Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 2 days ago


Character Templates are to be PM'd for approval before being put up in the OOC, and to avoid blatant "counter characters"

Information of The World

[hider=Map of Arkarell][img=http://oi62.tinypic.com/2zsd012.jpg]
[hider2=Travel Times]
It is roughly two days travel, on horseback, between each of the major cities and towns, following along the coast in a connect-the-dots fashion. This excludes Highmill to Arclight, which takes roughly a day of travel. This time is doubled for carts, caravans, and travelling on foot. Three days from Sylwynn to the Greycoast ruins, and two if coming from Aelholt. [/hider2]
[hider=The Cast]
[hider2=Sianna Blackwood (Aeonumbra)]
Sianna Blackwood



Social Position:

None (Assassin)

Appearance: Sianna is the opposite of what you would call Talk, Dark, and Gorgeous. In reality she's short, at an even 5'0, she's as pale as birch, and pretty at best because of it. She's inherited her mother's bleached white hair, with flows long and nearly wild across her light gold eyes, framed by pale cream cheeks which are easily alight with the bright, contrasting pink of a blush. Her lips narrow the threshold, a light pink outline beneath her small button nose. Many find her face kind of startling, if not awkward, to maintain a gaze with. That may also be due to the four small horns located on her head, two above and behind her ears, and two above her temples, all residing around the crown of her skull.

The rest of her also pretty much comes into a fun-sized package, she doesn't share the voluptuous breasts of other girls, nor the childbearing hips, or the full thighs, or even a desirable figure. Sianna is almost like a board, broken just slightly by her petite womanly curves. As a package, she could be called dainty, porcelain, or even fragile.

Special Gear:
Shade & Shadow: Sianna's favorite twin daggers; Two short cross-guard daggers, the pommel wrapped in black leather and held together by bronzed studs, which promote good grip. The blades are double edged and fashioned from steel. At the base of the blade, a hair above the cross-guard, there is a single runic etch...?

Embroidered Wristcuffs: These circlets fit snugly around Sianna's wrists, and are embellished in fine hues of her house colors, gold and black. Adorned with ruby gemstones,..?[/hider2]
[hider2=Evelina (Kapuchu)]

Human (presumably)



Social Position:
Royalty/Common (Bastard)


Evelina can best be described as an anomaly. Even among the diverse appearances of elves, dwarves, humans, and whatever else you can find, she stands out. She looks human at first glance, but if someone looks closer they’ll notice differences both subtle and incredibly obvious—should she drop her cloak, that is.

Evelina is a mix between a cat and a human, standing on two digitigrade legs covered in light brown fur, and ending in a pair of paws each with a set of sharp, deadly claws. She doesn’t have normal human ears, instead having a pair of light brown-furred ears poking through her hair atop her head. Adding to this cat-like look is a long, agile tail which is used both for balance as well as utility. It is strong enough to lift small-to-medium sized objects, but isn’t for much use outside of that. Finally there are her canines which are all elongated, giving her a toothy grin and decidedly dangerous bite.

Aside from this, Evelina is actually a very attractive young woman, with long, fiery red hair, green, slitted eyes—which sometimes seems to glow, especially in the dark—and fair skin. From her mother she inherited a very curvaceous body, with wide hips and a large bust, although the latter of the two is often mostly hidden thanks to bandages she wraps around her chest. Her build is slender both strong, making her assets even more noticeable, as well as giving away the fact that her life has not been an idle one, but one with extensive amounts of activity and training.[/hider2]
[hider2=Hancone (Callthecops)]
Hancone (Formerly: Araphen Ravenstone)

The Keeper



Social Status:
Noble Family (Estranged)

Wanderer/Mercenary/Monster Hunter

Special Gear:
The Keeper’s Blade- This dark steel bastard sword ...?
Astren’s Ring- (Hancone wears this).[/hider2]
[hider=The Six Houses of Nobility]
If a Royal House of Nobility does not have a Male heir, one shall be conceived, or one shall be appointed.

[hider2=The House of Onamor (The Roman07)]
Name: Sir Richard Onamor VI
Age: 48

Occupation: Kings guard and House Onamors second in command. Father of Richard VII

Summary: Second only to his now retired father, Sir Richard is a loyal servant that pledges his life to the king along with twelve others in which The king himself trust wholeheartedly. A bit out of his prime but still able to weild a sword with the best of them, there are stories of his deeds written on the walls of the castle halls themselves. You cannot pass them by without him narrating them all to you wether you want him to or not.

