Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


With the Bandits

The bandits were a bit split on what they wanted to do with the clone. Some wanted to maim her and her shadow in order to let off some steam. Others, however...

"We'll join you on a condition. If you find the real you, then you'll let us help you kill her and her friends. They wronged us in the past, and some of us want to pay them back."

It was the Duskician that spoke for the others. He personally had some questions for them, but he could not deny his associates.

With Claire

Claire was trying to get the lecherous version of Yuki off of her, so she didn't exactly have time to think on what music to use. It didn't matter to her, as long as it managed to get Yukiko off her, then it could be the Sesame Street theme song for all she cared. From her body, music blasted out as if it was from a speaker.

Lucky for her, it was the type of music that was fast and furious. This type of song was something that helped a lot more in battles than others, as they usually allowed her to manipulate Light and Darkness in fast, unpredictable ways. When the drums started playing, her powers went to work. The darkness was the first to gather. Then the electronic melody sounded off, and the light gathered in response. When the music glitches out for a moment, the light and darkness ripped Yukiko off of Claire and slammed her into the ground in a series of complex clicks and beeps.

It was then that Tlevran appeared and said he'd help. If not for the fact that this Yuki was willing to use a lot more of Yuki's power than the real one started off with, then she would've declined and hit him out of anger.

Yukiko got up with a smile on her face, and immediately started dancing to the music. Claire expected this, but still attacked. The only person that was able to successfully dodge the unpredictable manipulation with this type of music was Yuki, as the music goddess always knew how to keep up. Problem here was that the clone knew the same thing, and countered with weapons crafted of dancing and energy. She was using submachine guns from a distance, and dancer's blades when close to her opponents.

Claire was hit several times, but not in lethal ways. At the moment, her left arm had seven holes in it, but Claire had to tough it out. A moment of silence came in the music, but that only served for her to restrategize and change the track. She hoped that Tlevran could hold her off long enough.

With Yuki

"...I am sorry. I am not experienced enough to bring back your eye." replied Yuki.

It was true. Yuki had not lived nearly long enough to figure out full regeneration of individual parts. Had Xoxi lost more than just her eye, Yuki would not have been able to help her there either. The elements could only heal her so much. If she figured out how, she'd be able to create a working replacement out of the elements. Unfortunately, she didn't know now.

"Please be still. I haven't healed your wounds just yet."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago


"Deal. They were in London, to let you know."

In reality, Ixox had felt something interesting during that fight. It wasn't adrenaline, but rather something like whole. She felt halved after exiting the rift, and during the recent fight with Xoxi, a sense of wholeness was achieved.

"Hee... maybe I can combine with her and reach my maximum potential."

Just then, Ixox noticed the Myceling bandit, and snickered.

"You were beaten by the creator of your own race? Charming."

Shadows formed under the bandits, as the group was ported to the coast of Denmark.

"Damn... I missed. We can walk there though."

Blood dripped from the red eyes of Tlevran, as he ran up and started to fend off the wretched spirit. He wasn't crying, just exerting his own heartbeat. Even if he was buried underground, he understood how music worked, and so he changed his own heartbeat to match the tempo of the song, allowing him to keep up with Yukiko and Claire. The cleaver flew through the air like a knife through butter, and the genocide god fought hard.

"It's been a while since I had a true fight, this is fun!"

The blood of the fallen nearby fueled Tlevran's powers as the fight progressed.

"Look... it's gonna be alright. I've been through a lot, this is just a flesh-wound. I'll be fine after I heal."

The shadow from before, the skeleton, stood staring at the couple. It was in shreds, and Megalovania still played, however it was a broken up song. It completely faded as the music ended. The demigoddess smiled as it faded away.

"Now I know what I'm up against... the next fight should be a better show."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


With the bandits...

The Duskician was still wary of the clone, but the deal having been made, he could not complain. Cherry, on the other hand was spouting all sorts of profanities while Resin snickered at both the comment and the memory.

The Myceling bandit venomously glared at Resin. Clearly the thought of being punted pissed him off so much that he held a grudge against the girl and any who laughed at him. He didn't care if she was the creator of his race. He was going to...to...

"Wait. WHAT?!" he exclaimed as they were teleported.

Though the feel was different, the overall experience was pretty much the same to the bandits. When needing to make a quick escape, the Duskician had mixed two spells to creat one similar to the clone's one. Of course, that one could be seen as an imitation.

They were all curious about what she said. The girl she was a clone of was the creator of Cherry's race? Who were the other two, then? Were they all gods in disguise? What was going on. The only one to ask about s was Resin.

"What do you mean by that? Cherry was created by your original?"

With Claire and Yukiko...

