Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 mos ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

[hider=Amanda Blackmore]Basic Information

Name: Amanda Daisy Blackmore
Nickname/Alias/Etc: Miss Blackmore, 'Manda, Daisy Moon, The Metal Witch
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'6
Weight: 103
Status: Returning Student


Hair Color: Jet-Black
Eye Color: Amber
Ethnicity: British and Korean
Physical Appearance: Amanda is a young woman with a biker vibe when people first look at her. Height and weight wise, Amanda is fairly average, she's thin, she's averaged heighted. Nothing special about her. Though her legs are a bit bulkier likely because she's done plenty of running sports. In terms of race; Amanda is part British and part Korean, with her father supplying the British, and her mother giving her the Korean. She leans heavily on Asian in terms of appearance. With her skin being a light-yellow color, with a subtle white tint in her skin color. Amanda walks seductively, she intentionally makes her hips wiggle back and forth when she walks.

Amanda has plenty of scars, brushes and blemishes all over her face and body. It really takes away from her looks - In addition to giving people the idea that she's been in some shady things. On her face she has plenty of scars. Most are small and short. Like something small, with claws attacked her. She also has a burn scar on the side of her head, by her ears, it looks like something round and very hot hit her there. She has other scars on the rest of her body, they're just too plentiful to be described individually and are covered by her outfit. Amanda has several tattoos that she got very recently. One is on her right shoulder of a blood-colored angel, extending it's wings wide and appearing to ascend. Above this angel is several clouds and what appears to be a light shining through the clouds. On her left shoulder is a large tribal style tattoo of an eastern dragon with a massive tail and wings, extending all the way to her wrists. However, it is concealed by her outfit and the most people will see of it will be the tail/wings of the Dragon. On her back, near her shoulder, is a tattoo with GUILTY CONSCIENCE written. On her left cheek is a blue valentine heart, which would give her a cute vibe if it wasn't for the scars and bruises on her face. Her hair is jet-black, straight, and quite long. Amanda styles it as a long pony-tail, it is back-length. Amanda has some piercings, most are on her face. She has two large hoop ear-rings on her ears and has a ball tongue piercing. If she was to take off her shirt, you'd see that she has a belly button piercing. Amanda also has a lip piercing on the right side of her lower lip.

Amanda inherits all the good looks from her father's side of the family, she can be considered cute, if you can get past everything. Amanda's head is large, and rectangle-shaped. She has a slightly larger than average head, which is considered to be a source of ridicule for some people (Key word: Some). Her face is squared, and well-defined. Her cheekbone are round, and small. She has a squared (Double) chin as well, with a very strong, and sharp, jawline to match. Her chin sticks out forward a bit. She has a small nose, with a short bridge and nostrils that stick out a bit. Amanda's mouth is a little wide, and her lips are average in terms of thickness. Amanda has a somewhat big forehead, it's wide. There's a scar directly above her lips that connect to her left nostril. Amanda does look much like someone who's up to some shadier tasks. Amanda's eyes are medium-sized, and are slanted, much like others apart of her ethic background. Obviously showing off that she's Asian. Well, at least 50% Asian.

Attire: Amanda's outfit changes from day to day, like all of my characters. She'll wear just about anything and has no particular style. She'll wear hoodies, jeans, jackets, coats, etc. Amanda likes to wear her over-sized leather jacket from time to time, this is clearly made for men's but she likes to wear it. This jacket has a white-colored skull on the back, and it's her favorite jacket in the whole wide world. One thing that people certainly will notice about Amanda is that she wears lots of metal. She'll wear a large amount of rings, bracelets and other jewelry - Anything that chimes when she moves. Sometimes Amanda can be seen carrying, and playing, an acoustic bass guitar.


Outward & Innate Personality: A very unpredictable wild card. Amanda is very boisterous and wild.
She tends to do even the stupidest things for her own amusement. Which includes saying anything to get a rise out of people - This gets her a reputation of being very annoying. Not really caring about people's opinions of her. To her, it's all about having fun, no matter if it's at the expense of others. She is very sociable, and always wants to have a conversation with someone. However, if she finds someone dull or boring, she'll leave them at the drop of a hat. Amanda is extremely flirty and suggestive, she likes to make sexual comments and advances on boys. However, she's more of a tease, and will rarely pursue an actual relationship. She does for the same reason as above, just to amuse herself. She hates the ordinary, and loves it when something crazy or exciting happens. Like a monster showing up, or an explosion. Amanda is quite the Blood Knight. She loves to fight, just about anyone. The biggest and toughest people preferred. Her favorite kind of people to beat down are the types that think they're tough. Merely to put them down, and inflate her own ego. Amanda is quite arrogant and overconfident, to the point where it could be interpreted as fearlessness. She uses both of those traits to carry her through. But, those traits have put her in bad situations more often than naught. She's quite impulsive and it's rare to see her think in the moment of crisis. As she doesn't see herself as a thinker, she acts. She knows that in peril, she can't be caught sitting around thinking. She has to act. This has landed her in hot water plenty of times.

Skills/Talents: Amanda is a natural born athlete. She's been good at sports, and is quite the runner. The sport that she excels at is Soccer. She's also invested quite a bit into other sports like Basketball and Baseball - Just that she isn't as good at them as she is at Basketball. Naturally, Amanda is very quick on her feet and is coordinated as hell. Amanda has been in plenty of fist fights, and can win quite a few of them with her fists alone. She's really good at Roller-skating too, if that's. Amanda is also a very good dancer, since she has danced many times in parties and at raves. Amanda knows how to play the guitar too, hand her a guitar and she'll try her hardest. She's not exceptionally good at it, but this skill is worth noting.

Prized Possession: The leather jacket I mentioned in her appearance section.
Quote(s): "I know you want me, want me, stop playing hard to get."


