Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StoneWolf
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StoneWolf Ulvheid, Berserk Warrior of Odin

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

When Shukura told him not to change back he flashed his teeth in a snarl. Did she think he was a pet? He could not help himself but rubbed himself against Shukuras dress and leg as to leave a parting gift as a bit of his fur got stuck on her dress. Shaking his wolverine head as he followed Niall through the tunnel thinking about all that seemed to happen in the ballroom. Those two dragons would tear the place apart if the teachers did not stop them. Joar had caught the scent of more people and turned his head to look back through the tunnel and saw everyone that had joined them, if all of them would be going to Nialls room it would be a helluva party. Smiling inwards he was not prepared for when Niall picked him up and climbed up the ladder. Normally he might have protested about being picked up like a dog but although he could have climbed the ladder he was grateful for Nialls help.

As he had no idea where Nialls room where stood next to Niall sticking his head down the tunnel and his long claws dangerously close to the edge where Shukura would be climbing out. When he knew where they all would be heading he would run to his room and change into some other cloths and join the others in Nialls room. Right now he stood there tilting his head a little to see who and what would be climbing out of the tunnel.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Brodie
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Brodie Sage

Member Seen 3 mos ago


When Joar snarled at him she chuckled, but got a little upset with the hair on her dress. Shu would get him back for that. When Niall helped her out of the tunnel she stretched her arms a little bit and yawned. She was wondering how the party was going, and what that would mean for tomorrow. The staff are definitely going to tighten up some things around here, and that sounded like a drag. Plus what would they do about the human? His presence was sure to cause some problems as well, but Shu was happy to have some new friends to make it great.

"Thanks Niall. Now lets go have fun!" She said with a smile while she brushed her dress off.


Cimi had left the 'ball' extra early. Only staying long enough to get a plate then he scrambled back to his room and put on a t-shirt and basket ball shorts. While he was alone he read a few books and ate the food, but something felt off. Cimi knew it had to do with the ball, and that it was something dangerous.

"Maybe someone died." Cimi said with a shrug of his shoulders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lyla Warren

From the sound of it, the scene in the ballroom was fast spiraling out of control. Considering this, it was no surprise that Lyla agreed wholeheartedly when Laurel spoke of escape. She had no wish to be caught in the middle of the potential chaos, and feared that she would only get injured in such an event. When her new friend whistled sharply she flinched and winced at the sound. It only hurt her sensitive ears because the other student was so near, but Lyla would not hold it against her.

"Hello, Güzel, and thank you again Laurel," she says as the hyena approaches, nervously scratching the back of one leg with the opposite foot. Everything around them seemed tense, like the air right before a heavy storm. Not wishing to be left behind again, she followed the clicks of Güzel's claws on the ballroom floor. She thought as she walked, and then recalled that Laurel had mentioned the others leaving through a trapdoor. Normally Lyla could use her wings to glide and cushion any fall in order to get down from somewhere, but a trapdoor and the tunnel that might would be below it would likely be too narrow for that.

@Aspen Wren

Morgan Selwyn

None of the others seemed to mind his joining him, and so Morgan followed them into and through the tunnel. As they talked to each other he put a name to each face, though he would have to wait to see what the shapeshifter really looked like. The first impression Shukura made on him was one of vanity, while Niall struck him as fairly level-headed considering what was happening in the ballroom behind them. Wondering what might be going on at that moment, he winced at the thought of what it may mean for the next day. Hopefully nobody would get seriously hurt.

Last up the ladder and out of the tunnel, Morgan looks around and recognizes the lounge in the male dorm. Useful bit of knowledge, that. I will have to remember it. The others in the group seemed keen on continuing the party, and he saw no reason to return to the room that he shared with Suley. "Sounds like a plan, if you don't care that I tag along. My name's Morgan. Thanks for the timely exit."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Mr. Ghardelli

Mr. Ghardelli had made his way over to the large cabinet that held the heavy duty potions meant to handle Linches and other powerful beings, dragons included. He swung the cabinet doors open and found the heavier potions that he himself help make labeled "Draconus Inhibitorus". It was specifically designed to handle the strongest of dragons and he felt this would be a time to use it. He quickly swiped it from the shelf, closed the cabinet door and flickered over to the two dragons before tossing one at each as added measure. "Mrs. Langley I'll get Suleykaar you handle the other one." He stated before flickering over to Suleykaar. He quickly tapped the dragons head and with a simple cock of his own Suleykaar gave a screech before dropping to the ground.


His eyes were scanning the entire room as well as his brother in record time. The young dragon took notice to two of the teachers quickly scrambling for small boxes on the wall which he could only guess were for instances like this. He turned to see his brother begin to get up, a deep guttural growl emanated from him as he set his eyes on Sulley. Zhar'Ryk's scales begun to form pon his body as he started to transform only to be stopped by a powerful vile that was in the hands of Mrs. Langley. He felt his ability to transform diminish and stopped in his movements and looked over at her for quite some time. Sulley on the other handhad taken in a deep breath as his chest and throat began to glow bright from the fire building in him only to go wide-eyed followed by a few audible shrieks, releasing flames into the air that disappeared as soon as they came to be. His form returned to the human one which he adorned since his appearance in the school and quickly felt tired. His eyes locked onto Mrs. Langley and Mr. Ghardelli with ferocity. "Fools! What are you doing!? I had this under control! W-What! WHY ARE YOU BINDING ME!?" As he begun his rant, he felt what seemed like shackles begin to bind him in place, holding him firm, his brother would feel the same however his sight would not stray from Mrs. Langley. Sulley looked over at Zhar'Ryk as the bindings took hold of him. However, unlike Sulley he just stood there. But something was off about him and Sulley could tell. "This is bad..." He mumbled under his breath.

