Avatar of A Man Is No One


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5 yrs ago
Current I will not celebrate mediocrity. I will not worship empty shells. I will not listen to worthless noises. I will not subject myself to selected predictable choices. I will not be bought or sold.
6 yrs ago
I've seen a person change his face like other's change their clothes.
7 yrs ago
... The struggle between modeling, painting, writing, and creating... Oh what is a failure to do.
7 yrs ago
Well... I think it might be time to start painting again...
7 yrs ago
Did you ever have so many hobbies you can't figure out what to do? Feeling uninspired...


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As it would appear, not many people are interested so I'm going to give this a one time bump just to put it back at the top. Hopefully someone may bite?

There were actually two measures, one being the oil and the second being a steel bar that seperated the hands a distance apart like true manacles. Realistically, I would imagine any dark elf having the Ancient Ancestor ability would be maintained in such a manner. Otherwise, they'd require prior knowledge to ensure things of that nature. Subsequently, with spells that may influence intelligent beings I couldn't say. The only thing I know for sure is that in the game without proper leveling in illusion, casting spells like fury or fear aren't very useful once you start encountering enemies when in your 20 and 30 levels. So depending on the caster, it may not be an issue. I would presume that if the mage was a notably high level caster that information would have been obtained well before they finally went after the person.
”Wh-where am I?”

Enathrae’s thoughts were slow to form even without the difficulty of passing to his lips. On the cold stone floor he awoke, his clothes moist and his skin irritated and discolored. Despite how he tried, the contorted position of Enathrae’s ragged body failed to assist him. Struggling the dunmer pulled his weight against the chains, tugging his arms beneath his chest. He pushed his hands firmly against the ground, rising to the level of a dog.

A sharp gasp of air clenched his heart as it skipped a beat with surprise. While the cell was dark, void of any magical or mundane source of light, the spaces between the bars of his iron door were plenty enough to safely illuminate his predicament. His demeanor turned cold. His eyes narrowed as he tried to dilate his pupils at will. A chromatic sheen danced across the stone floor with the rhythm of the dancing torch resting in its sconce upon the wall opposite his cell door.

Enathrae had to alter his position once again, carefully running his open palm across the lubricated floor. In the most simplistic terms, it was oily but not so dark as to be pitch. Rubbing his thumb and forefinger together he noted the ease at which the friction has dissipated. With a few gentle taps, the mer tested the substance and examined it for taste. Whale oil! They had doused him in a combustible liquid.

Slowly, Enathrae stood up contemplating his next move. His belongings had been taken. His flesh covered by a set of ragged tunic and trousers. Both of course coated with dry whale oil. Any fire based destruction spell would certainly be out of the question. Lightning, of course not. It lacked the required procession and in essence may very well ignite the oil as well with a stray spark or ember. Ice was certainly a viable option. But in what manner, in what direction? Where his chains unique? Not only had he been bound to the wall at the wrists but between those two wrists was an iron bar separating his hands and preventing them from benefitting the other.

Perhaps they deserved his service - this group was rather clever. Enathrae slowly moved to the small pile of hay that was to be his bed. This too was lightly soaked in whale oil. The sheen was apparent across the ground. While the top was dry he knew by the feel of the resistance when he sat that the bottom was quite engrossed with that flammable substance. Enathrae crossed his legs, rested his hands in his lap and closed his eyes. Perhaps his mind’s eye could make sense of it all.

“Put those on. Then we’ll talk.”

These words were not foreign to him. While the voice he heard was little known to him, Enathrae understood the implication that was only amplified by the chitter chatter of metal bouncing across his floor. It stopped when it bounced against the back wall, spiraling to a slow halt amongst the oil doused floor.

His eyes were drawn to it. His thoughts were jumbled because of it. What options did he have? Ignore the ring or perhaps remove it from his cell? Sit in waiting until the day came where his only freedom came in the form of a rotting corpse resting on a pyre along with countless others? Or put on the ring. Live to eat another meal, spend another septim, or perhaps a time to escape?

So there it was, put on the ring. It was merely sitting on his floor near the joint where the floor met the back wall, until he scooped it up in one hand. He was not able to maneuver his limbs close enough to slide the ring on his finger. Enathrae grimaced from the taste as he took it in his mouth, positioned it with his tongue and slide the ring down over the finger on his left hand. Reluctant as he was, it happened to be his only option.
Rytsas se Valar Morghulis,

A man will have difficulty trying to explain this particular concept because of what I am looking for, so please bear with me. The above tags may or may not adequately identify with what we actually end up doing; however, as it is tag happens to be the things I am more comfortable with identifying this concept as. With that being said, please, if you have any comments, concerns, or questions please ask.