Yukiko wasn't fighting. She was dancing. There wasn't much of a difference if one were to watch the battle, but the difference it did have was clear as day to Yukiko. She wasn't trying to kill. Injure, evade, and defend, yes she was. But actively trying to kill? She didn't want to do that. After all, she wanted Claire to be alive and awake when she becomes one with her. Had she fought to kill, there would have been a large circle overhead, indicating her going all out. Unfortunately, Claire also knew this, so she had to beat this clone quickly before she has a chance to down her.

It was a random song, but a familiar one. It was from a game, and Claire had her manipulation based off of it. It was a bullet hell, and with the added assault of the genocide deity, she shouldn't be able to dodge it all...right? Wrong. If anything the sound of the music only made her more excited. She was dodging like crazy...What was with her face?


With Yuki...

"Yes, it should be. Especially since I'm going to help you the next time we fight her."

Yuki sat herself down, placing herself in seiza. She didn't take off her mask, in case her own clone appeared, but she did have a calming aura about herself. She also had an adamant aura. She was not going to standby this time. She was going to help fight.

"By the way..." said Yuki. "It was very reckless of you to just jump in without any plan of attack. I know she's your clone, but have you ever once considered how to defeat yourself?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago

"Yes. My original is the one who created the myceling race, and I was sent here to destroy it and take the place of my original. Unfortunately, only about half the race was wiped before SHE intervened. I plan on making her suffer now that she attempted to stop my endeavors, and I partially accomplished that by removing her eye before I teleported."

Ixox knew a lot about the world going into it, and her idea of making everything suffer motivated her to slay the original, or in the best case, capture her and slowly push her to a broken mind. She was partially there already, so getting to the finale of it seemed easy at first.

"I know things, like how her...um...'lover', is the sister of the Duskician's creator. I don't want to give away names though, that'd be too much, hee hee!"

Krieg began walking towards Britain, carrying Ixox in his hands as he walked and she talked.

The music changed, and so did Tlevran's pulse. The cleaver swung to the beat, and it missed every time. The blood nearby started to run out, and the god yelled towards Claire.

"I'm gonna try and make it harder for her!"

The music remained the same as Tlevran's pulse changed to double time. Each attack began to speed up as the beat progressed through the music. The god was very barely nicking the clone's clothes and hair, but none of the hits managed to land.

"One hit and she's vulnerable..."

"I thought about this one time. I don't make plans before I strike, and I change tactics based on the opponent. If I had planned out anything I would've been vulnerable for her. She seems opposite of my mental state, so she probably planned out hers, and we counter eachother well."

Xoxi rummaged through the bag she carried with her, and pulled a small patch from it. After doing some sewing with the patch, Xoxi wore it over the empty eye-socket.

"Should we... um... leave before she returns? I don't think I can really fight her again without any assistance from the moon..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


With the bandits...

"I don't know if I should take offense to that." commented Cherry when he heard the clone of his supposed creator say something about killing half of his own race. "I mean, on one hand, I'm of the same race, so I can only assume you would've been out for my head as well. On the other hand, they kicked me out, so...Hey, do you mind if I take about three of your fingers as recompense for the people you killed?"

"Don't get too greedy, Cherry." said Resin. "If you play your cards right, you'll have all ten of the original's fingers. Besides, You weren't even close to any other myceling."

"Hey! There were plenty of women I was close to!"

"You keep telling yourself that."

"I will use your skin as a flag, Squid-boy!"

While the two were in their daily exchange of wit and colorful words, the Duskician of the group spoke to Ixox.

"I apologize for their behavior. They become idiots when we're not doing anything more than walking."

The wind began to pick up. Slightly, but just enough for the Duskician. to notice.

"Hm...You said that her lover was the sister of my race's creator...Our creator is the goddess of Music, and her sister is the goddess of Dance...We might need to hurry if we want to catch them."

With Claire and Yukiko...

Yukiko was getting ever so slightly irritated. The genocide deity was in her way, and she couldn't get past him. He kept on the offensive, and didn't let up. Not only that, he was either tanking her hits, avoiding them, or blocking them. He lives up to the description she overheard, but this was getting annoying. She thought his counterpart would have taken him out or at least distract him, instead he's here, making things way more difficult than they needed to be. All she needed to do was restrain or impair Claire, and she'd be able to have her way with her. Now she had to come up with a different approach.

It was difficult to dodge and think, but she came up with something. Something that kept the smiling expression on her face. She continued to dodge and counter, but snuck in something else. She let herself get hit by the genocide god. As the clone was flung by the force of gthe blow a small distance away, her smile was all the more creepy. For a second, her body looked like it glitched out.

Claire felt her head pulse as the clone's injury registered as if it was the real Yuki who was in peril. Something was wrong. What was Yukiko planning?

With Yuki...

Yuki looked at her demigoddess of a girlfriend. Her new eyepatch was...attractive in a way. It made her fantasize for a moment about being in a high school scenario, and her being the cool ex-bully that held secret feeling for her. Definitely something she'd have to keep in her 'RL fan fiction ideas' folder she keeps hidden in her realm. In any case, she shook herself out of the fantasy, and heard Xoxi's suggestion of leaving before they were found again.

