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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mithias listened breathlessly, intent on every word. His face mirrored the deep concern of a toddler, trying to understand why its mother was upset. He was innocent and blank, absorbing all he saw and heard without the faintest assumption marring his interpretation. For the first time in his life, and it was possibly the first time ever for anyone, he had made contact with the true person, the 'human' side, of the being known as Gabriel. For moment, he could see someone, someone who had seen the unbelievable, someone he had so longed to know, and beyond all reason, all pacts with God, and all levels of impossibility, he was going to get the chance to do so.

The younger vampire was speechless as his sire walked away, returning to his usual cheer. After a few whole seconds, he gasped as he remembered to breathe. Naive elation ran through him as he ran a hand through his hair. He smiled slightly as he shook his head, getting himself together. Mithias felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He was greatful, joyous, but he was also, tempered with pragmatism.

As he walked back to his motorcycle, he tried to fathom what the hell he had just accomplished. The story of the burned native American girl return to his mind, and he remembered how he could feel the anguish emminating from Gabriel's memory. Mithias mounted his bike thinking about the responsibility he had just agreed to take on, that he must never allow himself to cause his father that pain again. He had to stay alive now. He had a promise to keep, a heart to protect other than his own. He absolutely had to be responsible with it. It was now his number one priority.

But what had been the alternative? Should he have accepted the ancient's choice to never know each other and walk away? In the heat of the moment, he hadn't even considered that as an option. He could have elected to protect Gabriel by letting him leave, to be alone, free, and to go on as some sort of eternal child who would never grow up. Now, the immortal spirit was tethered, like a wild unicorn that was never meant to be broken by man. Mithias had stolen the heart of a god. It was a miraculous feat to be sure, yet a small part of him felt guilty about it. He had to make sure his promise was worth the price. It was really the only option other than an eternity of pointlessness for them both.

With the violin packed, Mithias threw on his helmet and reactivated his cell. Perhaps Magnus had left him some amusing death threats in his vmail. Instead, a text flew up on the right inside of his visor. "... London?" The reference to the raven and the letter B were enough of a giveaway. So, perhaps this pale, white-haired Brit really was an old friend of his fathers. Either way, this event seemed intended. Being in a good mood, Mithias saw no reason to question and texted back in the affirmative. Golden eyes to the road, he looked forward to a nice long ride back to Tennessee.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Attention Mr. Mithias Varomere,

We pleased that you have accepted your invitation.
Within 24 hours, please arrive at your nearest Major Airport.
Using the documents sent to you electronically bypass the security.
The local airport authorities should escort you to the runway.
You will then be allowed to board one of our private planes to the U.K.
The our steward will assist you once aboard the vessel, simply show him your papers.
Any in-flight service will be given to you when requested.
Upon Landing, you will be provided with a suitable transport vehicle representative of the U.K.
Please request the keys from the steward before leaving the plane.
We hope to see you soon, and enjoy a pleasant flight.

Britannia International."

A lengthy message to Mithias.

With instructions, although certainly the documentations attached to the message were diplomatic passports granted by the U.K. and official papers to make Mithias a V.I.P at any airport internationally speaking. A private company appeared to be funding this operation, although it was certain that the British government itself was behind it, given the strange availability of private planes in the U.S. It might have been a military arm even, working with the U.S.? But regardless, Mithias should have more than a guess as to who he could possibly meet in Britain.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

2mi to KP. The illuminated sign flew by on the right, a pack of moths already flittering about the lights as darkness had fallen. Mithias could tell something unusual was going on, as traffic had backed up on the off-ramp to the airport. Slowing, he skirted by the inconvenienced cars on the shoulder. Aggravated motorists honked their horns and shouted, but he had nothing to say to them. Emergency vehicle lights could be seen blinking festively in the distance, making his destination clear. What in the living hell was going on at Kilo Point's airport?

Mithias flicked on the radio, the police scanner, but all coms were quiet or full of the regular bullshit. He missed being on the inside as a SOLDIER agent, but even they often lacked information. Getting closer, Mithais avoided a police barricade and drove off road to get around a 13 foot chain-link fence. Swords, guns, grenades, violin... cellphone... Mithias made a quick note of what he had on his bike, realizing he didn't bring grenades. No matter. He drove rapidly down the runway toward the developing bloody massacre, shutting off his lights and stopping just close enough to get a visual. He took off his helm to see more clearly, exhaling with deep discontent.