It is my desire to produce something of a cooperative Milieu Story. For those of you who do not know, a milieu story places the setting on center stage while leaving the majority of the character's stories in the background. It is my desire to use this to try and create something of a reusable persistent world for myself and/or others to use on the site and/or off. We would start with a couple of characters connected by some way in a settlement of some size in a location of some description that would encounter a very real problem that requires them to go on an adventure across the land. Perhaps it is merely across a country/province like Skyrim on Tamriel or maybe it would involve journeying from Midgar to Nibelheim from Final Fantasy. The point is, we would fill in the blanks and the description as it is required. With that being said there would be a very distinctive out of character requirement that would ask both of us to generate descriptive sheets or some sort of information regarding the things we describe. Perhaps there is a particular monster that you've found a picture for and are using in the story, let's describe it and put it in an "encyclopedia" like article. Or maybe there is a special group we've made. Anything that may be of use to us and other players. It is paramount that one thing be understood. If a character is killed, a new one can be built and join the story in some way. If a player leaves, a new player can join in and build a character to be entered into the story in some way. So this very loose and haphazardly scattered thought seems interesting enough that I may be able to find one person out there who might be willing to make a friend and help me out in having a good time.

"But what about the Star Wars forum? Or other Persistent World attempts on the Guild?"

I will answer this simply by stating that a persistent world on the guild has never truly existed as a persistent world. In order for a persistent world to exist, everything that happens in completed threads (and there should be completed threads) should influence - negatively, positively, or maybe not at all - the other threads that follow it subsequently. For example, if a mapped building is burned to the ground - all subsequent topics created after that threads completion should account for that and the moderating staff should put those gears in motion. It is entirely convoluted for sure - but these things along with various levels of "quests" for lack of a better term carry on the persistent world. Otherwise it is merely a thread in a collective setting. Don't misinterpret. This is completely fine. Just not a persistent world. And quite frankly from what I have seen over the years including before the fall and the infamous.... what was it "Forum 54" or something - a true PW has not existed on RPG.

Age isn't really important here as long as you are competent and creative. Sex is also meaningless here as I do not foresee any reason it would matter - once again as long as you are competent and creative. The only real thing that matters is that a) our creative visions do not clash so much that it ruins the concept, and b) you can obide by the expectations of data collection.

If you are interested just drop a line and we can discuss it further until I feel comfortable starting something up. Further more, anything stated in this thread may be changed in the future to accomodate any misconceptions or to provide clarity.
Rystas se Valar Morghulis,

A man has not role played in many moons. Honestly, a man has not written a thing for many more. However, a man does wish to make a break into the Arena scene with something simple. I am looking for a basic melee combat. A character sheet would not be necessary in this instance, unless the opponent so desires. Quite frankly, I only plan on posting a picture and than moving forward. It would be acceptable for the opponent to do the same. If it matters anymore, this would not be a ranked submission because I'd like for us to be able to focus on the intricacies of combat, critiquing one's posts (or at least critiquing mine with regards to combat) and overall just writing a decent thread as opposed to trying to slaughter the other and win without concern for the written words. Most importantly, I'd like to see a bit of improvisation, and by that I mean just go with the floor. If for example, the two characters meet in the Arena and one claims that the other has for instance offended their sister... "raped her, murdered her, and murdered her children" then we play off that instead of just ignoring the comment all together. Claim responsibility or deny, lie or tell the truth. Things of this nature, the story behind the battle.

Are their any takers?

A man has been plagued by something similar to what you are feeling. I too am quite interested in tackling a Song of Ice and Fire thread. However, my idea is quite simple. It takes merely the basic understandings of what we know of that world and then essentially turns us loose onto an open concept by in large a new created world. In my mind, it would play out that Arya while untouchable by the Night King was still quite susceptible to the nasty barriage of diseases often encountered while at sea. With Arya Stark dead, the crew had a choice. Return home with nothing to show for it or carry on and perhaps create the tales to be told to the next generation. Contemplate. Discuss. If this is something that seems up your alley, perhaps we should speak.

Where would you prefer our opening statements take place? Typically, most threads IC start with a post from the creator setting the mood and indicating where the player characters gather and begin on their adventure. Perhaps you would be so kind as to shed some like on the subject?


A man has a question. Upon completion of a character sheet should it be post in this section or shall it wait to be approved in the actual character section of the thread?
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