Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thoris, Lark's Chambers

It begins!

"Wow! Thanks Lark! Well, guess we'll go see Gorgonzola then. See ya!" Jenso shouted, taking the large roll of paper. He turned around towards the closed door behind him. He got a serious look on his face. "DOOR KICK!!!" He shouted, kicking the door out. He bolted out of the room, and ran out of the tree, heading for the ocean shore. He believed that the others would follow.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Newjinsland Outskirts

Boom Boom?

Eleanor was lost for a moment when she realizes she could just blow the door off if she hit the exact right spot. She aims and fires a dark ball towards the hinge of the door. She completely misses and blows a hole in the ground way behind the mobile
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Newjinsland Outskirts

Boom Boom?!?

The explosion didn't alert anyone within the vehicle, nor did it really affect anything! The prisoners inside shifted around irritably. "Pipe down!" Yelled a voice from inside the prisoner bay. It was doctor Krinks!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay

Oh, hey

With a groan and a roll of the shoulders, Zerraf leaned forward from the ground: an action which took several seconds and serious effort. He blinked twice, slowly, looking from one direction to the next. The red mage yawned with a carelessness that challenged his cold, iron environment. The last thing he remembered was a sunny hillside free of dew; he'd decided to rest his head for a nap. And now he was in a prison cell. "Mmm, not again..." Zerraf tilted his wide-brim cap with a flick of his wrist, and with the same hand patted either side of his hips. No luck. What a bother. Exerting force upon the floor, Zerraf pushed himself to his feet in a groggy fashion and swayed his way toward the cell door. He'd knock his knuckles against the bars until one of the ball-like guards passed by. "Yo-oy yo. Rolling ball man. I need my weapons, and a pillow would be nice." Zerraf would say with a dopey half-smile and eyes nearly shut. The request was so airy it almost didn't sound like he was asking anything, more like he was whispering a comment beneath his breath.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay


The guard passing Zerraf's cell turned to him for a brief moment, tilting his entire body to one side as if to gesture 'excuse me motherfucker?' and rightfully so. A prisoner asking for his weapons back? How delightfully RIDICULOUS!

"Listen here, BUDDY! Dr. Krink says that you MAGGOTS are to remain in LOCK UP until he says OTHERWISE, GOT IT?" The little man shouted, pointing at Zerraf with a rude sense of authority. "So you should just LAY YOUR ASS right back down on the STEEL GROUND until we reach LORD CRUNK'S CASTLE, GOT IT?"

The cell block was actually rather small. Most of the prisoners were simply wrapped up with ropes on the floor, unbarred and free to move around as they pleased. Well, being surrounded by 50 or 60 Krunklets was rather dissuading, as were the tight ropes that bound them, but whatever. Zerraf was kept in one of the few square cages near the back of the large half-rounded room that took up about half of the krunk-mobile. People with weapons were usually worth the extra security after all!

"Do you GOT IT!?" The little prison-guard shouted again, pointed more aggressively at Zerraf.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay

Don't got it

"Ehy,eh. Fine. I'll go get them." Zerraf yawned, forming his left hand into a mock gun. The thumb was the hammer, the pointer finger a barrel. With a lax pulling down of his thumb, a great gust of wind was thrust from the source of the end of Zerraf's pointer finger. So great was the gust that it dislodged the bars in front of him, as well as any nearby spherical guards that may have unfortunately been caught in the gust of wind. Hand in his pocket, Zerraf would trudge forward and swing his head as a pendulum to look left and right, barely searching for direction in any sense of the word. Little motivated him like his shining rapier and flintlock pistol.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay


The arrogant little guard glared at Zerraf's hand, half-expecting the man to be overtaken by his drunken stupor before firing his little finger gun in a comedic fashion. The Krunklet's hand when limp for a moment before he clenched his fist. "Then you're in for a beating, BUDDY- WHHHHOAA!!!" This prisoner was without hesitation! It was unfortunate the the smug little ball-breaker too, as he was caught in the brunt of Zerraf's magical gust, knocked far back by not only the force of his magic, but the force of the prison bars against his fat little head. Several other nearby krunklets were also caught in the wind, or struck by stray bars, sending them to the ground, or flying across the prison bay.

