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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kireina Tohsaka

Current Theme: If you leave

Kireina had her arms crossed as she watched the fight, trying to detect as much magic power and energy that she could. She could feel the heat that was for sure, but more of it was from the female student, she focused on her mostly. "This fight is as good as one for her, he stands no chance." Kireina said as she stood up from her seat, walking sideways to the exit of the arena. Once she walked outside she looked up at the blue sky, as if she were being embraced by the sky itself. She looked back towards the arena as she heard a massive crash, she calmly sighed as she looked towards the sky one last time. She waited a bit before walking back inside, seeing the both of them pointing their blades to each other, she was somewhat surprised for the 'hero' to have put her into this position.

Then he surrendered, Kireina was wanting to start laughing at his stupid mistake of fighting this girl, he should have just withdrew whenever he had the chance. Kireina stood at the entrance of the arena, crossing her arms in disgust at the sight below her. "How about this." Kireina said to herself as she brought one hand up in front of herself, closing her eyes.

"Change Environment... Ice!" Kireina whispered to herself as the entire arena turned to that of ice, except for the people so that they could see this scenery. There were some ice flowers scattered around the arena, she gave a glare to the rest of the students before walking out of the arena once again.

They should remember that. I will not allow myself to be forgotten.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki sat and watched the fight quietly he could feel the energy coming from each of them. It was a strong energy that was full of the need to fight. He was having a tough time not letting this energy control him. As the fight ended he felt a new feeling from the girl in the arena it seemed that of fear but he wasn't sure he would have to be weary that Hisoka guy if that was the case. Though it also made Aki want to learn more about the guy. Then the arena turned to ice. Aki looked around the group of new arrivals one of them could control ice but he didn't know which. Since his plane was late he seemed to have missed the commotion of people finding out each others powers. Looks like he had some catch up to do on all of them. He calmed his mind and used the energy left from the heated battle to project an energy that showed Aki could use his powers to find things out if needed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 9:03AM Morning

Sakura noticed the arena change to ice as she scowled and raised her hand "Clear Enviroment Change!" She called out as the arena that was once covered in ice was reverted back to normal. Sakura then looked up as she tracked the source of the magic by putting her aura in her eyes "Kireina Tohsaka! Changing the arena when not in the match is against school rules! You wouldn't want to get in trouble on your first day here now?" Sakura said as she turned to face all of the new students "The next match up will be announced at 12 noon and will begin soon after! The opponent will be Crimson Beast Member #2, Saitama Tsukiyama! Please head to your houses and prepare in case you are the chosen fighter! Note you do not have to attend the match if you so choose to!" She called out as she began to make her way out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"huh, oh it ended" Djura hadn't been paying attention to the match. He realized when the arena was turned to ice and was changed back a moment later and another student was reprimanded for it. After Sakura announced when the next match was meant to be and that they were to go to their houses until then He stood up and looked to Koken "Would you like to walk with me toward our house, or would you prefer we took the bus?" He held out a hand to help her up from her seat. @LizLegend
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chaotic38
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chaotic38 Shadows of Khaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

While the fight was going on, Damien found himself shaking his head at Hisoka's arrogance. He reached into his pack grabbing that tattered leather binding, deciding to read, though keeping a small eye on the fight, paying attention to the abilities being displayed to gauge any weaknesses. Towards the end of the fight, Damien closed the book, putting it away before looking at the fight again, as the fight stalled with their weapons pointed at each other. He leaned forward in his seat curiously as Hisoka gave up. Raising a brow, he expected it to be a tactic, which would have been smarter than he thought Hisoka was capable of. Not that smart of a tactic, but smart enough. He was disappointed when he see's that Hisoka was serious. Chalk that up to two weaknesses: Arrogance, and lack of tactics.

His attention was diverted, when the arena started to freeze over. He turned towards Kireina with a calculated expression, before retuning his gaze on the arena, almost amused. He hoped the arena didn't change if he was the next person to fight, though he doubted that. He was, after all, an unknown. The teachers probably knew what his ability was, but the students didn't. And, that's how he wanted it. Not to mention even the teachers didn't know anything about him prior to the academy. If they did... that was not something worth thinking about now.

