Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Stark coked his head to the side as he heard some skittering and clinking in the air. Not good. If his memory served him well it could possibly be mirelurks, but he had never encountered them himself. Then he saw what looked to be a large pile of eggs ahead, one moving and appeared to be about to hatch. That's when he noticed that one of the piles of rubble wasn't in the same spot it had been before... [Per 6]

"Uhm.. Guys.." He whispered, trying to stay quiet. "I don't think were alone... those eggs up ahead are hatching i think... and the rubble might be moving.. or my minds playing tricks on me..."

Out of habit he reached up and gave the bolt in his head a quarter turn, an odd scrapping sound barely being able to be heard by anyone next to him. It was his way of fiddling nervously when he thought trouble was near.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Glowing water, inhumane smell, distant skittering... kenneth racked his brain trying to think up what the skittering was. Not that it mattered, it would likely want to eat his face off regardless of what it was. Then he and the rest of the group stumbled upon it.

"Eggs... means we're smack dab in the middle of a nest... check your corners people! For all we know something is already silently pouncing one of us to the ground!"

Kenneth flicked the safety of his laser rifle off. The red light near the crosshairs lit up. It was armed and primed to fire at a mere squeeze on the trigger. He briefly considered firing into the mound of eggs, but decided to watch around for a possible ambush instead. He'd rather have freshly hatched ankle-biters nibbling at his feet than a slavering, angry mom-beast seperating his torso and legs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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Kurt immediately switched his assault rifle from single shot to burst fire at the sign of the eggs. He was, unsure of the creature that laid them, but anything large enough to make an egg that big was certainly trouble. He kept his weapon trained on the eggs as he moved to what slight amount of cover there was, not that it likely mattered by something to hold was better than nothing. Kurt saw their twitching and had to restrain himself from shooting the mutated creatures that dwelt within the shells, they were abominations and surely ones that were hostile at that.

Kurt checked the angles once more, the tunnel wasn't the best fighting position but it would have to work if all else was poorly. He made a gesture to those around to try and seek out some sort of cover, at least until the eggs stopped moving or their...creator, came to visit, for the worst.

Kurt was grimacing under his gas mask now, though to the exterior observer it could well look like a begrudged, perhaps almost even joyous smiling at the circumstances. At least they knew what to shoot at now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Elouviana cocked the hammer on her massive revolver, and smiled, trying to keep everyone calm with her incredibly good looks and silver tongue since she saw they were getting a bit panicky at the sight of Mirklurk eggs, as any normal, sane person would be. Mirklurks were scary, after all.
"Don't worry about what is sneaking up on you, in the darkness. If you worry, then it can just kill you easier. Keep your eyes open, pragmatic, and in control. No Crab is going to kill any of us today" she finished, holding her gun ready to suqeeze off a round for anything that came at her. "And besides, Mirklurk eggs make a great omlette. Never had Mirklurk meat though, so new experiences for all"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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[Survival Tag Skill]

Grognak was more accustomed to the wasteland than the others, sure they had to survive just as much as him but unlike them he had no safe heaven for him. He had no alliance with his kind and humans hated him with a passion. Due to this Grognak was better at surviving out in the wastes than most and even though he wasnt the most perceptive creatures in the wasteland he knew a Mirelurk Hunter when he saw one. Without a word Grognak got his axe out, ready for a fight. "Hunter." Grognak said in a low but loud growl and he began to charged foreward with his axe at the Mirelurk hunter.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sleeth
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Sleeth Paladin of the Squirrel God

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The mirelurk Hunter burst from the water, a spray of filth and irradiated muck flying at the operatives as the creature was threatened. Eggs cracked rapidly as the hive was stirred, hatchlings filing out in swarms to snip at their legs as the hunters heavy claws swung and tried to cu the tough flesh of the super mutant. Around the area others had risen, four mirelurks joining the hunter in a crusade to try and push out the invaders.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kurai Assassin
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Kurai Assassin Edgelord

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Rebecca fired a shot at the Mirelurk hunter from the back of the group hitting its shell and ricocheting into a hatchling. She chambered a second round and fired again, ricocheting again this one hitting the wall. She pulled a grenade from her belt and threw it out into the group of Mirelurks.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Stark was patient, waiting for the best opertunity to take a shot. Obviously they had to be mutated from some sort of shellfish [int 10] so more than likely the shell would be hard to get through, even for energy weapons. A few shots from an ally proved his theory correct. Then she tossed a grenade. Perfect! With carefull aim he pulled the trigger an loosed a laser blast at the grenade as it was midair between the mirelurk group.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Elouviana watched the large crab-bugger burst from the ground, and squeezed off a round in it's general direction, focusing on controlling the gun's heavy kick to get a shot as accurate as possible. Shell or not, the huge bullets, and high muzzle velocity of her gun would at the very least take the Mirlurk off it's feet, or claws... The others were not her concern right now. Focus on the mutant in front of you, and then deal with the others when that stops twitching.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sleeth
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Sleeth Paladin of the Squirrel God

