Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Filia had just gotten finished at school, it was summer break after all, and she couldn't wait to log onto Infinite Story. Once she had happily walked the 3 blocks home, she took the spare key to the house out of her purse and opened the door. As usual, her parents weren't home. Both were out on business and FIlia was home alone. She was used it, she knew had to clean the house, do laundry and cook food for herself. She had to learn because her parents were never home to do it for her.
Once she had settled down and gotten a small snack, she went to her room, turned on the AC in her apartment and put on the Virtual Gear. (A cybernetic helmet attached to the internet and Infinite Story Server) She layed down in bed, and once she was comfortable, she closed her eyes and press the on button. A 5 second count-down timer showed and once it had reached 0, she could feel her conscious being transported.
Filia opened her eyes in her new body. She looked around and at herself in the mirror in front of her. Despite the fact that she was a girl, Filia had chosen a male avatar to play... just because she had wanted to. Filia thought about switching to her other character, the swordswoman she had made during the beta, but she decided to make life interesting and create another character to play with all the new people that had joined. She looked around and saw all the other lower level characters traveling around the town of Ramshorn (the first town.) Filia enjoyed a good challenge, so she created Aegis. A half-wolf male avatar with maxed out Strength and Endurance stats. She almost laughed at herself when she looked at her stats. Her strength and endurance were already at 75, and she was only level 8! Her other stats were well... not so high. 75 strength and endurance was more than enough to get her through anything. Skill was her third highest stat followed by Agility then then other 2. She looked at her HP bar, and then at the other players around her. She had more life than most level 15 characters around her, which made it all the more fun. "750 hp at level 8 huh?" he shook his head at the ridiculous number.
Looking around, Aegis (Filia) made his way to a certain tavern that he and his other 2 friends always frequented and used as a gathering point. He stopped in front of a dinky little tavern that a lot of people really didn't visit, which was nice, because it allowed for private groups to meet in piece and plan out their strategies without the eavesdropping of other players. Little did anyone, not even his friends know, that his other character had actually bought the small tavern for the purpose of meetings and planning. Opening the door with the key attached to his account, Aegis, walked in, set up the Auto bar (an NPC he had hired) to take control of the place while he was there to serve drinks and take orders. Ironically, the NPC Aegis had hired resembled his (Filia's) mom which gave the place a more homely feel. Sitting down at one of the tables, Aegis kicked back and set his feet on the table leaning backwards in his chair. Now all he had to do was wait for his friends to come to the Sleeping Wolf Tavern.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The bell ending the last class of her Junior year got Harley moving pretty fast. She usually ran home, not wanting to waste the gas to drive a mile to school when she could get in her daily exercise instead. She picked up the small drawstring bad she had brought with her on the last day and took off out of the class and down the halls, expertly weaving her way through the mess of people in the hall. After reaching one of the side exits she opened the door and took off running down the sidewalk and toward her home.

It took her about seven minutes to run home. She greeted her father who was watching sports on the couch and headed up the stairs of the two story house to her room. Why they needed two stories for her mother, father, and her, she would never know but she got the entire upstairs to herself so she wasn't complaining. Her mother had yet to return for work as usual and Harley knew she had to go shopping as well so she wasn't to worried about being rushed.

Throwing her bag on the floor next to her bed she proceeded to dramatically flop on it, after which she grabbed her virtual gear and put it on her head. Turning it on she watched the countdown from 5 letting her know when her consciousness would begin to slip into the game and the character she had created for herself. Well one of the two.

The one she had selected was a half fox "beast tamer" as she liked to call it. This character had high levels of Skill, Wisdom, and intelligence. All at an equal 50 points each. The other stats were lower ranging from 20 to 10 points. She intended to keep her main three high. Planning on using this character for long distance attacks, and have large quantities of mana used at a time. She opened her eyes in her character's body and smiled happily. The character's name? SalazarKit, though most knew her simply as Kit. Harley quickly checked over her character's Health and Mana bars. Her Health was the normal health level for a level five character but her mana bar was excessively large. Packing a punch of about 610 mana level.