Zhar'Ryk had a look in his eyes which gave off this unyielding chill, like that of a seasoned killer. His black eyes slowly began to lighten in color until it was completely white. It was like that one human movie, about a shark. "The thing about a shark it's got lifeless eyes black eyes like a doll's eyes. When it comes at you it doesn't seem to be livin'... until he bites you and those black eyes roll over white." When Sulley first saw that movie, Jaws, if he recalled that that specific scene sent chills up his spine. The reason being is that it reminded him of his brother, the first time he seen why he earned the moniker "Devourer of Dragons". The shrieks and cries for help that came from that poor dragon. It begged for mercy as pieces of its scales and flesh were torn away like a fish being filleted. It wanted to die so badly but his brother, Zhar'Ryk, he wouldn't let him. He would cauterize the spot he took from to stop the loss of blood. But it was the sickening crunch and the bloodcurdling shriek that came from him when his brother bit into the dragons...

Zhar'Ryk looked at Mrs. Langley with wide white eyes and a smile that only an apex predator would give to its trophy prey. "You think your vile and enchanted chains can stop me from achieving what I came here to do, vampire?" Venom was saturated in the word vampire. His attention then turned to Sulley as his head tilted up and to the side, his body swayed slightly before...

CLINK! One step.
CLINK! ANother Step
CLINK CLINK A few more steps. Despite being weighted down by two immobility potions meant for DRAGONS AND enchanted/magical chains, he still continued moving, a testament to the raw power and dragon will that Zhar'Ryk had. Sulley's fear rose as he watched his brother move towards him as if he was a cornered animal ready for the kill. Sulley put up a thick barrier between the two of them but soon enough his heart sunk when he saw his brother reach up and rip it away, the sound of shattering glass the only sign that the barrier was destroyed. It was no more than a few more paces before he was face to face with his little brother. His hand slowly moved up and out towards Sulley as his slightly curved claws dug into Sulley's skin as he lifted him slowly of the ground, Sulley gritting his teeth with a pained growl. [color=black]"See? Even the staff cannot stop me from touching you. You think your safe here? You think this is where you will be protected. I tell you this Sulleykaar. Enjoy your pathetic friends, savor the time you are with them because it will be short." He then tossed him aside like rash before turning his attention to Mrs. Langley. "You cannot stop me. I have been to almost all the realms and no dragon I have met has been able to match me in size and strength so if you think your weak potions are enough to stop me your wrong however I will not waste my time here any longer. I suggest you bulk up on security and forces because I WILL be back and the next time I return- He turned towards the exit and began to walk towards it only to stop at the doorway and turn his head slightly in their direction. "I won't be alone.". Soon enough he was gone and out the door. All of the gaurds had moved out of his way when they saw him coming by. No one should be able to move from those potions! THey were specifically meant for these kind of situations and dangerous creatures but low and behold it seemed that they did not affect him. Needless to saw those who knew about those potions quickly moved while others were forcefully moved by their fellow guardsmen.

Sulley looked over to Kiara and with worried eyes for a brief moment before his expression changed to that of a tense frown then into a serious one. "How did he find me? I left no trace. Nothing...Mrs. Langley I can explain this...Mostly." He looked over at Kiara again. "Please get her patched up."

@Aspen Wren@Silent Observer

(A/N: If someone could puppet Anders to the room if at all possible would be great. Thanks ^^)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

The potion might be working to neutralize Kiara’s magick, but wild fury was still eclipsing her personality. Kiara turned her stony gaze from Zhar’Ryk to the witch professor who had thrown the vial. Kiki would have recognized this person as an ally and advisor, but the monster that stood in her place only saw a new target.

Without thought, the faerie charged at Lily. She might not have magick, but you didn’t need it to take someone to the ground and starting swinging blows. Kiara’s magick was gone, so she wouldn’t have the strength of stone keeping her wounds sealed when Lily inevitably retailiated. The witch held up her hands and sent out a gust of air that knocked Kiki back mid-charge. The wind caught Kiara’s wings and sent her flying backwards, the force of it taking her breath away and clearing her head. Kiki looked back to professor Bertram and, despite her best effort to not seem weak, went into a coughing fit. The muscles that caused her to cough tore open her chest wounds further and she whimpered before pulling her hand from her mouth once the fit seemed to end. Her eyes widened when she saw that the hand she had been coughing into was covered in a spattering of dark blood.

Kiara was trembling. She knew she wouldn’t die, the fey were much harder to kill than that, but she was still in shock. She went from being a spoiled little brat who’d never received a punishment in her life to feeling physical pain for the very first time in a matter of moments. And what for? Being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Sulleykar was staring at her now, perhaps it was just being with the wrong people. “Please get her patched up.” he said as she let her bloodied hand fall to her side and looked away, cheeks burning in shame, yet another new feeling to her.

“Come on, I’ll take you to our healers.” Professor Bertram said to Kiara before cautiously approaching the girl, not sure how volatile she might still be. “I’m sorry I had to do that to you.” her apology was low, hoping that Mrs. Langley wouldn’t hear it. That woman was all about love as tough as nails through the palms.

Eager to no longer feel the eyes of everyone in the room on her for all the wrong reasons, Kiara followed after Lily, coughing here and there as she went. At least the asshole was gone for a little while. Tears welled up in her eyes when she looked down at the tattered dress, she was looking forward to this so much, and now it was all ruined. Thankfully, Lily was silent as her and a few other witches set to patching up her wounds with needles, thread, and just a little bit of magick. Once finished, Lily told her to expect contact from Mrs. Langley and that it would be best to just do whatever she was told when it came to that woman. Lily also informed Kiara that she would be having extra training sessions after class to learn how to control the element within her.

With a heavy heart, Kiara nodded and agreed with what the professor had to say before going on her way. Much like a pouting child, Kiki slunk back to her room and changed out of her tattered dress, which she promptly threw in the garbage, before putting on one of her faerie outfits. She looked in the mirror and realized her glamour was still off, her magick must not be back yet. There were three deep scratches in her stony skin, they were healing, but it didn’t seem like the scars would leave. Her father had told her at a young age that scars were the source of a warrior’s beauty, so they didn’t offend her. What did offend her was that the first ones she wore were not earned in battle. Kiara closed her eyes to blink away tears again before running towards her bed and burying her head in the pillow.

