Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Creeper C took it's hand of Skotadi's shoulder to hold it's belly for it was croaking happily.

The night lights grew brighter and all could see their surrounding area. Ayaka and Mystique could see Creeper A.

Lady Violetta walked into the Village to see where everyone was and if they were ok. She really wasn't too worried for the Creepers were usually gentle creatures but one was prone to pranks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Skotadi knew automatically that she was going to get into huge trouble but at that moment she was thinking of the now visible creature. It reminded her of a giant frog with eyes like lava, she quickly grabbed her flashlight off the ground before running to Lady Violetta and saying," I'm sorry, this won't affect my grades too much will it?" Any sensible person would of ran and hid instead of heading straight to the teacher but she was scared and unexperienced in the matter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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Rikami sniffed the creeper's hand, but seemed to be no longer growling and/or barking at it. Even though Ayaka could now see what it was, she gathered it must've been friendly seeing as how the creature wanted to make friends with her frost wolf. Of course, it was a scary creature to see, but there's no way it would be out to hurt either her or Mystique. It probably would've done so already if that were the case. She just watched as her pup caught to know the creeper's scent, not wanting to get closer to it herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Mystique simply watched until she saw Lady Violetta.
"Uhoh...we may be in trouble,Ayaka....."

As she arrived on the Village floor, she turned on the night lights to bright night which were stars and a moon for the Creepers to see by. She waved her wand at the ceiling and called out
“Creepers! Do not move from where you are. Students do not move from where you are. I will gather all of you up and then I will explain to the new students about the Creepers.
There now it will be fine……” Lady Violetta spoke soothing to the first Creeper she came to.
“I want the students to go to my right and Creepers to my left.” She stood to the right of the Creeper for they have lost a lot of their knowledge that they once had. Once everyone was on the correct side, she spoke once more.
“New students please meet these old students from the former Headmistress. This is Naureen, Frank and Jimmy. This is a result of an accident. These three were the top three students of a second level when Lady Rosewoode was the headmistress here.
Naureen was excellent with Plantology and Shapeshifting, Frank was excellent with animals and Bonding, Jimmy was super excellent with Lightening Magic and clumsy as they come.
These three were and still are best friends. Their plots in the garden area were next to each other. One day while they were tending their plants, Jimmy accidently bumped into Naureen who was tending her plant creation which was a sentient plant project. It startled her so much that she launched her Shape Shifting ability. When she and her plant merged together, it scared the bejeebers out of Jimmy who cursed – a new thing for them and Jimmy was not at all good at Cursing and that must have been what he was thinking about when he lost his balance.
During his Curse, Jimmy tried to get his balance, he grabbed for Naureen which startled her and she fell onto Jimmy who fell backwards onto Frank who was playing with a pet frog in his water feature of his garden plot.
Frank was concentrating on his frog that he had in his hand and petting it at the time. He was so startled that he began the bonding sequence. By this time Jimmy was finishing his Curse. As they fell onto the hard floor with Jimmy on the bottom, Jimmy let out a flash of lightening which blinded and alerted Lady Rosewoode of the situation.
Lady Rosewoode could do nothing about the situation for the Creepers could no longer speak and no one ever figured out the Curse out. Since the Curse was the only part that no one could figure out, they could not be separated.
That is the reason why all students must pay attention to what they are doing and concentrate only on what they are doing. A good control of the mind is very important. This the lesson that these students represent. I am the Guardian of them now and until there is a new Headmaster of this Academy.” Lady Violetta spoke sadly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Now, Elizabeth had not been easily scared easily while she had been back on Earth. This, however, was a completely different situation. When she saw the Creeper who was near enough to touch her, the color from her faced vanished, turning to a pale white. In a moment she would regain herself, but in that moment, that single horrifying moment, Elizabeth was frozen in fear.

Then Elizabeth backed away from the creature after the moment had passed. It did not seemed to be looking for her. Rather, its focus was on the puppy that was with Ayaka and Mystique. All the better for Elizabeth, to be able to avoid being pursued. She put her back against the wall of the Sweet Shop and tried to slowly and quietly slide away.

Then Lady Violetta entered again. Elizabeth wasted no time in following the Lady's orders. She had told them to go on her right side, and Elizabeth had no qualms with that. Elizabeth listened to the Lady's story. These three creepers had been great students of the Academy during the tenure of a now-retired Headmistress. To this day, they remained best friends. Lady Violetta told her of the "accident" that occurred. Elizabeth was not impressed.

"And so I have seen a living being's continual and real suffering reduced to allegory," Elizabeth said. "Even as they life under your roof, you've learned nothing of them, my Lady? No investigate teams of high wizards and sorcerers have learned of anything? Did you know of them, My Lady?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ninkitty
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"Our fault for losing track of time though, " Ayaka said as she saw Lady Violetta. She picked Rikami up and did as instructed. The story of these three seemed more tragic than anything. Sounded almost as if it would've been hard to avoid, but the lady did have a point. Had they been paying attention to what they were doing, this might not have happened. Of course, she had no idea what would happen when they got upstairs though. Were they all in trouble or not?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"There was an investigation by the top wizards and sorcerers but nothing can be done until they have figured out the language that three have developed between them. They can understand us perfectly but can no longer speak our language. They have their stories told in their voices and have been screened. Perhaps one day a linguist can decipher what they are saying. They can't write either. Any questions before we leave?" Lady Violetta asked.

