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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

In the darker, run-down streets of Nar Shaddaa, an Imperial operation had just concluded. A small Republic SIS operations team with a Jedi attachment were to be hunted down and destroyed, and destroyed they had been. None of them saw it coming, though they gave the Sith and Imperial Intelligence operators a warm welcome. Until Lord Aotisa arrived with his forces, they might have had a small chance of escape... But the reality was that the majority were killed, and any who were going to be captured killed themselves rather than let Republic secrets fall into the hands of the Empire. The Fixers came to grab what they could from the tech left behind, though most of it was fried or the contents purged moments prior to the short battles end.

One thing was amiss, though. A Jedi. One had been killed in the fighting, no doubt about it. Aria Draconis, one that'd been a thorn in the side of many an Imperial leader. She was the 'problematic' one. Lord Arkanos lost his hand during the conflict, but his sister made sure to take advantage of such an opening to finish the battle quickly - rather than save her brother the injury, of course... Still, there was a Jedi unaccounted for. Allegedly, one of the attacking soldiers had seen a figure crawling through a vent just as the battle started - someone who looked more civilian than soldier. The Sith that followed the troops in noted the presence of a second Jedi fading, too. The search was still on, but this seemed very much a victory.

"You did your duty, sister... If it cost me my blade hand, so be it. But know this: the next time you find yourself in peril, I'll wait for the enemy's back to be turned, too. You might lose something, unfortunately," Arkanos muttered in the same deadpan tone he'd always used. A cybernetic hand was being fitted by a medical droid and a probe assistant, and the Sith Lord hadn't bothered with sedatives. The pain was for him to memorize, so he might draw on it later. Rage at being injured, and hate for his sister. He couldn't feel the Force flow through his hand anymore, ...he'd find a way to get back at her eventually. The med center was empty, leaving him alone with his thoughts.

Lord Arkana meanwhile was already on the hunt for the missing Jedi, along with Lord Aotisa and his forces. The Chiss was very adept in his uses of the Force, and not only in the dark side's combative and manipulative abilities - he was good enough to track the Force presence that seemed to flee early on in the battle, and so he would lead the hunt. They'd entered a district full of neon lights, nightclubs and cantinas, gambling parlors and the like. That presence was somewhere here, among the bustling crowds. They minded the Sith and their Imperial followers, but nobody outright stood aside and stopped the flow of activity for them.


With a black cloak tied around her whole body, concealing all but her white boots, Lunaris was trying to keep ahead of the Sith searching for her. All she needed was to find a waiting speeder, and then she could hit any spaceport she wanted, and get the hell off this moon. She was certain she could find a smuggler crazy enough to get her out before the Imperials put a lockdown in effect. They were holding the command for some reason... Perhaps it was just the sheer amount of traffic to and from Nar Shaddaa making it difficult to time, or perhaps it was because they didn't want anyone to think they'd messed up and lost an enemy in the streets.

'Just keep walking... There is no emotion, there is peace...' Lunaris thought to herself, remaining calm as she could as she made her way through the sector. In addition to her own lightsaber, she felt the unfamiliar one bouncing against her hip as she increased her pace. The lightsaber belonged to the fallen Jedi's. Aria Draconis had fought the Sith off, despite being wounded severely by the female Pureblood. Before she succumbed to her injury, she tossed the inactive hilt into the vent behind the Chiss Padawan, knowing it'd become the Siths' trophy otherwise. Besides, she had a mission for the young Lunaris - a Jedi named Cronic Crystalis had to know she fell in battle, and she intended to honour the promise to inform Aria's comrades.

Being the only survivor, having run away by herself to leave everyone else to their fates, it was painful... If her eyes weren't entirely red, she'd look quite sad. But to any who passed, she just looked like she was staring straight ahead, focused on whatever her own business was.
'There is no chaos, there is harmony... There is no death, there is the Force... You have to keep going,' she reminded herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nar Shaddaa Spaceport

Sure enough there was a smuggler standing by next to an XS Freighter with a crimson colour scheme dubbed the "Escutcheon". At present said smuggler was currently reviewing a manifesto of what was being loaded onto the freighter, before signing said manifesto under the name "Salzar Uzaysun". But to those who knew the Sith Pureblood smuggler, that was not his preferred name.