A voice cut the air as the girl Hisoka was fighting changed the arena back, and reprimanded Kireina. Damien mentally shrugged. He should've figured. They probably want the arena to be standard for these particular fights. He continued to listen as it was mentioned that the next fight would be later, and that everyone should prepare just in case. He shook his head, slinging his pack over his shoulder. He certainly wouldn't be preparing. He wouldn't need it. It wasn't the he, himself was arrogant, he just had no plans to use or even reveal his abilities before it became necessary. He would rely on his weapon only. Some might see it as a foolish move, but it paints him in a lower light to everyone. The more people underestimated him, the greater advantage. That and he was used to keeping his power secret, when most normal people feared, or hated him because of his power.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

At first Koken had every interest for where this fight was going to go, but the one thing that makes her lose that interest is a fight lacking action. In other words, a fight with too much talking. Annoyed with that, she pretty much spaced out for the majority of the battle. She would pay a little attention to where there actually was action just for the sake of observing, but her mind would tune out here and there. It would have been easier if the start of the match had a better attention getter; well, if heard right there was probably a little backstory. But most of it was just filled with...egotism. And that was when the interest flew away.

Koken's attention briefly returned to the fight just as it ended, with Hisoka forfeiting. '...Well that's the end of that match then!' Koken thought to herself in a rather cheery-like tone. In all honesty Koken was slightly surprised on Hisoka's forfeit. Only slightly, though. Strategically, it's probably a smart move. Actually, it's a smart move anywhere depending on the situation. It's probably what Koken should have expected, but Hisoka's arrogance blocked that perhaps. Before Koken knew it the arena became covered in ice, some ice flowers around as decorations as well. Probably Kireina's work, for whatever mood she was in. Koken simply blinked at the scenery, as if somewhat unamused. That's honestly not the case however. "...Wow. Nice." Koken managed to say in a half-monotone and half-sarcastic voice before the arena was put back to normal. Only half-sarcastic because it did look a little nice. That and Koken enjoyed feeling a chill every now and then; she might just be realizing this.

Koken's interest started to pique again when Sakura had mentioned there was going to be another fight later that day. The opponent, Saitama, versus to be revealed. Koken couldn't help but at least let a small smirk find its way to her face. Appalling how they're making new students fight when they literally just got there, yes, but-- actually, Koken shouldn't get too excited yet before thinking too much into it. And she knew that. So Koken saved the thinking for later. Meanwhile, everyone was to go to their houses. Looking to Djura who had asked her about her opinon of the method of transport, it took Koken no more than a few short seconds to come up with an answer. "I've no preference," Koken took the hand that Djura held out before standing up. Quite the gentleman, he was. Koken stretched out her arms from where she stood, "Bus, on foot, whatever suits you best."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kireina Tohsaka

Current Theme: Lonely Pilgrimage

Kireina took a look around at all of the faces of everybody in the arena, seeing their facial expressions on the sight they were seeing. Before Kireina could say anything, she heard a voice coming towards herself as turned towards it. She kept a normal and ice cold glare on her face as she heard the scolding, but she was annoyed yet again by the heroic duties these people must do. She breathed in before saying one last one thing to the lava hero. "Villains always get into trouble, you heroes are who I despise. Eventually, you will end up like me if you keep that up." Kireina said before she turned away, walking down the street towards her home. She remained having the same contract with Damien, and that was not to talk, or share any of our personal details with each other.

She looked behind her one last time, realizing that she had an ice trail behind where she was. She then clicked her fingers together as she closed her eyes, the ice breaking into small snowflakes and disappearing.

