types (at least that's what they seemed like, due to the aura they projected as well as Evan being a tad judgemental), and plopping down against a wall, hissing obscenities (both english and french) all the way. Her hood was still up, sunglasses still on, so she looked around the room with disinterest. Well, disinterest that turned very quickly into the fuck did I just see?
There were not just people here. There were creatures, some that looked human, some that did not. People demonstrating powers, too. She knew she wasn't the only one, hell even Flynn had begun forming a bit of a control over fire after Evan's power manifested, but fuck, she was not expecting this. She also noticed that she was the only one here who wasn't wearing a weird suit. For now she was content to sit curled up against the wall and watch in disbelief, but she knew that it was only a matter of time before she'd be made to do something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Matt listened in to what Adam had to say, nodding and turning his attention to the new targets he had been given to practice with. He wanted to try something flashy, of course he did. If you could do something flashy and be pretty able to do so time and time again, you would be demonstrating the skill required for mastery of said skill. Matt had achieved some pretty flashy feats using Biokinesis, but Aerokinesis? He had not done much. He began focusing on what Adam had said, to be more fluid in motion. He used every body part in manipulating the air around him, ranging from martial art like kicks to technique punches. Air surging forward against the targets, showing what he was doing had some effect, but was largely ineffective. He sighed. This wasn't like Biokinesis where he could use his own body as a weapon of destruction or creation. This was an extension of his body, not part of it. He took a deep breath, and straightened back up. He preferred to train in peace, where everyone wouldn't be watching him and he wasn't under any pressure, but then again pressure was where everything improved beyond what normal training could yield.

He took several steps backward, away from the targets. Then he took a step forward, his arms stretching out, one nearly meeting his toe while the other outstretched behind him. He leaned against his back leg, and closed his eyes, and focused on breathing. He slowly but surely spun, his arm that extended towards his toe coming back behind him and his foot coming up, displaying superb flexibility, and extending in a kick like fashion. As he turned on his opposite heel to face the targets again, he kicked forward. A forceful, powerful kick. He fell back down heavily on the foot he had kicked with, but a powerful whistle of air sounded out, kicking up rocks and dust on it's way into the middle target, which audibly creaked for a moment when the air met it, but did not fall. This almost Tai Chi like move focused more on inner energy over power. He opened his eyes again, and repeated the same motion again on the opposite foot, causing the target to creak again. Matthew knew no official martial arts- he only knew how to street fight, but he had always been one to observe details in every movement. Videos he had seen on youtube, TV shows, movies, everything he picked up on and was usually able to deduce whether it was possible or not. He was attempting to copy martial artists he had seen in the past. He continued his practice, slowly getting a little better every time, not necessarily in power but in speed. His actions became slightly faster and more fluid with each use. He sighed for a moment, his eyes glowing again as he took in more charge from the air around him. This power was extremely useful. It amazed him that he had never attempted it on a large scale due to how easy it was to access a source for it.


"I hope he doesn't want to fight me. I haven't exactly done anything... I hope?" Henry said, his eyes wide at the couple that had just approached them. Of course his only moment of potentially happiness was squashed underneath the weight of a huge panda bear. He had heard the two fighting earlier, but had paid no attention to them then. Now they were here right in front of him. The panda man rivaled him in height, and based upon that beer gut he sported most likely had some weight on him as well. Henry was solidly built and had not an ounce of fat on him, and probably only rivaled the Panda's weight because muscle weighed more that fat. "The feeling of initial intimidation is likewise." Henry said, putting his hand on his head and smiling. "Shit man," Henry began, extending one of his hands to the panda. "Nice to meet you." he said. He attempted to break the ice now. "Yeah, Henry's my name. I'd make a Chemistry joke right about now, but all my good ones Argon." He said, smiling. "This is Victoria up here." He said, pointing up ward to the girl who was sitting on his shoulders.

