Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Cruor chuckled as he felt Scorn come up behind him, thinking about what she said. "I agree that she needs patience, but the insanity is up for debate. She was trying to do some recruiting for the Reapers but she failed. As for help catching her, I can handle it fine, she's twelve and has yet to awaken her powers. Besides, I already have something prepared to take her home and make sure she stays their. While it does that, we have some fun going on at Washington Avenue, as their seems to be a rather melodious melody coming from that direction." Standing up Cruor made a hand motion to Natasha, causing a red shadow to burst forth towards her from underneath his cloak, enveloping her before she could make a noise, then climb back up the building. Once on the roof top, it was revealed to be a strange wolf-like creature composed of blood, and wrapped almost entirely except for her face and knows was Natasha, who was giving Cruor a death glare. "Take Natsha back to the base and make sure she stays there." The wolf nodded, hen bounded away with Natasha mufflied screams fading as it got farther and farther away. Glad that, that was over with for now, Cruor turned back to Scorn, a psychotic smile on his face as he began to let go of his self control in preparation for the upcoming activities. "Now then, now that the children have been out to bed, the adults can have their fun, am I right Madame Scorn." With a cackling laugh, he began to hop from rooftop to roof top, using his blood tendrils to help him navigate the city towards Washington Avenue. **Ash, at the Coffeshop** Ash sighed, really not in the mood for this. But then, who was ever in the mood to do a job like his, and for no pay. He got all of his money selling his solid ash sculptures, which people find very appealing for some reason. "Don't remind me, god this is going to be a pain. *sigh* Well, see you later Kiera, as I got to bolt, so here the money for the meal, and I wish you a fine day." Ash said, giving her a small nod as he put the money on the counter, then walked out, grabbing the wooden walking stick he had placed near the door. "Lets see what this sand jokers got, and who comes to join the party." With a snap of his fingers, ash began to form around him, solidifying on his back to form a stylized pair of wings with flames placed underneath the wings. He pushed down with his wings and rocket up high, turning over to fly towards Washington Avenue once he reached a decent elevation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"No wonder this got thrown out," Jacob muttered, peeling open the sandwich to see what it was that was making the thing smell so off. It was the mayonnaise, a few maggots squirming around on the sticky bottom piece of bread. His mood down the gutter Jacob held back a belch, peeling away the bottom half of the sandwich and dropping it back in the garbage. The rest of it looked alright, though it was obvious the thing had been in there at least a day. "_Careless children. They never really know how good they really have things_," someone muttered unhappily, causing Jacob to turn around yet again. It got annoying really, but if someone was behind him he deserved to know. With a huff of annoyance Jacob folded his find in half, taking a bite and swallowing quickly as he could. "Curdon Cay screw ups, not stopping to think about the people who didn't have a life to go back to," he grumbled unhappily, his adulthood around the corner with nothing to show for it. "_It's a shame really_," someone agreed, this time Jacob ignoring them as he walked off back towards the city. The rest of the day was his and he had nothing to do. Oddly enough he began to rethink the girl's offer; it would have been something to do at least for a little while.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Twistedgrin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Order Screams would quickly being as Order arrived to scenes of violence, the blinding bands of light and sudden appearance was enough to diffuse most situations. Perhaps it was something about the core concept of most religion pushing that the divine are shrouded in light? Some however had the audacity to not only continue their violent actions but to attempt to harm her as-well! One of which was a fellow conduit, Clearly not a the brightest bulb, it attempted at first to attack her with a gust of dust? Calling it an "attack" was a bit of a stretch, all it managed to do was mess her hair and attire. With this in mind she raised a brow and released a focused wave of light, Bright enough to sear the Conduits retinas. While the man stumbled about trying to heal his delicate eyes Order sighed, "A weakling like you hardly counts as a conduit." The man ended up tripping and falling just in front of her. "Do you know about reapers? Or at the least know someone who might?" The man whimpered but managed to hold onto a bit of his masculinity as he cursed in her general direction "F*ck you!" To which her retort was a demonstration of how much more things hurt when you can't see it coming, in other words her cane jabbed into the mans forehead. "Such language is hardly needed, a yes or a" The