Mark simply watched as the cargo was loaded onto the ship. Nar Shaddaa was Hutt territory. Neutral Space. In the buisness of smuggling, the Sith Pureblood knew that the more attention you drew to yourself, the more difficult your job becomes. And given he was seeing that he was going to ship supplies to a hidden hideout on Tatooine, in one of it's more uncharted areas for the occupants living there, he couldn't afford to allow himself to be tailed. Especially since three occupants had known ties to the Republic.

Once the cargo was finished loading, Mark would then need to wait for his chance to slip past the Imperial Empire's forces in the area and jump to hyperspeed at the first possible opportunity. Until then, he was a sitting duck, and he hated it.


Nar Shaddaa Streets

Clad in black and scarlet robes, the occasional crackle of lightning surging around his arms to ward off any would-be hostiles through making them think twice before attempting to jump them, the Chiss Sith, Lord Zerenis Aotisa lead the hunt for the escaped Force presence. Every second wasted was a moment the presence could slip the net.

He'd taken the time out to single-handedly slaughter the entire SIS team along with the Imperial squadron while Arkana and Arkaos tangoed with the Jedi, but that was not his primary reason to be here. His objective was a little more personal. He held a vested interest in the Force presence and was intent on capturing or killing it if it refused to co-operate. Preferably, he'd much rather take it alive first. Not much you can learn from a corpse, afterall, though given Arkana and Arkaos' track record when it comes to Jedi, if they got to it first, that was not going to happen.

"At least Lord Stalicrat isn't here. His penchant for wanton bloodshed would only serve to complicate matters."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

It had been one of those days. The kind of day when you just aren't completely sure on what to do. Nothing excited had really happened, which in retrospect was good for the young bounty hunter having just collected on a bounty earlier that day. He'd eaten and gotten the chance to relax a bit, but that didn't quell the boredom. How could it?

Of course, that wasn't the real problem. Ever since things had changed and he'd found himself in this situation he'd done his best to keep occupied. He felt wrong. Like he was betraying everything he'd been taught. Especially when he was forced to conceal his presence. But that wasn't his life anymore. It wasn't the type of world where feeling could get you anywhere. This was a world where you looked out for yourself and made sure not to slip up. "I'll take one of these. And..." Ashtev stopped speaking putting down what he'd just picked up. The attendant was certainly confusing. Something was off.

What kind of... He felt it. Somebody... Being pursued. Sure he wasn't good at the whole "Force Stealth" as his master had referred to it, but he got by. And he knew that the thing following whoever he was feeling was pretty good too. If they were good enough... Better than him anyway and he got found out he was screwed. All that work for nothing. Maybe it was some kind of divine punishment. But hey maybe it was a blessing. A little excitement. He could catch this person, or thing and then turn them or it into the empire himself for a pretty penny. "Can't blame a guy for wanting to make a living." He said in a hushed tone as he turned away and pulled his hood on. "Roll, come on." He said as he headed off in the direction of the presence.

