Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 1 day ago

Omega, often described as the answer that the Terminus Systems dreamed up as a dark, twisted counterpart to the Citadel station that lies within Council space, has known countless criminal empires rise and fall upon its streets. Rulers change hands on occassion, the most current being Aria T'Loak, former lieutenant of the former ruler of Omega. Such blood is spilt on a regular basis to maintain rule over the dark heart of Terminus, had been dealing with the three largest Gangs on Omega since her take over. The Blue Suns, Blood Pact, and Eclipse were the three biggest besides Aria’s own syndicate organization that, in her own word’s, ‘Was Omega’. Then a legend came back from the dead, Commander Shepard, and in one fell swoop he wiped out the main strength of all three organizations in saving one individual known to Omega as Archangel, leaving a power vacuum. One that Aria was eager to fill.

So, discreetly, she founded a new mercenary organization to take over. The new mercenary company would not overtly work for Aria, although their leader would indeed have a direct link to Aria for anything that would do her good to know about. The Regulators, a simple name hiding a complex design and process. They would only be one small team, patterned after another rather unusual success. A small team of some of the best available specialists, soldiers, and technicians would be Aria’s personal hit team when called upon, otherwise working on bringing in extra currency for her coffers while being paid and having gear covered by the head of Omega itself.


So this is planned to be a small group of players, no more than 6-8 at the absolute maximum, playing the roles of various members of Aria’s newly formed Regulators. This is going to be kicking off shortly after, as that little bit of fluff above showed, just after Shepard left after completing the mission to rescue Archangel. So, ME2 level tech and equipment, anything introduced after ME2 won’t be showing up, not initially at any rate. A few rules and guidelines before we get into better stuff.

1. My, and the Co-GM’s, word is law, first and foremost. We will be reasonable, certainly, and aren’t here to make this a miserable chore, but if we deny something or nudge things in one direction or another, we have a reason for what we do.

2. Should go without saying, but godmodding, metagaming, stuff like that, not cool.

3. Yes, this team forms some of the best that Aria can find, and a lot of casual mooks won’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving. But some enemies are above any one of us taking on, keep that in mind, no one is invulnerable to all harm.

4. There will only be 6-8 for the RP, tops. There are a few people who have spots reserved, so it is going to be a first come, first serve basis beyond that.

5. Real life happens, it sucks, we all know this. Give either me or the Co-GM a heads up when you can, and there is no problem holding your spot. Don’t do that after a couple days of no posting or activity period, we reserve the right to feed your character to the Krogan.

6. I don’t expect whole books of content for posts, but try to keep at least one paragraph per post, and while frequent posting is encouraged, don’t trample someone and ignore them in the process if at all possible.

7. Oh, and romance is fine and all, certainly, but keep the steamier stuff past kissing out in the PM's, yea? We don't need to see your Krogan on Hanar action.

Alright, now onto a CS for folks who want to get started ASAP.


Physical Description: Image or Written is fine, but at least a paragraph for this, two is recommended if possible.
Psychological Profile: Who are they as a person, under fire, off the job, waiting for the inevitable to happen, what defines them as a unique being, from a psychological point of view.

Class: Kind of a general defining direction here, what is their job?
Skills: What talents and ‘powers’ do they usually have and use?
Equipment: Remember, this is ME2, nothing from ME3 will be accepted right now. And be reasonable, you are no Shepard, walking armory extraordinaire. Some people will be able to carry more than others, for various reasons.

History: Two paragraphs here, describe their past, what they’ve done that would have gotten them selected for the Regulators, how they came to be the kind of sort that would even be employed in such a group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Name: Jackson Curtis Pulliam ["Jace"]

Species: Human

Gender: Masculine

Age: 27

Physical Description:

Standing at a well-formed 6'3, 186 lbs, Jace is still built with the Alliance marines' power and speed requirements in mind. Though one would expect his years off the job to soften his figure or work ethic, if anything his resurgence as a mercenary has hardened his resolve and left him in better shape than before. He tends to wear something not entirely dissimilar from Alliance issue casual wear - similar to the uniforms onboard the SR-1, though tending to be mostly black and slim-fitting - and boots when not on duty, suggesting his days as a marine may not be one hundred percent behind him. When off-duty, hints of tattoos (a small aerial map of Valencia, the city where he was born, creeping along his collarbone and stopping just at the base of the left side of his neck; 133, his regiment number from the Alliance, on the three middle phalanges of his right hand; the name Charlotte, tucked on the back of his right bicep and largely hidden behind shirt sleeves) can be sighted and hypothesized over.

