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Rick Noel – Salem – Early morning

Rick groaned and slowly opened his eyes, as he heard a whirring sound. The sounds of blades cutting through the air a t high speed, the unmistakable sound of a helicopter. He grabbed a pillow and placed it over his head and tried to muzzle out the sound, and luckily soon it had gone. With the quiet sound returning he sound placed the pillow back, and closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

He suddenly sat up on his bed, realizing what he had heard, a vertibird. He stumbled out of bed and slammed to the ground. He reached for his clothes sitting on a chair and frantically got dressed, mostly likely causing quite a ruckus. As soon as he had his boots on he grabbed his rifle, darted through the door, down the stairs, and out of the house.

He looked up in the sky, but it was long gone. He looked over to an apartment building behind the old church, and there stood Ace along with two other people. The other two were strangely dressed, and he tried to recollect where he had seen those outfits. It then dawned on him, Brotherhood. The vertibird was there, as he wasn’t aware of any other group using them, and those on top of the apartment were most likely scribes, since they weren’t in power armor.

They were enemies of the institute, and them being here worried him. He headed over to the clinic to check on the doc. He walked in while looking around up in the sky, “Hey doc, you here?... I take it you saw vertibird in the sky…” He turned around, and no one was in the first floor, wondering if the doc was perhaps upstairs, but he was unsure whether to go up. He stood there just thinking on what to do next, while savoring the arome of brewed coffee, coming from the diner.

Rachel Wilson – Hub City Auto – Early Morning

Rachel sat on a bench by the shack were her stuff was. She looked at some of the parts she had scavenged, but there was so much more to loot. However, she couldn’t stay there. Even though the bodies had been killed over a year ago, they were still decomposing, and were left to rot in the open. She knew that could mean some sort of disease, and couldn’t rely on her re-breather 24/7. She’d need somewhere to stash her goods.

She pulled out her map, and began to look for somewhere to stay. The Slog was the closest settlement. However, if they saw her going back and forth, they might think it’s safe to scavenge, and muscle her out. Finch Farm was close, but being a Minutemen settlement, they may take issue with number of weapons she brought in, and might even tax her. Salem was a viable option. It was a newish settlement, no affiliation, and far enough not to draw attention, and close enough to make it a daily trip.

She looked back at all the stuff she had collected, and scratched her head. Too much to carry, she’d have to buy a Brahmin one of these days to help carry her stuff. She grabbed a canvas blanket and loaded some stuff on it, she threw it over her shoulder after putting on her pack, and headed out towards Salem.
Rachel Wilson - Commonwealth - Early Morning

Rachel had woken up with the sun, she wanted to take advantage of the day and do some scavenging. She looked at her updated map, it included common caravan routes. It meant those routes were safest, except most loot would be gone. Also, there were the few opportunists that waited for passing travelers to rob them. She made sure to avoid the caravan routes and head for the roads less travelled.

She surveyed the map, and made up her mind to head out west towards the cannery. From there she’d either head south towards Nahant, or North towards Salem. She grabbed her pack and water, leaving the nursery and setting out. She decided to cut across the forest, rather than head through the road. There were rumors of robots roaming on one of these roads, and she couldn’t remember which one.

As she reached the peak of the hill she could see The Slog, and Saugus Ironworks. She was tempted to head to the Ironworks, but it was dangerous, mainly because raiders liked camping out there. Every so often residents from the Slog and Minutemen from Finch Farm would go and drive them away or kill them, but they always returned, like cockroaches.

As she walked closer, she could see the Minutemen guards and flags. It seems they had decided to just take over the facility, probably to forge some iron and steel. The furnaces were smoking, so it meant they were in use. That meant, location would be off limits for scavenging. She walked across the bridge and stopped.

It was a scavenger’s paradise, an old junkyard. She had forgotten about it, mostly because the Gunners used to control it. However the Minutemen General had driven them from there, it had remained abandoned ever since. She began to hurry and was soon at the entrance. There was this old smell of rusting metal mixed with the fading smell of corpses.