    Mother - Lisa BlackmoreGrand- Father - Logan BlackmoreGrand-Mother- Tersina BlackmoreUncle - Douglas BlackmoreUncle - Young-Jae BiyungAunt - Su-Ming BiyungBrother - Drake BlackmoreBrother - Charles BlackmoreBrother - Daniel BlackmoreSister - Victoria BlackmoreCousin - Nikki Biyung



Adam Blackmore | Great! | Daddy! | "The perfect father whom I am forever thankful for choosing to have me...." |

Nikki Biyung | Great! | Beloved Cousin! | "Oh my god, my beloved cousin! She's a bit of a loser, but I'm gonna fix that. She doesn't like talking to people, eh? I guess I'll have to throw her face first into a few." |

Deborah Termellio | Meh | Stranger | "I seen Deebs mostly around that bitch with a pole up her ass Shannon, or that jackass boyfriend Valjean. She seems pretty chill. But I know she's totally a dyke." |

Valjean Vaseal | Hated | Rival | "This guy thinks he's the shit but the second we step in the arena, he fights like a complete bitch, and talks like he's king of the world outside of it. Though I haven't been able to beat him due to his... erm, fighting style." |

Shannon Balore | Very Bad | Enemy | "Oooooh, this bitch. This bitch right here. She has a pole up her ass long enough to touch the moon and a gigantic superiority complex. But she's really a wuss since she refuses to enter the arena. So I just do stuff to piss her off so she'd get off her high horses..." |

Vera Dubnin | Neutral | Room mate] | "Haven't got the chance to get to know the dyke - But, she could TOTALLY make a great James Bond villain if she put on some muscles. She's ALREADY Russian. She can call herself Titties Galore or something..." |

Ethan Parker Jr. | Amusing | Target] | "Parker here is pretty cute actually. How he dresses up and how he carries himself. He's like a little puppy... With some pretty damn unique tastes in women. Psst. I don't know if you know, but he's into trannies." |

Poppy Flanagan | Neutral | Acquaintance | "Check it, Carrot-top here is basically a fish out of water. I don't know much about her, but I want to smack the shit out her parents. Like, who the fuck names their kid Poppy? It's so stupid. But, yeah, I seen her type before, and the story she caries - She'll be on the first boat out of here by the time the weekend's over..." |

Todd Thompson | Bad | Stranger | "Turning into stone is the only way he can get hard." |

Vespera Spindel | Bad | Stranger |"Spider-Tits is pretty damn annoying. Acting all high and mighty and full of herself! Makes me want to squash her like a roach!"|

Red Winston | Dandy! | Butt-Slave |"My new boytoy for the school year! I'm surprised he would be so dull as to let me command him. I'm going to driiiiive his ass crazy before the end of the week!"|

Jack Corvo | Good? | Stranger | "I think I shoved an iron dildo up his ass once." |

Theresa Obott | Bad? | is just a delicious goldmine! I want to see the face on any guy who falls for him, then finds out, oh, he has a dick! Good thing he can regenerate..."[/i] |

Karlie Davis | Good | Friend | "Oh my god! Karlie is my girl! I want to find a way to copy her power so we can play 'round like little kids!" |

Matt Detmer | Good | New Crush | "Matt is everything I want in a man. Strong, independent, thick skinned... I think I'm in loooove..." |

Peter Brooke | Bad | Annoying | "He can go fap his other arm off." |

Annabelle Ravencroft | Amusing | Teacher/Target | "I like the nice chick. I just want to tear it all down and let everyone see her for what she really is!" |

Tetsuya Kyuuji | Idiot | Retarded-Pandaman | "Word up, this motherfucker runs into the room and jumps on someone then expects to not get his ass kicked. Preeeetty damn stupid to me." |


Power Class: Power 6

Power: Reactionary Power Replication. Amanda has the famed power replication of the Blackmore family. Her form is relatively simple, she copies the powers of whoever uses their power on her (Such as if a telekinetic pushes her, or if a healer does their thing, she'll get their powers). However, it's a bit more complicated than that. Whenever she copies a power, she sort of transforms into the power. Like certain parts of her body will change into the power, but not her whole body. Like a less extreme version of Drake's power. Her eyes, hair, hands, etc, will be transformed/wreathed with, the power of choice. Along with an immunity to the aforementioned power. Even if she doesn't transform, she is capable of using a "watered down" version of the power. Amanda can store up to three powers at once, in order to take on a new power, she must discard another one. Amanda will start off with Metal Manipulation.

Metal Manipulation. Amanda has a high-level elemental ability relating to the metals. When transformed, she can control all metals; she can move metals, shape metal into whatever she pleases, control the temperature of metals, and turn one kind of metal into another (When she changes metal, it'll be in it's raw/pure form). This control gets more precise when she is in contact with the metal.

Weaknesses/Limitations/Drawbacks: The two standard Blackmore weaknesses. Amanda doesn't know how to use a power right off the bat, and will have to practice a bit to get the hang of it. She will also lose any and all powers she has if she's badly beaten. The main problem with using this ability is that it can possibly kill her if she's not cautious. Amanda can still get injured from any attacks that are launched against her, before she copies a power. Amanda can't copy a wide range of powers, she can't copy powers that have no effect on other people (Such as regeneration), nor physical based powers (Such as super strength, speed, etc). Which mainly limits her to energy/ranged powers. She also can't control which power she copies, which means if any power is used against her, she will immediately switch to that power (Even if she already has a power active). She also cannot control which powers get discarded when she's at capacity. Amanda can only use one power at a time.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Academy 218 Version

Verthaven Version

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Academy 218 version 1

Academy 218 version 2

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Black Fall version

Corrigan version

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

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