conduit summoned up a wall of red dust and bits of stray brick and made it smash wildly in the dank little alleyway. Order grimaced dodging a brick that came at her from behind with a simple tilt of her head. Her cane glowed vibrantly before slamming into the mans head with enough force to make a stomach churning crack, a normal human would have likely been cleaved from such a blow. "Tch, you couldn't even defend yourself and you had the gumption to attack me again?...." Order allows her disappointment to show "Similar to the bricks it didn't take much to break you." The feeling of warmth on her exposed skin hinted at the suns light, meaning it was time to head back.The night's exploits had been anything but a effective usage of her time...aka a waste of it. She couldn't help but shake her head as she paced back and forth, seeking shadows is something light does however shadows are adept at avoiding it. Aside from the expected violence that comes in the night, it was much quieter than she had expected. Was this plan from the "Reapers" just a ruse to rile up the masses? As she sits at her rather rustic table, she grabs a remote from the center of it. With two clicks a radio began to cycle channels, after about a minute of random cycles later she ends up on a local news station. One that was covering a growing crisis, that clearly needed to be brought to order. "Washington street, thankfully I haven't showered yet." Order stepped up to the roof, unlike last time where she simply searched through the light she had a destination. In one Flash of light that would make a blue dwarf envious she was above Washington, but the light pollution forced her far higher than she would have liked. She barely managed to dodge the blades of a helicopter that had been beneath her, even hundreds of feet up she still could feel trace amounts of sand and ash in the winds. The distinct click of her cane was the only sound of her landing, not that it could be heard over the rather prominent sound of chaos that was all around her. Fire, screams, and general mayhem...Order found herself oddly calm, no a better word is comfortable. It is not that she derived pleasure in it, but more that she knew that she was going to bring it too an end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Elijah grimiced a little, he was not like Ash. He wasn't driven by pride or some misguided need to show or teach others to do the right thing. Just a nagging voice in the back of his head taking the form of his mother's. He always did what he could to ignore but he never won. He always gave into the voice. He just wondered whybthat voice could never tell him to get some hookers and throw down. No it was always telling him to do the right thing. He tossed a twenty down and waved off the drink. "Dont worry about the drink, I got some people to meet for work." His vioce let out a little anger amd frustration. "I'll... meet younat Zeke's or call, I don't know... I'll see you tonight." That was all he said before leaving the cafe. As he jumped on a metal staff he had left outside. He couldn't remember if it was Washington Avenue or Street. Reporter more than likely said both of them and further fucked his thinking for the day. His only real hope for the day was to find Scorn amd maybe talk her down. The two had a history of sorts. A brief one encounter or three in the Cay. Yet it was in New York City when the two really went at it. On more than one occasion they almost killed each other. Who held the most victories was up in the air but it was Eli that won the last time and let her go. He would tell you that he let her go but the truth was he had nothing left. He was just won tue bluffing contest that day. It had been a few months, maybe even a year or two since they last fought each other. He was the stronger of the two bsck then if only by a small margin. Now... now was a toss up at best. She had been building the Reapers while he tried form something close to life. Both just as hard as the other, just from different directions. Even now they kept in touch, exchanging information and favors. Doing what the other couldn't. He didn't want a fight with her. Not today. He made his by air, in search of the sand conduit. Knowing full well that Scorm would be there enjoying the madness.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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**Scorn** "Quite indeed let us have our fun, after all we shouldn't let others play alone in our playground," she said disappearing in nearby shadows and bounding across the rooftops using the darkness as her means of transporting herself around launching between roof to roof excited more then a child on Christmas as she went. A rogue conduit meant seeing other conduits which meant potential recruits or some enjoyable bonus fights after taking care of the rogue conduit. She hadn't had a good fight in quite some time. Primarily it had been because she needed time to be left alone so she could continue on her own schemes and plans but it made her impatient not being able to fight someone and now being freed from the shackles of her schemes for a time she could cause her own madness all the while recruiting. -- Upon reaching her