Trust me, you don't want to become a villain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 9:00AM Morning

Hisoka went up to the stands where Emi was as he placed his hand on her shoulder "Come on we better get to our house. Sakura was nice enough to give us the address on her way out." Hisoka said as he handed Emi a piece of paper with '343 Aragoto Drive' written on it. Hisoka made his way up as Sakiura was walking through the stands giving everyone a piece of paper with their addresses on them. Hisoka was on his way out after giving the address to Emi "Emi seems to be that one person who I can tell the truth to. Hope she see's me in the same way. Aside from that Sakura seem's cool to talk to and i feel like that fight made us closer in a way. Maybe I'll talk to her when we start our first day of classes tomorrow." Hisoka thought to himself. Sakura finished giving everyone their addresses as she began to walk outside the arena into the girls locker room. Sakura got undressed and decided to go into the showers to cool her head after the fight. Thoughts of Hisoka ran through her mind as she pats her face to bring her back to reality. "Why can I not get him out of my mind?" Sakura thought to herself as she blushed brightly "Is it because I think I can help him with that...thing?" She added in her thoughts "Oh what am I saying? He'll forget about me by tonight!" She said out loud. Her eyes widen as she realizes she spoke aloud and flails about in embarrassment "I hope no one heard me before that?" She thought to herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 30 days ago

"Aye lass, let us walk together then" Djura turned to Sakura as she walked up and handed him the paper with their address on it "go raibh maith agat" he said to her before turning back to Koken and offering his arm. "Shall we?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki stood up from his seat he looked around for his roommate but didn't see her. He shrugged his shoulders and went ahead and left for his room. He didn't want to be the next fighter be he also didn't want to go to the fight unprepared. As he walked Aki thought about how he should prepare. He decided to just stick with meditating. Since that will focus his mind for the battle.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chaotic38
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chaotic38 Shadows of Khaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Damien got up from his seat and made his way, quickly detouring to grab the address paper from the girl... Sakura. Taking a quick look, he memorized the address playing it over in his head multiple times to be sure he remembered, he shoved the paper in his pocket before walking toward the street skipping the bus option completely. He preferred walking as it gave him time to think, not to mention he felt comfortable walking the streets, no matter how foreign they were to him. He would get lost, sure, but it would also give him time to see the city. With the next match being at noon, and the time being roughly 8-9ish in the morning, he had no means to tell time other than the sun in the sky, he felt he had enough time to spare from getting lost. It wasn't like he was going to prepare anyway. After all, what did he need to prepare for? If he was the next to fight, which he doubted, he wasn't going to use his abilities unless a teacher forced him to. Summoning and using his dagger would suffice. He thought all of this as he head in a direction he guessed was the correct direction to the house, but as he was taking a stab in the dark, he would have to wait and see.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emi Sugihara

"Ugh... what's with these people and ruining perfectly good temperatures..." Emi shivered as the arena turns into ice. It wasn't hard to guess who did it either. "That lady is crazy!" Granted in an academy of this nature, you are bound to get a bunch of nut jobs. Everyone here seems to be trying to prove a point or something. What that point was, she didn't know, but either way, the tension was seriously starting to feel uncomfortable.

Soon enough, Kireina got scolded by Sakura and that was that. Apparently one of them was going to fight CB's #2. "I wonder who has to fight next," Emi thought to herself. Logically if there were twelve of them, all ranked from strongest to weakest, then the one that you would want to fight was #12, since they were the weakest. Then again, they were the top of the school so either way they have to be really strong. Why were they making them do this again?

Emi's train of thought was interrupted by Hisoka as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Oh alright! Uh... good fight out there..." she replied as she sped up to catch up to him. "I know we have the address on all, but do you happen to know where it actually is?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tathgon
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tathgon The Drifting Shadow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arata smirks when the arena is coated with ice, Kireina's cold glare only adding to his enjoyment. Sadly, it ended rather quickly as Sakura returned the arena to normal and chastised Kireina for her use of magic. Who cares? Did it really do anything? Arata watched as Kireina walked away, snowflakes disappearing into the air behind her. She's... pushing away... but why? Could she have done something like... me... Fear crossed his gaze for a split moment, as he shook his head, shaking the thoughts away.

After a moment of breathing, he turned his thoughts towards the next fight. Or, rather, training for his fight. I don't need to be stronger, I just need to understand what I'm showing off. He took the paper with the address on it from Sakura, giving her a quick thanks, and shoving it into his pocket without looking at it. We'll be back here soon enough, no reason to head all the way to the new home. He walked out of the arena and headed to a grassy area nearby. Sitting down, he began to meditate, centering himself as close to the arena as he could without being in the arena. This is probably the best I can prepare, make it easier for my magic to have an effect if I'm in tune with the area.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 9:30AM Morning

Hisoka looked at Emi "Well even if we don't know we can use a gps to find out." He said as he pulled out his phone and punched in the address to the gps and set it to walking "It's not to far from where we are actually! Come on!" Meiji said as he took Emi's hand and rushed to the location of the house.

