Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Charlize was already in her dorm room, she had known the layout of the place quite well now and didn't take too much hesitation in making it towards the comfort of four sturdy walls. Planting her bottom at the edge of the bed she let herself fall backwards her back and head hitting the mattress with a small bounce. "Now, I'm really home." she cooed bringing her legs up, whilst kicking her boots off. She crossed her legs underneath her as her arms wrapped around another and fell upon her face, covering her eyes. Slowly she began sorting through some of her information she had came across that day, sorting things out in her different memory ports.

She wondered what this year would have to bring, and if she would find anyone at all like her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Hey guy! Do you know where Room 616 is? I'm new here, so it'll take me like 80 years to find my room on my own. "

The words distracted Synn from his goal. Ahh yes. Vict--- i mean... Friend number teo. Say hello synn.

"Huh? Oh hello." Synn said as he turned around to face Romeo. His voice had a sandy sound to it, that portrayed the feintist amount of disinterest. "Im Synn." The words were clearly audible, but why wasnt his mouth moving? How could that be? Was he perhaps a ventriloquist? "Room number what? Im a second year student here. I think i was assigned that room too." He sruffes his hand in his jacket pocket, and pulls from it a small sheet if paper from headmistress Issabella. It read: You will bunk in room 616 with someone like you.. That was enough for synn. You must be the person like him if you were asking about that room specifically. You were now OFFICIALLY on his priority list.

"It should be on this tower, a few floors down actually." Synn ponders the question, and silently confirms to himself where the room was. All the while, he still hadnt left Leo's doorway.
The bell for dinner rang early today, so that students moving massive amounts of belongings could keep their energy up. It was only about 4:30 pm, but none the less, it was dinner.

The dinnig hall, located on the second floor of the large main building was a large room with glowing pillars in the corners, and a massive crystal chandellier in the center of the 25 ft high ceiling. These together lit the entirety of the room with ease. The far wall hade a great huge stain glass window with a portrait of the original headmaster, standing next to afew students. Along all the walls were long rows of tables, with well cushioned benches. The square pattern was replicated a few times on smal scale making the rolm look like a bullseye of sorts from above. In the center of this bullseye were 5 rows of food carts. Each one was adorne with various entries, and accompanied by at least 2 chefs. All the meats were raw, and to be taken to the chefs for cooking.

The final detail of the dinning hall, was a anti gravity lift, that would propell staff up to a sort of crystal dug out on either side of the dinning hall. This, with a wide open balcony overlooking the hall, was the perfect vantage point for the staff to overlook their students. Fighting was in fact allowed in the hall, so long as food did not get everywhere, and the students picked up any mess they made. This was a privelage fought for by the schools A.P.A.N club. There was no assigned seating, accept for one row of seats bearing the schools prized Jimber team, and their fancy robes.

Jimber was the big sport at this academy. The game was simple but took great skill. It was essentially Soccer (aka football) with 4 balls who's point priority is assorted by color, obstacles, and the use of powers. The goal was to get the ball into one of 3 score multiplier gates that varried in size. There were a few technicalities, but ultimately it was a very physically demanding game, as well a mentally. Above their table in the dinnig hall was a banner reading "Tryouts tomarow During lunch" in big red letters.
The 2nd headmistress Issabella was walking aboutthe hall looking for charlize.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

The small dorm was getting rather crowded. Was any of these two his roommate? He hadn’t been assigned one as of yet, so whoever was left without a room would bunk up with Leo. This person in front of him, he seemed menacing. What exactly was he up to? Was he angry? Well, he didn’t seem too content. “Good day, friend.” Leo offered a soft smile and a bow of his head. “My name is Leo. I believe I laid eyes on you last semester, but we never engaged in conversation. I apologise for that.” Before he could continue, the boy who had waved at him appeared as well and started to commune with this young man. They were going to share a room? Well then, it was good that they found one another. Approaching Synn, Leo stretched forth his hand, all the while nodded a greeting to the newly arrived Romeo. “I do hope we can get to know each other this semester.” There was something about this guy, no, both of them. An older, more powerful angel would be able to distinguish the distortion in their auras but for Leo, it was quite the task. One thing was sure however, something was there that wasn’t quite…them. With the thought still in his head, Leo continued to speak but didn’t venture onto thin ice as to mention it. “I am sure we will all have much to teach each other.”