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The explosion rang throughout the cave, heat and shrapnel flying in all directions of the tight space. Lack of cover would likely leave the team exposed to the small shards that flew from both of the explosives, crippling the legs of some of the mirelurks. The mirelurks wouldn't be much of a problem for the time being however as the area above the nest cracked and crumbled, giving way to another collapse of the area. Sunlight came in through the ceiling momentarily until one of the tall buildings, already on it's last legs came tumbling down, crashing through the hole, into the road and path line as it collapsed the other two paths. Above ground sirens could be heard wailing in the distance.

"Anarchy one your stealth has be compromised, you've just taken out a building." Seekers voice rang in their ears, fighting a stage of anger. "The original plan will be abandoned, you either go fight the brotherhood that are about to swarm your area or fall back. Don't be followed or you will be picked off." There was a sharp click as he disconnected and after a minute vertibirds could be heard mobilizing overhead.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Everything went by in an instant. Some innefectual shots were fired, a mirelurk gained, a grenade was thrown. Kenneth's mind already braced for the collapsing ceiling. He had enough experience with explosives to know this area needed just a luittle push to collapse wholesale. (tag: demolitions). "I was just gonna say... Explosives and tight areas don't mix... Fucking run people!"

He did not look back. The sirens blaring above only hastened his retreat. Better to live and try again than to die in a pointless firefight with a superior force. Part of him hoped his companions were as reasonable as he was... And another part of him hoped some wouldn't be. It couldn't hurt to have some bodies to stall the enemy while he escaped.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SomeChap
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SomeChap Top Hats and Tea From Here On Out

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Kurt, had he the ability, would have been vehemently cursing at the idea of even using grenades while in sewer like this. Even if the shrapnel wasn't going to kill any of them, it would undoubtedly cause more of the crab-things to awaken and try to scour the area. He looked over to the Kenneth, whom he heard aggressively blasting the sheer notion of explosive useage in tight areas. Kurt was of a more intelligent sort though, and had already began to run before anyone mentioned the idea of it.

He ran like a man possessed, his stamina hadn't faltered at all during the arduous journey [Endurance: 10] back to the ladders and the surface world. His steel-shod boots made a thundering racket as he ran, but it did little to deter him.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tharkas


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(( Hey guys, I have been reading some of the posts and I would love to join if there are still room for one more? Dont worry, wont just jump in to ruin everything, I will wait for the right time, and make a plausible post for when/how/why you meet me.. Naturally, it will be a few posts before I start doing anything as it would be a very unlikely that you would meet anyone new in your current situation.. I am very familiar with the Fallout universe, and a (If I have to say myself) skilled roleplayer as well.. Ofcause, neither of this matters if you feel like you allready have all the players you need, so let me know what you think, and I will make some sort of description of my char, looks and skills and such? :) ))

(( :edit: /facepalm..... Sorry, I did not notice the OOC section.. Sorry, I should have posted there instead, still new to the forum.. Again.. Sorry, should have seen that before posting ))
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@KabenSaal@Kurai Assassin@rocketrobie2

Stark cursed under his breath. While the mirelurk wouldn't be an issue, now they might have to deal with more dangerous enemies. To make mattered worse he had a piece of shrapnel pierce his right leg. [Crippled limb: right leg] he wasn't going to be moving very fast. He looked around, racking his brain for the map details, and spotted a door to an access tunnel! [Int 10, Luk 8] "Grognak, Elouviana, Rebecca! I'm not going to be able to make it out. I'm going to continue down that way." Stark pointed at the door as he hobbled towards it. "Flee or come with me, either way is fine. But I need to get to a hiding spot so I can fix this leg. Ill try and continue after. If you all decide to flee I'll catch up later." Pulling a stimpack from one of his pockets he jabbed his leg, numbing it long enough for him to get to the door and slide through after moving a few bits of rubble. [new stim count 3] Moving down the small access hall, he noticed a small alcove with a large pile and hobbled in behind it. Just enough space to work on his leg and stay hidden just in case.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sleeth
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Sleeth Paladin of the Squirrel God

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Some time was bought as gunfire was heard with a mix of orders and some screams. Amidst the sirens the nest of the sewer system had been stirred and mirelurks rushed to the surface to meet the brotherhood, soon enough had they not moved those from the other direction would find the operatives as well.