As Zerraf swung his head to the right, he would notice Dr.Krink rushing over to the ruckus he'd caused. Krink was only slightly perturbed, being such an intelligent and level-headed scien"-WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING!?" Oh, whoa, guess not! Krink rushed over with nearly twenty soldiers flooding the space around him, creating a single unit where he stood only slightly taller than all of his subordinates. "MAGIC? HOW DARE YOU TRY AND ESCAPE WITH SUCH DIRTY TRICKS! KRUNKLET SQUAD #329, CRUSH HIM!"

Without further being-useless-and-round, the twenty-or-so little men rolled up into their armor and tumbled towards Zerraf at a surprising speed. Some rolled around him, others straight towards him, but only the very brave (Or perhaps mentally challenged) soldiers attempted to bounce and strike him from above.

Meanwhile, the krunklets and krunlites that were busy with keeping the other hostages secure began to take notice of the disasterous escape that Zerraf had enacted, how dare he! HOW DARE HE, they thought.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hatman1801
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thoris, Lark's Chambers

Follow the yellow-shirted guy! Who...broke down a door!

Well, Ainra's introduction, pep-talk, and snacking were finished. Jenso had gone ahead and asked Lark about where to go, Lark handed Jenso a "magical map of fates woo~", and told them to go talk to someone whose name sounded like a mixture between a monster and a condiment. Well, that was fine. Jenso was already rushing towards the door, and she followed...

...Until he stopped for a moment, to kick the bloody door off of its hinges to leave the room. "Wait, why did you kick the door open? H-Hey, are you sure you should be holding onto the Map of Fangs or whatever that treehugger called it?!" She bolted out after him, both entertained by his collateral damage and wondering if it would be their inevitable downfall.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thoris, The Ocean Shore


As Jenso and Ainra made their way down to the city's shore, rested at the mouth of the massive cave city, they were greeted by a short old woman in purple robes, who held a small oak stick. On top of the stick was a green orb that glowed bright colors, as if it were magical! Knowing this place, it probably was!

"Yo-ho! Tis the prophetic one! And... Some lady," the woman said, immediately glaring at Ainra with venom in her words. She turned back to Jenso and smiled, revealing a set of broken/missing teeth. "Hehehe! I suppose you've come here for guidance, little one? And guest," She snapped at Ainra again, her expression changing to one of hatred every time he looked her way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay

There it is

If Zerraf were paying attention to his surroundings, he didn't show for it. The Krunklets raised their fists enthusiastically and charged the red mage, placing him in a tight position. Zerraf squinted at the upper balcony, licking the inside of his cheek and raising his pointer finger as if he were counting. Reading room names, actually. One, in bright, bold, red letters, screamed: HOLDING ROOM. It almost exhausted Zerraf just looking at the distance.

"Hm, hm, and there, eh" Zerraf leaned backward as a falling tree, evading the leaping strike of an aggressive Krunklet. Zerraf rubbed one of his eyes before sliding his hand into a pocket on his cloak, and began to trudge forward. Another Krunklet seized courage by the horns and unleashed a chilling battle cry mid-air. Just as Zerraf's foot touched the steel floor, a column of air slammed against his sole and propelled him upward. Another step forward and his boot was upon the Krunklet's head. Step one. Another Krunklet striking for the throat: Step two. Three. Four. Zerraf used the jumping Krunklets as a stairway, minimizing the amount of jumping he had to do.

Zerraf couldn't be bothered with that one story leap.

After an eternity, the red mage delicately fitted his sole onto the balcony rail and began sauntering along its edge towards the HOLDING ROOM.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thoris, The Ocean Shore


Jenso looked over his shoulder and smirked as Ainra followed him. "Hey, it's fine! It's safe with me!" He responded, his feet schreeching to a halt as he was greeted by the lady. "Oh, you must be Godzilla!" Jenso shouted with a wide grin on his face. He frowned as she stared at Ainra with hatred. "Oh no, don't worry! This is Ainra, she's also part of the prophecy!" He shouted, and attempted to highfive Ainra. "And um, yeah...how does this map work?" He asked Gorgonzola, showing her the map.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thoris, The Ocean Shore

I still don't like your friend..