Name: Lady Rina Onamor
Age: 19
Occupation: 2nd wife to Sir Richard VI. Rumored to be a Succubus due to her beauty and undeniable lust for power. (Or people in power)

Summary: Richards father remarried two years ago to Rina after she was found during one of Sir Richards missions. Held captive by bandits who used her as a "toy" and planned to sell her to the highest bidder afterwards. Luckily Rina seems tougher than she looks, once Richard VI found her it was love at first sight.... or so it seems.

Names: Jack and Jillian Onamor (The Twins)
Age: 22
Occupation: Jack is younger brother and candidate to the kings guard. Jill is a Shieldmaiden as well as quite the healer and alchemist.

Summary: Although they are considered twins, they are nothing alike. Jill is tough, battle hardened, spit in your face while passes you a drink type of girl. Her father always calling her the boy he never had. Jack on the other hand would rather polish his armor than fight in it. Not quite as good with a sword but always seems to win. Some say magic, others say coin but both fail to realize what a great tactician Jack is. when these two are seen together there's no telling what trouble is being plotted.[/hider2]
[hider2=The House of Pyre]
Name: Sir Gregith Pyre

Occupation: Lord, harbor master.

Summary: Lord over the House of Pyre, Gregith knows more than any what it feels like to fall on hard times from within the noble houses. As master of the kings fleet, his job is almost nonexistent due to the dangers of the waters. He would do anything to restore the wealth he feels he deserves to his family, and become strong once again. Without the need for building ships and docking them, his house is on the bottom of the political food chain. Viscous, cunning, and without hesitation, Gregith has made a name for ruthlessly trying to claw his way up to the top, back into power. He needs but a moment in the darkness, an opportunity to strike. He has maintained his near-bottom position only by outsourcing his warehouses for storage, and conversion into workshops for which he charges rent and fees for guarding. Gregith stands tall and toned at 5'9, fit from keeping practice with woodworking, should the time ever arrive when his skills are needed for the waters to be braved.

Name: Ami'lynn Pyre

Occupation: Mistress of the House of Pyrse, Wife to Gregith Pyre, Mother of Gwenifere Pyre.

Summary. Ami is everything her husband is, and more, with only the graceful viciousness that a woman can have, subtlety of course. Her job is literally that of politics and intrigue, a watchful eye, and a keen ear. She never directly makes a move, rather she's more of an information broker of sorts. She is popular, beautiful, and manipulative. She's the one who will be having a polite conversation with your, while her husband sends an assassin to stab you in the back. She has not let the hard times of her family's name keep her out of the games, and she shares her husband's ruthlessness, if only by listening here, bribing there, and all the while wearing a snake's smile. Ami is shorter than her husband, standing around 5'6, but she has the graceful beauty of a swan with a snake smile and a shark's teeth.
Name: Gwenifere Pyre

Occupation: Daughter of Gregith and Ami'lynn Pyre, Court Maiden.

Summary: Gwenifere, while not living up to her parents personas, has a more mild nature about her. She cares deeply for her house, and her family, and for their coffers. Yet, she's not so ruthless, less eager to kill of her obstacles. She's the family tactician, she's smart, and she can see ahead to the bigger picture. Slowly forming alliances and building friendships, she's making her way in the political game through love and friendship. The more men that fall in love with her, the more people she has to do her dirty work. She's a key manipulator, without ever really telling you what it is she wants you to do. She doesn't report to her father, as her mother does, rather he stands by the sidelines proudly watching his daughter swim through a snake infested pond. She stands just beneath her father at 5'7, with a coy smile that could stop a man's heart. Her smokey eyes match her soft, freckled face well, and her body is that of an object of desire. She is in no lack of suitors, never bored at a dance. She's a social butterfly, but she has her sights set much higher than just marrying a suitable man.[/hider2]
[hider2=The House of Veshan]
Name: Tul'Veshan

Occupation: Lord of the House of Veshan, Lord of the Huntsmen, Master of the Rangers, Second General in the King's army.