The police scanner radio went off, much more clearly this time. "701. Airport Road. ... 10-99 SWAT." That was enough information to tell another "vampire incident" of some sort was going down. His first instinct would normally have been to get involved, play his role, and protect the innocent, but this time Mithias hesitated. He was retired. He was "dead," for all intents and purposes having to do with the war. These humans weren't truly his family, not after so many generations, yet he felt the impulse claw at him from within. "Help me. Save me. Please protect us..." They would say. Mithias narrowed his eyes. It was highly doubtful any planes would be taking off from here in the next 24 hours. He leaned forward, letting the engine rumble quietly beneath him, as he tried for the first time to feel only cold. ... He knew he should simply, leave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Everything at the airport is either at tense standstill, or violent slaughter.
Outside on the landing strip only one little cart is moving.
It's one of those baggage transport carts. Powered like a golf cart, handles like a shopping trolley.
In it sit two stressed out soldiers, equipped with hazmat suits and assault rifles they force the little cart to it's limit.
Let's call the two Frank and Mikey. Frank and Mikey are good soldiers. They don't have a clue why the baggage is so important.
But the Captain seemed pretty adamant about it, and based on his timing and tone, Frank and Mikey assumed their mission was important.
Either way, they would perform it to their best ability.

Frank drove the cart up to the baggage hatch of the plane. They looked at the plane with horrified looks, the windows were smeared with disgusting goop, from the exit a trail of rancid bioweapon formed to the lobby. For a moment they celebrated their mission involved not being in the lobby with the others and.. whatever this vampire was.

Mikey opened the hatch. With a cloud of beige and green the bags came rolling out and into the cart. He imagined what the smell would be like and counted his blessings the Captain had insisted on these suits. With all the bags in the cart he got back in and Frank drove off again at maximum speed.

Frank drove to the only direct route off the terrain, suddenly a man in black on a bike blocked his way. They stopped with shrieking tires right in front of him. Frank wanted to hit the horn, but hesitated when he saw the man. Pale, red eyes. He said a hail Marie and wanted to hit the gass but Mikey stopped him. "I think that's one of ours!"
"Are you sure? He doesn't wear the uniform."
"He's one of those elites I think, I've seen him at the base not long ago."
"Right, then maybe he's our backup?"
"I hope so."
Mikey got out of the car and carefully approached Mithias.
"Are.. Are you our backup?.. Sir! uhm.. Are you our backup Sir?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"The threat of the Oldbloods has been measured, and is controlled. Our highly capable operatives will take care of any new threat that may occur from this 'Void' character."

They had never intended to work with him, of course. Kami no Kage, the legendary assassin, had been lead into a trap. Heathens, unwilling to accept reality, and using every opportunity to showcase their godless hatred. Had they been willing to accept grace, after all, they would not be heathens to begin with. In the very offer of such Kami no Kage had made a mistake, and one that he now accepted. He would repent for it, and he would personally need to clean up the loose ends created.

From the shadows, the sniper took aim. Multiple SOLDIER agents were in place, weapons aimed at the figure in white in the centre of the room, even as the man spoke once more.

"Your organisation has formed a threat to both the physical and moral integrity of America. Through your actions you have become an enemy to us all, a terrorist. Your organization will be disbanded, but you will have no part in it."

A trigger squeezed, and a bullet missed.

A simple step back, based on a preliminary fligh-path calculation. A recognition and realization the speed of which couldn't be handled by normal human beings. But that was why prodigies were named as such. Even as the bang echoed through the room, the spinning white figure set it's sights on his opponents, knives sliding down from the sleeves of it's outfits. Triggers being squeezed, an automatic check of the automatic fire setting. Rapid consideration of gravity, pressure, weapon types and firing lines, hundreds of bullets calculated before even a single shot was fired.

Bursts of fire echoed alongside the screams of men, until all fell into silence. A single figure stepped from that room, covered in the blood of heretics. White robes shredded, veil unbroken. Bright blue eyes staring out from under them, as an alarm sounded. Each hand held a pistol, modern make, as the area was scanned. Up the sleeves awaited a fan of blades, already bathing in the blood of those who would dare cross the Purge.

It seemed peace had never truly been an option.


