Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 18 days ago

The macabre ruins of what was once the Tower of Amon Sûl laid dormant upon the peak of Weathertop, long left abandoned and destroyed since it had been built by Elendilin during the first days of the Northern kingdom of Arnor. The midday sun was perched in the sky, flooding the land with golden rays of light and warmth but upon the eastern side, the peak cast long and wide shadows down upon the Great East Road and the lands around it for quite a distance. These rugged and hilly lands also had scattered ruins among them from the same age the tower had been built. In the chance that a battle would break out in the surrounding area, the ruins were solid enough and still in well enough condition to be used as shelter or as a well suited area for an ambush. A soft, gentle breeze blew through the lands, causing the leaves on the numerous lush vegetation to rustle gently, a soft earthy tone followed. The air was clean and crisp, one that would be expected in the calm, cool air of the winter, and not in the summer. Among these lush ruins, something stirred silently with great agility, to the untrained eye the lands would seem apparently empty, but that was not the case. In the shadows, hidden from all sight, fifteen rangers and a small handful of Mercenaries who hailed from random lands and species awaited among the ruins.

Their prey was a large pack of Orcs, around thirty or so, departing from their fortified camp they had built in only a short time, two days to be exact. These Orcs did not resemble the rest of their brothers, they were bread for one reason and one reason alone, war. The orcs were much taller, stronger, aggressive and vicious than the lands had seen in many long years. Their sudden appearance without warning brought an ominous feel of fear and death with them that spread across the lands. These Orcs did not only bring ill tidings of dark ages long lost past, but also the message that evil in the faraway lands was stirring once more. Whispers in the night that traveled with the wind seemed to carry dark words in an elvish tongue. Animals not only of the wild but also of the many farms became restless and scared of something that could not yet be seen. The occupants of the nearby establishments became worried of these Orc sightings and strange occurrences that had made their way to even the lands of Bree. Panic and civil unrest was on the verge of unleashing itself before someone, somewhere who had been at that great war many years ago with the forces of evil informed the Mayor of Bree to send out a message to the fellow settlements in the area and inform them that forces were being sent to eliminate the threat of the Orcs.

Rangers were quickly dispatched with a group of mercenaries to eliminate the Orc threat and evaluate the damage as well as investigate the area thoroughly. The group of Rangers and mercenaries departed as soon as possible for the lands, spotting their targets many hours later, using an open road to travel back and forth to the massive fortified camp they had built. The leader of the troops issued a command for them to take up cover inside of a rather large area of ruins upon a hill that overlooked the road the Orcs used to travel upon. An ambush was quickly planned and set up for the Orcs. The ruins of the castle that use to be built there was mostly intact besides large areas that were now only piles of rubble. Six pillars held up the entrance of the castle that lead underground into a large arena. All of the troops had gathered their earlier to plan out how the ambush would play out and where each of them would be positioned. The outside of the ruins had plenty of caves and crevices that had been grown over my vegetation, giving whoever hid behind it an excellent point to ambush from. Even parts of the road traveled over metal grates where other troops were positioned. Without the Mayors knowledge, not that he needed to know, several kegs of lamp oil had been commandeered for the ambush and placed at critical positions on the road along with a couple traps that would hopefully eliminate a good amount of the Orcs, leaving less hand to hand combat and the risk of a gruesome death.

It had all been set up, everything was in place, and all the Rangers as well as Mercenaries held their position, waiting for the fire and other traps to go off. In a small stone hole covered by hanging vines and other vegetation, Mercenaries leader named Revan waiting patiently with the rest of his crew, he could hear the heavy footsteps from the armored Wargs that lead the Orc war party. On the back of the armor plated Wargs were the five Orc leaders who lead the war party, gave orders, and all else. They were the most powerful and fearful Orcs that had seen the area since the great war. Behind them, walked the thirty five Orc berserkers who sprinted to keep in pace with the leaders. The smell of fresh blood and death quickly filled the area as the closed in, every step bringing them closer to their death. One of the main Orcs who lead the party cringed slightly, bringing his nose to the air and taking a deep breath in through it. “HALT” the Orc yelled out, this particular Orc was one of the leaders of course though everyone treated him as if he was THE leader. His name was Gorgauf, the destroyer of all. The name fit him well, he had once taken down a full squad of elite soldiers without breaking a sweat. Blades and arrows had hit him but he showed no sign of feeling pain at all, he had even taken on an Ent singlehandedly with no weapon but his fists.

