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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Just... One more time..." A young man panted to himself, his feet digging into the warm sand that covered the beach. Well, it wouldn't have been a beach without sand, that's like it's defning feature other than water. A beach wasn't a beach if it didn't have sand and water. Sand, small microbes of rocks and other things, like shells, that got just about everywhere. The rocks were usually brought down to that size because of the waters, which eroded the rocks over many, many years. He wondered what Ember Island would have been like centuries ago when the world was new, and did not have time to erode rocks, dirt, and other materials into sand. he wondered-

Masaru shook his head. He needed to stop procrastinating and get back to his forms. Beads of sweat trickled from his face. They hit the small particles of assorted mat-

"Gah!" He roared, his foot stomping the ground and accidentally heating it. It wasn't nearly enough to turn the sand into glass, but it was just enough for him to notice that he was unintentionally heating the ground beneath his feet.

He stood up fully, dropping out of his combat stance and wiggling his fingers into a small pocket on the belt that adorned his waist. It seemed to be a salt or power of some kind, white in color. He only took a pinch from the bag, and proceeded to start a fire within his hand. The salt made his flame burn a deep carmine color.

He grew the flame, playing with it and making sure that it stayed alive while he dropped into another stance. He was great at firebending, but there was always room for improvement. There was also the fact that the world was slowly being consumed in ice, and he had no teachers to help with the other elements.

Hopefully he only needed the strength and firepower of a dragon to take down the Water Tribe.

He sighed, dropping out of the stance once again and watching as the fire dissipated from the air. With little else on his mind, he walked away from his little secluded beach, heading back towards the actual town on Ember Island.

"Tano!" Masaru called out. His head turned to look at the Armadillo bear rolling towards him. While Masaru had been training and practicing, Tano had been sleeping, resting just in front of where the water had been at high tide that day. He could not allow the harness with Masaru's gear to get wet, and was smart enough to know where to sleep to avoid that problem.

The Armadillo bear unrolled completely, standing on its four legs and waiting patiently for Masaru to hop onto his back. If Masaru needed a quick getaway, which wasn't often in his homeland, He'd be against Tano's stomach holding on as the hybrid rolled about quickly. However, the two did not need to escape, and simply walked off towards the town.

Ember Island was his home. He knew it backwards and forward, and just about everyone there. He was only on the Island for a stop, though, and had come just to see his parents for a few days before the Fire Sages told him where to go. They'd probably send him off to one of those Air Temples. That was the next element that he needed to learn, anyways.

Little did Masaru know, two pairs of eyes were watching him from afar.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The clash of steel sang out all around him, while the stench of sweat filled his nostrils. The large room was hot, due to both the number of bodies working out in it, and the fact that there were Firebenders practicing as well. Yue's wooden staff connected with his opponent's shoulder. Hard enough to warn the man he had gotten hit, but gentle enough not to cause him injury. The two backed up a bit, resetting their match, and after a moment began again. As their sparring continued, Yue's face remained as blank as it had been when they first started over an hour ago. Though he was tiring, as evident by the sweat causing his hair to stick to him, and by his heavier breathing, his expression showed no signs of it. Unlike his opponent, who was much more visibly tired.

They went on for a while longer, before Yue's opponent bent over with his hands on his knees. The younger soldier let up his attacks and instantly made sure his ally and training partner was okay. Though he may have been serious, he wasn't uncaring. The two agreed to call it a day and went their separate ways. It was Yue's day off, so naturally he planned on spending it training, or reading, as usual. As he left the training hall he retrieved his other weapons from the wall. The jian he strapped to his waist, while the tessen was tucked into the long sleeve of his top. The staff stayed in his left hand, tucked up against his body respectfully.

As Yue was heading to his room to clean up after training, he was stopped by another soldier. Apparently his father, General Wudao, wanted to see him. After thanking the soldier, Yue changed directions and began the walk to his father's office. He couldn't help but wonder just what his father wanted from him. It must have been a new assignment of some kind, that was the only time the man ever talked to him. He prayed to whatever higher power was out there that this new assignment would be more fun than the last ones. Guard duty and border skirmishes were hellishly boring.

Yue approached his father's office and rapped sharply on the door. Entering at his father's command. "You wanted to see me sir?" Yue said, his expression calm as ever.

General Wudao's usually stern expression softened. 'Boy, I may be your commanding officer, but I'm also your father. When we're alone, you're allowed to refer to me as such." The man stated, just as calmly as his son had.

Yue bowed respectfully. "Of course, father." Though the way he said father was exactly the same as he would have said sir.