"Yes. I'll ask the winds to bring us somewhere else. We'll need to plan this out better before we take your clone and her shadows on again."

Yuki, still in her disguise, began dancing in a fluid and beautiful style. The winds began to pick up in response...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago

"Ladies, ladies, keep your pants on. Fingers will be shared once this mission is done. Duskician guy? Can you teleport us into London so we can proceed to fight the chick that hurt me?"

The winds were picking up, and the spirit didn't want to wait for the enemy to heal. If they did they'd come back stronger, and that would be a bad thing for the small little group of misfits. The moon started to rise over the horizon, however, and Ixox had a gleam in her eye when she saw it.

A sigh of relief was released when the god hit the clone, but a dark look washed over the face of Tlevran as the clone... glitched...? The clone looked like the true Yuki for a minute.

"Please don't tell me Claire is going to go berserk..."

Tlevran wished this hard. He saw the power of the goddess earlier, and if that was to be reenacted... well... Tlevran may need to flee.

The demigoddess watched as Yuki performed her dance in front of her, and spoke once the moon peeked out from the horizon.

"The moon... Yuki if they come back we may be able to fight them."

Xoxi felt the situation would be a harder fight on one hand, but the other hand led to victory. The fight would be on a level playing field as well, so long as nobody else got involved with it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

With Yuki...

"Xoxi, I'm not taking that chance. We're heading back to my place for you to rest. We'll come up with a better plan, and we'll fight her together."

...She felt that something was off. The winds became violent, unreasonably so. It was as if There was another force trying to force control over it. Unfortunately, if there was another force trying to hijack the winds, it would succeed. It only took a moment of distraction, and the sudden appearance of the bandits and Ixox provided just that. The winds were forced under another's control, and both she and Xoxi were carried to a destination not of their own choosing.

For a moment, Yuki was separated from Xoxi, who would have probably arrived somewhere in the near area. The next thing Yuki knew, she received a wound from a hit that sent her flying a small distance away. She landed harshly on the ground. She looked at her wound and froze out of shock. She was hit by an attack that could wound and possibly kill a goddess. She was too focused on the wound to realize that she was naked.

With Claire and Yukiko(?)...

Claire didn't know what just happened, so she just stood where she was. She was unsure of what to do. What if Yukiko was just pretending in an attempt to get Claire to come close enough for a fatal attack? Should she take the chance to check? She didn't know.

With the bandits...

The Duskician followed through with the request of their temporary ally. Normally, he'd need to first tag his target with a tracking spell, but the current circumstances were different. With someone who was essentially the same person as their target, it made things easier to travel, as all he'd need was to was mix a tracking spell with a teleportation spell. Both of them may have been someone complicated spells to perform and mix, but it wasn't anything different from what he had done before.

It took a moment, but he had done what was asked of him, and they teleported straight to where their target was. Unfortunately for them, their target was immediately disappeared the moment after their arrival, leaving only what seemed to be a Mirifakino woman behind. The two Exiles immediately dashed toward her in rage. Having been denied their revenge, they sought to cut the Mirifakino woman a bit to vent. They were immediately blocked.

"My my. She's such a failure that her own creations would try to kill her? Maybe our decision to become one with her and Claire with her may be more than what she deserves."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago


"...Nice to see you. I guess you swapped positions?"

Ixox was a bit angry that Yukiko showed up, but at the same time she didn't mind the presence of her. The only issue Ixox had was that Yukiko was... erm...

A total slut for Claire.

"Guessing your plan to sleep with your original's sister went awry? Pity... then again incest is frowned upon."


Tlevran stood there for a minute, and wondered what was going on. The battle basically warped and now there was a glitch in the system. The only thing he knew was the wind howled.

"...um... what just happened...?"

However, there was one thing apparent, he heard a voice from above, and it sounded like screaming.


Xoxi looked down, and saw waht appears to be 400 feet above the planet Earth.


The air whizzed by Xoxi's face as she plummeted to the Earth screaming, then she landed... surprisingly a soft landing consider- oh wait she landed on Claire.

"Well then... sorry about falling on you Cl-"

Xoxi saw a nude Yuki.

A jaw was dropped that day, then immediately picked back up as Xoxi ran to Yuki's side and hugged her, trying to make her feel better. The wound was the thing that alerted Xoxi.

"Don't worry, you'll be alright Yuki... but you are... erm..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Though she was initially confused and angered at Xoxi for landing on her, she immediately grew panicked after realizing what this meant. She ran up to Yuki with Xoxi, and immediately set about creating a portal to Yuki's realm. With any luck, the power she left there would be able to heal her wound. She had to force herself to concentrate on the task, ignoring her own panic, and Xoxi's attempts to calm Yuki down.

