Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Well, this is a tad awkward. Might I get so more information or would you rather me start violating rights to privacy. "

---Sometime prior---

Illos had be managed to throw out most of the coffee, only to find out it was to be restocked regardless. What a hellish fate to be forced to smell it let alone knows that someone preferred such a vile beverage. Further exploration had been done but nothing more than making sure she could escape if need be, a few back up plans and what not in case someone here didn't want her to stick around.....Or if she got bored and needed something to do.
The peons have rather boring thoughts, nothing more than your standard delusions of grandeur aside from one. Reading his mind was most peculiar, he honestly thought he was a squirrel trapped in a mans body. A pun about being a nut in the bunch comes to mind but no, there is no one to hear it.
Finally a sudden alarmed presence calls out and it seems rather pushy! She makes her way to the garage once more, only to see....out of all the ones its that guy. She forces the a smile but her brow makes sure to tell the world how she really feels. She almost apologizes and turns around but forces herself to get in the vehicle.


"Right so Hi, How are you? Is the world in danger? Or is this some bizarre hazing. If so...I love it!" She r
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Anyone else who's coming better get their ass in this fucking car like yesterday!" Ichor yelled through the comms.

“Message received, ETA 5 minutes.” Sarthis replied. “DoT find me a route to the garage and send it to my armor.”

“Yes sir.”

Sarthis dove into his crates pulling open the ones containing his armor as quickly as possible, cursing the absence of his armor application alcove. He struggled into the armor, sure each section would automatically attach to the adjacent sections but the sections were heavy and the suit was only meant to be applied manually in emergency situations. This resulted in several rather painful pinches from the armor manually adjusting itself. Lastly he donned the helmet, once it was attached startup protocols began scrolling across the HUD (Heads-Up Display).
MK IV Modular Assault Armor Status: Online
Shield Status: Online

A low hum emanated from the armor as the shield emitters powered up. Creating a slight shimmer in the air that ceased once the field stabilized.

~No Battle Net connecting detected.
~No Combat AI present.
~Armor will not function at peak performance.

“Warnings received.” The warning messages vanished from the HUD at Sarthis’ words.

Next he opened one of the weapons crates, this one contained one of his few less-than-lethal weapons. The large rifle magnetically accelerated sub-sonic smart ammunition that would track its target and, on impact, deliver a paralyzing blast of electricity. The ammunition was capable of being dumb-fired if getting a target lock was impossible.

“DoT, transfer yourself to the armor.” A download bar appeared on the HUD for only a few seconds before it was complete. “Give me a route to the garage.” A glowing blue line appeared on the HUD that ran along the ground and out into the hall.

Sarthis was about to follow it but stopped mid step. He knew it wasn’t really allowed but he just didn’t feel comfortable without it. He returned to the crates, opening one of the smaller ones and removed his sidearm. It fired concentrated pulses of plasma that were capable of incinerating soft targets or melting armor. He attached it to the mag-plate on his right thigh. Hoping he wouldn’t have to use it.

He made his way to the garage following the overlay in his HUD. Once there he spotted the car with people in it. He opened the door to the back of the vehicle. He recognized the mind reader from earlier and saw Ichor behind the steering wheel. He sat in the somewhat cramped vehicle. “So, who’s the target?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Those two are too impatient for there own good." Simon said with a say as he watched his two teammates head off into what was undoubtedly a trap laid by the very sub zero scoundrel they were pursuing. The bare footed hero took a seat on a near by bus bench and looked over to his extraterrestrial comrade, who was apparently testing out his toxic abilities as he waited. Simon always found Thalesin quite fascinating, less to the fact that he was from another world but more that Thalesin was a person from a whole another cutler filled with their own music, art, dances and customs none of which had been studied by man. He always wanted to ask about the alien's back round but he found that asking about a man's past, even one from beyond the stars, was considered quite rude. So Simon had to settle for studying from afar.

Simon let ten minutes pass before he arose from his seat he walked back over to Thalesin. "Their time may not be up but we're heading in." Simon said in a cold tone. "What can I say I may be a bit impatient as well." He said with the slightest of smirks on his face before he turned towards the building. "I'll head in through the vents. Whatever way you attended to go make sure you stay safe Phantom." He said as he placed a hand on the alien's shoulder. Simon then turned and sprinted towards the grocery store. With a leap the beast like hero sailed over the dumpster and effortlessly slid into the vent.