After her inspection she headed toward the tavern she was to meet her friends at, two other former beta-testers whom she had become friends with while testing. The Sleeping Wolf Tavern had been her main hangout during the testing and the other two seemed to enjoy it was well so they made it the meeting spot of the group. Entering the tavern she was greeted by the sight of Aegis a half wolf male whom she was friends with. Waving in greeting she sat beside the male. "How are things today?" She asked, staring up comversation while they waited for the last of them to show up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Moros eagerly biked home from his collage class. Aceing his classes was good and all but right now he wanted to meet up with his friends back in Infinite Story, luckily that was his last class so he should have more time to start playing. Moros waved to a group of friends walking as he passed them, it was nice having so many people to hang out with.

He was really underleveled compared to his friends because of all the schoolwork he had but he would fix that quickly now that most of his classes were over. It was fun just playing with them no matter how strong his character was. Moros hopped off his bike barely remembering to put the stand down and ran into his house. "Mom! I'll be in my room." he shouted out as he quickly set up. He heard a faint, "That’s fine honey." and carried on. Dad would still be working for a couple of hours and then dinner a bit after that, he would have to make sure he was in a safe place by then

Moros plugged in and waited the obligatory 5 seconds. Then he looked at his two characters. Though it would be funny to come in with his high level beta character, he liked his new one better. His friends liked their new characters better as well, though it made sense since they had little idea what they were doing at the start of the beta, unlike now. He selected his new character and closed his eyes for only a moment before he reopened them, this time as Yashatatsu rather than Moros, or as he was usually called, Yash.

Yash looked examined himself briefly, technically he had given himself a little bit of a twink with all the blue dye he took from his beta character but hey, it had no statistical benefits so it didn't count right? He had logged out in the first town so he quickly made his way over to the Sleeping Wolf where they agreed to meet up at. Yash walked through the door and saw Kit and Aegis were already there, "Well looks like brains and brawns are already here, guess that means I'm late." he said ruefully as he took a seat.

Yash glanced at his friends’ stats for a moment, they were higher level and doing focused builds as opposed to his generalism but it still made his stats feel small. Of course his beta character would put all three of them to shame, "That makes the three of us, what do we do first? Spread out and help some noobs or start some leveling? Personally I plan on grabbing some exp either way, schools been keeping my play time down and my level shows it." Yash explained, eager to get started.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Roarz looked up towards the sun, sitting there, seemingly floating in the sky, was two health bars. Between them sat a timer that was counting down from 60. It was a duel. A duel between two players in the middle of town, something Roarz didn't see very often. In fact, Roarz started questioning his own PvP experience as he watched the two forces collide on the street, He couldn't remember the last time he dueled someone, organized or not. Roarz started to drift off during the fight, thinking about how he would go about fighting another player. Maybe he'd go on the defense and learn his opponents moves, or maybe go on the offense and throw everything he has at the opponent and make him feel the pressure. He made a mental note to practice with his friend later in hopes to be ready for an ambush outside of the safe zone's walls.

He glanced at the health bars once again, judging from their status, they were equally matched. Both their Hp's were barely skimming the half way mark, neither being able to land more than 1 perfect hit. The timer felt like it has been going forever, but it was only at 35 seconds. At the rate they were going, they'll both be standing by the time it reaches 0. Roarz had been cheering the one duelist the entire time, hoping he'd pull something from his sleeve. There was no reputation or item on the line, but the tension that was building in the crowed made the fight more enjoyable and entertaining.

Roarz swiped the air and opened his menu, he looked at the time. In the real world, school would have just ended. Roarz was supposed to be in school, but he made the point to his parents that it was the last day and teachers don't teach on the last day, they just waste time with movies and conversations. His mother, being a nice and reasonable person, gave him the day off. Roarz thought about logging off for a few minutes and grabbing a bite to eat, but he didn't want to miss the fight. So he stood and waited.