General Wudao rose from his desk and beckoned his son to come towards him. The man turned around and looked out the large window behind his desk, watching the people go about their day, most none the wiser about what would happen next. "As you probably already know, the Water Tribe seems to be set on world domination." The man explained after Yue went to stand next to him. "And as you also already know, the Avatar is from the Fire Nation this time. We have located him, a boy just a few years younger than yourself."

Yue listened in silence, but at this he perked up. "I assume the Avatar is the key to stopping the Water Tribe." He stated, not asked.

General Wudao nodded. "Right now, he is only capable of Firebending. He will need teachers if he is to master the other elements and keep the peace. That is where you come in." The man paused, making Yue think this entire thing was a cruel joke. He was incapable of teaching the Avatar any bending style. "Your new assignment is simple. Protect the Avatar at all costs. If you fail this mission, your life is forfeit."

Though he didn't show it, Yue was frightened by the prospect, but also excited by it. "I understand father, and I will not fail."

General Wudao smiled. "Atta boy. You will find the boy on Ember Island, I suggest you pack your things and move quickly, he'll be moving soon."

With that, Yue was dismissed, and left his father's office after giving the man a bow. Yue walked through the halls towards his room, his pace faster than normal and a bit of a spring in his step. His new mission most certainly wasn't going to be boring, that's for sure. His heart fluttered with excitement and his usual blank expression was slightly less blank and leaning towards a smile. He returned to his room and quickly packed a bag. Something light that wouldn't slow him down, but also contained very useful objects. The least useful thing he had was a book, but that was one thing he couldn't go without in his eyes.

Packing took him less than ten minutes, and after it was done, he set off. The only person he would even consider saying goodbye to was his mother, and likely his father had already told her, so that would have just been a waste of time. Instead he set off right away toward Ember Island. Keeping his new mission fresh in his mind. Find and protect the Avatar, no matter the cost.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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Many people believed that the benders of the Water tribes were the undisputed masters of ocean travel. To be perfectly fair they weren't wrong to think so either; Being able to control the waters that were running under your ship was a major asset when it came to traveling by the waves after all, but had the Air Nomads ever bothered to set their minds towards ocean travel Soro was fairly certain that they would have given the Water benders a run for their money for that title.

Standing on the deck of a fire nation trader ship, Soro breathed deeply before letting out another good, solid gust of wind in order to fill the sails of the ship and drive it forwards over the somewhat still ocean towards Ember Island. It had been part of the arrangement that he had made with Captain Lee; In return for passage to Ember Island, Soro would help provide a steady breeze that would ensure that the trading ship got there days, if not a week ahead of schedule. Considering that the arrangement meant that both of them got to where they wanted to go in a safe and timely manner it had been working out just fine for all concerned.

Ember Island was already visible on the horizon; Wouldn't be long now until he could take some time to relax on its beaches for himself for a time. Encouraged by the fact that the journey was nearly at an end, Soro started to put a little more effort into the gusts of wind that he was pushing into the sails then he had been before.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuki had been wandering alone for a while now since leaving her mentor. She had seen almost every corner of the Earth nation during her time studying earth bending. She had gotten appreciation for the vast diversity within the earth nation. However between her wanderings with her mentor and by herself, she felt she had probably missed just as much of the earth nation as she had explored. That nation was just that big. Anyways, after having mastered earth bending and wandering, she felt she needed to go someplace new. She was not well known as a thief but enough major places in the Earth kingdom knew of her nature. She obtained a passport with official earth nation documents, semi-legally, then jumped on the first ship out of the Earth kingdom. She did not care where she was going.

The ship it turned out took her to a place within the Fire Nation known as Ember Isle. As she stepped off the ship, she breathed deep. This was the first time she had been outside the Earth nation. Who could have imagined a poor girl from the slums of Ba Sing Se could ever make it this place or travel the world. She began to walk through the streets of this small town. She liked the style of the architecture. It was different than anything in the Earth kingdom. Different was good.

Yuki walked through the streets till she saw a stand selling fresh apples. She bite her lip as she approached. The owner was distracted with something behind the stand. Yuki grabs and apple in each hand. She casually pockets the apple in her left hand as she attracts the attention of the owner about the one on her right. "Pardon me sir, Your apples look delicious. How much, sir," She said politely and innocently. The man replied with a price. Yuki turned her head side ways and bite her lower lip. She replied, "Um... all i have it Earth natiom currency. Will that work?" Her left hand had been in her pocket keeping her stolen apple hidden. She pulls it out finally with a handful of earth nation coins.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Earth Kingdom money, eh?" The market vendor looked at the coins in the young woman's hand. It was obviously Earth Kingdom money, by the round shape and square in the center, allowing it to be strung together with other, similar coins. Other than the material of the coin, all Earth Kingdom coins were the same shape, unlike the Fire Nation currency, which used four different shapes. He didn't have a problem with money from the other nations, as he had trade caravans come in from the Earth Kingdom normally, and up until recently, the Northern Water Tribe has also supplied him with a few goods. The Northern Tribe didn't seem to partake in the activities that the Southern Tribe did, but the world saw both of the tribes as enemies at the moment. It was a shame, but nothing he could do about it.