Luckily for Ashtev the person was close enough. Because of that it wasn't hard to pick them out. They were covered from head to toe, and even just looking ahead, the way they were carrying themselves. "Too suspicious whoever you are." He said before directing Roll forward. The little bot weaved through the crowd until it not-so-coincidentally bumped into the leg of Lunaris, hopefully going fast enough to make the figure trip or stumble. Even then, Roll would try his best to keep them in place. With this, it was time to act. Ashtev started moving forward a bit more quickly. "Roll?!" He called out once or twice until he was near the figure he was now pursuing himself. Others weren't too far behind though. This had to be done quick. "Aw man... I'm so sorry for my droid." Playing the innocent act. Not always his strong suit, but typically good enough in his experience. "He just gets away from me sometimes." Meanwhile the droid was acting in a somewhat affectionate manner brushing against the target. "I guess he likes you." Ashtev laughed a bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'There's one...' Lunaris increased her pace, her focus centering entirely on a waiting speeder with a pilot droid in the driver's seat. She was so dead set on reaching it that she'd failed to pick up the pre-warning from the Force when a small rolling droid caused her to trip forward. She didn't fall, luckily, but stopped in her tracks and was quickly confronted by a human male. She had no time for this, or his polite apology, or the somewhat adorable droid! After he'd noted the droid liked her, Lunaris shook her head as if to say 'not a problem' with a quick half-smile, and immediately started heading for the waiting taxi again. Except this time, she could feel the Sith hot on her heels, and she wasn't going to waste any time escaping.

Assuming there wasn't anything else holding her back, Lunaris was going to be in that speeder and flying for the nearest spaceport in no time.


Arkana's eyes flicked to the little disturbance in the middle of the street. It was the one thing out of the norm, a common occurrence or not, it caught the eyes of more than just the Sith and Imperials. The one who'd been tripped made no effort to hide the fact that she was running now, from someone or something...

"It must be that one. Aotisa, let's take them down!" the Sith commanded, not daring move just yet. If Zerenis Aotisa was taking action, and Arkana was in his way, she'd only be caught in the lightning attack, or the telekinetic waves. That Chiss was something prodigal, and best left to do as he willed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

He could feel them. Ashtev could feel how close they were, and he did not like it. How could have have been so wrong in judging the distance. Crap! If they get to close... They attack... They catch me... Yes he was a bounty hunter, but he had a vague idea of what they'd do to a force sensitive like himself if he was found out. His skill with the Force Stealth ability was limited and he knew those in pursuit of the girl were far superior to him. "Dammit..." He silently grumbled before issuing a quick signal to Roll and rushing off. Just running, he could at least pass up the girl. "Hurry up." He spoke quickly as he passed her, keeping his voice as hushed as he could. He wasn't going to let himself be found out. This bounty hunter thing had been working out nicely and he wasn't losing the life his master had saved.

Come on... Come oooon. The girl was going for something. What?! A grin spread across his lips as he caught sight of the Speeder. "I said hurry the hell up!" He shouted keeping his face more or less hidden with his hood as he jumped and kicked the pilot droid off the machine and got ready to fly. As he did two cable shot out of Roll, latching onto the side of the Speeder connecting the small droid to it. It would hinder the performance but just a bit. They could still get away assuming the girl didn't try to put up a fight or something. I can't believe how STUPID I am! He could feel the presence of powerful enemies. He should have left well enough alone and waited out for another bounty. He wasn't even sure if this chick would be worth much! Fuck... How would she react if... He shook his head and began to head out the moment he was sure the girl was close enough to come along with him. He wasn't about to miss out on a payday because of a screw up. He had to cash in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Naturally, Zerenis wasted no time in drawing his lightsaber and hurling it through the crowd to get them to disperse, even if he did cut down a few of them in the process, before following up with a powerful surge of force lightning towards the cloaked Lunaris, and by extension, Ashtev. If she got onto that speeder and took off, she'd be long gone by the time they caught up to it. The Chiss Sith was determined to make sure that does not happen.

"Close in and prevent the launch of that speeder at all costs. The Jedi must NOT be allowed to escape!" Zerenis said, turning his head slightly to look at Arkana as he sustained the force lightning whilst proceeding at a steady pace, using himself as a diversion for Arkana as he recalled his lightsaber telekinetically. With a little luck, his lightshow would keep Lunaris and Ashtev's attention focused on him as force lightning ravaged the area surrounding them.