Jace's face is as strongly cast as his body and personality; a combination of a prominent brow ridge, aquiline nose and high, slightly gaunt cheeks lends the ex-marine's face a playful, wolfish trickery. His eyes are a bright blue, not particularly icy but nonetheless pale. His long, chestnut brown hair is long enough that it would frame them (Pulliam grew it out after leaving the Alliance) but he keeps it pushed back, tied up, or held still in or out of combat so as to avoid being an issue. The shaved-thin, scratchy layer of facial hair along the lower half of his face is a similar color, framing lips that are either twisted into an irritated grimace or an appraising, disdainful half-smile. The stubble also serves to coat a five-inch cut along the bottom of his strong chin - when asked about it he merely says it was "the hardest hit [he] ever took," and that no blow to the face could ever rattle him again after that.

Class: Infiltrator (specifically, gun-for-hire and urban warfare specialist)

Ammo Powers
Cryo Ammo
Disruptor Ammo
Shredder Ammo

Tech Powers
Tactical Cloak

Equipment: M-12 Locust, M-92 Mantis

Psychological Profile: Jace tends towards natural surliness and dry-witted disregard for others, devoting most of his words to critiques, nitpicks, or petty barbs directed at those around him. He was born and bred to be one of the charismatic, dime-a-dozen soldiers the Alliance boasts, and on his own in Omega he knows little else but to be a dime-a-dozen charismatic soldier. He shares little of these private reservations, though; he'll divulge to team members what he feels they need to know before clamming up and telling them to "talk about this kind of shit off-duty."

Most of his powers are based off his older, more narrow Alliance teachings - he believes that if something's meant to be killed, only good old fashioned ammo can kill it, so he devoted his skillset and his mother's prized Locust into being prepared for any firefight. Jace is cool and calculating enough from behind cover, but carries a bit of a firebrand's streak - often recklessly moving to a less advantageous spot of cover if it gives him a better fight or allows him a shot at the enemy's throat. Though possessive of the natural leadership qualities the Alliance looks for, Jace is consistently and visibly more comfortable in a second-in-command or advisory role.

Off duty, with a few (human) beers in him, Jace can be almost pleasant, joking and drinking with less abandon and less venom in his tone. It's easy enough to see the charisma, the joie de vivre that made people put their trust in him in a fight, watch the spark light in his eyes - and then watch it temper and fade at one wrong phrase.

History: With a father that served as a talented battlefield medic and a mother who fought proudly in the Second Fleet and the Skyllian Blitz, fighting and serving were in Jace's blood. Born weeks after the discovery of the Charon relay, Jace enlisted happily when he came of age and saw his first action alongside his mother in the Blitz. Though his record was never less than exemplary, the sheer number of standouts in the Alliance military, coupled with the rapid rise of biotic troopers in the Navy, left opportunities for advancement slim. At some point after Torfan - his answers, illogically, veer on just when - Jace dropped out of the military honorably, to the disappointment of his family.

Serviceman Pulliam attempted a couple years worth of civilian life on Terra Nova, but after the geth attack on Eden Prime he decided mercenary life suited his fancy much more than sitting on his hands and waiting for the geth to start butchering human colonies in droves. He took up mercenary work throughout the Traverse (including, again illogically, cases that actually had nothing to do with any geth incursions into human territory) until Saren Arterius' attack on the Citadel. With C-Sec decimated and the Citadel in need of repairs, Jace was floated an offer by friends of his family for a low-level position in Zakera Ward, with potential for advancement and the opportunity to make a difference again.

Illogically, he left - left Terra Nova, left a girlfriend, left behind a chance at doing something he may have been able to love on the Citadel, and boarded a freighter to Omega. In the months after the geth attack, Jace began taking up small-time protection, intimidation, and mercenary jobs, evading pings from his Alliance life as best as he could while trying to climb the ladder on Omega. Being handpicked by Aria T'Loak herself...well, something the ornery son of a bitch did must have worked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

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Name: Ker Pin "Cannonball"
Species: Volus
Gender: Male
Age: 35

Physical Description:

Image or Written is fine, but at least a paragraph for this, two is recommended if possible.
Psychological Profile: Who are they as a person, under fire, off the job, waiting for the inevitable to happen, what defines them as a unique being, from a psychological point of view.