The leathery flap of wings caused her to lift her head a few inches. Persephone perched on the pillow beside the faerie and squeaked. “Where have you been all night, Persy?” Kiara asked and slumped her head back into the pillow as the bat squeaked some more. “No. I’m staying in for the rest of the night. The dance is over.” Persy squeaked again and jumped on the faerie’s head, messing up her hair. “Look, I said no! Go away!” Kiara grumbled and swatted at the tiny creature. More disgruntled squeaks. “A bat person? That’s what this is about? You saw a bat person and you want me to me her.” Persy stared at Kiki with contented black eyes and stopped squeaking. Kiara sighed and sat up in the bed “Alright, alright. But only because I love you and I've never seen such a thing. Come on, lead me to her.” She got up and followed after the excited bat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Gliding across the floor of the ballroom as she always did Laurel moved with the grace of a predator, things were calming down now but Kiara was in a load of trouble. She wasn't sticking around to find out how much trouble her roommate was in. It was a wonder they hadn't come close to killing her and everyone in participation. The professors would be spending the next several weeks beefing up the portals. They would honestly probably be locking them down until the school year was over. Those who were going to leave would leave and those who needed to stay would stay.

Not to far behind was the lumbering hyena who threw up her hackles as she encountered Anders, "Güzel, do leave the man alone." She did not look towards the other human or the hyena as she called the instruction quietly. The large creature reacted without noise, lowering the long hair along her spine and turning her face away from the man. "I do believe now would be a good time to see your friend, Felix." She called as she dipped down into the start of the tunnel. As the hyena reached the edge Laurel dipped her head at the animal, and she leapt down to Laurel who sat her down inside the tunnel carefully.

"Lyla there is a hole here for the tunnel and a ladder to climb down, Laurel stated from the bottom of the tunnel looking up and out. She could see Anders heading away from them, towards where Kiara and Suley were being temporarily detained. They would be herded carefully to the infirmary which was underground and questioned from there. She wanted no part of all of that.


Coming up through the tunnel was easy and Niall headed the elevator lobby with the crew of people who'd joined him. They made their way in the elevator and up to the third floor where his room was. "My room is 308 Joar. We'll get off and then you can go where you need to." Niall commented easily and then stepped off the elevator and headed for his room. It was just down the hall to the left of the elevator.

Niall quickly keyed into his room and let them all in as he looked around his space, the one he shared with Cimi. They had a living area and it was sleek and modern with a small sofa and a love seat as well as a glass coffee table and end tables. All made with ebony wood accents and clearly top of the line. Niall headed for the bar that pulled out away from the wall on sliders in the floor. Almost all Lycans drank, heavily but since their bodies worked so quickly and their temperatures ran so high most of the alcohol evaporated before it was absorbed and was simply belched out. As long as you recognized your company for what they were and ignored the burping everyone got along fine, wolves never got drunk. Well almost never.

"Everyone can come around and get what they like. The glasses are in the cupboard in the kitchenette. The one to the left of the sink." He pulled out his trusty whiskey glass and his whiskey stones from the fridge under the bar and poured a glass of his favorite.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StoneWolf
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StoneWolf Ulvheid, Berserk Warrior of Odin

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

As the others came up the tunnel the wolverine looked them over and then turned to follow Niall to the elevator. When they get off and he is told where Niall's room is he nods his wolverine head and starts running to the right, as he is running he shifts back to his human form. What would the harm be in that. All anyone would see would be his backside as he quickly heads to his room. When he enters the room his thoughts are all over the place. What did happen in the ballroom now? What effects would this have for the rest of the students? All as he did pull out new clothes and putting on a pair of jeans and a dark-green t-shirt. After a quick look in the mirror he nodded and headed towards Nialls room.

Then Joar headed towards Niall's room feeling a lot more calmer now that now more sound had echoed from the ballroom. As he came upon the room he knocked hard once before entering. As he stepped in he took a look at everyone in the room before walking up to Niall and smiled "Mind if I have some of that?" He said pointing to what Niall was drinking before actually taking a glass and pouring himself something to drink. He then looked around the room to see who had followed them to Nialls room and what everyone was doing. Still it felt more at home here then in the ballroom and the suit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lyla Warren

To distract herself from the commotion in the center of the room, Lyla focused on the hyena in front of her and the path that would lead them all away from the frightening dragons. Besides, her head was already starting to ache. Hopefully the tunnel would be relatively dark and offer her eyes some rest for a few moments. Ahead of her, Laurel addressed Güzel and someone evidently named Felix. She did not stop, however, and moments later she heard the relatively heavy footfalls of the other person heading in the opposite direction.

At the edge of the trapdoor leading down into the tunnel and escape, Lyla shifted nervously. By then, things had quieted down considerably and she could hear well enough to remember that she wasn't just a normal girl. She started to hum a melody, listening close for the qualities of sound that would denote an echo rather than her original voice. In this way she was able to find the ladder easily and move down it without any issue. As soon as her head was below floor level, her song made it so that she was able to 'see' nearly the entire length of the tunnel, including the door that had been left open at the other end.

Despite the stressful situation they had just left behind Lyla smiled over at Laurel, who was now much easier for her to locate. Ending her humming for the moment, she spoke up. "Glad we got out of there. I hope nobody was really hurt. Let's go see what happened to the others. This was supposed to be fun, and we should try to salvage it if we can. No way I'm sleeping tonight after all that anyway."

Morgan Selwyn

Morgan followed Niall into the elevator, and spent his time staring into space and wondering if he should have stayed behind. The staff had likely intervened by now, but since he was here and not there he would not know until later how bad things had truly gotten. Thinking on this only made him dread returning to him room later even more, and he was glad to have the opportunity to hide out among the others for the next while.

Hands in his pockets, Morgan stayed a little behind the others as Niall led them to his room. Joar had split off from the group after the elevator ride, already shifting back in preparation to dress himself and rejoin them. Everyone else continued on to the well appointed room that belonged to the Lycan and his roommate. Overall, it was a much more comfortable space for the Warlock than the ballroom had been.

