Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery could hear the guys from her side of the side of the bathroom as she fnished cleaning her face with some cold water and started to dry her face off and noticed the wallet on the counter and tilted her head at it. "Man even I am not that dumb to leave a wallet in the bathroom no matter the excuse." She said to herself as she finsihed drying her face off and leaving the walllet alone for she was no theif and she had no clue what that guy had in his wallet and nor did she want to know. As she was putting the towel away she did nt hear them coming to the bathrom and she heard the door nob jiggling and she jumped a bit hen she heard it. She freaked a bit in her mind for she was nrmally skittish no thanks to her dad.

Avery cowered a bit to the corner for she does not want to anyone to know she was here at the moment. She trembled a bit and did not know what to do at first and her mind just went blank.

Soon she finally just shook it off and went back to her normal emotionless self and unlocked the door and opened it. "Man can't a girl get privacy." She aid staring at Steven with an irritated look on her face. "Here is a though by the way if the door is locked try knocking." She said to him and held the wallet to Rolans. 'Someone left that on the sink counter." She said to him as she walked past Steven with her hands in her pants pockets. She knew ROland was trying to act h was the only one there but she was not dealing with Steven breaking the door down or something to make things bad or worst.

"Have guys really forgotten about common cutisy these days." Avery said to erself as she sat on the couch with her legs crossed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Once the door finally opened and Avery came out, arguing about her privacy, Steven’s didn’t know what to think or what to say after seeing her in their household. She also stated as a reminder to them that if a door is locked to next time knock before entering, but Steven stood speechless with a surprised confused look on his face. Afterwards, she grabbed Steven’s wallet and handed it to Roland then began to head back to the main room and sit back down, while Roland tried to hand back Steven’s wallet. “Well, here ya go.” said Roland as he slapped the wallet onto Steven’s chest giving it back to him in a funny manner.

“What in the world is she doing in our house?” said Steven sounding confused yet somewhat angry due to the unexpected visitor that he had witnessed. “One day I decide not to come back due to other plans, and then you bring her around because of god knows what, and-” Steven became interrupted from his babbling as Roland tried to get him to be quiet so that he could explain. “HEY HEY STEVEN…..Steven, listen to me.”

When Roland got Steven to be quiet, he began to state why Avery was there. “I let Avery come over here because she didn’t want to go home tonight. Now I can’t exactly tell you why because….well……I’m not sure either, but it was either here or probably the park down the street. Now you definitely know how that place is at night, and you know I’m not letting anyone even go near that place when it’s dark let alone sleep there.” Steven opened his wallet to make sure that everything was there, and replied to what Roland said.

“Yeah……I guess you’re right.” said Steven agreeing with Roland. “But I’m not sleeping on the sofa tonight, you can forget it.”

Roland then rolled his eyes due to Steven’s remark as they both headed back into the main room. “It’s fine, she’ll probably have my bed and I’ll sleep in here.” said Roland as he looked at Avery for a second with a small glimpse of a closed smile as he showed Steven to the door. “Shouldn’t you be going….where is it you are going?” questioned Roland, noticing that Steven didn’t tell him on his little activity he was heading off to.

“Uhhhh………..I’ll tell you later, right now I got to go. Later!” said Steven as he proceeded out the door and closed it behind him. Roland shook his head after he left due to his ridiculousness and made his attention back to Avery and spoke. “Sorry about all that”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Avery sat on the couch as she heard the two for they were retty loud but then agan to her opinin most guys were just flat out loud and knew Steven was not happy to see her here. She sighed a bit as she sat on the couch just wanting to leave now for she knows when she is not welcomed.

She just sat there and watched them walk past her after Steven got his wallet back and she noticed he checked his wallet to see if she stole from him or not. Avery may need money but she was no theif and she did not want to be known as one. She sat on the couch as she watchd the two talk. "YOu guys can keep your rooms I can sleep on the couch I do not care." She said to them for she retty much she did barge in on thier home and junk that is why she also made dinner for them.