destination she stopped a few rooftops away looking at the chaos below her."Ah it's so beautiful," she said with a smile, a bright red tear falling down her face ",but it will never be as good as my artwork and this conduit didn't ask for permission to play on my playground so time to show him who's the top dog here." **Kiera** "Yeah I'd help but work and last time I did I nearly got fired," Keira said ",Try not to have to much fun without me. See you at Zeke's." With that she was alone with her thoughts again, the one time she wished she wasn't. To keep her mind busy she went back to work, cleaning up tables and taking orders to keep herself busy. **Washington Avenue** The smell of ash filled the air with the destruction of several cars and shattered windows. Sirens filled the air with sound drowning out any other sounds that might be heard once in the district. It was utter chaos on the street. By the time most civilians were gone but the few stragglers that were left were in a panic not helping the CTU or the law enforcements job. All talks of trying to negotiate or reason with the sand conduit was out of the question, he was on a rampage, causing destruction however he could. The CTU was mostly still composed of conduits who had been used by Augustine so primarily they fought with concrete but the sand conduit seem to knock the projectiles fired at him like nothing. and swat those that to close like they were mere flies. "We need back up!" the head of the unit of CTU that was tasked with this assignment stated into a radio",We need a Super Rook if you can spare one or three." A car nearby exploded into flames as a solid mass of sand came crashing down upon it. Another CTU agent came rushing forward, his arm limp at his side, no doubt broken from impacting into a wall. "Sir we've lost another block, if we don't stop the rogue's advancement he'll reach another residential area and we don't have the man power to do an evacuation for those living there. We need to stop him now before he gets to far." The head of the unit sighed."We aren't going to get back up in time. Guess we hold as long as we can. If anyone wishes to help that is a conduit allow them but we must contain this conduit once he is down with the cuffs as fast as possible."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Twistedgrin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Order As if the mans words had been a que Order's flash appeared beside the man. "I need to borrow this" her hand grabs a flashbang from the mans vest. ** "H-hey!" ** He reached for it but recoiled when he noticed the pin was already pulled, Instead he screamed out **"Flash out!"** and dived away. A normal flash bang has a white flash but in Orders hands it seemed far diminished? When the man looked back slightly hesitant Order seemed to have taken a yellow hue, rather unnatural looking. A side effect of a flash bang to the face? Suddenly hes hoisted up from his position a Order of another more blue tint was standing before him, **"Can you give me any information over this conduit, history,abilities, anything may aid in the speed in which 'We' can rectify the situation." ** Meanwhile, the Crimson order had introduced herself to the Sand Conduit. Her abilities taking on a red hue make her presence seem far more hostile despite this she begins this with a simple.** "Hello, I don't suppose I could save us both time and you simply surrender?**" The answer was a snake like strike from a formed band of sand. When the sand pulled back instead of a mangled person the conduit was greeted by cracked street? Its eyes began looking around, bands of sand lashing at would be hiding spots. **"A tad jumpy aren't we?"** The red hue woman crashed down on the sandy being, her words giving it just enough warning to get a sandy guard up. Another surprised gasp escapes the sand conduit, for such a small frame the Crimson order hit with enough force to cause the other conduits knees to buckle and the asphalt to break around it. Gathering its bearings the Conduit stands strong not backing down, Order sighed "I admire your tenacity. I have killed a few weaker willed fools with that. Are you ready fo." A pillar of sand comes out from beneath her feet! She attempted to counter with a second crashing strike but the Sand conduit in turn made a spire for her to land on, hoping to impale her!** "How crude, but I find your adaptation very admirable."** Order was standing beside the conduit beneath its spire? When did? The conduit tried to swat her only for the Crimson illustion to burst into a flash and the one in the air to actually connect! Leaving the Conduit stunned but the crimson Order seems to have exploded only a red distortion in the areas light remanined? Back at the Line the blue order had left to aid in evacuation, leaving the Yellow Order with the CTU. **"That should buy us a few more minutes at the least, but that conduit is a tad more burly than I had originally thought. Do you have a spare flash bang or two? I feel like this situation is about to get a tad more Chaotic before I can bring it back into Order." **
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