As Stark entered the access tunnels, the stem cells set to work. Stark's medical ability [Tag:Medicine] with the proper application would have him ready to walk in minutes after the metal was removed. Hiding in the alcove had proven to be a good idea as a greater threat lurked further down, risen from the noise. Pattering was heard as a small pack of eleven feral ghouls came running down, hissing and roaring at the primal instinct to fight, attempting to make their own way to the surface and get these invaders, the area would soon be a warzone of brotherhood and mutant kind.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KabenSaal


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Elou managed to dunk behind the massive Super Mutant when the grenade went off, and so avoided most of the sharpnel. But still, she was not in any way pleased.
"Who throws a bloody grenade underground?!" She exclaimed, shaking her head and pocketing the gun. Some one said something about stuff, but she was not really in the mood for listening, and so just turned to head back as the voice in her ear exclaimed the mission was a failure. Which, yea, obviously. Grenades should be....in fact. "Everyone hand me your grenades" she ordered, a strong, powerful tone, hard to ignore even by people a bit to stupid to understand why.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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Grognak took a brunt of the blast but nothing specifically was hurt on him. The Super Mutant enjoyed glorious fights but that being said he knew when to swallow his pride and leg it. "Grognak go into tunnel!" Grognak exclaimed to his comrades as he nearly tripped over the person hiding behind him. He took off after Stark into the small door and hid along with the human in the hopes of not being found. He holstered his axe and pulled out his gun, aiming it at the door incase anything tried to follow them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PURRfect93
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PURRfect93 From the old guild I came, In the new guild I live

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Stark jumped slightly at the appearance of the super mutant, but smiled warmly. At least he wasn't alone. Just moments after Grognak hid along with him Stark heard a swarm of gouls [Per 6] coming and quickly put his hand on Grognak's weapon, his other making a shush gesture as he shook his head. The gouls swarmed out through the door and out into whatever hell was now happening outside. After things settled Stark let out a heavy sigh. "Thank you friend, I was worried I'd be alone here. If you could, keep an eye out, I need to get this metal out of my leg." Using his skill in medicine [Tag: medicine], he carefully extracted the metal shards using a few small tools from a pouch. After he finished he noticed a few small pieces scattered on Grognak. "Hey, uhm, Grognak. You've a couple of bits stuck in you to. I could fix you up if you'd like." He smiled at the big green guy, happy to have company.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Natsucooldude


Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Kenneth had noticed the ghouls the moment they came even slightly close (per:9). He saw a fellow masked man running away like he was doing. "ghouls! he simply shouted as he dragged the man into an alcove. Almost instinctually, he laid his hand on Kurt's weapon, as if to tell him not to fire unless the ghouls noticed them. Sure enough, the dumb creatures were transfixed by the light and sound from the surface, and so they all rushed there. 'Guess that'll take care of putting bodies between us and the brotherhood' Kenneth said as the last of the ghouls ran into the glare of sunlight. "Let's move, these things are little more than an appetizer for ppower-armored people like the brotherhood. And I sure as hell do not intend to become the main course.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sleeth
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Sleeth Paladin of the Squirrel God

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The cluster in the alcove was obvious, but luckily the ghouls were too stupid from their feral nature to notice the group of humans and hulking mutant, only catching the mutants scent and recognizing it as a friend. The horde ran past and up to the service, resulting in a clash of flesh and steel. The ghouls were more of an annoyance than anything, beating on the armor and pushing them down with no lethality on anyone clad in armor though they wouldn't distract them for long. Beams were flying rampantly above, reflecting off mirelurk shells and sometimes into other soldiers or ghouls, chaos ensued.

From down the tunnel another ghoul came, hair remaining on his head appeared it was neat but recently frazzled and he worse a pre-war two piece suit. In his hand was a large black bag and the short ghoul nearly squealed as he seen the people in the alcove. "Don't kill me- No no, a super mutant, men with gas masks, aha!" The man was giddy, laughing hysterically for a moment as he sighed. "It was you guys! And you're idiots! Do you know what you've done? Come, come, we have to leave." The stubby man continued on his way down the tunnel, not bothering to see if they were still being followed or not.
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