Their conversation would be cut short though, with the bells ringing in the distance which echoed throughout the halls. "Oh, that would be dinner. Would you two like to join me?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The dinner bell.

Oh yes, the dinner bell. A good sound for everyone, especially Charlize. Unwrapping herself from her bed, she slipped her boots back on and looked over at her bags that laid by the bed. It seemed like she would have to unpack later that night. Her grey eyes than traveled to the other bed in the room, empty as always. A room mate would be nice, but if a roomate did not show up, she was ready to do as she always did, and combine the beds together to make a large one.

Walking towards the dining room quickly Charli took no time in grabbing quite a plateful of food. She hadn't ate for a few days now, and could feel it in her brain that refueling was of necessary. From an onlooking gaze someone would estimate that the girl would have been using the plate to share with two or even three girls her size, but alas- the plate was for her and her alone.

Quickly Charlize found a table with an insider view. She enjoyed cataloging students during these times while she ate, even though most of them were to be thrown away in her files at the end of the night, she found it entertaining to look through, and even might keep a handsome man for some company for a couple days. "Ahem." Charlize said to herself, a small smirk stretching against her lips. Taking a fork in hand she began on her feast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"I apologize, but i dont recall seeing you. Last semester i spent most of my time in the dungeons with Beast." Synn struggled to remember the student, but sin made that difficult. "Yes lets eat together shall we?" Synn quite enjoyed the idea. He was hungry but he could eat. What he starved for was information, and he was sure this Leo could provide some. All Synn had to do was gain his good merit, by telling him about his internal roomate. Speaking of roomates, why was he assigned to bunk with Romeo? That question would likely be answered at dinner. "Ill lead the way. I know a shortcut or two." With that, synn made for the stairs, expecting Leo, and Romeo to follow in pursuite.
Charlize was sitting for less than a minut with her food when she got a friendly tap upon her right shoulder. "Charliiiiiiiiize! Oh its good to see you! Im so glad you made it back!" It was headmistress Issabella. She had recognized charlize as one of the most experienced students on campus. "So Charlize, how wa your autumn break? Is the weather giving you a hard time?" The bombardment of questions continues on and on, as if Issabella were your best friend! Eventually she gets to: "Come Charlize, sit with the staff. Seeing how long you have been here, i suspect you will likely stay. Besides, given how much you have helped other students, your practically a proffesor here. Do you plan on teaching?" Finally the bombardment ends, but is quickly replaced by light arm pulling, leading to the lift to the staff dinning room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Katherin looked up when the dinner bell rang. Atleast she assumed it was a dinner bell. She hadn't gotten a schedule yet. She debated whether or not to go to the dinning room. She wasn't really hungry but she didn't know if they would be allowed to eat if they didn't go down to the scheduled meals. She decided not to take a chance. She headed down to the cafeteria. She helped herself to the foods that interested her. Then she looked for a place to sit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Synn seemed polite now. What changed? Did he suddenly grow more comfortable around Leo or was there something else? All the while they walked, Synn’s aura was constantly at war with Leo’s thoughts. The longer he spent with him, the more did the aura reek of unholiness. Romeo had a similar aura but not quite as…demonic. It was excruciating not knowing what was lurking beneath those physical shells, what kind of power dwelled below. “Ah, I see. Yes, Beast is a quite astounding man.” Leo did after all love cats. Jokes aside, the headmaster was indeed a very powerful warrior who anyone with half a mind would be wary of. Now, the two individuals accompanying Leo were interesting all in their own right. Partly because of those auras which kept poking at the angel’s curiosity. What were they? What was inside them? Leo had seen many different creatures and countless species throughout his years, as well as learned about countless more from the wisdom of ageless angels. Bottom line, this could be anything. It wasn’t much comfort knowing that it could be narrowed down to pretty much anything magical effecting their souls, but in due time, perhaps they would share.