At the mention of getting drinks, Morgan retrieved a cup for himself from the described cabinet. For at least a solid minute, he looked at the various bottles. Having only had alcohol previously in the form of the occasional glass of ceremonial wine, he didn't really know what he was looking at. In the end, he decided to go for a simple glass of water. It was the easiest option available, and wouldn't give him a headache in the morning.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Aspen Wren

Suley stood there, accepting the magical shackles that bound him in place, recounting the events that led up to the chaos that hd ensued tonight. A simple dance turned horrible for many but for Sulley, a nightmare. "Sulleykaar what in the world were you thinking inviting that...beast of a brother of yours, hm? Do you have any idea how many lives you had put in danger?"
"I didn't- he- M-Mr. Ghardelli please- Dammit sesnack will you let me speak!"
"Not just students but their families and friends and the staff here as well. And to top it off, Mrs. Langley is beyond furious. It took her days if not weeks to prepare all this, prior to the Ball's announcement and to have it ruined by a family feud? - NO I WILL LET YOU TALK! YOU WILL WHEN I AM FINISHED!

The Philosophy teacher wouldn't let the young dragon get a word in. He rather give him the verbal reprimand and leave the punishment to Mrs. Langley since, if it were up to her, he would be gone. However in Sulley's defense, he had made several attempts to hold back his brother. This of course when Mrs. Langley went to discipline him Mr. Ghardelli would be there to help lower both Sulley's and Kiara's punishment. Or at least attempt to. "Now that I finished saying what I want, no, need to know is why you let him come here." Sulley could feel he blood falling from his chest, even if it was healing. His head cocked to the side as he snorted out a plume of smoke. He looked into the vampires icy eyes. Funny, even though the teachers eyes hard a cold outer shell the held a overt warmth to them. He really did care about his students. "As I tried to say. I don't have a clue as to how he found me..." He looked down at the chains that glowed, the same chains that held him still. His hands glowed with a reddish gold and soon enough they fell off of him as he took in a deep breath.

"I promise you, on the word of a dragon, I WILL get to the bottom of this. But for now please try to keep Mrs. Langley at bay. I need to do some research." He swiftly began to leave the ballroom, his cellphone in hand as he pressed [1] as he followed Andersen's scent.

Felix Andersen

"How did - it go - again? Uhhhhhhh....Oh....I CAN SHOW YOU DA WOOOORLLLLLLD-" Well, it was needless to say that Anders was a bit beyond drunk. By the time they he had reached the door he was exhausted, more mentally than anything. He had been offered some alcohol, something he never had before...though that was not entirely true. He had ale before but that was nothing compared to hard liquor. So instead of sipping it like one usually would, he chugged a bit before passing it, mostly likely against what the others thought. He was from older times when that was acceptable and even though he was in a more modern world he still would slip back into the old ways he used to live. He sat on the side of the group on a chair next to a desk, his long sword and greatsword laid against the wall except for his one. "You know. Your all great...Shpecieshs of people. In fact-" He started to say as he struggled to stand. "- I think I feel comfortable enough to tell you all a little bit about Sulley and I." He looked over at the group with a smile before it changed to that of urgency as he bolted in the direction that he assumed was a bathroom, his armour clanking and chinking along the way. A brief pause befoe he came darting back the other way, nearly knocking over one of the students as he made his way to a window, leaned out of it, and relieved himself of some of the alcohol in his system. "That...Elixir...Ispowerfu-bleh"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Persephone took off in a flutter down the hall. Kiara closed the door behind her before taking off and giggling after the silly bat. “Wait up! No fair, I can’t use my wings yet!” she called. Faerie wings were mostly just for show, faeries fly using magic, and Kiki’s magic was still hindered by whatever potion Professor Bertram had used on her.

The bat was leading her through some dark tunnels that Kiara didn’t even know existed. Truth be told, this was one of the coolest places she’d seen here thus far, they reminded her a bit of the underbelly of the castle at home. She made a note to visit these again when she wasn’t struggling to keep up with Persy and could explore more.

Kiara had no idea if Persephone was following a scent trail or some weird bat sense, but she was sure on a mission. Soon enough, Kiki found herself climbing back out of the tunnels and into a different hallway. Kiara turned a hard corner as she chased after the bat, still giggling and accidentally plowed into a couple of girls. “Oof, sorry! I was just following my--” Kiki then realized that the girl she had ran into was Laurel. “Oh, hi!” she chirped and then looked over to the other girl while Persy perched on her shoulder and squeaked. “You must be the bat girl Persephone wanted me to meet.” Kiara smile was harsh and sharp, but genuine none-the-less. “I’m Kiara, I room with Laurel. And this-” she gestured to the bat on her shoulder “Is Persy!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Laurel braced for the impact as soon as she saw Kiki barreling towards them after her bat, not paying a bit of attention. She could tell the other girl never even saw them, as such she placed herself squarely in front of the other girl behind her not wanting to let the girl get hit. She nodded when Kiara spoke to her, she could only imagine the amount of trouble that her roommate was in at this point in time. There was no way Langley was going to let her get off without at least some time in the stables mucking stalls or something else highly undesirable like cleaning toilets and floors.

She could hear people laughing amiably not too far down the hallway a bit, "This is Lyla, she's a Splice. We're headed to Niall's if you want to come Kiki." Laurel offered as she glanced down the hall towards the doorway she knew led into Niall's room. He was smoking hot but he never seemed interested in anyone, especially a Gifted like herself but she wasn't specifically worried about it. She knew he was a powerful heir and probably had an arranged mating sometime in the very near future. It was common and any she wolf would be privileged to have him as a mate.

Brushing her long, thick, black hair behind her ear once more as she looked at Kiki who'd already changed clothes. She would stay in the gown she was in. If she ruined it she would get another one, her mother would never let her wear it again anyways since it was "trashy" and only poor people wore clothes more than once. She never seemed to notice when Laurel wore tops or jeans more than once though, probably because they weren't as spectacular as a gown, less details to recognize them by. She was certainly quite contrary in all things concerning clothing and her children. No one prayed to her mother for anything other than heart stopping clothing and violence. Laurel was a near reincarnate, not quite the level of her mother who was a perfect. She had more of her own personality and less of the goddess flooding her brains. Her mother's goddess did not understand that she did not have her full powers anymore because her mother had not ever undergone the ceremony.

