Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Welcome to Conquest of Andromeda!

In this RP, the Players will be the emperor's, presidents, and such whatnot for the new space nations that came to the Andromeda galaxy from the Milky way. The Milky way galaxy was found to have no other alien life, and was fully colonized by humanity by the year 5000. Homo Sapiens, still divided, eventually began sending countless 'Motherships' to Andromeda: all varying wildly.

Humanity, while alone in the sense of true aliens, created many sub species and other, completely different forms of life. If you were an alien who never met humanity, and got two different sub-species together, you may think at first they came from completely different solar systems. Not to mention the various A.I. creations humanity made. However, no matter what point in history, Humanity never was, and likely never will be fully unified.

The more important matter is that the Mothership Fleets (The Players) have 'recently' arrived, the soonest a scant few centuries ago, the latest just a few months. While some are more preserved then others, the long, arduous journey has unanimously damaged the Motherships: even the still operating ones are generally on the verge of a total meltdown, or their owners simply don't have enough spare parts left.

As well, most of the highly advanced technologies aboard are now irreparable: Most, if not all of the 'Terrakin' as they'll become known have to start over with Fission technology, or if they're very lucky, on the verge of Fusion power. In general, actual 'near future' stuff is at least easily attainable from the beginning, with the addition of basic FTL and whatever you specifically request (as long as it's reasonable).

Speaking of FTL, here is how they work in this universe, and what types are actually available:
FTL engines work by generating special particles and manipulating them in various ways. The standard type creates a field of these special FTL particles around the vessel in question, and then allows its' actual engines to propel the ship to very high speeds with very high acceleration. However, when turned into an energy field, FTL particles begin to destabilize matter inside the field; while it has no lasting effects, when the field is on the ship will be extremely easy to break, and if it collides with another large object, it will likely liquefy on impact, doing minimal damage to the other object.

Standard types (Hyperdrives, as they're obviously, most commonly known) also have two other systems related to them: FTL particle sprayers and Flock sub-systems. FTLP sprayers lightly coat a certain region of space with long-lasting FTL particles, and ships in this area using any form of FTL gain a massive speed boost. Effectively, they allow a certain region of space to be used as a 'FTL Highway'. Of course, while very long lasting, it isn't permanent. At lower technology levels, they can last up to 4 years before needing more FTL particles, at higher levels a maximum of 22 or so. And obviously, excessive usage can lower expectancy.

Hyperdrives can also be modified to be able to 'Flock', this is where the hyperfields of multiple ships can safely merge together, forming a larger, denser, and more malleable hyperfield. While the relevant systems make the ship's hyperdrive less efficient individually, the rate of speed the fleet itself can move can grow as a whole.

There are also FTL gates: they work by creating tunnels in a different set of dimensions between two gates using FTL particles, and then propelling an object through the gate. While costly, it's easily the fastest and is the most fool-proof. After actually plopping the second gate down, of course.

Finally, there are Slingers: They are effectively a sub type of gates which create a highly dense 'bowl' of FTL particles behind a ship, then shoots a second wave of particles at the back of the ship, towards its' destination. In simpler terms, it effectively shoots out ships at very high speeds using FTL particles. It's very power intensive, and if the ship doesn't have very powerful frontal shielding, highly dangerous to the ship, but it can be very fast.

Do note, they certainly aren't mutually exclusive, and each PN can start with two types. Also note, 'FTLP sprayers" and "Flock drives", for the purposes of what you can start with, are considered their own type.

Anyway, here are the sheets the players will need to fill out:

And that's it for now, more stuff in a jiff.

You don't have-have to fill everything in particular orders, you just have to make sure all relevant inquiries would be answered. Feel free to make it a bit more unique, or have a certain narrative you desire.

Oh, finally, each PN may or may not have contacted native Andromeden (Andromedean?) races depending on where I put them on the map I'll make, you'll all be relatively close together at the start, regardless.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@LHG100You may wish to work this over a bit.
I see no actual stats here, just some categories/infoboxes to fill (which all NRPs have).
Granted, I'd rather not see stats and just let common sense to do its thing.
Stats are an artifice which may help some people but ultimately limits expression.
That and unless somebody is a genius at making them there'd be always issues with the limits.
Let's say a colony's industry is measured "high" and can built a warship within a month.
What about a civilization with 10 times as much territory? Very high? Extreme?
What about a hundred times larger territory?
See? This is why stats are ultimately useless.

