Avatar of AimeChambers
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1465 (0.49 / day)
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    1. AimeChambers 8 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
And by answering 1x1's today I mean tomorrow because I'm sleeping the day away.
7 yrs ago
Gonna try my best to answer 1x1's today!
7 yrs ago
7 yrs ago
Finally got around to finishing the new season of BBC Sherlock. Oh Bollocks!
7 yrs ago
When all you crave is ramen... but you've already eaten it for your last two meals!


Hi there! I am Aime (aw-EEE-meh) and I'm an addict to collabs and OC creation! I have a forum called 'My Personal Unfinished Business' if you wanna check it out. I'm currently doing some danganronpa rps while slowly working on rebooting my own rp 'Folly of a Felicitous Prince', check it out! It's like, 3:00 AM right now, so I might just be a litttttttle bit tired happy-go-lucky... but that's fine! Um... I suppose I should put some stuff about me right? Here ya go!

-I've been a roleplayer for over 8 years, but I do take hiatuses sometimes. If I haven't come on in a while, nag me about it! I'm trying to be good and not do like 60 rps at once.
-My characters usually have traumatic and dark backstories so don't be alarmed!
-I typically start my replies out freakishly long no matter who I'm roleplaying with. Afterwards, I match mine with how long my partner's replies are.
-I love adding a little bit of humor even if it's dark, but before doing anything too spontaneous, I promise to run it by you in OOC first.
-P.S. I love fluff! And yaoi! All the gay every day!

Most Recent Posts

I think that might be the best because more scolding and his chest is bare~

At least his pretty hair is clean~
@Silver Fox
@Silver Fox

Of course!

Or I could just have him trying to put his uniform back on and only wearing pants
@Silver Fox
How to make this even more funny...? Oh! Maybe Micah in a towel?
@Silver Fox

Wait, so does alver expect to leave the clothes next to the door or come in or?
Micah had turned around to fiddle with a nearby leaf on the ground when he heard the door open. Straightening up, he looked over at his childhood friend and gave a nervous smile. Alver looked as neat as ever and it seemed that Luke hadn't killed him during their time together, so that was a plus.

Eh... The food, maybe it wasn't the right time to bring up the full Tupperware in his bag... Of course, that's when he moved to slip the bag to his upper shoulder and the Tupperware dropped like an anchor. Mikaela hurried to scoop it up before the Albino could see, but that was obviously a fool's errand.

Following Alver's directions, the blonde slipped off his shoes, smiling gratefully, but still a little sheepishly at his friend. A bath sounded wonderful and he let out a huge sigh of relief. Micah was about to brush the moosey bangs in front of his face when Alver did it for him. The blonde stood still, sort of in a daze from being pampered and also a little embarrassed. He- He didn't look that bad, did he?

Micah was suddenly turned around and pushed towards a bathroom, which he tried his best to offer a weird of thanks, but couldn't get the words out. Instead, he hurried over to the bathroom door, slightly tripping before pulling himself up with the handle. Micah quickly went inside and closed the door behind himself.

And... Another sigh of relief. That had been too awkward, he hadn't been able to say anything thankful at all! The blonde leaned against the bathroom door cursing at himself before checking out the rest of the bathroom he was in. How did this stuff even work?
Mikaela arrived quite a bit later than he expected, not even getting to the general area until 10:45. The man wasn't as exhausted as the past few nights... Or maybe he was running on all the nervous energy pumping through him. Had he really left Luke with Alver? It wasn't like he didn't think they'd get along- heavens no! But... Things were awkward between the two of them and he had just pushed the young boy onto him. It was a surprise that Micah hadn't gotten into a car crash with how much his head was in the clouds.

Micah was lucky that his evening job was so loud and rushed and that Hank was there, otherwise he might have slipped into his fantasies. With the busy lifestyle he was in now, his escape coping mechanism was thrown out the window. It was only because he had enough time to eat, work, and sleep that he hadn't had any recent daymares and night dreams.

Micah stared down at the tupperware in the passenger seat next to him. It had gone completely untouched for the whole night as was probably stone cold. The man didn't know if he should leave it out here or bring it inside... But maybe he should- oh dear...

Finally, Micah slipped out of the car, slipping the tupperware into his bag. He'd figure out that problem eventually, but for now, he wanted to stop putting such a burden on his tall friend. Racking his fingers through his strawberry blonde hair, he made for the door. His uniform of a tuxedo top and apron was wrinkled with his sleeves up to his elbows and the moose in his hair making it even worse than his everyday bedhead. The man came up to the door and gave it a hesitant knock.

But it was already really late, would Alver be sleeping? Wait, that was silly! He'd be watching over Luke or working! But what if he couldn't hear him? Mikaela moved from foot to foot before knocking on the door more loudly. "I'm pathetic..."
He's a curious little fox~ How else is he supposed to amuse himself while his papa is away?

@Silver Fox
@Silver Fox

How often does Alver take out the trash? Because I can imagine a curious little blonde snooping around~~~
The boy nodded as Alver got up, snuggling more into the covers to get comfortable. It was strange to be in such a big bed, Luke had never been in one so big. The apartment that his father and him shared was relatively small, and he had only just gotten an upgrade to a twin sized bed. Micah used a queen from when Luke's mother was alive, but at least half of it was covered in clean clothes yet to be folded. His father tried to keep Luke from cleaning up in his bedroom, but it was a fruitless effort.

Luke contemplated this as Alver came back holding his prize. Luke gave a happy, "Thomas! Thanks!" smiling gratefully. He squeezed Thomas into his chest, giggling as he remembered Micah putting a fake spell on all of his toys to make sure even if he squeezed them too hard, they wouldn't suffocate. After a second, Luke moved slightly up so that he could see the picture book better.

As Alver told the story, Luke's eyes started to droop. Most of the day had been full of different chores Luke had given himself or taking care of his father. Usually the boy would force himself to stay up later, but with the covers being so comfortable and Alver playing with his hair, he slipped into lala land. The boy's tight hold on Thomas loosened before slipping onto the pillow next to his head.

Soft snores slipped out of the boy. Something Micah had never told Luke about.

@Lovely Complex

I will never unsubscribe Muwhahahaha!
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