In the real world, he was Roary Smith. A 16 year old boy who got away with much more than he should. But in Infinite Story, He was Roarz, a level 8 adventurer who takes the world by storm. The two players moved quickly, all around the street, clanging steel together and exchanging blows. The fighting moved closer and closer to Roarz until eventually, Roarz had to break his train of thought in order to move out of the way.

The duel ended Abruptly and the two players regained their lost health. Roarz was baffled and confused, he didn't see it end and he didn't know what happened. Heck, he didn't even know who won. "Damn, I didn't even pay attention!" He looked over to the duelist he'd been rooting for and waved his hand, "Good job! Gave that noob a thrashing." He said, trying to sound ambiguous.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DocTachyon
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DocTachyon Teenage Neenage Neetle Teetles

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

As an arrow flew from his bow, Matt became vaguely aware that this would be around the time that school ended, for most people. Not Matt, of course. The school in his town ended earlier than most people's- additionally, he'd convinced his parents to let him not bother with school, now that finals was over. The arrow arced through the air, obliterating one of the starting monsters, turning it into what amounted to a fine powder. He smiled softly at his kill, and turned to see one of the creatures, large and rat like, was leaping at him. He smiled and side-stepped, causing the creature to miss and go for a tumble, rolling through the grass and slamming into a small rock. The creature got to its feet and snarled. Matt smiled and made a finger gun motion at it.
"Immolate." He said, the powerful word briefly infusing his hand with a reddish glow before darting forward, setting the small creature alight. It squirmed for a second, before the powerful level ten magic overcame its level one defenses and it turned to ash. Matt sighed softly, brushing off his avatars open robe from the dust of just over a dozen slain monsters. It was boring here, and the experience to be had at the starting town was menial, but he did have a reasonably good reason to be there. With summer starting, that meant a load of new players would be trickling in. Perhaps he could find a new questing partner among them. While Matt preferred to fly solo, there were dungeons that required two or more players.
In a few minute he trotted back to town, seeing the influx of new players with gaping mouths, staring at the shop windows with gear that was unholy-expensive, intended for extremely high level players. A few new players were beginning to find their way, drifting away from the shops of the high-level crafters and instead moving towards the tiny carts of the basic NPC shopkeepers, offering only the most basic swords and armor. Matt avoided them, hearing their chatter, arguing about which stats were the most important and jostling to get certain pieces of gear first, as if the NPCs didn't have a bottomless supply of the stuff.
He made his way through the streets, seeing some wide-eyed kid staring at two people viciously PvPing, neither gaining any ground. A cursory glance told him the kid was level 8. Between that low level and his apparent need to stand there like a sheep watching the PvP battle between random players told Matt all he needed to know. Matt continued to walk, looking for someone who might be closer to his caliber, be that through levels or through actions. High endurance sword user would probably compliment his talents, if he could find one...
He eyed a tavern up ahead, a sign denoting it as the 'Sleeping Wolf Tavern'. He walked closer, putting his hand up to call up a menu to he could enter the interior cell- A message came up in big letters. 'PRIVATE'. Matt cussed softly to himself and turned on his heel, choosing to look for a potential partner elsewhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aegis was surprised just how quickly his other 2 friends had come. Yash and Kit had almost come in simultaneously and Aegis greeted them with a strong hug that would have caused some hp loss if he so chose to hug with all his strength. Once the greeting was over Yash eagerly asked, "That makes the three of us, what do we do first? Spread out and help some noobs or start some leveling? Personally I plan on grabbing some exp either way, schools been keeping my play time down and my level shows it." Aegis thought for a moment and then opened his game menu to create a party with Yash and Kit. He didn't know why, but Aegis was chosen to be party leader, although Kit was naturally better at tactics than he was, mostly because of her high INT stat, and her positioning during battles. Aegis was always on the front lines, blocking every single attack meant for his teammates. He hadn't taken a single point of damage yet this level, and he was starting to enjoy his skill with the shield. He was happy he had chosen the Specialist sub-class which allowed him to focus on 1 specific area and passively improve its abilities. While leveling was slow, Aegis definitely enjoyed the increased block chance and defense granted so far.
Looking around, he noticed a guy in a tannish robe try to enter. "Oops. Looks like I forgot to take off the party restriction on this building." Quickly entering the game menu and disabling the party exclusive bind on the building, Aegis walked out and shouted at the guy walking away. "Hey! We are open just so know! Sorry if I caused any problems." Aegis cheerfully turned around and looked at his friends standing there, "Well, I am all for helping newer players get used to the game. I am sure there is a decent dungeon around here that we could all go to and complete with some difficulty."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kit smiled. She knew with all the new player flooding in there was bound to be someone the groups could help out with a quest or two. "Let's see if we can find any new players to help out. We could always take them to the dungeons, they are good places to level quickly. That's what we did when testing right?" She asked, making sure her memory had served her correctly. The three had leveled there testing characters so high it would be almost impossible to work as a group on the lower leveled sections of the world. And she hardly remembered how they had stared off leveling. "Anyway, we are wasting time standing around here. We can discuss our course of action while walking. I have to go bye some more arrows anyway, I'm starting to run low."

