Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Scarlet Academy Theme Song

Saturday September 1st 2020 6:30AM Early Morning

At Raikonan Airport, a plane which carried thousands of passengers have landed. People begin to exit the plane and head over the baggage claim. Hisoka Namiki was one of these passengers as he picks up his suit case. He walks out to the crowd of people who are holding signs with names on them. "hmmm lot's of families! It's nice seeing family meet up like this, even if it's not my own." He thought to himself. Hisoka noticed a woman in a suit wearing sunglasses holding up a sign that reads 'New Students of Scarlet Academy!' Hisoka began to walk towards the woman as he bowed as a greeting "You are the first of the group to arrive. Please wait behind me for the others." Hisoka nods as he goes to wait in a seat behind the woman making him easily visible from the other students when the approach the woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emi Sugihara

Emi loved riding on airplanes. She enjoyed being up high in the sky yet still being able to read a nice book. Before she knew it, they had landed and a crowd of people made their way, trying to get off the plane as soon as possible. Not wanting to fight through the mob, she remained seated until she was almost the last one on the plane. "Well, it's better than being trampled," she thought to herself as she struggled to reach her carry on that was placed above the seats. Eventually, she was able to get off the plane in one piece and went to look for her luggage. Fortunately, it wasn't a total nightmare; as much as she enjoyed the flight, the process of going through the airport procedures was annoying. She grabbed her luggage and began to look for the people from Scarlet Academy. Someone had to be there to pick them up, right?

Ah, there it was. There was a woman holding a sign that read, "New Students of Scarlet Academy!" Emi approached the woman and greeted her politely with a bow. She saw that there was already another student there. He was much older than her, though he did not look like a mean person. She gave him a nod as she took a seat, not exactly next to him (that was too much), but near his general area. Then she joined the waiting game.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kireina Tohsaka

Previous to the point of being on an airplane and all, she had just been a regular student under her masters training to become an extremely strong Magic Knight. Kireina isn't afraid to speak what's on her mind, it just shows how cold she truly is. Well, she does use ice as her element, coincidence? She had gotten on the plane to go to a school, where she could truly learn more about Magic Knights. She had so much knowledge from her master back home in the mountains of Russia, on how to manifest her power to her ability. She had many thoughts flying around in her head on the plane, to ask if this was all really worth it? This school might even just be a lie, nobody could teach me anything better than what my master taught. I had to survive for weeks in that mountain. Kireina had thought to herself, before looking to see the plane landing on the ground.

Eventually the plane had stopped, she looked up from her chair to take a look outside, it didn't look as cold as it was in Russia. She looked to see the other passengers get up as well, but she was one of the first people to get out of the plane. She walked down the stairs taking her time, and went inside to find where her luggage was. Once again, she was one of the first to luckily and safely get her luggage. She was always told that she was number one, but she hated being a perfectionist at times as well. Kireina took a look around the airport to find lots of signs around, she lifted an eyebrow and took a look around at all of the names.

Eventually she came across Scarlet Academy, seeing a woman in a suit wearing glasses, and seeing two other people stand besides her. She then walked over to the three of them, giving them a cold stare, barely showing any emotion at all. She then stopped in front of the three of them, breathing in, then exhaling to speak. "May I ask, is this academy merely a tale?" Kireina said as she kept giving them her cold stare, or it could even be a glare at this point.

"Because I will punish you, for lying to me." Kireina said lifted her head up a little to them, giving them a full on glare.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Exiting the long and tiring airplane ride Gin stopped yawning in the middle of a very large crowd literally being carried by the crowd like a wave. Barely surviving the tidal wave of people Gin clenched to the nearest nailed down object holding on for his life. "The hell was that!?" He asked no one in particular resuming back to the usual exiting the terminal steps. Of course he waited until the crowd of people died down. Gin quickly retrieved his bag his mind getting the best of him as his did so. For some reason he thought he seen a shark out the corner of his eye which explains a lot since he almost drowned....well suffocated in the vast amount of people that paraded the terminal. Yes, he was delusional and a bit frightened but that quickly left as it came when he soon realized he was on land. Calming down from the whole shark fiasco he assumed his normal persona. He roamed a bit searching for something that represented this 'Scarlet Academy'. As if on cue a woman holding up an obvious sign reeled in Gin's attention. He walked to the woman bowing at her his green bang shading his right eye completely. Gin sat down seeing this weird girl who seemed to be pissed at life it self(Kireina). He peeked at her in order to avoid becoming a target for her 'stares'. It wasn't hard to avoid eye contact that was something that he was actually good at. But to play it safe he slid on some head phones looking off into random directions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by tathgon
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tathgon The Drifting Shadow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arata waited as the plane he was on landed at Raikonan Airport. The majority of people on the plane rushed to get off and to there destination. There's no need to rush, everything in due time. Once the crowd had thinned some, he exited the plane and went to luggage claim. When he found his suitcase, he also found a note attached to it. Dearest Arata, remember that you must... are they really trying to... i know that they're just... forget it. After reading the note, which only infuriated him, he tore it off and stuffed it in his pocket. Walking out, Arata was surprised to see how many families were waiting for someone to arrive. It took him a moment to scan the area and find a woman with a sign reading 'New Students of Scarlet Academy!' He walked up, noting a tension in the air which he couldn't place a reason for, and sat down in the seat furthest from the group.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