"Anyways, I'm going to go ahead and get in on the liquor before Niall drinks it all. His room is 308." Laurel bobbed her head at the other girls, leaving Lyla in the hands of her roommate. She headed easily down the hall in the tall heels. She ran her hands through her hair, it was beginning to get a large number of waves in it as the night drew on and thus sliding out from it's tamed place to surround her face and frame it. Her brother always said she looked like the true Bastet, she was graceful, powerful, and cunning. She was his opposite, truly something to behold in his eyes. He was a rough sketch while she was a refined masterpiece. She moved silently as she slipped inside the room, finding several of the others who had been in the ballroom and had fled shortly before she and Lyla had.


Niall laughed, a deep rumbling sound as his wolf chortled along with him, amused at the situation at hand. Niall had already shed his tux coat and the white shirt beneath it baring his well muscled and defined chest. The world around him was at ease and Niall was the king of his own world. This was his domain and his people thrived here in his own tiny palace of sorts. He thanked the moon that his brethren had not shown their faces and their wolves on this night and he could truly be himself and not the heir he was required to be in the presence. It was truly wonderful, he was kind young man but he had a will of steel and the jaws to match when need be.

He'd taken to just sipping his prized whiskey while the others chattered and he noticed Laurel slipping into the party. He grinned widely as he saw her, he was one of the few people on campus who truly knew what the girl was capable of. She'd gained expert control of her gifts in the last several years they'd spent here. She'd nearly killed several other students their first year here. She had a very well hidden power aside from her obvious ones. "Laurel!" He howled loudly of the music that was playing in the room, it was a catchy human tune that had a good beat for dancing.

He rounded the edge of the bar to go grab ahold of her but she was across the room as silently and as quickly as only she could. She was really showing her gifts now. Most never saw her move any faster than a human, but Niall knew better than that. That cat eyed gaze made his wolf restless and want to run and hunt. She bounced up to sit on the counter in his kitchen and he chuckled at her antics. "For everyone who doesn't know this is the ever lovely Laurel." He gestured to her figure on the counter with a large hand and nodded his head at her as he spoke. She raised a hand and waved as she pulled a glass from the cabinet and filled it with tap water, boring as ever and still not drinking as his aforementioned incident several years ago.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by StoneWolf
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StoneWolf Ulvheid, Berserk Warrior of Odin

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Joar had been drinking a fair amount of the whiskey but not overly much as he tried to get a chance to introduce himself to everyone that showed up at Nialls room. As Niall pointed out Laurel to them Joar looked over at the girl and was amazed that he had not seen her enter or even noticed her moving across the room. But then again this was a place for magic and other abilites so he just smiled and lifted his glass.
"It is nice to meet all of you and if it will keep being like this I will really enjoy it here. Niall thanks for the hospitality and the drinks. And welcome Laurel here I hope there will be more fun then in the ballroom." He said really feeling good about this despite all that had happened in the ballroom. Joar tilted his head slightly thinking back to it and laughed about how crazy it had gotten in such a short time.

He did place himself against a wall close to the kitchen counter just because he could see as much as possible from there and he was not much for dancing even though he enjoyed the music flowing in the room right now. It was clear that many of them in the room knew each other from before and that made him feel a bit left out but still he hoped he would be able to become friends with as many of them as possible. Taking another sip of the whiskey he felt it's warmth flow through is body and having him relax a bit more as his gazed stayed on Laurel a bit before he looked at everyone in the room smiling.

@aspen wren
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

Morgan sat huddled in the corner of a couch, mostly just watching the others have a good time. It seemed like everyone else knew each other a little, or at least were comfortable enough to have a good time. He couldn't quite say the same for himself, and was squandering the chance to remedy that. Some of them seemed to be going a little overboard already. Even the warlock had laughed and winced along with the others as the addled human had the misfortune of being the first to lose the contents of his stomach.

When Laurel was pointed out, Morgan watched her from across the room. She had a natural grace about her, even in the midst of something so simple as grabbing a drink. Without looking away from her, he reached toward his water to take a drink. When the liquid finally his his throat and he swallowed, he immediately started to sputter and cough, slamming the cup back onto the table. He had grabbed the wrong cup, and the strong amber colored liqueur burned his throat. Mostly concerned with that, he didn't even consider finding out who the drink belonged to or apologizing to them. Snatching up the proper glass this time, he gulped down cool water in an attempt to soothe his throat.

Lyla Warren

When Lyla heard the pounding footsteps of someone else running it stood out to her so much in comparison to Laurel that it drew her curiosity and her ears perked toward the noise. Whoever it was, they were getting closer, and fast. By the time the Splice figured out that the other person was headed directly for her, she already heard the muffled impact of them colliding with Laurel. Lyla couldn't help it as Kiara made her introductions; she smiled and laughed. Even though she couldn't see it, something about the scene in front of her struck her as funny. Other people were laughing too, even as Laurel introduced her in turn.

"Hi, Kiara and Persy," she said, still giggling a little as Laurel moved on to join the others. Lyla felt a flutter of nervous energy as the only person she had really met so far abandoned her to the company of a relative stranger. At least she wasn't on her own again, and Kiara at least sounded like a nice person. They were all there to learn and meet new people after all, so there was no point in shying away.

"Did you want to go join the others? Sounds like they found a place to have some fun even after what happened, and I certainly can't sleep right now." She didn't mention that it would be difficult for her to figure out which number belonged to which room. Hopefully she would be able to follow Kiara, but if not she was sure she would be able to figure it out.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

Persephone stared at the splice, curiously cocking her tiny bat head to the side. “Oh don’t be rude, Persy!” Kiara chided. Unseelie or not, all faeries abhorred rudeness. “Stop staring and go say hello.” Persy flitted off of Kiki’s shoulder and onto Lyla’s, squeaking few times as a greeting. Laurel mentioned heading off to grab some liquor and a good time before leaving the Kiki with Lyla. Kiki’s pointed ears perked up excitedly at the possibility of salvaging this night.