She looked down to her half-sister. Yuki was still in shock, but she was breathing, which was good. When a deity receives a mortal wound, they were pretty much just like normal mortals that are trying to cope with heavy wounds and the possibility of death. Unless they were used to the concept, of course. There was only one other time where Yuki had received such wounds, and that was years ago.

The portal was open, and on the other side was Yuki's beautiful realm.

"Bring her through, Xoxi."

With Yukiko...

"Tell that to the old Greek gods. Zeus and Hera, their parents, and grandparents were all related to each other. Besides, you know well that my and my sister's intentions are way different from getting laid. I'm just a bit...eccentric." replied Yukiko.

She stretched in her new clothes. finding them comfortable. She'd have to take more from her counterpart sometime. She scanned her eyes at the company the demigoddess clone was keeping. They were a variable lot, to be sure.

"Well well. You should have told me you were starting a party, Ixox."

There was one that she recognized. The Duskician bandit. Her own sister had told her about him before they went to this world.

"It's nice to meet you, 'Alias'"

The Duskician's glowing eyes narrowed. He didn't like the way this clone spoke to him. It was so smug and seductive that it irked him. Besides, it seemed that she was mocking him with the name the general public had given him. His persistence in keeping his real name from all others had earned him many names from the public. So many that people realized this, and gave him a more simple name. This woman...he had a feeling that she was in the process of doing something big.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago

"What can I say? I like to party. The old gods didn't know how, especially mother dearest. Fuck her. Have you seen any of the other clones by the way? I've only seen you."

Ixox posed this question to the clone, and ignored the other bandits. The Krieg, meanwhile, placed Ixox on his shoulders, and his eye flashed between green and lime. Ixox was trying to calibrate something, but it wasn't able to calibrate it precisely.

Like a bullet out of a gun, Tlevran ran through the portal and flopped into the realm. The pitch black skin started to resonate with the aural pulse of the realm, and he was able to stand immediately afterwards.

"I'm not gonna fight the purge version of me. The bastard wants to wipe everything impure off the world, including those who have committed the sins. We're basically fucked if we fight him, trust me."

Tlevran wasn't joking, The Purge was able to mimic Tlevran's powers entirely, and it seemed like it had infinite fuel powering him at all times. He was powered by those that lived, and that could complicate things for Tlevran if the two ever fought again.

"Fucking Marie. She did this and I was played like a goddamn violin.. To add to it all, I was even wanting to create a race to take the world with. That failed fast."

With a swift motion, Xoxi lifted the Yuki off the ground and cradled her, walking through the portal and stepping on Tlevran's hand.

"...sorry for falling on you by the way, Claire..."

Xoxi said that as a heartfelt apology, and a midnight blue glow emanated from under the eyepatch while Xoxi was in Yuki's realm, it was either a healing glow, or one that signified some kind of sight. Either way, Ixox was gonna pay for the removal of the eye.

Xoxi walked with Yuki in her arms, hugging her as the group traversed through the realm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


As Yuki felt the power of her own realm, her injury began to heal. No onger in her initial shock, Yuki's consciousness slipped away, putting her into a slumber as her body healed. Claire was glad that she was safe. Still, the music goddess had a few words to trade with Tlevran, who had so rudely barged through the portal.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Xoxi." replied Claire to the demigoddess. "Just make sure that Yuki's fine for now. I need to have a talk with that guy."

Claire pointed at Tlevran before making her way to him. She was somewhat mad at him. After all, he did hurt Yuki in the first place. Still, she had to admit that the swap ability was the fault of Yukiko, so he wasn't really at fault. She overheard him saying something about his own clone. Apparently his was able to overcome him, and he was out to kill all those who had helped to bring them into this plane of existence.

"Looks like you and I are in the same boat now...Tell me what you can do, Tlevran."

With Yukiko...

"Only my own sister. We are sharing the same plan, after all. I just hope that the 'heroic' clone of Tlevran doesn't make things more difficult."

Yukiko shook her head at the thought of the clone. He may be just like them, but everyone knew how he was like. For Yukiko and Clarice, the guy would become a problem if he got to their counterparts and killed them. She thought on it a bit more, and remembered how Tlevran arrived and helped Claire in her fight. If that was the case, then his clone must've been more desperate to escape than she thought, assuming that he was indeed fighting his clone.

Yukiko took a moment to look at Ixox, who was doing something to her shadow.

"What are you doing?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago

"I'm searching for any of the other clones, making a larger team would work better. No offense to these guys but they'd die fast to the demigoddess if they reencountered her."

Truth be told, Ixox was not doing this at all. Ixox was really searching for a way into Yuki's realm without raising suspicion. Although the gods would be on a home field, it'd be a major leap if that happened. Then, suddenly, Ixox got an idea.