The target had arrived at an airport approximately ten minutes ago. SOLDIER movements had prevented the mobilization of the Purge, regular patrols and tracking mechanisms prevented the movement of armoured collumns, or even large groups of Crusaders. Of course, being aware of movement, and being able to stop it, were two completely different things.

With a soft humming, the artificial muscles powered up. Plates of armoured glass, a dozen weapons manufactured to eliminate all vampires. A visor with vision in the infrared, ultraviolet, and visual spectrum. With nary a sound, the figure moved, clad in the greatest weapon ever developed by man. The products of millions in funding, and an international interest in the annihilation of all vampires. Kami no Kage had arrived, marching from an inconspicuous BMW.

[This area will be Purged in 2 minutes. We will deal with SOLDIER. The Heathens will die along with the beasts.]

"Yes, sir."

Bulletproof suits, Bullpup rifles, visored helmets with bulletproof glass. The agents of Purge quickly spread out, weapons at the ready, as they prepared to annihilate the enemy. Today, their targets weren't vampires. Their targets were those humans who had failed humanity, and would burn for their failure. Today, the Purge declared War.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

A baggage cart came into view, and Mithias realized it was rolling directly up the runway, his runway. It was unlikely that a fledgling vampire would be driving, and an older one would probably opt to run for better speed. Mithias waited until they were close enough, then revved his engine, scaring the crap out of them. Even though his bike's lights were off, there was no way even humans with hazmat suits on could have failed to notice him before crashing. They stopped, and asked him aforementioned questions.

He recognized the humans as SOLDIER, and they recognized him, to a degree. Mithias hadn't even realized his eyes had lit up red in response to his mixed emotions. He stood there, across his seat, dressed in an elegant suit and leather jacket, dark hair hanging behind him. He looked from Frank to Mikey. "I'm afraid not, soldier." Both humans looked like they were beginning to freak out at that answer, so Mithais added reassuringly, "I am not backup, but I am ex-SOLDIER Elite, and I am here." The vampire got off the bike. "I am retired." he firmly stated, as he unpacked his weapons, stowing several specific daggers inside his jacket. He couldn't hide the slight perturbation in his voice. "I was hoping to catch a flight to Europe tonight, but I understand there has been an incident. Perhaps you would be so kind as to appraise me of the situation?"

He listened as the two agents fumbled with what they were at liberty to say, but he convinced them. "And these bags? Why did you bother to retrieve them so quickly?"

Blank looks from the two. "We were given orders..."

"Yeah, and we had to wear these suits."

Mithias nodded confidently and without any kind of orders or clearance, he took a look for himself. One bag, or case rather specifically, was a source of noxious gas. Mithias wrinkled his nose. What 'gift' had Void left for these humans upon his arrival. He gasped at what he saw, Contagion itself! It had actually begun to melt through the side of its container. How was it this came to practically fall into his lap?

"Sir! Step away from the truck! Now!" Frank was listening to his earpiece, continuing to follow orders. He got out and held a gun at the vampire.

Mikey turned around to look questioningly at his partner. "Frank, put the gun down!"

Mithias' ears could pickup the voice coming from Frank's earpiece. "...orders to open fire immediately, do not let him escape."

Frank started shooting. Mikey drew his weapons. Franks head was off his shoulders.

Mike froze.

Mithias glared down the length of a bloody, titanium sword at him. He held the disease-causing Contagion in his other hand. He paused... He had really just killed a person.

Mikey dropped his weapons and cowered.

Mithias was angry. Anger covered up regret fairly well. Frank's death couldn't have been avoided, not without huge risk. He'd spare Mikey if at all possible.

Tilting his head the vampire lowered his sword. "I'm sorry, but I am taking this artifact where it will be safe from Void and cause no further harm. You can include that in your report."

Then he was gone.


Text message:

"Britannia Int. Kilo Point?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rhyss grabbed the file and read it, so it was Void. He had read his file before, nothing really in it other than he was supposed to be the equivilant of Pestilance. "Yeah. Him. I've heard of him. Sure, why not. I'll help. Paycheck is a paycheck." Rhyss told him and handed him the file back. Shortly after the airplane doors opened, and out poured a pack of fledgelings. At the order to fire at them Rhyss gladly agreed and drew Grim and Reaper, each shot expertly piercing the skull. In a few minutes the disease ridden army was dead and the order to cease fire was given, and out stepped Void. "Well I'll be damned, you were actually dumb enough to show up." Rhyss said. Then he heard it, admist everything, an army running through the airport, the faint sound of mechanized warriors moving amongst them. "Purge..." Rhyss said, low at first. "Purge! At the ready, they're coming!" He turned, shortly after a group had swarmed into the room. "....and they're here." Rhyss said with a groan.