“So you two are roommates? I don’t know who mine is, yet.” Getting along with your roommate was critical in this academy. After all, they put each others’ lives in each others’ hands all the time. Your roommate would probably end up on a mission with you and then you’d like for them to be trustworthy. All in all, Leo got along with most people. Demonic entities were harder to swallow but he knew that not every creature from the burning pits was a ‘devil’.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 17 days ago

Peeking out from his hiding spot, the teacher observed the students from his spot in the staff dining area, drumming his fingers over his shoulder armour in much interest. HIs eyes scanned the crowd, but Dodo didn't find his target...yet. All fun things, in time. Letting the cloth drop, and rolling back under, the machine elf crawled around under the dining table. Crawling over to headmistress Chin, he rather audaciously lifted up her skirts and crawled under her chair, sticking his head out the otherside. From his place under Chin Xiao's chair, Dodo stared out at the other staff with a big ass smile on his face, still on his hands and knees under the chair, giving them a little wave as they passed on by quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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"Oh we're going to be roommates, cool!" Synn seems like a cool guy so far. I hope he doesn't turn into a nightmare someday. ~If he does I can just set him on fire, if you want.~ Are you kidding me! Once I get the hang of my powers you will go away...for good this time. ~Yeah right! You need me just as much as I need you; you just won't admit it.~ Whatever! "Yeah Leo, you'll probably get someone that's cool; if you don't you still have me and Synn to hang with now." Two new friends on my first day, nice. I wonder how short this shortcut of Synn's is. ~Something about that Leo boy I don't like. He seems to goody for my taste.~ Well maybe if he sticks around he'll get rid of you. "I've heard the headmaster Beast is super strict, no funny business with him." My dad told me stories about Beast, when he was in detention. I hope I never have those same stories. "So Synn and Leo, since this school is for the highly gifted; what powers or abilities do you guys have?" What the hell did you do that for?! ~Calm down I just wanted to know; like you didn't.~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KindledBeast
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KindledBeast Lazarus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alastair was in the teacher dining area with te other when he noticed a teacher craw under the head mistresses chair, he also notice her skirt going up he quickly went over to her and whispered in her ear, "Well headmistress I'm quite surprised by your under attire." He sai with a wink moving back to his place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

“Well, I’m an Angel…” Leo smiled slightly and scratched the back of his head. “A knight of the Celestial Order, actually…I was sent here to train and learn about dark forces.” Darkness constantly grows and there is always something new to uncover, which was where Leo came in. Part of his training was keeping up with the evolution of the world, something that was taking place in that academy. Him being a Knight of the Celestial Order wasn’t a secret, neither was the order itself. An angelic group of soldiers who seek out and hunt darkness wherever it lurks, and the new recruits were sometimes sent to train outside of the gates of Heaven. “May I ask what power embraces you, friends?” This would perhaps unlock a few mysteries. Were they going to tell him? It was probable but he wasn’t going to poke. Surely, people didn’t like it when a stranger went poking around in their personal matters. The distortion of their auras would one day be revealed, either by them telling him or by Leo’s own perception once he’d grow more accustomed to it.

Romeo and Synn were very polite young men and from what he could establish, they were kind hearted individuals. “It is always fascinating to learn about what people can do. This plane has surprised me countless times.” Leo brought his hand to his chest, unable to hide the wide smile crossing his lips. “Back home, everyone’s the same. Here, everything’s different and there are all manner of different abilities. It’s hard to keep up with everything.” It was both amazing and scary. The plane of earth had the most colourful spectrum of light and dark Leo had ever seen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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"Wow an angel, that's fucking AWESOME!" So maybe he can extinguish you for good. ~Oh because I'm the embodiment of fire. I'm not the devil you know!~ You could fool me. Besides once your gone I can take control over my powers, without you making me a monster. ~Your father couldn't contain me, what do you think makes you better then him.~ Because I don't ever give up on anything. "I'm part human, part fire fairy. I have power over fire. My dad is from the Royal Fire Fairy Clan, RFFC for short." ~I know your not going to tell them about me, are you?~ I'll tell them that part later on. I need to know I can trust them first. No one needs to know about you, until I'm ready to stop you. ~Yeah whatever.~ "Yeah and I have this sword Pyro Nemesis, it's made from gold and the fire in my body it shapes the sword part of it." Now time to show off, Pyro Nemesis ignite! "See and the special thing about Pyro is, it only works when I have it; no one else can use it. It's connected to my soul, only my fire can ignite the sword. Cool right?" Swipe it around a little, don't hit anyone though. ~Yeah you wouldn't want to kill your little angel friend, would you.~ I swear I will find a way to get you out, and when I do... ~Ok, your threats are tiring, I'm going to sleep.~ Finally I can get my body to myself for once. "So...Synn what can you do?" I hope whatever he can do, can explain his bandages. I mean I don't have a problem with them, just want to get his backstory.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 10 mos ago

