Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

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With things finally settling down outside as most of the students had made their way into the auditorium, Blanc decided that it would be best to do the same. The auditorium was jammed pack, there wasn't any open seats to be seen, some of the students even resorted sitting in the middle of the rows. It was loud, unorganized, hot and all together an unpleasant experience, you'd think people would apply deodorant before coming to events like this. Looking around there seemed to be a few open seats that no one wanted to take. Sitting at the end of the row was a boy with white hair who looked to be having an even worst time than him. Blanc walked over and sat in the seat next to the boy. A few of the nearby students seemed to be looking at them now. Was it because they looked similar, or were they expecting something to happen?

Thinking back on all the happy faces that he saw in such a short time was making Blanc sick, his expression didn't change, but if you looked into his eyes you could tell that he was in a state of distress. How could people be so happy? How could they just approach someone they don't know, and start a conversation with them? That's the kind of thing that gets you told to go kill yourself. He thought to himself, "Everyone here just needs to die." He mumbled under his breath as he leaned back in his seat. "They should all just die."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Edge was bored he yawned falling behind the group he was in towards the girls behind. His mind was caught up on thoughts of what kind summon he would have or his placement among summoners. He wondered if he could even make any friends here, so far only the rich and the powerful seemed to be around, he was not going to hang around jerks who thought less of him for not being rich. He was who he thanks to hard work and constant training, sure he could have fought the guy back there fist to fist but he didn't need to bloody his hands over something so trivial.

He awoke from his thoughts when a girl beside him spoke. She'd ask his name and given hers, so he smiled and extends his hand for a shake. "My name's Edge Seraph, nice to meet you Sen. I had almost given up hope of making any friends here." He laughed a little.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby Etra
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Ruby Etra

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She'd jump a bit as the boy fell out of the tree, she had always heard boys climbed trees, but never thought it was true it seemed like such a stupid idea.Either way she couldn't help but chuckle at the name and his attitude, though as he left she wondered if all boys acted this way or if he was just strange. The rest did seem to disolve among the crowd as they entered..."I have to hurry" she'd think to herself only to be greeted warmly. Lucille would be hesitant to shake hands with her sitting in silence and fear not doing anything. Though it was more or less her being shy it would initially come off as cold. She'd quickly take off threw the gates remembering the boy, and wondering if his hair was natural or not. Giving a light chuckle at his name again as she ntered

Once there she quickly swiveled threw the lost crowd occasionally stopping because she bumped into somebody, or her bags took up to much space. Though she politely apologized every time she was still in a hurry. as she walkd by student after student eventually she even cut threw a room somehow for a short cut. Finding a seat alone in the auditorium always shifting away from the other kids if they sat near her even getting out of her seat, and going to another row at one point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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At first Lazarus groan a little when they boy sat next to him, but the moment he heard thoughts words come out of the boys mouth, his back straightened his were wide open with surprise. He had no idea how to respond considering that he never found someone that agreed with his perspective of the world. He sat there staring at the boy dumbfounded trying to put together the words of how to respond.

"Funny you should say that, that thought crosses my mind every frickin day, usually more than once. My name's Lazarus, Lazarus Desimone and it seems we might have a lot in common. What what's your name?" He said finally finding the words. This more like a command than a question. Lazarus never trusted people and never will, but he wouldn't dare let go of this offer he has been given to make a acquaintance that shares a similar view as him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

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Countless thoughts were running through his head, at the moment Blanc would rather be anywhere else. The assembly showed no signs of starting soon, and the auditorium was only getting more crowded. The only person besides him who wasn't excited to be here was the boy next to him, who had spoken a word this entire time he has been sitting next to him. What is his problem? He thought. Then the boy finally spoke.

