Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Caeria listened as Luke as he spoke of being a Planes Lord and Panda's then giggled after the male found a pack of cigarettes he'd been searching for on his person then jumped out a window as an adorable girl stepped up beside him.

As an Infernal Witch and Flame host Caeria could sense the primal energy and it's earthy tones coming from Braelynn. Then when she spoke Caeria couldn't help but smile as she said

Braelynn: " Hello there, I was just passing by but I happened to notice how amazingly bright you were and I just had to speak with you."

Cici had to suppress an embarrassed giggle when the new female in her presence praised her so openly.

She was stunned to not sense the empty praise that she so commonly felt when complimented in her court. This realization that some people actually were able talk without hidden motives surprised Caeria and when the hand was offered along with the introduction

Braelynn : "Where are my manners? My name is Braelynn, pleasure to meet you. What's yours?"

"I am Caeria Hawksong vessel of the Crimson Phoenix and delighted to meet you Braelynn; please call me Cici" she said hesitating a moment before taking the offered hand.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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Luke almost hit himself, he always forgot that humans shake hands… but these weren’t humans so maybe they took no disrespect. At any rate is smoke break was almost finished and he poked his head through the window leaning on the frame there. He studied the girl’s as they talked, and wondered what made them so proper? Maybe it was more an issue of respecting one another. Just like that he felt a rush of power. Like a God himself had just gazed at his soul, and just as fast as it had come it was gone. The air reeked of Teleportation Magic as Luke pulled himself back through the window. He dusted his clothes off and bowed his head in a nod as he did in greeting to Caeria. “Not to be rude. But i'm Luscious. Pleasure to meet an Elemental such as yourself. A rare breed.” This one was different from other’s he’d met.

Where was her pack? “You can call me Luke I'm what's called a Planeslord. Sadly the last, regardless Caeria here was just telling me she was seeking room for her duration here.” He wondered if he’d find a roommate himself and he turned to survey the crowd.

Mr. Mors

Mors stood tall at the door ushering students in. It never hurt to have an Angel at the door, at least that's what Lilith was saying when everyone asked her what the hell Prince was even doing there. Though over the years Prince set aside the general prejudice and mistrust of his kind, that came with surrounding yourself with, often,teenage monsters. Beings. Whatever floats your little navis. Than’ was smiling at the children as they walked in. Hard to imagine that, Death’s smile. “Than, your scaring the children. It's not often they look a member of Death’s family in the face.” He glanced at the girl shoving candy in her mouth and chuckled. ”Much less the daughter of one.” he nudged Thanatos with his elbow in a friendly mannor@NewMoonGamer
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

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As if on queue, a strange rumbling erupted behind a nearby wall to Madam Lilith. Glass breaking, knocking against steel, and low grumbling depicted a crescendo of action occurring. If one were listening closely, they could hear a conversation happening between a coughing horse and a low moaning sound. "No. No Jeffrey you forgot the catalyst! How am I supposed to contain the energy of the mixture? Quick, place that wormwood cap on the flask. No, not the empty flask you imbecile! WHY DID YOU THROW IT IN? JEFF-"

A high pitch hissing sound bubbled into an explosion, and from the blast a secret door waned open. Billows of smoke breathed from the volcano of a room as Mathigyle slowly shuffled out, his giant, round glasses fogged and robes all covered in soot. Upon seeing the Madam, a toothy grin spread across his face and he craned his neck upward and to the side. His tyrannosaurus wrists managed a wave. "Ah, Madam Lilith, good to see you here." His eyes narrowed and the Lich nearly jumped for the first time in hundreds of years to see all the children about. Flabbergasted, Mathigyle rolled up his smokey sleeve and checked one of 6 watches with 7 heads. "Intriguing! It's a moment to the first day, how fitting. Good day, children." The Lich strained his wolfish smile and the fog cleared from his lenses to reveal pure white eyes, nearly to fall from his head. He was trying.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

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Thanatos gasped dramatically. "What?" he asked, this time he was being dramatic in a not so serious sense."They'll get used to it eventually, darling. After all," he began, flipping some of his hair out of his face. "Who couldn't stand to look at a face like this?" he finished with a cocky smirk forming in his expression. "As for her there, she should be fine as long as she doesn't do anything naughty." he said, turning his attention to Phantos. Not many people knew who she really was, and she had made him swear not to tell anyone who was oblivious to her identity as Grimmy's kid.