To face him was death, and not a quick painless one, he enjoyed making people suffer before death, and was very well known for it. Most people had thought Borgauf had died in battle after he vanished in a sea of fire, but he was more tenacious than he appeared. The Orc to his right nodded his head, narrowing his eyes slightly. “I smell man flesh.” The Orc said, looking back and forth between the other members who leaded the party. “As do I...” Gorgauf dismounted from his Warg and drew his blade, the rest of the Orcs did the same, and they prepared themselves for battle, walking slowly across the ground, keeping their senses on full alert for anything out of place. Everyone in the group held their breath and waited for the Orcs to close in before setting off the small explosives. A few moments would pass as it seemed that even time had come to a grinding halt, in favor of the Orcs who searched for any human in the area. In the distance near the Orcs, there was a sudden whoomp sound just as Gorgauf yelled for everyone to take cover. Flames raced across the road, in front of and behind the orcs, a group of 8 Orcs in the rear of the main group was caught in the flames, and fell to the ground writhing as their skin and muscles were burned from their bones. The other traps claimed seven orcs, and wounded several others.

The first part of the ambush was a success, but there were still many Orcs that had to be killed. Gorgauf and the rest who were still alive which counted twenty, went into a blood lust with their Wargs. It was at this time, they would prove their worth to all of Middle-Earth and attempt to kill all of the Orcs. Revan noticed that the leader Borgauf had acquired a new sword as it cut through the air and met with his in a parry, the weapon had been forged and made deep in the lands of Mordor. The weapon that had not been seen since the Great War was clean besides a couple new fresh bloodstains. This mean that weapons and most likely armor was being forged for the Orcs, and if that was true then there was one man he desperately needed to speak to, if he were to make it out of this alive. There was always a sadistic smile spread across Gorgaufs face as he fought, he truly enjoyed killing and the art of combat. His red and yellow eyes looked sickly into his as he made another attack at Revan, trying to decapitate him. Revan blocked the attack with his sword then quickly moved back a couple of feet to give himself a chance to recover. Gorgauf laughed a deep, guttural laugh made the hair on the back of Revans neck stand up. “Weak, pathetic, worthless, and so filled with false hope, I wouldn’t expect anything less. You and your kinds time are now done upon this world, my master returns once more and the world will be ruled by Orcs.” Revan Swung his blade at Gorgauf and the blade struck his arm, sticking in the bone while no blood flowed from it.

The large Orc laughed softly, pulling the blade from his arm and tossing it across the road where Revan could not reach it. “Feast my pets, tear him limb from limb.” One of the armored Wargs from before snapped his neck to the voice of tis master and came running over, frothing from the mouth as it looked at Revan, lust for blood and human flesh was driving the best mad. From above the Warg, an arrow flew towards the wargs head, traveling through its skull completely, killing it on the spot. A female elf wearing leather armor that matched the surrendering almost exactly had shot the arrow and was now helping pick off Orcs from a distance. Gorgauf turned around and moved to where the elf had made herself known. Then with a great show of strength and power, he started to cut massive chunks out of the tree, which fell there for after. The elf who had appeared jumped gracefully from the tree that was now being cut down to another tree and shot three arrows at Gorgauf who did absolutely nothing as they stuck into his body at random places. Taking a couple steps forward, Gorgaufs smile vanished from his face, he pointed at the tree and yelled something in Orcish before the wargs from the group quickly ran over to the tree and used their claws to climb up it at an alarming speed. The sickening smile had now returned to Gorgaufs disturbing face, he had turned around and started to engage combat with another one of Revans mercenaries.