She exited the tavern and looked around briefly. It was clear a duel had just taken place, something that rarely happened in the starting town of Ramshorn. A crowd was dispersing from where the duel took place. She had avoided duels as her current character, knowing there was no way she would win. She had focused to much on ranged attacks to be able to win a close range duel as they normally were. The only way she would be able to come close to winning is by summoning a couple fire beasts but she wouldn't have enough time to do so. Shaking her head she turned and watched the guy who had tried to enter the tavern. Level 10, a little to strong to be hanging around these parts, though then again, her group was getting there too. He was probably doing something similar to what they were about to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kindos
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The sound of metal clanging together stopped for a moment as Kixod stood there, his short swords drawn as he looked to the player in front of him. He was in a duel at the request of his opponent who was in fact a few levels higher than himself. Although he wasn't much of a PvP type player, Kixod could hold his own against another player. He glanced up to his opponent's health bar then to his own only to realize that he wasn't gaining the upper hand, nor was his opponent. Kixod would have to do something more than just using his physical attacks if he wanted to be the victor of this duel, he knew he would have to use his spell words.

"Imbue, Swords, Shock, Damage." He said, weaving his spell words together for an attack. The blades of his swords began to glow in a light blue color before he would slash at his opponent. Kixod knew he had to make sure the attack connected or the spells would not be successful, a swing that didn't connect would mean a loss of mana for nothing. Although his INT stat wasn't incredibly high, his magic infused attacks still packed a good punch being mixed with his already strong physical attacks. With the swing of his swords Kixod managed to land the magic infused physical attack, leaving his opponent to suffer slight shock damage over time, giving him an upper hand in the duel.

The duel timer stopper at 1 minute and 49 seconds with Kixod as the victor. "Good duel." He said to the his opponent out of courtesy. He then turned to the male who'd been cheering him on throughout the whole fight. With a smile Kixod walked up to him while putting his swords away. "Thanks Roarz, it was a tough fight but I pulled through in the end." He said to his friend, swiping his hand out in front of him opening up his menu. Going through his inventory Kixod would let out a low grumble, irritated with how unorganized his inventory was getting. "Hey Roarz, we should head to the market area before we go questing or whatever. I've got a load of stuff I need to get rid of." Kixod said as he organized his inventory. He was usually on top of things like this, but he had been debating on whether or not he was going to continue playing the game or not. Its not like he disliked the game or anything, he just wasn't head over heels in love with it, he was only really playing it to spend time with his friend Roary from school.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"See if you guys can find anybody to bring along, I'll be waiting at the start of the sewers, need to grab what Exp I can." Yash said as he vanished into the sewers via a nearby manhole. "Don't forget to get a quest for the dungeon!" Yash yelled his voice echoing from below. He looked around and found some rats to kill. No matter which manhole you went down you always ended up in the same place, which was convenient. He set about the nearby mobs while waiting, while the rats were higher level then him they had no skills which made defeating them simple.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Roarz checked his inventory, there was no junk items or unwanted gear so he didn't really need to go to the merchants. He remembered he'd wanted to log out and eat so he figured he might as well grab something while Kixod goes and sells stuff. Roarz swiped away his menu and look at kixod, "while you do that, imma grab a bite IRL. I know I can just eat here, but I'd rather eat a little through out the day so I don't binge at night. You go, I'll just meat you... Here, I guess." Roarz swiped open his menu and found his way to the logout button. Without a word he waved off kixod and logged out.

