Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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A dull yellow light ebbed into the apartment from the streets beyond, accompanied by the distant howling of the bloodthirsty Hunters.

“Fuck this city…” Andrew Brown said with a deep scowl.

“Andy's having depressing thoughts again!” Steven called out from his spot on the sofa.

“That’s what the fairy dust is for,” Lisa replied with a smirk, toying with her nose piercing “grind yourself another crystal.”

Andrew wadded slowly back through the cluttered mess of the apartment, turning away from the flickering city lights. A grinder and a jagged slab of rusty yellow crystal lay amongst the heap of junk which was sprawled out across the coffee table, and the tracksuit clad figure was quick to set about crushing himself a line of powder. The grinder made short work of the crystal, leaving a clump of brittle dust in its wake.

“Steve, chuck me your card.” he called over to his friend.

“Fuck off, dead beat.” he wheezed, inspecting the veins on his hand with bloodshot eyes.

“He needs it to make a line, ass-hat.” Lisa laughed.


Steven tossed over a slick blue credit card, which Andrew used to scrape the fairy dust into a thread-like line of gold sprinkles. Leaning in close, he snorted the dust straight off of the glass table, feeling it shoot up into his left nostril with a gruff whizz.

The Euphoria hit him almost instantly, sweeping through every cell of his body in a swift woosh of glowing softness. His body became numb and he collapsed back onto the sofa, the dark thoughts drowned out along with the howling of wolves, replaced by a gentle humming of soft gold lights.

The slender shadows which slunk about the edges of the room began to creep forwards, dancing about and twirling into mystical shapes and patterns.

“I’m supposed to be at the docks tomorrow.” Andy said distantly, staring off into the darkness.

“You’re fucked, mate.” Lisa said with a throaty snort.

She let out a soft little giggle, and soon a wave of laughter was rippling between them all, bouncing about in warm splashes.

“Yo Andy!” Steve said wobbly “When you gonna get that ounce off Keith?”

“Oh shit, yeah..” Andy spluttered, heaving himself off of the sofa in a few shaky steps.

“Keith’s a fucking creep,” Lisa declared “one of his groupies was like fourteen.”

“Pedo or not, he’s got my ounce.” Andy shrugged, snatching up his keys before making his way out of the apartment and into the corridor, locking the door behind him.

A muffled ‘We looooooove you, Andy!’ flowed out after him.

After an eternity of swaying madly through grimy plaster hallways, Andy emerged into the howling breeze and foggy darkness of the moonlit evening. He stumbled down the sidewalk, shoddy apartment blocks running along besides him, as he fished his phone out of his trouser pocket.

“Hey, Keith…” he muttered, once he’d gotten through to his dealer.

“Sup?” Keith’s voice crackled through the phone.

“Fucking Hunters, amarite?”

“Furry fucking douchebags.”

“You still game for tonight?”

“Yeah, man” came the distorted reply “meet me in the usual place.”


There was a light mist hanging in the air when Andy came stumbling down under the bridge, his awkward steps sending a few loose pebbles tumbling into the murky canal.

“You already fucked?” Keith greeted him with a soft laugh, leaning back against the heavy stone supports of the great grimey bridge which loomed above them both.

“Maybe a little stoned...not quit fucked.”

“Whatever, dude. You’re off you face,” the dealer grinned, his wicked smile cutting like a knife into the foggy darkness “So, you got the money?”

Andy stuffed one hand into his jean pocket, ripping out a fat wad of cash.

“B-e-a-utiful.” Keith beamed greedily.

“So, there somethin’ going on with you and Lisa?” Andy asked offhandedly, as his dealer swaggered over to take the cash.

“Don’t worry about it, man.” Keith said reassuringly “everything’s fine.”