His words were filled with anger, it was obvious the boy was just as frustrated as he was. Following the boys words, Blanc proceeded to sit up and look over in the his direction."You know, normally I'd tell you to go kill yourself, but it seems like you may be worth my time.You can call me Blanc, my full name isn't of importance." Staring into the boys eyes, he could tell that they were fairly similar. He had experienced hardships in his life and could no longer stand this ugly world. "Wouldn't it be great if this place just burned to the ground with everyone inside? I can tell that's what you're thinking. It's a rather nice change meeting someone who isn't so nice it makes me want to kill myself. So Lazarus, what brings you to this school, why are you here of all places?" The words spilled out of his mouth without a single thought of the people around them. The other students who were within ear shot were mortified.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Sen took Edge's hand and gave it quick shake, shooting him a grin. "Yeah, I know what you mean, it's a little intimidating," she said, dropping his hand to gesture at the ornate buildings. "This is definitely the fanciest campus I've ever set foot on," the green eyed girl added with a huff as they finally entered the auditorium.

The crowd was even worse inside, the sound of everyone's chattering reverberating off the walls and magnifying the volume to a toe curling level. Plus, it was insanely hot. Did this school spend so much money on that ridiculous gate that they couldn't afford to turn the air conditioner on? Sen gave a grimace before scanning room and spotting some empty chairs a few rows from the back.

"Wanna sit together?" she asked, turning toward Edge and quirking an eyebrow. "I'd hate to get stuck by one of these people who smell like they haven't brushed their teeth in five years"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Realmor looked from above the stadium down at the massive population of students that had entered the school. "What do you think Fury?" He patted the large birds head and sent him into the sky. Realmor had commanded Fury to darken the clouds and throw a small light show for the students below. Enough to distract so that he could get to the stadium fairly easily. All the students looked skyward as the light darkened. Some complained that it was going to rain, but all those thoughts vanished when a bolt of lightning screeched through the air. The stadium went silent and another bright flash illuminated the area, this time Fury had left the image of a star in the sky, and he kept on making images until Realmor commanded him not too.

Realmor finally made it to the stage and commanded fury to stop. The bird sent the dark clouds away and gracefully landed on Realmor's shoulder. Many students were amazed that a summon could such things. Realmor looked upon the crowd that was once noisy. It was very silent indeed. He cleared his throat.

"Welcome new students to Ason High. I am Hi-Summoner Realmor, Dean of this school, and this is my summon Fury. Say hello Fury." Fury opened his wings and shot a burst of lighting from his mouth. The stadium was immediately brightened and the crash was deafening. "Now that I have your attention I would like to thank you all for coming to this school. We are also grateful for the many generous donations from the families and businesses of Felmont for making this possible. Now onto business. All of you have received a map detailing the school and it has been properly colored to display your rooms. Once you make it to the dorms, there will be a few summoners and their summons waiting for you. They already have all the rooms ready and know which student goes to which room. Once you have set down all your belongings, I ask that you go to the summon building (also marked on your map) in an orderly fashion. Everyone will receive their summons today, so I ask that you bear with me and your fellow students as you will have to wait in a line. For those of you, who do not have a map, or wish to join this school but do not have the means necessary to, I will see you both shortly. That will be all for now. Please go to your dorms."

Once Realmor had finished his speech, he promptly walked over to the 2 boys sitting near the exit. They both looked so similar, with their white or whitish hair and their depressed attitudes. Realmor made sure that fury was blocking the exit so they couldn't run.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Edge smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I'll sit with you. We can share a little bit about each other while were waiting for the speech to start. He said sliding down and grabbing a seat, he was glad to have met someone he could relate to here. As the room packed for the speech he looked down at his one bag. Seemed most kids had a lot more possessions than he did. He might need to actually find a job around here. He sighed and looked at Sen brushing his hair out of his eyes. "So tell about yourself, what's your life like?" He asked right as the speech started.

He sat through the speech waiting for to be over he was excited for the fact he'd soon have his own summon, a friend and companion. He wondered if he'd get one who liked to steal things, that would so be a bonus. He got up as it finished and looked at Sen. "I'll walk you to your dorm if you like. You can answer my question along the way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by joeycbee
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joeycbee The Wise Wookie

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@Lvl Down
Lazarus was about to respond when the stupid High-summoner showed up. He found it so pointless shooting lighting everywhere wasting energy frightening some, motivating others toward failure. He was about to leave when his dame summon block his path. He was just getting more and more aggravated by the minute. May things crossed his mind like burn in hell and what makes you think your better than use, but he was also wise and held his tongue, knowing that he does have the power to back him up. He would simple pay back the favor to a later date.