For a second, he was bodiless, then his consciousness found its way to his body that lied perfectly still on the couch. Roarz sat up, his body,stiff and uncomfortable, made cracking noises from his joints. "Every time." A painful whisper that could only be heard by the empty house. In front of his couch, a small cup of water and a pre-measured cup of powder perched itself on a glass coffee table. The powder was meal replacement. He mixed the two items and drank.

He wandered his house till he made it to the kitchen and filled the water up again. He preformed the same routine with the meal replacement powder. After he measured out the powder perfectly, he laid down and slipped on the vr gear once again. A breath of musky air filled his lungs, then a relieving exhale followed. He connected again. Only a five second gap stood between his real life body, and his avatar. He appeared back in the town of Ramshorn, the crowed at the duel was nonexistent and people were doing their regular things. He checked the time. It took him 12 minutes, 12 minutes to grab a meal. Roarz eyes scanned the area, looking for Kixod, "12 minutes, he shouldn't be that long..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aegis watched as Yash jumped down into the sewers. He personally wasn't a fan of that area, but wherever friends where, that's where fun was. SO living by that Motto, he too jumped in as well. He looked around, the area was dark, small amounts of light allowed Aegis to see at half his normal vision. Looking around and listening, he heard nothing. "Strange... I thought I would at least hear the sounds of battle nearby. Did Yash go to quickly? Or did I get teleported elsewhere?" He quickly began to think about what he should do. The sewers was an average level 6 area. Most monsters had no abilities, and the ones that did would poison their foes. Deciding to go down the path he was facing at the moment, Aegis began his slow and cautious walk through the dark sewers Ramshorn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

After buying herself about two quivers full of arrows Kit sighed. "Why is it that I am always the one who has to get the quests?" She questioned nobody in particular. Shaking her head she wondered the town looking for a proper quest. "This one will have to do." She muttered activating a simple, gather the materials quest. The reward wasn't bad 500 EXP and 300 coin for gathering 20 rat hide and 15 rat teeth. She didn't really pay to much attention to he details of the quest just that it involved the sewers. As soon as she accepted it the quest appeared in front of the other two members of the group. And with that she entered the sewers.

The beginning dungeon wasn't to difficult for her skill set. All she had to do was keep the potentially poisonous enemies away from her and concentrated on her beasts and it was easy as could be. She had already stocked up on mana poisons and such incase she ran out so she was set to go. Nobody was at the entrance so she figured the other two must have gone off already. "Large, Fire, Beast." Kit called summoning her protector and torch. The beast would stick around until it ran out of health and then it would fizzle and die, at which time she would summon another. Though she didn't like to use her beasts as meat shields so she would keep it alive as long as possible, healing it as she attacked any threats from a distance. "Aegis, Yash! Thanks for leaving me, jerks!" She yelled down the sewers, hoping one or both of them would hear her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kindos
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kindos nodded to Roarz as he said he was going to head off for a bit to eat something. Within moments of his friends departure he made his way towards the market. I wonder how long it will take Roary to eat. He usually doesn't take long, but maybe he'll eat longer. I'll give him the 30 minutes. He mused.