“Did you want to go join the others? Sounds like they found a place to have some fun even after what happened…” Kiara’s eyes flashed red at the reminder of the evening’s preceding events - a dark, furious red, not to be confused with the lustful scarlet that complimented her face well. Upset or not, Kiara’s face still flushed with embarrassment.

Shaking that feeling away, Kiki nodded. “Are you kidding?!” she asked in a jarringly chipper tone. “I live to party, you’ll see!” Kiara excitedly grabbed the girl’s wrists and tugged her off in the direction that Laurel had went. “What number did she say? 308?” Kiki scanned the labels on the doors until she found 308. She didn’t have to read the label to know this was the place, though. You could hear the music and that chatter through the door, especially with supernatural hearing.

For a quick second, Kiki was nervous that the kids inside would see her as the girl that had ruined the ball, but that thought was fleeting. Even if they did judge her, their negative feelings would only serve to satiate her hunger. So, dramatic as ever, Kiara swung the door open wide and made her grand entrance. “Fear not, the party has arrived!” she cheered with her arms flung high above her head. She made her way through the crowd with Lyla in tow. Most of the students had cups in their hands, and Kiki managed to snag two empty ones for the splice and herself. Kiki sniffed the cup she had kept for herself and made a grossed out face before shrugged her shoulders. “Oh well… I wonder if they’ve got anything as strong as Elven wine,” she said as she picked up a bottle of mysterious amber liquid. “Ever had Elven wine? It’s the strongest in all of Faerün.” she asked Lyla before inspecting the bottle’s label. “Hmm… wuh-hiss-key! Did I say that right?” English wasn’t her first language, and human words sometimes escaped her due to her lack of experience with them.

Regardless of pronunciation, Kiki poured a rather unhealthy amount in both of the cups. “To new friends, and an endless night.” Kiara held up her cup in cheers, whilst wearing a razor sharp grin before downing nearly half the cup. Although the liquid was cold to the touch, it felt like fire in her throat, and she let out a dainty cough after swallowing it. “Well, I’d say that’ll do.” she said with a chuckle and then glanced around the room in search of a familiar face. In time, she found one: Morgan. Kiara remembered how the kiss on his cheek had affected him earlier and smirked devilishly as she sauntered over to where he sat on a couch, This night could be very fun indeed...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lyla Warren

Lyla managed not to flinch when the bat landed on her bare shoulder, and instead smiled and reached a hand up towards it. Her fingers touched lightly on a wing first, then traveled up to Persy head to greet her with a gentle scratch between the ears. There wasn't much time to spend loving on the little creature though, as Kiara was clearly intent on going wherever the party was. Rather than object, Lyla giggled and ran along with the tugging at her wrists. They hadn't gone far before Lyla realized she wouldn't have needed the faerie's lead, as there was really only one room making enough noise to be connected to a party.

When Kiara burst into the room, Lyla was close behind her. While her own entrance was far less dramatic, that suited her just fine. Dramatic for her usually meant falling on her face, or all over someone else. From the general smell of the room, she could tell that nearly everyone, if not all of them, were drinking one form of alcohol or another. Lyla followed carefully as Kiara guided her through the room, and frowned when she was asked about Elven wine.

"Well, I've never really had alcohol... They always said I was too young, that it could have some adverse effects..." Lyla doubted Kiara even heard her as she went on to ask about pronunciation. "Um, close enough," she managed before accepting the glass. Nervously, she brought the cup up under her nose. The scent of the whiskey burned her nostrils, and as Kiara made her toast the Splice braced herself. Raising her cup marginally before she tipped it back, Lyla took a hearty swallow. The burning in her throat immediately caused her eyes to water, but she fought the urge to cough and sputter. The liqueur was pleasantly warm now that it was in her stomach. Figuring it was likely an acquired taste, she took another small drink from her cup.

Lyla didn't notice at first when Kiara moved towards the couch, and as such missed her chance to follow. Shrugging, she looked for a place to sit. Not wanting to be in the middle of everything just then, she pushed herself up to sit on a counter-top. Persy, still on her shoulder, had begun to climb her hair and ended up sitting between her ears. Smiling, Lyla reached up to pull the tiny furry body into her lap, where she could better pet and play with it.

Morgan Selwyn

His coughing fit having ended, Morgan sat back in the couch and closed his eyes just before the door burst open. Glancing over he saw Kiara, apparently as cheerful as ever despite what had happened earlier. She certainly didn't look distressed to him. Gray eyes followed her as she moved through the room and secured drinks for herself and a girl in a yellow dress. After taking a moment to look the other girl over, he recognized her as a Splice he had seen earlier that morning. Lyla, he recalled her name to be. They both seemed intent on continuing the party just as everyone else had. He certainly wouldn't complain that they had come, he just hoped it didn't foreshadow the arrival of others who had been involved in the incident.

Kiara got a drink for herself and Lyla, and Morgan couldn't help smiling at her enthusiasm. After she downed most of what she had poured for herself, the Faerie started looking about the room. He didn't quite manage to look away before her eyes settled on him, and he tried to make himself look busy with his own drink. She was already on her way over though, wearing a smirk that looked as dangerous as she did beautiful.

Ah, well, what's the worst that could happen? Morgan asked himself as she drew closer, and he raised a hand in a small wave. "Hey, Kiara. Glad you made it," he said in greeting, tactfully avoiding any mention of the ball earlier. He very much doubted she wanted to discuss or even hear about it at this point.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

The faerie very intentionally added some extra swaying of her hips as she made her way over to the warlock, drink in hand. The foreign alcohol had succeeded in not only burning her throat, but now it made all of her insides feel warm and tingly. Morgie raised his hand and gave her a small wave. ”Hey, Kiara. Glad you made it,” he said.