Rei had been listening closely to their conversation, and she flinched a bit when they looked at her. She put her pocky into her bag and was about to abscond from the area when she heard a commotion kick up. Her jaw dropped as there was an explosion and then the emergence of a hunched over figure from the smoke. She was gaping for a moment before the man turned and greeted the students. When she was back to her senses, she said, "That... was... Awesome!"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

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Mr. Mors

Prince chuckled at the girls excitement, rarer still you saw a lich around anymore either. But this school was full of rare findings, and the like, the last class had nearly no survivors which is what took so long, but that was there own fault and a different story altogether. No todays story was a different one. He watched Mathigyle check his watches and laughed kind heartedly at the old man, for all his precautions he still managed to forget today was at all important, surely as most creatures with endless amount of time do. Principium turned to Thanatos ”I’m sure she will fit in quite alright as long as she keeps a head about her, and that dazaling lineage secret of course. Anyway if you’ll excuss me I have a matter to discuss with Master Mathigyle…” He quickly walked over to Mathigyle who was trying his hardest not to intimidate the most lighthearted of students.”I see Jeffrey strikes again Master Mathigyle? The devil, will his insolence ever know it’s bounds?” @NewMoonGamer@Whimsley
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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"I am Caeria Hawksong vessel of the Crimson Pheonix and delighted to meet you Braelynn; please call me Cici."

When Caeria took Braelynn's hand Braelynn could feel the intensity of her heat. Her eyes widened in surprise before her mouth widened in an even bigger smile, and she shook the warm hand with vigor. 'What a strange title she has, she must be royalty where she comes from.' "How intriguing! I hate to say it but I've never seen someone like you before, I'll have to ask you more about you're title sometime in the future. I am an Earth Elemental, though it's much less marvelous, call me Bree."

"Not to be rude. But I'm Luscious, pleasure to meet an elemental such as yourself. A rare breed." Braelynn found herself pleasantly surprised by the boy, Luscious, speaking up. She turned to him and when he bowed his head she gave him a slight curtsy. "You can call me Luke I'm what's called a Planselord. Sadly the last, regardless Caeria here was just telling me she was seeking room for her duration here."

Braelynn glanced back at Cici with a warm smile, considering they were both new she could probably discuss rooming with her later. She focused her attention back on Luke and flushed. "Oh, you think I'm rare? Well t-thank you, but trust me there's not much special about me. It's a great pleasure to meet you Luke, I'd love to talk to you more about being a Planselord, and I am very sorry that there aren't more of your people." she bowed her head in a silent show of respect, before returning to her usual light mood. "There isn't much dirt here is there? I had to make this poor golem out of random pieces of the parking lot." She pointed to her golem, who gave a silly looking wave.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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Luke was caught a bit off guard. It’s not that people didn’t care about Planeslords, most didn’t and were fated to never know about them, you can't ask about what you know not of. But here today she did ask. So he showed her, kind of. ”This is a Dimensional Door, or Portal or whatever you really want to call it.” He quickly snapped the small Door closed and continued. “I'm a Traveler, many cultures in other planes have them actually, it's not particularly rare.They can go to any spot in any dimension they know of. What was rare was my people's devotion to the Travelers, it was almost as if they saw them as Gods really, my entire society revolved around there every word. Anyway, something I assume tragic took place, and now no more Planeslords, I've yet to figure out why that is though. See Planeslords have an innate capability to recall all of history, like all of them, all the histories, anyway that means as a Traveling Planeslord I can go anywhere, on every plane, but the memory thing has a hic-up tragically. And I don't particularly care for the Hellish planes, quite drab actually. So can and do in this instance are two different things. ” He turned and pointed toward the south part of the school, taking out another cigarette from the pack. He wondered about a place to go and relax in this maze of beautiful masonry. It hit him. “Enough about me, there's an amazing botanical garden and quite the lawn out round back of the school.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

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Ah yes, this year just may be different, only a quarter of the hallway dispersed in a hurried pace. We can't have last year happening again, not with the snake venom on his final exam. Well, that was just part of it. Though Mathigyle had to submit to Jeffrey that it was a humorous happening. A huge misunderstanding really. Anyways, one student in particular caught Mathigyle's attention, exclaiming her interest in the powerful mishap of alchemy that occurred. "Oh! You enjoy this?" He glanced over at the smoking room and took a few shuffles toward Rei while wringing his wrinkled hands, his now-gray robes dragging ash behind him. "Yes, uh hm. Please consider, ah, enrolling in my introductory class: Alchemicals 101, won't you?." Mathigyle was a sucker for those who wished to learn under him, and those who showed interest in pursuing alchemy. Rei would soon hear word from upper class students about Mathigyle's classes: they are as dangerous as they are entertaining; death is not uncommon. Brew battles, improvised potions, and toxic mixtures were among the events and subjects to occur. Instruction was sometimes convoluted and archaic; Mathigyle was a traditional alchemist who still utilized the textbooks written in the times he walked amongst the living. It was necessary to learn or speak some of this ancient language by the end of his first course, especially if one was to experiment outside of class. Only high intellectuals, the fortuitous, and those covered in horseshoes and four-leaf clovers are able to pass his final course.