This the life. Just sitting back, relaxing, keeping eyes closed to enjoy that darkness. Nothing beats a good-- 'WHO DARES TO DISTURB MY NAP FOR I SWEAR I'LL-- oh we're here,' was the first thing Koken thought after waking up from a rather pleasing nap on the long plane ride. As the crowd formed in the aisles Koken took her time to stretch from where she sat before wiping some drool off her face with her black sleeve; and then adjusting her stylish but plain black cap, or her 'traveling' cap in which she calls it and literally just bought it for this occasion, as it appeared crooked on her head. After a short bit of waking up Koken stood and waited almost impatiently to get out of the plane. It kind of switched in and out every now and then. Impatient, then not, impatient, then not, rinse and repeat. That's bipolar for you, or something like that.

After finally getting off the plane it was off to baggage claim. Koken did have a backpack as her carry on, but alas there's one more piece of luggage. After all of that was done, it was time to find and meet up with whoever. Through...all of these signs... So...many signs... Koken stood there looking at them all, scratching the black hair behind her head as she blinked, "...What's the name of the school again?" she muttered to herself. How in the hell she forgot the name of the god damn school is anyone's guess. But soon after some looking around more closely a sign that would seem to represent the school would catch Koken's attention. 'Scarlet Academy' was basically what it was. "...Yea that sounds about right," Koken muttered to herself once again before shrugging her shoulders and walking on over. She tilted up the visor of her cap upward to reveal her eyes a little more, but not like they were hidden in the first place or anything. A few students seemed to have been there already, but the one that temporarily caught Koken's attention the most was the girl standing in front of the woman in the suit. Some kind of problem was probably being caused. Maybe. Who knows. But then as she was walking towards the group in general she heard the girl say something like 'Because I'll punish you,' or something like that. Unplanned, Koken snickered as a substitution to hold in a chuckle as she walked past her and the woman in the suit and turning her head away slightly as well. Koken actually found the 'punish' part funny, or at least the fact that she's saying it to someone who's obviously in charge. Anyways, aside from that. Koken stood around the general area of the group slightly off to the side, seeming that the only thing to do now is stand around and wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aleksandri Galino

The plane ride was horrible for Aleksa, though she didn't show it for the most part as she was either passed out or distracting herself by singing in Russian. The turbulence that had occurred earlier in the flight had her clutching the arm hard enough for her knuckles to turn white. "I don't Like flying, I really don't like flying!" this was the thought that kept running through her head when she was awake and until they were on the ground and about to get off the plane. As she waited to disembark Aleksa hummed a tune that had a happy note to it before she was able to get off. When she stood Aleksa grabbed her backpack from the over head compartment and exited the plane before breathing a sigh of relief, "God I'm glad to be of that thing".

Aleksa got to the area to pick up her luggage and picked up her lightning imprinted duffelbag before walking around to find the person who was supposed to pick her up. With her bag slung over her shoulder Aleksa scanned the crowd until she spotted the woman holding a Scarlet Academy sign and approached the small group of what she suspected were students. When Aleksa reached the person holding the sign she gave a small courtesy out of respect and waved to the others who were sitting down. She stood quietly just listening to the bustle of the airport goers and waiting for the rest of the people to get there. Aleksandri began to hum the song Katyusha ((Couldn't get the URL to work sorry)) while waiting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 30 days ago

Djura waited for the large bloody crowd that rushed out of the plane when it landed to thin before he even tried to get up. He grabbed his backpack out of the storage above the seats. It was all he had brought, he didn't want to trudge too much stuff all the way from Ireland, and hey no need to go through baggage claims. After getting off the plane, and being frisked by airport security he wore a cover over half his face suspicious persons and all, he began walking through the terminal looking around at all the people and signs. He was rubbing his hands together nervously, feeling a bit odd at being in a foreign country and not knowing anyone. He almost missed the women holding up a sign for Scarlet Academy students since someone was standing infront of her. He made his way over and slipped quietly past the girl glaring at the sign holder and some of the other student that had arrived before him and sat down, placing his backpack between his feet. He began listening to the girl standing nearby humming the tune of a song.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 6:45AM Early Morning

The woman in the suit looked down to Kireina who was giving her a cold glare. "Let me answer your question with this..." The woman mumbled as she let off a pressure of aura that would cause even the gods to back down. "You should go sit down now. You wouldn't want to mess with Ms. Shiba now, would you?" She said obviously speaking in third person.