Once Steven was gone she looked at Roland and shrugged. "Whatever though I know when I am not wanted and obviously Steven does not really want me to be here." Avery said to Roland as she sighed a bit while tilting her head back looking at the ceiling.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Avery didn’t seem too happy when Steven left, although she never looks happy, because of what he had said before he left, making her feel unwanted as she told Roland. He gave her an explanation as to why he acted the way he did. “It isn’t that, he’s just ticked off at me right now. He’ll get over it anyway.” He then continued over towards the sofa that Avery was sitting on and decided to sit next to her.

He tried to relax himself and sighed for a moment because he knew what was to be brought up next, but hopefully Avery would cooperate with him so that he could help her out of the mess she was in. “So….” he said, speaking to her in a low tone so he wouldn’t upset her or get her angry or ball up against the corner again, “about what you told me……it’s all true, isn’t it?” He hoped that she could just be lying or telling stories because an abusive parent is something frightening and awful. He has had troubles in his past as well, but nothing as bad as the situation with Avery. He then decided to scoot over a little towards her, hoping that she would give him an honest answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery looked at Roland when he was defending Steven and she just let a huff ut as she stayed on the couch while her hair fell infron of her face and she did not bother to move it away from her face. She felt so trapped in her dark world that her family had put her in. She was young still to understand back then but she had no clue what everything had to be so bad for her. She watche him as he sat next to her on the couch and she looked away from him.

When he sat there Avery was wondering how long the silence was going to be until he finally asked about what she told him was true before she scotted closer to her and she wanted to shrink away. "Yes its true this is what I have been dealing with since I entered middle school and had to move because social service was on his ass." Avery said as she hugged herself while she to looked in the other direction. 'This is my life with an alcoholic/absive father once the mom leaves the picture and dad needs someone to blame." Avery basically said to him as she stayed in her post but loking like she wanted to go to the corner again and ball herself up agian.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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When Avery answered Roland’s question that everything she told him was true, that her dad beat her and blames her for the faults in his life, Roland felt so confused and baffled. He didn’t know what to do or really how to react in a situation like this because he has never dealt with anything like this before. And knowing the fact that he has only known Avery for about a couple of days now, just barely, he could make something that seemed so serious and devastating just an after thought and forget the whole thing so that he wouldn’t have to worry about it. Yet, for some reason, he believed her. He had that feeling that she was being modest and honest when she told him, and Roland knew he wasn’t a selfish type of person like other people were, so he now knew that this was a messy situation that he had gotten into to, and the only way to get out of it was to help in any way he could.

He began to speak up, yet he was still not sure on what to do. “It explains a lot. The way you’ve acted towards me and everything. Still……your fathers in the wrong. But I have to ask…..why haven’t you tried to calling police or something? Does anyone else know about this?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Avery sat there as she listened to him ask why she was still tere. "You think I have not tried its like my dad knows when I call the police and he puts on this weird facade for officer or he catches me then I get punch, hit, kicked, and wacked." Avery said to him as she puled her legs p to her chest and wrapped ehr arms around them starting to ball p. "He said its my fault and I should pay for all the pain I caused him for beng the cause of mom leaving when my mom really left because she wanted someone with moeny to help surpluse her vanity" Avery said to Roland as she sighed a bit as she stayed in her curled up state. she just had no escape.

"No matter what I do I can not escape and my father will make sure of it that is why I stay away with people that is why I know I will disappear and it would not matter for no one will notice." Avery said as she burried her face once again in her knees. "The reason I do not want to go home today is because dad has a poker game and when the money runs dry.......well lets just say last poker game I had to jump out the window and run for my life for I was payment one time so he told theguy to do what he would like to me." Avery explained as she trembled at the memory for she almost broke her leg from that and it was the scariest thing she ever experience in her life.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Roland listened as Avery kept speaking about how her dad hits on her and blames her for his wife and her mother leaving them to go stay with someone else who’s rich. Roland noticed that every time she had to bring up her father, she would tremble and curl up into a fetal position because of all the bad things that she would mention and probably think of. Seeing her like this made him fell really bad for her, yet already making a decision that he was going to help anyway he could, he continued to listen to her speak of her disastrous events from her life in the past and currently. After brining up again on how’d she would disappear and no one would care, and following the poker game with what events follow with it, Roland went to think about why her dad would just do something like that. Beating his own child, treating her like she is nothing, blaming her for the pain he endured of his wife leaving, the brutal things that he does to her doesn’t make anything right.

