Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kiya
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kiya Tangled

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The food selection was vast and it took Scarlet a good while to decide what she wanted to eat, this also was mixed up with the thought in the back of her mind about whether or not she was about to eat other crew members favouite foods. she grabbed a few different packets and followed the instructions on how to prepare them. After her preparations the food had become more edible looking and smelled slightly better, however it still tasted bland. "Hm." She muttered to herself while blowing a stray curl of hair that had fallen across her face.

She finished her meal and put away the plates and cutlery, just briefly after she gave her hands a wash and left the room, her heading was directed towards her room, it seemed like the ride for now would be absent of bumps and she saw no reason to mingle with others, instead she wanted to bunker down in the room that she was given, alone aside from her A.I.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He Turned around and started flying back to The rock. Last time they left they flew slower but now. James just wanted to pick him up as fast as possible." Evi try to locate Artyem radio channel but to no avail." How do you mean he isnt here? He has to be. How else could he have left this Rock." Ive scanned it twice James im sure that he is not here." Frustrated James punched his controls hurting himself in the processes." Grr this makes no sense why would he leave us just like that unless." James saw the error in his thinking." Unless he was taken prisoner. Evi Hack the camera's and check there data to see if you can find Artyem." A few minutes later." I have found him well atleast i found out what happend to him.

The recording was glitchy but still viewable. It Showed Artyem almost being beaten to death. He then saw a man even bigger than him who nocked Artyem out. He then was dragged of but before the camera could follow the big man shot it ending the transsmision. James got a pale face." did you
now what happend to Jack?" Evi raised her shoulders." I found no info of him." Damm well shit ill inform the rest of the crew. Guys we lost Artyem i have no idea where he is. but from what i could find he was captured by some mercaneries. Sending the vid to your data pads now." The ship then flew through the warpgate. warping to its Destination Lorsa. Or as maney would call it. Wreckage
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Belle frowns, before she wraps her arms around Huzuni. "I... Don't know. I haven't really." She began to think about Ramia, and how much she loved her (especially after their last encounter). "Apart from Ramia. I love her." Belle keeps her arms firmly around Huzuni. "You'll find someone. I never thought I would, but now, I have Ramia." She claims. "And if you were to ask her, I think she would say she loves me, too. At least, I hope so." She giggles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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"Well, James. It seems you are losing crew members at an alarming pace." Ramia stated quite slyly and rolled her eye. "Well, if you need more of me I'll be doing my best to fix the Guardian. ...On a second thought I'll ask Belle about that." The dark haired woman made a mocking salute and headed towards Belle's room. Before entering she very politely knocked on the side of the door. "Belle, you got a moment?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

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" Sigh she sure is a bitch. Thats probably why her country fell." Evi Giggels." But i thaught you liked strong women." James grins." There is a diffrence between strong and bossy. And she is taken anyway." He laughs and sets up some music."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bi09hnZj7NQStill sucks that we lost Artyem. He was kinda our tank. Evi from now one every system we
enter i want you to scan for him."Evi does the same mocking salute of Ramia and disapers." godammit"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thesupergamer64
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thesupergamer64 The Gaming Profesional

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"You may be right, but... Who'd like someone like me? I guess I'll have to let fate decide that this time..." The man responded with. " *Sigh* Thanks for the answer, and for conforting me in such a situation..."

"What am I saying? Why would I thank someone to confort me? A samurai! A lone wonderer that decides his own fate! What was that feeling of warmph? Quite weird... and it felt good I must admit. Haha, I guess this ship really makes wonders." The samurai tought to himself, being a little weirded out by what that feeling was.

He heard Ramia knocking on the door, asking for permission to come in. "I think someone would like to talk to you, I'll be heading out, I don't want to make diferent inpressions." He told to Belle, as he stood up and was ready to get out of the room.