"First of all," The woman said calmly, shifting the bottom of her stick against the sand, "MY NAME IS GREZOLA!!!" Wow! Neither Lark or Jenso got it right? What the hell was he thinking though? God-ZILLA? "Second of all, I'M THE ONE WHO SAW THE PROPHECY, AND SHE~EE WASN'T IN IT!" She stressed, pointing at Ainra was she hung on the word 'She' for a second or two. "But, I suppose it can't be helped. Whatever! Whateeeevver! You need to know how the map of fates works? That's easy!" Grezola turned to the ocean and rose her stick. "You merely need to read it!"


Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay

Arriving on site~~~

One after another, the Krunklets were filled with an ever-growing feeling of shame as they were used as mere foot-holds by the escaped Red-mage. Dr. Krink began steaming with rage. "ALL KRUNKLETS, PROCEED TO THE HOLDING ROOM POST-HASTE!"


"Attention all passengers! The Krunk-mobile will be pulling into Lord Krunk's driveway momentarily! Please fasten your seatbelts or whatever-the-heck you're using to brace yourselves for the arrival, Thank~~~You~~~!"


...So anyways, in the Holding room...

Zerraf was met with an even larger array of tied up prisoners, some not even captured in Newjinsland, and others who weren't even human! What could the Krunk Legion possibly want with these people? Hell, did Zerraf even know he was aboard a Krunk-Legion vessel? Did he even CARE? Probably not, nobody ever cares about the Krunk legion. It's probably the main reason as to why they're such assholes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Krunk-Mobile, Holding Room

Still no pickles weapons

Zerraf's mouth twitched upon entering the HOLDING ROOM. All of this space... and no rapier or flintlock to find. Breezing over the prisoners with a disengaged glance, Zerraf spun upon his heel as a wobbly top and turned toward the door. A single stride put his head at its frame, and with a craning hook he placed his eyes about the corner to watch for the charging Krunklets. Once they were in speaking distance, Zerraf would request the location of his things once again. "Ey-ey. You there. Or maybe you there." Zerraf's wrist escaped his pocket, pointing at the Krunklets with a drooping finger. "I need my sword and gun before I can leave. Also, how's that pillow coming?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay

ALL UNITS... Wait a sec?

Krunklets swarmed the upper balcony from either side, squeezing their way past eachother along the walk-way's thin surface area. They had just about had it with this intruder/prisoner/asshole and were poised to attack once again, but he asked for his weapons instead of tearing through their ranked like a deranged drunkard. They all stopped in their tracks, tripping over each other and rolling clumsily along the heads of their allies. For a second, they were confused on how to approach the situation. One Krunklet rubbed the bottom half of his grated face cover with two stubby fingers and waddled towards the balcony. He hopped up a couple times until he was able to manage his upper half above the railing to look at Dr.Krink.

"Sir, he says he wants his weapons!" The little soldier shouted. Dr. Krink looked up at the soldier in utter disbelief before slamming his golden helmet with both hands repeatedly.

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I CARE? SUBDUE HIM! DON'T LET HIM GET TO THE STORAGE BAY BELOW-DECK!" Krink shouted, once again saying just a tad too much. Of course, without delay, the swarm of little ball-men charge down the walk-way and attempted to dog-pile the pillow-starved red mage.

The Krunk-mobile itself was now only minutes away from Lord Krunk's fortress. Gee, I wonder what's in there?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Krunk-Mobile, Prisoner Bay

Alexander's Debut!

Alexander had been captured after his Gyrocopter crashed, with only his Solar Shield saving him from danger. Now, however, as the commotion with Zerraf disturbed the guards, it was time for him to break free, and he did so by throwing a Fireball at the bars of his cage, allowing him to leap out and threaten Dr. Krink!

"Now, would you guys tell me why you decided to capture me?" another fireball formed in Alex's hand...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hatman1801
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thoris, The Ocean Shore

When life gives you lemons, punch old women.

Well, Grezola had effectively resigned herself to death. Brushing off Ainra? Whatever, she didn't care too much about the prophetic shit. Outright showing direct spite without just cause? That bitch is asking for it. And finally, the fact that this map Lark had sent them to this crotchety old woman to help them with was solved by just opening and reading the fucking thing? Oho, not settling her already-shortened temper well.