You shall not escape that easily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

For some reason, the speeder she was going for was suddenly occupied by the same person who was apologizing about his droid... Lunaris didn't have a choice. It was stay and face the Sith, and inevitably become one with the Force, or delay that and get in the damn speeder. Leaping with the Force, she landed in the passenger seat of the speeder, her own lightsaber in hand in case she needed to defend herself and the young man commandeering the taxi. After the leap, the Chiss' hood had fallen back to reveal more of her light blue skin, and black hair tied into a ponytail. Chiss weren't all that much of a common sight... Between the Padawan and the Sith Lord, this was quite a rare sight outside of Ascendancy Space.

"Get us moving, I'll defend you," Lunaris said calmly, turning around in the seat and pressing her back against the windshield, so she could deflect any blaster fire or lightning streams sent at them. Well, the blasters were easy. The lightning...? Fifty-fifty. Clearing her mind of what she'd just imagined their odds might be, the Chiss ignited her lightsaber, a blue blade of plasma shooting out of the hilt just as the first Imperial blaster bolts whizzed past.


Lord Arkana was quick to follow Aotisa's lead, running around the lightning and through the dispersing crowd. Their method of escape was clear. Either they needed to get some speeders of their own, or stop them in their tracks!

"You won't get away!" the Sith growled, throwing her lightsaber in a wide arc. Jedi or not, if the speeder was destroyed or disabled, there wouldn't be much chance of their survival unless they found a platform or hangar to crash land at. Specifically, the saber was destined to swipe across the thrusters on the back of the vehicle. If it didn't make its mark, Arkana was still confident forces could be rallied to the spaceports around Nar Shaddaa. They'd be spread thin, but it was better than just giving the enemy a free ticket off the glittering moon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

She wouldn't be so quick to defend if she knew I was a bounty hunter. Thought the young Ashtev as he gave a moment for the girl to get herself in position. He wasn't about to wait for those lightning shooting, lightsaber throwing pieces of militaristic trash to get him, his catch OR the speeder. He had a life to preserve, an agenda to keep, and a ship to make sure all that worked out. "Just don't get us killed you Chiss, Jedi wannabe." He spoke Ina somewhat quick, yet equally demeaning tone to tease the girl and see if she was really for real or not. He had no reason to doubt, but he had to be sure his thoughts were correct.

Still, it was also good to see if she would lie. If she could lie. She could use the force and a saber. And he could feel it. But would she try to deny or hide what she was? Oh well, he would get an answer soon enough. But with the Lightning flaring and the lightsaber coming there way he could only do one thing. "Just hang on!!" He shouted as the speeder took off, just barely missing the saber, it grazed it, but there wasn't serious damage. We just might make it. He thought triumphantly. But the hit, the attack on the speeder, small though it was, would likely bite them in the ass if they weren't fast.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zerenis was quick to notice the race of the escaping Lunaris when her hood fell back, and he redoubled his efforts to not let her get away, focusing his attention on the chiss's speeder with well-aimed lightning strikes directed towards the speeder's thrusters with one hand, and hurling his lightsaber towards said speeder as well, doing whatever it took to prevent the speeder's launch.

"That they are Chiss and a Jedi as well, warrants investigation. Odds are they also took Draconis' lightsaber too. Arkana and Arkaos can have the lightsaber, but I am taking her alive by any means necessary." Zerenis thought to himself as he picked up his pace to close the gap, aiming to leap onto the vehicle if necessary.

"Do what you will with the boy. The girl is mine." Zerenis shouted to Arkana, maintaining the lightning strikes and controlling his lightsaber, and moving as fast as his concentration on the two would allow.


Nar Shaddaa Spaceport

Whilst overseeing the final loading of cargo onto the ship, an announcement detailing the current events transpiring in the city streets came onto the speakers within the spaceport's hangar. Naturally, this did not sit well with the Pureblood Smuggler, and spoke to the droid leading the workforce.

"With all due respect, how much longer will it take to finish loading the cargo onto the ship?" Mark said to the Droid, which turned to look at him in response.

"It will be another half hour at minimum, and an hour at most. Is there a problem sir?" The droid spoke in response.