Henry would've blushed when Asae referred to them as a couple if he was capable of doing that (or had cheeks). He would admit it was a bit odd. At least Tetsuya was mammal and had all the basic bits to him that every other mammal had. Then there was him with his super e-peen. What the hell was he going to use that shit for? He knew full well it was against rule zero (he put on sunglasses and joined the 4th wall destruction club) to go into detail about any of his stuff. So he would keep his thought process short. Thankfully he hear someone in the group inquire about who Henry was. "Victoria cover me in the convo." he said, lifting her off his shoulders and turning her around to face the opposite direction he was. He then turned around so Victoria could continue talking to Tetsuya and Asae and he could speak to whoever called him. He scanned the crowd, listening for the voice that had asked his name. He homed in on a little girl. A tiny thing. "What would be me!" he half yelled, raising one arm into the air to get Poppy's attention. "Hey Tess, bring Dana and the new girl over!" he said, grinning in their direction. Maybe he could get the two groups he was speaking to together instead of turning himself and Victoria into a living transformer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Adam Leo Blackmore.

Very good. Miss Ravencroft was taking Daniel off his hands, and his students were so expertly demonstrating their powers. This would yield more results than what he previously thought. Honestly, he was hoping that something would go differently this session. He watched as Zack demonstrated his ability further. Hm, the young telekinetic seems to have a very exercised control over his power. He got a bit of information from the usage. "Very good." Adam complimented, but very blankly. "You exercise a very precise control over your power. Where many telekinetics have struggled to preform what you just did." He knew that Zack was experienced enough to do the simple things. What about the heavier materials? Adam needed to know the telekinetic's limits before he can push them. He pulled out his remote and pressed a button, and another trap door opened, pushing up three smoothly cut metal blocks. They each were a different size, and thus, a different weight. One small, one large, and one in between that. Adam turned back towards Zack, "... However, I wish for you to demonstrate again with heavier materials this time."

Juggling several students at once was a challenge, but nothing truly new. Adam turned his eye towards Matt and saw that he was still practicing with his ability. Obviously incorporating martial arts into his airbending. Just the kind of thing he was looking for. "Keep up the good work, Detmer." Adam tipped his glasses, and turned away from.

The darkness manipulator was demonstrating her ability yet again. She was crafting more with her shadows, shifting and bending them into shapes... Weapon. Good god, she's improving. If there was one thing that Adam hated, it was making this sociopath better. He has a job, and that job was important to him, and thus the students were important to him. Whether he likes it or not, Vespera is a student. For now. He would take the first chance he could to remove her from this island. For now... "Might I suggest something, Vespera?" He turned to her, "You could create a weapon similar to a mace. However, with a powerset like yours, I would suggest sticking to more... Direct means." Creating weapons with a power like hers seemed impractical, and inefficient. "Your power wouldn't make creating constructs the best choice." He blankly stated before turning away from her again.

Ah, yes, Kristen, the pheromone manipulator. She explained her situation to him, and he fully understood that she wanted to keep this on the DL. It was recommended by Adam himself. He had been using his air manipulation to stave off the effects, he wished he could do the same for everyone else. He leaned in closely to Kristen, whispering in her ear. He used his air manipulation to disrupt the flow of sand, so nobody would be able to hear him (Unless there's a telepath, but fuck them). "We can talk in peace now, nobody can hear us. You are a pheromone generator, that alter the behavior of those around you based off your own emotions. I noticed that from the second you stood up, and have been using my own ability to ward them off." He took a step away from her. Nobody would hear them.

Jake & Gabe Valos.


Something finally broke their murderous boredom. Some pale ass chick was storming past them looking angry as fuck. Not any angrier than Gabe was, but the girl got Jake's curiosity. And that she was kinda hot. White hair, obviously French facial features, strangely colored, exotic tattoos... She looked pissed off, though - but he always had that pretty-boy charm that disarmed even the angriest girls. He could try to talk her down, and show her the 218's finest! Which just so happened to be the Valos. Then he could make a friend out of her. Though, he wasn't going to flirt with her right off the bat. Come on! He wasn't some horndog that jumped to the first good looking girl and tried to hump her leg (Just like Danny-boy up there tried to do, except with more failure). Heavens no! "Hey, I'm so bored right now that I'm willing to try talking to tall, white and venomous up there." He spoke of Evan's first three main traits. He got up and started walking over to her.