The elf in the tree had a poor view of what was going on due to how he had landed and barely had time to act before one of the wargs bit down on her left leg, causing her to lose her grip on the branch she was trying to climb. One hand reminded holding onto the branch but the wargs closed in and attempted to go for the kill. The elf had managed to move herself up into the upper part of the tree and position herself so that she could fight and keep herself balanced. The wargs were at her in seconds, trying to pull her down from the tree, but the massive shift in weight had caused the tree to buckle and bend to the left before snapping sending her and all the wargs falling to the ground with a thundering crash that echoed through the forest. The elf only had a moment to get onto her feet but noticed her leg had been broken rather badly from the fall. The wargs were dazed but quickly regained themselves and charged at the elf with a fire behind their eyes. When they had caught up to her, the scene was horrifying for Raven to watch helplessly as it seemed the Wargs were tearing her to pieces, their muzzles drenched in blood. The wargs then suddenly fell onto their sides as if something had instantly killed them from the inside. When the wargs rolled off of the elf he noticed she was severely wounded but had managed to stab each of the wargs sometime during the fight, and had spared at the last moment before being eaten alive by the wargs.

Quickly, Revan stood up and ran over to his sword, picking it up and charging the back of Gorgauf, running his sword as deep into his back as he could. There was a grotesque sound as the sword seemed to cut through bone and organ like. Revan pulled the sword back and watched as the giant Orc fell to the ground, unmoving, unbreathing, a pool of blood forming below him. Yelling to the rest of his troops that were still alive, he told them to fight on, that the leader Gorgauf had been killed. The other Orcs seemed unphased by this and continued to fight with even more ferocity now. Sprinting with the energy he had left, made his way over to the injured female elf who had her armor torn and bloody, with scratches along the body. “You are very lucky my friend, it seems you have been spared to live and fight yet another day.” The elf tried to open her mouth but passed out before she could reply. This elf was no ordinary elf, she wore specially tailored and smithed armor that was a combination of incredibly fine materials. It was clear that not only had luck saved her life but also had her armor and weapons. A couple colorful words came out of Revans mouth as he checked over her vitals to find she was ok, but she would have to be carried and potentially into a human city. “She needs immediate medical attention.” He thought to himself, picking her up in his arms and letting out a grunt. There came a sharp pain from the lower right side of his back, an arrow from one of the Orcs missed his primary shot and had managed to hit him instead. The pain was quite bad but he had been in worse conditions that had been toughed out.

Keeping himself focused on the objective at hand, he quickly headed back to the rest of the battle and laid the female elf down upon a smooth flat stone that had once belonged to the now mostly destroyed castle they were fighting in. Unsheathing his weapon, he ordered a ranger to stand guard while he and the rest took care of the hostile Orcs. “I shall stand guard sir, but I'd rather be out there fighting with all of you.” Said the Ranger, to which Revan quickly responded. “You are extremely important, more so than the fight at hand, this elf woman may be of very high nobility and honor. It would do you well to remember that returning her would spell rewards beyond measure and mend our fragile friendship to whom she belongs.” The ranger nodded his head and readied himself for combat if anyone was stupid enough to try and attack both the elf and himself. This of course did come to pass shortly after Revan went to join the rest of his mercenaries and eliminating the rest of the Orcs who posed a true challenge for all of them, even with their numbers down to below half. The Orc had smelled the blood from the elf and was drawn towards it, ready to kill the ranger who guarded her. An arrow from the rangers bow flew with great accuracy and speed, hitting the Orc between the eyes and lodging itself deep into its head. “It seems that the Orcs will never learn, luckily for me I do enjoy slaying Orcs here and there when the opportunity presents itself.” The man realized he had talking to himself and quickly shut his mouth. Revan was in the middle of the battle, fighting with an Orcs that was missing part of his face. The Orc was bleeding profusely but did not feel pain or even notice he had been wounded. “You have a little something on your face, let me help you there.” Revan swung his blade at the Orcs neck and delivered a clean cut. The Orcs head flew from his shoulders, and onto the ground as blood rained down upon a good part of the mercenaries and rangers who were still fighting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Much like the elf lady, Thanneth had been up in a tree with her bow, sniping every orc she could get a clear shot at, although she dealt out more injuries than kills. However, also like the lady, she had been discovered and forced to abandon long-range combat in favor of her sword. Leaping from a branch with a war cry, she landed on a warg behind an orc, finishing off the rider with one quick thrust before stabbing the mount through the head.