"Going from that announcement, if there's a Jedi fugitive involved, then the likely response from the Imperials is to blockade the spaceport. I need to be long gone before that happens." Mark said, looking somewhat concerned about the whole turn of events.

"I apologize sir, but given the delicate nature of your chosen cargo, I cannot hasten the process without damaging the contents, or causing an unintended detonation." The droid said, and the smuggler sighed in response.

"Just my luck... Of all the days I need to resupply, this happens."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The speeder kicked into action with Ashtev at the controls, lifting into a hover before the human maneuvered the craft up and away from the Imperial forces. There would've been enough of a delay to let one of the Sith grab hold of the speeder, but the Pureblood made no move to chase them. Instead, she began instructing Imperial units elsewhere to assign security to the spaceports all over the Smuggler's Moon...


Lunaris hadn't let her guard down for anything. She knew they wouldn't just be able to run, or hide - the Empire never relented, and had the power to pursue them anywhere, even in such a place as Nar Shaddaa, where everyone came to get away from the rest of the galaxy.

"Why did you commandeer the speeder? Are they after you, too?" the Chiss asked, still looking behind them in case something unexpected happened. Her scarf fluttered in the breeze as they flew. Luna extinguished her weapon as the scarf nearly got singed on the lightsaber's blade. Still, she covered all sectors, ready to fight should she need to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

"No... Not really." Ashtev glanced back for just a moment. He wasn't slowing for anything. In fact he was trying to go faster. "But well... I guess NOW they may be." Ironically in his avoidance of the confrontation he may have put himself on the list of those to hunt. Although, his face hadn't been seen. That was good. Still, even that could change almost instantly. He had to keep his real intentions secret until he got Lunaris on his ship. She could be a very good bargaining piece, even if he didn't necessarily get paid for the capture.

"If we stick together we can get off this planet. Understand?" He then said trying to remain as calm as he could possibly be given the situation. He wasn't about to lose his cool, or the possible bounty/bargaining piece. "By the way, you got a name blue?" He asked. Get to know her, gain a bit of trust, get her on his side. It was a good way to get the Chiss girl on his ship. Come to think of it, this may or may not have been his first Chiss. Interesting. But it was no time to focus on such details. It wouldn't be too long before they reached the space port. Hopefully they had at least out run the two pursuing the girl.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zerenis immediately dropped what he was doing and broke into a sprint when it looked like the Speeder was about to escape. As he reached the very edge of the platform, he jumped with all his might... And grabbed hold of the back of the Speeder with his right hand. If he'd have screwed up, unless he could grab something on the way down, he'd have fallen to his demise. Said issue was still a problem, however, as he now had to contend with the Speeder's occupants as he pulled himself up onto the rear of the Speeder. But the alternative was not being able to catch up to them in time.

"I will only say this once. Land now, or I shall MAKE you." Zerenis said, the venom practically oozing from his voice as he recalled his lightsaber, pointing it at Ashtev with intent to kill in his eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'I think we're in the clear... We just need to get ourselves to a spaceport-' SLAM!

Lunaris' train of thought was suddenly derailed as something grabbed hold of the speeder. That something was then revealed to be one of the two Sith Lords, as he hopped up onto the back of the speeder! Before he had a chance to speak, the Padawan reignited the blue blade of her lightsaber, back still pressed against the windshield as the civilian continued driving. The Sith gave them a simple command, and was ready to make sure they carried it out. But, against all sense in the moment...

"Keep driving!" Lunaris yelled over the engine at Ashtev, bringing herself to a stand carefully, one boot against the windshield, the other on her seat. "You have one chance to surrender!" she continued, ...but only realized after saying that, that it probably wouldn't work on a Force-sensitive. No, a Sith would laugh off the idea, probably even if she were stronger than them. It was strange to think this Sith might be the same as her. Did he become an outcast of the Ascendancy by becoming a Sith, or was this some twisted sense of alliance between the Empire and Ascendancy? A gift to the Sith Order, in the form of one of their own people?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

Although part of him had hoped for things to go easier than they were in regards to his and the Chiss girl's escape, Ashtev knew that they wouldn't be so lucky. "You're kidding me." He spoke in a calm near silent tone under his breath upon the realization of his doubts. Still he wasn't about to give up. They were in the air. He wasn't alone and he could... Wait... No... What...