The market was as busy as ever with other players running around doing various things of their own. Kixod walked up to one of the many vendors and began to sell the junk he had accumulated thus far. Although he felt the time in the market to be tedious, it was not without its benefits as the "junk" had value, even if only a little.

Leaving the vendor, he checked the time to see how long he'd been at the market for. I should probably start heading back to the meeting spot. He thought to himself, but there was something in the air. It was a sweet scent that flooded his nostrils. What was this wonderful smell?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
Avatar of Undying Curiosity

Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Roarz waited in the meeting spot for longer than he'd expected. He kicked a virtual rock or two while he stood there, and when the rock landed, it burst into tiny shards of data and floated off with the wind. It was sort of depressing, the small rock being destroyed. It barely even made a sound when it left this world and the data fragments were so tiny you'd really have to be paying attention to see it. Roarz thought about the rock, maybe a little to much, and compared himself to it. Just one person, no, just one arrangement of collected data and memory piled into one specific area, that was him. In this world, it was no more no less.

Roarz chuckled, he realized how ridiculous he was being, I'm thinking way to much about this, he thought. He raised his head and looked for Kixod, Roarz just caught a glimpse of him heading his way. Then, Kixod stopped and stood there with his head angled upwards slightly.

"Yo!" Roarz shouted, waving a hand in the air. "What's the hold up!" Roarz sighed and marched his way over. "C'mon man, thought we was gunna grind or quest or farm....or something." Roarz said, completely oblivious to the smell that was distracting Kixod.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aegis continued his way down the dank corridors of the sewers, surprisingly, there was not a single monster around. His nerves were almost at his wit end. He had been down here for a long while now walking down the corridor. It seemed to have no end, yet there was not a single monster around. Aegis' stamina was actually starting to get low (which is rare) from keeping his guard up as he was traversing the empty sewers. Muttering to himself how he might of hit a bug in the game, he still continued on down the corridor.
Eventually Aegis saw a light emanating from the corridor further on down. Intaking a stamina potion as he went, he walked towards the light which led him to a wide open room. In the middle of that room was a small crystal shard on a pedestal. Aegis knew that this had to be a trap. Wide open room, precious looking item in the middle, on a stand. Yet, he was to curious to know what it was. The beta didn't have anything like this and he wanted to know what would happen. He was probably the first person to see this area. Creeping closer to the crystal he could now look at the item more clearly. "Hmmm. Gator Crystal? Odd name for such a beautiful green gem." Aegis liked the color green, and although he really didn't want to take any unnecessary risks he still grabbed the gem off the pedestal. He cringed just waiting for something happen. Silence... nothing was happening. Aegis knew better than to not let his guard down, slowly making his way to the door he had entered from, he was 10 feet away from it when the door suddenly closed. "Ahhhh crap. I knew something like this would happen."
There was a loud cranking sound and a secret wall began to lift up and water began to pour out of the opening. He was about to make a remark about a water trap being super lame until he saw what was behind that wall. A huge Gator lay waiting there glaring at Aegis. Aegis couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the dimensions of the gator displayed to him.