"Well, money is money."
He said with a shrug, completely unaware that she had taken and hidden a second apple. "Five copper pieces please." He asked the girl, his hand out with his palm up, waiting for the money to be dropped or place in his hand.

Across the Market, a young man had glanced over at the girl and the vendor. During his brief look at them, he thought he had seen her take a second apple, but when he looked again, it was gone. he assumed that she must have placed it back. After all, her other hand was holding coins instead of the other apple.

Without any reason to really engage them, Masaru continued on, sitting on his Armadillo Bear as the two walked through the market.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


“I’m almost there.” Tenkai whispered to herself as she sat in a small canoe that she “borrowed”. As the canoe rocked from side to side she wondered how she’d be able to get through the Fire Nations ships that were hundreds of miles away from the island. They were there to protect the residents who reside on the island from intruders like her. In all respects she wasn’t going there to cause any type of harm to the people, but because she was a water bender on a canoe heading for that island those in the right mind wouldn’t even try to hear her out more or less let her step foot on it. How she was going to get through the blockade was beyond her due to the fact that she hadn’t even planned on stealing any type of “boat” in the first place. As a matter of fact, she didn’t even steal the canoe because she had left a bag of coins right where the canoe was, so they’d be able to buy themselves a new boat. In all honesty though one would say it was stealing since she made no verbal agreement on buying one in the first place, but it was about time to move on and let bygones be bygones.

Tenkai could feel that she was losing speed, so instead of using a paddle, which wasn’t anywhere to be found when she had taken it, used her bending to be able to speed up the boat. It was crucial to make it to the island soon since she had no idea how long the Avatar was going to be staying there. Technically she had no idea if he was there at all, but if he was then because it was a vacation spot she’d assume the Avatar wouldn’t be there for long.

As she got closer to the blockade Tenkai gathered all of her things to put in a small satchel she had bought. It would have been a better idea to buy a bigger satchel for multiple reasons, but she wouldn’t have had enough money to leave in exchange for the Canoe. Nonetheless, it wasn’t such a bad idea to travel light since a larger bag would possibly weigh her down; literally. She then grabbed a map she had under the wooden seat, and looked at it to make sure she was where she wanted to be. Navigation wasn’t her strong suit, but she was quite certain that up ahead would be Ember Island.

Finally, after making sure everything was set she packed it all in the satchel, carefully stood up in the Canoe, and took one step into the water. Sadly, her other foot got stuck on the rim of the Canoe, so instead of falling straight in she flipped the Canoe over while slamming right onto the water. It felt as if someone had slapped her with ten thousand paddles, so she grabbed her face with her hands as she floated back up inside the upside down Canoe. A few seconds passed as she composed herself, and made sure there was no bleeding anywhere. I'm never doing that again...

Because there was no time to flip the canoe over Tenkai just left it as is while focusing back on her mission. She created a small water bubble around her head to be able to breath underwater since she'd be under for longer than a human can hold their breath. It wasn't an easy task to create something like a water bubble more or less have it steady when her whole surrounding would be water instead of air, but it was better than nothing. Once Tenkai had the bubble mostly stable she then ducked underwater where she kicked her feet, and wiggled her fingers to bend the water into creating thrust that would slowly begin to speed her swimming. Not only did she have to dive deep enough to stay off of the Fire Nations ships radar she also had to be quick since the oxygen in the water bubble was decreasing by the minute.

You'd better be there, Avatar.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuki bite her apple in an effort to hold it. It freed her right hand to count out five copper pieces from her left hand. She handed the shop keeper the coins then she turned to walk away. She bite into her able before pulling the apple away from her mouth. She walked through the market proud of her self. She had gotten away with two apples for the price of one. Anyone could see that she was not entirely a bad person. She had paid for one after all. Then again, she most likely would not have succeeded stealing in broad daylight without paying for one.

Yuki had eaten about half the apple until she saw a small stand at the edge of the market place. Some teenagers in fire nation attire were gathered around. A man was sitting down behind a make shift stone table playing the classic shell game. Apparently, he was so good some of the youngsters were getting angry at losing so many coins. As Yuki walked up to see what was happening, the man dealing asked her to play. He wanted to use Yuki as an authority to prove to the other teenagers that he was not a cheat. Yuki smiled, took a bite of her apple and agreed to play.