It wasn long before you our small group had reached the secondfloor. I had choosen to take the steeper stairs that didnt stop on floor 13, or 17. This saved us roughly a full minut of time. My shorcut wasnt too short, but it deffinately gave us about 5 minuts away from everyone else who took the more traditional route back. On the 3rd floor, synn stopped in the stairwell, and turned to answer questions that had been asked. " Yes, i agree. Beast is quite the interesting fellow. I once.... " Synn had to cut himself off. He hadnt done the event he was thinking of, sin did. "Yeah were roomates i think. I was assigned a room, and roomate, dispite the free bunking policy. Im still interested to know why." Up to that point, synn had glared overfocused at the steps before him, as if it were a struggle for concentration and now, that focus and menacing stare fell upon Romeo, and Leo.

"So Synn and Leo, since the school is for the highly gifted; what kind of powers or abilities do you guys have?"

Synn let Leo answer first, and it answered his prior questions right away. He just wanted to know why this man's mere presence helped him keep his subconscious in check. After Leo had answered, Synn spoke up. "What on earth is an angel?" He spits the question out. He was never a religious guy, and had no clue what on earth an "Angel" was! He decided to answer the question about powers anyways. "I am a telekinetic." He answered simply. Now his quiet side was begining to show up. While looking for 3 open seats, Synn had accidentally walked into Katherine who also was looking for seating. He had to stop Sin from yelling at her in fromt of everyone.
Headmistress Chin stood up and stepped away from dodo, after receiving Alastair's warning. It certainly wasnt the first time on campus a teacher had seen her undergarments, not even 2 teachers at once. It was just the first time it hadn't happened in the privacy of her office, or bedroom. "Gentlemen." She started as if she was about to scold them. "Please refrain from exposing or starring at exposed teachers at the table." That was it? She didnt seem too upset about this ordeal. She simply found a different spot to sit, and resumed eating, as if this were a normal occurance.
Beast entered the dining hall late, and walked straight to Alastair. "Professor Alastair come with me immediately. Your assistance is required in the girls restroom on the 3rd floor." His voice was deep and demanding, made even more demanding by the gigantic axe mounted on his back. One couldnt help notice, there was blood an al 4 of his paws, and a few small cuts upon his torso.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 17 days ago

Getting out from under the chair and righting himself, the machine elf was noticeably without his cloak of metallic feathers. Facing Alistair with a big grin, he threw a thumb over his shoulder to where Chin Xiao had reseated herself, "The lady needs to know what it's all about. Despite the pretty darkness swirling in her mind, she is incapable of staying seated over a mighty emperor such as I...when, the most powerful of women can only sit most comfortably on the cold armour of the back of a piece of trash that was once a powerful man!" With wide red eyes, Dodo raised his arms up in the air after his manic and almost feverish rant, and Chin's previous chair burst into flames before being reduced to ashes only moments later. The machine elf didn't seem to take note of much else for minutes, a cheshire grin to empty space above him, before making a dismissive gesture to the other male teacher, "Honorable Lion-Beast has asked for you, please don't waste his time."

Suddenly going to stand and look over down at the students, Dodo disappeared out of sight...crawling out from under the dining table closest to Synn. Peeking out with a mischievous, almost childish smile, his arm reached out and up to the student, offering a plate of standard enough looking spaghetti, "Spagetoj? I love you, please eat my spaghetti!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 10 mos ago

When dodo had handed Synn the spaggetti, something in synn agreed. It took him less than a secon to accept the plate without so much as a word. Perfect. Spagetti. The most nonchallant dish possible. I can simply twirl a fork in it, and look like im eating when in actuallity i am not. This will make these two more comfortable near me so i can pry about them more. This is the perfect way to focus all my attention on the task at hand.