"Three!" She counted under her breath, adding the orc and warg to her tally. Every battle, she strove to beat her record from the last battle, to both increase her skill and protect her allies. It was a goal she did not often fulfill. Good as her fighting was, her companions were also proficient warriors, and often did not need her aid.

Whirling to face an orc behind her, she parried his blow and removed his head shortly after. "Four!" A quick step inside another orc's defenses and a stab. "Five!" Knocking the sword from the hands of another orc and cleaving his head in half. "Six!" Then a bigger orc, unnoticed in the chaos, struck her from behind, creating a nasty gash down the left side of her back.

Thanneth turned and sized up this new enemy, a hiss of pain escaping her at the movement. This orc would be a challenge. "We will roast your flesh, she-elf!" He said, his voice harsh and guttural like all orcs. "I'd like to see you try, yrch." She spat in response. Threats exchanged, they began their duel.

The shieldmaid began with a slash, which was dodged; the orc stabbed at her torso, and she parried. The harsh clang of blades colliding sounded again and again. Neither combatant could land a blow - both were skilled, and both were injured. "Tiring already, she-elf?" The orc taunted. "We orcs can fight until the end of time!"

"And we elves will hunt you to the end of the earth." Thanneth replied, then fell silent again. Let the orc waste his breath. When he was tired, distracted, she would strike, swiftly and suddenly, like a snake. Then her chance came. The orc's grip slackened on his sword, and with a deft twist of her own blade, she removed it from his grip. "Die, yrch." She hissed, and struck.

Sliding her sword out of the new corpse, Thanneth wiped her forehead and stood for a moment. "Seven." She said quietly, took a fresh grip on her sword, and went after another orc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eros normally would have been using his own bow, but the elves were far better shots than he, so he'd been delegated to foot soldier. He didn't mind, he was just as good, if not a little better, with his spear as he was with his bow. Eros watched as the orcs approached and the traps went off. He sprung out of hiding, in the caves and charged a warg and it's rider, kneeling and bracing his spear just before the warg lunged at him, and skewered itself on the sturdy shaft. Springing back and up onto his feet, Eros deftly parried a swing from the ward rider as the warg snarled in pain. Eros hadn't been able to hit anything vital, that was disappointing, but not a problem, yet. He backed into the crevasse He'd been hiding in and thrust his spear rapidly at the warg and rider, scoring several minor hits while managing to avoid serious injury himself. The warg lunged again, reaching with a paw for Eros' torso, but Eros had been waiting for it, and stepped forward stabbing the leaf bladed spear deep into the warg's throat. The orc's sword clanged on his iron cap, and bounced off his shoulder. Eros stepped back as the warg reeled, discarding it's lunging rider, and dashing off through the fray leaving a trail of spattered blood behind him.

Eros jammed the butt of his spear into the fallen rider's skull, as he stepped back into the fray himself. He ducked a wild swing, tripping the attacking orc before stabbing it's foul heart. Taking in the scene around him, Eros noticed that one of the archer's had fallen, and moved help defend her, but ran into a pair of nasty brutes instead. Eros feinted a jab to the left, before slashing at the orc on his right. The orc to his left tried to parry the jab that never came, and lost his opportunity to strike, while the orc to the right barely parried in time, stepping back to gain some breathing room. Eros dodged the clumsy swipe from the orc on his left as he stabbed the butt of the spear into it's face, breaking it's nose. He moved to put a pillar at his back, as a third orc joined the skirmish with a yell and a butcher's hack that glanced off the Eros' iron cap, leaving a dent in the cap and an awful ringing in his ears. He parried the next attack, coming from the orc on his right, into the the orc that had been to his left, but now stood in front of him. That bought him enough time to stab at the newest arrival, an orc standing where it had been behind him, but was now to his left. The orc parried and countered, which Eros deftly parried, but was unable to retaliate as the other two came at him again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 18 days ago

The violent, bloody chaos of the battle raged on for what felt like long, drawn out, hellish hours when only ten minutes had passed. Even with fatigue setting in and many of their numbers being wounded, the rangers and mercenaries fought against the Orcs with great ferocity. Now only five Orcs remained of the original thirty that had formed their war party, though it seemed they hardly noticed and were not even phased by the fact they were about to die themselves. "Your leaders were the first to die, and now your fellow Orcs lay slaughtered upon the ground at our feet. You will all share the same fate, for you are all nothing more than worthless pawns sharing an even more pointless existence." As if fueled by the insult, the five remaining Orcs formed new tactics and fought as one, becoming a much more deadly and efficient enemy. They worked together and created a scene of confusion and chaos which was working surprisingly well against their enemy.