"What are you!! Hey! Chiss girl! Don't!" His thoughts quickly became vocal as Lunaris told him to keep driving moving and positioning herself to try and fend off their pursuer. It was times like this that he cursed the fact that Roll couldn't pilot things like this for him. The little droid could work more wonders as a partner than he already did. Still, what kind of idiot would put themself in such a compromising position. She was who the bastard wanted.

"Girl! Find a way to get him to lose his hold on the speeder. We need to knock him off before we get to the port or leaving this blasted moon will become even more of a problem!" He raised his voice demanding Lunari not continue with her naive actions, like ordering a surrender, while subsequently making it clear he wasn't afraid. He wouldn't back down. Still, he wasn't in the best of positions. Maybe if he could turn for a moment, just long enough to aim a shot with his blaster... But then the Sith could probably deflect it couldn't he?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Foolish Neophyte... You don't quite seem to realise the predicament you're in. You're not dealing with some low level acolyte... You're dealing with an honest-to-gods Sith." Zerenis said with an ominous sense of calm as he pointed his lightsaber downwards, away from Ashtev... And towards the speeder itself.

"You will stop now, and surrender yourselves or we can all enjoy a crash landing." Zerenis said, making it clear he had no qualms about sending them into the wall of a nearby building, or crashing into the middle of a street, whichever came first.

"And you... I have a lot of questions for YOU." Zerenis said, looking at Lunaris with extreme annoyance. The sith kept a firm grip on his lightsaber while securely remaining upright, using his other hand for support.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

'Here's my answer, Sith!' Gathering herself as much as she could, Lunaris took one hand off her lightsaber and pulled it back, as if she were taking hold of something invisible. Giving little time for the Force Push to grow into something truly dangerous, she unleashed the burst of telekinetic energy at the Chiss Sith Lord's chest in attempt to throw him off the speeder, or at least destabilize him. Any slower, and he might have the opportunity to do serious damage to her or the one piloting - any quicker, and it'd be like a Force-flick to such a powerful adversary.

Whether it worked or not was of little consequence. All they needed was time to reach a space-worthy ship, but was the Sith oblivious to this?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Demon Shinobi
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Demon Shinobi

Member Seen 12 mos ago

As Lunaris dealt with the Chiss Sith Lord, Ashtev seemed to be almost ignoring the two. Perhaps arrogant, but he was having a rather quick conversation. With who if not them? His droid! Yes Roll had still been with the group attached to the hull of the ship. "You can't! But we... Just... I get it but... But you..." It seemed pretty one sided if the series of beeps and noises coupled with Ashtev's clearly deteriorating argument were anything to go by. "Alright just do it." He said just moments before Lunaris used the force to attempt to get the Sith lord off, or at least unsteady him. Still Ashtev wasn't about to wait and see if that works. He hopped to his feet, after setting the speeder on a course that would likely yield the most collateral damage along with, hopefully, the least casualties. "Let's go Blue!" He shouted as he grabbed Lunaris's armed and jumped from the Speeder.

Meanwhile, the brave little droid had decommissioned the engine of the speeder and soon it would be crashing. As it did, he'd disengage his cables to drop from the hull. It seemed as though Ashtev was merely grabbing the little roller of a droid, but really he'd utilized just the faintest hint of the force in order to get Roll into his grasp. He'd wanted to avoid this at all cost. Even if it was only a pull. He could pawn it off on the girl he was currently holding's abilities, but she would know. Which meant now she would have leverage. Of course, that was assuming she'd noticed over the chaotic situation at hand.