Summary: Tul enjoys his status as being one of the top families, which really rubs people the wrong way his being an elf and all. Yet he is a master marksman, and with his natural communion with nature, a master huntsman. He commands the huntsmen, the largest grouping of hunters in the kingdom, and nearly out matched in their skill. Few resist the opportunity to join the hunt, yet even fewer are willing to brave the Mystwood, nearly always blanketed in fog. The risk is great, the reward is great, and Tul feels that his men's skill is mucher greater. Tul's men work as contractors, when they are not feeling the meat stores with game. A rogue troll, a baby dragon in a barn? No problem. He also commands the king's marksmen, archers, and crossbowmen in times of war, or rather when a greater void beast comes ashore.

Tul is straightforward and can be abrasive. He doesn't really care about anyone outsight of his family, his command, or his allegiance. If someone is in his way, he will move them. If someone is a problem, he will solve it. He tends to handle everything himself, while enjoying the life of luxury and the fancies of royal concubines. He also holds the kings favor, and when Tul rarely asks for a favor, is it usually duly granted. Tul stands tall at 6'2, even for an elf as tall as they are. Yet his body is like a trangle of taut whips, all corded together in a slim frame packed with toned muscle. His strike is like a whip, and his feet move even faster. While elves normally command magic, Tul is not known to use anything but forest sense, using it to track his prey easily. When he's feeling bored he will track his pray the hard way.
Name: Nyth'Veshan

Occupation: Mistress of House Veshan, Mistress of the Huntsmen, Mother of Mia'Veshan, Eri'Veshan, and Tyr'Veshan.

Summary: Nyth commands the respect of the king, if not the favor her husband has, due to her skills, which do not fail in comparison to Tul's. She shares his abilities when hunting prey, and together there is rarely a goal they cannot achieve. Nyth is as likely to go hunting with her husband, as she is to “solve a problem” with him. Yet, she is hardly violent in nature. She enjoys the sport, of hunter vs prey, and occasionally hunter vs hunter. She is a bit shorter for an elf, standing at 5'7, yet her beautiful face, crested in autumn colored hair, commands an appealing nature. She also enjoys the lavish life of luxury when not on the hunt, enjoying concubines herself, sometimes even with her husband. She's not much for the politcal games, sharing the straightforwardness of Tul. For this, both of them are feared within the courts. The never make a move that would anger the king and bring about his wrath, yet they remain the furthest away from the game.
Name: Mia'Veshan

Occupation: Daughter of Tul'- and Nyth'Veshan, Court Maiden.

Summary: Mia is another of the courts more beautiful maidens, yet many do not approach her because of the point of her ears, the way flowers seem to slightly bend towards her. Still, those who would look past the fact that she is an elf, and would pollute their bloodline, are but terrified children before her father. He commands an air of respect that would make a young man soil himself. Mia does not hunt or prey upon unfortunate monsters, rather she enjoys toying with others in the great political game. With her family's position quite secure, she is rather amused by the game, and plays it for sport. She also practices magic, openly. As most know, the laws of normal men, even for mages, hardly apply to nobles unless invoked upon the wrath of the king. And with the castle's gardens in full, beautiful bloom all year long, he could hardly be mad. She practices druidism, healing and communing with nature. She could as easily make a fully grown tree from a seed, as have a pleasant conversation with the birds that roam the gardens. It's the latter skill that lets her enjoy such amusement from the noble's games. She perhaps knows the most, yet keeps it to herself, unless the provision of information would serve her amusement, or her father requests it. Continuing the decline of height in her family, Mia stands petite for an elf at 5'5, yet her smallness makes her beautiful, and her smile could thaw an assassin's heart. Most anyways.
Names: Eri'Veshan and Tyr'Veshan; Respectively.

Occupation: Sons to Tul'- and Nyth'Veshan, Master Huntsmen, and skilled bladesmen.

Summary: Eri' and Tyr'Veshan are twins, and share a bond that most twins do. Though, technically born first, Eri holds the title of Heir, yet Tyr holds no jealously towards him, it is the way of things. They both practise just enough magic to maintain their communal with nature, yet do not delve any further. Rather, the blade and the bow are their weapons of choice. Following in their parent's footsteps they joined The Hunt, and their skill is just underneath their parent's, yet they are still considered masters. They can often be found in the sparring yards when not on the hunt, dueling each other, or others. The enjoy fine wine, and fine women. Even in their bedding of women they do not separate. Many joke that they are married to each other, and they are not far off. They feel they don't need anybody else but themselves. The mother says they share the same soul, thus their attachment. Both of them stand near there father at 6'2, and share his whip like muscular build.[/hider2]
[hider2=The House of Earnheart]
Name: Agamond Earnheart