Briefly she wondered if he meant that, but shrugged that off. If he didn’t mean it now, she would make sure that he meant it by the end of the night. Kiara lost her balance for a second, resulting in her plopping down on the couch beside him rather ungracefully. Giggles bubbled up in her throat as she did so. “My, my, this stuff hits much harder than mead.” she remarked, her stoney complexion flushed with the effects of the alcohol. Faerie mead was the most popular drink in Faerün. It was a sickeningly sweet honey wine - but that is how the fey loved it- and it was often used as a means to trap humans.. No foreigner can return from Faerün if they partake of any faerie food or drink, but that was neither here nor now...

Kiki smiled at Morgan before tucking her foot up underneath her butt and settling to get comfy in the couch next to him. “What are you drinking?” she asked before peeking into his cup and observing the clear liquid. Kiara sat back and gave him a look of judgement. “That best not be what I think it is! I mean, I get that water is kind of your thing and all but--” her eyes lit up a sparkling yellow at the realization of what she just said. “Oh! Make something pretty with it, please! For me?” She asked and fluttered her eyelashes faster than hummingbird’s wings. Expecting that he would oblige and demonstrate a little show of magic, she went to excitedly clap her hands and forgot that she was holding a cup, and spilled a small amount of whiskey on herself which only served to bring on another burst of giggles.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

He had begun to follow the scent of Andersen until the scent of iron enveloped his nostrils. Sulley looked down at his clothing and frowned. '$8,000 suit...ruined...Thank you brother.' He turned away from his original direction and instead made his way to his dorm room, hoping to change. He pulled out his phone once more, hoping to get in touch with Andersen.




"Hey this is Felix Andersen.....Wait. All I have to do is talk into this space here and it'll pick up my voice? How does tha- BEEEP"

"Dammit Andersen. What in hell is keeping you from answering your DAMN PHONE!"


He had sat in the corner of the room, regaining his equilibrium after the fiasco with the whiskey. His eyes were focused and the room still spun and he could feel himself start to dehydrate. He looked around the room until his eyes lock onto Niall. "Excuse me, Niall? would you mind helping me out here. I first need some water and then if you or anyone else can help me out of this armour that would be great. It's definitely getting hot under here." He used the table next to him to stand up as he made his way over to the couch nearest Morgan. Once there, he removed his eagle sculpted spaulders, allowing the cloth that hung from it to drop to the floor open. "Alae deferent, Ungues defendere, unum corpus", was inscribed on the cloth as well as a well designed dragon and eagle, both of which seemed to hold a large sword. It was only minutes later did an ever familiar voice pierce trhough the room. Kiara had managed, despite what had happened, to come to the "after party" of sorts. Andersen looked over at her, only making eye contact once before he looked back at his armour and continued to take parts of it off. After he managed to get his left bracer off, he noticed that he had dropped his phone and saw that there was a missed call from Sulley. 'Dammit'. He sent him a quick text:

Sulls, it's Felix. In room 308? I think. A lot of your classmates are here as well as Kiara I think. If you can stop by when you get a chance."

Sulley had gotten back to his room safely, minus the blood that trickled along his pave, leaving a slightly smoky smell in the hallway. Once inside he made his way to his closet and set out a new set of clothes. Brown dress shoes with khaki slacks, white shirt and overalls with a black fedora with a brown strap. Classy look, it reminded him of the 40s, or was it the 20s? He didn't remember nor care. He took off his old suit and chucked it into the trash since any form of salvage was nigh impossible or improbable. He hoped into the shower and let the water run down him. He sat there quietly, listening to the water hit the bottom surface of the shower.

Of all the childish things I could have done...It had to be that. He could hear the water run down the drain. In silence he stood. After about 15 minutes or so he was changing into his newly set clothes, the phone on his bed had buzzed. Sulley looked down and snorted a puff a smoke. "Finally..." He picked up his phone, swiped off the lock screen and read the text message. No emotion showed on his face. "I have to apologize..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aspen Wren

Aspen Wren

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Niall's massive frame quaked with good natured laughter as he watched his friends move about the room. Especially Kiara who seemed fascinated with his whiskey. "Easy on the whiskey there love. It's a wee bit stronger than elven wine." He rumbled to the faerie. She was wild and raucous, seeking out the party like a life line. It wasn't hard to tell that she was of the dark court. He inhaled deeply, his mouth slightly open as he looked around at all of the people here. It was Laurel though that caught his eye, she was regal in the utmost of the word. She was not wild as most were, she was eerily silent. He turned his eyes away from her when someone spoke his name.

"Aye, Laurel dear, can you throw me a bottle of water." He nodded at the man who was here with the dragon, the haughty dragon who had both insulted Laurel and her mother. Niall wasn't one to face off with anyone other than his packmates and other Lycans. The only person who had sway over Niall was his father. Laurel seemed to disappear as she moved across the room to the bar. She was nearly invisible even to his keen eyes. Her dark hair settled around her as she leaned down to get a bottle from the fridge under the bar. She tossed the bottle across to him without looking as she scanned through the other items in the fridge, settling on a small bottle of sprite that he had in there for mixed drinks.

Niall turned away from her to hand the bottle to Anderson, "What do you need help with getting off?" Though he was quite curious as to why anyone would put on anything that they could not get on and off by themselves the large male did not comment otherwise. It seemed rather silly if he was being honest but his face belied nothing. He kept a straight face with a small grin that was more like bared teeth. It was just the manner in which his facial expressions occurred rather than something that was intentionally done. He ran a hand through his hair, when he went to look back at Laurel she had disappeared and made her way back to the counter. He looked across the small space at the faerie and the Splice who was with her, "Aye, I've not yet introduced myself. I am Niall Collins, eldest son of Vincent and Emelia Collins, Alpha Pair to the North American Pack." He wasn't one for shaking hands, it just wound up starting a fight among Lycans so it had become a habit to not do so.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Morgan Selwyn

When Kiara all but fell onto the couch next to him, Morgan couldn't help the small smile that crept across his lips. For his part, the single gulp of whatever alcohol he had accidentally consumed was sitting warmly in the pit of his stomach and doing what little it could to loosen his tongue. For a moment he considered using his magic to neutralize the feeling, but that seemed to go against the spirit of the gathering. When the Faerie began to inquire about his drink, the warlock immediately rolled his eyes and warm blood started to creep up to his cheeks again. Of course she would expect him to loosen up a little more, and why shouldn't he? They were supposed to be among friends, right?