Saturday September 1st 2020 10:05AM Morning

Hisoka reached the house as he looked back to make sure Emi was still with him. He forgot how fast he could be and didn't think to check on his companion before rushing off. "Now that I can focus in on it. They set it up a certain way so we wouldn't need the gps. If you focus on the house there's an Aura resonating off it as if cast by the headmaster. It was set to only be sensed by one of us. Meaning they had the pairings set up in advanced." Hisoka said as he let go of Emis' hand slightly blushing "A-Anyways we should get inside and see if our stuff is in there." Hisoka said nervously.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Saturday September 1st, 2020 9:45 AM - Morning

Kaya Mishiba

Kaya was...certainly impressed with the vivacity of her peers. Blasting all their auras without a care in the world was just amazing and all, but...

...if she wasn't going to best anyone in a straight-on fight (or so she thought, but it's not like she's ever fought anyone yet).

It was probably the reason why she was first to get back to her room, which was only about a mile away. By bus, she dropped off right at the corner of what appeared to be an upscale apartment complex, which she gained access to using her ID. Baggage pieces were deposited in a corner, and lo and behold, when the lights flipped on, what fell before her eyes was a suite not unlike her own house. Textile-plank floors, matte-cream walls, sharply accented marble counters in the kitchen...but at least it felt right at home, or so she thought. There weren't any of the familiar spice jars, nor was the dining table scratched from years of casual usage, nor was there that distinct depression in the sofa in the living room. Everything was almost too new. If that was that, all Kaya had to do was just reserve the couch as hers using her baggage, and slip her way back out towards the Academy. A thought lingered in her mind for a little, prompting Kaya to run back into the house and go through the pantry.

Holy hell, there were potato chips. Goodbye wheat crackers! After downing a few glasses of tap-water, Kaya snuck two little bags out and ran right on out...before bouncing into Aki's chin with her forehead.

"Ow...oh, sorry! I'll be back at the Academy, so...um, yeah! There's ice in the freezer if I gave you bruise...ehehe..."

That was just GREAT, Kaya. One more enemy to put up with, thanks to your klutzy self.

Before Aki could say much of anything, Kaya was heading straight towards the Academy, walking a bit faster than usual...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Verdaux
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Verdaux Brokeback

Member Seen 14 days ago

Whoops, wrong place!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emi Sugihara

Emi, before realizing it, was dragged by Hisoka all the way to their home... Their home... that was still a weird concept to her. He was really fast and she struggled to keep up with him, even though he was holding her hands the entire time. She didn't even have time to say anything to him and before she knew it, they have arrived. They must have been running for a while though. She was so tired and out of breath.

But she did notice something strange. A slight blush had reached Hisoka's face, not quite like the one she had from running so hard. "Why does it feel like he is all nervous around me all of a sudden?" she wondered, after he let go of her hand. Oh well, it was none of her concerns and he probably wouldn't want to talk to her about it anyways. What kind of guy actually likes to talk about their feelings?

"Alright, let's check it out," she replied, ready to enter her new home for the first time.

It was nicer than she expected. She turned back to look at Hisoka and see his reaction. "I guess this is our new home, sweet home."

Fortunately for them, everything was already set up for them. She went into what was going to be her bedroom for the next few years, admiring it. Definitely nicer than her room back home with her parents. She could get used to living here, even if she had to cohabit with a boy.

She went back to the living room and plopped onto the couch, making herself comfortable. She decided to relax a bit before the next match. Everyone else was probably doing the same. Hisoka was kind of lucky in a sense, in her opinion. At least he got his fight over with and doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Emi, on the other hand, was somewhat anxious. Could she fight the top fighters in the academy on her first day? She could get beaten up horribly! Or worse, killed. She sunk further into the couch, trying not to think about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by jorthon
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jorthon That Random Zombie

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Aki was admiring the outside of the building when he was struck in the chin with what felt like a forehead. He stumbled over and saw his roommate rushing toward the Academy. He heard what she had yelled to him so she came to the apartment also. He thought to himself 'Better keep my eye out for her when she's rushing or I might get hurt worse.'