Revan had seen skills like this used before when in battle with humans, Elves and Dwarfs but this was truly a first for Orcs and their kind. Out the corner of his eye, Revan noticed that the ranger he had ordered to keep guard over the severely wounded elf was no longer by her side, he had been cut in half from one of the remaining Orcs while his guard was down. The elf was gone as well, and the ground around where the two had been was drenched in so much blood that he could not tell if she had been taken, some how ran off, or had merely vanished. A very slight feeling of responsibility came over him, as if he was to blame for what happened to the ranger and the elf. A rustle came from the trees above the remaining Orcs for only a moment, then the wounded elf appeared to Revans surprise. She fell gracefully onto one of the Orcs shoulders and ran a sword into his head. With one swift movement she broke the sword free and used the weapon in her other hand to strike at the knees of the other hostile to her right.

The Orc fell to his knees before the elf swung both of her blades at the target and killed him with a clean decapitation. Three Orcs remained and charged directly at her giving her almost no time to react. The sword in each of her hands found its target, lodged deep in an Orc on either side of her. Only one remained now, and this last Orc found out that an arrow can fully pass through the head of one of his kind. Breathing hard and spitting out a good amount of blood onto the ground next to her, the elf returned her weapons to herself and sheathed them. Looking for someone in the group, she pushed past the last survivors of the battle who were very impressed with her and found Revan, then spoke. "You there, I require medical attention as soon as possible, I..." The elf stumbled and almost fell over though Revan had caught her in his arms and helped her stand up. The elf remained silent before finely passing out completely this time, leaving Revan to find her medical attention as soon as possible. "I need my men to follow me back to Bree, the rest of you stay here and clean up this miss, find out what you can from the dead Orcs and report back to me at the Prancing Pony once you are all finished here, get moving."

Revan struggled slightly but managed to place the wounded elf in front of him on his horse and then wraped an arm around her mid section, holding onto her tightly so that she would not fall during the ride back to town. while waiting patiently upon his horse for his chosen men to follow him, a cold breeze blew through the forest and wrapped itself around each and everyone left standing, as if the very land had witnessed the battle and was warning them that much more was to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thanneth gave no verbal response; she nodded once and found Esgal, her horse. Mounting swiftly, she urged Esgal into a walk, moving next to and slightly behind Revan, hiding her wound from his eyes. Others were more hurt than she. Let the healers deal with them first; she would seek aid when those near death were brought back from the brink.

Cynraed hadn't been too much help during the battle. He had charged around on Fyrmund, the sturdy Clydesdale giving him a height advantage, and dealt out what wounds and kills he could. To be fair, though, the orcs had given him a good few wounds. Nothing that would necessitate the loss of a limb, thankfully, but he was losing more blood than he was comfortable with.

Dismounting, he tore strips out of his shirt and started fashioning crude but serviceable bandages from them. This, he had some experience with. Accidents happened on farms, and somewhat often, he had to prevent the loss of blood while waiting for a doctor to arrive. Quickly and efficiently, Cynraed bandaged as many of his cuts as he could before mounting Fyrmund once again and waiting for the order to move out.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dutchess Sarah
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Dutchess Sarah AKA Lavender James

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

During the ambush, Amaron had been in the back, taking care of anyone who came through. He had slowed down a few orcs with some well placed arrows before switching to his sword when he realised that not all of the orcs had fallen for the ambush. That's when everything had just become a blur of sound and movement, a big blur of swords, clubs, arrows and curses. Amaron fought for all he was worth. At some point he had had some difficulties with a particularly nasty orc. The orc had pounded him, leaving him weakened. He did all he could do, hacking and slashing, weakening the orc, but he'd failed to kill him outright. Amaron did not know where the arrow had come from, but he sure was thankful for the help.