Roland knew that something had to be done about the man, but he didn’t want things to turn into a bigger disaster, or worse, so he decided to forget about him right and focus on Avery. After she finished, he looked at her to speak. “(Sighs) I mean…..it’s….a lot to….y-you know comprehend with because it’s…. really tragic, especially that it’s still going on.” He raised his arm to place his hand upon her shoulder so that she would feel better and supported. “But think of it this way, he’s not around here to do anything bad, and you’re not over there to succumb to……well……all those things you mentioned.”

Roland didn’t want to bring up on how she gets hit and beaten by her father because it would make her upset and crawl back to another corner, but instead tried to keep her calm and relaxed. “And….maybe you might have to deal with it tomorrow, but then again maybe not, you never know what could happen. But let me tell you something. You won’t face this alone anymore. Any possible way, anything I can do, I’ll help you and not give up one bit.”

I promise.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Avery flinched when she felt his hand on her shoulder for most kind touches were still foriegn to her because of what her father did. She looked at him as he talked and held ehrself tighter then before. "Even if he is not here he is only about 5 doors down from this house." She said to him as she looked at him. "I noticed we do not live far apart when you lead me here." She said to him as she held her leg close to her still not wanting to leave her ,what she called, safe place that help her relax and madae her a bit safe. She looked at him with the side of her head on her legs so she could look at him properly. "And I understand its not something expect to hear or believe in all honesty." he said to him from what he said about him being speechless.

Avery looked at him when he said that it will get better. "How will it get better for me its been like this for years it will never get better in my opinion." She said to him as she looked at him for she did not believe it will get better. "And its best if you stay out of it because I do not want to drag you down with me in this dark world I live in thats the other reason why we left for dad punched a guy friend and he ran from the charges." Avery said to him as she looked at him.

"This world I live in is not safe for anyone at all." She said to Roland as she sighed deeply. "So I am sorry I just can not believe it will get better even if ou promise it will."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

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Roland watched while Avery had reacted to all the things he had said to her, giving her the hopes that things will get better and be resolved in her life. Unfortunately for him, things were still working the other way around due to Avery’s disbelief on happiness or tranquility. He listened to her reply, defying everything that he had said to her and making it all sound impossible and hopeless for her life to become better. He also noticed that she had mentioned that she lives a few houses down from him, yet very surprised at first, he found it to be useful to know of it and kept it in mind. He thought to himself of how it could be of an advantage just in case if she was in need of something, that is if she’ll let him help with anything.

As she finished off saying how the world she is in is not a safe place for anybody, following that even with his promise that she still can’t believe it will become stable, Roland started to feel somewhat hopeless himself because he wasn’t getting through to her. He sighed and got himself off of the seat that they were both sitting on only to begin pacing back and forth in front of table with an upset look on his face. It was rare anymore for Roland to get upset or angry, even sad from getting over his past, but in this situation he couldn’t think or function right because of Avery’s disapproval of his help. He knew on how stubborn she was as he got to know her a little better on her personality, but now he felt that she was taking it just a little too far. He felt that this was a big and huge complication of events, and that something had to be done before it gets worse.

“I don’t understand.” said Roland as he continued walking back and forth trying to make sense of what to do and say. “You won’t let me help you, and it surely seems that you don’t want anyone to interfere with getting you away from him. I mean, it’s like you don’t want things to change or else you would of said yes.” Roland stopped pacing himself, running his fingers through his hair trying to relieve his self of the stressful feeling he felt as if he didn’t how to fix anything or help anyone.

