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    1. addamas 7 yrs ago


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Phoebe Norah

The slow stomping of the mech as it walked across the green fields combined with the breeze that created movement in said fields was an oddly relaxing experience. Phoebe couldn’t help but doze off while moving ever closer to her destination. A ruggish voice with a heavy accent woke Phoebe a few hours later; it was the man who hired her spouting some trivial words at Phoebe. Leaning forward into a mic, she pressed the push to talk button and said,

“You got the right girl, and I do have a few questions. First of all, how ready is your prototype exactly? I mean I don’t want to get in there and suddenly be blown to bits starting the engine. Secondly, if you want me to test the mech, you gotta do it right; give me the schematics and blueprints and I’ll be able to more thoroughly test your big boy. That is what you hired me to do no?”

She had almost reached her destination now, and the hillbilly was clearly visible. Putting a headset on to keep talking to Jan, she got off of her ass and climbed on top of FR-8R through a hatch. After finding a flat spot, she sat down, throwing her legs in the air and tapped the headset’s mic.

“Owh yeah, and lastly; You have any sweets?”

“Destination…reached.” A few mechanical thuds and sounds were the final noises that freighter made after halting in front of Jan. with a small elevator like platform, no more than half a meter wide, Phoebe descended the mech. About a meter from the ground, she jumped off, and stepped up to Davis. But instead of greeting or shaking hands, she walked straight past him, her enthusiastic eyes searching for the prototype.

“Alright old man, let’s get started then, shall we?”

Phoebe Norah

It was a hot day and a large silhouette could be seen next to a gas station. All you could see from the station were miles and miles of grass. Yet from right here, a faint noise could be heard from the station, or rather next to it. Inside of the Silhouette relaxed a girl, music on max, comic in hands, and feet up and over the dashboard. Phoebe occasionally reached beside her to grab a potato chip while she was waiting for something to happen, anything really. Waiting for a job was such a boring way to pass time, if only she could hear the constant buzz which was muted by the loud music. The noise was cut short though, after which a robotic deep voice could be heard.

“3 messages are waiting to be…answered.” After which the music continued.

“Owh! About time OG, thx Freighter.”

“You are…welcome.”

“Yeah yeah, just play the messages.” Said phoebe while cleaning up the cabin.

Hi Pilots! I'm a mech manufacturer from Therux looking to set up shop in Fortune. I plan to make a small business selling affordable, reliable mechs to the locals here, but I can’t find the time to do extensive testing on my prototypes. I need a capable pilot to jump into my New Custom Mk2 prototype and run a few tests, easy really!
Test My Mech!

“That one, lock onto that one.” She said while putting the comic in a drawer full of them. A few plings and boops could be heard before the mech’s UI showed the fastest route towards the job. of the three, this one was the most interesting to Phoebe; she was a mech-freak after all, not to mention it’s close proximity.

“Ke Freighter, take me there.” She said, putting her legs over the dashboard once more.

“Error; unable to find…Hare within the vicinity.”

“What? No, there not hare. Take me there! worthless voice recognition still needs work.” She banged the ceiling after the mech booted up its engines and started walking towards the destination.

“What can I do for you?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to hit you is all.”

@Dynamo Frokane guess i'll be testing that mech then ;) you got it Frokane o7
@Dynamo Frokane ah sweet, does that mean i can put it in the character tab?

And then I guess i'll just have my character on hold for now. Can't wait to join the story :P

@Feyblue indeed :>

glad to know i got it right ^-^
I hope this will do ^-^ @Dynamo Frokane

also @Feyblue I hope i wrote project FURY like you imagined it.

@Feyblue i'll Be joining project FURY if you don't mind ^-^
@Majoras End don't worry mate i've got you covered, I'll send updates alot :D
sweet beans, i'll get on it right now ^^

i'll keep the reserves happy till you come up with a natural way for me to enter the story; heck, if you have an introduction that needs my character a certain way, totally cool too :p
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