Amaron killed off a last orc who was down for the count but still breathing, pulled his sword out of the carcass and wiped it clean on the grass. A proper cleaning would have to wait, but there was no way he'd disrespect his arms by leaving them covered in orcgoo. He heard Revan's command to return to Bree and saw everyone respond to the call. This was the perfect opportunity to dress his wounds. He'd become quite skilled at this over the years, and decided to patch himself up before offering assistance to the others. He retreated into the brush to remove his outer clothes and quickly checked himself. He'd sustained a few massive bruises and suspected some bruised ribs, but nothing appeared to be broken. His undergarments had softened the blows. He smiled to himself, once again amused by the happy side effect of his attire. He quickly and efficiently bandaged his cuts, put his clothes back on and emerged from the bush just in time to see the whole caravan starting up towards Bree. Amaron whistled for his horse. The animal responded instantly, as always, and Amaron joined the others who were waiting to return to Bree.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eros had survived with several small cuts on his arms and a shallow gash on his right cheek, but now he was exhausted. Fatigue pulled at him as he stumbled back into the ruins to collect his horse. He hoped he was up for the ride to come, but knew he'd just have to make do as best he could, orders were orders, and the Rangers would likely vanish again as soon as they had finished their work here, so he had to get back to Bree with the others or be left to fend for himself. Mabeline, his mare, snorted and shied from the smell of blood and death on him, but Eros calmed the mare with a few soft words and managed to mount her without embarrassing himself, despite his weariness. He nudged Mabeline into a trot out to where Raven waited, where he pulled up and took stock of his situation. He had his spear, strapped to his back at the moment, next to his bow, and still full quiver, having been delegated to the front line work, he'd had no chance to empty it into the orc ranks. Judging how things had gone, he wondered now how useful his arrows would have been against their thick armor. His skill was no match for those of the elven archers, and he was worried for the elven lass, now slumping in the saddle before Raven. Eros mumbled a few lines, as they tumbled through his head. He wasn't the most cheerful of fellows on good day, this day left him quite drained of good cheer.

"Blood and souls of elves and men, spilled and soiled in the light of day, by shadows that haunt them still. May they pass in peace to yonder town or western shores, as their heart will. May fortunes and favor be lent to those whose sorrows grow to lessen woes."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
Avatar of WardenCelestine

WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 18 days ago

The Late afternoon had arrived by the time Revan and his squad rode through the eastern gate of Breetown. The sun was setting in the distance, filling the sky with a turquoise and orange sunset, their shadows growing with every moment that passed. A number of guards and Bree citizens gave Revan and his group strange looks not only because of the severely wounded elf that the leader of the squad was swiftly escorting to an Inn but also because of the blood that still covered parts of their gear. "Is that their blood or someone else's?" Revan heard someone say. Another citizen said, "An elf? why is she here? is she dead?" There were many comments of the such before Revan finally came to a stop at an Inn called the Prancing Pony. "Thanneth and Cynraed, I want both of you keep people away from the elf and myself as I move her to the back of the Inn. Eros, you do know where the medic is in town, correct? Go and fetch him immediately. Amaron, take care of our horses and get them to a stable then meet me back here." Sliding off of his horse, he grabbed onto the elf and removed her from the saddle as gently as he possibly could.

Once he had a good grip on the woman, he kicked the back door open to the Inn and thankfully found the hallway empty, besides a couple wall decorations and a single guard who looked over the group with curiosity. "What in the nine hells is going on here? Where did that elf come from and I sure do hope she is alive for your sake if you are looking for a room." Revan walked past the guard with a simple reply. "She was wounded, we need a room for her to rest." The guard raised an eyebrow, "What were you fighting? rock giants or something along those lines?" Revan once again gave a simple reply and tried to make it clear that he needed to move. "No, just Orcs this time, I am wasting time by talking to you, now excuse me and leave my people and myself alone for the night." The guard raised his hands and said "Whoa now, only doing my job here, you never know what is really going on." Revan did not reply this time, he merely kicked the first Inn room door that he came upon and thankfully found it vacant, as if it had been waiting for them the whole time. Placing her down upon the bed, Revan turned around and sat upon a chair next to her, bouncing his left leg up and down while waiting for the medic to arrive.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yes sir!