Hisoka who was staring off yet still paying attention to the people who had sat down after him, decided to have a bit of fun with the others and emit some pressure from his aura mixed with his element. His pressure was strong enough to make even the toughest of guys back down and cower in fear. Even with this his aura had a heat wave mixed with it so anyone who felt the pressure would feel the heat as well. "Let's see how they deal with this. Wonder who will be able to figure out who is doing it." He thought to himself "Let's say this is a test from an upperclassman." He added in thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emi Sugihara

"Yikes, did that girl really say that?" Emi frowned, somewhat annoyed."Even I have better social skills than that."

But before Emi could say anything, Ms. Shiba, as she discovered, emitted an aura that even Emi had to admit was unsettling. That probably settled things for now. More and more students began to arrive, each looking more standoffish than the last. Well some of them were nice and she waved back at anyone who waved to her. Still, they did not seem to be a very preppy group, not that she minded.

Suddenly, she felt a different kind of pressure. It was strong and warm and uncomfortable. Was one of the students here trying to show off? She sighed, doing her best to use her element to keep her cool, creating a sort of wind barrier around herself. Then she turned to the guy that beat her here and asked quietly so only he could hear her, "By chance are you the one doing this? Because if so, it's not very funny." She was just guessing but by the looks of most people here, she could kind of guess what kind of elements they use. For example, Miss ColdnSerious was probably an ice element user. Two of the more quiet, brooding types seemed to be darkness users. Though the rest were somewhat anybody's guess. She wondered if she looked like an air elemental... Regardless, she didn't mean to pinpoint the guy; he just happened to be sitting closest to her.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Gin looked out the corner of his eye at this 'Ms. Shiba' lady. He felt some serious shit radiating from her not to long after the staring chick threatened her. "what ever the heck that was avoid that!" He whispered to himself soon feeling another pressure. It wasn't as firece as Ms. Shinba's but way more warmer. Gin looked around his eyes coming to a reasonable origin of this warm aura. The guy didn't look like he was doing anything but just starring at him for a good second Gin noticed the area around him was much 'warmer' or the pressure was more frequent around him than anybody else. Gin was starting to get bothered by this warmth and was about to answer the problem to the warmth but was caught of gaurd by another chick confronting his possible target. He took a deep breathe relaxing. She can handle the problem for him. Gin oddly and uncontrollably chuckled covering his mouth as soon as the weird noise escaped his mouth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by NekoJordan
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NekoJordan Those who smile more are the most dangerous.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Saturday September 1st 2020 6:50AM Early Morning

Hisoka looked at the girl confronting him and gave a small smile "Very good. You guessed correctly and so did you greeny" He said to the girl as well as the guy with headphones. "You two seem to have a reasonable amount of skill at your ages." He said as he extended his hand "Hisoka Namiki. Age 19. Fire is my element." He said "And you are?" he added
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Emi Sugihara

Emi looked at him with disbelief. "He was testing us? People here are so..." She left it at that and shrugged it off. She took his hand and gave it a gentle shake.

"Emi Sugihara. 16. Air elemental." she answered back simply. She turned back to see who he meant by "greeny". Actually, it was really obvious, huh, that nickname really did fit him to a tee. He was indeed, very green. He was covering his mouth; did he find something amusing?

"Now, now Emi. You won't make friends like that." She could already hear her aunt's voice ringing in the back of her head. She redirected her attention towards Hisoka.

"Nice to meet you, Namiki-senpai," she added, doing her best to sound friendly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kaya Mishiba

"...whew, it's hot in here!"

Kaya, seemingly out of nowhere, had just popped up behind Emi from the boiling pot that was the new batch of Magic Knights...er, to-be, right? She went straight onto ruffling her shirt, a sort of lime-green blouse doused in tai-dai with a dark teal sort of color, and propped her elbows on a seat by the Air-elmentalist's head, before stacking her head on her hands.

Intrusive? Probably.

Not that she'd care. She was bored out of her mind, and finally something interesting had popped up, so there was an opportunity to make friends...hopefully. They never really seemed to last since she was constantly moved here and there. Now, if she could keep them guessing her element by suppressing her aura like she had been for the past six hours...

"So...you guys are heading towards the Academy, right? I heard it's huge!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by tathgon
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tathgon The Drifting Shadow

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Arata was simply waiting as other students arrived. His interest was piqued when Ms. Shiba let her aura free. I wonder what happened just before I arrived... It was unlikely that Ms. Shiba was attempting to intimidate a prospective student just for fun. As Arata glanced around at the other students to attempt to piece together the situation, he felt another aura with warmth attached to it. Friendlier and less demanding... a fun-loving fire wielder? He audibly sighed. His aura shifted to both become less noticeable and direct the pressuring auras around him.