Tense he holstered his pistols and retrieved the Bunker Buster from his back, from the looks of it they had bulletproof gear on, it'd have to be some strong shit to block a few rounds from this. Everything was tense, all that was waiting was for who would open fire first.

Matt had heard from the look-outs posted along the road about the Purges' movement, he was already almost to the airport geared and ready with several armored vans with backup. "Have the entire area evac'd of civillians, I don't want this to be another Kilo Point incident." Matt spoke into his ear piece. He just hoped they'd have enough time to move everyone.
Magnus was still tapped into SOLDIERs communications, he had heard the news about the Purge and he had a score to settle with them for ruining his attack, he did need some people to...test...his new equipment on as well. He grinned evily as he exited the camera room, once more he waited in front of the giant vault like door, when it was opened enough for him to exit he did so. It grinding to a close behind him, he set off at full speed towards the airport, his eyes burned red, he was ready to shed some blood.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Shikaru(Pssst.... go actually shed the blood.)
(...and STAY AWAY FROM ME!) >>
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Hale and his posse slowly strolled the last few miles to Magnus's compound
When they almost got there the wolves got restless, then Hale smelled it too.
Magnus was coming closer, and he was.. exited?
Hale and the other wolves let their presence known to him.
They grinned bright as Magnus stopped before them. He was fully armed, and their keen senses could tell he was ready to burst into frenzy.
Hale spoke to Magnus loudly, so the entire group could hear.
"Looks like you're on the hunt. We're coming with, so my new friends can get a taste of war at your side. What better way to get to know someone than to fight alongside right?"
He turned to the group of humans.
"You are not ready of course, so get to the compound, it's down this road. When you get close enough vampire's will be on you in seconds. Just tell ehm we send you and you are to be fed, cleaned and prepared for turning. If anyone dare's try and bite you, you have my permission to blow their heads off."
That should make it clear to them how things worked around here.
Hale turned back to Magnus.
"Let's do this then. Any chance you brought my gun?"


Martin cursed under his breath.The bloody Purge. This was going to be a bigger mess than the Chaos Pump incident.
He was going to try and order Rhyss but saw the monster had already drawn it's own conclusions, good.
He heard the same voice of reason from before shout orders over the radio to SOLDIER troops. Martin guessed it best to stay low to avoid confusion. Let SOLDIER and Purge duke it out while he got out of here.
Martin spoke to void again.
"Void, I'm afraid we don't have time for games. This place is going to come very close to hell on earth. And everyone's gunning for you.
If you come back to the facility with me we can keep you safe, run our tests. We can do great things together. You can do great things Void."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mohowauuck brought in the tail end of the large group, making sure no one ran off into her woods. She would interrogate them later, the humans especially. Hale commanded the pack along the way, and then the humans once they neared the compound. Mo would let him feel like he was in control, at least for a little while. But if these were to be her people, they would be hers, and there would only be enough room for one alpha.

Upon seeing Magnus, she looked up at him. Her glare shot daggers into him for not consulting her before bringing wolves and humans on to her territory. He would pay for it later, right now he looked suited up for battle. "Where are we headed?" she asked, her tone was cold.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Magnus unstrapped the rifle from his shoulder-strap and tossed it to Hale "Almost forgot about it, figured you would be joining the party so I got it last second." Magnus told him. Magnus glanced over the wolf army, and he almost grimaced at the humans whose total IQ probably added up to negative twelve, more fodder for the cannon. Shortly after Lady Mo entered the scence, "Why, we are going to the airport. I do believe I am going to say hi to our dear friends the Purge and SOLDIER. Better known as: The psychopaths with guns, yet smarter than SOLDIER. And SOLDIER, the people that are barely smart enough to stand on their own. I do believe we have a friend that needs rescuing as well." Magnus told her. "Alright then, ladies and gentlemen. Make sure your passports are up to date, see you at the airport!" With that, Magnus resumed his run to the airport. He'd be there soon, very soon. He'd probably make it there before Hale and the rest, he always did like to be a show off.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Another ally? I didn't know. Then again, when those two armies collide there's always someone in between. And I guess those people make potential friends." Hale filled in the blanks, more for himself than any other.
He looked with slight annoyance at the humans standing there nervously.
"Hey, why aren't you gone yet. I told you they wouldn't hurt you and they would feed you right? Git!"
Hale sighed as he watched them jog away.
"Once we get back from this diversion you take them and they finally won't be so useless and pathetic.
Now let's catch up with M before my rifle starts rusting."
Hale set of running after Magnus. A few wolves followed, most of them stayed for a second, they looked annoyed at each other and hesitantly at Mo.
Awaiting confirmation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mo nodded curtly at Hale and the group before she took off running. She didn't shed her clothing to transform, not yet. It was always more fun to surprise the enemy with a form of her choosing. And what is warfare, if not fun?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Grombus