Huzuni, before leaving, turned a slight bit and faced Belle. "Thank you..." He told her, with a soft and warm tone of voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

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Belle looks away from Huzuni, unwrapping her arms from around him. "Yeah, it's no problem." She claims. Standing, she walks to the door, opening it and smiling, suddenly grabbing Ramia with no hesitation and pulling her into a hug. "Hi, Ramia. Of course I have a moment for you." She says, smiling. "I was just having a chat with Huzuni, as he is feeling a bit..." She took a glance at him, "Upset."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Is she lying? Did something happen between those two? Am I just being needlessly paranoid? Ramia smiled faintly and rolled her eye. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything..." She mumbled a bit hesitantly. That man knows nothing about being upset... The dark haired woman forced a warm smile to her lips and wrapped her right arm around Belle. "Uh... I could need a hand with the Guardian and... since you are the best mechanic around here... Umh..." Maybe they were just talking... Yeah, they were just talking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"No, you weren't..." Belle thought for a moment, and then rolled her eyes, giggling. "Oh, beautiful, seriously! We were just having a talk!" She giggles, and leans up, planting a kiss om Ramia's lips, wrapping her arms around her lover's neck. After a moment, she pulls back. "I was gonna start on making something of my own, but it seems that everything is getting in the way. However, you're one obstacle I'd rather not pass through, and stay at instead." She giggles, kissing her cheek. "Lets go. By the way, do you know where Penny is? I can't seem to connect to her. She may have shut herself off so I couldn't force her to help me when I... Turned off the engines." Belle looks down sadly, ashamed of herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 6 mos ago

She's so sweet... Ramia smiled warmly and shook her head ever so slightly. "I'd rather not be an obstacle, but whatever floats your boat." She rolled her eye and the smile turned in to a more apologetic one. "I'm really not sure about Penny's whereabouts." She admitted politely and very gently embraced Belle. "Hush, you did what you did without your own volition and none of us are going to blame you for it, ok?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by kiya
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kiya Tangled

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"Were moving?" She asked herself, the feeling of the ship speeding up was subtle, but the signs were there and easily seen. Not knowing a heading was unnerving to Scarlet so she pulled up her jotted down map of the ship and began to head to where she last saw James, she had hoped that he would be able to explain what was happening.

She walked into the room, her heels like always tapping with every step. "James, Whats happening?" She felt odd calling him by his real name instead of just making up a small nickname like Karate kid, her way of distancing herself from people.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

"I'm hoping Penny hasn't locked herself in a cage somewhere. If so, it'd be my fault. It was painful, but I could have resisted it. I shouldn't have thought about controlling Penny. It didn't know I could do that, and since I was so desperate, so needing to get that pain away, I did it. I risked her. I risked my sister." Belle teared up at calling Penny her sister, but it was true. Penny had been the sister she never had. "The poor thing, I should never have. I risked everyone's life, I risked destroying the ship, I risked everything." She whimpers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by thesupergamer64
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thesupergamer64 The Gaming Profesional

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Huzuni, with a more open mind, and a more happy one of that, went to the bridge and put some AIs there, this time on "Attack Mode", to test his reflexes.

"Let's see how I can do against these AIs" He said to himself, readying his blade for battle. When the AIs spawned, he charged at one of the 10 that were there. Killing him in one precise blow. Another one shot him in the back, wich, of corse, did not hurt due to being friendly AIs, wich could not hurt him. In battle, that could have changed the tide of a whole war.

He killed all of them eventually, "hurting" himself on the process with the shots he did not dodge. "I need to improve my reflexes... after all, like master allways said: "One strike, one death" He went back to his room and decided to stay there untill he was in the need of someone's assistence. Since he had nothing better to do, he took a nap, and thought about what happened with the whole virus thing.

