Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mokley
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Mokley aka windyfiend

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Give me your character and I will build a world for her.
Right now I really miss being a moderator. I love latching onto small details and weaving them into greater and more elaborate plots. I love it when characters take a turn I didn't expect, and the plot gets redrawn from a different angle. What's different here, though, is that I will tailor settings, NPCs and plotlines to the character, never the other way around.

Please be aware that you'll probably have to abandon everything you thought you knew about the world your character lives in. As the moderator, I have to be deeply familiar with the setting: that's not possible if I feel like I'm trying to play out your concepts. The easiest way to ensure no one is left behind is the "Voyage and Return" basic plot. In other words, your character starts out normally enough, but through a series of choices finds himself in places and situations he never imagined.

I lean toward fantasy settings.
Personally, I'm happiest in a low-tech world with at least a potential for magic. Medieval and Steampunk are favorites, but the right character might convince me otherwise. Go crazy, or stay very subdued. Any culture, any landscape.

If you're interested, post a character here.
I can't guarantee that we'll end up rping together, so you may not want to put a whole lot of effort into it, but this part is important. Give me a concept of a character that you would LOVE to play -- and I mean absolutely LOVE -- and tell me why you love her. If I love him too, we might have an amazing story to write together.

I'd also be up for modding up to two players in the same thread. If by some miracle more than one person posts here, feel free to poke each other too.

Some ground rules:
  • No romance. If romance develops naturally in the story, great! But let's go in with the assumption that it's never gonna happen.

  • No superpowers. Your fireballs and your badass weapons are fun and cool, but please leave them at the door. Please remember: the more talented the character, the harder it is to challenge him. Also be aware that my plots rarely involve combat.

  • No angst. Angst is fun in moderation, but consistently miserable characters and miserable plotlines make me cranky.

  • No monologues. Writing for the sake of upping your paragraph count, while impressive, is useless to the plot. I'd rather have one meaningful paragraph than ten pages of flowery meaninglessness. Two to four paragraphs is the sweet spot, though if you're truly inspired please do write longer.

  • No compromises. If you're not entirely happy with my style or my preferences, or you discover a few posts in that you hate the rp, say something. Realize that I will do the same. It's not fair to either of us if one of us isn't into it.

  • And finally!
    Now that I've strutted about and boasted of magic worldbuilding powers, I'm not as sure of myself as all that. I ask a lot of questions -- an annoyingly long list of questions -- and I hope you don't mind being asked!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wernher
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    Member Seen 1 yr ago

    As someone who tends to always be the one to play 'The world' and animate a RP, you have no idea how much I crave for what you have to offer. If you feel you like my overall style don't like the plots enough to chose any of them just say, I have many more. My main thing I like to limit I'd say would be magic. I find it as a plot device to be annoying at best (Even if you're smart, you can't outsmart someone looking at your conversation at distance using magic). Also, although you'll notice I'm sure, I love intrigue, plotting and scheming, cloak and dagger style. So that's another thing.

    Setting: Middle Ages north german/south scandinavian land (Think Denmark after it was converted, christian but with still some viking traces left), low magic (Magic being more of subtle things, a prayer to find your way, instinct to detect if someone is lying or curses to bring bad luck, no lightning balls and extremely apparent things). The King is dead and now it seems the realm is on the brink of destruction as no clear heir is appearing and people must chose between an ambitious noble, a distant cousin from a far away land, an unrecognized bastard or the lone daughter all while merchants and rebellious peasants get in the idea to change the country in a republic, vikings think they spot an easy pray and foreign countries are eager to 'Restore Order'.

    Name: Veronika of the Tolstoy Dynasty
    Age: 28

    Personality: She herself would find it hard to describe as with every individual and with every situation she adopts the stance appropriate and while she is generally seen as the quiet well mannered princess that would make an ideal wife, the truth is that she ultimately is cold and apathetic, cynical toward the current system but not really determined to change it either, she'd want the throne not to make a point about women equality but because she'd rather not be a disposable object to be thrown out once she outlives her usefulness. Also is seen as a mystic by most at the castles due to her readings in forbidden books, such as those speaking of alchemy and of how the earth would actually be a sphere turning around the sun.

    Physic: Actually taller than most men at 6ft and a few inches with hard blue eyes and generally thin features, she isn't strong by all means and her dance skills only allow her to have slightly above average flexibility.

    History: Despite how jealously her father protected her from any men and always told she was the most precious thing he had, he always spent every second of free time he had with Veronika's 3 brothers until they died, assassination, hunting accident and in a war respectively, this left her with a mostly lonely childhood that she spent with books. When she became an adult many suitors came but her father turned them all away and her love went to other books that the court chaplain didn't approve of, making him her long term enemy. The king however wasn't the most fervent of believer, considering the ancestry of the royal family was that of converted pagans it was nothing new. Now that the king died without an heir, she found herself thrown on the political chess table, everyone thinking of her as a pawn to be used, most likely by convincing the dumb female to take one of them in marriage to provide legitimacy to the throne. Veronika however doesn't even consider that as an option as she knows she's valuable right until the man doesn't need her anymore, the objective for her now being to remain independent by amassing enough support and power to either become queen or at least to have a king that would be manipulable enough.

    Why I like it:
    Because I've always wanted to do the usual princess RP with a twist, not the warrior princess kind, but that she's a real shark under her pretty little dress and far from the dumb girl in need of being saved, use the stereotypes the knights have of her to her advantage and at the same time, she isn't evil either, her aim being neither destruction or the good of the realm, only her own independence.

    Setting: Modern, American criminal underworld, no magic. Smartass hacker thinks she's hot shit but gets involved in bigger than her business. A lot of directions this can take actually, hacking the wrong company and have to run for her life? Get conscripted by a mafia boss? Attract the NSA's attention and be thrown in the middle of an international spy game?

    Name: Erika Sutherland
    Age: 24

    Personality: Overconfident when she thinks she's in control but generally a coward, tries to appear as a cynical piece of shit that only ever thinks of herself (And generally is), but has something good at the bottom of her heart. Generally too arrogant for her own good and likes to think she has the 'Moral high ground' despite doing what other mobsters do, only with more sophistication.

    Physic: Tends to dress like a stereotypical student in private although she likes to show off in meeting by bringing fancy clothes to say 'I'm better than you', she is short at little over 5ft and is distinguishable in the fact that she constantly seems tired due to lack of sleep and can sometimes be seen with glasses, although she prefers contact lenses.

    History: Born in the middle class in New England, adept with computers from a young age and got herself involved with the anonymous movement when she was still a minor, the only thing that saved her from jail time. She got disillusioned by the whole Hacktivist movement and now moved to 'More important projects' namely getting a lot of money. Owner of a 'Security company', she mainly cracks corporate servers to get all the dirt she can to then contact an executive and blackmail them into hiring her corporation for security, essentially legally making protection money.

    Why I like it:
    Intellectual in the middle of a field of work where bruisers are more expected, not trained for what she gets in. She gets in because she wants to get rich, she tries to get out because she doesn't want to die.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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    Member Seen 4 hrs ago

    I've got more than a few concepts for you. They each would come with their own starting point as a setting, some with a more detailed backstory, but none of them impossible to move into territory completely foreign to them right from the start. :) And none of them without the possibility of tweaking either. One or two could even fit with the first setting offered by Wernher if Wernher is amenable to a second player getting in on the action. :)

    Thought I'd check first though, I noticed you mentioned having more than one person in a thread, but not sure if you're looking for more than one possible thread?
    Soooo, are you looking for more than one potential plotline/thread/rp?

    Didn't want to rattle off a list when I might be rattling for no reason.
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