The first thing that greeted Simon was the smell of meat, lots and lots of meat. His stomach let out a low growl at the enticing aroma. Simon had to shake himself back to refocus on the task at hand before he began making his way through the vents. Following the trail that Collin left was easy, one just had to follow the smell of whisky and cigarettes, the pungent smell of vomit was also a factor that help lead Simon through the maze of metal. It was when he came to the gaping hole in the vent that he knew his search was over. Simon was about to peer out the hole but his attention was grabbed by the sight of a dead rat. His eyes dilated, his stomach let out another low growl and he bared his fangs. He was about to pounce on the carcass when he pulled himself back. No no you're better than this Simon. he thought before looking out the hole in the vent.

The sight was less than spirit lifting, Collin hanging from the ceiling and Oliver visible and under some hefty looking man. I knew those two were too impatience. Simon thought as he rolled his eyes. He eyed the icy foe, who was looking much to smug for Simon's liking. How about we try this again. He thought before he silently lunged from the vent and began to barely down at Frostbite, his claws aimed to dig him into the foes shoulders and pin him to the ground like before.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Adriane
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Per eyed the candy, before breaking a little piece off and popping it into her mouth. It was good but cold and hard. Still, eating might make it easier for her to stay awake and keep burning fuel. And for a moment, it seemed she was right. A rush of energy went through her and she felt good - but that ended as quickly as it had come. The sugar had done nothing but give her a rush and left her worse that before she had eaten it. She yawned and felt her eyelids drooping. No, she had to stay awake. She was burning now, who knew what would happen if she let go? Her body might relax and drop in temperature and then they'd both be popsicles by the time they were rescued.

Per rubbed her eyes. "Dylan? Can you talk to me? About anything, I don't care. Just something, I can't fall asleep, okay?" She glanced up at him. Surely, if he talked, she'd have something to focus on beside the exhaustion invading her body.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Fallout and...some girl, got in the car. Orren couldn't keep up with the new recruits, and he very seldom tried. Half of them decided that the Superhero life wasn't as fun as they thought and left. The black haired man floored it out of the garage and zoomed towards the city. It was mere minutes before they arrived outside of the old grocery store. Orren got out and scanned the area; no heroes in sight. With a scowl, he got on his headset again.
"Where are you assholes? Please tell me you went on a coffee break and didn't go inside." They went inside; he knew they did. They could dead by now for all he knew. The iceman didn't seem very squeamish about causing injury.

Without waiting for the answer he already knew, he turned to his teammates. "Okay. Who has a plan?"


Dylan was known for being able to ramble on about nothing for hours, but now, he couldn't find anything to say. He was scared, out of his element. "Uh," He stammered. "What about the circus?" One of his favorite topics was the circus. He took any chance he could to reminisce about it. "You would have liked it, sis; you could have been a firebreather or something."

The clown then proceeded to ramble about his old life.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

When Simon had left, it meant Thalesin was on his own."I shall wait for Orren, at least then someone can tell him the situation if necessary, be safe comrades," he said to himself as he continued to wait, lurking around and eyeing the grocery store while still messing with his small ball of acid.
"The others went in, I've been outside waiting," Thalesin, appearing from the shadows, when he heard Orren's voice ",They seemed impatient in waiting for you." When Simon had left, Thalesin had decided to remain behind and not go after, to at least have one person who had waited patiently was better then having them all enter.
"There's a ventilation shaft that most went through to enter, Colin said wait for 30 minutes before going after or getting help but most entered before the time was up," Thalesin said in a flat ton as if reciting a list.
"I would suggest an alternative route, a maintenance door which one did appear to take rather then the ventilation system. Perhaps we should enter from there," Thalsin continued.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Maxxorlord


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

The coding process hadn’t taken nearly as long as John had anticipated. In fact, it had gone so smoothly that he had time to move out towards this new ice villain’s lair with Orren. John went through a quick last minute system check. Once everything proved to be in working order, John began to put his Mark II armor on. The first thing Fallout noticed when the suit was in place was how much it weighed – The other suit had been considerably lighter. This suit was approximately one hundred and fifty pounds heavier than the original, and Fallout made sure to take note of this. He would be slower and less maneuverable in this armor. However, Fallout would be more protected from things such as gun fire and knives. He was far from invincible, but at least he could stay on the field a bit longer without putting the entire city at risk. After the armor was locked in place, Fallout had his suit decontaminated and he started off as fast as his heavy metal legs could carry him towards the car.