“Why won’t you let me help you instead of being a pessimist about everything?!”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

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Avery watched him pace back and forth and she just sat there as she heard hi ask why she pretty much wanted no help at all. "Because even though he abuses me and all that other crap he is my dad still and at least he did not leave me like mother did to us." She said to him as she loked down. "Before my mom left she said I would just be a thron in her side with her new life but even though dads blames me for mom leaving at least he did not throw me out to fend for myself he kept me so I hoped it was because he had some love for me still." Aveery expained to him for he was her dad and she thought at least having an abusive dad was better then have no parents or going into foster care with no chance of being adopted because of her age. Who would want to adopt anyone that was a teenager and not a cute little kid.

"So I guess I am a bit of a contradicter I want out of that life but at the same time I am scared to leave that life because he is the man that helped being me into this world and I guess I always hope the dad I once knew before mom left and hewent to alcohol to ease his pain would come back one day." Avery said but it was mainly wishful thinking and a part of her knew that but also she was just a little messed up in the head about this for her dad has caught her running a way few times and he would beat her and yele at her on how he let her stay, gave her a roof over her head, and some food and running away was her way of repaying him. "SO I guess I am scared to leave him for I am willinf to leave the house for a day but I guess I am scared to leave forever." Avery finished explaining to him as she went tighter in her ball position wanting to just disappear now for she felt like she upset Roland and would not blame him if he hit her.

"I am sorry for being very stubborn." Avery said as she then got up and grabbed ehr bag. "I will just leave and find a differnt place to sleep." She said for she knows when its best to leave people alone or when she is no longer welcomed. After she got her bag over her shoulder she ade her way to the door so she could leave.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

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As frustrated as Roland was, he heard out on what Avery had to say for herself as she started to defend her father on all the troubles that were caused by their past. She explained to him that she still cares for her father, even though she gets beaten and treated like dirt, in hopes that he could one day rid of his drunken aggression and back to his normal self again. It seemed as if she had deluded herself in hopes of happiness would return to her father, like if she had lost the reality of the fact that what he was doing to her was wrong but she accepted it anyways only to wait to see if he would one day come back to his senses to realize what he is doing to her. She kept speaking adding that she was afraid to leave him, yet she wants to get away from him because of the brutal stuff that he does to her, but to Roland it didn’t make any sense. The fact that she had high hopes for him to reach his sanity and come back as a caring loving father was probably long gone, although Roland didn’t want to admit that to her.

“Well maybe-” Said Roland as he tried to speak up but became interrupted by what Avery had to say next. She had apologized to him for being stubborn and not cooperating, and decided that she would find someplace else to stay instead. What she had said made Roland confused while she started to grab her belongings and head straight towards the front door to exit. He didn’t know what to do, but he did not mean anything offensive or mean, and sure didn’t want her to leave because of his frustration. He hasn’t been mad or frustrated for the longest time since he always tried to stay a positive type person, but the troubles presented to him was confusing that he didn’t know what to make of it.

He did know one thing for sure though, and that was he didn’t want Avery to leave and go back to her home so that she could become a punching bag for her father. “Avery….WAIT!!” exclaimed Roland as he ran to the front door and guarded it to prevent Avery from leaving. “Please don’t leave. I didn’t mean anything bad. I just want to help you.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery was about to open the door to leave when she felt him grab her arm all of a sudden and she let ot a loud yelp of pain. "OW let go of my arm it hurts!" She siad for she has fresh bruises on there from her father's last beating so her arm was tender and sore at the moment. Though Avery had no clue why he stopped her for she thought he be happy that she would leave so he would not have tto deal with her and her contradicting side about her father. When she heard him say that he just wanted to help her she mainly just sighed. "Look its obviously a waste of time I will just leave go sleep in the park for the night." Avery explained to him as she got his hand off her arm and rubbed it for it was throbbing now.