"Hm?" She dryly looked at Evan. This was the first time that Gabe was distracted from her bout of murderous boredom. She just shrugged and closed her eye for a second. If Jake wants to chat up another girl then. Until it dawned on her, that is - Jakey is leaving me here to watch this circlejerk while he chats up a girl. Fuuuuuuuuuuuck that. "Hey, you ain't leaving me here to sit on my ass!" Gabe hissed as she ran after Jake twice as fast.

Okay, well, Jake was hoping he'd do this alone. Gabe isn't the most disarming person on the planet. In fact, she causes more cause for alarm. Whatever. Long as she doesn't start jawing, things will be just dandy - Dandy like Jake. When he approached her... He realized how stupid he looked in this suit. He rather be wearing one of his more elegant outfits. The ones that just make him look great. Well, he'll have to make due. He shot Evan a disarming smile, and  "Hello there, madam. I am Jake Vin Valos, I saw you walk past and figured you'd be a good talk. Yes?"

Gabe elbowed Jake lightly, whispering (But defeating her own purpose since it was loud), "... Hey jackass, introduce me."

"... And this is my annoying twin sister Gabriela Valos." Jake said, in the same charming manner as before. Getting death glares from Gabe.

Shannon Jacqueline Balore, & Deborah Lillian Termellio.

... Would this swing make a good noose? Shannon smirked when her attempt to make Karlie humiliate herself partly backfired. The implication (that was pretty obvious) went clean over Karlie's little head and she's going along with it. Well, shame on me for forgetting this little hooker wouldn't take the first chance to show skin. Shannon rolled her eyes. If she really wants to do it. Shannon stood straight up, and started molding the outfit for Karlie (Using that makeshift swing, and some of Karlie's costume). Until she had a perfect copy of it. "Try it on right now!" She said with sarcastic glee.

Detective time was over. Deborah had to pay her two guests some attention and... (Shannon is attempting to humiliate Karlie)... Oh god, she is really going to wear that? (Yes) No shame, no shame Karlie. "Oh my god, Shannon, you're so bad!" Deborah had to contain the laughter. "People. Are. Watching." She said with a silly smile on her face.

"So? This is training here. Adam told us we're free to practice." Shannon said in jest, making the outfit float around Deborah. "This is practice." She inquisitively put up a finger.

"It goes against dress code a little bit." Deborah said with a giggle in her voice. "I don't think Adam would appreciate our mischief. Especially what you did last time." Last class Shannon turned Adam's suit into a dress (Complete with a bra). That ended predictably.

Still hilarious though.

Theresa Sindel Obott, & Dana Lucille Alcott

Tess started laughing when Poppy voiced her concerns (More or less) over Tess having a knife. "... I can safely say you won't like my bow and arrow either." She giggled, putting a hand over her lips. Knives and arrows were standard fair for the Obott family. Since the adults usually didn't give the kiddies dangerous firearms (She did shoot a gun a few times though). "Yeah, I got a knife, I keep it hidden though so you don't have to worry about it." Theresa chuckled again, "I should tell you that I go huntin' a lot. So I'm cool with stuff like knives or arrows." She was completely calm about it. Of course if Poppy wasn't okay with it, then Tess was going to give it to Dana. After all, Dana is the person who holds onto it while Tess is enjoying her va-cat-ion.

Dana was quiet during their conversation. Knife-play and hunting was something that wasn't in Dana's field of skills. So she kept her mouth shut until Henry came up in the conversation, "Well-" Until Henry flat out called them over, apparently hearing what Poppy said. Damn, his hearing must be that good. Dana thought to herself as she looked over to Henry. He was with the pandaman who caused that stir, and the woman who said she was his fiance. Well, this piqued some interested. Well, they were looking for someone to talk to. "Coming!" Dana shouted.