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Having found something to eat Jacob was back in the city, walking through the alleys and back streets without real direction or purpose. His thoughts kept straying back to the girl in the park, more specifically what she had been trying to offer. She was far to forward, and rude, and angry, but the concept of what she'd been asking intrigued Jacob. Food, a place to sleep, a job maybe? Sounded more gang like but it would be the closest thing to a job Jacob had ever had. "She said to watch out for people dressed like her," Jacob muttered, doing his best to remember her words. _"Find someone in a creepy jacket then,"_ someone sneered, their voice sounding distant. So Jacob began wandering randomly with a purpose, looking for anyone he could maybe approach. Unfortunately he'd need to hope he could actually find them, since lots of conduits traveled over the streets when in a hurry and Jacob for the most part lacked this ability. Sure he was fast and strong enough to jump from one building to another but climbing or scaling them was beyond his ability.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

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Cruor was right behind Scorn as she spoke, nodding in agreement with a manic smile on his face. He watched as another conduit appeared, one with control over light it seemed, and began to engage the sand conduit. Cruor watched as she seemed to split into three separate copies of herself, wondering how he should approach the situation. Coming up with a plan, he quickly turned to Scorn, pointing at the blue and yellow version od the conduit. "Madame Scorn, you take care of those two versions of the conduit, and I'll take care of the red one and Mr. Sandman." Unable to hold himself back any longer, Cruor bounded off the building and landed right between the red woman and the sand conduit. He rose up, his long cloak-like jacket flapping wildly around him, and thrust his hands up in a theatrical manor. "Count thy blessings, you filthy pigs, because the Reapers have come to collect their blood harvest." As soon as he had finiahed speaking, he snapped his fingers, causing to tendrils of blood to appear, writhing around as if they were alive. He made them blast forward at high speeds, both about to impale the conduits he faced.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Scorn gave Cruor a nod before once again disappearing into the shadows and then reappearing behind the two CTU conduits. "Oh dear, you forget to invite me to the party? I'm sure you must be mistaken perhaps the invitation just got lost in transit," she said and before the two could register who they were dealing with, Scorn shot a ball of shadows at one and tackled the other ",I mean after all it isn't a party if I'm not invited but unfortunately it seems someone didn't get the memo that only I get to play in this town." She jumped off the concrete conduit with a maniac laugh ",Oh who's afraid of big bad Scorn. big, bad Scorn?" She was unable to sing the next verse though do to one of the CTU's getting back up and firing at her causing her to fall on her face, something he would regret dearly. "Oh you are going to regret that. Oh now don't look so scared lets put a smile on that face," she said in a dark voice as she quickly got back up and charged the one who shot at her. Her hands had shadows form around them, making a vicious pair of claws which she dug into the CTU agent's face carving out two upward lines to form a smile. The screams were sounds of sweet bliss. "Ah much better, see how easy it is to put on a smile," she said turning her attention to the other CTU agent who must of been the one in charge. He had formed a moving concrete barrier around him and had her in his sites. He shot several projectiles at her which she dodged by jumping into the shadows. She was rather getting bored with these two. They weren't putting up much of a fight and the CTU agents were nothing new unlike sandy who was tearing her playground apart. Perhaps Cruor would need help plus the other conduit who had been fighting sandy when they had arrived looked familiar. Perhaps a potential recruit once they took down the rogue conduit. Somewhere Else in the City "Sir multiple conduits have engaged the rogue," a scratchy, high pitch voice said through an ear piece. "Good," another voice replied on the other end ",Everything is going as planned. Keep your eyes on the fight and don't make me have regrets on letting you join us or else." "N...Ne...Never sir I'm on it," the high pitched man replied nervously with a gulp returning to the screens in front of him of the cities cameras that had been hacked with no one knowing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

