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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bright Elementary School

Hachirou was flummoxed by the events that just occurred right in front of him. He watched as the mass-murderer fled after the slaughter of good and honest police-men. And the good boys in blue made their pursuit knowing that they were the line of defense against such depraved monsters, as sirens kept blazing. There would be no mistake, that the officers would avenge their fallen, and the end result would not be a pretty one.

So, the young man maintained a baffled expression on his face, with his mouth slightly agape. Just today, the Stock Exchange was destroyed, then terrorists attacked an elementary school, and murdered a slew of cops in cold blood. And then Kenji placed his hand upon his shoulder and teleported him inside the Quadrangle.

Hachirou followed Kenji as quickly as possible. Though, after hitting a part of a cadaver left in his stride, he made damn sure to be far more careful and moved much slower. With sweat pouring down his brow, and his expression in a nervous grimace he glanced at the assorted students and teachers.

The young man coughed into his right hand as he tried to regain some composure. After all, these people needed someone to look up to, and they needed to try to not seem as horrified at the events as the students and faculty were. So with that, Hachirou tried his damn hardest to put up a less concerned face. But that didn't stop him from sweating quite a bit, and an occasional tremor which disrupted the smile he was putting up.

"Y-yeah. The terrorists are gone, and we are here to help." Hachirou said as he gave a small wave. Now, he just needed to shut up and keep everything calm. What mattered now, was making sure the students and faculty remained safe and to keep them safe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Boomrocker
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Boomrocker I don't use contractions

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The Remnants of the Neo-Tokyo Police Department Crack Response Unit

"Harada-sama! Sensei!" was the cry of Sergeant Ichigo Akiyama, one of the few lightly-wounded soldiers remaining at the Quadrangle. A needle was stuck into his shoulder and the doctors were trying frantically to get him to an ambulance, but he shoved them out of the way to skid to a stop next to the heavily wounded man he saw. He fell into a crouch and took the man's hand.

"Ichigo-kun... you're alive!" Captain Harada of the Neo-Tokyo Police Department Crack Response Unit said. His unit stricken, his morale broken, what few men left alive had fled in pursuit of the two terrorsts that had shattered them so. But Captain Harada was in a bad way. The blade of the eyepatched woman had torn him from throat to hips, and he was quietly bleeding out on the quadrangle. It was all too fast. The chance of him surviving had gone from slim to none in the past few minutes.

"You live, Harada-sama! Come on! These men will get you to a hospital!"

"No... I'm afraid I won't be going home from this one, my dear friend," the captain choked out, a racking cough spitting blood from his mouth. His life slipped ever further away from him.

"You must not say such things, Sensei! Think of little Yuki-chan! She waits at home after this day for her father to return!"

This caused Captain Harada to smile a little. His impending death could not stop the flow of memories of his beloved daughter. His daughter who attended this very school, in fact. "My little... Yuki... we will never play baseball in the backyard again..."

"You will, Harada-sama! Fumiko-san will surely reconsider the divorce after witnessing your bravery!"

"My dear... Fumiko..." Captain Harada groaned, before coughing heavily once more. Additional blood emerged from his mouth and he tightened his grip on Ichigo's hands. His other hand clamped suddenly to the side of Ichigo's face, and his deep brown eyes, the eyes his daughter had inherited, bore straight into Ichigo's soul. "I die here, witnessed by my ancestors... in an act of bravery. You lead now... Ichigo-sama," he choked out, before his grip abruptly loosened and his hand fell to the ground. His eyes, once so vibrant and full of life, were dull and dead.

Ichigo couldn't believe it. His mentor, his friend, had fallen on this ground. "Harada-sama!" he called, as though trying to will the soul of Captain Harada back into his body. It was a futile gesture, and he knew it. He cried out in grief, in anguish, in pain. "HARADA-SAMA!!!"

A Distant Rooftop

Just as Yukoshi landed on another rooftop, so did five other members of the Neo-Tokyo Police Department Crack Response Unit. They had kept up their pursuit and now they had cornered her. They were a motley bunch of young officers, four males and one female, of all shapes and sizes. None of them wore helmets, and surprisingly none of them were covered in blood.

Above the rooftop, the light refracted, as though a glass dome had just been placed above them. As a matter of fact, a completely impenetrable shield had been erected, preventing escape of their quarry. They had her now.

"Stop right there, criminal scum!" called out the tall-but-not-tallest one, the big-but-not-biggest one. "You are a kidnapper, slayer of innocents, murderer of children!"