"Can you go undercover as your original? We can hold the other one hostage."


Instead of taking to an offensive role, the Purge decided to sit in a defensive spot for this, carefully planning his attacks on the originals and trying to take them down. He felt a strong pulse come from London, and that's when he figured the other clones were trying to slay the originals. A warp happened and the Purge appeared over Ixox.

"I'm the true hero here you pest."

After wincing because of the boot that stepped on his hand, Tlevran stood and spoke.

"So if you really need to know... I can't use the full effect of my powers unless there are dead creatures around I can use as fuel. Areas like the ruined village had plenty of souls to harvest so I could continue to fight, but without them... well... we're fucked. As for the powers I do get, I can manipulate my own power using them, or benefit/hinder opponents, such as raising heartbeats, exponentially increasing my power, and even to the point where I can slay an entire city within twenty minutes, although after that last one I'd need a long nap. That's it. I wasn't around for long before I killed my parents, so I didn't learn my full potential with these powers."

Xoxi carried Yuki to her room, while trying to summon shadows to protect them in case of any unwanted guests. The skeleton from previous was summoned, however it looked very different from the original. The right eye was removed from it, and it was replaced with a blue glow. It's other eye was gone as well, and the low hum of a song played in the background.


The eye of the skeleton flickered as the song played, and Xoxi's eye was flickering as well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"Hm...With that description, I can only imagine how powerful your counterpart is. Seems tough to fight."

Claire was underselling it a bit. The guy's counterpart seemed powerful enough to become a big threat. Admittedly he's not the biggest threat they've faced, but still one more than any of them could handle on their own, and with Tlevran admitting that he didn't have much of a chance to win against him, it made things a bit problematic. In any case, Claire just wanted to calm herself down, so her tone of voice returned to its calm, carefree version. It felt as if it had been ages since she used that tone.

"Still, we're both in the same boat now, so it looks like we'll have to work together for this...So if he shows up, then we'll just have to fight him as a team."

Claire didn't really feel comfortable saying that, but it was the truth at the moment. They'd all have to band together to fight off their counterparts. This just made things a lot more difficult.

While her sister spoke to the genocidal god, Yuki was calming down in her state of unconsciousness. The song was familiar...It reminded her of some things that her sister had shown her. A story that she'd come to love...but that was all in the past. Still, the music was nice, and it let her rest peacefully.


Before Yukiko even had the chance to respond to the idea, 'Purge' arrived. Yukiko wasn't very fond of the deity. Not just because he's supposed to be a 'good guy', but also because of his hero complex. He thought he was doing the world a favor by wiping all evil, while in reality he was being just as ruthless and murderous as his counterpart. It's just that his ideals were supposed to be for the good of the world. She hated it when people lie to themselves to justify their actions. At least she was honest about what she wanted to do, and why she did things.

"Oh, great. Purge. I was wondering when you'd show up. How did that human saying go again? 'Speak of the Devil and he shall appear'?"

Yukiko only said this to antagonize the deity. She honestly didn't want to deal with him yet, as they had their own problems to think on.

"As for your question, Ixox...Yes. I can disguise myself as her, but that'd be difficult, considering the reason I switched with her at all. Also, if you're so certain that your entourage would lose, I think I know someone that could help out. She and I could give some of these rogues a little power boost. Ooh. I like the idea of corrupting their creations, actually."

...It's finished...

Ask any Slimilili what they saw, and they would tell you in great detail a description of the most epic battle they had seen yet. That wouldn't be enough. Ask any deity or being with the task of historical archiving, and their files and information of the battle wouldn't be enough to capture the entirety of the beauty and brutality of it.

What was once a deserted island was now a blood-soaked mound of sand, dirt, ruined jungle, and broken stone. In the middle of this island were two goddesses. Both were Miriam, and one was imapled by a crude-looking spear. She and her killer were both smiling in silence. Theirs were frozen expressions of their most recent clash. Crazed expressions that could only be acquired through the intensity of a battle that had shed much blood. Soon, they both broke their silence by laughing together, as if they were childhood friends. The victor wiped a joyous tear from her eye, calming herself down to speak.

"Looks like you forgot who we were, me."

"Looks like I did." said the clone. "I wonder, though. Which one of us is the real evil one?"

"Does it matter? We'd both just look for the next fight."


As the Miriam clone began to melt back into a puddle of blood, the true Miriam took out a small vial, and placed some of her opponent into it. They both smiled their small, creepy smiles until the defeated clone was finally soaked into the island, forever staining the land red.

Miriam mixed some of her own blood with the sample she collected from the clone, and tossed the vial in the air. It was then caught by the Slimilili Queen, who had reappeared after the battle had finished. She had been instructed to keep the vial somewhere safe, so that she'd use it if anything big came up. Miriam figured that if Yuki and Claire had a contingency plan, she should have one as well.