The dealer pulled something slender and sharp out of his jacket in a quick blur of speed, and before Andy had time to react there was a needle tearing into his muscular neck. He let out a frantic gasp, but then Keith pushed down on the syringe with a surprisingly firm grip, and the world seemed to speed by in a flash of vivid colours, as darkness crept in at the corner of his vision.

“Sorry, bro,” Keith said with the faintest hint of sadness ebbing at his hard voice “I gotta pay the bills.”

Andy collapsed backwards, his limbs going numb as he thudded to the floor. He landed in a splash of dirt and muddy pebbles, banging his head on the solid ground.

“If I wasn’t high I’d beat the shit out of you...” he wheezed, before the world went black around him.


Andrew woke up to the sight of a great big whale of a woman. She had the elfin ears and etheral eyes of a Faerie, but the rest of her was all squishy and jiggly. Her choice of attire was a sparkling black rhinestone dress, which seemed to be struggling to contain her wrecking ball of a stomach, and red hair which crackled like smouldering fire washed over her pale shoulders in regal waves of stylish splendour.

“Rise and shine, kid.” she cooed with a dark grin, flashing her worryingly sharp teeth.

His surroundings faded into existence next. Andrew sat in a darkened room, forcefully bound to an old chair by a bundle of too-tight rope which chafed and burned against his skin.

“My mind’s so fucking full of questions right now that I’m amazed I’ve managed to form a sentence,” he spluttered “I think you might have me mistaken for someone considerably more interesting.”

Nyxvira Bloodbloom gave a little smirk “I think I’ve got exactly who I’m looking for...Donato Martovanni.”

Donato’s heart sank into his chest “How’d you know?” He asked meekly.

“Someone squealed,” she shrugged “someone always squeals.”

A cold silence fell over the room, as the young Martovanni dreaded to think what the dark and twisted things the future held for him.

“I have to ask,” Nyxvira grinned smugly “why come back to Santa Somabra?”

“I was in Florence when I heard about Pappa…” Donato gazed into the fuzzy abyss of the carpeted floor beneath him “He was a tough man to love...it took me a while before I was ready to come and say goodbye.”

“You should’ve stayed in Florence.”

“No shit.”

He eventually raised his head and met her fluid gold eyes.

“So, what happens next?”

“You give me something, and in return I don’t spill the beans and laugh as this city tears you apart.” Donato had seen some hard men in his time, seven foot giants of pure iron and rage, but somehow the cold, calculating venom which dripped from the Faerie Queenpin’s words sent more of a chill down the young man’s spine than any of those steroid-guzzling thugs ever could have.

“What’s it you want, exactly?” he asked with shaky hesitation.

“Us Faeries know things,” she began “we have our networks of whisperers, and they help uncover naughty little secrets which might have otherwise gone unnoticed by certain two-headed Ogres…”

She paused for a second, letting her words hang on the air.

“Tell me everything you know about the Mithril Mine, and I might just let you walk out of here alive.”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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"It bodes badly to bring a gun to a claw fight!"

"Yeah? Well it bodes badly to bring claws to a silver fight, dumbfuck!"

He was huge. Like, not even jokin'. This new wolf was massive. He'd just burst out of the storm drains and leaped over all his friends like it was nothin'!

Me and Kiddo we both fell back as the huge wolf landed in front of us. As we ran I heard the telltale shwick of his huge claws rakin' through the air behind us. Could've cut a car in half with that swing!

Kiddo swung around and unleashed a blast of silver buckshot straight at its face, rackin' his shotgun as he ran back towards the playground.

"Andy! We gotta move!"

"Yeah no shit!"

I ran after him as the wolves pounded the dirt around us. Ahead of us our trio of soldiers opened fire, peppering the other werewolves with hot lead in short, controlled bursts. They dropped wolves where they were leapin' from roof to roof, or down onto the street, made 'em fall like flies. One of our guys stood, I couldn't see who he was from back there, pulled something from his vest, fiddled with it and threw it over our heads just as he yelled something.

"Eyes and ears! Flashbang!"

