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Hey! My name's Aelita.

I've been rping for over 10 years, though I'm a wee rusty on writing longer replies.
I love rps with drama and maybe a bit of romance too, and I have a ton of characters of all sorts!

Outside of roleplay, I enjoy gaming, singing, and watching youtube videos.

Feel free to message me if you wanna rp or just chat! 8D

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Do you all want to start?

I'm ready! \o3o/
That demon x priest one sounds interesting. I've got a cool demon character that would be fun for that.
@AelitaJezebelle Yeah, quotes and theme songs are a thing this site has going around. It's weird how quick so many RP's adopted it. I just put it in their as optional to help people who wanted it not to have issues dealing with my bad coding.

Oh, those are optional! Cool, then I think I'll just leave those out. xD
@AelitaJezebelle It is a trilogy. The Darkest Minds #1, Never Fade #2, In the Afterlight #3. There also is apparently a newer one but I hadn’t heard about it until last year and haven’t checked it out yet. But overall the series is really good. My favorite YA book trilogy by far.

Also, here’s the link to the RP thread.

Thankies! I'll check it out. I'm still thinking on my character for now and how to answer the character sheet. Quotes and songs are things I've never thought of for my characters. I'll pm you it once I've got it though.
This sounds really cool! I want to read the book this was based off of now. Is it by the same name?
Coolio. I'll edit the thing then.
What's the limit on characters you can have here? Would anyone mind if I add one more?

I initially was only going to play the two I already put up. However, Severin was initially created alongside another character and the two have always gone together. I didn't put him up because he belongs to a friend of mine, but she said she doesn't mind if I use him as long as I change his name. Severin's story feels kind of empty without him.

If I do add him, I'll probably just edit what I already have for Severin and make a joint character sheet for them both. Their stories are entwined enough that if I made two I would just be repeating myself from different perspectives.
Hello, hello! Thank you all for the welcomes! >3<

Name: Nolan Nutone
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi
Species: Human
Personality: Nolan's a serious person, especially when it comes to vampires. He knows just about everything there is to know about them and continues to research and try to find new information. His family is the world to him, and he's very overprotective of them. Behind his serious nature he can also be very sweet, especially towards his family. He cares about people and their well-being.
History: His parents were killed by vampires when he was a child, and the event left him with a terrible fear of vampires and of losing the only family he had left to them. As the oldest, he was the only one there to protect his brother with them gone, and at night he would sharpen branches into stakes and stay up outside his brother's room all night to protect them. He began to research everything he could on vampires, almost obsessively, such as their weaknesses and how to kill them and began to learn to fight. He was a full-fledged vampire hunter by 14, the youngest ever. He keeps what he does from his brother though, afraid he wouldn't approve of it or even believe him. He's just doing what he has to do to protect him.
Okay, trying to figure out how to put an image up isn't going well, so I'll just link their pictures. Edit: Nevermind, figured it out. The link was wrong.

Name: Severin Novikoff (top) Anselme Emile (bottom)
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gay
Relationship to each other: Husbands
Species: Vampire

Personality: Severin is a very sweet, caring person. His focus in life is on the arts..music, dance, painting, you name it. He does a little of everything. You'll most always see him with a smile on his face, usually humming to himself.
Anselme is fairly serious and proper, very concerned with how others perceive him. Being raised in a prominent wealthy family meant appearances and reputation were always important. He will sacrifice appearances, however, if it means protecting Severin. He's very protective of him. He's kind and selfless to a fault, so much so that he won't consider his own welfare in helping others.

History: Severin was born in Russia, but after his parents were murdered in a home invasion, he was adopted and moved to America. His new family helped him to adjust to the new culture and learn the language while still allowing him to keep traditions he'd known in Russia.
Anselme was born in France and moved fairly young. His parents own a successful, high-end clothing company, and so he's grown up very wealthy and with a fairly strict father who stressed the importance of keeping up appearances.
The two met in school and became fast friends. From that point on they were inseparable. They were together whenever they could be at school and afterwards they would hang out at each other's homes and play videogames. At school, Severin became a target of bullying, but Anselme protected him and fought the bullies for him. The number of fights he was getting into gave him a bad reputation and his parents were growing frustrated with his behavior, but he didn't care as long as it was for Severin.
They planned a date night in college, but as Severin stood waiting at their meeting spot, he was attacked by a vampire trying to feed from him. Others approaching nearby ran the vampire off, and Severin was left to turn. It was the most painful thing he ever experienced. Anselme found him after it was done, and Severin cried as he realized what had happened. This was new and scary, and he was afraid of facing life as a vampire, so Anselme told him to turn him as well, and they would face it together.
Anselme's father is greatly afraid of vampires and Severin wasn't sure how his father would react, so they ran away to find their own place after they were both turned. They married shortly after.
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