"HAHA! NOW IM GLAD I DIDNT KILL YOU EARLIER!." Sin pours the words from Synn's jaws, and Synn's eyes, which are normally half open and show only feign interestest in anything, pop wide open in responce. He prayed to whatever god he had to that everybody didnt hear him. After all, there were already rumors from last semester that HE was responcible for all the deaths and missing students.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Charlize's mouth was full of beef when Headmistress Issabella tapped on her lightly on her shoulder. She swallowed quickly, a little struggling to do so, as it was a large piece of meat she had placed in her mouth. Turning her head she gave a weak smile, nodding and giving a mumble of noise to express happiness as the food made her way down her throat. Issabella bombarded her with comments and questions. Finally she got a word in, "Oh, yes! I made it back jus-" Headmistress was already on a different tangent. "Oh, I don't know if I could ever be a teacher, I'm not very informati-" being interrupted again, she was being pulled from her seat losing a dinner roll in the process. A pout came on her lips but she was very thankful to be held in such high view within the headmistress and other authority's eyes. Being led by Issabella to the staff dining area, Charlize had a moment to complete a complete structured sentence. "Thankyou miss." she cooed. It wasn't much, but at least it was a complete statement.

As they floated to the top Charlize followed Issabella to her seating to get to enjoy her meal. Or at least she hoped. Once they were seated she decided to answer the headmistress questions before putting anything else in her mouth, "To answer you questions," Charli started, leaning over to the woman slightly, "This weather is shit." she laughed, giving a cheeky grin. "My break was alright, I spent some time traveling, talked to a man who knew something about robotics, which helped me a bit, thought maybe he was a little too obsessed with my insides if you know what I mean." she raised her eyebrows watching the headmistress react before continuing. "As for teaching, it's not something that has crossed my mind, but having no where to go, it wouldn't be a terrible idea." she nodded, picking up a new fork and digging into her dinner once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

This kid didn’t know what an angel was? That was a surprise. Leo thought his species was rather well known on this planet, not to mention considered Godlike entities by many. At the end of the day however, they were just like any other ageless race. “Well, Angels live on another plane of existence. We can use white magic and the older angels can fly.” He began, rubbing his chin before continuing. “We can also sense peoples auras but I am still getting used to that.” Leo had a long way to go before his angelic powers would be anything noteworthy in comparison to other older, more powerful angels. When they reached the dining hall, Leo gently pulled out a seat and made himself comfortable. There was a lot of food stretching out before him and it had been a while since he got a good bit to eat. Angels didn’t necessarily have to eat, but he did enjoy the taste and it was a good social activity. “I don’t believe I caught your name.” Leo turned to look at the fairy. He had displayed a very eye catching sword, something that reminded him of the Guardian’s sword from the old tales. This boy had some interesting powers to say the least. “I don’t believe I have met a half fairy before, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance my friend.” The angel placed some food on his plate.

As Synn screamed the words coming form the dark pits of his other half, Leo turned towards the sound and for a second there, the dark and ominous aura that had surrounded him completely engulfed him. What was happening? There was something in there, that was for sure. "Are you okay...Synn?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by notdeadyet
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notdeadyet The en-dankened one