"Now that I think about it, that was really... I don't know, dumb? Why would someone try to contro- oh yea, she's a hacker and engenier... But still, why her? Why not just hire someone to do it for the person who did this? Oh well, I'll just rest." He said, before taking his nap that would charge him up for whatever lied ahead.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alright, your self flogging is just getting tiresome at this point... Ramia sighed and managed to smile in a loving and somehow quite motherly way. "Beauty, you need to stop that right now. You'll only make yourself feel worse if you keep constantly reminding yourself about that." The embrace she gave to Belle was at the same time very gentle and firm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Belle nods, cuddling Ramia sadly. "Can we search for Penny?" She asks, looking up at her love. "I know I need to help you with your flight suit but... You know, yes. I'll help you. It'll help me take my mind off of things, but I still really want to remember what happened to me." She wipes away a single tear that had formed and she walks to her desk and grabs her toolbelt off of the floor (She hadn't put it back on after the love-making) and put it around her waist, walking up to Ramia and taking her hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by boomlover
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boomlover The godfather of explosions

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

They had arrived Lorsa or as some called it Wreckagereef. The system only had a giant ring made out exploded planets and destroyed ships and any other things that where caught in the blast . Before the collapse This used to be one of the most richest systems. Having three planets that where all full of resourcess. However the planets werent terraformed since it was supposed to be a mining op. This meant that no food could be grown here so it all had to be shiped to the system. When the gate's fell food started running low people started fighting eachother for scraps.
However there was alot of weaponary since it was mostly industry based. Millions died in mere months. But then the blast happend. No one know how But only those out of the blast could see a giant explosion that destroyed almost everything. And if that wasnt bad enough the explosion even damaged the sun so that it spewed radiation. After that all that wasnt made into tiny particals. After the gates went online again many tried to colonize the ring. But because of radiation it was impossible to even near the ring. But in the many years after the gates went online again radiation has slowly been disapearing in parts of the ring. Its a hub for space pirates. and for those who just wanna disapear. since the radiation fries most scanners

" Ugh i hate this place. too many pirates and whatever trash live's here. I can imagine why they would have lost a battleship in this shithole.
Evi try scanning for its signature."After atleast an hour Evi finaly responded." I found it and i found our missing teammate."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Ramia nodded and tilted her head. "I think Penny was at the bridge... I we should ask McLoyed about her since I have a good hunch he'll know." After that we can fix my Flight Suit, everyone will be happy. Ramia offered her right hand to Belle before heading towards the bridge.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by datadogie
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datadogie Cloak and Dagger

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Belle grasps Ramia's hand lightly, following her to the bridge, without a word. She wondered what was going to happen with her systems in her room. They were still off from earlier, once Penny was removed from the systems it remained offline. She wondered if the system was going to be kept off as a precaution for when the virus came back, or be turned back on for her. When it comes back... She shook her head. She'd have to ask the captain what his plan was when the virus came back. Belle hoped that it wouldn't come back, however she remembered Huzuni's words. "You'll feel better, for a good amount of time..." When they arrived at the bridge, Belle remained quiet, turning a tad shy, but she still grasped the hand of Ramia. She didn't know what to say to the captain, the captain, after her moment of corruption and hacking into the systems of his ship.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SwarthyBard126

SwarthyBard126 Insert Something Witty Here

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"I'm fucked," Artyem thought as he saw the 4 mercenaries pushing through the crowd, "My armor's still down, and i have 4 well-armed and shielded mercs after me." He continued to bound down the streets, before turning a right into an alley. Running was easy for him, fue to the extensive cyberfication of his body, but running at a full sprint for nearly 2 hours was tiring. His armor's reactor had booted up, but only his shield had was active and so he kept running. Of course, it only got worse when the two APCs pulled up 200 feet in front of him. Cursing his luck, Artyem accelerated to nearly 40 miles per hour, and began focusing his shield around his fist. As he approached the APCs, he quickly wound up, and uppercutted the APC on his right side, sending it flying up in the air 10ft, and back another 5ft. But now his shield was overloaded, and his arm had locked up to allow for self repair. Of course this barely mattered compared to the pain Artyem was feeling in his right arm, which threatened to black him out. The mercs were beginning to come out of the APC the was not capsized. Artyem pushed of from the ground, shoulder checking the man in the neck, killing him instantly.