Anyways, so the starting tech level is somewhere near-futurish, huh?
That's convenient because just a week or two ago we had tons of discussions about that in the WW3-themed NRP thread.
So hopefully most players are familiar with that.

I suppose the point is to gradually develop your colony and such, right?
Just like most civilization-type NRPs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oh, sorry, as I said I'm sort of still working on some things. Sorry if I wrecked your expectations!

And yeah, I've been thinking over some stuff and stats really would just fuck it up in the long run. Again, sorry, I guess I've been playing too many 4x games huh?

Anyway, I'll re-write the intro post for more clarity (I'm afraid I was highly delirious while making it, that's probably why it makes no sense). Thank you for your suggestions and all.

Oh, and specifically, yeah, it basically is at first just the PN's scouting out the system of the planet they landed/crashed on and building up new infrastructure, for the most part. Y'know, deciding what other planets in that system seem worth taking a shot at colonizing and such.

of course, I'll be re-writing the OP. Sorry everyone for being all weird and making no sense and shit, I honest to god was delirious! I really need to stop staying up all night and then trying to get shit done, because then I'll just fuck it up.

(p.s. in regular RP's it's PC's, I assume in nation RP's PN's is a good alternative? Player Nations? I assume I'm making so many ridiculous first time blunders huh?)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Heh, took a little bit, but the OP is now updated to make more sense + 1 more sheet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 3 days ago


In short - this group has nothing except for extremely rudimentary spacefaring technologies and no real "weapons", but due to extreme circumstances, has advanced medical and computing technology to the highest extreme possible with the resources that were available during their long drift.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Pretty great!

Approved! Move it to characters whenever you like, Midoria will be on the outer skirts of Andromeda, that good?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Azereiah
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Azereiah far, far away

Member Seen 3 days ago

aye, I can agree to that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


And I think, with this, I can handle 5 players, as long as they're good and know what to, and what not to do and all that. And if they can sort of do stuff without provocation, that'd help too. Anyway, since I know a few peeps from other places who wanna do this, I think that leaves 2 'free' for just random dudes.

I'll also be making a map when everyone is ready.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alses


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Herewith my application - still somewhat WIP:

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Holy crap Alses.

That's actually really good! Sure it has plenty of shit available to them,but wow, that's actually really cool writing, and the idea itself.

To make sure I'm getting it fully, they were/are a collection of self-modifying upperclassmen, the trip highly damaged their mothership, and now they're suffering a sort of post-post-scarcity withdrawal?

I love that! That sounds awesome, go ahead with that.

(P.S. @Alses that isn't supposed to be your first post ever. You're supposed to introduce yourself in the 'introduce yourself' sub forum first, silly)

Anyway, please finish it by tomorrow afternoon, if you can. Obviously you don't have to, but y'know.

Edit: Oh, please go into more detail about what FTL systems they have at start (You can start with two, for these purposes, Flock and FTL sprayers are their own 'type), and I think I'm going to put you, on the 'map', relatively close to Azereiah's guys. That good?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanoFreakV2
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NanoFreakV2 The ends justify the memes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gonna start working on a Nation Sheet ASAP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oh yeah, nano and I discussed in private, he's going to be a little special race that'll work quite different then any other. So be on your guards, huh? :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alses


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Indeed, LHG; the Dominions are essentially a group of pampered organics used to having all the hard manual work done for them by AI-controlled drones. They change bodies as easily as you or I might change clothes, and revel in the freedom that comes from having almost any wish merely a request away. A proverb in the Dominions is 'Money is a sign of poverty'.

The Illustrious was supposed to spread Peace and Prosperity to a new galaxy, along with the ideals of the Dominions - hence why its centrepiece is an enormously powerful wormhole gate, originally intended to bridge the enormous distance between galaxies. Of course, that rather depended on it arriving in Andromeda reasonably intact; instead, what arrived was a tumbling hulk, with many of its systems offline and its controlling AI a shattered shadow of what it should be. Vast swathes of corrupted data have locked out the remainder of that AI from many of its own systems that might help improve the state of affairs, and further damaged the research databases that stored the technological advances of the Dominions, sending them back into a scarcity state to which they were woefully unprepared to face.

So yes. They're now suffering a post-post-scarcity collapse and are scrambling to cope.

Will do my best to have it fleshed out a bit more :) .
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Heh, this is giving me ideas... eventually you could try to rebuild that ultra-gate, then the others have to try and stop you before you finish and contact the Milky Way.