The man showed the small round pebble to Yuki, then covered it up with a stone cup. He shuffled the cup up among five other cups. When he finally stopped, Yuki pointed to a cup. Sure enough, She guessed right. The man looked insulted that she guessed right. He added to more cups and began again. Once he stopped, Yuki picked out the correct cup again. She bites into her apple to keep from smiling. She could feel the pebble with her earth bending. The man got frustrated and shuffled the cups again. This time Yuki chose the right one, but when it was lifted up to reveal, the pebble was nowhere to be found. Yuki bite her apple hard to hold it. She leaned forward and knocked her knuckles of her right hand on the stone table. Out of the stone cup, fell the pebble. The man stood up suddenly knocking over his chair. He points at Yuki and shouts, "You are a Cheat! You are an Earth bender!!!"

Yuki took her apple out of her mouth, "Calm yourself, Con man. Not everyone needs to know that. And do not act like you are surprised. I could tell you know some earth bending yourself. You wiggling your toes while you shuffled the cups. I wish I could be offended for using the art for such cheap tricks. But honestly... You might be able to get away with it here, but you would be ran out of town if you did this near Ba Sing Se.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The trip to Ember Island wasn't a very long one. During that time, Yue was given a brief description of the Avatar, though it was vague, it would still be easier than trying to find him without one. Once at the island, he set off in search for the Avatar. His staff he now held in his right hand, and with his posture and expression, it would be obvious to anyone that he was a soldier. Being heavily armed gave it away as well. Though his serious appearance was ruined a bit by the pieces of hair that refused to stay in his pony tail. Cutting it short would make it easier to maintain, but he happened to like his long hair. It was his one vanity.

Yue heard the whispers as people wondered what a lone soldier was doing here. But he gracefully ignored them and moved in. Golden brown eyes swept around as he searched for any signs of the Avatar. In the natural light of the sun, his eyes actually looked the color that they were supposed to. But any change in the lighting and his eyes would shift colors. It was something he disliked greatly. Especially the way they turned an almost glowing orange near fire. Some of the other soldiers had made a point to check his eyes in all different types of lighting. Just to see how many colors they could turn.

Finally, Yue found himself wandering through the market. The smell of fresh foods made him realize just how long it had been since he had eaten. It had been very early in the morning when he had gotten up, and he had a small breakfast then. Other than that, which was a long time ago, he had eaten nothing. But that would have to wait, he had a job to do. Finding the Avatar was more important, because if the Avatar died, his own life was forfeit. So while the temptation to stop was great, he fought it off as best as he could.

It was here in the market that Yue found the Avatar. The vague description he had been given matched, and the Armadillo Bear gave it away. Quickening his pace, he moved up alongside the Avatar. "Avatar Masaru?" He stated, waiting for the boy to look at him before saluting. "My name is Yue Wudao. I have been sent by the Fire Nation army to protect you." He got right to the point and didn't bother wasting time by saying anything else. Whether the Avatar wanted him to or not, he would be protecting him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Upon hearing his name being called, Masaru looked to the origin of the voice that called him out. Of course, Masaru being called the Avatar got a few heads to turn to him. Most of Ember Island, his home, knew about him being the Avatar. The Fire Sages had gone out to the little resort island to announce it on his birthday, and a good deal of people had been filled out due to those same sages.

Masaru was hesitant. He knew the proper Fire Nation salute, and he didn't seem to have any sort of outsider appearance.

He called out calmly, the hybrid stopping so Masaru could hop off and return the salute. "My thanks to the army, I suppose." He wasn't entirely sure how to react. Many of the visitors to Ember Island were still muttering about him and the lone soldier. If Masaru was going to be honest, he didn't like the hushed whispers around him, about him. If they wanted to say something, they should just say it right to them. It wasn't the first time that he had heard that he was nothing like Avatar Li, such a great man. All that was in his place was some kid who only knew one element. They should have broke tradition and told him about him being the Avatar from a younger age so he could protect the world better.

He had heard it all.

An awkward silence overtook him. He wasn't exactly sure what to say next, and he wasn't sure if the soldier had anything else to say to him. "Um... At ease?" He uttered experimentally. He hadn't really been in contact with the army, and neither of his parents served.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Making it past the boats underwater was no easy task because of the fact that she had accidentally swam faster than she did deeper. Whether they noticed anything or not on the radars she'd have to find out on land. Another thing she had to worry about was the fact that the water bubble wouldn't be able to hold for much longer due to the fact that the oxygen was decreasing quite fast, and she was getting weaker because of it. With all of these factors included Tenkai had made the decision to start heading back up to the water surface, and swim to the shore from there. It took a few minutes to be able to head back up since she was running out of oxygen fast, but once she got to the surface the bubble she had created burst. Tenkai took a big breathe of air as she was relieved to have made it to the surface in time. If she hadn't then it would have ended up worse than she had planned. Of course she didn't have time to float around, and celebrate because she still had yet to find the Avatar. The water bender started to swim to the shoreline which luckily ended up being a beach where the vacationers would spend most of their time. By the beach was a small area that didn't have sand, but instead had leftover seaweed from the ocean. Because of that there weren't many people around, so she made her way for that part of the shoreline. It was quite the hassle due to the fact that she was still weak, and a bit more tired from having multiple emotions on overdrive.