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Void, I'm afraid we don't have time for games. This place is going to come very close to hell on earth. And everyone's gunning for you.
If you come back to the facility with me we can keep you safe, run our tests. We can do great things together. You can do great things Void."

"Not a game? Then what is all of this but a bunch of men running around wearing clothes they hope will protect them?" he paused "You see the problem with all of you is you think that you get to decide right versus wrong, but the problem is there is nothing like that in war. And I think most of you already realize, this will soon become a war." A demonic grin spread across Void's face as he spread his arms "Let the fun begin!"

A cloud of green smoke billowed out from dead bodies of his late fledglings. The corpses decomposing and releasing a disgusting aroma of death and decay, the first human who's skin was graced by this smoke toppled over, dead before he hit the ground. Blood began to pour from his eyes and mouth, his bowels releasing the last of whatever food he had eaten. Before long panic had spread among those who had any skin not protected. Many fled only a few stood strong and held their ground, a mistake most soon realized.

Void laughed and walked slowly towards the ever thinning group of soldiers, "You say we can do great things together" he said playfully "But I think you can see, I already am."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Dust
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The Grey Dust The / Grey

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"Affirmative. Dangerous Old Blood, intercepted SOLIDER reports indicate codename Pestis. Sire recommended we track this one. All agents be advised, sire has initiated protocol Lucan. Official statement is to be made with 24 hours of incident, PR is to begin immediately. Statements of suspected vampirism are to be addressed with affirmation of controlled population within the UK. Officially, Pestis has remained largely inactive to the knowledge of British Intelligence. Target within range of friendly, direct orders not to engage. All available agents ensure survival of friendly. Be advised, possible interference of Purge incoming, note proximity to local vampire nest."

An official mandate broadcasted throughout the MI6 secret supernatural sector. Bedivere was not at all pleased with the report of Void's arrival in the states being from London. The global implications thereof would be, rather grim for his puppet theatre. He had in so far as to consider invoking the council to commence judgment upon Void in committing this international incident without formal declaration or notice to the vampire Lords actively associated with both Nations. Even a small incident as this had large geopolitical consequences which tip the balance of the carefully constructed scales between the balance of human and vampire. Stir the flock into enough of a panic, and the backlash would be fatal to the status quo.

But it was far more important to obtain Mithias. For Mithias was the key to Gabriel. It is better to know one's allies than one's enemies well. For one's enemies are often unknown and may be one's allies. A game of shadows, plot and politics.


Kilo Point Int. AP.
Terminal D. Gate D10.
Brit. Int. Flight 267."

The first message to tell Mithias there was indeed a plane waiting for him.

"Channels detect reports of possible threat in area.
Due to this, the captain has been notified of your arrival.
Request for extraction has been sent to flight control.
Please proceed to board immediately, giving your phone to the steward.
Takeoff has been cleared within designated 15 minute window."

The urgency was rather clear here.

"And have a pleasant flight."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shikaru