Mega Gator

Class:Field Boss
Height:10 ft.
Length:30 ft.
Weight:1 ton

Aegis' eyes popped wide open when he read the field boss section of the information displayed. Before Aegis could finish the words he was about to say, the Gator immediately charged maw open wide. Not given enough time to cast a stronger defense spell Aegis was only able to get the words Large, Shield, Endure He set himself into his defensive stance and a large magical shield with ridiculous defense appeared before him large enough to cover the Gator's massive maw. He braced himself for the colossal impact.
His magic shield was shattered, the boss' strength was outrageous, after the magic shield was obliterated, Aegis with his two enchanted shields managed to absorb the rest of the attack severely draining his stamina and causing 20% of his HP to disappear. Aegis would have commented to himself about how crazy this was but he didn't have the wind in him to do it. Using another word, Endure Aegis gave himself a boost to his stamina and with that boost, pulled off a small acrobatic feat to get away and behind the boss and make a crazy dash for the exit. He had noticed that the wall that opened was also the exit out of the death trap so making his there as fast as he could he managed to pass the threshold only to hear the rumbling of yet another charge from the Mega Gator. Aegis knew he couldn't survive another attack, only someone with stats like his could have survived a full on attack by himself, but doing so had pretty much left Aegis defenseless and unable to do much else.
The rumbling started getting closer and Aegis managed to do a side roll into a branching tunnel avoiding the boss' attack. He shortly heard a massive crack as the Gator slammed into a wall. Continuing his mad dash down the hall, Aegis popped another stamina potion and did a full sprint action. He managed to get out of the tunnel and into a familiar passage of the sewers. There he saw Yash battling some rats. He also saw Kit and her summons fighting as well. Relieved but also worried for his friends and their safety, he stopped and explained the whole situation. Yash must have thought Aegis was crazy, until he too felt the rumbling and soon enough the massive gator charging straight towards them. Aegis quickly exited the sewers at a nearby waypoint and appeared in the town square. Out of breath he looked for Kit, then looked for Yash who (he hoped) no doubtedly followed suit to get out of the sewers as well.
Aegis thought he was safe, until, he felt what seemed an earthquake and out of the ground erupted the Mega Gator. The town of Ramshorn had turned from a safe zone, into a field boss zone. All players in the area were now under attack, and no one would be able to leave until the Gator was taken down, or everything was destroyed. Aegis couldn't believe his eyes, he had no idea the creators would insert such a mechanic, and it seemed that Aegis had prematurely, brought about Ramshorn end.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LostDestiny
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LostDestiny Goldfish Brain

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kit was rather shocked when she saw Aegis sprinting down the corridor toward her. When he explained what had happened, she shook her head but quickly followed him through a man hole and out of the sewers. "The heck Aegis, you make better than to touch pretty things laying out in the open in a dungeon!" She slapped the back of his head. "Really what where you thinking. Eapecially doing that by yourself. Are you crazy?" She questioned him, waiting for Yash to exit the sewers, hopefully he didn't get caught by the boss Ageis had triggered. She quickly looked at the real world time. "Crap, it's late, I need to eat, I will be back in about half an hour. Could you tell Yash for me?" She asked going down to the log out button on her menu. "See ya in a bit." She said and logged out.

Harley quickly removed the system from her head and headed downstairs where she could smell food. Her mother had been about to call her down when she had come down and was shocked to see her out of her room before she was called. Her family say down and ate in almost complete silence, which was normal, and not awkward at all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kindos
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The wonderful scent disappeared leaving Kixod with a look of confusion on his face. His focus on the vanishing smell was broken when he heard someone shout. He turned his head to face the source of the shout. It was his friend, Roarz was heading towards him soon asking what was taking so long. "Oh uh... I was... Uhm..." He said forgetting why it was he was held up, soon shaking his head before continuing on. "Yeah we are man, I just thought you would have taken longer to eat. We are going to go questing though."

Kixod open up his quest log and looked through his active quests debating on which to track. He decided he would go with the one offering the highest experience reward. Before he could track the quest he felt a slight tremor. What the heck was that... I know it wasn't Roary. Curiously looking around Kixod noticed the combat indicator, he wondered what it was doing there for he knew he was in a safe zone and not dueling anyone. "Hey Roarz, does your combat indicator say you're in combat? Mine is telling me I am..." He said as he looking around some more. That when he noticed the cloud of dust coming from the center of town. "Whoa, what? Roarz, come on we should check it out." Kixod said, placing his hand on his friend's shoulder as he walked past him with a quick pace.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Undying Curiosity
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Undying Curiosity Coffee Drinker

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Roarz Shook his head and started off towards the town center. A slow walk turned into a quick pace, a quick pace turned into a light jog, and the louder and louder the rumbling became the faster and faster Roarz was moving. Excitement, Nervousness, Joy. They had all come and gone in the short time it took Roars to make it to the middle of town, all to be replaced with fear, astonishment, and determination. "Goddamn! That's the biggest boss Iv'e seen so far!" Roarz shouted at Kixod while he stared at the scaly monster parading in the street. "I guess this guy is the culprit for the combat indicator." A smile stretched across his face. He lightly punched Kixod in the arm and started walking towards it.