Once at the shoreline she immediately bended the water out of her clothes, and began walking to the nearest town market. Of course she had to be careful to keep from anyone seeing her, but she was already on the island which was a success feat all on its own. The town wasn't far off from the beach, and all she had to do was follow a few people around to be able to make it there though she had no idea there were so many vacationers. It's now or never Tenkai. As she hid behind a few crate boxes full of vegetables Tenkai looked around at possible avatar choices. She honestly had no idea as to how the possible avatar looked, and worst of all she had no idea if he was even here. After spending a few seconds trying to figure out how the avatar could look Tenkai got frustrated, and decided to just walk out in public. After all, it wouldn't be unusual to see a water bender...right?


Right when Tenkai stepped out of her hiding spot two Fire Nation guards were passing by the crates she was hiding behind, so she had accidentally bumped into them. In shock, the guards looked to each other as Tenkai nervously giggled at what she had just done. They tried to grab her, but she had put her hands up in defense, and on accident had frozen their hands with the puddle her satchel had made behind the stacked crates. I really need to work on my bending....
After freezing the guards hands she began running to the left while two other guards to the right were trying to make a path through the crowd of onlookers. While running she had turned to her right to look back at how much distance she had gained from the guards that were now chasing after her, but instead had come to a complete stop as she saw a guy standing by a bear? With another guy who looked to be a guard yet had no fire nation armor on. Is that the- The guards had caught up, and grabbed her by the arms to keep her from any more bending. To be able to get out of the hold Tenkai stepped back a few times to be able to fall backwards on top of them. As they fell she quickly stood before one of them was able to grab her, and ran towards the military-like person by the guy with the bear. "You're the avatar right?!" she had blurted out before the guards had tackled her over to make sure she was secure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

The corners of Yue's mouth twitched upward when the Avatar acted so awkwardly to have a soldier speaking to him. It was entirely different than he was used to, but not in a bad way. It was almost refreshing. Yue stopped saluting and stood in a much more neutral stance. "Don't worry about treating me like a soldier. Just treat me like you would anyone else. He said, still in a serious tone, but one that was a little bit closer to a normal person than before. "Or if you would like, just completely ignore me and I'll tag along behind you. In that case, you'd only see me if you got attacked." If the Avatar did decide to ignore him, things would be a bit less comfortable. But that was what Yue was trained for, and it didn't matter to him either way.

Some sort of commotion immediately put him on guard, his grip on his staff became loose, so that he could swing it around with ease if needed. Golden brown eyes scanned the area, and locked onto a Water Tribesman who was running at him. On closer inspection, it was a woman. Before Yue needed to do anything, two Ember Island guards tackled her to the ground. Not before she got the chance to speak though. If Yue was less well trained, he would have laughed out loud. This woman thought he was the Avatar? It raised a few questions in his mind. All of which she could answer very easily. He held a hand up to the guards, signaling them to keep her there and not take her away just yet.

There was something about the way she had been running up to them that made Yue think she wasn't a threat. While he did know that not all Water Tribe members were evil, because she was a member, it still made him wary. As much as he would have loved to interrogate her, he didn't answer to the Fire Lord at the moment. He took direct orders from the Avatar. So with a reluctant sigh, he simply said, "You have the wrong man.". Then simple stepped out of the way to let Avatar Masaru handle things. His staff was still at the ready though. If the woman tried anything, she'd find that her stay on Ember Island would be very short.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Only a little ways away, two figures turned to look at the commotion going on in the market. They were quite surprised to see a Water Tribe girl being attacked by the Fire Nation guard right in front of the avatar. Their lips curled up into a vile smile as they looked to one another.

"This is unforeseen, but Queen Iluq must have sent a sister to help us." The first figure looked to the one beside them, their aqua eyes wondering if their partner had thought the same thing.

"Surely." The second responded in a simple manner. "We can't let the opportunity slip through our fingers. We'll go now. The three of us can best a swordsman, a couple guards, and an incomplete Avatar."