Shikaru So many RP's, So little time.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rhyss coughed a bit as the smoke reached him, nothing more than annoying. His body quickly regenerating the disease from it's system. "Gunna take a lot more than noxious green gas to slow me down mate. Right now, I believe we should focus on the Purge and not on maiming everything that stands. Cause, with them here all hell will quite literally break loose." Rhyss said, mowing down the first Purge agent that decided to fire, taking his head off with two well aimed shots. "Anyone else want to get trigger happy, eh?" Rhyss said with a grin.
Magnus arrived just in time to see the corpses start hitting the floor. "What in the /hell/ is that god awful smell?" Magnus said, a look of utter disgust on his face. "You went and started the party without me I see, oh well." Magnus turned as the SOLDIER Elite he recognized as Rhyss from his files uttered a semblance of intelligence. "I do believe as much as I would like to slaughter all of you standing here, save for Virus Man over there, Rhyss is correct. Purge ruined my plans once already, and I do believe they pose a much larger threat than the rabble with guns known as SOLDIER." Magnus said with a sigh. "I guess...As much as it pains me to say it, I'll hold off on slaughtering you until the Purge is dealt with." With that Magnus ran full speed at two Purge agents, stabbing them both in the back with his claws, keeping one to use as a shield he removed his left claw from one and crushed their head under his foot as they hit the ground. Placing the one on the right in front of him he launched the dagger from his left straight into one of the ones firing at him, he danced the electric jig and hit the floor, smoke pouring from his skull. With a sickening crack sound Magnus yanked the dagger from his skull and braced as it retreated into it's compartment. "Shocking, isn't it?" Magnus said with a grin.
"Oh god, the smoke it's everywhere! AGH-" Many comm's similar to this Matt recieved. He couldn't do much more than silently curse to himself while they drove on. Back-up in hazmat suits would arrive shortly, himself included.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mithias had vanished somewhere off into the runway fields. He had left his beautiful Harley behind him. Mikey could have it for all he cared. Giant blaring box-shaped floodlights angled skyward along the runways, obscuring the ground beneath them in relative blackness. He growled softly to himself. This was unbelievable. Was it truly fate that had delivered this god-forsaken sword into HIS hands? Couldn't Frank and Mikey have gone ANY other direction?? ... He sighed heavily and looked away from the airport to his phone. The information was there. He blinked. "Are you serious?!" Mithias had been looking for a nothing, a negative, a cancellation, but instead he got a spine-chilling confirmation.

Gritting his teeth, and moving quickly, he circled around on foot to the D terminals. Good, bloody God, there was a red, white, and blue Britannia jet sitting on the tarmac, lights blinking, engine running. Mithias stopped, scanning around him. Was that... flames? Great. The building was on fire. No doubt some SOLDIER genius had tried to blow up Void while *inside* the airport. Mithias hesitated, staring at the plane. Some suited attendant stood waiting cordially. He had 15 minutes, well, less now, but he needed this time to think.

Heart beating more rapidly than he would have liked, Mithias mentally scrambled. He could skip this plane, and probably another would be prepared for him another day, or maybe not. But if he stayed in this country, he'd be hunted by his own law-enforcement organization. It was very much a less than ideal situation for one so recently committed to staying alive. On the other hand, he could take the plane. Taking off shouldn't be a problem, and it would get him far from this place as fast as possible. Even if someone found out that he was on this jet, he'd be long gone. There would be no sense in shooting down his plane, because no one would know that he had the swo... Goddamnit! Mithias wanted to shout at the clouds above. He should have killed Mikey.

SOLDIER knew he had the sword, or at least they would as soon as Mikey gave his report. There was no time to lose. Every single second mattered if he wanted to escape.

Mithias ran as a blur toward the jet, phasing to a brisk walk seven steps apart from the boarding steward.

The man jumped, startled, but quickly regained his composure as a white clawed hand extended to him a black cellphone. Mithias only had to wait fractions of a second before the man instinctively took it. The was little doubt he was the "friendly." Pressed, Mithias barked at the baggage handler, "Open the hold." He didn't explain as he wrapped Contagion in his leather jacket and placed it in the luggage compartment of the aircraft himself. "And don't breathe." He stepped out and closed the hold, allowing the attendant to lock it behind him. The sword wouldn't eat through metal, and the air in the cabin should be contained and separate form the air in the hold. The humans shouldn't be harmed during the trip.

Mithias approached the steward and clasped his hands behind his back, waiting for permission. A bullet hole ruined the fabric of his fine suit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Let the fun begin!"

There are time's when to give up on plan A.
It had become pretty clear Void wasn't going to be persuaded to be cooperative.
And without that Martin saw no current endings where all his objectives were met.
Finding a more permanent solution seemed to be the only option.
Plan B, bringing SOLDIER in the mix seemed to transition into it smoothly,
Martin assumed the Purge was here not on coincidence but because they were tipped off as part of a plan C.
Although plan C, the Purge was interfering with B. Could be oversight, could be part of the plan.
He'd have to take it on faith. And start on a plan D.