Avery was basically turned away from him as she held her arm wanting the pain to stop. "I mean how can you help, obviously I am messed up in the head about my father." She said to him fr that was what she was getting the feeling that he was thinking about her for she has heard it before by many pwople before she moved here. "I heave heard it all people telling how I am messed up in the head, freak, a nusiance, a pest on society, and that I should jsut die." Avery said to him for a lot of people just thought it was better to just have her gone then try to help her. "So yeah this is not all new to me about what people think about me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Roland was relieved that he stopped Avery before she could head out and not come back, but then realizing that he had grabbed her arm in the attempt to stop her, and seeing her reaction as he was hurting her in doing so, felt to him that it was necessary in order to get her attention before leaving. She yelled for him to let go and said to him that she’ll just go to the park and stay the night there, but Roland wasn’t going to let her. Afterwards, she pushed his hand off of her arm and gripped it from the aftermath of pain that arose, and he began to feel bad for what he had done to her. “Sorry.” said Roland, for that was all he could really say.

She then began to talk of how she felt screwed up and kept talking down about herself. She kept rambling on how other people would call her names and tell her that she just needs to die, and aware of what they think as well. As for Roland, he never thought that she was a freak or anything else in the matter, but just as a person in need of help from a horrible predicament that seemed to only get worse with each day. He too has had troubles in the past as well, stuff that he grew from that made him stronger as a person, so he only hoped that he could use what he had learned to win over Avery and make her see what needs to be done in order for peace to come back into her life.

“Don’t listen to any of them.” said Roland as he tried to find the right words to make Avery feel better and hope that she will let him help her out of the mess she is in. “It doesn’t matter what they think because they don’t know the truth. The only thing that matters right now is that you are safe and away from the abusiveness.” Roland walked up to her and placed both of his hands onto her shoulders as he was trying to make her feel better yet again.

“You keep talking down about yourself like you shouldn’t even exist, or that you should just drop dead and no one will even notice or care, but it ain’t true. Nothing or what anyone says out there matters. The thing that matters most is that your ok and away from all of that.” A small indication of a smile formed on Roland’s face as he continued to lift Avery’s spirits up. “Whatever problems you are having, I promise you I’ll help you in any way possible and assure you that you won’t face them alone.”

“Even if you are a little stubborn.” Roland said while he giggled as he was in high hopes that what he was saying was working.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery looked at him when he talked to her about not listening to what other people say about he disappearing or dying. She only let out a sigh for she had very little faith in the wrld and people. "But even if they knew the truth wold there be any difference I mean sure it won't be what it is now but it will be shifted to a new set of torture at least that is what I think." Avery said to him on her opinion on how people are for she rarely meet anyone that cared about her. "Sorry I am not used to meeting people that care about me I am just used to people just being mean to me." She explained to him as she stood there while holding her arm still for it was throbbing still.

She listened to him explain about what she said about herself and how f she were to die that someone would care but she did not see it. "I am sorry I just do not believe anyone will notice if I were to die all of a sudden and how can I be free I till live with him he is still my leagal guardian becaus he is my father." Avery explained to him for she can not avoid him forever. "I can;t just avoid him he can sober up long enough to file a police report about me missing." She said to Roland as she sighed a bit. "I feel like i am trap with him until I turn 18 since that is the age of an adult or where ever the law says for it to be that I can live on my own with out my father." She said to Roland as she sighed a bit before slouching to the ground and sat on the floor again.