"Whats The deal, I thought you said that we could go to are dorms?" He said with a sharp tongue. He couldn't think of any reason why he was SOS special to be stopped. Maybe he caught wind of the rumors of telling someone to kill themselves. He notice that Blanc was also stopped by Fury, so he ruled out that possibility. It suddenly came across his mind that his guardians were arguing about not paying a bill they got, they said something along the lines, he isn't worth that much money. He was I infuriated with rage and tightened his fist so hard that he might of torn the skin against his knuckles, though he contained his rage for the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The presentation began with an unimpressive light show as the opening, it was completely pointless. What was that meant to do? Show of the power of a summons? Half the people here will never be able to perform such feats even in their lifetime. He was just raising people's expectations and setting them up for disappointment. The speech that followed was even more pointless, he repeated information we had already received when we were accepted into the academy. What was the entire point of this? We could have been already had our summons. This was just one big waste of time. Blanc stood up from his seat and was about to leave when the headmaster had his big bird thing block the exit.

"Can you please have your over sized chicken move out the way. I'm pretty sure you told us to go to our dorms, now I'm pretty sure you're just wasting our time." Blanc didn't hold back, he spoke his mind and then tried to make his way around the bird. No matter how hard he tried to get around it, his path was blocked. Left, right, over, under, none of it worked. Giving up, Blanc turned back towards the Head Master and sighed. "So, what do you want with us? Are we being reprimanded for something? I don't remember doing anything note worthy.... yet." Blanc had no idea what was happening, the only thing he could think of is someone reported him for saying everyone should just die. What could this man possible want from the two.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby Etra
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Ruby Etra

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Lucille seemed to have worked her way towards edge and the others partially out of familiarity in the now full seating. Partly because she was still curious about edges hair, and there seemed to be another with them of similar properties though she waited till the end of the ceremony sitting quietly behind the group till the seminar began. She didn't seem as impressed with the summon as the other students but more or less analytical of it. She thought starlight was exclusive to light summons let alone that kind of speed,though she had only her of fast light summons before. Though it wasn't a particularly amusing trick she was quite happy to see a summon for the first time since she got here made it feel more homely.

After it was done she was sorely disappointed with the display not going on longer she listed to the short speech she was yet again dishearted coming here for nothing she didn't already know. "Is this whole thing going to be a waist of my time." she thought to herself slightly annoyed by the idea of a school and being social in general. As she tried to approach edge she was quickly forced to go another way only to notice the pink haired girl. Setting her bag down to poke her shoulder slightly, "Is your hair natural?" she'd ask actually unsure. This time they'd be able to tell how confident the girl was by her struggling to make any kind of eye contact as they'd seem to constantly shoot at the ground.

@Narcotic Dollie
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Narcotic Dollie
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Narcotic Dollie Weasel Wrangler

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"So tell me about yourself, what's your life like?" Edge asks as Sen slides into the seat next to him. The shorter teen opens her mouth to respond but stops herself when the Hi-Summoner starts his speech and gets his bird summon to shoot lightening out of his mouth. Sen beams. "I can't wait to have one of my own," she whispers to red eyed teen right as the speech is ending.

"I'll walk you to your dorm if you like. You can answer my question along the way," Edge offers as the lights come up and people start moving toward the exit.

"Sure," the green eyed girl says, but stops when she feels someone poke her shoulder. "Is that your natural hair color?" A short redhead asks and Sen recognizes her from earlier in the day.

"I wish," Sen answered honestly, turning to address the other girl. "It'd be much less hassle." She then turns to Edge an asks, "Isn't this one of the girls you fell on earlier?"

@Apollosarcher @Ruby Etra
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Edge nodded when Sen mention having her own summon, he'd been excited by the very idea since he'd passed the exam and gotten a scholarship. He'd noticed one the girls from earlier had sat beside them. He smiled she'd been staring at his hair when they had first met by the tree, he'd figured she wanted to know if it was natural, everyone asked him that. He waved at her and smiled at Lucille. "Mine's natural, had since I was baby. Same goes for the red eyes to, guess I'm a bit of freak of nature. I can help you with your bags, I'm walking Sen to her dorm you can come with us."

