Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The Shifter's War


"It has been more than forty years since the first shifter was discovered. Since then human advancements in science and technology have skyrocketed forward. Humans have been able to cure many of the diseases that had plagued for centuries before, like cancer, or AIDS. They have successfully augmented human genes to allow for longer, healthier lives, and are close to being able to enhance other attributes. Such as strength, agility, and speed. With the help of the brilliant scientist using shifter volunteers...."

The news broadcast was cut short as the screen went black and the face of an angry looking man with bright red eyes appeared to replace it. In fact the same thing was happening throughout the entire city, on every TV, computer, or smartphone screen. "'Shifter Volunteers' you say. As if we would volunteer for such a thing. Abducted, tortured, murdered, mutilated, experimented upon," The man on the screens said as flashes of gruesome scenes of violence came across. "Humans treat us like pests. You denied us basic human rights because we are 'neither human nor animal.' We are told we are not allowed to defend ourselves, nor can our voices be heard. So you go about your lives, enjoying the fruits of our persecution as if they do not happen. You turn a blind eye to the suffering of my people, the Shifter people because it makes your life easier! I say no more! Remember my name, Zeltiax O'Taldiae! For I shall be your waking nightmare!" The man roared before he transformed into a massive black dragon on the screen. The people of the city looked shaken, they've seen shifters change before, but never into anything more than common animals.

An explosion ripped through a skyscraper in the city, the ground shook, fire, debris, and ash rained from the sky. The people now screamed as the looked to the sky above them. There flew a massive black dragon, the same from the screens. It shadowed entire blocks with its massive wings, and from its mouth spewed great floods of flame. The dragon burned the city from the sky, turning the ground to glass and the rest to ash. Nothing in the city survived the great dragon's flame, the city of Berlin was nothing more than a blackened wasteland.

That was six years ago. Now humans and shifters war with each other openly. The dragon, Zeltiax, spearheading the publicly dubbed Rebel Shifters. The world is engulfed in this great war as shifters from all over have flocked to his side. The humans fight back with all their might, unified for once in a cause greater than themselves. Though there is but one hope for peace in the form of a newly formed group of shifters, calling themselves The Hierarchy have been seen aiding humans and rebels alike. They fight the rebels where they endanger innocent lives, and they fight human forces who attempt to do the same.

The world itself is now torn. Everywhere is war, it breaks out in cities out of nowhere. People fear being attacked by the shifters or the human military as they sweep through looking for shifters and shifter sympathizers. There is no peace, there is no safety, there is only hope, and hatred.

Extra Info

The Rebels have their base hidden under the Rocky Mountains in western America. The base has yet to be discovered by outside sources. It is a haven for shifters as it is not only a massive military base it is also a place where shifters have families and homes with each other. A veritable utopia for their kind. Though any humans who are there are slaves to the shifters and treated as less than animals. Many do not live long as they are mistreated out of anger for their part of the cruel experiments against shifters.

The Hierarchy is based off of an old shifter ruling body known as the Council, and works much the same. A party of shifters make laws for other shifters to follow so they live in peaceful seclusion from the rest of the world. The members of said Council were placed there not by any vote or rise through ranks, it is purely based on what kind of shifter they are. Thus dragons were of course at the head of the Council, and thus the head of the Hierarchy. From there it goes from mythical shifter to mundane. The old Council was destroyed by Zeltiax at the beginning of his rebel uprising.
The Hierarchy currently has no solid base of operations yet established as they are trying to reconstruct was was destroyed.

As for the humans, most live their lives as much as they used to before the war broke out. Though worldwide martial law has been enacted most humans do not see the change in their daily lives. Other than news reports of the war. Though some humans see the truth of what is happening and know that a war of this scale could strike at any city no matter how safe the humans felt there. The human military does have superior weapons than the shifters, and are close to releasing a project known as Slayer.


1. Obvious one here, no Godmodding please. No controlling another player's character, no killing without GM or player approval, and please no making yourself invincible. You can die, I can die, you can be hit and hurt, though there are some limits. Like a regular human can't hope to truly hurt a dragon by punching them. Speaking of dragons.......