"Brace yourself!" He called out, letting Roll's weight and gravity pull them down to the nearest speeder. "Before the pilot could interject though, he'd pull a one of his blasters out, crouching low to get ahold of the vehicle, glancing back to see if Lunaris was still with him, while Roll used his cables to secure himself once more. "Keep driving and get us to the Space Port." The driver seemed to want to object. Why should he have to go out of his way. "Now!" Ashtev wouldn't take such an answer though given the warning shot he fired just as the man opened his mouth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Although Zerenis did brace himself the moment he saw Lunaris' hands move, he was still knocked off balance, and left hanging off the back of the speeder. Gripping his lightsaber firmly, he was prepared to run it clean through the engine block.

"...Alright, if you're gonna be that way then-" Zerenis didn't even get to finish the sentence as the engine shut off on it's own, and the Speeder began to descend uncontrollably.

"...Saves me SOME trouble, but... Hope she's not slept in today." Zerenis said, as he purposely let go of the speeder and began to fall.

"Lightning Stalker to Azure Twintails. Requesting mid-air pickup!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jakeozzy
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Jakeozzy Laziest Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"FRAK!" the Zeltron man flying the speeder yelled as a blaster bolt flew past his head. "Okay, we're driving! Relax!" he said frantically as he shifted flight lanes. Soon enough, they were on course to a busy Nar Shaddaa spaceport. The Imperials there were having a little trouble shutting the place down - if they caused a massacre just to stop people from coming or going, the Hutts wouldn't be happy at all... There was still time. And there was something else, Lunaris thought... Something was diverting her attention to the distant spaceport, like a calling. She seemed spaced out as she tried to put a finger on what the strange feeling was, but to anyone else, she might simply appear shocked after what just happened!

"...That's one way to deal with a Sith," the Padawan commented, arms still tightly wrapped around the human's form while the speeder accelerated, "You do have a ship, don't you?" she asked, "We've already caused enough trouble without having to steal some gangster's ship."


"That's Azure Tritails-! I mean.. Azure Clawcat.. and I tailed you since you took that leap of faith onto their speeder, my Lord~," a young Imperial female's voice sounded over the private comms. Moments later, a black speeder with the Imperial insignia on the hood flew straight underneath Zerenis, hopefully to catch him in a seat rather than leave him hanging off the side! The young lady piloting the speeder had dyed blue hair tied into a single long ponytail, emerald-green eyes and wore a tight-fitting black bodysuit like a spy would wear. Additionally, she wore over it: a load-bearing vest, a utility belt, and holsters for vibrodaggers and two blaster pistols and some knife-like blades that looked to be for throwing more than anything else. This was Lord Aotisa's favoured underling, but she rarely acted as such unless in the presence of others. Her boss' reputation as a Sith Lord mattered, after all!

"Follow the Jedi?" Izumi deadpanned, already bringing the speeder back on course after catching Zerenis.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CronicCrystalis
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CronicCrystalis Equilibrium Nephilim

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Flipping around, the Sith Lord landed on his feet atop the back of the speeder as though he'd been practicing landing on his feet all the time, every time.

"If the Padawan gets away, Arkaos and Arkana are going to be yelling in my ear for the rest of the day. I'd like to avoid that if possible." The Sith lord said to Izumi as he shifted into the passenger seat, stowing his lightsaber away for now as he braced himself for high-speed pursuit.

"Somehow I feel like by the time we catch up though, it'll be too late. I can almost hear their ire already." Zerenis said through gritted teeth as he clenched his fists tightly. He hated working with those two pureblood upstarts, and merely being in their presence was enough to put him in a bad mood. Were he able to get away with it, he'd have left those two dead in a ditch long ago, and he made no secret of it to Izumi. He personally hopes they get killed in some fittingly ironic way.


At this point, Mark was understandably getting nervous. Worried that an Imperial Squadron would come in at a moment's notice and recognize him, he hurried into his ship and began warming up the engines. Till the vessel was loaded and the engines were primed, he set the ship's turrets to automated defence, bracing himself for an inevitable imperial encounter. The more careful individuals would be able to evade detection by the turrets, and slip into the cargo containers.
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