Avatar of addamas
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    1. addamas 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Peanut bear doesn't care


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very soon i hope >:(

Gods, for how short the day had begun, it had turned into a complete mess awfully fast. People were feeble things, and living in peace and prosperity for so long softened them. Sometimes the stress would get to them and they’d commit a crime, but in this scenario, a human was capable of the worst of the worst, even the friendliest of neighbours could turn to murder when put into a sick game like this; it brought out the worst in people, so that only the strongest and purest of them remained.

Unless Flare could do something about it. If they wanted to let this group kill each other to find a way out, then Flare would just find a different way. If they wanted to test this group and weed out the weak, Flare would just make every single one of them strong. If they wanted to crush the mentalities of the people here, Flare would just glue them back together. She was going to help in every way she could, and she was going to save them. Of all the people that the kidnappers could find, they just had to get the one that would ruin their plan. That bear picked the wrong girl to mess with and soon they would find out just how wrong they were.

Snow however...When first laying her eyes upon the grotesquely ridiculous bear, she could do nothing but scoff at his words. They were the ravings of a lunatic, nothing to be taken serious...but then she looked around. Everyone was panicking, some were getting angry, and some were probably already plotting things. But of course they would take Monokuma’s words seriously, it was so like humans to fall for this obvious ruse; idiots…

But that meant that they were already considering murdering each other, including Snow. They couldn’t be trusted, for each of them would stab you in the back as soon as they got the chance. As she stood there, getting more paranoid by the second, she looked at the bear once more, biting her nails in frustation and mumbling under her breath. “The hell do you want…”

Which Flare just happened to hear, turning her face towards Snow and answering calmly, yet deadly.

“It’s an experiment. Twisted scientists with no regards to human life who want inhuman answers to satisfy their inhuman questions. just look at that ridiculous bear; it’s obvious these people are toying with us.”

Her words fell on deaf ears though, as all the attention was quickly drawn by Chikako going in guns blazing. It was a kind of boldness and courage that Flare didn’t expect when she first met the girl. Even though their interaction was brief, Flare had quickly grown fond off the sassy attitude, talking with her about parties and even planning one for this group!

So seeing her run off like that, Flare couldn’t help but chase after her, warning her not to do anything stupid...unsuccessfully. From several feet away, she saw it all, and stopped moving, her vision blurred as she peered at the blood seeping from that guy...the boy who tried to rally everyone together; he had saved Chikako at his own expense.

But that wasn’t why Flare stood there frozen in place; no her eyes were still focused on the blood, almost obsessing over it with a terrified expression on her face; who knew where her thoughts were at the moment, but with every passing second, she seemed to get lost in them more and more.

Until she snapped back; when ginshi suddenly shouted for help, Flare almost jumped into the air of shock. But quickly regained her thoughts, which were now focused on one thing.


She said as she ran towards the injured party, taking off her jacket and ripping it to pieces. Underneath her jacket was hidden a very peculiar black shirt; the collar was entirely made of black feathers which protruded upwards. In any case, she soon had the jacket laid out into several pieces to serve as bandages.

“Lay them on the ground carefully, we need to check for exit wounds,” She proclaimed as she took hold of Chikako to observe her shoulder at multiple angles until she indeed spotted one. “Alright that’s good. Any luck with him?” She questioned Ginshi before carefully tying the bandage around Chikako’s shoulder.

“We’re gonna need a medical arm sling for that shoulder, and crutches for mister speech, it’s important that you don’t move excessively, as hard as that may be for someone as bouncy as you.” She smiled at Chikako, an obvious attempt at comforting her.

Meanwhile, Snow was just in utter surprise, she knew that this group was quick to turn to panic, but those two were on a wholly different scale. Though the guns didn’t shock her as much as the others, mostly because she was already familiar with them, thinking back to the pier.

After observing the crowd one more time to look for any abnormalities, Snow finally turned around to walk away, sifting towards her new handbook for any intel that would give her an edge, and off she went in the direction of the cabins.

As soon as Izo decided to leave, Flare’s mind sprang into action with ways to stop the boy, or at least help him with his plans. But Taka and Momo soon resolved that mindset, allowing Flare to focus on the here and now.

Chikako was not happy about everyone’s dead-serious attitude, which Flare could understand, and the party afterwards sounded like a great plan! one that Flare would definitely want to help set up.