Meanwhile, As the strange Water Tribe girl ran up to them, and was subsequently grounded by the guards, Masaru was quite surprised to hear that she was talking to the wrong man. Though, had be been a bystander on the street, he would have believed that the stronger, more able looking man was the avatar, rather than the kid that sat atop a large animal. Masaru wasn't given much time to react to his new bodyguard when the girl had ran up an interrupted them. She seemed as if she had something urgent to tell him.

While he was, technically, the largest figure of authority, protecting the world and keeping balance, Masaru didn't really spout left and right how he was the Avatar, and how his word should be heeded by all. His eyes looked to the guards who kept the woman on the ground. He could see the two guards doing their best to keep her on the ground, but he looked down at them with some strange meekness.

"Uh, can you let her go? I think she has something to say to us." Masaru asked them, looked at the guards as the hesitated, but relented. One girl, even a dangerous waterbender, wouldn't be much against four opponents.

"She wants to tell you how you're going to die!" An unknown voice shouted as one of the two mysterious figures launched themselves at Masaru, water coiling around their arm, ready to strike like a whip at whomever it's target might be.

The figure lashed the whip, intending to connect with Masaru. However, the Avatar had managed to avoid the attack, faltering backwards and off of Tano. He rolled down the Armadillo Bear's side, landing on his feet just as the hybrid stood up on two legs to make itself seem even larger than it was.

Meanwhile, the second figure blasted a torrent of water at the two guards, hoping to distance them from the Water Tribe girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarsAdept
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MarsAdept Mars' Star Pupil

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yuki was wandering around the market place looking for anything that caught her eye. There was some nice weapons and jewelry but nothing perked her attention enough to make her want to acquire it. Legally or otherwise. She finished her apple and was about to pull out her second stolen apple when a commotion washed over the market. Civilians began running away. It was clear a fight just broke out between benders. Yuki did not run. If such a fight did not peak her interest, she would have. Blending in with the crowd was a effective tactic when theiving is the way one brings home the bacon. However, She slowly approached this fight. She observed at least two water benders and a hybrid creature, armadillo bear. She had never seen such a creature.

Something within Yuki seemed to Click. She felt like she needed to involve herself. It clashed with her trained instinct. Why? Why would she involve herself in this? Sure these were water benders. Water benders were the aggressors in this war. She reasoned out her feeling. These water benders were in the fire nation. They thought they were superior enough not to care about the authorities of others. They were like her, but not humble like her.

Yuki bent down and picked up a handful over rocks off the dirt road. She holds them casually in her left hand as she chucks one hard at one of the water benders. Expecting that one to be blocked, deflected, vaporized, or dodged, Yuki throws a second one. This was a simple trick, no one would suspect her to be an earth bender, just some mad woman throwing rocks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Tenkai was in shock at what had just happened that she wasn't able to get up at first when the the guards were blasted off of her. What... Looking back she was able to see two Water Tribe members that had used their bending to be able to attack in case the opposing team, also known as the avatar and the armor-less warrior, were to retaliate. W-Why are they attacking? Sadly, she had a pretty good idea as to why they were doing it, and who was behind this. If the avatar was to be alive any longer he'd be able to master the other elements which would be bad for the Southern Water Tribe as it would be the main problem in their plan. Only Father can be cunning enough to come up with a plan like this. As the shock had turned into anger due to the fact that these Water Benders were using their ability to try to destroy the Avatar Tenkai got up from the ground, and used the water from when the guards were blasted to be able to shield not only herself, but the Avatar as well as what she had first assumed was the avatar. Because the barrier was a bit smaller than she had tried to make it she could see someone was throwing rocks at the enemy. While stabilizing the barrier Tenkai used her bending to surround the small rocks with water left over, and turn them into sand to be able to throw in their faces. It was a cheap trick, but one she would need to do since she was against fellow water benders. One would assume that fighting against someone who has the same abilities would be easier, but it was harder due to the fact that she had only trained to fight other benders since the techniques went with the weaknesses of others and the strengths of their own.

After she had done that Tenkai had ran sideways outside of the protection of the barrier she had done, and then ran straight toward the enemy. Because bending was done more at a distance running up to an opponent was something one didn't expect when fighting, so when she was at a close distance toward the enemy she used all of the water from the barrier, and blasted it at the enemy. After that she, in a swift manner, pulled the water back to her, and then pushed it forward while slamming her hand on the gravel ground. Once she did that the water went straight towards them; ready to blast them hard enough to send them flying, and freezing the enemies so they wouldn't be able to do any sort of bending. Tenkai didn't need to slam her hand on the ground since the water was already going to do what she needed it to, but she was furious that someone had used water bending in a manner that would cause more rumors about water benders which would then cause more hate towards them.