Also, do remember, you're starting out on relatively the same level as everyone else.
Personally you seem balanced by the fact that you have the least population, relatively, and you simply still aren't used to having to worry about resources too much.

With what's planned by my three friends who're interested in this (Aze, Nanofreakv2, and a NickinTy who hasn't applied yet), it seems the power dynamic between the four PN's is that NickinTy will be playing a 'slow starter' near blitzkrieg faction, Nanofreak is going to be one hell of a stone wall, and Aze is going to be the one guy who's pretty much devoted to just being nice to everyone. In comparison, it seems like you'll be playing as the sciencey, culturey guys, huh?

We still have one last 'slot' available, of course. Wonder what they might plan to play as, if they exist... Whatever the case, I think that's a pretty well rounded cast, don't you think? Hehehe.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NanoFreakV2
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NanoFreakV2 The ends justify the memes

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I certainly like the outlook on the Andromeda galaxy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NickinTy


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hey all. A little late to the party, but here's my information stuffs...

Who are they?: "The Norgul."
The Norgul started off as little more than bacterial organisms dwelling in tanks aboard a research vessel. They are native to Earth, though they have remained undiscovered for many years. When they were finally discovered, they gained particular fame among researchers for their uncanny ability to break down hazardous materials in mere seconds. A private research company, BugiTech Industries, decided to test the Norgul bacterium's resilience in various environments normally toxic to humanity, and newly discovered planets in the Andromeda system seemed to be best ticket. The Norgul were stored about a research vessel headed for the Andromeda system, but a BugiTech employee on board failed to follow safety protocol to the letter and a radioactive gas initially designed for experimentation on the Norgul was accidentally dispersed into the living quarters of the ship. The entire human population was killed. The Norgul, however, absorbed the gas and began to undergo a series of mutations. They gained a level of sentience that they had not known before and, on a small level, telekinetic abilities. However, they still lacked the intelligence to make much of themselves or even to begin to comprehend their own situation. Their saving grace came in the form of Chyrus, a unique member of their race, who was changed by the gas to a far greater extent than his own kin. His intelligence was raised to the point where he was able to utilize pre-existing human technology to fashion himself a mobile containment suit, and then do the same thing to his kin. The Norgul are now sentient bacteria residing in humanoid-sized bio-containment mechs, and thanks to Chyrus they now have some sense of an organizational structure and culture. As a side effect of their mutation, they now require the consumption of radioactive materials to survive, else they apoptose.

What do they value?: The Norgul are mobile only thanks to the mechanisms provided by their human researchers, but there was not enough on the ship to "ascend" every last one of the 3.2 trillion Norgul bacteria that were brought along for study. Chyrus's ultimate goal is to mechanize every last one of his kind, and so he sends out scavengers to bring back as much scrap as he can find. He sets out scrap quotas on a weekly basis, and he supplies surplus radioactive materials as "food" for those who meet their quotas. Norgul essentially operate on a Pavlovian reward system; what is most valuable to them is the activity that will yield the most reward. It is Chyrus, and only Chyrus, that is able to dictate what this reward is.

What do they despise?: Humans. Chyrus is one of the only Norgul to remember that the entire race was a human science project. For that, he loathes humanity and has instilled this hatred into his followers.

What kind of state are they?: Very similar to a monarchy. Norgul follow Chyrus's orders to the letter, and "dissent" is not a word they understand. As long as they are rewarded appropriately for their service, they couldn't care less about why they are following orders.

What is their population?: 3.2 trillion Norgul bacteria were on board the research vessel. Only 150 were able to be mechanized, including Chyrus himself.

How many 'people' do they have, if applicable?: 147 grunts, 3 Harbinger-intelligence-level individuals. The rest are bacteria in research tanks unable to perform any kind of labor.

How much infrastructure have they set up?: Little if anything. They salvage scrap and feed on the planet's toxic resources to survive. Their only code of law is to follow Chyrus's orders to the letter.

How much technology have they already salvaged or developed?: The Norgul have repurposed human biocontainment equipment into mobile mech-suits. These suits are REQUIRED for Norgul to have any mobility at all. The ship's onboard mining equipment is also used to harvest the planet's toxic resources for use in Chyrus's reward system.

Who leads them?: 0.5% of the Norgul that were mutated were also gifted with an enhanced intelligence that surpasses that of their kin. Members of this specific subclass are called "Harbingers." Chyrus is a harbinger, and it was he who exalted his entire race. Only two others share his level of intelligence, but not his passion; they are known as "Chimaera" and "Phantom."