Mystique stood their next to Ayaka and Lady Violetta in deep thought.
"Why can't we come and visit with them? Maybe we can do something to help them?" she asked.

"I am not sure..... I don't see why not but I must get permission from higher powers for such a thing to be and Frank, you know the rules so don't get angry with me." Lady Violetta spoke as Frank began to make croaking sounds.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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"Oh, so do they always stay here? Why do they only come out when it's dark?" Skotadi had so may questions, not only that but she felt sort of sorry for them and she hoped that someone would be able to find out how to change them back. She wanted to say that she was sorry for scaring so easily and not giving Frank a chance but she wasn't sure how so she asked Lady Violetta," Can I say something to Frank?" in a whisper.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Elizabeth was not completely satisfied, but she had no more questions. It had been that those three students were to be trapped in their current form, perhaps until death. Without a way to decipher their language, all the knowledge in the world would not save them. Just as it was through the Rosetta Stone that the hieroglyphics of Egypt were translated, without a translation no progress could be made, and it was apparent that the students had left no such translation.

She stood by the Lady, the highest hope on her mind being that she did not attract any unwanted punishment. Trouble was the last thing that Elizabeth would want to deal with. Her ambition was already aimed high enough, and she did not wish to be bogged down with the weight of a flawed record. She still wondered if the Lady had known them, but her direct answers remained as elusive as ever.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 7 days ago

"Yes they must stay down here but the only time that they must stay in their room is when new students are down here shopping. I am working on an idea that might help with their language but it is not finished. If it works like I hope then we may be able to break the spell. But there is a catch to it. I must be able to decipher what happened when.

You may go speak to Frank if you wish but make it quick for I want to leave so that we can get settled in for the night." Lady Violetta spoke firmly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Skotadi was glad that Lady Violetta had agreed to let her say something to Frank, it would be quick as she only had one thing to really say. She walked up to Frank with a small smile and said to him," Hi, um, I just wanted to say that I was sorry for, well, scaring so easily." She hoped that he forgave her not that she could now as he couldn't speak English anymore but she turned around and told Lady Violetta," Okay, I'm ready now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Frank tapped her her shoulder and held out his arms for a hug.

"Frank would like to hug you, Skotadi. Then I need to get you guys upstairs so that you can settle in your rooms." Lady Violetta smiled.

Mystique went to put her cart in the parking area. As soon as it latched onto the bar, the cart was sucked up into the air as if there was a vacuum there. Her hair flew up as well. She hurried away rather quickly and stood next to Ayaka.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Sir Marilyn stalked the halls, making his way to Lady Violetta's office and he tapped lightly on the door. He held Shermie's Necronomicon in his arm. Yes, he had gained what he wanted from this book, but this was a time for mourning. With the disappearance of the young vampire, she was presumed dead. "Lady, If you're in there, I need to have a word with you." He stated in a more gloomy tone than usual.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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Sir Marilyn sighed. "Of course, how silly of me." He shook his head and made his way to the stairs. "The beauty is never around when you need her. He still held Shermie's Necronomicon in his arm as he search for Lady Violetta.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Life was somewhat, taken... By recent affairs dealing with Shermie, and her whereabouts.

He wasn't ready to jump to any dark conclusions as most already had. The whole situation just sorta made him feel depressed, he hadn't made any kind of other friendships with anyone besides the cat eared girl, and even that wasn't too great.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by xXSINXx
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xXSINXx Angel of Lust

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As Sir Marilyn searched for Lady Violetta, he crossed paths with Life. "Hey, Vampire." He said in his usual gloomy tone, approaching life. "You knew our beloved Necromancer, the sad news is that she is presumed dead. He shook his head and handed Life the Necronomicon. Take this book outside of the entrance doors, there you will see a memorial for her surrounded by black and purple flowers. Place the book under her picture. He then placed his hand on Life's shoulder. "I'm sorry for the loss, it has affected us all."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Skotadi cautiously went up to him and gave him a hug, she was really uncomfortable at first but she soon grew used to it, she was glad that he had accepted her apology," Thanks." She smiled at him one last time before going back to the group," Will we get to see them again?" she asked Lady Violetta.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"I am sure that you will. Now let us go back upstairs and let them find their dinner." Lady Violetta spoke kindly as she walked towards the Stairway.

Mystique followed in silence for she was in deep thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RavenTLark
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Skotadi was happy that she would be able to see them again, she waved to the three 'Creepers' as they were called before following Lady Violetta back upstairs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Diabolic
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Diabolic Seeker of knowledge

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@xXSINXx Life had no choice but to accept, he was frozen almost. He still wasn't going to accept the worse, but perhaps in time it would be the best. But an explanation was needed for sure.

Marilyn handed Life the tome, and he did as instructed. Outside under the picture, purple and black flowers. As he did so, he stood waiting for some sign... Something that would let him know that it isn't true, and even though they hadn't known each other long. The feelings which flow through him were far greater now.
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