Class: Soldier
Skills: What talents and ‘powers’ do they usually have and use?
Equipment: M-23 Katana, M-5 Phalanx

History: Two paragraphs here, describe their past, what they’ve done that would have gotten them selected for the Regulators, how they came to be the kind of sort that would even be employed in such a group.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Plank Sinatra He's approved, feel free to post him over in the character tab, at your earliest convenience.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Name: Ali 'Scorn' Narkinis
Species: Turian
Gender: Female
Age: 30

Physical Description:

Ali stands around 6' 1'' and has a rather flexible, light body. She likes to wear her turian armor with a cloak to cover her head. Her armor to some has parts of it painted with skeleton parts on it where in a turian they would be precisely. One thing people seem to notice first about her our her vibrant yellow eyes, that some find beautiful others see them to be to much like a predator stalking prey. Her face has some facepaint on it like many turians have, with two marks under each eye and a straight line that is between her bottom lip and the end of her chin.

Psychological Profile: Ali, or her preferred codename given by herself Scorn, is a rather unhinged Turian. After the death of her friends, the survivor guilt, and a near rape incident, it changed her from being a serious cabal soldier to a unhinged gun for hire who would laugh as she watched someone die in her hands. She enjoys playing tricks on the temporary partners she has had in the past and get under their skin, of course when it comes to a job, she can indeed be very serious and get rather aggressive in combat, preferring to fight up close and personal. Unlike most turians who are tactical and love their strategies, she will run into combat without a plan.

Talking with her can go in many directions. Sometimes she is calm, other times she can speak in riddles and get agitated easily, you never know what you'll get out of a conversation with her so most avoid her all together to talk with.

Class: Cabal Vanguard

-Poison Strike
-Nightshade Blades
-Biotic Focus

M-76 Revenant
M-300 Claymore

History: She was the average turian female in her childhood, nothing special about her. She went through her early years with little care only knowing that in the future she had her eyes set on a military position just like most members of her family had been before her. Of course at the time she had a few years to worry about those plans, that was until her biotic abilities came to light after getting into an argument with a fellow turian. After that one incident her life was changed dramatically. Her military career started far earlier then she planned having to join the Cabal Vanguard training program. People she thought as friends shunned her, thinking she had kept it all a secret, and suddenly even her family seemed to forget about her, as if she was a stain to the family name. She hated her life for the first few years after that, but she made it a point to strive to be one of the best of her training group.

After a few years training she was placed into a squadron with a few other Cabal Vanguards which became her new friends. The others who were not biotics tended to shift away from them despite some attempts at trying to break the ice, the tension remained between the non boitics and the Cabal. It was best to remain acquaintances.

Find her place amongst the others in the platoon and her fellow Cabal Vanguard members, a few more years passed. Nothing much happened with her squad, they were sent out to check on geth activity from time to time on the nearby systems but other then that they were left sidelined until one day they got word that the geth were closer then they should of been to Pavalen and wanted a squad to check on what was going on. Her group was sent out, a squad of twenty: four Cabals, two scouts, and the rest were soldiers. They landed on the planet and send the scouts forward to see what the situation was. When they returned they came back with word of the geth seemingly looking for something but it was such a small group that it would just be another simple sweep and clear. They had grown to comfortable with routine. Oh had foolish her squad was. It was a trap. When the reached the spot there were no geth until it turned out to be an ambush. In the end of it all the mission was achieved but she and the two scouts were the only survivors and the incident began her down the path to mental breaking point.

She blamed the two scouts for what happened and it was recommend that they were all placed in new squads. She was placed into another squad but she grew distant with her comrades, only responding to them with simple head movement. She was easy to agitate from simple mistakes and overly cautious in certain situations. Most learned to stay clear from her. Some though decided to try there luck and eventually one tried even to rape her. Worst of all it had been an old friend or so she thought. He had cornered her after training. She struggled against him and eventually after he overpowered her and had what he wanted, she snapped. He never thought she would get up but she did and snapped his neck without hesitation. She had laughed over his corpse at first but gaining some sanity briefly, she panicked at made it look like a freak accident. Of course that slight snap back to sanity was only brief, and she had a score to settle with two scouts.

She found the scouts and watched the die to her satisfaction, any form of sanity within her was gone. She hitched a freighter off world before anyone found the bodies and even if the figured out who did it she was all ready gone. It took a few jumps from ship to ship but she eventually made it to Omega where she knew she could hideout. She delved into thievery upon reaching the world, mostly to stay alive and tried to not cause to much trouble unless someone bothered her. She did a few jobs but mostly worked alone and occasionally feeding intel to Aria just to show she was on her good side.