With this, Mathigyle turned to face the approaching Mr. Mors, a young man who managed to be cordial and well-spoken all at once, how delightful. "A devil indeed, Mr. Mors. Though sometimes he's more of a newt looking sort, or that one time he was an ostrich, oh how he riles me so!" Extra emphasis was placed on the word "so" as Mathigyle melodramatically raised a quivering fist to the air, about three inches below his chin was all he could manage. "He has his days, the cranky miscreant. We'll try again tomorrow. Ah, tomorrow is the first day, of course, perhaps the day after. Well no, that is when the razor groot seeds sprout from their containers..." Mathigyle began to ramble and mumble underneath his breath, listing off what appeared to be hundreds of experiments he was currently working on. One could figure there were several forgotten experiments simply wasting away in the many secret labs Mathigyle had set up about the place. He stopped himself mid-ramble. "Ah, but of course Mr. Mors, what is it you require? How go the preparations for your courses?"

@kagethekiller @newmoongamer
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

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Thanatos nodded to Prince before bowing respectfully to Mathigyle. He then gave Phantos a pat on her head before going to help out any students who needed it. He told them where their rooms would be located and things of that manner. He still had a certain flare in his speech and movements, making some not sure if they should laugh or be scared.

"Alchemics, huh..." Rei whispered to herself. "Perhaps I'll try it." she said, nodding to the old man. She had heard and seen of alchemy, but she had never actually tried it herself, and she thought that if an explosion like that occured as a product of it, it may be fun. She didn't really have much of a sense of danger after all. When Mr. Mors came over, she decided to scurry off to give the adults room to speak. She asked her uncle if he needed help, but he only told her to go have fun and explore, so she went outside.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by kagethekiller
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kagethekiller NotADragon

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Prince let the man ramble for a few more seconds, “ Splendidly, actually, our Telekinesis for beginners is starting tomorrow in fact. But I wanted to talk to you about a psychic enhancement potion if you could brew up something along those lines.” He needed it for a particular student, and although it wasn't urgent there was never a time like the present.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SunsetRoses
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@RumikoOhara @kagethekiller

Braelynn was captivated by his every word. Being a creature of the forest had its perks, definitely, but she hadn't spent much time away from them. Luke had gone to so many places before, experienced things she would probably never see, and lived to tell the tale. In a moment of pure emotion, Braelynn's eyes turned brighter, sparkling like gemstones. Instinctively, she hid her face behind her hands. It took her a few moments to blink away the effect, and she looked back at Luke with her usual cool expression. "Your history, it's so spectacular! I've been in forests my whole life, you must have some amazing stories to tell."

Suddenly Luke pointed towards the South wing of the school, and Braelynn tilted her head. "Enough about me, there's an amazing botanical garden and quite the lawn out round back of the school.” He said, and Braelynn couldn't contain her grateful smile.

"Thank you, Luke. If you're not busy, we could take a walk there sometime. I assume I'll be there most of the time, but it would be much more enjoyable with company. You said I was rare right? So maybe I could show you a few of my rarities, and you could reciprocate the favor." She smiled coyly at him before turning to glance at Cici. "You too Cici! I would love to get to know you better." She blushed for the second time this conversation, and smoothed out her dress.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

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"How refined, psychic enhancement. Tapping into the neural networks of the mind. One.." There he went again, likely citing the intricacy of making such a potion and the number of faults that could occur with even a single drop of an incorrect ingredient. Which fault occurred by what means, etc. It was not that Mathigyle wished to bore the young Mr. Mors, rather his passion was just so fervent for the subject of alchemy. Finally, he got to the point.

Mathigyle checked his sleeves, necklace, and various pockets cut into his robes for such a potion. Alas, he had none pre-brewed, though the Chromatic Concoction was an intriguing find. "But of course, Mr. Mors, a potion of psychic enhancement, beginner's strength, for your student. Don't want them seeing too many secrets of the universe now." The lich croaked a hoarse laugh; you couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. "It will brew for some time and be prepared six micromoments before the moon's apex." In english, some time before midnight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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Cici was surprised at the informality of her classmates but delighted by the perceived meaning of acceptance of equality. Long now she'd dreamed of returning to the less rarefied state of being she'd held as a budding Witch of the Coven of the Hawk's Song; before she'd been made holy.