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"That might be something," Jacob murmured, hearing sirens out on the roads which must have been a street or so down. "Hey, watch it!" someone shouted as Jacob picked up his pace, dashing past another alley someone must have been walking down. Soon he was out on the streets and could see something happening in the distance, with waves of sand and bursts of light here and there. "Ready to try your luck?" someone behind him asked, to which Jacob gave a nod in response before he began running towards the mess. Stopping a fair distance away where some other bystanders had decided to watch, Jacob looked upon the seen to see a group of conduits brawling out in the streets. Squinting he looked each of them up and down, instantly spying at least one of them with a skull painted onto their jacket. Perfect, Jacob thought to himself, realizing all he had to do now was wait for a chance to speak with the conduit. "They'll probably be heading for the rooftops to get away. Might want to get a head start," someone in the small crowd suggested. Turning around he saw an older woman who's looks seemed to fit the voice and Jacob thanked her, she in return giving him a questionable look as he dashed towards the nearest building to look for a fire escape to climb.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli was high above in the New York Sky's in desperate search of a being known to the world as Scorn. He knew with not a doubt that when he found the rouge sand conduit, he would find scorn. He was later proven to be right when he was a witness to what basically amounted to murder. CTU never stood a chance against her, it wasnt much different than putting a gun to their head pulling the trigger. He thought he saw someone with her but he was too fixated on her to worry about anyone else. Thoughts ran through his mind if he should save the innocent people down there who were too stupid to run when they had the chance. He also knew that any fight they would get into wold only kill more people and cause more destruction. He stayed in the air, angery and watching the goings on down below.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Twistedgrin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

---crimson The crimson Order took a moment to smirk, if he had not taken the time to announce himself. While Sandy's barely dodges Order pirouettes as if it had been choreographed. "Oh you do know how to charm a woman don't you?" A raised brow on her face as she 'looks' over the new man. While hardly able to really see him she could certainly smell him... "Speaking of swine, between that and the blood you must live in a slaughter house." She puts a hand over her mouth while imitating a feeling nausea. [b]"So tell me butcher are you part of th-- ---blue Scorn made herself known in a way that was pretty impressive, her movement alone was unsettling let alone what she was actually doing. B.Order simply observed while she dispatched the men with ease, she notes how her shadows don't seem to fade in the light. She mutters something about the way a physicist would have a field day. ---Yellow That awkward moment when you can only be in three places at once. Yellow does not move from her position, instead she grabs the man by his vest. "You need to move the perimeter back, this is about to get a lot worse." The man raised a brow who does this punk think she is. The thought was answered by a vibrant red flash "We are pulling back!" ---Back to Crimson a just prior to the red flash --reapers? Since Scorn just made her self known I am going to guess, that is yes." She pointed a finger at the man saying nothing, just smirking. The tip of her finger begins to glow quite vibrantly "I guess it wouldn't be fair if I didn't do as you?" She clears her throat. "Order has come with the intent to illuminate your darkness!" A giant red beam from her finger.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Cruor kept on smiling as the beam of destruction came towards him, putting his hand out in front of him. Blood converged in from of him and hardened into a pointed shield of red iron. The beam was intense and powerful, and Cruor was pushed back a bit, but he had made it so that the shield was diverting the laser around him instead of taking it full on. So he was safe, the area behind him was not, having been ripped to shreds by the deadly run off. When the attack was finished, Cruor scrapped off the burned up outer layer of his shield, giving a hearty laugh at Order's words. "My darkness is far past the point of illumination and order, Miss. Order, But I must say that your choice of dress is quite showing and fantastical, and the melody of your conduit blood," Cruor took a second to close his eyes as he listened to the sound of Order, a lightning fast beat that made him want to lose himself to it, "simply intoxicating, but not as much as my Madame Scorn. I would ask of you wish to join us, but I'm guessing from your actions that you're not in favor of our policies. A shame really, you would have made a good Reaper I believe, ah well." Cruor gave a slight sigh, then he raised his hand and the iron shield liquified and burst forth again in a barrage of tendrils towards the light conduits, some moving to flank her from the sides. Cruor, having covered his body under his robes a special Blood Armor, had a blade of the stuff and was charging with his Tendrils, riding on top of them and aiming to launch an attack form the sky. And he also formed a back up plan as well. Amongst the tendrils, a myriad of blood creatures were forming, little insectoid things, and the minute his attack came with in a few feet of her, they would charge forward, a swarm of creatures