Either way it was clear the bridges of diplomacy and cooperation were burning. And Martin was running out of options.
His favorite way of creating options was trough chaos, but he was still pretending to be the commanding officer here.
He had to stall for time.
"Everyone Spread out, find cover and dig in! We've got a few minutes before reinforcements of both parties arrive!"
Martin had no idea how Void would stand in this, but whatever he was planning, Martin wouldn't change his mind now, so knowing was pointless.
He himself got in the truck and connected his radio to Frank. No response. Then Mikey.
"Y-Yes?.. I mean. This is private Michels."
Martin tried to question the traumatized Mikey.
After a little while of vague descriptions, helped by the files on Martin's lap, Martin got a good idea of what went down.
Using number on the file Martin gave Mithias a call.
"Mithias Varomere. I believe you to be the killer of man, thief of a sword and according to your file, a pilot. Those things make you my potential best friend. Your presence suggests interest in a certain vampire here. My knowledge makes me your potential best friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Magnus shot forward, fast as a blur, blades shining bright, before he suddenly and inexplicably took a nosedive into the floor. It took him less than a second to move back onto his feet, facing Kami no Kage. What the vampire had perceived that the present humans had missed was the flashing blade, aimed for decapitation. Instead of firing, however, the Purge agents pulled back - moving in without Hazmat gear was suicide, and without their equipment they would serve as little more than fodder against the vampires that would surely attack soon. They moved higher into the building, instead taking the role of scouts and observers. If any forces were to move towards the airport they would be aware of it, and by extension so would Kami no Kage.

[Your actions have branded you a fool, a heretic, and a weakling. Let us see how long you may survive against my blade.]

Kami no Kage's monotone voice droned through the device located faintly above his mouth. Normally, he would not have spoken - those who were soon to die deserved no words. However, any action by Magnus' allies within this duel might tip the balance, and by drawing on the Oldblood's pride he hoped to increase his chances of victory. Not that it would make much of a difference, of course.

Dashing forward, Kami no Kage swung his blade high and then low, moving with perfect form. Even as Magnus moved to parry, he found the blade elusively slipping between his own weapons, and heading towards his neck. It was a style of fighting in which weapons barely met, rapid thrusts and short swings performed at inhuman speed. A martial art of swordfighting, erected to the point of perfection. Magnus found himself unable to even get close without the blade threatening to end him, and to trap it between the two of his own seemed to be as reliable a plan as catching a shadow in a net.

It was not a wonder that Kami no Kage had defeated so many Oldbloods, those with the greatest tendency to underestimate humans. Over the years, his equipment had only grown greater, allowing him to match the vampire's speed and strength. His skill was unparralelled, besides by the greatest swordfighters in history. And his ability to predict attacks was almost superhuman.

He was the perfect man for the job.


Far in the distance, obscured by the rapidly falling veil of darkness, a series of planes was heading towards the scene. This was highly illegal, of course, but it was little compared to the previous crimes of the Purge. On board was a massive version of the weapon often dubbed as the baptizer, a smoke machine-like device that would generate a thick fog of water vapour. Holy Vapour, blessed and injected with a single drop of Dead Man's Blood. It would burn lesser vampires to a crips, as their skin shriveled and scorched. Even Oldbloods would be severely weakened by it's presence.

Soon, the entire area would be bathed in white mist - born anew, one might say. They would sanctify the air with the tools of their Lord, and the Earth with the blood of the impure.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by akje
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hale arrived at the edge of the airport, he and the others stopped just out of gunshot.
In the distance he saw SOLDIER reinforcements arriving shortly.
He stretched at looked at the group as if he was going to make some speech, or some shit. He grinned.

"Now listen up! This is not a war to us, and I am not your leader. This is a free hunt, and I am your guide.
Tonight will be an appetizer of the life that awaits you here with us.
I promised you the ultimate hunting fields so go! Out there are humans, vampires and other monsters no doubt.
All for your hunting pleasure. Spread out. And kill to your hearts desire!"

With terrifying bellows the wolves charged and descended upon the first rows of humans, shrugging of bullets and shrapnel before jumping into the shadows. In groups they stalked the battlefield, brutally removing soldiers one by one.

"Lady Mo, uhm" Hale noticed her cold expression and struggled to put his words in a way that didn't sound like an order.
"..to what extend can you turn this battlefield into something more at home for our guests and yourself?"
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