She retrieved her spear, and made it disappear. She was happy for the battle, and was sated for a little bit. She wondered what Yuki and Claire were doing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago

(Purge + Ixox)
"While you call me the devil, I see myself as a metaphor. There was the old story about Noah's ark, and I see myself as the flood that came and wiped the Earth of it's corruption."

The Purge sat criss crossed, levitating over the two clones, a white aura surrounded his head as a hood formed, a red fez appearing on top of it.

"... Ixox, are you done finding a way into the realm of dance?"

"Keep your tits calm. I'm looking for it."

The same song that was playing the shadow skeleton started to play from Krieg, as the green light flickered.

"I found one way, but it's VERY inconvenient."

"Isn't there a saying for that? 'Strength in numbers' or some shit?"

Tlevran actually grew fonder of Claire's company. Not romantically, but a friend may be more in order. Tlevran smiled as he saw a deer walk by the group of gods, a house approaching in the distance.

"Nice house."

Once the group was in the house, Xoxi laid Yuki in her bed. The music goddess needed sleep, as it was the best way to recover from this. Xoxi sat in the bed and the shadow skeleton warped to the roof. It slowly turned and viewed the surrounding area.

"I'm not gonna let anything happen to you unless it needs to happen."

The song rang through the area, calming the spirits of the warriors, and keeping them on alert.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"Yeah...Yuki takes more to her japanese mom's side." replied Claire before going into the house with the others.

Claire wanted to check up on something before addressing the matter at hand with Xoxi and Tlevran. She had to see how the race she created were doing. She opened up a portal of sorts that looked into their main village, and found something both good and bad. The good thing was that the Duskicians were fine. They were still very much alive, and the ones that were unconscious before were either awake or just getting up. The bad part: Claire's clone was nowhere to be seen. This was bad, as it may mean that she was on her way to help Yukiko.

She sighed as she closed the portal. It was just another headache to deal with now. First there's Ixox, then Yukiko, a possibility of Tlevran's counterpart, and another possibility of her own clone. O, frabjous day. Callooh. Callay. In any case, she had to sit down and speak with the others. Though Yuki was still unconscious, she'd just have to be brought up to speed later when she wakes up...Claire convinced herself that Yuki would wake up. She was alive, and in her realm. She'd have to wake up eventually.

When she spoke to Xoxi and Tlevran, she spoke in her carefree tone with a grin.

"Well...I guess we're going to have to know what we can all do, since we have to work together. I'm Claire, and I preside over Music and the Dusk. My powers are -you guessed it- Music-based. I manipulate Light and Darkness, depending on the music I play. Apparently it's become a popular concept."

Claire grinned at Xoxi and her skeletal shadow.

"Yuki is my little half-sister, and she presides over Dance and the Dawn. Don't get smart with that. She can get help from the elements, and summon a powerful energy that only dance deities know how to use. It's a weird energy, and I think Yuki told me about once when we were younger, but I forgot. You'll have to ask her about when you get the chance. So...what about you two? I'd like you guys to get to know each other better."


"The way I heard it, it was a love story, and every human that was killed was way too evil to be forgiven. I'm pretty sure that some of your targets aren't as bad as them. But who am I to judge? I'm just the clone of the goddess that's friends with the daughter of an angel, after all." said Yukiko as she walked off to deal with the bandits.

While Ixox continued to search for a way into Yuki's realm, Yukiko went to work on the bandits. Although she couldn't really help the others that much, she did have an idea of what to do with the Mirifakino Exiles. Of course, she started dancing in order to do it. Yukiko's dancing was different from Yuki's, though not in a visual sense. If both were to dance, both of their moves would be praised with all matter of positive adjectives and compliments. The overall feel, however was noticeably different. The feel one gets from watching Yuki dance is excitement, or joy, or elegance, or some other positive vibe. Watching Yukiko, one would feel as if they were getting overpowered. She gives off stranger vibes such as madness, tainted happiness, and aggression, among other things.

Yukiko's dancing didn't win over the assistance of the elements and energy, but rather forced them under her control. A strange energy began to form in the area. One that had only been accessed by deities that presided over Dance. Yukiko sent this energy into the two Exiles, and they felt its power course through them. It was as if magma had replaced their blood, and spikes had simply appeared in their masks, stabbing into them as they writhed. Still, they survived, and they were given compensation for the pain. They were given the powers similar to their legendary ancestors. They no longer needed to summon their spirits, unless they wanted to increase their abilities even further, but with the battle they'd get into, what ancestor of theirs would allow themselves to be summoned for them?

Yukiko smiled as she spoke to Alias.

"When my sister gets here, you'll get an upgrade as well."

Yukiko then turned to Ixox and Purge.