What sort of bloke is s/he/it?: Chyrus is borderline fanatical in his command of the Norgul. He is smart enough to know how to mechanize his race and help it survive, but he hasn't fully grasped the nuances of human speech patterns or customs, which often makes him sound like a demented child whenever he must converse with humans. Overall though, he cares deeply for the fate of his race and would do anything to ensure its survival, even if it meant open war with another colony or committing heinous acts of genocide.

How does s/he/it actually command?: Chyrus broadcasts his commands directly to all Norgul grunts. When he needs to rest, he allows Chimaera to take over. This only occurs for 2.5 hours each day, as Chyrus mitigates the time he takes to rest.

What does s/he/it have to deal with to do stuff?: Chyrus is an absolute monarch with very little in terms of opposition. Only Phantom has eyes for his position, but he will not make a move so long as Chyrus remains well-protected by his followers.

What was it's name?: The Kelvin IV

What type of ship was it (aside from being a colony ship)?: Research vessel.

What defended it?: Onboard drones, either automated or piloted. They could dock inside the ship whenever they were not needed. All pilots were tragically killed the same time the BugiTech researchers were.

How advanced was it?: In terms of mobility, the KelvinIV used a standard FTL Particle sprayer, but severely lacked any kind of weapons systems. Its only defense was the squadron of drones that docked inside it. Most of the ship's energy came from its radioactive titanium core which was used to maintain multiple habitation areas within the ship so that the test subjects (aside from the Norgul) would not die en route.

Do you think it should still have more to salvage from it?: The Norgul haven't touched the habitation areas inside the ship, which housed multiple earth flora and fauna. Chyrus simply hasn't decided how the technology, which was used to manipulate environmental factors, could prove useful to the Norgul. It's on his to-do list, though.

How long do you reckon it should theoretically take to get it running again, after acquiring all of the relevant technologies?: The ship is still fully operational, but doesn't serve the Norgul's immediate interests. Chyrus wants to convert the KelvinIV into a salvaging ship, not a research vessel. He believes the process will take little more than a year.

What type of planet did they land on?: The planet the KelvinIV was set to land on was covered in noxious radioactive gases that render it inhospitable to any form of biological life. It can also reach highs of 550 degrees Fahrenheit in the daytime and suffers from constant earthquakes that rend entire areas of the planet.

Aside from the "Star name: Number" designation, does it have a special name?: BugiTech nicknamed the planet "Anyanwu," after the African deity though to reside within the sun itself, due to the planet's intense heat.

Do you think it should have the remnants of any previous inhabitants?: Neither BugiTech nor the Norgul are aware of any previous inhabitants on the planet. There is indeed another race of creatures that dwell beneath the planet's surface, but they are passive and care little for the activities of the Norgul. It is unlikely they would ever naturally meet.

Do you think it should've been already inhabited, and your Nation had to waste resources invading it?: Uninhabited as far as the surface goes.

What sort of atmosphere does it have?: See above.

How many continents?: Two. The planet is split down the middle by a huge ravine that once contained a vast ocean. It is now just a pocket containing the heavier of the planet's gases.

How big is it?: Three times the size of Earth's moon.

How bountiful do you think it should be, in terms of biomass and materials?: The surface is composed of rock lined with valuable yellow crystals known as "Valurium" (according to BugiTech's logs.) Valurium is highly radioactive, and is the source of the planet's inhospitable nature. Heating it up releases toxic gas, the very same kind that killed the original crew of the KelvinIV.

Does it have any unusual materials or minerals in its' surface?: See above.

Does it have any other unusual features?: See above.

Whew, that was a mouthful. Sorry for the long read. Feel free to just go "TL;DR" if you want. Let me know if something doesn't make sense.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Awesome, NickinTy, It's approved.

I'll notify everyone that we have four of five possible members, I'll be making a simple map and post a final bout of fluffyness and information before we start this bitch.


Status report!... or not, ofc. Since you're all approved, please copy+paste all of your nations' sheets into the character tab. Please finish/tidy them up at the same time as well, though, if you think you should.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Is there still space for me to create a NS???
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LHG100
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LHG100 Irreverent and Salty!

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just one slot left, but yes, feel free to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gowia
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gowia Buried in a Book

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Claimed then...am working on a NS now.
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