seeking to do one thing, distract her from the enemy, going for the eyes, nipping at her skin, crawling in her ears, what ever out took to take her attention off of their master. Ash Ash was currently watching the whole spectacle with a practiced eye. He wasn't going to join the battle just yet, as that would add more Chaos than is needed. He was keeping an eye out for any straggling citizens that hadn't made it out yet, and when ever he saw one, he was quick to help them exit the situation. Some of hiss boys were on their way, but Ash doubted they'd get their in time. Currently high in the air, he moved next to Eli, who was floating in the air as well, watching the proceedings. "Hey, Eli, what brings you here? Other than the crazy conduit battle that is." Ash said with a slight chuckle in his voice. "I wouldn't advise getting gin the middle of that yet, I'd say that whoever your going to fight with, be it order, Scorn and her lackey Cruor, or even me, you take a second to think about it. Don't do anything that your not a 100% sure on, that's what I always say. Or at least what I should." Ash finished with a laugh, never taking his eyes of the other conduit. He never knew what to think of Eli, but he hoped he'd make the right decision, or else Ash would have to take the guy down.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

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Out of the corner of Scorn's eye she noticed an odd blue light that she didn't notice before. The shape was indeed human and then it struck her what it was and a smile grew on her face as she was taken from the fighting suddenly and switched her tactics from chaos to recrutment measures. "Ah the ever persistent Order. You are as hard to find as I am," Scorn said finding her way over to the blue silhouette but also kept her distance. In the distance she heard Cruor mention her and fight the crimson version of who she spoke to now ",Ah Cruor is quite loyal but I can be civilized when I wish and he doesn't speak for me entirely but he is right. Why must we be on opposite sides of the same board. We both want the same thing, we just have different means of going after it." She walked over the edge of the building looking now at the fight at hand ",Indeed I create chaos but it's for a new order, one that could use a conduit much like you. Light and shadows, we have more in common then you think. After all shadow is not cast but born from light. The brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. I want a new order, you want order, however one must learn to have order especially a new one first their must be chaos so the new order can then manifest itself from the ashes of the old order. But forgive me where are my manners, I'm now merely monologuing to you. Shall we discuss this more in depth later or deal with the nuisance at hand? As much as I do love chaos, this is still my playground, my city and no rogue gets to cause chaos unless I deem it so. Shall we share a side so your Crimson self doesn't have to deal with blood?" Underneath the insanity wanted out again but Scorn pushed it down for the time, she needed to be calm at that moment, trying to speak with the ying to her yang wasn't an easy process and was delicate. Order had been a partial thorn in Scorn's side, not a bad one like the Syndicate but an enjoyable one. Few conduits she rather enjoyed playing with then her but she also saw greater things then being on opposite ends of the same stick, someone like Order could indeed be of some use especially one who wanted to find some form of Order to the world, one that could perhaps see that no matter how much work she did to change the world, it would always be the same chaos that it was, that the time of man was nothing more but chaos and it never would have order, the time of the conduits would come and then their could be order of course with the minor unstable chaos caused by Scorn but their would indeed be a new order to things. One thing at a time though. First thing that needed to be dealt with was the sand conduit, a rogue conduit destroying her play things wasn't going to help her after all she had done to get the city for herself and the Reaper's. "Pity these rogues must exist, I hate harming our own but to fight chaos, one must use chaos to stop it. Like I said before chaos comes before order," Scorn said not really talking to anyone now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Twistedgrin


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