"I can't believe the game mechanics are like this, just imagine how much EXP were gunna get when we kill it..." Roarz said over his shoulder at Kixod. Roarz was a safe 100 meters away from the Gator, which gave him enough time to read up on the Boss's information while not having to worry about being attacked. "He's called 'Mega Gator', He's a field boss. 10 ft by 30 ft. AoE's will be best, since he probably has a really big hit-box." With that, Roarz swiped away the small notification and removed his large hammer from his sheath. He wasn't exactly prepared to fight the Mega Gator but his day was very slow, so this was the best pick-me-up. Roarz tightened his grip on his war hammer. Roarz was in a relaxed position, he may have had his weapon out, but he wasn't going to attack just yet. His hammer in hand, he watched as the gator stomped around the center of the city. After a few seconds the Gator crashed into a small fountain, Mega Gator was not phased, the same could not be said for the fountain. "Alright, this is gunna get outta hand." Roarz stated to Kixod.

Roarz lifted his right hand off the pole of the hammer and held it out towards the gator. Roarz looked down his arm, using his fingertips to aim at the giant alligators feet. "Targeted, Earth, Burst!". With only a 0. 3 second delay, the ground beneath the massive alligator exploded violently, turning the debris of the stone street into lethal projectiles. The cleverly placed spell exploded underneath the gator, letting the stones and rocks skyrocket into it's underbelly. The scaly Reptile hardly moved after the 3 word attack. Roarz, shocked, spoked up, "Woah, that should have taken a quarter of his health... But only a small chunk was taken." A moment of silence hung in the air as the huge boss turned his head towards Roarz. The Gator emitted his low, intimidating bellow, letting it echo through the streets. If Roarz didn't hesitate, he would have had a follow up attack, but the gators strong defense threw him off and the bellow seemed to have a 'Fear' effect.

He didn't know what to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Yash had just finished off a rat when he turned at the noise of loud rumbling followed by Aegis tearing around the corner. If brawn was running from something it was probably very big and very angry. Without waiting for an explanation Yash quickly tore out of the sewers and ended up next to Aegis and Kit on the surface. He was about to ask with the source of the noise was when the largest gator he had ever seen popped out of the sewers ripping the ground apart. Some other players came by and one of them smacked it with an earth spell, the gator replied with a massive roar. Seizing upon the opportunity Yash immediately shot a bolt into the creatures mouth reloading, than instantly charging forward, "Plan A, I take aggro y'all beat the tar out of it." Yash yelled as slashed at the creature's throat that was still exposed from his roaring.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aegis just sat there in amazement as Mega Gator began to tear up the town. Kit came up from behind and somewhat annoyed said, "The heck Aegis, you make better than to touch pretty things laying out in the open in a dungeon!" She slapped the back of his head. "Really what where you thinking. Especially doing that by yourself. Are you crazy?" Aegis rubbed the back of his head a smiled slightly at Kit then shrugged. Some players began to attack the boss, others still stood in awe wondering what the heck had just happened.... He was surprised when Yash attached the gator than stated that he would aggro. Yash aggro? Well it was a good thought, but Yash would be low on hp if he got hit once. Granted he could dodge the attacks, which works as well,but Aegis preferred the classical aggro tank. That's why she built Aegis solely for the purpose of taking hits. He looked around and spotted a person casting some healing. Making his way over, he asked to be healed and once he was back to normal, he to got closer to the boss, but instead of attacking, he looked for people that needed to be shielded. That was what Aegis liked to do, shield those weaker from attacks.
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