Theresa stood straight up, doing a stretch, "... Speak of the Devil." She said with a playful laugh, she helped Poppy up. "Let's go." She walked over to the group. There was Henry alright, Pandaman was too similar to Henry, so that didn't cause too much alarm. The girl with the eyepatch... Now she looked out of place here. She looked deathly hostile, but Tess's sheer charm could disarm even the most vicious girl. That, or the drugs. "Hello, hello, hello...." Tess greeted everyone. She noted that there were people here that she didn't know. "I am Theresa, sometimes called Tess it is so nice to meet all of you." Tess was speaking with a bravado in her voice. She figured that she'd introduce "This is my friend Poppy Flanagan!"

Dana hesitantly rolled up (Why won't they let me use this?) with her fabulous new wheelchair. Her helmet was resting in her lap (I can't even feel it...). Dana was so used to people like Henry that Tetsuya's sheer size didn't bother her at all. "Hi," Dana said with a warm smile, "I'm... Dana Alcott. Full student here. Nice to meet everyone."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InfernoBlaze
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InfernoBlaze Whiskyholic

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Red Winston

Red started to get bored with people demonstrating their powers. There wasn't much to accumulate, since he had to see the powers of others during action, to have a solid image if them. Instead, he decided to find someone to talk to. Of course, most of the students have already been talking amongst themselves, or they were taking Adam's practice lesson. That didn't give him many options as to who to go talk to. He found Nikki, but she was also talking to someone else. However it was only a group of two, so maybe he could blend into the conversation.

He said goodbye to Chris and excused himself, now heading to Nikki and the other person. He quickly scanned the person in front of him, although the training outfit wasn't helpful enough to deduce anything, apart from the small marks on his fingers, which betrayed that he could knit. Other than that, he couldn't find anything else. He closed in and said:

"Hello Nikki! I hope I am not interrupting the conversation between the two of you!...", he turned to Mark, "...my name is Red Winston! Pleased to make your acquaitance!"

Victoria LaRouse

Victoria was pretty annoyed that Henry turned her around, especially after they arranged a date...of sorts. She had in mind something more formal than the jungle expedition. But, of course, that could also mean that Henry was not interested in her. That's when a girl shows off her amazing talent to make someone else jealous. When in front of a giant panda dude, Victoria's usual reaction would be to challenge him right off the bat, but right now, there was something much more important to do.

She climbed off Henry, approached Tetsuya and climbed to his back, just like she did with Henry before. He was an animal meta-human too, so it would be easier to grab Henry's attention and also make him a bit more jealous than with a normal person. She was sure to be gentle when climbing on his back, so as to not hurt the guy. On his back, she whispered to Tetsuya:

"Sorry for doing that, but there is something I have to do...I am Victoria, by the way!"

She then hugged the panda, her face sinking in his furry body. With everything set, she now had to do one thing. She took a deep breath, changed her expression to a puppy face, prayed that this would work and said, in a tone that it was sure Henry would listen:

"You are so fluffy and warm and cute and...and...Many other things! Amazing! Would you mind me staying on your back instead, mister Cutie Panda?"

With her plan in motion, she hoped for the best possible outcome...Henry coming over at some point and asking Victoria to climb on his back again. Meanwhile, she decided to talk to Tetsuya and get to know him. After all, it would be rude to stay on his back without even talking to him.

"So, what's your name? Does the fact that you are a panda mean you are Chinese?" she gently asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by QuietThinker


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"So you have one of the more subtle powers?" Nikki grabbed onto a gym bag she had brought with her and pulled it closer to herself. "I got one of the powers people would call 'disgusting', heh."

Mark very slightly turned his head, as he kept his eyes on that bag. A small smile creeped up on his lips, as he briefly tried to think what relationship she had with the bugs in that little bag. It was obviously bugs: he could hear them. Not that it was his business to pry if she didn't want to expand on it further. He knew he didn't. But it was too late, and he had lost himself in his thoughts.

"So, what's your name?"

Oh dammit

He rose a palm to his head and with it obscured one of his eyes apologetically. He let out a small laugh.

"Sorry, sorry! I didn't mean to be so rude! My name's-"

"Hello Nikki! I hope I am not interrupting the conversation between the two of you!...", he turned to Mark, "...my name is Red Winston! Pleased to make your acquaitance!"