Eros ran off down the street, surprisingly refreshed after his mid-ride nap. That was a skill he'd learned as a boy, and now found himself sleep riding rather often, if he was with others he trusted. It sure didn't do anything for his arse though, his legs screaming in agony at him as he ran. Eros merely grimaced and pushed on, discomfort was tolerable, failure was not. He reached the healer's combined shop and home and barged through the front door calling her name. A weary groan came from the ceiling, and Eros dashed to the back an up the narrow stairs. He bounced off the door, eliciting a yelp of surprise from inside and a shout to wait a moment, as he tumbled back down the stairs. Thankfully, he'd left his weapons on his horse, or he might have broken a few things, himself included. Rising slowly, Eros shook his head and climbed the stairs again ad began pounding on the door, and yelling for her to hurry up.

Kinge! What are you doing in bed at this time of day? Never mind that, you're needed at the Prancing Pony to treat the wounded, especially an elven lady whose lost a lot of blood already. Get your things and lets go! What's taking so long?

I listen as Kinge mutters to herself and shuffles around in her room. Finally she opens the door, and Eros scoops her up in his arms and dashes down the stairs and out the door, sprinting back towards the inn. Kinge squealed as she was lifted off the ground, but latches on with surprisingly strong hands. She grumbles about rough handling, but doesn't mind to much, knowing that time has never been her friend and that she'd never moved this quickly, even in her prime, some twenty years ago. Eros rushed through the Inn's front door, the nearest entrance, bowling a patron over and earning a scowl from a busy Butterbur. He ignored both and skidded to a stop in front of the open door, and deposited old Kinge gently on her own two feet again, before stepping back and closing the door, as he went to deal with the angry patron and Butterbur. A few apologies and coins later, the matter was suitable settled, and Eros moved to sit in front of the door, exhausted once more, this time with a pint of ale to help him relax.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Yes, sir." Cynraed responded, dismounting quickly and following Revan, doing his best to keep curious citizens away. Thanneth followed at a slower pace, discouraging any who might follow. Together, the elf and the man made an effective deterrent; Cynraed guarded the door, while Thanneth stood somewhat farther away, keeping an eye out for the healer. After she came, the shieldmaid took up post next to Cynraed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dutchess Sarah
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Dutchess Sarah AKA Lavender James

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Amaron merely nodded in reply when Revan ordered him to take care of the horses.
Grabbing his own horse and Revan's by the reins, he turned towards the guard Revan had been speaking to while entering the inn.
"Excuse me, sir, could you direct me to the stables?" His innocent question distracted the guard and prevented him from following Revan, though Amaron did not feel the guard had intended to do so. Anyway. The guard pointed over his shoulder, and Amaron led the two horses away. He saw a few others follow Revan into the inn and caught a glimpse of Tanneth heading off to find the medic. Amaron whistled softly. The horses perked up their ears and followed him towards the stables. Amaron smiled. He had always had a way with animals, and horses in particular. He turned a corner and almost bumped into a stable boy. "Sorry about that!" Amaron flinched and took a quick step back. The stable boy shrugged and looked at the horses that were following Amaron. He followed the boy's glare and said "Yeah, any chance you can show me where I can put these guys? They've had a long day, like the rest of us. A good rub-down and some fresh hay would do them a world of good."

Amaron followed the stable boy down a short path, and into the stables. A number of people were working there, and it didn't take long before all the horses were tucked away, chewing on fresh hay and drinking water while getting the rub down of their lives. Amaron watched for a while, making sure all horses were well looked after before tending to his own horse. The repetitive, almost hypnotic strokes calmed his mind and slowly but surely, the images of the battle faded to the back of his mind. When he felt in control of his own self again, and was sure that all of the horses were calming down under the capable hands of the stable boys, Amaron returned to the Prancing Pony. Either Revan would have more orders, or there'd be food and a chance to rest. All were welcome after a day like today.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by WardenCelestine
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WardenCelestine Warden of the Kaldorei Empire upon Azeroth.