In response ot the comrade falling, the remaining 7 mercenaries pulled out shock batons and circled the cyborg warily. Seeing no other alternative, Artyem pulled out his last flash bang, and threw at his feet. His cybernetics protected him from the worst of it, but he was still slightly dazed. Nonetheless, he charged the mercenary in front of him, and grabbing the man's arm, body slammed him into the ground breaking the man's shoulder in the process. Retrieving the dropped baton from the side of the screaming, he spun to the next mercenary, who was just recovering and slammed the baton through his faceplate, into the man's eye. The mercenary fell to the ground, convulsing long past his heart stopped. "Five left," Artyem thought, "and in hand to hand combat with me. Sucks to be them." His right arm dangling at his side, Artyem charged the merc across from him, jumping and dropped kick the merc in the chest, sending him into the punched APC, who's door was blocked by the wall of the building they were leaning against. The remaining 4 mercenaries all converged at Artyem while he was down, jamming their shock batons at the cyborg. Artyem managed to grab one of the merc's arms, crushing it, before he was jolted by three batons. Writhing in pain as the mercs dug the batons deeper, the cyborg lashed out with his leg catching another merc in the chin, and beheading the man. The last two mercenaries backed away in fear as Artyem pushed himself up to his knees, and attempted to stand. However, at this point, three of the original mercenaries came bounding and began throwing stun grenades at the cyborg, keeping him down.

Artyem looked up at his captors, and he paled at the sight. The mountain of a man, taller than even James and with a square jowl that was both familiar and unfamiliar all at once. Shocked, Artyem whisperes, "Hector?" to which the larger man began chortling before he jammed a needle into the cyborg's neck, and injecting a virus into the cyborg's systems. As the virus began shutting down Artyem's cybernetics, he wondered at how is friend had changed from a five foot six private, to the monster in front of him. The last hing he saw before his eyes shut down was a flight suit landing beside Hector, the two figures conversing, and Hector slapping the woman, after that his eyesight began flickering, before cutting out completely. Waking up later, still blind, he heard the familiar sound of mechanical servos taking removing his limbs from his body and going by the breeze he felt in his sockets, they had removed the implants in there to. He could also hear the sound of a large reactor, humming in the background, and the strange gravity field associated with new ships. Deducing that he was on a ship, Artyem sighed, and waited for his old friend to return.

Sending a message to a travelling starship was risky, sending one through an unsecured line while in hostile territory was suicidal. Amelia hoped she was making the right choice trusting the people that had left them at the station. reviewing her memories, Amelia could still feel the panic of the flying mercenary chasing her.

The crazy bitch had caught up to Amelia and tackled the robot down, sending them both tumbling off the rooftop. Amelia barely managed to bash her rifle into the mercenaries head, stunning the bitch. With the hold now lax, Amelia wriggled out, and tucked into a roll and continued running out of the alley. Looking back she saw the mercenary kick up off the ground, and restart the chase.

Ducking unto the crowd, Amelia allowed herself to be pushed by the large group of people. What she hadn't expected was for the Mercenary to open fire on the crowd, killing a few and dispersing the large gathering. Following a group of fleeing drones, Amelia once more looked up at the mercenary, who was cackling as she fired at the fleeing forms. Taking this opportunity, Amelia sprinted the length back to the space port.

When she arrived, she was distraught, then angered that the ship could not be found anywhere. Hacking into the database, the once human saw that the ship had left hours ago. Rage began building up in the platform's body, before she calmed down enough to hide as the mercenaries entered the bay. Quickly hiding behind a large stack of crates, she saw the mercenaries pushing a large cryogenic freezer, with five heavy duty cases attached. Sneaking with the mercenaries, Amelia managed to enter the ship, a fast attack frigate, unnoticed and hid herself from prying eyes.

Five hours later, the ship had exited a gate, into the shadow of a larger cruiser, and Amelia decided to message the crew her location.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Marcus XVI
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Marcus XVI

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Ramia gave Belle a little reassuring glance and a warm smile before turning her attention to James. "McLoyed, you wouldn't happen to have any idea where Penny is would you?" My little, adorable friend is getting rather agitated and finding the damn thing would be really nice. "I began thinking and thinking, but just couldn't even remember where I had seen the robotic rascal the last time."

She glanced out of the window and saw where they had landed. The dark haired woman fell silent for a moment before shaking her head. "Wreckage reef... of all places..."
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