2. There are only 4 dragon allowed in the RP, why? They're OP, that's why.

3. Please be nice to each other, and short of that if you just don't like someone then don't interact with them. Simple yes? :)

4. Please no sex or nasties in the RP, if you wanna, go PM and hint at it with a fade to black scene or something, just no, I don't wanna read it. Or do I?.... >->

5. I don't ask for much with posts, a paragraph at least, but please try to do more. The more details the better ^^.

4. If I make a decision, please don't argue with me. If I do something it's for a reason.

6. If you have any ideas to help make the RP better feel free to say so in OOC ^^

7. to prove you've read the rules please post it in OOC, hidden, and with a mention to me :)

Character Sheet

Appearance: (picture or detailed description please ^_^)

Name: (obvious duh :P)

Age: (again obvious, though remember humans have extended lifespans now, able to live to about 200, and mythical shifters can be even older, like 2,000)

Faction: (Rebels, Humans (military, civilian, other?....), Hierarchy)

Shifter Form: (Shifter's only of course :P. What animal or mythical creature can you turn into? can also be an extinct animal. Raw Raw Dinosaurs! :P)

Personality: (what is your character like? :) )

Sexuality: (boys, girls, both, weird fetish thing?......)

Likes: (what makes them happy? :) )

Dislikes: (what makes them angry? >:( )

Weapons: (what do they fight with? and yes you can fight with a tank if that's your thing, though no mecha)

Bio: (just a short one, and describe what faction they joined and why)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by puddingpunter
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puddingpunter (ㅅ´ ˘ `)

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{moved to "Characters" tab}
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I love it!!! <3 go ahead and put in the characters tab ^^

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by puddingpunter
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puddingpunter (ㅅ´ ˘ `)

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@Demon Grave

Thank you! :3 I'm actually really happy with the way he turned out so I'm excited for this to start, lol.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

yea, we just need all the people who were interested to jump in ^_^

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by puddingpunter
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puddingpunter (ㅅ´ ˘ `)

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@Demon Grave

I hope other players show an interest as well. Do you think it would help if the ones who initially claimed they were willing to participate in the Interest Check thread were notified? There's a possibility at least some are unaware that you've turned it into an official RP. Also, once I can get back onto my laptop I'll see if anybody I know would like this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

well I posted the link in the interest check thread so I would hope that they saw it, like you did

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by puddingpunter
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@Demon Grave

I was subscribed to the thread but I hope you're right xD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

maybe I should mention to them XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by puddingpunter
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puddingpunter (ㅅ´ ˘ `)

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@Demon Grave

I can agree with that, haha.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Oh and feel free to invite anyone you think would enjoy the RP ^_^

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by puddingpunter
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puddingpunter (ㅅ´ ˘ `)

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@Demon Grave

Shall do ^=^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

bump and I edited the main post to add some more depth and information on the world
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Name: Goliath Firetongue

Age: 1,000

Faction: Hierarchy

Shifter Form: White Dragon

Personality: Goliath, despite his name, is a peaceful man that prefers to observe than act. His long life has taught him that patience can be a very powerful tool and gives only to passion. Yet he is very proud and never backs down from a challenge, defending his and any's honor to the death. He prizes etiquette and manners above all else, having been raised in a much more archaic time.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Likes: carving wooden figurines, playing billiards, listening to classical music, peaceful resolutions

Dislikes: stubbornness, cruelty, close-minded thinking, arrogance

Weapons: When not in his dragon form, Goliath prefers the two-handed broadsword

Bio: Before the shift in Council politics, Goliath had been a proud adviser towards peace with the humans and headed the movement. When all seemed well, he decided to leave the Council to those of younger blood and ambition. He saw a bright future for his shifter brethren and had high hopes. He had known Zeltiax's father and thought him a good man.

Goliath had lived in isolation for years, living his life in peace in a cave in the Himalayas. He had no idea what the humans had done to his kind, nor the violence that had been wreaked in the modern world. He occasionally went to visit the humans and more mundane shifters. The latter always seemed to know that he was one of them, yet of a different breed. Only when Zeltiax began his war upon the humans, did Goliath involve himself in the affairs of the world. The chaos that ensued because of his mentor's actions enraged the usually cool shifter. He promised himself that he would do everything in his power to stop the senseless war and found the Hierarchy. Because of his powerful form, he was given leadership in an age that he knew nothing about, a man out of time. After hearing of Zeltiax's betrayal and patricide, Goliath fully accepted a role of leadership within the Hierarchy in order to combat the threat that was the Black Dragon Zel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lady Seraphina
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Lady Seraphina Person of Letters

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I'm interested if you guys are still open.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Prince of Seraphs - yup still open come one int ^_^

@WittyWolf - I love it! just missing a couple things from the rules :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

It's a proven fact I suck at hiding posts. xD and I told you on chat that I was making it!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Demon Grave
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Demon Grave Bored, and Slightly Psychotic

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@WittyWolf lol ik just messing with yea, just go ahead and post in in characters :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

lol will do.
But I'm serious about the hiders. I can't make them things work for shit. xD
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