Arata would have taken the time to guess who was using their aura to warm the area except that Hisoka revealed himself rather quickly when Emi questioned him on it. Hisoka said that Emi and 'Greeny' had decent skill. Greeny? Who could... oh... yeah. He glanced around the rest of the airport, wondering when everyone would arrive so they could head over to Scarlet Academy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Slendy
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Slendy The Old Soul Teenaged Otaku

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Greeny....The lighter match of a boy named him. Gin didn't like the nick name but he couldn't completely hate it. After all his favorite color was green. Gin decided to brush it off for now and attempt to resume waiting to leave this awkward scene. Lucky for him an loud and incompetent chick decides to break reality and bring forth one of Gin's pet peeves. He gritted his teeth as Kaya continued to rant. The whole time he wore a intense facial expression looking at the floor. Its one thing to yell at her but to equip his dual scythe and go ballistic is a whole complete and possible choice of action he was considering to take. "Uhhh....excuse...me but could you quiet down a bit....?" Gin asked Kaya removing his headphones as he did so. When someone is loud enough to be heard through headphones then there's a serious problem for Gin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Aleksandri Galino

Aleksa felt the both auras and used her own to block the later one. Her aura made what could be called an invisible faraday cage that channeld the outer auras away and into the ground. "Ms. Shiba is scary" she thought as she pulled out her phone and began charging it from her hand. She chose not to use her aura pressure as it would have been pretty uncomfortable for the rest of the people. "so when re we going to go to the academy Ms. shiba?" she asked before laughing a bit at the invasion of personal space that was occurring.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WaddleDaisy
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WaddleDaisy School Idol Trash

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kireina Tohsaka


Current Theme: Painful

Kireina grit her teeth as she got a massive pressure of aura, she had never felt an outsiders aura be this strong, it could even overpower her master's pressure. Kireina was then being told what to do, she remained gritting her teeth as she went to go sit down on one of the seats. Eventually she had started to feel heat and pressure onto her body, she widened her eyes slightly as she looked to the one who was emitting all of this magic pressure. She saw a young man with black hair and blue eyes, she could notice that he had a fire element to him, judging by the heat that was being pushed onto her. She then looked down to her suitcase and grit her teeth.

There truly are strong magic knights here. Kireina thought to herself as she looked up from her seat, to see those that were having conversations with each other. She didn't want friends, this is what she gets for being cold, and hardworking. She wouldn't allow something as silly as friendship get in the way of her goals.

Fame always brings loneliness...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 30 days ago

while Djura was sitting there he felt the lady, Ms. Shiba, emit a rather intimidating aura in response to the girl infront of her. That was soon followed by a heated pressure. He shifted a little in discomfort before bringing a hand up in front of his covered mouth with and let out a short, sharp exhale that could barely be heard above everyone else. His own aura formed a barrier that nulled the heated one two inches from the surface of his skin. He looked around at the group after that, seeing that friendships and tensions were already forming. He stayed quiet and merely listened to the others, still a bit nervous from being in a new country.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LizLegend
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LizLegend aka / Liz E.

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

While her hands were resting on her luggage handle Koken looked to the woman, newly introduced as Ms. Shiba, as soon as she felt that aura pressure. People might have taken this aura as 'scary' or whatnot, but Koken on the other hand was fearless towards it. It was extremely intimidating of course, but overall it appeared Koken was not phased. Although, that does not make her cocky either. Sure she should probably be worried as hell if she's in some sort of fit with her, but Koken was smart enough not to mess around with this Ms. Shiba persona.

Koken moved in front of her luggage to sit on it, leaving the luggage standing up as she leaned slightly back and crossed her arms. It was shortly after when Koken lightly tugged on her hoodie, feeling a sudden heat. Koken's head perked slightly, another aura pressure perhaps? Koken slowly glanced around to find the source of the pressure being emitted. Eventually she took notice of the young man. Dark hair, blue eyes and all. Staring at him who was talking to the short blonde girl for a short bit, it was probably right to assume the heated aura pressure was coming from him. Koken cracked a smirk as she closed her eyes and slightly shook her head while looking a little downward, 'Psh. Show off,' she thought as she did so. Externally, she even let out a small chuckle. Koken was actually kind of tempted to emit some of her aura herself, but she decided against it rather quickly. Although it would be entertaining to see some reactions, she didn't really see a real reason to do so. Besides, it might serve better for later. If worthy, that is.

Around now some people started socializing with one another; Koken didn't bother to join in, yet. Koken usually refers to herself as somewhat antisocial. Only somewhat because it's true that she usually isn't the one to go up and start conversation, but if talked to she doesn't mind. If she were to ever go up and start talking first, she probably has some kind of a good reason. In all honesty, she switches off every now and then. More like once in a blue moon, but eh Koken does whatever she feels.
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