I barely had time to squeeze my eyes shut and cover my ears as the grenade went off behind us with a horrible loud crack and a bright flash of light, and in that brief instant, I saw what we were up against, framed against the backdrop of abandoned apartments and dead end streets.

Wolves. Lots of them. Scurrying towards us like rats towards cheese. And the big guy behind us flailing in pain from the sound and noise of the flashbang.

I kept on running straight after the bang, gun heavy in my hands.

"Kiddo, I hope you have a fuckin' plan!"

"Yeah I'm workin' on it, Andy!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Pain. Hot, searing pain. A world of pure torment ripped through Brunkas' face as a blast of silver tore right into him. He felt like his head and been cracked in two, and then set on fire for good measure.

He stumbled through the back-alley, grasping at the bloody tatters of his face, as his life-force dripped down into the cracks between the cobbles. All traces of arrogance were gone from his lupine likeness, leaving only malice and contempt in its place.

I c-can't breath...His huge body shook and swayed, as he wheezed and gasped, the taste of burning gunpowder clogging his senses.

His vision had become a twisted blurr of black and red, as sheer agony thundered all around him.

Amidst the spectrum of dark hues, Brunkas could just about make out the outlines of his attackers.


They charged forwards, the last of the hunters, moving as one single organism. They slashed and bit and clawed and hated, ready to bring about the end of those who stood before them.

What happened next would seal the fates of all those who stood in the alleyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DJAtomika
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DJAtomika Second to Most

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

"Fall back! Fuckin' fall back!"

The wolves had us backed into an alleyway, funneled like chickens in an abattoir. The really big guy had taken the hit and stumbled off to the other end of the alley, but his lackeys charged straight at us.

Hurk was on the floor, prone, his rifle spitting fire at the ones that ran towards us. Alonzo and Ted had their attention on the walls, firing at the wolves that clawed and clambered through fire escapes and ledges towards us. Kiddo was ahead of us, his shotgun roarin' as it spat silvery death at a wolf ahead of 'im, makin' it crumple backward into a heap as we ran past it.

While we ran, I stopped and swiveled around, Tommygun pointed down the alley.

I pulled the trigger.

Emptied the whole damn drum down that way.

Sprayed the whole alley, walls 'n all.

Wolves fell.

I wasn't sure if I'd killed them dead or not.

I turned around and kept running, droppin' the empty drum as I patted my jacket for another one.

Nothing greeted me.


I threw the gun away and pulled my pistol from my waist.

I heard a scream.

Just as I turned around I saw a wolf rip his claws into Ted as it landed on him. Tore him right to pieces. His blood painted the walls while we ran.

I gave the wolf a few new head holes with my pistol, swapped magazines for a fresh one.

"Andy! Bad news!"

"Make it quick!"

Kiddo skidded to a stop ahead of me and I ran straight into his back. In front of us was a chain link fence higher than we could climb.

Dead end.


I spun around and aimed my pistol down the alley. Hurk and Alonzo were still dashin' towards us, rifles spittin' lead at every wolf that came their way. They operated like a well oiled machine, I was impressed. Our driver, however, was hamburger past the sea of fur and claws and fangs. We had to do somethin' else risk bein' hamburgered ourselves.

Kiddo stood his ground beside me and emptied his shotgun into the horde, dropping a few more to the ground. As he patted his coat for shells, I covered Hurk and Alonzo as they reached us.

Empty magazine.

Reload. Slap it in, rack the slide.

Kiddo tossed the shotgun to the floor, pulled two pistols from inside his coat and kept firin' until they were dry too.

The smell of gunpowder and cordite was thick and heavy in the air, mingling with the smell of blood and gore.

Wolves swarmed around us, droppin' like flies as their numbers lessened.

The big guy was at the far end of the alley, his face and chest drippin' wet with blood.

My pistol was on its last reload.

I slapped the magazine into place, cocked it, aimed for the far end of the alley and fired everything I had.