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"Peachy." Synn responded with a tad bit of attitude. He sat down leaving a seat between him and this angel for romeo, but being sure to stuff his boot at the mechanical elf who had poked his face up. That wasnt sin at all, synn was just growing sick of this elf acting in a way that fancied sin to show up. He couldnt pass off an opportunity to thank this strange teacher. His mind was processing the short description you gave him of angels, whilst his hand twirled about the air above his plate, an in responce, a fork floated over it, dancing about his spagetti is such a way, that it looked like synn was eating. The thought of white magic especially caught his attention. Maybe thats how he did it synn thought in refference to the hallway incedent.
The staff lounge had the same food, but more comfortable, individualized chairs, as compared to benches. Just a few rows across from Charlize, Beast was conversing with Alastair, about the urgency in the girls restroom. Somehow, Romeo and synn were included as prime suspects. Beast also threw headmistress Issabella under the bus, and shot Charlize a concerned look. If Issabella was sacrificing students, it would be the ones closest to her in the most immediate danger, and Issabella was clearly close to Charlize. "Alastair, i want you, when your done in the restroom, to do what you can to keep that student safe. I know your plate is likely full, and its the first semester back, but i have my hands full in the lower chambers of the dungeon. I cant spare the time. I smell fish upon Headmistress Issabella, and I dont think its seasoned properly."
Meanwhile, headmistress Chin had just finished her food. She was a faster and lighter eater, so it was very fast going for her. She walked over to the anti gravity lift, and floated down, leaving dinner early, and in what was obviously a hurry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DragonBeastMode


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"Oh yeah, I was too excited meeting new people. My name is Romeo, Romeo Golden. Nice to meet you too." This guy, Leo seem cool. Synn on the other hand is a little out there. ~I think there's more to his powers then what he's telling us.~ I don't think he said anything to you; now shut up! This cafeteria is nice, I'll just take two cheeseburgers. "I guess I'm sitting in the middle of us? Ha!" Synn made a big reaction to Leo, reviling that he was an angel, that was weird too. "HAHA! NOW IM GLAD I DIDNT KILL YOU EARLIER!" Did he just...what?! "Are you okay...Synn?" Yeah right, I don't think so. "Peachy." ~See that's what I mean, that was super weird.~ Your in my body, and that's not weird to you? ~Nope!~ Whatever, let me eat already. "Cheeseburgers are a little cold, let me heat them up some." I must admit they weren't that cold, but the more practice I get with my powers, the more control I'll have of them. ~If you think heating up cheeseburgers makes you stronger, then you got a long way buddy.~ God your so annoying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 17 days ago

With the words being spewed from the boy's mouth and letting the boy's boot connect with his cheek, the machine elf grinned and let the boy go off. Using his intangibility and crawling right through the bench in front of this table, Dodo righted himself with the wide grin still present, before instantly blinking into existence behind Synn's seat. Reaching out a hand to the boy's head, the elf almost but somehow refrained from patting the youth's head like he were a adorable little scamp, "Such a well behaved, cute children. Saying such adorable things, sharing their bodies with their little friends..."

Then, it seemed like a switch had been triggered. Blinking his bright glowing red eyes, his mouth pressed in a thin line, and his eyebrows furrowed. Brushing some of his messy hair back with a single hand, other hand plucking a pair of rimless specs from thin air to put on, before taking out a day planner and a pen, "I absolutely HATE HATE HATE HATE keeping a schedule, but I can't refuse the request of a woman trying to shove her heel into my eye socket--what a woman! Oh, anyways, you officially have designated Level 1 detention with me the the duration of this school year. Any missed detentions will either need your death certificate attached to it, or the time made up in designation Level 3 detention."

Scribbling a few notes into his planner, Dodo stopped for a moment to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, before addressing the question that was likely in the boy and his friends heads, "The detention was for our earlier encounter. You made as if to grab him throat, but did not deliver in even the bare minimum. So very, very disappointing. Now...if you have any questions about detentions and punishments, I do expect you to thumb through the student handbook for a quick review." Taking pen and planner in one hand, and his glasses in the other, he shook both...reducing them into nothing more than thin vapours? With his grin back on his face, Dodo shook both hands up in a cheesy Jazz-hands manner, before turning and walking off to the anti-gravity lift.

Getting to the front lift, the elf took in the sights of Chin coming down, and passing by him rather briskly. Despite Issabella being the vampire, Chin seemed that much more hungry for not-human food...why else would she be so in a hurry to fly from the hall in such a hurry? Maybe she wanted machine elf flesh? Suddenly losing interest in poking Honorably Lion-Beast and other instructor Alistair to let him help, and not yet interested in playing around and poking Chin Xiao, Dodo instead made way on his own to the girl's restroom.
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