In the beginning her new status had been delightful. She had Witches well croned bow before her who'd in her previous state ruled above her and who now by traditional custom were her servants. Her every word was waited upon by trembling scribes and her whim command to any hearing. But here she was before two people who spoke as if she'd ceased to exist, who cared not how holy she was and it made her want to laugh aloud.

Then the Earth Elemental said something she hadn't heard in two years; That she wanted to know her better.

Caeria could have danced on air after that but abstained in the interest of not wanting to spoil the moment.

"I'd love to spend time with you Bree and exchange details of ourselves.

No more delightful a concept can I devise."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WizardGirl
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WizardGirl Apparently Insane

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Lilith takes a microphone from the empty secretary desk beside her office door, lifting it to her mouth and gently speaking into it, "Attention students...curfew will begin at sunset, so please head to your assigned rooms...we wouldn't want anyone getting hurt in the dark." She says, her voice echoing through the hallways before she sets the device back down and stretches her back.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NewMoonGamer
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NewMoonGamer Holy Potato Child

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Rei, who had been laying in the grass thinking as she stared up the sky, blinked as she heard the announcement. "Curfew, huh..." she whispered to herself before sitting up quickly. She stood up and stretched a bit before beginning to head to her room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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The sound of metal clanking along with heavy footsteps would follow down the path to the school Fafnir was taking, he could already see the building ahead of him with his single eye. The anxiety he had dreaded since he decided to enroll had begun to plague his conscience, concerned that he wouldn't fit in even with beings of inhuman quality. In addition to his anxious thoughts, the lackluster weather of the late afternoon day made him more so uncomfortable, so much so he was tempted to heat his own body up. However, in fear that this may cause problems to others, he prevented himself from doing so, and bore with the cold conditions. His lumbering tail slithered behind his feet along the pavement, the materials of the road he walked on he wasn't used to feeling. So much had changed since he had been on the surface, then again, what should he expect when he lost track of time.

The long crimson cape suited his matching wings, which helped conceal them, however he couldn't do anything about his tail other then have it drag behind the legs in hopes it wouldn't be as noticeable. He would finally come to a stop at the first step to the school, whether or not there was anyone around him was irrelevant, his entire attention was focused on the school building, which would signify either a successful start to adapting to this world, or an utter failure. It was his first time in a while he had to contemplate loosing, something he hated, but this loss was much more meaningful then a duel or challenge, this would be an important chapter to his own future, that of which he had spent so much time lost.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

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"Hmmm.....A curfew?

Never had one of those."
giggles Cici

She smiles at the others and says

"Might be interesting to see if I can comply cheerfully.

After all we birds loathe cages"

So regretting the brevity of her association Caeria returns to her search for her room by casting a location spell hoping they don't have any wards to prevent her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whimsley
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Whimsley Duke of Whims

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A withered, gnarly head poked its way out of the main entrance doors. One could practically hear the bones creak, the skin stretch as foggy glasses surveyed the outside area, searching for straggling students out after curfew. The lich's bleach white eyes paused on the drakken, and a quick chelsea smile replaced his withered flat line of lips. Mathigyle shuffled towards Fafnir, leather and cloth continually scraping against brick for many paces until he was placed before him. The drakken easily outclassed Mathigyle physically in every form, but something about the lich's presence was simply... odd. Mathigyle waved as a T-rex may, if it weren't to eat your face and was actually your best friend. "Uh, hm, yes hello. Welcome. Now then, young student, we must be along now. Time for curfew, classes tomorrow, darkness approaching." Mathigyle spoke hurriedly for his age, stuttering through his introduction. He waved the drakken forward as the undead slowly adjusted himself to turn around back to the school, white beard dragging alongside grey, tethered robes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BayRat
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BayRat Oh No

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Seeing this odd stranger was rather, mixed. At first it was a relief that there were other oddities here, but at the same time, his presence was unpleasant. He seemed weak yet something about his presence was terrifying, a presence not even myself would normally try to top. While watching him speak I decided to humble myself, and nod."Oh I must be late then, sorry." I'd give a bow to who I assumed must have been some authoritative figure, an old one at that. I could at least respect his elderly status, as his wisdom must be grand. As I hurried inside I'd nearly hit my head on the door way, lowering it just enough so my helmet avoided contact. "May I ask where will my room be?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Overlord24
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Overlord24 The Aspiring Author

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Avary knew he shouldn't be doing this, but, heck with it. He was sneaking around after curfew, careful to stay away from the Lich. He knew those things had immense powers, and don't take kindly to rule breaking.
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