Didn't care if I missed or not. If I hit him, he'd go down sooner rather than later, when his sharp bits were buried in our bodies and my guts were his skippin' ropes.

Andy was busy shootin' down the way, so I kept my guns pointed at the wolves that were in our faces, not the big lug all the way at the other end of the street. There was only a few of 'em left, and what little remained of the furry horde was bleedin' or weary. Still, they came at us, fangs bared, claws sharp. Like fuckin' zombies. Didn't matter how much you put in them, they didn't drop until you'd killed 'em dead.

In front of me, Hurk and Alonzo held their ground, rifles blarin' at the wolves. Their ammo was plain lead, didn't do much against these fuzzy fucks, but they had a lot of it.

I saw Alonzo pat his vest for a reload, then drop his rifle as he pulled his pistol out of his holster and continued firin'.

Okay, maybe not a lot. They were runnin' out, like we was.

Next to me I heard Andy stop firin'. I glanced at 'im and saw his pistol, slide back. Empty. He caught my glance and shrugged.

"Empty. I'm dry. Nothin' left."

Just then my pistols clicked empty. I hadn't brought much, so I kept one and tossed Andy my second last magazine. I reloaded with the last one.

"One more for the road, Andy."

I heard a scream.

Turned around to see Alonzo's arm fly through the air. Wolf slicin' him into ribbons as Hurk fell back to the fence, his rifle abandoned on the floor. As the wolf sunk his fangs into his neck, Hurk caught his pal's dyin' gaze.


With a bloodied grin, Alonzo raised his remaining hand in the air.

It had a grenade in it without the pin.

I ducked and turned around, grabbed Andy and pulled him behind me.


The explosion ripped through the alley and set off the alarms of cars a good block or two down, then everythin' after that was a blur. My ears were ringin' as I staggered to my feet. Everythin' was wobbly, and my back stung like a motherfucker. Shrapnel from the fuckin' grenade. Sonuvabitch.

What wolves were left were in pieces, scattered around the alley. That just left the big guy at the end and whatever survivin' lackeys he had left.

I stood and dropped my pistol. Still had an ace up my sleeve.

Reached behind me and pulled my .44 Magnum from my belt. Cocked the hammer. Next to me, Andy was slippin' his brass knuckles on, pullin' them real close on his hands as he grimaced.

"Grim fuckin' business we deal in, Kiddo."

"Yeah no shit, Andy."

"We good?"

I nodded.

"Let's give these fuckers a night ta remember."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kingfisher
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Kingfisher Observing or participating?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Brunkas was sent flying backwards, pieces of shrapnel tearing through his bloodied hide. He crashed into the wall behind him, knocking a few bricks loose as flames licked at his hide. His ears were wailing, and his fur was coming away in clumps, landing in his clawed hands. It was soft to the touch, and wet with blood. My blood.

Make the fuckers pay. Make the filthy fucking undead cunts pay.

He rose to his feet, his aching joins screaming in protest, droplets of his lifeblood splattering against the cobbled floor, and stumbled onwards through the night, hobbling on twisted paws. The air itself sent his body into spasms of agony as it brushed against his leaking wounds, and he could taste sweet blood in his jaws.

Rip the fuckers apart. Smash their bones.

"Frrrruckin' zzoooombeeez..." he hissed, forcing the words out as he gasped and choked. "Keeeel youuuu arllll....."


A single shot rang out, whizzing through the air and smashing straight into his throat. Brunkas swayed. Brunkas fell.

The ground rushed up to meet him, punching him right in the jaw as he sprawled out across the cobbles.

His heart thundered, and his pulse thumped.

"N-n-no H-hunter..."

His big, shark-like eyes fluttered shut, and the world went black around him as he was swallowed up by the night. As the pale light of the full moon shone down upon his broken body, Brunkas looked more like a lost dog than any sort of wolf.
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