Mark dropped his hand back to his side as he looked at this new person.

...Just one more analysis. But don't you forget where the conversation is!

Red. Strange name. Was he born with it? I'd imagine so, and I have no clue what that speaks of his background, but I doubt that it is strictly 'ordinary'...
I tell anything about his powers just on looking at him.
Now why did he approach me? Well, we've got someone he knows here in the form of nervous Nikki, and he seems like the social type unlike the two of us. So if Nikki approached me because I looked normal, and she knows this person who also looks normal.. it would be safe to assume that he is either too social for her to handle all of the time, that he is a social butterfly, or that his ability is something that makes her feel uncomfortable around. As in, he has something that makes her not regard him as normal. Hmm.

I'm going to say that there is an 100% chance that this guy just wants to talk with people. There is literally no malice here. As for his relationship with Nikki.. I'm going to say its at 10% for him being too much for her to handle: why would she then approach me? Surely that would then just make more potential things to deal with. Social butterfly is seeming pretty likely. Thats getting a 55%. With someone like Nikki, from what I've seen anyway, it is quite likely that she will have been befriended, dragged along a bit, and then left on her own as he went off to different people. This is different from the first option, because that implies that she tried to get away from him.. That is almost definitely not the case if she went out of her way to greet me. Unless of course the final option is correct: she doesn't see him as a normal person. That would imply that she wouldn't be too against the idea of them being separated. But this is going to get 35%, because quite frankly, I can't tell what ability he has with a glance. That and he doesn't seem to want to show off, and being an extrovert, I highly doubt he would give up on that chance. But I just don't know, and I'm not going to dig. If I don't, then they shouldn't.

Now.. where were we? Ah, introductions.

With his thoughts in order, time snapped back to full flow.

"Hi! Glad to meet you!" He said this with as much enthusiasm as he could muster out of thin air. Which evidently wasn't enough to sound genuinely happy, but made sure he didn't sound sarcastic or dismissive.

"So I've just arrived today really. Did I miss anything important, like a safety drill or something? I don't know, this place is just far more insane than I was lead to believe!" He spoke to both of them, and this he said with genuine interest. He gave Nikki a slight smile with, as if to silently reassure her.

And although he had told himself not to forget where the conversation was.. he had forgotten to give his name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cryptiic
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

:: Saila Eman Tsal ::

Saila merely raised an eyebrow at Daniel's exuberant display, face blank and betraying no emotions. Extra-dimentional storage power most likely, and doing nothing to hide it... What could he be trying to say? Was he trying to warn others that he could have a full arsenal of weapons on his person at all times? That he was sufficiently confident in his powers that he didn't mind telling the whole class about them? Maybe he was trying to imply that he could have contraband hidden in his storage space? Or could he simply be using this as a cover to conceal a completely different ability altogether? Sometimes there is no better place to hide than in plain sight... For all they knew, he could be a power mimic in disguise, or something of the sort... Or maybe he could just have another, more subtle ability as well? He could be intentionally misleading them into thinking his powers were much weaker than they actually were? Or maybe-...

Or maybe... a quiet voice in the back of the head interrupted amusedly. ...you're overthinking everything again and he's just a kid who wanted to show off his abilities? You know... like a normal person? Not everyone has to turn everything into a subtle Machiavellian power play you know? People can just be leading normal lives every once in a while... Not everyone's a paranoid wreck who sees danger everywhere like y-...

Saila quickly cut off that line of thinking and returned focus to the class instead. At the front, the long-coat wearing boy and pensive looking girl who had volunteered were soon joined by the tense looking young man who was hanging out with the ferrokinetic earlier, a rough looking boy with a stern attitude and a predatory young woman with an appearance strongly reminiscent of a vampire's. A female blond followed shortly behind. They were respectively introduced as Daniel, Aislin, Matthew, Zackary, Vespera and Kristen, and some of them gave a brief description or demonstration of their powers. Daniel had the inter-dimensional storage space, Matthew was an omnikinetic (!), Zackary a telekinetic and Vespera appeared to be some sort of darkness manipulator.