Occupation: Lord of House Earnheart, High priest of the Millennium Hand

Summary: Agamond is the High priest of the Millennium Hand, a church devoted to the god Humanis, lovingly referred to as “The Maker”. A bit fanatical in his zealous purification of the sinners, demons, and things of unholy nature, he is a fierce warrior. Though he belongs to the noble courts, the first dedication of his life belongs to The Maker, through the Millennium Hand. He wields holy magic, smiting away foes and cursing their souls to oblivion, or perhaps sending them down the path of righteous redemption, for everybody sins. He is as likely to pray for your forgiveness, as to strike you with the back of his hand. He can be quite temperamental, and on the battlefield he goes into what can only be described as a divine blood lust, to save or condemn souls that is. When he isn't shielding is brethren from corruption, mending the wounds of his allies, or wrapping the vulnerable in protective barriers, he is in the fight, blasting his way through hits foes with purifying columns of white fire. When all else fails, he will blungeon is way to victory with his family's mace, passed down from generation to generation.

Agamond is a bit of a small behemoth, standing around 5'6 and having the muscular body of two men, Agamond's armor always takes twice the material. Yet he walks as solid as a moving stone, with a chest as strong as iron. He is kind, yet stern, to his friends, his wrath better used on the filth of Arkarell, the lowly, the weak. He believes The Maker intended them to be Strong, and forthright in their convictions. That fact that not everyone follows this disgusts him.

Name: Darket Earnheart

Occupation: Son of Agamond Earnheart, Heir to House Earnheart, Apostle of The Millennium Hand

Summary. Darket is a man of solid convictions, a will tested by the teachings of his father. Though he has no scars to show for it, he had been shaped and molded into a forthright, honest man. Since they are hardly threatened by the political games other noble houses play, as they are hardly around to be played up, Darket became an apostle and ventures between the churches of The Hand. Their coffers are filled to the brim from donations and self sacrifice, disciple of being rather than having, thus they are akin to giving, usually in the form of gold. Though many of the things his father does are kept secret from him, it is no secret that Darket is a handsome man, standing at 5'8 and with the kind of face some women melt for. His appearances are often greeted with showers of petals and the screams of women full of longing. Though it is The practice of the Hand not to disrespect The Maker by confining oneself to a single being of his creation through marriage, Darket it not known for frivolous love, if believes in true love. If not one, but many. He only takes it upon himself to bed women who reach past his exterior, and interior, touching his very soul, so to speak. Though he does not favor blade nor blugeon, Darket is an exceptional caster, and being of the nobility, is not constrained by the laws of normal men. Which works to his favor. The holy magic that flows through him is a gift from The Maker himself, where the darker, evil magics of fire and corruption are that of demons possessed by jealousy. He wields the power of divine magic, even stronger than his fathers, and tends to work “healing miracles” in the towns he passes through, though many of his healing are mere child's play.

Name: Minith Earnheart

Occupation: Daughter of Agamond Earnheart, Apostle to The Millennium Hand

Summary: Minith shares a similar story with her brother, even more so that their ages are not far a part. Brought up with a strong will, and even stronger convictions by her father's stern hand, Minith seeks joy from sharing her divine gift with the world. Showing them that magic is good, at least those of divine roots. Occasionally she'll travel with either her father or her brother, but she can usually be found residing over the Church of The Millennium Hand, hosting congregations, prayer sessions, divine advice, and healing within Aelholt. Though she beds more frivolously unlike her brother, she does it with tact and grace. Since marriage is frowned upon in the teachings, and procreation is not, she uses this to follow the teachings, self pleasure, and to spread the word of The Hand, all which fall well within the boundaries of the teachings. She too, favors no weapon, though her brother carries a staff, she uses nothing but her hands. The magic flows just as strong within herself, as it does her brother, and through practice neither have ever bested each other. Spared from the curse of evil and corrupted magic, Minith openly performs “miracles” with her magic, teaching that divinity is good, all else brings destruction and ruin. She is a petite girl, at 5'3 with a soft face and frail features. Yet her magic is a force of divine reckoning when it needs to be.[/hider2]
[hider=Character Template]
(You may add any information brackets you feel are needed, this is just minimum required stuff)


Race: (You may make up a race, and a god to go with it if need be.)