"Excuse me, Jenso, if I may have a word with the prophetess..." Ainra gently shouldered past Jenso, and cleared her throat. "YOU WANT TO GOAD ME ONE MORE FUCKING TIME YOU WRINKLED OLD BITCH?! BECAUSE YOUR SHRIVELED UP PROPHETIC CUNT IS ABOUT TO GET KICKED SO HARD YOU'LL BE FUCKING TASTING IT! I AIN'T GONNA STAND HERE AND LISTEN TO THIS SHIT, AND NOW I KNOW ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS READ THE FUCKING MAP, I DON'T SEE A SINGLE REASON TO NOT RIP YOUR ARMS OFF, CHUCK YOU IN THE OCEAN, AND SEE IF YOU CAN STILL SWIM!" This entire speech was adorned with Ainra's skin flushing with anger, her claws jutting out seemingly more than usual, and a hint of steam rising from the corners of her mouth.

She looked quite feral, and sounded pretty serious about the whole ripping-off-arms bit. In fact, she decided to go ahead and prove she was serious by giving Grezola a seriously nasty left hook right on the jaw.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Athena
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Lady Athena Chaotic good with a hint of insanity

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Newjinsland Outskirts

A panic attack

Eleanor kind of gave up after her explosive idea failed. So she kind of just hung on for her life. Suddenly alarms went off everywhere. She slid down the rope a bit and noticed the growing light inside the prisoner bay, but she couldn't find the source. A large fortress was in sight. This was her moment to spring an attack
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jensoman
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Jensoman Neutral Good

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Thoris, The Ocean Shore

Oh..it's that simple-WOW!

"Oh, that's all we gotta do..?" Jenso muttered, and began to read the map. As he was doing so however, he glanced over at Grezola. "Then why did Lark send us h- HOLY CRAP!" He shouted, as Ainra began to scream at the woman and aimed to ram her fist into her face. "Ainra! Goronzora! Stop joking around, I'm trying to concentrate!" He screamed. He took another look at the map to see where the first place would be that they should go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tex
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tex Villainous

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Thoris, The Ocean Shore


Grezola paused and glared at Ainra with disdain as she spoke so ruthlessly about the old woman's attitude, but was surprised with she threw a punch at her wrinkled old face without concern for the well being of a poor old lady, oh the shame of it all! Grezola stood her ground though, taking the punch head on. Her head jerked to the side and a nasty lump immediately developed where she was struck, but she turned to Ainra with a smile. "IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT YOU LITTLE TRAMP?" She shouted at the top of her lungs, sounding rather hoarse. In reality, she was struggling to stand up straight. Her legs and arms shook like crazy, and she grasped the shaft of her staff with whatever force she could still muster, struggling to stay on her feet.

Jenso opened the map, which showed a crude outline of the entire continent, including the cities and towns throughout! Within moments of him looking at the map, his name appeared in the bottom left corner in very neat handwriting, and a large fortress appeared north of Thoris, like magic! A dotted line then showed up and guided them directly to Krunk's fortress, through the a forest that separated them.


"AND MY NAME IS GREZOLA, Jenso!" She finally stopped, calming her tone entirely despite the fact that she was shaking worse than an epileptic caterpillar.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hatman1801
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thoris, The Ocean Shore

All things considered, she tanked that pretty well.

Ainra stepped back, a smug grin on her face. The old woman was stubborn as a rusty nail, but her big talk meant nothing compared to the satisfaction of watching her cheek swell and discolor from the blow, and her entire body quiver with shock. Ainra seemed immediately pleased, but wasn't about to let the hag have the last laugh, and she cracked her knuckles again.

"Wow, eighty years of pain, huh? Maybe they wouldn't hurt so bad if you weren't such an obnoxious little rodent. But hey, if you want to keep goading me, I can go ahead and make your left cheek match the right. But beating the hell out of you now won't be as much fun. If I flick you too hard now, your knees might just snap, Granny Granola!" She girl had herself a chuckle at her own joke, and looked over at the map Jenso was inspecting. "Oy, Jenso. Where's the map say to go? The faster we get away from this place the better."
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