Right at the entrance was decomposing body of a gunner, weapon and all. She put on an old rebreather. She made her way to the center of the junkyard and found a some structures. She found one she liked and placed her pack inside, along with some booby traps, just in case anyone tried to steal her stuff. Knowing her stuff was safe, she would be free to look for some good loot.
@DesperatePerson yes, we are always accepting
Ace Makovich – Rooftop – Sunrise

Ace looked at the generator with a smile. It had cost a bundle and required careful and intensive negotiating to acquire it. The 2 scribes looked at Ace, he recognized them from the times he had visited the Egret Marina Compound. Senior Scribe Dan was a tall older fella, and was considered an average scribe as far as intellect. But when it came to fusion power, he was a genius, a master of the craft.

He had brought along his apprentice, Initiate Scribe Mike. He was tasked with learning and one day taking over Scribe Dan’s work. They pulled out some pads and tools and began to inspect the generator to ensure it hadn’t been damaged on the trip and when it was lowered. Ace looked towards the church and he could see people had woken up, and they were staring in their direction.

Ace was standing by the edge, when he heard Steve. “Acey…What sorta of deal did you make for this generator? I don’t want be owning these ex-boys scout wankers any "favours" or paying them a monthly fucking fee.” Steve said as Ace turned around to face him.

Ace furrowed his brow, and scratched his chin as if thinking, “Hmm…If there were to be a cost of the generator to be burdened on the town, I most certainly would’ve let people now and had it be part of as town debate…I took care of this…though to be fair I get income through everyone buying at diner, I guess yeah, everyone will be paying something.”

“Don’t concern yourself on how this little puppy came to be, that’s for me to worry about. Just be happy you and everyone in town will et to benefit from it, and it didn’t cost you a single cap. Though I do feel bad people were woken up,” He looked over the edge and he saw Betty making her way to the diner. She flipped him off when she saw him, being able to deduce he’s the reason she was awake. “Well, free coffee this morning.” He said as he looked back at Steve.


Betty yawned, as she unlocked the door and stumbled into the diner. She rubbed her eyes, and her hand hit the wall as she tried to find the light switch. She turned the diner sign to open, and made her way over to the counter. She sat down and leaned her face on her hand. She was falling asleep and her head nearly slammed the counter but she woke up at the last second.

She stood up and walked over to the coffee maker, but the tin with coffee was empty. She headed downstairs and turned on the lights to the cellar. She stopped when she saw brandy sleeping in the Ace’s room, and couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She went over to where the supplies were kept, and made extra sure to be as loud as possible.

She stopped on her tracks when she saw big bags with the picture of coffee beans on them. She grabbed one and made sure to stomp over to the ladder leading up, hoping all her noise would wake Brandy up. She left the hatch open as she walked over to the jukebox and blared the music, grinning as she did so. She opened the coffee bag, and it said it was vacuum sealed, whatever that meant. As she cut the top open, the bag expanded as air filled in, and the strong aroma of coffee beans permeated through the air. She put some on the pot and waited.
Ace Makovich - Diner - Sunrise

Ace groggily opened his eyes. It was pitch dark, he tried turning but he felt Brandy’s arm around him as she slept. He carefully lifted her arm and freed himself. He looked at the old digital clock he had on his nightstand and it read 5 AM. He sat on the edge of the bad, with his head down staring at the ground. He was tired but needed to get up. He quietly got up and grabbed a pair of jeans and a white undershirt. He put socks and his boots and carefully left the room.

He went over to where the freezers where, and he could hear the ham radio beeping. It was Morse code, letting him know his package was about to be delivered. He grabbed an olive green jacket and headed for the cellar door. He gently opened it, and stepped outside into the frigid Salem fall morning. He shuddered as he could feel the cold coastal breeze, and rubbed his hands to warm them up.

He made his way over to the coastline, and he could see the sun, slowly rising over the sea. He stood there gazing, when he heard the whirring sound of a vertibird, approaching from a distance. It was flying low, as it looked like it was carrying something. He clasped his hands together, and blew into them to warm them up, and began heading to one of the apartment buildings in the town center behind the church. He made his way up to the top and waited for the vertibird to get closer as he waved his arms. He shut the turrets down to prevent them from targeting the vertibird, and lit up a flare showing his location.