Looking over at Sen he sighed and gave a shrug. "Well I grew up in orphanage and then after I ran away on the streets, I earned and stole for anything I wanted or needed. Except for my violin, it was left with me as a baby, it's a Stradivarius. Other than that I'm kinda of a genius, well IQ scores say prodigy and I'm here on a scholarship." He said as lead them out a side exit away from the crowds, back into the cool morning air. Keeping both girls in his sight as he opened it for them. "Ladies first."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Meeka followed closely behind the pink haired girl. She couldn't get separated because if she did, she would probably never find her again. *Why do I have to be so short.* She thought to herself. Slowly, she made it to the stadium, and most of the seats were filled, she did notice however, 1 seat was open right next to Eris. *Did she save that seat for me?* It was a presumptuous thought, but there was an open seat, at there weren't any nearby. So Meeka walked on over, stepping on a few toes while excusing herself until she sat down next to Eris. Before Meeka could say anything, the area darkened, which was quickly followed by a blast of lightning and cool shapes in the sky. "Wow! That is so cool!" Meeka was a little disappointed when it ended and the speech, while it was a recitation of what they already knew, Meeka was happy for the refresher as she had almost completely forgotten all the information due to the high amounts of stress and fear she felt. Soon, everyone was leaving for the dorms, Meeka was too, and she noticed the dean talking to 2 boys on the side. *I wonder what they did?*


Realmor walked over to where Edge and Lazarus were standing, visibly annoyed that Fury was blocking their exit. Once he was close enough to speak, both boys immediately spoke their mind not holding much back.

"Can you please have your over sized chicken move out the way. I'm pretty sure you told us to go to our dorms, now I'm pretty sure you're just wasting our time. So, what do you want with us? Are we being reprimanded for something? I don't remember doing anything note worthy.... yet."

"Whats The deal, I thought you said that we could go to are dorms?"

He chuckled a little at their brief but effective questions. "You 2 boys don't need to worry, you aren't in trouble. Also, you aren't the only people I need to talk to. I came to you first because I have an offer for you. Now it may seem surprising, but I can tell that you two have been through hell and back. You've seen things that would make most kids here pis their pants... Pardon my language... But, believe it or not, I too was in a situation not too different from your own. You guys have potential, you had guts coming to this school so obviously under dressed, but that still didn't stop you. You guys are here for a purpose, you want to get something accomplished. So this is my offer; Either you can become night security guards in-training for the school dorms, get some good perks, a personal fridge, and your tuition here will be free if you can keep up with it and do your job, or you can take out a loan that would take decades to pay off and live with all the other overly optimistic youth here who have no idea what the hell is going on around them... Pardon my language again... If you do accept my offer and become night guards there are a few rules you must obey.

1. Master Roth will be your superior and boss, if you have any problems go to him. If you don't like him, go ahead and try to fight him. I suggest you don't try.
2. You will receive some disrespect from other students on campus occasionally, and I ask you bear with me and not hurt them but report them. If they do disrespect you again for a second time, report them. However, if there is a third time, well... I let you decide what to do, but you must use some restrictions;
1. Do not kill the idiot who disrespected you
2. Do not break any bones
3. Do not incapacitate or paralyze them in any way shape or form
4. Do not go for the groin. Or other sensitive parts likely to cause certain problems when they become older.
And... aside from that, your free to do whatever. So do we have a deal? Or would you like a loan?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

An ultimatum was given, the two who wanted to watch the world burn were going to protect it. If they didn't, they'd be slumped with so much debt that their great-grandchildren would still be paying it off. The answer was fairly simple, take the job. You get to live away from the student body and if anyone gives you trouble you get to them around. Sounds like a completely fair offer. "Fine, you got a deal. Now if you don't mind, I have to get going." Throwing his bag over his shoulder, Blanc patted Lazarus on the back and took his leave. The chicken was still blocking the nearest exit so instead of being able to go straight to his dorm he'd have to go out through the main exit and walk all the way around the auditorium to get to the security dorms. This was so much of a hassle, if only he hadn't sat near that kid maybe he would have went unnoticed. That's unlikely though being how much attention his hair attracts.