After all she knew the one rule of Omega, don't fuck with Aria, but that didn't mean she couldn't fuck with everyone else. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

This still looking like it's going to get off the ground?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Argetlam350 Your approved

@Plank Sinatra Just been a bit on the busy side of things, I'm not letting it drop just yet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm still here. I'm putting my CS together now. Sorry it's taken me this long to get to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name: Cil'Nos nar Shellen (prefers Cil)
Species: Quarian
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Physical Description:

Cil'Nos, being Quarian, is short and thin, making it hard for him to really intimidate anyone without his Scimitar on him. Luckily for him, intimidation and being up close and personal isn't really his style. His envirosuit is slightly battered and shoddier looking compared to what a more respectable quarian would wear, but it functions perfectly well. The armor on the suit is similarly functional and ornamental, with flowing patterns painted on it.

Psychological Profile: In combat, Cil fulfills a more supportive role than aggressive. He usually provides covering fire, helps pick shots at enemies but more importantly, uses his tech abilities in an attempt to cripple the opposing forces. He isn't afraid of wasting time to crack a joke or tell a story during a job, in fact the rush of combat urges him to talk away his nervous energy. Cil'Nos doesn't shy away from killing, but he doesn't enjoy it either. If something is in his way, then he will take care of it; he'd just prefer that something to be a mech.

Even when not working, Cil is always seen doing something. It's as if he needs to keep moving to live, whether it's exercising, upgrading his drone, making useless trinkets or just walking around Omega. Cil fancies himself as a storyteller, though most of his tales are of the tall variety, and it's best to take them with a pinch of salt. He's the kind of Quarian who gives other Quarians a bad name. He grew up living as a pickpocket and a thief, and still likes spending his time conning naïve travelers. Cil'Nos takes a purposefully isolated stance in issues concerning the Flotilla and the Quarians' place in the galaxy at large. What the Migrant Fleet does with itself doesn't concern Cil; Omega is his home now, and he has difficulty seeing past anything in the Terminus Systems.

Class: Engineer

Skills: Combat Drone
Cryo Blast
AI Hacking

Equipment: M-27 Scimitar, M-3 Predator

History: Cil'Nos was born on the Shellen liveship to two cold and militaristic parents. Perhaps it was their distant attitude that led Cil to the lifestyle he chose, though many of his peers said that he was born to lie and steal. Even as a child he loved to 'borrow' things. On one occasion he stole his mother's prize rifle and traded it for suit upgrades. As he grew older, he discovered that he had a knack for hacking and breaking into restricted areas. In an attempt to correct Cil's behavior, his parents began teaching him and taking him to combat lessons, hoping that discipline would organize him like it did them. This only made matters worse.

Cil's crimes escalated both in number and severity. Petty thievery became breaking and entering, and anyone who tried to set him on a nobler path would be either conned or on the receiving end of a zap from his drone. Eventually, enough was enough, and the captain of the Shellen had to take action. Since exile was reserved for those who committed murder or sabotaged the fleet in some way, they simply sent Cil'Nos on an 'early Pilgrimage'. They dropped him off on the nearest populated planet and told him not to return unless he had something useful to contribute to the Fleet, to which Cil responded predictably with vulgarity.

It wasn't long before he stole his way onto a ship headed for Omega, a planet that seemed to call to him with its legendary lawlessness. He spent most of his adult life there, a the while learning the real meaning of crime. Cil's time on Omega hardened him, but he managed to stay afloat and alive. More recently, he made the happy mistake of stealing an illegal weapons shipment heading to the Blue Suns, making away with the guns by hacking the small group's mechs to turn against them and taking out few left himself. After the incident, a courier of Aria's contacted him about joining a group called The Regulators. With decent work and good pay, how could he refuse?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Awesome I worked on the history a bit more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

So what is everyone up to?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

*shrug* I'm hanging around. Getting ready for summer and such.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm ready to go when everyone else is. Just enjoying spring break right now.
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago


@Eisenhorn any idea when this will get going?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


So again how's everyone while we wait to see if this will ever get started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Has anyone even heard from @Fallen Muse lately? Is he still involved in this, too?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AuntFlavia
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AuntFlavia The Unofficial Consulting Dork

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I haven't heard anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Plank Sinatra
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Plank Sinatra the reaper won't come when you're ready for him

Member Seen 2 mos ago

At this point I doubt this is getting started, but one last bump couldn't hurt...

@Eisenhorn, @Fallen Muse, any word on if this is still happening?
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