Age: (this includes actual, and appeared for anything that lives longer than a normal human life span)

Social Position: (Common Citizen, Noble, Merchant, Outlaw, harbor master, etc.)
--*Note: I tend to attempt to kill the king, governors, mayors, and nobles.

Job: (if applicable)

Special Gear: (Ancient swords of flaming doom, amulets of power, spell books, wizard staffs, go here)

Special Skills: (Can you do something nobody else can do? What is it.)
--*Note: You can give your skills fancy names if you want, just avoid your character shouting it out rpg style.
--*Note: Weapon skills usually involve magic. If you can use a sword to cause an earthquake, there is probably some for a magic involved.

Magic: (if applicable, what kind of magic does your character use. This includes all of the who's, what's, when's, where's, and why's.)
[indent]--*Note: If you have an uncommon idea for magic, then make sure you hash it out fully.
--*Note: Alchemy, Enchantment, etc-- Are Magical Arts. Meaning you can produce a product to be sold. (You can buy art).
--*Note: Elementalism, Heliokinesis, etc-- Are Magical Practises. Meaning you study and evolve it for practical use. (You're a weapon).
--*Final Note: Magicians are the lowest scum of the earth, dirt has more value. Nobody is likely to bat an eyelash if you're raped and murdered. But if a magician uses magic in self defense, violence, or in public, they are subject to anything from mutilation, public floggings, to hanging. If you choose magician, your life will be hard.



Anything else you feel needs to be section into your CS, please add here.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by kapuchu
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kapuchu The Loremaster

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Where do you find those pictures?!?!?!

I thought I found nice cover pictures for Worlds Collide o_o
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 2 days ago

I Edit them in Gimp, changing the overall color aspect from dark-ish sky to void purple is pretty easy.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 2 days ago

kapuchu said
Where do you find those pictures?!?!?!I thought I found nice cover pictures for Worlds Collide o_o

Google, Deviant art, Wallpaper sites (such as Alphacoders), and youtube covers.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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Anzu Needs a u-circumflex

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I like the idea of PMing in the templates. Got some questions before I go and make one. Basically, over the rest of this week I could probably pull of 2-3 posts, with it being easier next week (final week of labday for physics and chemistry coursework, two math practise tests this week too), is this gonna be too slow compared to what you want us to do at the start of the game? Template would probably be sent about 20 hours from now, i.e. early next evening. Don't want to commit the time if I'm going to be slowing us down, I didn't get the impression that I would but I wanted to check.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Are you born with a natural affinity for magic, or can anybody do it with study?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 2 days ago

Anzu said
I like the idea of PMing in the templates. Got some questions before I go and make one. Basically, over the rest of this week I could probably pull of 2-3 posts, with it being easier next week (final week of labday for physics and chemistry coursework, two math practise tests this week too), is this gonna be too slow compared to what you want us to do at the start of the game? Template would probably be sent about 20 hours from now, i.e. early next evening. Don't want to commit the time if I'm going to be slowing us down, I didn't get the impression that I would but I wanted to check.

I expect a minimum of once a week, with exceptions. I myself, next year some time, will be getting a job with a crazy schedule. I can manage once a week, but if something comes up I won't have the time. 12 hour days, with a scattered day off or shift change for about two weeks. Then get a week off, where I plan to post on the first day, and the seventh day if possible.

It's not as bad as I make it sound, there just won't be any time between work days to post.

The Fated Fallen said
Are you born with a natural affinity for magic, or can anybody do it with study?

I will make a detailed post about magic here soon. But the short answer is both, there are natural born magi, and then there are those who use other methods to have magic such as enchanted items, embedded runes (armor, flesh, weapons, etc.), inscriptioned tattooes, etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

What's a "counter character"?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 2 days ago

Say you make a magi who... oh say.. wields the destructive powers of fire.

Afterwards someone makes a character who wields water. Water is a direct counter to fire, and will overpower it.

Now say they only did that, because they wanted to win fights between your characters more often then not. (In the event that two characters fight)

That's a counter character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Ohhhh.. hmm ok I thought you meant mary sues, I just never heard that term before sorry :)

One last question, what is your character limit? 4? 6? 3 and a half?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 2 days ago

2.1 million, exactly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Roman07
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The Roman07

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeonumbra said
2.1 million, exactly.