An omnikinetic? Saila pondered silently. Impressive power. Probably the class ten student the teacher was talking about...

Adam instructed them to start practicing on their own, as he and the Mrs. Ravencroft began giving the volunteers personalised instruction. Most of the students seemed to take that as meaning they were free to chat and socialize, while others simply looked at the people at the front as they practiced. Since Matthias had apparently elected to go with the group fighting in the arena, that left Saila alone for the time being, free to observe the class unnoticed. There were several students with unusual appearances, such as the girl with the urchin on her back or the boy who looked like some sort of aquatic creature. A girl not to far away, the one with the elaborate costume, made some sort of improvised swing by tying long strips of cloth to a support beam on the ceiling. Interesting power...

Unsure of what exactly they were meant to be doing, Saila decided to approach her group and try to get a little bit more information. The people in it all seemed like they might be returning students, and seemed like the ones closest to actually doing anything with their powers. Besides, the potentially cerebral girl was among them, so it would provide an amusing opportunity to test that theory. Silently walking up to Deborah, the young mutant inquired:

"My apologies for bothering you, but I was wondering what exactly we are supposed to be doing right now. This is my first day here, so I am not really quite sure. Should we not all be practicing our abilities by now? Or is this simply meant to be a waiting period until the actual activities start?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leonerdo
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Leonerdo Spoopy Scary

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Peter nodded to the girl at his target's side. She introduced herself as Alex. Exchanging turns in the conversation, his mark casually bid her greeting. No name? Either introductions weren't part of her routine or she was careful. Suspicious. This lent some credence to some of his suspicions. If she did have the skill set, then perhaps those habits would signify she was good at what she did. Or maybe she was just a rude little girl, who knows. He knew she was silent until she did greet herself however. Even after, there was a pause. He could see her shape facing him, her head making subtle movements, up and down, but all in his direction. Of course, Peter was strand looking. Peculiar. And if this meeting had any credence, perhaps even suspicious. Much like his mark. However, there was one thing that did go wrong. She said, "would love to hear more about this life work of yours."

Then she turned her head to her friend.

Red flag. Red flag. A bazillion red flags! Alarms, lights, sirens - they all went off in Peter's head. He felt his metal skin buzz as electricity coursed through his body in a nervous tick, though outside the perceptions of the young girls here. Like a hundred skeletons gently placing their bony fingers and plucking the hairs off his body, breathless moans against his neck, mute cackling in his ears - of course, there was no actual sensations against his deadened body. But these phantom agonies, tricks of the mind, they warned him. They warned him: do not share your secrets! Do not share your secrets, else all would be lost! His research? Stolen. Stolen for good, stolen forever! Cheated. Plagiarized. Mangled. Lost. Years of his life lost. What kind of fate would that be? A fate not worth existing for! He felt his arms vibrate. It took all he had to keep himself from taking his hand and wrapping his fingers against her throat! To lift her in the air and send every watt of energy coursing in his body through her own, to make her heart explode where he had her - to ensure the safety of his life's work!

But he did not. He did not lift a finger. Not a motion to signify any move, nor an expression for he had none to make. He took instead a couple brief moments of silence to recompose himself. He was being irrational again. The work was important, yes. But the work was lost if it was not retrieved anyway. He had already decided on trusting to get the aid of another. Naturally... they'd have to know what they're getting. What they're getting into. Of course... how foolish. Peter paused a second after those moments before speaking.

"...Yes, my life work... it's very important. It is about... stem cell research. I've been looking into it for a very, very long tii-iieem... so much time. Put into papers. Silly, isn't it?"

Peter took a moment. Silly. Yes, silly. But it meant so much. Something so fragile and easy to lose could change the world. Or scientific fields. It was ironic, really.