"I feel so trap in this dark hole that my father dug then started to dig it deeper myself just to protect my self and to live in a fantesy that dad may go back to his normal self one day." Avery said as she just sat there not knowing what to do to escape or how to get away from her life before she turns 18. She then ran her fingers through her long, very light red hair that looked pink, hair even though it was a tangled dury mess for she had not really bathed properly for a few weeks. She then looked at Rolans with a look saying i want to believe but do not know if I can. Sh really did nit knw if she ould do it or believe she could ever be free one day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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Roland had suspected enough that after everything he had said, he knew that Avery was just going to fill in everything he said to her with nothing but depressive statements of pessimism and doubt. It seemed as if he almost gave into it himself at first when all of this had started, but he knew that he would have to work his way around all the negativity and focus on how to solve her problem on her abusive father. She then began to droop and sit before him stating on how she feels trapped in a dark hole that she feels her father had made, saying that she wishes every day that her father would become his old self again. She then looked at him, a look he hasn’t seen on her face before that he didn’t know what to make of it. He felt as if she was just crying for help inside herself, but didn’t know what exactly to do and seemed as if nothing would ever work to make things better.

“Hmmm…..” said Roland to himself as he kneeled down to where Avery was sitting in front of him. Instead of going on about convincing her on how he will help her, he stayed quiet for a minute just to think while he looked at the floor instead of looking straight at her, for he knows she will just look at him awkwardly. He began to think on what she had said earlier, like on how her father was still her legal guardian and how she couldn’t leave until she at least 18 and not a minor anymore. He could probably find a solution out of those examples and put them intact for planning on how to get Avery away from her father, or at least for the time being. Just then, he noticed that Avery was playing with her hair somewhat, although it didn’t look conditioned very well, he decided to stop planning to himself for a minute to make his attention back to her.

Roland grinned at her before he could make her an offering on something that she probably needed as of now. “I tell you what. Why don’t you head back into our bathroom and take a bath, just to….you know….clear your mind and relax for a bit.” Roland then pulled himself back up onto his feet and wiped the dirt from the floor on his knees. “I’ll be in here cleaning up our mess while you do so, okay?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery looked at him as he sat in front of her while she messed with her crazy hair that really needed a good cleaning. She just messed with it for it was a weird habit she got into for her hair was really long and she mainly trimmed it herself t save money frm hair cute. ANd she had lots of time to practice cuttting her hair to where it looks like someone at a salon did it. She then looked at him when he offered her to go take a bath and relax. "Um but what am I going to do fr clothes since this is the only outfit I own." She said to him as she stood up slowly while messing with her long hair still. But she had to admit a show sounded good right now for it had been awhile since she last bathed and cleaned her hair and get freashened up.

"But getting clean up does sund really good for its been a while since I last got cleaned up." She said to him as she looked at her dirty hair that dirt can be seen along with her tangles and craziness her hair was. "Um do you havee scissors I can borrow and its not hurt myself with I cut my own hair most of the money goes to dads food and beer so I give myself hair cuts." She explained to him for Avery did not want Roland to think she was planning on killing herself her hair just needed a trim.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

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Once Roland had gotten up to his feet and made the offer for Avery to take a bath while he cleaned up a little bit, she then decided to stand on her feet as well while still messing with her hair. She had also followed up with a question asking to what she was going to wear after doing so because the outfit that she already had on, well, it was her only outfit. She came across also saying that a bath sounded really good to her as she was still playing with her hair whilst saying so. Roland smiled at her and began to answer her question once she was finished.

“I think I have a pair of pajama’s in my room that are clean and I barely wear them so you can use those if you want.” As he finished, he went right across her so that he could try to get her some clean clothes so that she would have something to wear after she finished bathing. All of a sudden, she popped another question to him before he could make it into his room, asking if she could borrow a pair of scissors to cut her hair. At first, Roland didn’t know what to think, only to assume though that she was going to cut herself, but afterwards she explained that she cuts her own hair and had no intention of doing such a thing. “Uhh…..yeah….sure……just uh….give me a minute,” he said.