As the vertibird grew closer so did the whirring sound of the blades, and the brotherhood logo became visible. He hoped no one would try and shoot at it, he had forgotten to tell anyone they were coming. He could see the fusion generator dangling from chains underneath the vertibird. He smiled as he looked at it, this generator would power the whole town and more.

The vertibird doors slid open, and two ropes were dangled from the opening and two Brotherhood scribes rappelled down. They guided the vertibird to position so that the generator would be right up against a wall; once it’s placed it will be near damn impossible to move without a vertibird. It had been agreed this building would house it, as the roof had been strengthened and its foundation was solid.

Once it was position just right, they signaled the vertibird and it released the clamps, allowing the chains to fall down, and freeing itself of its load. The vertibird, hovered there for a bit before it turned and headed west away from town, leaving the two scribes behind to help set up the generator. Ace smiled as he looked at it, soon they’d have power.

Rick Noel – Diner – Night
Rick sat there staring at his cup, maybe he had said too much. He nodded as she left, raising his hand giving her a light wave. He finished the cup and departed, it seemed the waitress girl wanted to get everyone out so that she could close up. He stood outside the diner and stared at the sky, mesmerized by glistening stars. He had never really seen a night sky.
He stood there and then he could feel cold night chill aided by the cold sea breeze. He grabbed the rolled up jacket on his pack and put it on.  He was going to head out to the wall and check the progress they were making, but he was tired and his body ached for a soft and warm bed.

Rick made his way to Mary’s home but it seemed she wasn’t in. He checked the robots and it seemed they were charged. He unplugged them, didn’t want to risk the contraptions overheating and sparking a fire while they slept. Rick chuckled as he thought back at his time in the Institute studying these crude creations.

He stretched his arms and let out a yawn. His eyes grew weary. He grabbed his things and headed up. Usually that’s where sleeping quarters were located in these old homes. He headed up the dark stairs dimly light by moonlight from a window. He looked into a room that seemed small with a small bed and simple bookshelf. It seemed like it would be guest quarters. Hopefully he wasn’t intruding. He placed his bag in a chair and hit in the bed and laid there slowly falling asleep.
Ace Makovich – Diner - Night

“Thanks for what?” Brandy asked venomously, she looked from Betty to Ace before her glare landed on Betty again. She looked at Ace, “Can I have a key to the cellar door?” Ace reached into his pocket and handed her a key and Brandy got up, “I’ll be back, I need to go home and grab a couple of things.” She stormed off across the street to her house.

“Well, looks like brandy wasn’t too pleased with what you said Betty…please try not to pester her.” Ace said as he turned to Betty. He got up and headed for the hatch, stretching and yawning, “Do you mind locking up? I’m gonna head down. After you close up head over to the inn, and tell Celeste to send me the bill, and you can stay there.”

Ace made his way down and over to his bed, he undressed, and got under sheets as he lay on his back. He picked up Reggie’s picture and stared at it for a bit. He just laid there quietly longingly looking at it. He head the cellar door open and then close with a thud. He placed the picture frame back on the nightstand, facing down.

Brandy peeked and stared at him, hiding behind the door frame. She slowly made her way in side, wearing a long white, doctors’ coat. She sheepishly started to unbutton the coat, “Does someone nee a…” Her ankle rolled in the heels and she stumbled several steps and hit the wall. “OOPS,” she brushed her hair back and stood up straight, pushing the coat with her hands back to her hips revealing her red undergarments.

She gave Ace a sly smile and took a step her ankle wobbled and she kicked off the heels. She looked at her wrist. Brandy blushed and walked over to the bed and let the coat slide off her arms. Getting on the bed and straddling Ace, she eased down, “I tried to be sexy and irresistible, but…um…the heels, I’ve never wore them before, I’m sorry.”

“No…umm…that’s fine…your little comedy act, really brightened up my day.” Ace said with a smile as he tried to hold back from laughing. She looked disappointed, Ace sat up and pulled her closer to him, “I’m sorry…come on lets have some fun and get some sleep. I have to get up early in the morning.
@SantosGabriel77 we always have room
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