And yet Taka opposed the idea instantly, he wanted answers, and he wanted them now; and Momoe wasn’t doing anything to ease the situation. So one wanted to leave, one wanted answers, one wanted fun, and the other was a mystery...God how is a person supposed to help people when they all wanted such different things that conflict with each other so heavily! It was mind-boggling, and it was all that Flare could think about, which in turn caused her headache to worsen, and that in turn twisted her face into a conniving and almost furious thing.

Luckily it didn’t last long, as the announcement snapped everyone out of their thoughts. It seemed like they all agreed to listen to the announcer, thank god for whoever was on the other end of that screen, they just saved Flare a mental breakdown.

Without much further thought, she quickened her pace so she could walk next to Chikako, who seemed the nicest out of the bunch, giving her a small glance before focusing on the road ahead without saying anything for the rest of the walk.

A scared girl was running, she was running from something, from someone. the moon illuminated the night in a bright shade of red as this girl trembled and fell to the ground, a face full of terror looking behind her to face this man. He wielded a spear, and was faster than the fastest vehicle on earth. and the spear he held was aimed for her heart.

With a single strike it pierced the soft and frail body of the girl, who screamed out in agony, yet nobody could hear her cries for help, or rather, they chose to look away; as they should, for this girl was not murdered, she was executed.

Sofia shot up from her slumber, gasping for air while grabbing her chest as if it was no longer there. a nightmare…

Slowly and carefully, she removed the blanket from her legs, placed her feet on the ground, and looked at the letter on a shelf next to her. It seemed like she was asked to help fight a servant, but that would have to wait...something was wrong. As Sofia looked at the washed out magic circle in the middle of the room, she noticed that...her servant wasn’t here.

with a sudden rush of adrenaline, she rushed out of bed and into the hallway; why was her servant gone? did the summoning go wrong? the karmic link! it was still there, and as Sofia focused, she saw.

Raikou was in town, strolling the streets with no care in the world...in the middle of the riot zone!

Owh no, this was bad, there was no way Sofia could enter that zone on her own, it was too dangerous, but her servant wasn’t responding to her at all. she needed to find Benita and Achilles, ask them to go with her, so she can find Raikou.

Sprinting through the halls, she searched and searched for any sign of Benita, until she entered the entrance to the hot spring and found her target, only to immediately jump back around the corner. There were two other people with Benita. one was obviously a servant, and the master was most likely the man in front of the servant.

But wait, this master, was he the servant? checking him out with her pure eyes, Sofia was startled by what she saw; it looked like two servants stood in front of her, but one had to be the master, though looking at their appearance, the glasses wearing man was most likely the master, this was no ordinary master though, and she would be smart to be careful around him.

So slowly but surely, Sofia walked towards the group, a cautious look on her face as she got closer and closer.

“H-hello sir, do you mind if I borrow miss Benita for a second?” Sofia asked of Gin, giving a smile towards him and the boy behind them.

“I know i’ve said it before but, I want you to know that I am really really really sorry, for everything that happened yesterday.” She softly spoke. “All i wanted to do was help my sister...but it backfired so bad, I just, it was a disaster.” She looked at the ground as she said it, but immediately after, she looked Benita in the eyes and folded her hands in a pleading motion.

“A-anyway, I wanted to ask...are we still allies? because I’d like us to be.” And with that, she backed off, finally having the tension and stress released, Sofia felt miles better than the day before, and her trademark innocent smile soon returned to her as she walked over to the other two in the room.

“Sorry for that sir, I am Sofia Whitehall.” She said as she introduced herself and extended her hand, expecting the master to return the favor so that she could possibly get him to assist in finding Raikou as well.

@Cu Chulainn @Phonic @SSW

Well, it really looked like this kid had a death-wish. Not only did he keep his obnoxious attitude, he grabbed her again. This time even going as far as to hug her in an obvious attempt at intercourse, only to back out of it, like the coward he was, with words of repercussion.

And to top this all off, he didn’t even back off immediately, reveling for as long as he could in the touch of a woman instead; it was pathetic, and when he raised his finger under her chin, she was ready to bite it off in one swoop.

Lucky for him, he knew he was going too far just in time, allowing Snow to finally get some distance between the two. With a few pats, she wiped her clothes clean of any bacteria that would have rubbed off on her, all the while keeping her annoyed gaze at Ryuma.

To be fair though, this moron actually had a brain in his skull after all, as he got to the same conclusion as her, albeit an eternity later. They were from Hope’s Peak, and they were kidnapped, but the fact that they didn’t target her alone muddied her theory a bit...maybe they weren’t after her after all.

In any case, Ryuma as the boy called himself, now asked Snow of something that even her closest friends would have trouble finding out; her name.