"Alright, alright, just give me a moment," he said in reply to her request, setting his cup on the table and wrapping his fingers around the base of it. As Morgan focused, the water began to stir as though he were tipping the cup the back and forth. It occurred to him that making some art for Kiara would leave him without a drink for the time being, and he wondered if that was her intent after all. He decided it didn't really matter all that much, a choice that came easily considering who was making the request. Taking a deep breath, the warlock turned all of his attention to the water and began shaping it with his will.

The water level within the glass started to fall as a portion of it rose up above the lip of the cup. There, the ball of liquid seemed to unfold, slowly taking the shape of a lotus flower. Even as the petals found their final shape, frost started to creep upwards from the bottom of the glass, cementing the stem of the flower to a base of ice and eventually lending the entirety of the small sculpture crystalline solidity. Not quite finished, Morgan made minor adjustments to the structure of the ice until surface of the lotus petals began to refract the light. A faint rainbow of color played through the flower and the glass beneath when he was finished.

The process took two full minutes to complete, during which Morgan's attention was directed solely toward the water and ice. Once he was done, he let out a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and raised a hand to rub at his temple. Work so delicate taxed the limited control he had over his abilities and almost always left him with a mild headache. He considered it worth it though, offering the sculpture glass and all to Kiara.

"Well, what do you think?" he asked, holding the flower out to her. "Careful, it's pretty fragile."

Lyla Warren

Lyla sat on the edge of the counter, idly kicking her feet while she played with Persy. Occasionally, she would take up her cup from the counter next to her and take a small sip of the burning liquid. It wasn't so bad now as it had been at first, but it wasn't long before the alcohol started to have a serious effect on the rather lightweight Splice.

"Hello, Niall! My name is Lyla Warren. I never really knew my biological parents, but the man who made me what I am was called Geoff Higgins," she blurted cheerfully, swaying back and forth slightly in her seat. Lyla's wings extended past her shoulders in an effort to help her maintain her balance, but didn't seem to be helping very much. She giggled and smiled widely as Persy fluttered back up to the top of her head, and she started to hum along to whatever random tune was running through her head. Due to the state she was in, the song ended up coming out horribly mangled and with inconsistent rhythm.

After less than a minute of humming, Lyla was reduced to a fit of giggling at her own inability to carry a tune. During that fit, she ended up leaning much too far to one side. Persy took flight as the petite Splice slid off the edge of the counter with a startled "Oop!" and crashed to the ground on her side. Groaning softly and holding her head, she managed to maintain her smile as she pushed herself into a kneeling position with her free hand. Still somewhat disoriented from the fall, she resigned herself to sitting back against the base of the counter and laughing at herself. Lost and forgotten, her cup had ended up spilling across the counter when Lyla lost her balance.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Grimoire Gaming
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Grimoire Gaming Unseelie Faerie

Member Seen 2 days ago

“Aye, I’ve not yet introduced myself. I am Niall Collins, eldest son of Vincent and Emelia Collins. Alpha Pair to the North American Pack.” Spoke a tall handsome male, the same who had commented on her alcohol intake. She had simply rolled her eyes and laughed off the comment earlier, but now the warning made more sense. Kiki was in no state to stand up quickly and give a proper curtsy, so she bowed her head in acknowledgment. “I am called Kiara, a faerie of the Unseelie Court.” Of course, Kiara wasn’t her full name, when a faerie revealed their full true name to another, that would give them control of their life. She also decided not to boast about her heritage. Even if some whispers were already swirling through the rumor mill because of her father’s unplanned visit, she had no desire to solidify them. Kiki wanted to remain as anonymous as possible, she was sick of being treated differently because she was royal… well, in some ways, at least. She still very much liked being a spoiled.

When Lyla struck up conversation with Niall, Kiara turned her attention back to Morgan, who was staring very intently at his glass of water. The liquid had begun to stir as if he were physically moving the cup, but he wasn’t. Even something so simple caused the faery’s mouth to fall agape in a small ‘o’. The water crawled up along the center and took the shape of a lotus flower. Frost cemented the flower in place and gave it a solid shape. Even in this rough form, it was utterly captivating. Kiara leaned forward, watching in awe as Morgan put the finishing touches on his masterpiece. The shiny ice flower now acted as a prism, bending light into rainbows that danced around the room.

“Well, what do you think?” Morgan asked as he offered the sculpture to her. Kiara was stunned speechless, she looked child who just woke up to see a huge pile of presents under the Christmas tree. Her eyes didn’t know where to settle, scampering back and forth between the flower and his face. Sure, many had tried to win her favor before, but never did one offer her something so beautiful. Kiki realized she should probably actually reach her hands out to accept the gift now. “Careful, it’s pretty fragile.” he warned as she took it. An unnecessary warning because, although she did just spill her drink like a fool, nothing in the universe could make her drop this. ”It’s -- it’s so lovely!" she cooed. "It reminds me of the Winter Court, oh this would fit right in! I should take you there!” she was rambling in her gratitude before she looked up to meet his gaze.

While holding the sculpture carefully in her left hand, Kiara leaned in to press her whiskey-kissed lips against his. She had no desire to cut the moment short, even going so far as to intensify the kiss by pulling his face closer with her right hand. It was a bold move - bold and claiming, but such was the way of the Unseelie. The Unseelie were as unlikely to ask for permission as they were to beg or plead, they were proud creatures who saw what they wanted and took it. Sure, that probably sounds like the way a rapist or thief might think, and it is! Looks can be deceiving - The Dark Ones are cunning and lethal, and it is very dangerous to think of them in any other way.

Pulling out of the kiss, Kiara looked anything but dark. Her cheeks were flushed and her previous yellow eyes were shimmering with a flirtatious pink hue. “Thank you! I love it.” she said as she looked down at the lotus, her fingers still tangled lightly in his hair.
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