"How dare you use water bending that way." Tenkai tried to keep herself composed since they had also freed her from the restraints of the Fire Nation guards, but it was getting harder and harder to do so when their ultimate goal was to kill the avatar. "How dare you use bending at all!" The few vases that held holding water inside of them at multiple vendors stations had exploded.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Somehow Yue was not surprised when Avatar Masaru wanted the guards to let the Water Tribe woman go. He wasn't sure what it was, but something about the Avatar screamed 'I'm going to make your life difficult'. But, he didn't question it, and he was confident that he could take the woman if need be. Two more Water Tribe members came out of nowhere, these ones trying to go for the Avatar. As the water whip came towards Avatar Masaru, Yue instantly threw himself between his charge and the threat. The bender that wasn't going for Avatar Masaru knocked the two guards out of the way, freeing up the Water Tribe woman on the ground.

Yue cursed himself for letting the woman get close in the first place, because now he had three benders to fight and a target to protect. Making a split second decision, he dropped the staff and unsheathed his jian. Usually he used the staff when he wanted to keep his opponents alive, and the sword when he didn't. Right now keeping the benders alive wasn't a priority. Protecting Avatar Masaru was. But before he needed to react, the Water Tribe woman attacked the two benders. Taking them out in a very impressive manner. But Yue wasn't fooled, the timing of all three of them was just too perfect. It very well could have been a strange coincidence, but it also could just as easily have been an elaborate ruse. And he wasn't taking any chances.

Praying that Avatar Masaru would be smart enough to stay back, Yue lunged forward. In an impressive display of speed, Yue got behind the Water Bending woman and placed the jian against her throat. "If you so much as twitch, I slit your throat." He said sharply, "I can assure you my reflexes are faster than your water." Yue's attention was split between the Water Bending woman and her two friends. But still, it would have been easy to end the woman's life. He may have enjoyed the battlefield and the rush of danger, it didn't mean he liked killing people. But if Avatar Masaru ordered it, he would. It would three less Water Tribe members to deal with anyway.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The two waterbenders growled at the Avatar and his company from their ice restraints. What was the other waterbender doing? Why where they helping the avatar, when Iluq's mission was to either capture the avatar, or kill them so they wouldn't have another Avatar for a while. If the Avatar were to die right now, then another would be born in their place. But that would also mean that somebody would have to have been stewing up a child in their stomach for nine months without knowledge of the Avatar's death. That also meant that the Avatar now had a count down timer, and his end was inevitable.
"What are you doing! Queen Iluq ordered kill or capture!" The male shouted from the ice. It shouldn't have been a problem. It was Ice, with was frozen water. The problem came with the fact that their hands were frozen as well, keeping them from being able to melt the ice. "I know... You're stopping us to kill the Avatar yourself! Sneaky sneaky." He smirked, his idea of what was happening forming in his head.

"Tonrar. She's a traitor to our queen's cause." The woman growled in a low tone. She was having none of her partner's speculation, and saw only was was going on in front of her.

"Tikaani, she's obviously stealing our mission to have the honor of killing the Avatar."

Masaru looked to Yue, seeing how close he was to chopping off the head of the other waterbender woman. She did cast a shield over them before, and didn't seem to want to kill them, so he was going to give her the chance to speak.
"Yue?" He asked rhetorically, making sure that was the right name for his bodyguard. "Yue, please let her go, but keep an eye on her." His eyes then turned to the waterbender herself. "Can you tell me what you're doing, as well as what they're doing?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Tenkai glanced back and forth from the actual avatar to the warrior-like guy behind her with a weapon centimeters from her neck. "Avatar," she murmured so as not to create any sudden movements that could possibly get her killed. She fully believed that the armor-less warrior was going to kill her if she was to make any extra movements, so she would do what she could to keep from doing so. Before she spoke she then glanced at the two water benders that were clearly attempting to kill the avatar. No matter what her intention was, many people especially the warrior, would assume she was affiliated with them in their attempt to kill the only person who could certainly save her people. Of course, she didn't know her actions would make it look as if she was working with the assassins, but because she was only a few centimeters from death one could do nothing more than question what they did.

"Avatar," Tenkai said again, but this time louder as she tried to sound sincere. "I can't tell you what they're doing because I'm not all to sure what they're doing." The water bender glanced once more at her tribe-members, and then glanced back to the avatar. "What I can tell you is that I want you to stop my people." Tenkai hesitated, but continued. "If you decide to kill me then do it, but promise me you won't let my fellow brothers and sisters stain their hands more than they already have. Please..."