“Princess will be good enough for you.” Was all she said with that same annoyed face as she turned around once more, and stomped off towards the exit. This man was just too much for her to deal with; within seconds of waking up, he called her a child, a princess, he grabbed her by the arm, trapped her in a hug, kept his obnoxious tone throughout the interaction, and even refused to get hit by her attacks! He was completely hopeless, so with that in mind, she opened the doors once more and stomped off towards the docks, completely missing the 3 people in the opposite direction.
without further ado!

heeere's Raikou!

Why were these humans always so awfully rude? forcefully grabbing your hand when pronouncing their meaningless names, hitting you in the back when you just had something stuck in the back of your neck, or hugging you when they felt like their idiot lives were bettered by someone else?

And right in this very moment, another one of those lousy beings was overextending as well. This guy thought he could just grab snow by the arm and get away unscathed?

...Well he might do just that; Snow tried her hardest to wriggle her arm loose, but this beast was holding her with the strength of a gorilla, that must be why they could overpower her at Hope’s Peak. But if her body could not safe her from the situation, maybe her voice could.

“Let me go!” She screamed, still shaking furiously and punching Ryuma’s arm with her free arm; not that it would hurt the parkour runner in the slightest.

It wasn’t until Ryuma explained himself and addressed her in the most annoying and obnoxious way possible, that she stopped squirming. Slowly but surely, a blush was forming on her cheeks, as it dawned on her that she made a mistake, a big one. Allowing this human to overpower her was one thing, but letting her mind be inferior to his? unacceptable; it must have been something that they drugged her with that blurred her thought process; yes that must have been it.

In any case, this man did not deserve to see her eyes, so instead she looked at his feet, an expression of embarrassment and annoyance taking root. Ryuma had many questions to ask her, but really, there was only one answer Snow could give him.

“H-how am I supposed to know.” Her blush was still shining brightly and her eyes were still locked on the ground, but her voice had changed from loud and dominant, to soft and unsure. “I thought that you had kidnapped me…” as she awkwardly shifted in place, her arm still above her head in his hand, she finally looked him in the eyes with that same soft and unsure look.

“Are you gonna let me go, you pervert?”

As Flare took to stretching her legs, she walked around the group of people with a hand stuck to her chin as she pondered about what to do.

As they now smoking girl said, they were all from Hope’s peak...which meant that they could be in the same class as her! obviously this ploy had something to do with the school, and as the ponytail boy suggested, their talents would no doubt have a role to play as well, but first:

“You know, smoking really isn’t healthy for you! but it’s even worse for the people around you; second hand smoke can kill, you know!”

With that out of the way, Flare took to address the words of these students; which was rather easy, because they all wanted answers. How they got here; what they remembered; and what to do. So upon finding the answer, she stopped walking, looked down at the circle of stomped grass that she created, and finally looked at the group in front of her.

“hmmmm, so in a situation like this, the best thing to do iiiis-” Flare awkwardly smiled, an oddly warm feeling emanating from her. “I actually have no clue what situation we are in so uhh, why don’t we find that out first?” She spread her arms as if to announce her incredible plan, upon which a hummingbird out of nowhere flew in and rested it’s legs.

Yamato’s grave

She tried, she failed. It seemed that her prowess as a heroic spirit could only take her so far; against someone as powerful as Achilles, her legend could simply not stand a chance.
But not for lack of trying; Yamato Takeru was a woman of pride and determination and pulling out in this way would only disgrace to Lancer Prime, and so she embraced her fate, letting it run its course, no matter who the victor would be.

What Achilles did, allowing her to speak to him a final time before removing her from this world, was a kindness she could never repay.

“I’m sorry...I failed you master.” her voice was sore and crackling, with every breath she could feel life slip out of her.

“I’m sorry that I failed you Achilles...and your cousin. I never meant for this to happen.” with a crack, her spine started to break, Even with all the might that she exerted, there was absolutely no way she would ever escape his grasp.

“Heh...I guess i still have a lot to learn, but...I at least enjoyed the time i spent here.” With all her might, she turned her eyes to his, desperation and acceptance both residing within their golden color.

“K-keep the city safe, alright? This war is not one they need to be a part of...And please, my master, she’s innocent...I...convinced her to do this...Plea-”

No, something was wrong; why couldn’t Takeru finish her last sentence? what was holding her back, was it too late? did Achilles finally end her life?

...No, this was something else, her vision was getting blurrier, but it didn’t feel natural; something was taking her away...no...no...she didn’t want to go there; anywhere but there!

Please somebody help her, anybo-------------

Yamato Takeru was gone.

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