"The research likely has not arrived yet." Peter explained further. "But once it has, I will still be separated from it. I have no means to retrieve it. Peter Brooke has been wiped. So that research will stay there, waiting for a recipient that no longer exists. I need it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jazzy


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Henry backpedaled a bit internally when Victoria slipped off him. He turned around and looked over his shoulder to see she had now climbed on Tetsuya's back. After what she just asked him he internally screamed at the thought that he might've misinterpreted what she had asked earlier, and then made the reptilian equivalent of this face. When Dana and Theresa and this new girl Poppy over, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. So being himself, he did whatever self respecting reptile would do in a situation where his well being (Mental, physical, or emotional) was threatened.

Run away like a bitch.

And so, he did just that. "Hey Dana, Tess, hey Tess. Hey new girl my name's Godzil- I mean Henry. This is Asae and Poppy and Victoria." he said, using one of his huge arms to push the two groups closer together. "Socialization time!" he said, one of his eyes switching over to Victoria and Tetsuya and he winced, before backing off. "I'll be back when Capture the Flag starts. I uh... need to use the bathroom." He said. This was a terrible excuse and anyone who knew him would know it. Henry never used public restrooms. Ever. With that Henry turned tail and allowed his active camouflage to fall into affect. He fell onto all fours and sprung into action, moving like a cheetah through the people, jumping clear over a few of the shorter students, and then up the wall. He ended up int the top corner farthest away from the group he had been in before. He wasn't broken up about what had happened, he was embarrassed that he had misinterpreted what Victoria had said and was furious with himself that he had left Dana and Theresa with the new people. He didnt like ditching his friends like that, but he was sure Dana would understand his want to get away. He didnt know the details about her power, but he knew the basics of what she did. He eventually ended up vertically on the ceiling playing 2048 on his phone. He realized that he should probably apologize to Dana and Theresa, so he shot them a text.

'Henry: Hey Dana/Theresa, sorry for ditching you like that. I'll be back soon.'

He had originally thought about letting Victoria ride him into battle during capture the flag, but his embarrassment was getting the better of him. He might be able to include Dana if she was okay with it... Yeah, that's what he'll do... maybe...?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Obscene Symphony
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Obscene Symphony sea wench

Member Seen 24 hrs ago

Evan DeRonde

Well fuck me sideways, look who's coming over.

Evan hadn't spent five seconds sitting and watching as others demonstrated powers until the two people she'd walked past (the one's she'd assumed to be rich) were walking toward her. One of them, a guy, had an overconfident swagger to him, like a peacock flashing it's feathers. The girl with him just looked like she had nothing better to do. Glad I'm the amusement, she thought dryly.
She noticed how the guy glanced at her; he had obviously noticed how different she looked. Such reactions were commonplace to her, she knew she wasn't exactly inconspicuous. However, she lifted her glasses just enough to take a peek down at her ink-stained hands and- yep, her tattoos were showing, just bright enough to be seen as a pastel lilac tattoo. Great, that meant that her eyes must have been saturating, and the few streaks in her her hair were probably colouring too. It made sense; she was pissed, and she'd gone a few days without using her power much at all. No wonder there was an energy buildup. She was tired, but also over-filled with a different kind of energy. Great.

Looking up through her sunglasses, she raised an eyebrow at the pair who approached her.

"Hello there, madam. I am Jake Vin Valos, I saw you walk past and figured you'd be a good talk. Yes?"
"... Hey jackass, introduce me."
"... And this is my annoying twin sister Gabriela Valos."

Is he serious? Madam? Jesus. Evan thought briefly. She did not react for a moment, just looked up through her sunglasses (that'd probably get a question as well, if history were to repeat itself) and examined them for a second. After that, she sighed heavily. "Uh, hi." She waved with one hand, a flick of the wrist as opposed to being much of a movement. The venom in her voice wasn't very concealed, and neither was the tiredness. She reminded herself not to make enemies too quickly, on the off chance that she really would be here for the next long while, so she forced herself to at least croak out her name, accent coming through in her lack of caring to conceal it. She pointed at herself. "Evan. Got any idea what the hell is going on?" She had a vague idea, as the other side of the room seemed to be having some sort of ability demonstration/class, but she wasn't sure how the hell she fit into any of this. "And what is everyone wearing? You all look like you're fencing."
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