--Crimson Crimson nodded in approval at the blood conduits ability to defend against her beam, she even took a moment to clap. His rather disgusting but versatile ability would normally been overwhelming to some. "It is like an insect to fly blindly into the light, without thinking of the potential of being burned." Once more she pointed but her form was torn asunder by the tendrils. The sound of another beam would alert the blood conduit to her actual position. She had left a illusion behind as she traveled as a beam to stay on her main target.Her refracted form had reformed and was already blasting away at the sand conduit had attempted to escape, as much as she wanted to know more she was not about to allow a rampaging dust cloud to simply walk away. "Quips aside, I care more about dealing with this tantrum throwing child than playing with a walking bio-hazard." ---Blue As much as Order wanted to object to the idea of working with Scorn, she could not risk a battle with her and two additional conduits while running on fumes. "I well accept a truce and hesitantly agree to a meeting afterwords on the condition that it is just you and me, No telling how many pathogens your associate is carrying." Her yellow counterpart melded with the blue causing it to take a green hue and the glow growing much more intense. "Do try to refrain from double crossing me, I am not really in the mood." With that she simply turned to walk to the other ongoing conflict.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"You know, from up here you have a pretty good vantage point. You could easily RiP THeM tO BITSsss..." Jacob shook the thought out of his head as soon as the tone changed. Instead of watching the battle from his new vantage point he was now crouched over holding his head. He wished he could rip out the anger but his skull remained in one piece, and he could only do his best to push out the thought of a dozen corpses impaled on sinister dark spines. Whatever had happened to the officers down on the ground they looked very much dead, and Jacob tried to reassure himself it had been the sand conduit busy throwing a fit. Still the sight of the bodies had hit something in the back of his mind and it troubled him. The only thing he could think to do was take another pill, pushing into his jacket and grabbing the little bottle with slightly shivering hands. Another pill downed and one less for later, only a few more left in the bottle now which had begun to stress Jacob out. Unhappily he put the bottle away and stood up straight, watching for the conduits wearing the skull jackets. "How are you going to follow them once they take off?" a voice asked, distant and hollow like it were carried by the wind. Jacob did his best to ignore it, focusing instead on keeping track of what was going on in the streets below. He'd climbed to the rooftops to save himself the trouble of getting there in a hurry, and now all he had to do was wait and watch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 5 days ago

Cruor was surprised as his target did nothing to stop his attack, but this faded as he saw that she had gone to attack the sand cndit again. How very rude of her to ignore him like that, an impoliteness she would soon regret. He was about to charge a shot to blast her with, when he noticed the blue Order and Scorn conversing, and considering that they weren't trying to kill each other, that mean tthat she was, at least temporarily, on their side. What a pity, oh well, hopefully mister sandman was just as amusing. Cruor charged at the the sand conduit, creating more blood tendrils around him, and condensing them around his arm, turning it into one giant tendril. H leaped high of the ground and proceeded to slam his tendril down towards the sand conduit. "Take this, thy blasphemer, for daring to wreck havoc on the reapers holy grounds without our permission"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Twistedgrin


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*burns off post*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Ah good to hear you are willing to listen to reason," Scorn said ",All right, you and me only afterwards, cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. Now let's take care of sandman." Scorn's attention returned to the rogue conduit now, shadows orbiting her hands. "Time to have some fun," she said with a laugh leaping into the air and shooting over to the fight. Come on sandy let's have some fun because I'm not going to hold back. Should of learn that this is my town." Show fired a bolt of shadows at the sand conduit merely as a distraction as he swatted the shot away with ease. She hopped around him shooting varies shots and different angles to keep him distracted. "Come now is that all you got this is getting boring," She taunted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

{Sandy} "Boring?!" the conduit bellowed, rising up on a twisting spire of sand to better avoid Scorn's attacks. "I'm not here to entertain you! This whole thing has nothing to do with you, ya-" he'd began shouting, cut short as his platform crumbled from being smashed by Curor's tendrils. Angrily he roared, a wave of sand sweeping him out of his fall and setting him on the ground. "You morons want to fight? Fine!" he spat, lifting his arms to call the sand in the surrounding area towards him. Soon the material had become a swirling and tight ball surrounding his form, effectively about the size of a semi truck and dense enough to hide himself in. In a fluid motion it began whipping about, slinging several slabs of hardened sand outward. They were poorly aimed but numerous enough to quickly strike many things in the surrounding area; car alarms that weren't already blaring being set off by the bricks of sand flying at them and in a few cases through them, displaying the force behind the projectiles.
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