With the assembly over, most of the students had left for their dorms, there were a few stragglers, and then near the exit was a small group of three. They were blocking the exit and there was no way he was going to get through with out asking them to move. "You know that's a fire hazard right?" Blanc said this rather coldly, it may have came off as a joke if his voice wasn't so monotone. Off to the side was two girls, one Blanc recognized from earlier, and the other was someone he hadn't seen before. She had long flowing red hair and deep blue eyes, like that of an ocean. When he stared at her it was almost like she was trying to disappear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby Etra
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Ruby Etra

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Lucille would smile a bit just staring at the two boys then at the man and then at the boys again. Before the conversation finally stopped and edge had answered it. When she heard it was natural she smiled a bit as if excited by the fact saying, "so your just like my mom then. How about the other boys?" Though the sudden urge to make a terrible joke came across the geeky girls mind as she saying, "Wow you are kind of edgy I don't need help with my bags though." she'd say before ramming into the wall near the door her prescription sunglasses breaking against the door but thankfully not getting into her eyes, as she tried to clean them up she'd grab at the ground aimlessly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Edge looked at the girl whom just gone face first into a wall and sighed. He walked over helping her find the pieces of her glasses with a little effort he scooped them up and offered them to her. "Here take my hand, you seem a little blind without your glasses. I can lead take you to your room and you can unpack there, sound good?"

He looked to Sen with a sigh. "If you want to go ahead I'm going to help her out, this little lady seems to need some help." He said as he stood up and offer the girl his hand with a small smile. "Beside's I'd be a terrible person if I just left her alone to try and stumble to her dorm room."

He looked at the new arrival. "Girl broke her glasses, give us a minute to clean up and we will move. plenty of other exits man." He said blowing off the rude kid with hair like his, he didn't have time for jerks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlamJamcity
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SlamJamcity Slacker extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It was a sight to behold, after letting loose a terrible pun, the girl walked into a wall. Her glasses were busted, but besides that she seemed to be fine. As for the guy, it didn't seem as if he wanted to move. This was to be expected though, most of his types didn't like being told what to do. "You know, I was being nice. I could always have made you move, but I wouldn't want to start a scene on the first day." Blanc gave his response then sat down next to the group. Some would say it was a bit excessive threatening the boy, but it wasn't a threat, it was merely a statement. "So, Edgy was it? Were you the one I saw lay into the thug earlier? Nice work, since you came along I didn't have to get my hands bloody. I do have to say though, your way of taking him down was rather, "unorthodox". Also, you don't seem like most of the preppy kids here on their parents hard-earned money. What brings you to this school. You don't really fit the image of a student at Ason High." Blanc fired out several questions directed towards the boy. He had piqued his interest, most people would have just moved out the way, but not him.

On the ground lay the pieces of the girls shattered glasses, she was an awkward one. It was almost as if this was her first time interacting with others her age, like a baby bird leaving the nest for the very first time. It was cringe worthy to say the least.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ruby Etra
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Ruby Etra

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Lucille would slowly pick up the fragments of her glasses before standing up and looking for a place to put them, only to give up and eventually slide them into a compartment into the pink bag on her back. She'd turn around looking for the boy who offered to help earlier only to see two blurs with white hair standing behind her. She squinted at them trying to tell which one was which shifting her focus again and again trying to figure out which one was edge. It wasn't just her blindness though, It was a actual struggle to find a defining feature despite obvious diffrences like height.

Sooer or later she'd eventually give up and just ask the two of them for help going to the ground as she begged for help. "Could one of you please help me find my dorm I'll have to much trouble reading the map like this." her face bright red as she begged expecting some kind of punishment. (Assuming.) Though once not received she'd quickly get up and dust herself off unsure what to do. "Would you mind taking a bag as well?"
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