Should be a fun game then :) hope we won't have a posting order if that's the case XD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Callthecops
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Callthecops The Empty Headed

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm very interested... What is the generally accepted power-level for characters? Typically I'd just base it off what other people seem to be doing, but seeing as sheets are being kept private I want to make sure that I don't end up under or overpowered...

Edit: Also, are those who use magic items considered on the same level as magicians are?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 2 days ago

The Roman07 said
Should be a fun game then :) hope we won't have a posting order if that's the case XD

Posting order forever and always. Me > You guys > Me. You can make a separate post for each character though, if need be, just try to keep up :) Though, don't slack on the awesome writing because you have multiple characters.

Callthecops said
I'm very interested... What is the generally accepted power-level for characters? Typically I'd just base it off what other people seem to be doing, but seeing as sheets are being kept private I want to make sure that I don't end up under or overpowered...Edit: Also, are those who use magic items considered on the same level as magicians are?

The more diverse you are in your character, the less powerful they will be. Stronger than the average man, yet a mage should pose a risk, or large group of thugs should be challenging. This is less about an RPG experience, and more creative writing. It's up to both of us to make things interesting, realistic, and maintain an air of quality. There will be fights you have to run from, and if you're not super witty stay away from my political games because everybody is a two headed snake in the grass.

I have a character right now who is part animal giving them some added physical traits, wields some magic, has some special equipment, and uses a sword, but this character's overall power scale is lower because of the diversity. Whereas this character could handle themselves in a fight, the nature of the template I was given makes certain things pose higher risks than others. This character seems adaptable to fighting any situation, but on lower scales. Those who are stronger, or more numerable pose a risk. On the down side because of this character's build, their social standing (yes it matters) is way low, and is more utility than a specific degree of offense, or defense. Useful yes, incredibly powerful, no. I see this character as a support type, yet able to hold their own against most common situations. I'm actually going to ask this person to scale their character down a bit, as the broad range of mechanics they want are tallying up to a little over the top.

My character is going to be involved in the political aspects of this, meaning they will be witty. But I'm also thinking assassin type with some magic. Because of the specific focus of my character, He will be considerably stronger than the character mentioned above, but has less utility. Both are important factors, you can't kill everybody, you can't save everybody, there will be hard choices.

Those who use magical items can be on the same scale as anybody else. Again it's all about quality versus quantity. The more you have the less you are. This includes magical runes, items, tattooes, and the like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

It's a shame I can't see people's character sheets, as I always like to piggy back off of other characters. I'm good at writing a character reacting to things, not so much things a character should react to, so I would always like to start in somebody else's limelight. Perhaps I can be someone's bodyguard?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Syben
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Syben Digital Ghost

Member Seen 2 days ago

If somebody wishes to share their template with you, I cannot stop them.

But the fact that you say "I always piggy back off of other characters" makes me question your ability to be self sufficient.

Regardless, you can be whatever you'd like.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Callthecops
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Callthecops The Empty Headed

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

How common are nonhuman races, and are they restricted to certain roles in society? For example, are there non humans in nobility?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Anzu
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Anzu Needs a u-circumflex

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aeonumbra said
I expect a minimum of once a week, with exceptions. I myself, next year some time, will be getting a job with a crazy schedule. I can manage once a week, but if something comes up I won't have the time. 12 hour days, with a scattered day off or shift change for about two weeks. Then get a week off, where I plan to post on the first day, and the seventh day if possible. It's not as bad as I make it sound, there just won't be any time between work days to post.

Good, even at the worst times I should be able to do once a week, and the times when I can't, I'll know beforehand. Around that time I'll be starting university for Aerospace Engineering, so I'll be in a similar (though probably not as bad) situation. Should be able to get a character template in for you today.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Fated Fallen
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The Fated Fallen Doesn't know what to put here

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aeonumbra said
If somebody wishes to share their template with you, I cannot stop them. But the fact that you say "I always piggy back off of other characters" makes me question your ability to be self sufficient.Regardless, you can be whatever you'd like.

What can I say, doing an RP with multiple people is far easier when you have contact with other people's characters. Otherwise its a bunch of people writing different stories
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

I think it can be really fun not knowing about other characters, as long as everyone properly introduces their characters in their first posts ^^. Seeing other char sheets has its benefits, mainly avoiding making two of the same type of character, but it's worth it in my opinion as it's more fun to find out what a character is capable of throughout the RP. Knowing what other people are playing ´before my character meets them kind of takes away from the experience, in my opinion ^^.
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