Member Seen 18 days ago

"Hey, hands off, you could have just asked me to leave!" Revan suddenly appeared in the doorway with Kinge pushing him out of the room then slamming the door behind him. "Oh come on, I wish you help you" said Revan, facing the closed door. From inside of the room came a muffled voice, "Just shut up and wait while I keep her alive." Revan tossed his arms into the air then let them fall to his side. "I try to help out and this is what I get, terrific." Turning around quickly, Revan noticed that the rest of his squad had been waiting outside of the room for him. "She just pushed me out of the room when I offered to help, what is that about?" Revan shrugged lightly. Turning to the guard that had been watching the exchange take place with an amused look spread across his face, the ranger tossed a bag of coin at him which in turn he caught with both of his hands.

"Bring that to the owner of the Inn, tell him I want food and drink ready for each of us in our rooms before the hour ends." The guard nodded his head and rushed down the hallway, almost tripping over himself to get to Butterbur. "I am sure the rest of you are tired and worn out from today's battle. Pick a room, go get some rest, and enjoy the meal that had better be coming our way." Walking over to a random room, Revan was about to kick it open when he heard a familiar voice from behind him. "Pardon my intrusion but I heard you were all successful with taking out all the Orcs?" The town's Mayor had heard of their return and personally wanted to congratulate them. The Mayor was a short chubby man with quite the hunger but he knew how to run the town better than anyone else that could hold that position.

After waddling inside, he did his best to bow to the squad. "I must say bravo and fine job to all of you brave soldiers...or is it mercenaries? doesn't matter. I have come to pay you all myself and issue an invitation to a celebration I am having in honor of all the soldiers who took part in today's battle. Would you all do me the honor of attending? There will be food, drink, entertainment of all types and celebration galore! So, what do you all think? some of the others have already arrived and are waiting for you to join them." The mayor cleared his throat then merely stood still, waiting for a reply from the Revan and his squad. Revan thought it over for a while, then replied "We are weary, worn out, and some of us are even injured. Once the wounded have been tended to, I personally shall attend the celebration, but that does not mean my friends here will do the same, they have the choice to do as they see fit."

The mayor quickly responded nodding his head, "Of course, of course, as I said it is merely an invitation to all of you, though I do hope to see you all there." The Mayor quickly bowed once more then left while making quite a bit of noise leaving the building. Turning back to his squad Revan spoke, "If you wish to attend the celebration, please go ahead and do so, if you rather stay here and rest, that is fine as well. I know that some of you are wounded and you need to take care of those injuries immediately before you do anything else. I will wait for those who are going to join me at the celebration outside by the sign for the Prancing Pony." Turning his back to the squad, Revan left without another word.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Tracyarmav
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Tracyarmav Aliit Or'dinii

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eros considered the invitation... It's been quite a day... But, there will be food and beer aplenty, and that was in and of it's self sufficient reason to go for the lad, though he wondered if the elf lady would be okay, then thought about what Kinge would do to him if he voiced his concern and decided he was going. She was a kind patient woman, but few dared to imply that she didn't know her stuff when it came to healing. Apparently the captain had offered his services without sufficient tact to avoid rubbing that nerve, oh well, Kinge really did know what she was doing, and she'd have her patient up and running in no time, well, at least speaking and seeing the captain by breakfast tomorrow. Eros drained his cup, and stood up, burping a tad loudly.

He made his way back to the front of the Inn where he deposited the now empty tankard at the bar. Then he moved outside and went to stand by the sign, to wait for Raven. He thought about getting the horses, but they were just as weary, if not more so, than the band was, so he decided he'd go afoot. It wasn't all that far anyway, so it'd be okay if they walked. He didn't want to offend his own proud mare by getting caught with sent of another horse on him, so he didn't consider renting horses for the night. Eros did think about washing up, but knew he'd fall asleep in the tub and so discarded the idea, with some regret that he'd not be as presentable as he'd hoped he'd be for the ladies.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LadyTale
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LadyTale Ice Knight

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Thanneth sighed slightly after Revan left. Perhaps she would join the celebrations; that, however, depended on the answer to her next question, which she addressed to a random man who crossed her path. "Pardon, sir, but is there another with skill in the healing arts that could aid me?" Normally, she would not ask. However, her injuries were too inconvenient to bind herself. She would need aid.

Unlike the elven shieldmaid, Cynraed was ready to join the celebrations right then and there. Common sense made him exchange his makeshift bandages for better ones, however, before he went to joint the party. With luck, there would be ale where he was going.
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