"That was not a good thing to do!" said the man who's facial features were not quite Japanese.

"Only a villain could be so cruel!" cried the lone female in the squad, distraught over the mayhem.

"I'm gonna have some fun with you!" said the tallest man, the really lanky one who's sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

"Think of the children!" bellowed the largest man, the one with muscle upon muscle trying to tear through his uniform.

The first man, clearly the leader, spoke once more. "For that, we are here to TAKE YOU DOWN! SENTAI! ACTIVATE!"

In unison, All five of them slammed down on controls on their wrists, and theme music rocked out from an invisible source, announcing the arrival of the True Japanese Heroes. The Five Legendary Warriors were each engulfed in a bright light, their clothes being replaced with glamorously coloured uniforms that radiated true heroism.

If you thought it couldn't get any brighter, well, you'd be wrong. A blinding flash of white illuminated the rooftop battlefield. The light was refracted within the dome, blinding anyone not wearing the special helmets that each police officer now wore. and standing there were five figures, all posing dramatically, ready for battle. Their uniforms shined in the bright light, almost glowing with power.






Each coloured warrior called their name, shifting through various Martial Arts stances before falling into another glorious pose of heroism and might. They were ready for battle. "TOGETHER, WE ARE DENKITEKI KEISATSU SENTAI! THE LEGENDARY POLICE RANGERS!" they cried out in unison. "WITH OUR LEGENDARY POWERS, WE WILL DEFEAT YOU!"

The leader stomped his foot down and pointed towards Yukoshi. "PUT DOWN THE HOSTAGE AND PREPARE TO BE APPREHENDED!" he roared, his presence and volume intimidating and powerful. Surely one confronted with the might of the Denkiteki Keisatsu Sentai would surrender? For there was no escape, and no victory here for the terrorist and her dead friend!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sodium
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Sodium nanananananananananananananananananananananaSODIUM

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Super Cosmos stepped into the office of the Lord of Bloodsport with his cloak folded over his broad arm. He stood quietly as the phone call concluded, then sat when motioned to do so.

"Thanks, but I don't smoke on spacecraft. I find it to be rude to the oxygen-breathers aboard the ship. Anyway, to business: You seem to be offering a possession of mine as the award for winning your show. I'm not too pleased by this, so here I am. According to the Discovery Clause of the Universal Exploration Act, ownership of a planet goes to the first Universal Citizen to land upon the planet's soils and stake a claim, as I'm sure you know.

"Now, I've been a fan of the show for a while, so I'm willing to negotiate. The show has made many a long journey through space much more bearable, after all. So, what can you offer me for this planet?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clanjos
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clanjos Giant Hero

Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Well I do," Spandez said, lighting up one of the cigars and listening to the man. Leaning over to a pager, he replied to a gargling noise. "Carol, can you check for any UEA claims on this planet? I checked when we started the trip, but you know how the bureaucracy is. You're a delight."

Crossing his arms, Spandez nodded and sighed.

"Mr. Cosmos, I assure you that we at Badurong Broadcasting do our research to the best of our ability. We compare the development of the civilization with the randomized objectives of the season to occur there. The order of planets to serve as a field of play is decided months, sometimes years in advance- while we may have selected it in the past before you arrived to stake your claim, we respect your right to it. We would never INTENTIONALLY select a world that's already been claimed. We'll just need to verify the claim before-"

The pager on his desk crackled as Spandez listened to more of the alien gurgling.

"Oh, is that so? Filed... huh. Yeah, I think the last time we were here was Sol-4. No wonder we hadn't heard about the claim."

Spandez opened the cigar box, motioning to it.

"Ah, there it is then. Might have to execute some of those Spawn of Grelthax in the legal department. Help yourself to a cigar, by the way."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Professor_Wyvern
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Professor_Wyvern The Black Painting

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Bright Elementary School

The two Yakuza did approach a fairly sizable group of students, around 37 in total, who were being watched over by their homeroom teachers. They two teachers were respectively Mr. Kagome Itsuki and Ms. Tachibana Megume. Kagome was kneeling down as he was examining his student that was slashed by one of those nasty blood droplets. The other students surrounding him, were watching nervously as he was sweating bullets.