John hated riding in the car. The thing was built for people two feet shorter and two hundred pounds lighter. The ride was miserable, what with John having his mind coming up with the worst possible scenarios and the space being so cramped. But eventually they arrived on the scene of a grocery store, and Fallout was the first one to stumble out onto the street in the rush to escape the tiny box of a human car. Once he was sufficiently stretched out, John stomped over to his fellow Guild members. Thalesin’s plan seemed sound enough to John when he heard it.”Did anyone call the police? We should have a perimeter around the building, so he cannot escape when we move inside.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Illos looked about not really paying much attention to the overall scenario. "A charming winter warrior wished to wander off with a woeful clown and a wisp wielding woman?" Rather strange, and his place of business a grocery store? "Perhaps he is fond of cold cuts?" A powerful pun! She strikes hard at the root of the matter! Not the who what when or why, but rather where! But not being profound, she was just bored with the entire thing before getting started.
Orren asked about a plan? "You need a plan? Why not just use the human nuke to be done with it? A little fallout never hurt anyone, Japan got over it right?" Looking at the metal man for a moment she sighed, "Let me guess moral fiber prevents you from it?" She turns back to Orren and hopes Thal can also make out her query. "How did the lot of you get run down by a single combatant with the ability to throw some snow? Are you really that out of practice?" She crosses her arms taking a defiant posture. "Not to mention getting captured? Please tell there is some bizarre overarching scheme to lead you to some greater objective? PLEASE."
John's words come to mind for a moment, "And another thing. A perimeter are your thoughts as monochromatic as your armor? If the target is as skilled as I am being led to believe a standard human is not only useless its a hostage situation." Illos starts chuckling though she does try to keep it hushed. "Oh but it could act as a good bait and switch, we use an officer to act as a hostage and when he stops we can take them both out. And before you argue about the sanctity of a life, any of those lesser evolved monkey's are hardly of the same value as a super. Mathematically its our gain." She shrugs slightly, "But without reading a thought I am already detecting the, That's not how we do things speech. So save time tell me what you want to happen and ill make it my priority to do so." Her words slowly switch from speaking to John to Orren, hoping he will have at least an idea of what needs to occur.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Orren look to the girl a snarl on his face. "No, let me tell you how we do things," He said, his voice venomous. "This Guild is here to protect the people of this city, innocent or not. If you don't agree with that, then you can walk the fuck out! You are not better than any other human on this planet just because you can do some fancy magic tricks. You can take that notion and shove it up your ass, right next your ego-enlarged head! The fuck that took our friends, froze half a city block, caused numerous car accidents, and has more than likely killed people is one of your 'supers'! Do you think he's better than anyone?! Do you think he deserves the right to run around and cause chaos because he's 'evolved'?! If I even hear you hint that you deserve life any more than a the next guy over, then I will personally see to it that you are off this team faster than you can roll your goddamn eyes! That kind of thinking is what makes these supervillains in the first place!"

He heatedly turned before turning back to her. "And another thing! You would have known what happened if you had been there! Where the fuck were you when two of our teammates were taken?!" He huffed, his face bright red from shouting. He took a moment to breath and calm down, then spoke in a more rational tone.

"We won't call the police. There's not much more they can do than draw a crowd at this point. Thal had a good idea; we can get in through the maintenance door. Once we're in, we can split up: Team A causes a distraction, Team B finds the hostages. This guy obviously isn't a complete idiot; he knows we're coming. I can only hope he doesn't know WE know that he knows we're coming."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fallout and Ichor just finished filling Sarthis in on the assailant when the car lurched to a stop just outside of an alleyway, Fallout was the first to clamber out of the cramped vehicle. Sarthis was the last one to climb out, stretching from having to fold himself into the small vehicle. A hero he recognized from his dossier as Phantom stepped out from the alleyway. He told them that three others had already made entry.

‘This isn’t good.’ Sarthis thought.

Fallout suggested reinforcements to prevent the target from escaping. Which sounded good to Sarthis. Then Illos started talking. More ranting really. At this point Sarthis doubted he needed a dossier on her at this point. She had little to no regard for others, he’d need to keep an eye on her. She’d likely do something self-serving that would put others at risk. That and her rampant disregard for the lives of others set off more than a few red flags.

‘I don’t think I like her.’

Apparently Ichor had similar thoughts, though he was admittedly more vocal in his reaction. He managed to get himself under control. He said.

"We won't call the police. There's not much more they can do than draw a crowd at this point. Thal had a good idea; we can get in through the maintenance door. Once we're in, we can split up: Team A causes a distraction, Team B finds the hostages. This guy obviously isn't a complete idiot; he knows we're coming. I can only hope he doesn't know WE know that he knows we're coming."

“I’ll volunteer for team A. My armor should be able to pick them up if we get close enough.” Sarthis said, he’d be good for a distraction as well but thought he could be more useful looking for the hostages.
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