He went into the building and saw his bags. He picked them up and brought them into the room he was gonna claim as his. After looking at both rooms he saw they were the same. He brought his bags into one and started putting things away. Once he was done he walked to the kitchen and looked through the cabinets he found a quick snack in the form a bag of chips. He then drank some water and walked back into his room. Aki lit some of the incense he brought with him and closed his door. He sat down on the ground to begin meditating.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 9:30AM Morning

Hisoka stood in amazement at the house he was in. "This is more then I was expecting!" He thought to himself. Hisoka picked up his bags as he brought them to the room he claimed. As he walked out he noticed Emi looking anxious so he decided to go to the fridge and grab two drink for him and her. He walks to the back of the couch as he placed the drink next to her. "I can tell you're anxious, and it's only natural but hey I have faith in you. On our way here on the bus I did some research on the CB's. I found a list of all the members and I found the one who I fell-no-I know they will put you against. Meiji Namiki, a second year... and my older brother." Hisoka said as he looked down and gripped his drink. Deep down, Hisoka was frustrated and angry "His magic element is a special type known as Vortex. He can create small holes to suck in or halt his opponents movements, perfect against a wind user. At the same time he can use these holes to launch himself at great speeds. His nickname which spread all over my town was 'The Black Speedster' He's quick but I can tell that you are quicker. I believe in that and I believe you can beat him. He's ranked #6 out of the 12 so he is only half the power of Sakura. I believe in you Emi." Hisoka patted Emi on the head as he grabbed the remote and turned on the giant tv in front of them. "I noticed cameras set up around the stadium we were in so I feel like they are broadcasting the matches. We just wait till they send out the announcement for the next fight and I feel they will give the channel number out there. In the meantime..." Hisoka changed the channel to a show called Kamen Rider Ghost which was on it's new episode. "...Good I didn't miss the new episode!" Hisoka said as he hopped onto the couch. Hisoka loved all kinds of toku shows especially Kamen Rider all his friends say he was like a little kid but he's just a fan of heroes... a lot... like majorly!

Saturday September 1st 2020 11:55AM Morning

Hisoka who was doing poses of various Kamen Riders perked up as the tv lit up with an alert. "Attention! The New Student who will be against Saitama Tsukiyama is... Damien Thorne! You have 5 minutes to report to the arena or you will lose by default! Hurry Hurry now! The match will be broadcast on channel 16!" The tv alert them went away as it returned to a random anime on tv. "Guess we got the channel now." Hisoka said jokingly as he switched the channel on the tv to 16. "Why am I getting the feeling I shouldn't watch this match..." Hisoka thought to himself. He was nervous. He felt Damien's Aura earlier at the airport but didn't announce it in order to keep on his good side. It was a strong aura-no-not just strong it was pure bloodlust. Hisoka sat back on the couch as he awaited the match to start.

@karamonnom @chaotic38
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by chaotic38
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chaotic38 Shadows of Khaos

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It had taken some time before Damien got to the place that he would be sharing with Kireina, though that didn't make much of a difference to him. He made his way to one of the bedrooms he claimed as his, before putting away everything in his pack. The book he was reading earlier, he tossed onto his bed. While he had read every page in that book, he often enjoyed thumbing through the pages, as he enjoyed the many stories it held. The only other things in the pack were an extra pair of clothes, which he placed in some drawers, without paying much attention. This was all he brought with him, and this was all he owned. Without even a second thought, he picked up the book, and walked back to the living room, where he turned on the TV. Should the school announce the next fight, the TV was one possible means. Sometime later, while he was reading, he was proven correct as the TV made a notice about the next fight. He glared lightly at the TV as though it was its fault he would be fighting, before walking at a bit of a hurried pace outside to a bus stop, so he could get back to the school faster.

The ride had taken longer than Damien had expected, but he still made it there before the five minute mark. "I'm here." He told whoever was at the arena, with no real enthusiasm.
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