As Roland went into his room, he opened his top drawer to grab a pajama shirt and pants that were folded up so that he could give them to Avery. Then, he placed the pair of pajama’s down onto his bed to grab a pair of scissors out of his desk drawer near his bed so that he could give those to her as well. He thought at first it wasn’t a good idea knowing the state of mind that Avery was in and how fragile she was that she would do something drastic, but she had seemed honest about everything else, and seeing as how it all made sense, the only thing he could do was trust her. He closed his top drawer with the scissors in his hands, worried still that she would try something suicidal, and grabbed the pajama’s off his bed and went back into the main room. “All right, here you go,” said Roland once he approached Avery and handed her what he had to give her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fairy Tale Dreamer
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Fairy Tale Dreamer The Fairy Of Dreams <3

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Avery lookd at him and knew he was concerened when she asked for scissors for she had tried taking her life that way and it only caused her more problems so she decided to never try again for everytime sh now tried she would get scared. She followed him bfore turning to where the bathroom was. She waited outside of it as she kept messing with her hair as she loked at the ground at her dirty shoes. She just waited for him and being patient for she had a good idea that he was going to be hesitant getting her scissors because of how her stable mind its when its really unstable. After a bit of running her fingers through her really tangled hair she was able to run her fingers through it more smoothly then before.

When Roland came back and handed her the stuff she smiled a bit. "Thanks." Was all she said before she went into the bathroom and closed the door and locking it. After that she tripped of her old clothes and turned tthe water on and started to wash in the shower. She would have loved a bath but she was pretty dirty she would just be soaking in her own filth. So she decided tto just take a nice long warm shower and she had to admit it felt really nice and missed the feeling of bathing like this. She washd her long crazy hair a few times for it was a real mess. But after a few scrubs she was able to get it all feeling clean and it no longer looked dirty. AFter that she put come conditioner in it before moving on to her body.

After spending and hour in a half in the shower she finally got out dried herself off and once in Rolands PJs she took the scissors after combing her hair and started to trim the ends of her hair to get ride of the split ends and to make it look a bit nicer. Once she finished her hair she cleaned up the cut off ends and braided her hair. Once all cleaned up she walked out of the bathroom and looked for Roland while holding ehr folded up clothes dirt clothes and Scissors. "Roland?" She asked as she loked for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DivineIntervention93
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DivineIntervention93 Happy Coincidence

Member Seen 8 mos ago

After Roland had handed her the pajamas and scissors, she took them from him and said thanks to him while she took off to the bathroom to clean up. When she did, he noticed that when she had said it to him, she had a little smile that had showed up on her face, something he had witnessed for the first time although it wasn’t much. Once she closed the door and locked it, he said to himself, “Well…..that’s a start,” referring to the expression that Avery had shown him. Once she was in there, Roland began to clean up by grabbing the dishes that were on the main room table and took them into the kitchen for cleaning. He made way towards the sink and began to place all the dishes that was inside the sink into the dishwasher so that they could become clean while he tried to tidy up the rest of the kitchen.

He grabbed the nearest broom in the laundry room and began to sweep the kitchen floor while awaiting for Avery to get finished in the bathroom with her bath. He was a little worried from giving her those pair of scissors because of what she would probably do to herself whilst he was cleaning, hoping that she wouldn’t slit her wrists or cut herself only to bleed to death and die in the bathroom. The fact of it just had him bothered, but he kept cleaning in hopes that she wouldn’t do something ridiculous or deadly. Once he swept the floor and cleaned everything up in the kitchen, he left to go on into the main room next to fix it up as well. He walked over to the corner of the room to grab the vacuum cleaner so that he could clean the floor up with it.

After about an hour, he was done with the cleaning and went into the kitchen to grab himself something to drink, then all of a sudden heard someone calling his name. Once he heard the female voice hit his hearing, he sighed in relief to hear that it was Avery’s voice and headed straight back into the main room to find her. Once he spotted her, he spoke up. “I’m here, how was the showe-" Stopping for a minute in conversation, Roland began to notice the work that Avery had done on her hair and was amused with what she had done.

More or less, he was especially glad that she didn’t use the scissors for a suicidal act, and began to ask about her hair, noting that it looked a lot nicer because it was clean. “Wow, I mean your hair, you did all that by yourself? ”
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