Tenkai wasn't sure if her words were enough to convince the avatar that she was no threat to them, and she could admit that she was in no way ready to die right now, but if that's what this outcome would turn out to be then at least she'd have the avatar make that promise to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AirBender
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AirBender Big Dreamer

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yue's eyes narrowed as the Avatar told him to lower his blade. He didn't agree with the orders given to him at all. People tended to be more talkative when their lives were at stake. As easy as it would have been to disobey them, he wouldn't shame the Fire Nation army by ignoring a direct order from the Avatar. With a quiet, irritated, huff, the soldier lowered his jian. He took a step back, eyes still trained on the Water Bending woman and her friends. If any of them made a move against the Avatar, they would discover just how sharp his blade was.

Personally, Yue didn't believe the woman. What were the chances that three Water Benders would happen to be on Ember Island, especially during this era, and just so happened to be in the same place as the Avatar they were trying to hunt down. With his position as a soldier, and now bodyguard of the Avatar, he just couldn't allow himself to trust any of them. But at least the Water Bending woman seemed more intelligent than the other two. "Just say the word and these three will be dealt with however you please, Avatar." Yue stated calmly, looking at each of the three as he did.

The intentions of the two trapped in ice were pretty obvious. But the woman who had trapped them in the first place had yet to state her intentions clearly. She had requested that if she died her people be stopped. Which would happen no matter her fate. The fact that she was dodging around the Avatar's question of what she was doing, made Yue trust her even less. If that was possible at this point. He had admit that her being a Water Bender had something to do with his lack of trust. But in this time, he couldn't really help it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Masaru dragged his fist across a small crystal on his belt, igniting a small spark and pulling it away from the belt and growing it into a full flame. It was of an intense green color in his hand, reflecting on his clothes in a green hue. He looked to the waterbender that Yue had just released, shifting the fire ever so carefully to move closer to her. He said nothing to her. A plan was forming in his head, and he hoped that it would sound as cool in real life as it did in his head.

"Okay." He said to her calmly, the flame still being played around with in his hands. "I want you to free those waterbenders and launch them into the ocean when I give you the command. Killing them would make us just as bad as them, so I have a message that I need sent to their leader."

He spun around on his heel, looking at the two as they struggled to move. "Okay you two." He spoke once more. "I have a message for Iluq, and you two are going to deliver."

Tikaani and Tonrar glared daggers at the Avatar. He must not have known what Iluq was really capable of, otherwise, he would have just stated his message aloud. In one of the few times that Tonrar was actually right about something, he seemed to be doing it for dramatic effect, though he did not actually know of Iluq's power either.

"I want Iluq to know that the Avatar is beginning his training, and nothing is going to stop him from learning the elements and taking her down!"

He shouted triumphantly before looking back at the other waterbender. "Now!" He called out. "Yue, keep an eye out for them. They could just stay in hiding and not actually give the message."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by l0ck0n
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l0ck0n A Nice Person

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Without thinking twice Tenkai had begun to pull the water from a few of the vases that hadn't been broken from her anger as well as melt the ice that surrounded the enemies body. If this was the way to prove to him that she was no threat no matter if she were a waterbender then she'd do it. Tenkai was simply glad to not be given the order to kill her fellow tribsman which, once she was close to death, she'd assume she'd be forced to do as a way to prove that she was not trying to assassinate the Avatar. It took no more than a few seconds to be able to collect enough water that would be able to launch those two into the ocean. As the ice also began to melt from the enemies bodies Tenkai made sure to not melt the ice that stil bound their hands, and legs. It was quite hard to keep some of the ice from melting, and Tenkai began to sweat at the fact that she was reaching her limit of waterbending skill. If I fail what w-

"Get it together Tenkia, get it together." she murmured to herself to refrain from self-doubting. After all, the water would become much weaker if she continued to doubt her ability, and she had no plans to die at the hands of a Fire Nation soldier today.

While the Avatar spoke Tenkai tried to keep her attention on waterbending what with there being a live flame nearby. Up until then she had never seen a real flame, and at that one that looked green in color. Not only that, but she was worried about being close to it since she'd heard many kinds of terrifying stories about it. Of course, some of them were myths, but not many people including herself would think the stories over to see what was fact, and what was myth.

At the demand of the Avatar Tenkai made one more move before suddenly pushing her hands forward as she finished the last part of the bending move. Once she did the water she had collected dipped under the two waterbending enemies, and as Tenkai stepped to the left with one hand moving up the water picked them up from the ground. Right after that the waterbender moved both of her hands to circle her head, and then push forward once again. With that motion the water along with the two enemies had practically flown through the air, and landed in the ocean like the Avatar had ordered her to do.

After all of that Tenkai stood straight up to wipe the sweat off of her face, and then looked to the Avatar. "So?"
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