"I'm done giving them an upgrade! What's this I hear about a way into my counterpart's realm?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago

(Ixox and Purge)
"The shadow of my counterpart plays music occasionally, and through this we may be able to enter the realm of dance. While that's good and all, we'd be right next to the sister of your counterpart, heroic trashbag's counterpart, and my own counterpart on their home turf."

The green flicker started to warp as the music changed to something Ixox found more... fitting.

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

A blunt appeared, probably stolen from Xoxi during the fight that happened earlier, as Ixox smoked it.

"Yeah, so that's it. If you guys wanna die trying to kill them then I will be happy to get you guys there, but personally I don't care."

The Purge stared at Ixox and sighed.

"Are you serious right now...?"
"The cigarette."
"Shouldn't you be focused for the fight upcoming if we start one?"
"I'll be fine, Mister Heroic Trashbag."

(Xoxi and Tlevran)

"...I guess I should speak about my powers then... I'm Xoxi Slevryn, Claire knows that by now. Even though I'm a demigod, I'm still a pretty god damn strong force to be reckoned with. I control stealth and shadows and I'm still the worlds best thief to this date. The stealth and shadows I control include- but aren't limited to- becoming completely invisible, making me insane to the point of near mind-breaking, and creating these shadow-puppets. I've seen both sides of the world, the all powerful ruling one, and being a piece in a big game of chess. Last thing is bring up my father and old Sansy here will teach you the way I do things."

Tlevran raised his hand for a question.

"What happened to your father?

The song rapidly switched to Megalovania as a giant skull appeared and blasted Tlevran with the force of 10 grenades. Once Tlevran was safely on the floor through the wall, the music switched back to Memory and Xoxi went back to hugging Yuki.

"I also think me losing my eye has something to do with the strength of these shadows."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


"If we had the time, we could probably test it out, and see what your powers can do now. Too bad we have giant targets on our backs."

Claire looked up at the ceiling. Things were looking pretty bleak for them. Yuki was unconscious, Xoxi was still kinda injured, and missing an eye, Tlevran was weakened, and Claire herself was suffering a major blow to her personal morale. Claire may have suggested that they all band together, but she took a long enough look at everyone to see how bad things were. She sighed in frustration.

"Honestly, I think the only way we stand a chance right now is having an army to back us up. God dammit..."

Claire hadn't used that phrase in a long time. 30 years, in fact. More or less, anyway. It didn't really mean anything to her, but it was something the humans used to say. It made her smile when she thought back on it. It brought her back to happier times. Times when she could do her duties as the goddess of Music and the Dusk, while living among them. Playing at clubs, raves, and parties...Watching humanity show off their own creativity...Eating with, hanging out, and laughing with friends...Wait. Friends...

"Huh...Hey, Xoxi. I think I have an idea of how we can fight back. You and I'll have to work together, though."


"Would you like to go in 'guns-blazing'? Or maybe think up a plan? With them thinking that they're safe, they're probably coming up with something to fight us off, as well. It might be a good time to get the drop on them. Of course, the realm itself isn't defenseless. The Spirits of Mirifakino warriors will be there to protect their home and creator. Not only that, the elements would also lend a hand in defending them. It'd not only make things more difficult, it might knock the fight in their favor."

Yukiko yawned as she let herself fall onto the ground. She may have been exaggerating on the overall danger, but she didn't lie about what the realm had in store. She gave them warnings, and that was all she could do. She didn't want to rush in without her sister. Since she and her sister's real counterparts were together, Yukiko felt it only fitting that they be together as well. It'd save them the trouble of tracking one or the other down.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago

(Xoxi and Tlevran)
"I'm down for it, we probably need to act fast though."

Xoxi was all for raising an army of allies in this situation, but since everyone was in bad shape right now, an ambush could be imminent, and that was the last thing they needed ri-

"Did you say... army...?"

Tlevran raised his hand and using some fuel from earlier showed a small version of the race he was creating.

"I was going to create a race, but then the rift opened and I was backstabbed by my employer. This was the race I was going to create, I called it "The Abominations" at the time, as they're made of a conjunction of other races. I'd be happy to turn dust into gold and create these guys for us."

Xoxi was disgusted by this race, yet she loved it at the same time. It was an oddly cute thing, and she wanted to throw up on it while she loved it.

"... Yes. A thousand times yes from me."

Xoxi was still on guard, protecting Yuki with her life. The skeleton continued to play music as Xoxi's wounds healed. Xoxi wasn't in great shape, but with Yuki's realm providing constant moon powers, Xoxi kept healing and could still fight, maybe even fight better.

(Ixox and Purge)

"I say it's us against them. We rush in and try to slay them, but we can wait for your sister though. She'd probably fuck 'em up worse than me or heroic trashbag here."

Ixox was sure of that. They were outpowered, even if they had more kiddos than the originals, one Claire equals at least 100 'Alias'. The only way the fight was going to be won in favor of the clones is by Claire's counterpart being here.