Kagome Itsuki, wasn't trained for this! Well, really he wasn't trained much yet. Mr. Kagome was a rather rail-thin man, whose own blazer didn't fit just quite right, as it was slightly big for him. He was expecting a standard operation of affairs. He never once expected that the elementary school he wanted to peacefully work at would be attacked. He cocked his head back at the boys, "R-ah er what was it you said you boys names were? AH forget it, just, can you find the nurse? ...It'll be er f-fine Miki." His tie was just barely on as he used frantically searched through his coat-pockets to find something to help the girl out. And all he managed to get out was a spare collection of paper-clips, and not a single bandage.

On the other hand, Tachibana Megume appeared more composed about the situation, but her students still maintained a sense of dread about the situation. She had noticeable crow-marks underneath her eyes, which were large enough to be seen even when her black rimmed glasses remained fully in place. The woman gave a sigh of relief, "Thank you boys. However, I will need to check to see if due to these unfortunate circumstances whether or not the remaining periods will continue. And if not, when the buses will be able to arrive and take the students back." She clapped her hands together, to draw the attention of her class.

"Come now, it should be safe now." Her students glanced at her and prepared to get moving. Meanwhile, Mr. Kagome was still panicking over his own injured student.

Tachibana glanced over at Kenji and Hachirou, "Now where is it that you are proposing for me to take my students?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tomoyuki Harushima

"*sigh* I guess I'm taking her response as a big fat no." says Tomo to himself with a sigh.

Despite seemingly being left in the dust, Tomo had no choice but to continue pursuit over this mysterious metal warrior. He had no idea who it was, what it wants, and why it wants to do whatever its doing. Yet due to its actions, it seemed as if it is hostile. He quickly fires his thrusters up to maximum as he continues to pursue the metal warrior, with his radar signals guiding him towards the opponent.

"If you want to do it the hard way," Tomo says, "Then I'm afraid the hard way it is."

Once he has his sights on the opponent, he quickly fires several homing missiles from his back as they begin to track the metal person with surprising accuracy. They are fast enough to match the metal person's speed, but the question is will they hit it?


(Apologizes for not responding to you on time)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimmy
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Crimmy Oi brat, what're ye using that noggin for?

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The automaton's pursuit of her was much like that of an excitable young pup chasing after a stick its master had pelted far into the distance. Truly a simple machine then, if it displayed such zeal in its attempts at bringing her down. Had she not been its prey, the warrior known only by the designation of Metallica Weapon would have expressed praise for the great tenacity that had been programmed into the subroutines of the missile-bearing armour. Or was it a being like her, enraptured in the armour of a mighty titan to do battle against all that opposed it? Whatever the truth was, there was still one constant that she understood; that to fall against this foe, to be struck down without destroying every single mote of the horrible organisation known as Cerebral Intelligentsia, would be a dishonour against the name of Sonoda Yuka. It would be a dishonour to the vow of justice she had sworn to the dying girl, to the heavens that encircled their world.

She had no intention of wasting her efforts upon combating this insignificant foe when her true enemies lay out there, seeking to eradicate the society that she was to protect. As such, there was only one action that Metallica Weapon could undertake! One action that was working out surprisingly well for her so far! That was to run!

>It shall be the Bard himself to guide my way today. For I shall now become the "winter wind"!

The wind that froze all in its tracks.

She swung her arm out, a sheer gale of air swinging back to utterly encapsulate the missiles. To destroy them here, so close to the ground and in a residential area, was tantamount to insanity! Metallica Weapon could not allow citizens and the earth to come to harm! Instead, the wind simply kept the missiles rotating in the air, preventing them from fulfilling their duties to home in on the warrior's heat signal and allowing her feet to continue to carry her rapidly away from the flying robot.

But that was not all!

People scrambled out of the way as Metallica Weapon burst into a busy market street, weaving her way through the crowds with great agility. It seemed as if her pursuer was intent on only harming her, and it was through this hypothesis that she sought to ensure the safety of all the people who concealed her as they did their weekly shopping. The Tokyo metropolitan area of the early 21st century had contained a population of 31 million citizens! Here and now, even an armoured warrior like her could be concealed in the crowds. She would be merely a glint of steel from the air, and whatever other sensory abilities her pursuer could have utilised, those such as radar or sonar were dependent on the bouncing back of radio waves or sound waves from the object they sought to find! In these crowds, everything would bounce!

>And now, the sacrifice that I must make!

She dropped to the floor, rolling underneath a market stool with stealth and precision. Crowds swarmed around it, going by their day to day business in their shopping.

Twenty metres away, the high schooler known as Sonoda Yuka appeared to be admiring some cheap jewelry sold by a street peddler.
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