The Purge sat looming over the two goddesses, as a small bear was pulled out of the Purge's pocket. It was held by the Purge and it seemed to be loved.

"I have a question, Yukiko... why are you fonder of your sister than Ixox? Shouldn't it be the other way?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Claire was put off by the look of the race. She didn't quite like the idea of a race that was supposed to be crafted by combining a bunch of the other races into one. She didn't really like the thought of Tlevran having a race of his own either...Then she remembered that now wasn't a time to be picky.

"Fine. Tlevran, you get to work trying to create your race. Just don't use the spirits in this realm. They belong to Yuki, and I don't want you touching them. I'll be right back, Xoxi. There are a few things I need to get to make this idea work."

Claire opened a portal to her music realm, and jumped in. She looked around her own messy house to find what she wanted. She grabbed the momentos of her deceased human friends, as well the photos of them with her. She had to put them all in a box to carry them, but it'd have to work for now.

Toy knife? Check. "Tough" Glove? Check. Ballet shoes? Check. Book? Kinda torn, but check. Frying pan? Geez, this thing's really burnt. Oh well, check. Okay, with my gun, I think I have everything.


Yukiko liked listening to others praise her sister, and snickered at the possible face Alias could have been making if he didn't praise Claire as his creator/goddess...that, and if he had an actual face.

"Hm?" said Yukiko when she heard Purge ask her a question

It was a straightforward question, though it did bring up a good point. To others, they'd be confused as to why she acted more seductive towards her sister than Ixox, when her own counterpart was in such a close relationship with Xoxi. To others, it was a bit confusing, as they didn't really know Yuki as much. It wasn't surprising to the clone, honestly. The dance goddess was shy when she wasn't with anyone she could let loose with, and even then, she doesn't talk about herself with anyone but those specific people.

"I guess I need to clarify a few things. To tell the truth, I feel the same way about Ixox as I do my own sister. You can thank Yuki's Greek mom for that. Yuki's always been a very, strange girl. Before you say anything, it's not because her parents are both female that she's like the way she is. It's more because most males she's met were either rude, or despicable. Keep in mind that the old gods weren't the best, by the way. Female deities were mainly the ones that treated her in a nice way, and it just led her towards that type of sexuality. Anyway, there's a difference between her and Clarice. That's the fact that Claire and Yuki had a plan to fuse together into one goddess should either of them find themselves dying. If Yuki had the time, she'd probably try to convince Xoxi to do something similar. Problem is, we showed up. We actually planned to find a way to do that with Ixix or Xoxi afterward, by the way."

Yuki turned to her side, getting more comfortable.

"Anyway, I guess you wanted to hear about something else, right? See, as the 'evil' versions of Claire and Yuki, my sister and I have our feelings toward each other distorted into an obsession. We feel as if we're two halves of one whole, and want to get back together. Since our purpose is to...get rid of our counterparts, we decided to absorb them into ourselves as we merged together. It'll be wonderful!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 27 days ago

(Ixox and Purge)
Ixox chuckled at the idea of Xoxi merging with another goddess.

"What would be the percent ratio of mortal to god there? 75% God? What would we call them?"

Ixox threw the blunt on the ground and Krieg stepped on it.

"But, yeah. Yukiko does have a thing for me, unfortunately she's occupied with seducing her sister so we can't have any time to ourselves. Honestly, now that I think about it, merging with the demigod original may be better than I could've thought, considering her power is equivalent to mine, and we'd get a forced increase in our powers. The issue is she... well... she's strong at keeping her mind as it is, and I can't weaken it enough to get her to merge and still let me be in control."

The Purge spoke up.

"So that's why you'd rather torture her. To weaken her and merge with her?"
"Yeah. It's hard to get her to stay the fuck still though, she's tough."
"Fair. I'd rather slay the original of me though, and keep him from trying to kill the rest of the races off."
"Reasonable. Why do you have the bear?"

The Purge stopped talking and tried to make a witty comeback with what Ixox just said.

"...W-why do you have the clone out?"
"Sneak Attacks, why do you have the bear?"

(Xoxi and Tlevran)
Once Claire returned from her realm, Xoxi saw the box and it's contents. She was confused.

"What're we going to do with this stuff?"

Xoxi kept hugging the Yuki while asking though, as well as putting a shirt on her. Yuki was still naked, after all, and a shirt would help her in this situation.

Tlevran, meanwhile, started to create some of his race outside. A small rift was opened and fuel from the Myceling City was used, he saw the small group of clones about one mile away, and the rift was so small the clones couldn't see it.

One of the Abominations was formed, and it was hideous. It could move and fight well, but the being itself looked horrible. It had human arms, a Duskician body, head, and legs, and the ears of a Myceling.

"Hello. You are gonna be a commander."

Tlevran created many more of these abominations while he briefed the Commander about the current situation.
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